path: root/contracts/core
diff options
authorLeonid Logvinov <logvinov.leon@gmail.com>2018-12-04 20:53:15 +0800
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2018-12-04 20:53:15 +0800
commit79f5e36edbd8a4483aac46032092dece95bb0b4c (patch)
treeb9c86a0badb2f1e82efa6354eede587368449a87 /contracts/core
parenta1e985a1cac46ecbc54c7ef5b846fb5faf2bede2 (diff)
parenta87276341356e31e0712f42ada00ed5d55707a6b (diff)
Merge pull request #1311 from 0xProject/feature/contracts-monorepo-2
Contracts monorepo II
Diffstat (limited to 'contracts/core')
-rw-r--r--contracts/core/test/utils/asset_proxy_owner_wrapper.ts (renamed from contracts/core/test/utils/multi_sig_wrapper.ts)32
62 files changed, 339 insertions, 2536 deletions
diff --git a/contracts/core/README.md b/contracts/core/README.md
index 97a2816ff..0004925c1 100644
--- a/contracts/core/README.md
+++ b/contracts/core/README.md
@@ -14,8 +14,6 @@ Contracts that make up and interact with version 2.0.0 of the protocol can be fo
* This directory contains example implementations of contracts that interact with the protocol but are _not_ intended for use in production. Examples include [filter](https://github.com/0xProject/0x-protocol-specification/blob/master/v2/v2-specification.md#filter-contracts) contracts, a [Wallet](https://github.com/0xProject/0x-protocol-specification/blob/master/v2/v2-specification.md#wallet) contract, and a [Validator](https://github.com/0xProject/0x-protocol-specification/blob/master/v2/v2-specification.md#validator) contract, among others.
* [tokens](./contracts/tokens)
* This directory contains implementations of different tokens and token standards, including [wETH](https://weth.io/), ZRX, [ERC20](https://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/blob/master/EIPS/eip-20.md), and [ERC721](https://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/blob/master/EIPS/eip-721.md).
-* [multisig](./contracts/multisig)
- * This directory contains the [Gnosis MultiSigWallet](https://github.com/gnosis/MultiSigWallet) and a custom extension that adds a timelock to transactions within the MultiSigWallet.
* [utils](./contracts/utils)
* This directory contains libraries and utils that are shared across all of the other directories.
* [test](./contracts/test)
@@ -52,13 +50,13 @@ yarn install
To build this package and all other monorepo packages that it depends on, run the following from the monorepo root directory:
-PKG=contracts yarn build
+PKG=@0x/contracts-core yarn build
Or continuously rebuild on change:
-PKG=contracts yarn watch
+PKG=@0x/contracts-core yarn watch
### Clean
@@ -81,49 +79,4 @@ yarn test
#### Testing options
-###### Revert stack traces
-If you want to see helpful stack traces (incl. line number, code snippet) for smart contract reverts, run the tests with:
-yarn test:trace
-**Note:** This currently slows down the test runs and is therefore not enabled by default.
-###### Backing Ethereum node
-By default, our tests run against an in-process [Ganache](https://github.com/trufflesuite/ganache-core) instance. In order to run the tests against [Geth](https://github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum), first follow the instructions in the README for the devnet package to start the devnet Geth node. Then run:
-TEST_PROVIDER=geth yarn test
-###### Code coverage
-In order to see the Solidity code coverage output generated by `@0x/sol-cov`, run:
-yarn test:coverage
-###### Gas profiler
-In order to profile the gas costs for a specific smart contract call/transaction, you can run the tests in `profiler` mode.
-**Note:** Traces emitted by ganache have incorrect gas costs so we recommend using Geth for profiling.
-TEST_PROVIDER=geth yarn test:profiler
-You'll see a warning that you need to explicitly enable and disable the profiler before and after the block of code you want to profile.
-import { profiler } from './utils/profiler';
-// Some call to a smart contract
-Without explicitly starting and stopping the profiler, the profiler output will be too busy, and therefore unusable.
+Contracts testing options like coverage, profiling, revert traces or backing node choosing - are described [here](../TESTING.md).
diff --git a/contracts/core/compiler.json b/contracts/core/compiler.json
index a1a60c71d..1ffc26b05 100644
--- a/contracts/core/compiler.json
+++ b/contracts/core/compiler.json
@@ -40,8 +40,6 @@
- "MultiSigWallet",
- "MultiSigWalletWithTimeLock",
diff --git a/contracts/core/contracts/multisig/MultiSigWallet.sol b/contracts/core/contracts/multisig/MultiSigWallet.sol
deleted file mode 100644
index 516e7391c..000000000
--- a/contracts/core/contracts/multisig/MultiSigWallet.sol
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,393 +0,0 @@
-// solhint-disable
-pragma solidity ^0.4.15;
-/// @title Multisignature wallet - Allows multiple parties to agree on transactions before execution.
-/// @author Stefan George - <stefan.george@consensys.net>
-contract MultiSigWallet {
- /*
- * Events
- */
- event Confirmation(address indexed sender, uint indexed transactionId);
- event Revocation(address indexed sender, uint indexed transactionId);
- event Submission(uint indexed transactionId);
- event Execution(uint indexed transactionId);
- event ExecutionFailure(uint indexed transactionId);
- event Deposit(address indexed sender, uint value);
- event OwnerAddition(address indexed owner);
- event OwnerRemoval(address indexed owner);
- event RequirementChange(uint required);
- /*
- * Constants
- */
- uint constant public MAX_OWNER_COUNT = 50;
- /*
- * Storage
- */
- mapping (uint => Transaction) public transactions;
- mapping (uint => mapping (address => bool)) public confirmations;
- mapping (address => bool) public isOwner;
- address[] public owners;
- uint public required;
- uint public transactionCount;
- struct Transaction {
- address destination;
- uint value;
- bytes data;
- bool executed;
- }
- /*
- * Modifiers
- */
- modifier onlyWallet() {
- require(msg.sender == address(this));
- _;
- }
- modifier ownerDoesNotExist(address owner) {
- require(!isOwner[owner]);
- _;
- }
- modifier ownerExists(address owner) {
- require(isOwner[owner]);
- _;
- }
- modifier transactionExists(uint transactionId) {
- require(transactions[transactionId].destination != 0);
- _;
- }
- modifier confirmed(uint transactionId, address owner) {
- require(confirmations[transactionId][owner]);
- _;
- }
- modifier notConfirmed(uint transactionId, address owner) {
- require(!confirmations[transactionId][owner]);
- _;
- }
- modifier notExecuted(uint transactionId) {
- require(!transactions[transactionId].executed);
- _;
- }
- modifier notNull(address _address) {
- require(_address != 0);
- _;
- }
- modifier validRequirement(uint ownerCount, uint _required) {
- require(ownerCount <= MAX_OWNER_COUNT
- && _required <= ownerCount
- && _required != 0
- && ownerCount != 0);
- _;
- }
- /// @dev Fallback function allows to deposit ether.
