path: root/libyul/AsmAnalysis.cpp
blob: a5552c512314d09db7eee0252f4aee301926be73 (plain) (tree)






















































































































    This file is part of solidity.

    solidity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    solidity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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 * Analyzer part of inline assembly.

#include <libyul/AsmAnalysis.h>

#include <libyul/AsmData.h>
#include <libyul/AsmScopeFiller.h>
#include <libyul/AsmScope.h>
#include <libyul/AsmAnalysisInfo.h>
#include <libyul/Utilities.h>

#include <liblangutil/ErrorReporter.h>

#include <boost/range/adaptor/reversed.hpp>
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>

#include <memory>
#include <functional>

using namespace std;
using namespace dev;
using namespace langutil;
using namespace yul;
using namespace dev;
using namespace dev::solidity;

namespace {

set<string> const builtinTypes{"bool", "u8", "s8", "u32", "s32", "u64", "s64", "u128", "s128", "u256", "s256"};


bool AsmAnalyzer::analyze(Block const& _block)
    if (!(ScopeFiller(m_info, m_errorReporter))(_block))
        return false;

    return (*this)(_block);

bool AsmAnalyzer::operator()(Label const& _label)
    solAssert(!_label.name.empty(), "");
        "The use of labels is disallowed. Please use \"if\", \"switch\", \"for\" or function calls instead."
    m_info.stackHeightInfo[&_label] = m_stackHeight;
    warnOnInstructions(solidity::Instruction::JUMPDEST, _label.location);
    return true;

bool AsmAnalyzer::operator()(yul::Instruction const& _instruction)
        "The use of non-functional instructions is disallowed. Please use functional notation instead."
    auto const& info = instructionInfo(_instruction.instruction);
    m_stackHeight += info.ret - info.args;
    m_info.stackHeightInfo[&_instruction] = m_stackHeight;
    warnOnInstructions(_instruction.instruction, _instruction.location);
    return true;

bool AsmAnalyzer::operator()(Literal const& _literal)
    expectValidType(_literal.type.str(), _literal.location);
    if (_literal.kind == LiteralKind::String && _literal.value.str().size() > 32)
            "String literal too long (" + to_string(_literal.value.str().size()) + " > 32)"
        return false;
    else if (_literal.kind == LiteralKind::Number && bigint(_literal.value.str()) > u256(-1))
            "Number literal too large (> 256 bits)"
        return false;
    else if (_literal.kind == LiteralKind::Boolean)
        solAssert(m_dialect->flavour == AsmFlavour::Yul, "");
        solAssert(_literal.value == "true"_yulstring || _literal.value == "false"_yulstring, "");
    m_info.stackHeightInfo[&_literal] = m_stackHeight;
    return true;

bool AsmAnalyzer::operator()(Identifier const& _identifier)
    solAssert(!_identifier.name.empty(), "");
    size_t numErrorsBefore = m_errorReporter.errors().size();
    bool success = true;
    if (m_currentScope->lookup(_identifier.name, Scope::Visitor(
        [&](Scope::Variable const& _var)
            if (!m_activeVariables.count(&_var))
                    "Variable " + _identifier.name.str() + " used before it was declared."
                success = false;
        [&](Scope::Label const&)
        [&](Scope::Function const&)
                "Function " + _identifier.name.str() + " used without being called."
            success = false;
        size_t stackSize(-1);
        if (m_resolver)
            bool insideFunction = m_currentScope->insideFunction();
            stackSize = m_resolver(_identifier, yul::IdentifierContext::RValue, insideFunction);
        if (stackSize == size_t(-1))
            // Only add an error message if the callback did not do it.
            if (numErrorsBefore == m_errorReporter.errors().size())
                m_errorReporter.declarationError(_identifier.location, "Identifier not found.");
            success = false;
        m_stackHeight += stackSize == size_t(-1) ? 1 : stackSize;
    m_info.stackHeightInfo[&_identifier] = m_stackHeight;
    return success;

bool AsmAnalyzer::operator()(FunctionalInstruction const& _instr)
    solAssert(m_dialect->flavour != AsmFlavour::Yul, "");
    bool success = true;
    for (auto const& arg: _instr.arguments | boost::adaptors::reversed)
        if (!expectExpression(arg))
            success = false;
    // Parser already checks that the number of arguments is correct.
    auto const& info = instructionInfo(_instr.instruction);
    solAssert(info.args == int(_instr.arguments.size()), "");
    m_stackHeight += info.ret - info.args;
    m_info.stackHeightInfo[&_instr] = m_stackHeight;
    warnOnInstructions(_instr.instruction, _instr.location);
    return success;