- function()
- payable
- {
- if (msg.value > 0)
- Deposit(msg.sender, msg.value);
- }
- /*
- * Public functions
- */
- /// @dev Contract constructor sets initial owners and required number of confirmations.
- /// @param _owners List of initial owners.
- /// @param _required Number of required confirmations.
- function MultiSigWallet(address[] _owners, uint _required)
- public
- validRequirement(_owners.length, _required)
- {
- for (uint i=0; i<_owners.length; i++) {
- require(!isOwner[_owners[i]] && _owners[i] != 0);
- isOwner[_owners[i]] = true;
- }
- owners = _owners;
- required = _required;
- }
- /// @dev Allows to add a new owner. Transaction has to be sent by wallet.
- /// @param owner Address of new owner.
- function addOwner(address owner)
- public
- onlyWallet
- ownerDoesNotExist(owner)
- notNull(owner)
- validRequirement(owners.length + 1, required)
- {
- isOwner[owner] = true;
- owners.push(owner);
- OwnerAddition(owner);
- }
- /// @dev Allows to remove an owner. Transaction has to be sent by wallet.
- /// @param owner Address of owner.
- function removeOwner(address owner)
- public
- onlyWallet
- ownerExists(owner)
- {
- isOwner[owner] = false;
- for (uint i=0; i<owners.length - 1; i++)
- if (owners[i] == owner) {
- owners[i] = owners[owners.length - 1];
- break;
- }
- owners.length -= 1;
- if (required > owners.length)
- changeRequirement(owners.length);
- OwnerRemoval(owner);
- }
- /// @dev Allows to replace an owner with a new owner. Transaction has to be sent by wallet.
- /// @param owner Address of owner to be replaced.
- /// @param newOwner Address of new owner.
- function replaceOwner(address owner, address newOwner)
- public
- onlyWallet
- ownerExists(owner)
- ownerDoesNotExist(newOwner)
- {
- for (uint i=0; i<owners.length; i++)
- if (owners[i] == owner) {
- owners[i] = newOwner;
- break;
- }
- isOwner[owner] = false;
- isOwner[newOwner] = true;
- OwnerRemoval(owner);
- OwnerAddition(newOwner);
- }
- /// @dev Allows to change the number of required confirmations. Transaction has to be sent by wallet.
- /// @param _required Number of required confirmations.
- function changeRequirement(uint _required)
- public
- onlyWallet
- validRequirement(owners.length, _required)
- {
- required = _required;
- RequirementChange(_required);
- }
- /// @dev Allows an owner to submit and confirm a transaction.
- /// @param destination Transaction target address.
- /// @param value Transaction ether value.
- /// @param data Transaction data payload.
- /// @return Returns transaction ID.
- function submitTransaction(address destination, uint value, bytes data)
- public
- returns (uint transactionId)
- {
- transactionId = addTransaction(destination, value, data);
- confirmTransaction(transactionId);
- }
- /// @dev Allows an owner to confirm a transaction.
- /// @param transactionId Transaction ID.
- function confirmTransaction(uint transactionId)
- public
- ownerExists(msg.sender)
- transactionExists(transactionId)
- notConfirmed(transactionId, msg.sender)
- {
- confirmations[transactionId][msg.sender] = true;
- Confirmation(msg.sender, transactionId);
- executeTransaction(transactionId);
- }
- /// @dev Allows an owner to revoke a confirmation for a transaction.
- /// @param transactionId Transaction ID.
- function revokeConfirmation(uint transactionId)
- public
- ownerExists(msg.sender)
- confirmed(transactionId, msg.sender)
- notExecuted(transactionId)
- {
- confirmations[transactionId][msg.sender] = false;
- Revocation(msg.sender, transactionId);
- }
- /// @dev Allows anyone to execute a confirmed transaction.
- /// @param transactionId Transaction ID.
- function executeTransaction(uint transactionId)
- public
- ownerExists(msg.sender)
- confirmed(transactionId, msg.sender)
- notExecuted(transactionId)
- {
- if (isConfirmed(transactionId)) {
- Transaction storage txn = transactions[transactionId];
- txn.executed = true;
- if (external_call(txn.destination, txn.value, txn.data.length, txn.data))
- Execution(transactionId);
- else {
- ExecutionFailure(transactionId);
- txn.executed = false;
- }
- }
- }
- // call has been separated into its own function in order to take advantage
- // of the Solidity's code generator to produce a loop that copies tx.data into memory.
- function external_call(address destination, uint value, uint dataLength, bytes data) internal returns (bool) {
- bool result;
- assembly {
- let x := mload(0x40) // "Allocate" memory for output (0x40 is where "free memory" pointer is stored by convention)
- let d := add(data, 32) // First 32 bytes are the padded length of data, so exclude that
- result := call(
- sub(gas, 34710), // 34710 is the value that solidity is currently emitting
- // It includes callGas (700) + callVeryLow (3, to pay for SUB) + callValueTransferGas (9000) +
- // callNewAccountGas (25000, in case the destination address does not exist and needs creating)
- destination,
- value,
- d,
- dataLength, // Size of the input (in bytes) - this is what fixes the padding problem
- x,
- 0 // Output is ignored, therefore the output size is zero
- )
- }
- return result;
- }
- /// @dev Returns the confirmation status of a transaction.