bool AsmAnalyzer::operator()(ExpressionStatement const& _statement)
    int initialStackHeight = m_stackHeight;
    bool success = boost::apply_visitor(*this, _statement.expression);
    if (m_stackHeight != initialStackHeight && (m_dialect->flavour != AsmFlavour::Loose || m_errorTypeForLoose))
        Error::Type errorType = m_dialect->flavour == AsmFlavour::Loose ? *m_errorTypeForLoose : Error::Type::TypeError;
        string msg =
            "Top-level expressions are not supposed to return values (this expression returns " +
            to_string(m_stackHeight - initialStackHeight) +
            " value" +
            (m_stackHeight - initialStackHeight == 1 ? "" : "s") +
            "). Use ``pop()`` or assign them.";
        m_errorReporter.error(errorType, _statement.location, msg);
        if (errorType != Error::Type::Warning)
            success = false;
    m_info.stackHeightInfo[&_statement] = m_stackHeight;
    return success;

bool AsmAnalyzer::operator()(StackAssignment const& _assignment)
        "The use of stack assignment is disallowed. Please use assignment in functional notation instead."
    bool success = checkAssignment(_assignment.variableName, size_t(-1));
    m_info.stackHeightInfo[&_assignment] = m_stackHeight;
    return success;

bool AsmAnalyzer::operator()(Assignment const& _assignment)
    solAssert(_assignment.value, "");
    int const expectedItems = _assignment.variableNames.size();
    solAssert(expectedItems >= 1, "");
    int const stackHeight = m_stackHeight;
    bool success = boost::apply_visitor(*this, *_assignment.value);
    if ((m_stackHeight - stackHeight) != expectedItems)
            "Variable count does not match number of values (" +
            to_string(expectedItems) +
            " vs. " +
            to_string(m_stackHeight - stackHeight) +
        return false;
    for (auto const& variableName: _assignment.variableNames)
        if (!checkAssignment(variableName, 1))
            success = false;
    m_info.stackHeightInfo[&_assignment] = m_stackHeight;
    return success;

bool AsmAnalyzer::operator()(VariableDeclaration const& _varDecl)
    bool success = true;
    int const numVariables = _varDecl.variables.size();
    if (_varDecl.value)
        int const stackHeight = m_stackHeight;
        success = boost::apply_visitor(*this, *_varDecl.value);
        int numValues = m_stackHeight - stackHeight;
        if (numValues != numVariables)
                "Variable count mismatch: " +
                to_string(numVariables) +
                " variables and " +
                to_string(numValues) +
                " values."
            // Adjust stack height to avoid misleading additional errors.
            m_stackHeight += numVariables - numValues;
            return false;
        m_stackHeight += numVariables;

    for (auto const& variable: _varDecl.variables)
        expectValidType(variable.type.str(), variable.location);
    m_info.stackHeightInfo[&_varDecl] = m_stackHeight;
    return success;

bool AsmAnalyzer::operator()(FunctionDefinition const& _funDef)
    solAssert(!_funDef.name.empty(), "");
    Block const* virtualBlock = m_info.virtualBlocks.at(&_funDef).get();
    solAssert(virtualBlock, "");
    Scope& varScope = scope(virtualBlock);
    for (auto const& var: _funDef.parameters + _funDef.returnVariables)
        expectValidType(var.type.str(), var.location);

    int const stackHeight = m_stackHeight;
    m_stackHeight = _funDef.parameters.size() + _funDef.returnVariables.size();

    bool success = (*this)(_funDef.body);

    m_stackHeight = stackHeight;
    m_info.stackHeightInfo[&_funDef] = m_stackHeight;
    return success;

bool AsmAnalyzer::operator()(FunctionCall const& _funCall)
    solAssert(!_funCall.functionName.name.empty(), "");
    bool success = true;
    size_t parameters = 0;
    size_t returns = 0;
    bool needsLiteralArguments = false;
    if (BuiltinFunction const* f = m_dialect->builtin(_funCall.functionName.name))
        // TODO: compare types, too
        parameters = f->parameters.size();
        returns = f->returns.size();
        if (f->literalArguments)
            needsLiteralArguments = true;
    else if (!m_currentScope->lookup(_funCall.functionName.name, Scope::Visitor(
        [&](Scope::Variable const&)
                "Attempt to call variable instead of function."
            success = false;
        [&](Scope::Label const&)
                "Attempt to call label instead of function."
            success = false;
        [&](Scope::Function const& _fun)
            /// TODO: compare types too
            parameters = _fun.arguments.size();
            returns = _fun.returns.size();
        m_errorReporter.declarationError(_funCall.functionName.location, "Function not found.");
        success = false;
    if (success)
        if (_funCall.arguments.size() != parameters)
                "Function expects " +
                to_string(parameters) +
                " arguments but got " +
                to_string(_funCall.arguments.size()) + "."
            success = false;