- /// @param transactionId Transaction ID.
- /// @return Confirmation status.
- function isConfirmed(uint transactionId)
- public
- constant
- returns (bool)
- {
- uint count = 0;
- for (uint i=0; i<owners.length; i++) {
- if (confirmations[transactionId][owners[i]])
- count += 1;
- if (count == required)
- return true;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Internal functions
- */
- /// @dev Adds a new transaction to the transaction mapping, if transaction does not exist yet.
- /// @param destination Transaction target address.
- /// @param value Transaction ether value.
- /// @param data Transaction data payload.
- /// @return Returns transaction ID.
- function addTransaction(address destination, uint value, bytes data)
- internal
- notNull(destination)
- returns (uint transactionId)
- {
- transactionId = transactionCount;
- transactions[transactionId] = Transaction({
- destination: destination,
- value: value,
- data: data,
- executed: false
- });
- transactionCount += 1;
- Submission(transactionId);
- }
- /*
- * Web3 call functions
- */
- /// @dev Returns number of confirmations of a transaction.
- /// @param transactionId Transaction ID.
- /// @return Number of confirmations.
- function getConfirmationCount(uint transactionId)
- public
- constant
- returns (uint count)
- {
- for (uint i=0; i<owners.length; i++)
- if (confirmations[transactionId][owners[i]])
- count += 1;
- }
- /// @dev Returns total number of transactions after filers are applied.
- /// @param pending Include pending transactions.
- /// @param executed Include executed transactions.
- /// @return Total number of transactions after filters are applied.
- function getTransactionCount(bool pending, bool executed)
- public
- constant
- returns (uint count)
- {
- for (uint i=0; i<transactionCount; i++)
- if ( pending && !transactions[i].executed
- || executed && transactions[i].executed)
- count += 1;
- }
- /// @dev Returns list of owners.
- /// @return List of owner addresses.
- function getOwners()
- public
- constant
- returns (address[])
- {
- return owners;
- }
- /// @dev Returns array with owner addresses, which confirmed transaction.
- /// @param transactionId Transaction ID.
- /// @return Returns array of owner addresses.
- function getConfirmations(uint transactionId)
- public
- constant
- returns (address[] _confirmations)
- {
- address[] memory confirmationsTemp = new address[](owners.length);
- uint count = 0;
- uint i;
- for (i=0; i<owners.length; i++)
- if (confirmations[transactionId][owners[i]]) {
- confirmationsTemp[count] = owners[i];
- count += 1;
- }
- _confirmations = new address[](count);
- for (i=0; i<count; i++)
- _confirmations[i] = confirmationsTemp[i];
- }
- /// @dev Returns list of transaction IDs in defined range.
- /// @param from Index start position of transaction array.
- /// @param to Index end position of transaction array.
- /// @param pending Include pending transactions.
- /// @param executed Include executed transactions.
- /// @return Returns array of transaction IDs.
- function getTransactionIds(uint from, uint to, bool pending, bool executed)
- public
- constant
- returns (uint[] _transactionIds)
- {
- uint[] memory transactionIdsTemp = new uint[](transactionCount);
- uint count = 0;
- uint i;
- for (i=0; i<transactionCount; i++)
- if ( pending && !transactions[i].executed
- || executed && transactions[i].executed)
- {
- transactionIdsTemp[count] = i;
- count += 1;
- }
- _transactionIds = new uint[](to - from);
- for (i=from; i<to; i++)
- _transactionIds[i - from] = transactionIdsTemp[i];
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/contracts/core/contracts/multisig/MultiSigWalletWithTimeLock.sol b/contracts/core/contracts/multisig/MultiSigWalletWithTimeLock.sol
deleted file mode 100644
index 9513d3b30..000000000
--- a/contracts/core/contracts/multisig/MultiSigWalletWithTimeLock.sol
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
- Copyright 2018 ZeroEx Intl.
- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
-pragma solidity 0.4.24;
-import "./MultiSigWallet.sol";
-/// @title Multisignature wallet with time lock- Allows multiple parties to execute a transaction after a time lock has passed.
-/// @author Amir Bandeali - <amir@0xProject.com>
-// solhint-disable not-rely-on-time
-contract MultiSigWalletWithTimeLock is
- MultiSigWallet
- event ConfirmationTimeSet(uint256 indexed transactionId, uint256 confirmationTime);
- event TimeLockChange(uint256 secondsTimeLocked);
- uint256 public secondsTimeLocked;
- mapping (uint256 => uint256) public confirmationTimes;
- modifier notFullyConfirmed(uint256 transactionId) {
- require(
- !isConfirmed(transactionId),
- );
- _;
- }
- modifier fullyConfirmed(uint256 transactionId) {
- require(
- isConfirmed(transactionId),
- );
- _;
- }
- modifier pastTimeLock(uint256 transactionId) {
- require(
- block.timestamp >= confirmationTimes[transactionId] + secondsTimeLocked,
- );
- _;
- }
- /// @dev Contract constructor sets initial owners, required number of confirmations, and time lock.
- /// @param _owners List of initial owners.
- /// @param _required Number of required confirmations.
- /// @param _secondsTimeLocked Duration needed after a transaction is confirmed and before it becomes executable, in seconds.
- constructor (
- address[] _owners,
- uint256 _required,
- uint256 _secondsTimeLocked
- )
- public
- MultiSigWallet(_owners, _required)
- {
- secondsTimeLocked = _secondsTimeLocked;
- }
- /// @dev Changes the duration of the time lock for transactions.
- /// @param _secondsTimeLocked Duration needed after a transaction is confirmed and before it becomes executable, in seconds.
- function changeTimeLock(uint256 _secondsTimeLocked)
- public
- onlyWallet
- {
- secondsTimeLocked = _secondsTimeLocked;
- emit TimeLockChange(_secondsTimeLocked);
- }
- /// @dev Allows an owner to confirm a transaction.
- /// @param transactionId Transaction ID.
- function confirmTransaction(uint256 transactionId)
- public
- ownerExists(msg.sender)
- transactionExists(transactionId)
- notConfirmed(transactionId, msg.sender)
- notFullyConfirmed(transactionId)
- {
- confirmations[transactionId][msg.sender] = true;
- emit Confirmation(msg.sender, transactionId);
- if (isConfirmed(transactionId)) {
- setConfirmationTime(transactionId, block.timestamp);
- }
- }
- /// @dev Allows anyone to execute a confirmed transaction.
- /// @param transactionId Transaction ID.
- function executeTransaction(uint256 transactionId)
- public
- notExecuted(transactionId)
- fullyConfirmed(transactionId)
- pastTimeLock(transactionId)
- {
- Transaction storage txn = transactions[transactionId];
- txn.executed = true;
- if (external_call(txn.destination, txn.value, txn.data.length, txn.data)) {
- emit Execution(transactionId);
- } else {
- emit ExecutionFailure(transactionId);
- txn.executed = false;
- }
- }
- /// @dev Sets the time of when a submission first passed.
- function setConfirmationTime(uint256 transactionId, uint256 confirmationTime)
- internal
- {
- confirmationTimes[transactionId] = confirmationTime;
- emit ConfirmationTimeSet(transactionId, confirmationTime);
- }
diff --git a/contracts/core/contracts/protocol/AssetProxyOwner/AssetProxyOwner.sol b/contracts/core/contracts/protocol/AssetProxyOwner/AssetProxyOwner.sol
index edb788fab..3096340b9 100644
--- a/contracts/core/contracts/protocol/AssetProxyOwner/AssetProxyOwner.sol
+++ b/contracts/core/contracts/protocol/AssetProxyOwner/AssetProxyOwner.sol
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
pragma solidity 0.4.24;
-import "../../multisig/MultiSigWalletWithTimeLock.sol";
+import "@0x/contracts-multisig/contracts/multisig/MultiSigWalletWithTimeLock.sol";
import "../../utils/LibBytes/LibBytes.sol";
diff --git a/contracts/core/contracts/protocol/Exchange/MixinSignatureValidator.sol b/contracts/core/contracts/protocol/Exchange/MixinSignatureValidator.sol
index 176e28351..033f8e901 100644
--- a/contracts/core/contracts/protocol/Exchange/MixinSignatureValidator.sol
+++ b/contracts/core/contracts/protocol/Exchange/MixinSignatureValidator.sol
@@ -239,18 +239,18 @@ contract MixinSignatureValidator is
returns (bool isValid)
- bytes memory calldata = abi.encodeWithSelector(
+ bytes memory callData = abi.encodeWithSelector(
assembly {
- let cdStart := add(calldata, 32)
+ let cdStart := add(callData, 32)
let success := staticcall(
gas, // forward all gas
walletAddress, // address of Wallet contract
cdStart, // pointer to start of input
- mload(calldata), // length of input
+ mload(callData), // length of input
cdStart, // write output over input
32 // output size is 32 bytes
@@ -288,19 +288,19 @@ contract MixinSignatureValidator is
returns (bool isValid)
- bytes memory calldata = abi.encodeWithSelector(
+ bytes memory callData = abi.encodeWithSelector(
assembly {
- let cdStart := add(calldata, 32)
+ let cdStart := add(callData, 32)
let success := staticcall(
gas, // forward all gas
validatorAddress, // address of Validator contract
cdStart, // pointer to start of input
- mload(calldata), // length of input
+ mload(callData), // length of input
cdStart, // write output over input
32 // output size is 32 bytes
diff --git a/contracts/core/package.json b/contracts/core/package.json
index 457625791..b50fc7a17 100644
--- a/contracts/core/package.json
+++ b/contracts/core/package.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"private": true,
- "name": "contracts",
+ "name": "@0x/contracts-core",
"version": "2.1.56",
"engines": {
"node": ">=6.12"
@@ -33,20 +33,19 @@
"lint-contracts": "solhint contracts/**/**/**/**/*.sol"
"config": {
- "abis":
- "generated-artifacts/@(AssetProxyOwner|DummyERC20Token|DummyERC721Receiver|DummyERC721Token|DummyMultipleReturnERC20Token|DummyNoReturnERC20Token|DutchAuction|ERC20Token|ERC20Proxy|ERC721Token|ERC721Proxy|Forwarder|Exchange|ExchangeWrapper|IAssetData|IAssetProxy|InvalidERC721Receiver|MixinAuthorizable|MultiAssetProxy|MultiSigWallet|MultiSigWalletWithTimeLock|OrderValidator|ReentrantERC20Token|TestAssetProxyOwner|TestAssetProxyDispatcher|TestConstants|TestExchangeInternals|TestLibBytes|TestLibs|TestSignatureValidator|TestStaticCallReceiver|Validator|Wallet|Whitelist|WETH9|ZRXToken).json"
+ "abis": "generated-artifacts/@(AssetProxyOwner|DummyERC20Token|DummyERC721Receiver|DummyERC721Token|DummyMultipleReturnERC20Token|DummyNoReturnERC20Token|DutchAuction|ERC20Token|ERC20Proxy|ERC721Token|ERC721Proxy|Forwarder|Exchange|ExchangeWrapper|IAssetData|IAssetProxy|InvalidERC721Receiver|MixinAuthorizable|MultiAssetProxy|OrderValidator|ReentrantERC20Token|TestAssetProxyOwner|TestAssetProxyDispatcher|TestConstants|TestExchangeInternals|TestLibBytes|TestLibs|TestSignatureValidator|TestStaticCallReceiver|Validator|Wallet|Whitelist|WETH9|ZRXToken).json"
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": "https://github.com/0xProject/0x-monorepo.git"
- "author": "Amir Bandeali",
"license": "Apache-2.0",
"bugs": {
"url": "https://github.com/0xProject/0x-monorepo/issues"
"homepage": "https://github.com/0xProject/0x-monorepo/contracts/core/README.md",