    for (auto const& arg: _funCall.arguments | boost::adaptors::reversed)
        if (!expectExpression(arg))
            success = false;
        else if (needsLiteralArguments && arg.type() != typeid(Literal))
                "Function expects direct literals as arguments."
    // Use argument size instead of parameter count to avoid misleading errors.
    m_stackHeight += int(returns) - int(_funCall.arguments.size());
    m_info.stackHeightInfo[&_funCall] = m_stackHeight;
    return success;

bool AsmAnalyzer::operator()(If const& _if)
    bool success = true;

    if (!expectExpression(*_if.condition))
        success = false;

    if (!(*this)(_if.body))
        success = false;

    m_info.stackHeightInfo[&_if] = m_stackHeight;

    return success;

bool AsmAnalyzer::operator()(Switch const& _switch)
    solAssert(_switch.expression, "");

    bool success = true;

    if (!expectExpression(*_switch.expression))
        success = false;

    if (m_dialect->flavour == AsmFlavour::Yul)
        YulString caseType;
        bool mismatchingTypes = false;
        for (auto const& _case: _switch.cases)
            if (_case.value)
                if (caseType.empty())
                    caseType = _case.value->type;
                else if (caseType != _case.value->type)
                    mismatchingTypes = true;
        if (mismatchingTypes)
                "Switch cases have non-matching types."

    set<Literal const*, Less<Literal*>> cases;
    for (auto const& _case: _switch.cases)
        if (_case.value)
            int const initialStackHeight = m_stackHeight;
            // We cannot use "expectExpression" here because *_case.value is not a
            // Statement and would be converted to a Statement otherwise.
            if (!(*this)(*_case.value))
                success = false;
            expectDeposit(1, initialStackHeight, _case.value->location);

            /// Note: the parser ensures there is only one default case
            if (!cases.insert(_case.value.get()).second)
                    "Duplicate case defined."
                success = false;

        if (!(*this)(_case.body))
            success = false;

    m_info.stackHeightInfo[&_switch] = m_stackHeight;

    return success;

bool AsmAnalyzer::operator()(ForLoop const& _for)
    solAssert(_for.condition, "");

    Scope* originalScope = m_currentScope;

    bool success = true;
    if (!(*this)(_for.pre))
        success = false;
    // The block was closed already, but we re-open it again and stuff the
    // condition, the body and the post part inside.
    m_stackHeight += scope(&_for.pre).numberOfVariables();
    m_currentScope = &scope(&_for.pre);

    if (!expectExpression(*_for.condition))
        success = false;
    if (!(*this)(_for.body))
        success = false;
    if (!(*this)(_for.post))
        success = false;

    m_stackHeight -= scope(&_for.pre).numberOfVariables();
    m_info.stackHeightInfo[&_for] = m_stackHeight;
    m_currentScope = originalScope;

    return success;

bool AsmAnalyzer::operator()(Block const& _block)
    bool success = true;
    auto previousScope = m_currentScope;
    m_currentScope = &scope(&_block);

    int const initialStackHeight = m_stackHeight;

    for (auto const& s: _block.statements)
        if (!boost::apply_visitor(*this, s))
            success = false;

    m_stackHeight -= scope(&_block).numberOfVariables();

    int const stackDiff = m_stackHeight - initialStackHeight;
    if (stackDiff != 0)
            "Unbalanced stack at the end of a block: " +
                stackDiff > 0 ?
                to_string(stackDiff) + string(" surplus item(s).") :
                to_string(-stackDiff) + string(" missing item(s).")
        success = false;

    m_info.stackHeightInfo[&_block] = m_stackHeight;
    m_currentScope = previousScope;
    return success;

bool AsmAnalyzer::expectExpression(Expression const& _expr)
    bool success = true;
    int const initialHeight = m_stackHeight;
    if (!boost::apply_visitor(*this, _expr))
        success = false;
    if (!expectDeposit(1, initialHeight, locationOf(_expr)))
        success = false;
    return success;

bool AsmAnalyzer::expectDeposit(int _deposit, int _oldHeight, SourceLocation const& _location)
    if (m_stackHeight - _oldHeight != _deposit)
            "Expected expression to return one item to the stack, but did return " +
            to_string(m_stackHeight - _oldHeight) +
            " items."
        return false;
    return true;

bool AsmAnalyzer::checkAssignment(Identifier const& _variable, size_t _valueSize)
    solAssert(!_variable.name.empty(), "");
    bool success = true;
    size_t numErrorsBefore = m_errorReporter.errors().size();
    size_t variableSize(-1);
    if (Scope::Identifier const* var = m_currentScope->lookup(_variable.name))
        // Check that it is a variable
        if (var->type() != typeid(Scope::Variable))
            m_errorReporter.typeError(_variable.location, "Assignment requires variable.");
            success = false;
        else if (!m_activeVariables.count(&boost::get<Scope::Variable>(*var)))
                "Variable " + _variable.name.str() + " used before it was declared."
            success = false;
        variableSize = 1;
    else if (m_resolver)
        bool insideFunction = m_currentScope->insideFunction();
        variableSize = m_resolver(_variable, yul::IdentifierContext::LValue, insideFunction);
    if (variableSize == size_t(-1))
        // Only add message if the callback did not.
        if (numErrorsBefore == m_errorReporter.errors().size())
            m_errorReporter.declarationError(_variable.location, "Variable not found or variable not lvalue.");
        success = false;
    if (_valueSize == size_t(-1))
        _valueSize = variableSize == size_t(-1) ? 1 : variableSize;

    m_stackHeight -= _valueSize;

    if (_valueSize != variableSize && variableSize != size_t(-1))
            "Variable size (" +
            to_string(variableSize) +
            ") and value size (" +
            to_string(_valueSize) +
            ") do not match."
        success = false;
    return success;

Scope& AsmAnalyzer::scope(Block const* _block)
    solAssert(m_info.scopes.count(_block) == 1, "Scope requested but not present.");
    auto scopePtr = m_info.scopes.at(_block);
    solAssert(scopePtr, "Scope requested but not present.");
    return *scopePtr;
void AsmAnalyzer::expectValidType(string const& type, SourceLocation const& _location)
    if (m_dialect->flavour != AsmFlavour::Yul)

    if (!builtinTypes.count(type))
            "\"" + type + "\" is not a valid type (user defined types are not yet supported)."

void AsmAnalyzer::warnOnInstructions(solidity::Instruction _instr, SourceLocation const& _location)
    // We assume that returndatacopy, returndatasize and staticcall are either all available
    // or all not available.
    solAssert(m_evmVersion.supportsReturndata() == m_evmVersion.hasStaticCall(), "");
    // Similarly we assume bitwise shifting and create2 go together.
    solAssert(m_evmVersion.hasBitwiseShifting() == m_evmVersion.hasCreate2(), "");

    if (_instr == solidity::Instruction::EXTCODEHASH)
            "The \"" +
            + "\" instruction is not supported by the VM version \"" +
            "" + m_evmVersion.name() +
            "\" you are currently compiling for. " +
            "It will be interpreted as an invalid instruction on this VM."
    else if ((
        _instr == solidity::Instruction::RETURNDATACOPY ||
        _instr == solidity::Instruction::RETURNDATASIZE ||
        _instr == solidity::Instruction::STATICCALL
    ) && !m_evmVersion.supportsReturndata())
            "The \"" +
            + "\" instruction is only available for Byzantium-compatible VMs. " +
            "You are currently compiling for \"" +
            m_evmVersion.name() +
            "\", where it will be interpreted as an invalid instruction."
    else if ((
        _instr == solidity::Instruction::SHL ||
        _instr == solidity::Instruction::SHR ||
        _instr == solidity::Instruction::SAR ||
        _instr == solidity::Instruction::CREATE2
    ) && !m_evmVersion.hasBitwiseShifting())
            "The \"" +
            + "\" instruction is only available for Constantinople-compatible VMs. " +
            "You are currently compiling for \"" +
            m_evmVersion.name() +
            "\", where it will be interpreted as an invalid instruction."

    if (_instr == solidity::Instruction::JUMP || _instr == solidity::Instruction::JUMPI || _instr == solidity::Instruction::JUMPDEST)
        if (m_dialect->flavour != AsmFlavour::Loose)
            solAssert(m_errorTypeForLoose && *m_errorTypeForLoose != Error::Type::Warning, "");

            m_errorTypeForLoose ? *m_errorTypeForLoose : Error::Type::Warning,
            "Jump instructions and labels are low-level EVM features that can lead to "
            "incorrect stack access. Because of that they are discouraged. "
            "Please consider using \"switch\", \"if\" or \"for\" statements instead."

void AsmAnalyzer::checkLooseFeature(SourceLocation const& _location, string const& _description)
    if (m_dialect->flavour != AsmFlavour::Loose)
        solAssert(false, _description);
    else if (m_errorTypeForLoose)
        m_errorReporter.error(*m_errorTypeForLoose, _location, _description);