"devDependencies": {
+ "@0x/contracts-test-utils": "^1.0.0",
"@0x/abi-gen": "^1.0.17",
"@0x/dev-utils": "^1.0.19",
"@0x/sol-compiler": "^1.1.14",
@@ -54,7 +53,6 @@
"@0x/subproviders": "^2.1.6",
"@0x/tslint-config": "^1.0.10",
"@types/bn.js": "^4.11.0",
- "@types/ethereumjs-abi": "^0.6.0",
"@types/lodash": "4.14.104",
"@types/node": "*",
"@types/yargs": "^10.0.0",
@@ -63,6 +61,7 @@
"chai-bignumber": "^2.0.1",
"dirty-chai": "^2.0.1",
"make-promises-safe": "^1.1.0",
+ "ethereumjs-abi": "0.6.5",
"mocha": "^4.1.0",
"npm-run-all": "^4.1.2",
"shx": "^0.2.2",
@@ -75,6 +74,7 @@
"dependencies": {
"@0x/base-contract": "^3.0.8",
"@0x/order-utils": "^3.0.4",
+ "@0x/contracts-multisig": "^1.0.0",
"@0x/types": "^1.3.0",
"@0x/typescript-typings": "^3.0.4",
"@0x/utils": "^2.0.6",
@@ -82,10 +82,7 @@
"@types/js-combinatorics": "^0.5.29",
"bn.js": "^4.11.8",
"ethereum-types": "^1.1.2",
- "ethereumjs-abi": "0.6.5",
"ethereumjs-util": "^5.1.1",
- "ethers": "~4.0.4",
- "js-combinatorics": "^0.5.3",
"lodash": "^4.17.5"
"publishConfig": {
diff --git a/contracts/core/src/artifacts/index.ts b/contracts/core/src/artifacts/index.ts
index 8a8c5f4d4..f217adb8e 100644
--- a/contracts/core/src/artifacts/index.ts
+++ b/contracts/core/src/artifacts/index.ts
@@ -21,8 +21,6 @@ import * as IValidator from '../../generated-artifacts/IValidator.json';
import * as IWallet from '../../generated-artifacts/IWallet.json';
import * as MixinAuthorizable from '../../generated-artifacts/MixinAuthorizable.json';
import * as MultiAssetProxy from '../../generated-artifacts/MultiAssetProxy.json';
-import * as MultiSigWallet from '../../generated-artifacts/MultiSigWallet.json';
-import * as MultiSigWalletWithTimeLock from '../../generated-artifacts/MultiSigWalletWithTimeLock.json';
import * as OrderValidator from '../../generated-artifacts/OrderValidator.json';
import * as ReentrantERC20Token from '../../generated-artifacts/ReentrantERC20Token.json';
import * as TestAssetProxyDispatcher from '../../generated-artifacts/TestAssetProxyDispatcher.json';
@@ -61,8 +59,6 @@ export const artifacts = {
InvalidERC721Receiver: InvalidERC721Receiver as ContractArtifact,
MixinAuthorizable: MixinAuthorizable as ContractArtifact,
MultiAssetProxy: MultiAssetProxy as ContractArtifact,
- MultiSigWallet: MultiSigWallet as ContractArtifact,
- MultiSigWalletWithTimeLock: MultiSigWalletWithTimeLock as ContractArtifact,
OrderValidator: OrderValidator as ContractArtifact,
ReentrantERC20Token: ReentrantERC20Token as ContractArtifact,
TestAssetProxyDispatcher: TestAssetProxyDispatcher as ContractArtifact,
diff --git a/contracts/core/src/wrappers/index.ts b/contracts/core/src/wrappers/index.ts
index e9e3f4e79..06a139209 100644
--- a/contracts/core/src/wrappers/index.ts
+++ b/contracts/core/src/wrappers/index.ts
@@ -16,8 +16,6 @@ export * from '../../generated-wrappers/i_asset_data';
export * from '../../generated-wrappers/i_asset_proxy';
export * from '../../generated-wrappers/invalid_erc721_receiver';
export * from '../../generated-wrappers/mixin_authorizable';
-export * from '../../generated-wrappers/multi_sig_wallet';
-export * from '../../generated-wrappers/multi_sig_wallet_with_time_lock';
export * from '../../generated-wrappers/order_validator';
export * from '../../generated-wrappers/reentrant_erc20_token';
export * from '../../generated-wrappers/test_asset_proxy_dispatcher';
diff --git a/contracts/core/test/asset_proxy/authorizable.ts b/contracts/core/test/asset_proxy/authorizable.ts
index e21af9b81..853d18be0 100644
--- a/contracts/core/test/asset_proxy/authorizable.ts
+++ b/contracts/core/test/asset_proxy/authorizable.ts
@@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
+import {
+ chaiSetup,
+ constants,
+ expectTransactionFailedAsync,
+ provider,
+ txDefaults,
+ web3Wrapper,
+} from '@0x/contracts-test-utils';
import { BlockchainLifecycle } from '@0x/dev-utils';
import { RevertReason } from '@0x/types';
import { BigNumber } from '@0x/utils';
@@ -6,10 +14,6 @@ import * as _ from 'lodash';
import { MixinAuthorizableContract } from '../../generated-wrappers/mixin_authorizable';
import { artifacts } from '../../src/artifacts';
-import { expectTransactionFailedAsync } from '../utils/assertions';
-import { chaiSetup } from '../utils/chai_setup';
-import { constants } from '../utils/constants';
-import { provider, txDefaults, web3Wrapper } from '../utils/web3_wrapper';
const expect = chai.expect;
diff --git a/contracts/core/test/asset_proxy/proxies.ts b/contracts/core/test/asset_proxy/proxies.ts
index 8fa1e602a..2527b0fbf 100644
--- a/contracts/core/test/asset_proxy/proxies.ts
+++ b/contracts/core/test/asset_proxy/proxies.ts
@@ -1,3 +1,13 @@
+import {
+ chaiSetup,
+ constants,
+ expectTransactionFailedAsync,
+ expectTransactionFailedWithoutReasonAsync,
+ LogDecoder,
+ provider,
+ txDefaults,
+ web3Wrapper,
+} from '@0x/contracts-test-utils';
import { BlockchainLifecycle } from '@0x/dev-utils';
import { assetDataUtils } from '@0x/order-utils';
import { RevertReason } from '@0x/types';
@@ -16,13 +26,8 @@ import { IAssetDataContract } from '../../generated-wrappers/i_asset_data';
import { IAssetProxyContract } from '../../generated-wrappers/i_asset_proxy';
import { MultiAssetProxyContract } from '../../generated-wrappers/multi_asset_proxy';
import { artifacts } from '../../src/artifacts';
-import { expectTransactionFailedAsync, expectTransactionFailedWithoutReasonAsync } from '../utils/assertions';
-import { chaiSetup } from '../utils/chai_setup';
-import { constants } from '../utils/constants';
import { ERC20Wrapper } from '../utils/erc20_wrapper';
import { ERC721Wrapper } from '../utils/erc721_wrapper';
-import { LogDecoder } from '../utils/log_decoder';
-import { provider, txDefaults, web3Wrapper } from '../utils/web3_wrapper';
const expect = chai.expect;
@@ -553,7 +558,7 @@ describe('Asset Transfer Proxies', () => {
- const logDecoder = new LogDecoder(web3Wrapper);
+ const logDecoder = new LogDecoder(web3Wrapper, artifacts);
const tx = await logDecoder.getTxWithDecodedLogsAsync(
await web3Wrapper.sendTransactionAsync({
to: erc721Proxy.address,
diff --git a/contracts/core/test/exchange/core.ts b/contracts/core/test/exchange/core.ts
index 9159b0d8f..fd6b9ee6b 100644
--- a/contracts/core/test/exchange/core.ts
+++ b/contracts/core/test/exchange/core.ts
@@ -1,3 +1,16 @@
+import {
+ chaiSetup,
+ constants,
+ ERC20BalancesByOwner,
+ expectTransactionFailedAsync,
+ getLatestBlockTimestampAsync,
+ increaseTimeAndMineBlockAsync,
+ OrderFactory,
+ OrderStatus,
+ provider,
+ txDefaults,
+ web3Wrapper,
+} from '@0x/contracts-test-utils';
import { BlockchainLifecycle } from '@0x/dev-utils';
import { assetDataUtils, orderHashUtils } from '@0x/order-utils';
import { RevertReason, SignatureType, SignedOrder } from '@0x/types';
@@ -19,16 +32,9 @@ import { MultiAssetProxyContract } from '../../generated-wrappers/multi_asset_pr
import { ReentrantERC20TokenContract } from '../../generated-wrappers/reentrant_erc20_token';
import { TestStaticCallReceiverContract } from '../../generated-wrappers/test_static_call_receiver';
import { artifacts } from '../../src/artifacts';
-import { expectTransactionFailedAsync } from '../utils/assertions';
-import { getLatestBlockTimestampAsync, increaseTimeAndMineBlockAsync } from '../utils/block_timestamp';
-import { chaiSetup } from '../utils/chai_setup';
-import { constants } from '../utils/constants';
import { ERC20Wrapper } from '../utils/erc20_wrapper';
import { ERC721Wrapper } from '../utils/erc721_wrapper';
import { ExchangeWrapper } from '../utils/exchange_wrapper';
-import { OrderFactory } from '../utils/order_factory';
-import { ERC20BalancesByOwner, OrderStatus } from '../utils/types';
-import { provider, txDefaults, web3Wrapper } from '../utils/web3_wrapper';
const expect = chai.expect;
diff --git a/contracts/core/test/exchange/dispatcher.ts b/contracts/core/test/exchange/dispatcher.ts
index 3d3aa42c2..9bc5cbcce 100644
--- a/contracts/core/test/exchange/dispatcher.ts
+++ b/contracts/core/test/exchange/dispatcher.ts
@@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
+import {
+ chaiSetup,
+ constants,
+ expectTransactionFailedAsync,
+ LogDecoder,
+ provider,
+ txDefaults,
+ web3Wrapper,
+} from '@0x/contracts-test-utils';
import { BlockchainLifecycle } from '@0x/dev-utils';
import { assetDataUtils } from '@0x/order-utils';
import { AssetProxyId, RevertReason } from '@0x/types';
@@ -14,13 +23,8 @@ import {
} from '../../generated-wrappers/test_asset_proxy_dispatcher';
import { artifacts } from '../../src/artifacts';
-import { expectTransactionFailedAsync } from '../utils/assertions';
-import { chaiSetup } from '../utils/chai_setup';
-import { constants } from '../utils/constants';
import { ERC20Wrapper } from '../utils/erc20_wrapper';
import { ERC721Wrapper } from '../utils/erc721_wrapper';
-import { LogDecoder } from '../utils/log_decoder';
-import { provider, txDefaults, web3Wrapper } from '../utils/web3_wrapper';
const expect = chai.expect;
@@ -145,7 +149,7 @@ describe('AssetProxyDispatcher', () => {
it('should log an event with correct arguments when an asset proxy is registered', async () => {
- const logDecoder = new LogDecoder(web3Wrapper);
+ const logDecoder = new LogDecoder(web3Wrapper, artifacts);
const txReceipt = await logDecoder.getTxWithDecodedLogsAsync(
await assetProxyDispatcher.registerAssetProxy.sendTransactionAsync(erc20Proxy.address, { from: owner }),
diff --git a/contracts/core/test/exchange/fill_order.ts b/contracts/core/test/exchange/fill_order.ts
index 37efaad2b..2bdbe4855 100644
--- a/contracts/core/test/exchange/fill_order.ts
+++ b/contracts/core/test/exchange/fill_order.ts
@@ -1,23 +1,25 @@
-import { BlockchainLifecycle } from '@0x/dev-utils';
-import * as _ from 'lodash';
-import { chaiSetup } from '../utils/chai_setup';
-import {
- FillOrderCombinatorialUtils,
- fillOrderCombinatorialUtilsFactoryAsync,
-} from '../utils/fill_order_combinatorial_utils';
import {
+ chaiSetup,
+ provider,
-} from '../utils/types';
-import { provider, txDefaults, web3Wrapper } from '../utils/web3_wrapper';
+ txDefaults,
+ web3Wrapper,
+} from '@0x/contracts-test-utils';
+import { BlockchainLifecycle } from '@0x/dev-utils';
+import * as _ from 'lodash';
+import {
+ FillOrderCombinatorialUtils,
+ fillOrderCombinatorialUtilsFactoryAsync,
+} from '../utils/fill_order_combinatorial_utils';
const blockchainLifecycle = new BlockchainLifecycle(web3Wrapper);
diff --git a/contracts/core/test/exchange/internal.ts b/contracts/core/test/exchange/internal.ts
index 109be29c6..972f5efb6 100644
--- a/contracts/core/test/exchange/internal.ts
+++ b/contracts/core/test/exchange/internal.ts
@@ -1,3 +1,15 @@
+import {
+ bytes32Values,
+ chaiSetup,
+ constants,
+ FillResults,
+ getRevertReasonOrErrorMessageForSendTransactionAsync,
+ provider,
+ testCombinatoriallyWithReferenceFuncAsync,
+ txDefaults,
+ uint256Values,
+ web3Wrapper,
+} from '@0x/contracts-test-utils';
import { BlockchainLifecycle } from '@0x/dev-utils';
import { Order, RevertReason, SignedOrder } from '@0x/types';
import { BigNumber } from '@0x/utils';
@@ -6,12 +18,6 @@ import * as _ from 'lodash';
import { TestExchangeInternalsContract } from '../../generated-wrappers/test_exchange_internals';
import { artifacts } from '../../src/artifacts';
-import { getRevertReasonOrErrorMessageForSendTransactionAsync } from '../utils/assertions';
-import { chaiSetup } from '../utils/chai_setup';
-import { bytes32Values, testCombinatoriallyWithReferenceFuncAsync, uint256Values } from '../utils/combinatorial_utils';
-import { constants } from '../utils/constants';
-import { FillResults } from '../utils/types';
-import { provider, txDefaults, web3Wrapper } from '../utils/web3_wrapper';
const expect = chai.expect;
diff --git a/contracts/core/test/exchange/libs.ts b/contracts/core/test/exchange/libs.ts
index 503ef0e0f..f52992c13 100644
--- a/contracts/core/test/exchange/libs.ts
+++ b/contracts/core/test/exchange/libs.ts
@@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
+import {
+ addressUtils,
+ chaiSetup,
+ constants,
+ OrderFactory,
+ provider,
+ txDefaults,
+ web3Wrapper,
+} from '@0x/contracts-test-utils';
import { BlockchainLifecycle } from '@0x/dev-utils';
import { assetDataUtils, orderHashUtils } from '@0x/order-utils';
import { SignedOrder } from '@0x/types';
@@ -7,11 +16,6 @@ import * as chai from 'chai';
import { TestConstantsContract } from '../../generated-wrappers/test_constants';
import { TestLibsContract } from '../../generated-wrappers/test_libs';
import { artifacts } from '../../src/artifacts';
-import { addressUtils } from '../utils/address_utils';
-import { chaiSetup } from '../utils/chai_setup';
-import { constants } from '../utils/constants';
-import { OrderFactory } from '../utils/order_factory';
-import { provider, txDefaults, web3Wrapper } from '../utils/web3_wrapper';
const expect = chai.expect;
diff --git a/contracts/core/test/exchange/match_orders.ts b/contracts/core/test/exchange/match_orders.ts
index eea9992d9..0e841b359 100644
--- a/contracts/core/test/exchange/match_orders.ts
+++ b/contracts/core/test/exchange/match_orders.ts
@@ -1,3 +1,14 @@
+import {
+ chaiSetup,
+ constants,
+ ERC20BalancesByOwner,
+ ERC721TokenIdsByOwner,
+ expectTransactionFailedAsync,
+ OrderFactory,
+ provider,
+ txDefaults,
+ web3Wrapper,
+} from '@0x/contracts-test-utils';
import { BlockchainLifecycle } from '@0x/dev-utils';
import { assetDataUtils } from '@0x/order-utils';
import { RevertReason } from '@0x/types';
@@ -14,16 +25,10 @@ import { ExchangeContract } from '../../generated-wrappers/exchange';
import { ReentrantERC20TokenContract } from '../../generated-wrappers/reentrant_erc20_token';
import { TestExchangeInternalsContract } from '../../generated-wrappers/test_exchange_internals';
import { artifacts } from '../../src/artifacts';
-import { expectTransactionFailedAsync } from '../utils/assertions';
-import { chaiSetup } from '../utils/chai_setup';
-import { constants } from '../utils/constants';
import { ERC20Wrapper } from '../utils/erc20_wrapper';
import { ERC721Wrapper } from '../utils/erc721_wrapper';
import { ExchangeWrapper } from '../utils/exchange_wrapper';
import { MatchOrderTester } from '../utils/match_order_tester';
-import { OrderFactory } from '../utils/order_factory';
-import { ERC20BalancesByOwner, ERC721TokenIdsByOwner } from '../utils/types';
-import { provider, txDefaults, web3Wrapper } from '../utils/web3_wrapper';
const blockchainLifecycle = new BlockchainLifecycle(web3Wrapper);
diff --git a/contracts/core/test/exchange/signature_validator.ts b/contracts/core/test/exchange/signature_validator.ts
index 756c72766..b84a488a1 100644
--- a/contracts/core/test/exchange/signature_validator.ts
+++ b/contracts/core/test/exchange/signature_validator.ts
@@ -1,3 +1,14 @@
+import {
+ addressUtils,
+ chaiSetup,
+ constants,
+ expectContractCallFailedAsync,
+ LogDecoder,
+ OrderFactory,
+ provider,
+ txDefaults,
+ web3Wrapper,
+} from '@0x/contracts-test-utils';
import { BlockchainLifecycle } from '@0x/dev-utils';
import { assetDataUtils, orderHashUtils, signatureUtils } from '@0x/order-utils';
import { RevertReason, SignatureType, SignedOrder } from '@0x/types';
@@ -13,13 +24,6 @@ import { TestStaticCallReceiverContract } from '../../generated-wrappers/test_st
import { ValidatorContract } from '../../generated-wrappers/validator';
import { WalletContract } from '../../generated-wrappers/wallet';
import { artifacts } from '../../src/artifacts';
-import { addressUtils } from '../utils/address_utils';
-import { expectContractCallFailedAsync } from '../utils/assertions';
-import { chaiSetup } from '../utils/chai_setup';
-import { constants } from '../utils/constants';
-import { LogDecoder } from '../utils/log_decoder';
-import { OrderFactory } from '../utils/order_factory';
-import { provider, txDefaults, web3Wrapper } from '../utils/web3_wrapper';
const expect = chai.expect;
@@ -73,7 +77,7 @@ describe('MixinSignatureValidator', () => {
- signatureValidatorLogDecoder = new LogDecoder(web3Wrapper);
+ signatureValidatorLogDecoder = new LogDecoder(web3Wrapper, artifacts);
await web3Wrapper.awaitTransactionSuccessAsync(
await signatureValidator.setSignatureValidatorApproval.sendTransactionAsync(testValidator.address, true, {
from: signerAddress,
diff --git a/contracts/core/test/exchange/transactions.ts b/contracts/core/test/exchange/transactions.ts
index 1b5eef295..c4086d9be 100644
--- a/contracts/core/test/exchange/transactions.ts
+++ b/contracts/core/test/exchange/transactions.ts
@@ -1,3 +1,16 @@
+import {
+ chaiSetup,
+ constants,
+ ERC20BalancesByOwner,
+ expectTransactionFailedAsync,
+ OrderFactory,
+ orderUtils,
+ provider,
+ SignedTransaction,
+ TransactionFactory,
+ txDefaults,
+ web3Wrapper,
+} from '@0x/contracts-test-utils';
import { BlockchainLifecycle } from '@0x/dev-utils';
import { assetDataUtils, generatePseudoRandomSalt } from '@0x/order-utils';
import { OrderWithoutExchangeAddress, RevertReason, SignedOrder } from '@0x/types';
@@ -11,16 +24,8 @@ import { ExchangeContract } from '../../generated-wrappers/exchange';
import { ExchangeWrapperContract } from '../../generated-wrappers/exchange_wrapper';
import { WhitelistContract } from '../../generated-wrappers/whitelist';
import { artifacts } from '../../src/artifacts';
-import { expectTransactionFailedAsync } from '../utils/assertions';
-import { chaiSetup } from '../utils/chai_setup';
-import { constants } from '../utils/constants';
import { ERC20Wrapper } from '../utils/erc20_wrapper';
import { ExchangeWrapper } from '../utils/exchange_wrapper';
-import { OrderFactory } from '../utils/order_factory';
-import { orderUtils } from '../utils/order_utils';
-import { TransactionFactory } from '../utils/transaction_factory';
-import { ERC20BalancesByOwner, SignedTransaction } from '../utils/types';
-import { provider, txDefaults, web3Wrapper } from '../utils/web3_wrapper';
const expect = chai.expect;
diff --git a/contracts/core/test/exchange/wrapper.ts b/contracts/core/test/exchange/wrapper.ts
index 6b660aac5..17cb7a3bb 100644
--- a/contracts/core/test/exchange/wrapper.ts
+++ b/contracts/core/test/exchange/wrapper.ts
@@ -1,3 +1,16 @@
+import {
+ chaiSetup,
+ constants,
+ ERC20BalancesByOwner,
+ expectTransactionFailedAsync,
+ getLatestBlockTimestampAsync,
+ increaseTimeAndMineBlockAsync,
+ OrderFactory,
+ OrderStatus,
+ provider,
+ txDefaults,
+ web3Wrapper,
+} from '@0x/contracts-test-utils';
import { BlockchainLifecycle } from '@0x/dev-utils';
import { assetDataUtils, orderHashUtils } from '@0x/order-utils';
import { RevertReason, SignedOrder } from '@0x/types';
@@ -13,16 +26,9 @@ import { ERC721ProxyContract } from '../../generated-wrappers/erc721_proxy';
import { ExchangeContract } from '../../generated-wrappers/exchange';
import { ReentrantERC20TokenContract } from '../../generated-wrappers/reentrant_erc20_token';
import { artifacts } from '../../src/artifacts';
-import { expectTransactionFailedAsync } from '../utils/assertions';
-import { getLatestBlockTimestampAsync, increaseTimeAndMineBlockAsync } from '../utils/block_timestamp';
-import { chaiSetup } from '../utils/chai_setup';
-import { constants } from '../utils/constants';
import { ERC20Wrapper } from '../utils/erc20_wrapper';
import { ERC721Wrapper } from '../utils/erc721_wrapper';
import { ExchangeWrapper } from '../utils/exchange_wrapper';
-import { OrderFactory } from '../utils/order_factory';
-import { ERC20BalancesByOwner, OrderStatus } from '../utils/types';
-import { provider, txDefaults, web3Wrapper } from '../utils/web3_wrapper';
const expect = chai.expect;
diff --git a/contracts/core/test/extensions/dutch_auction.ts b/contracts/core/test/extensions/dutch_auction.ts
index c133d8c60..6bed222f4 100644
--- a/contracts/core/test/extensions/dutch_auction.ts
+++ b/contracts/core/test/extensions/dutch_auction.ts
@@ -1,3 +1,15 @@
+import {
+ chaiSetup,
+ constants,
+ ContractName,
+ ERC20BalancesByOwner,
+ expectTransactionFailedAsync,
+ getLatestBlockTimestampAsync,
+ OrderFactory,
+ provider,
+ txDefaults,
+ web3Wrapper,
+} from '@0x/contracts-test-utils';
import { BlockchainLifecycle } from '@0x/dev-utils';
import { assetDataUtils, generatePseudoRandomSalt } from '@0x/order-utils';
import { RevertReason, SignedOrder } from '@0x/types';
@@ -14,16 +26,9 @@ import { DutchAuctionContract } from '../../generated-wrappers/dutch_auction';
import { ExchangeContract } from '../../generated-wrappers/exchange';
import { WETH9Contract } from '../../generated-wrappers/weth9';
import { artifacts } from '../../src/artifacts';
-import { expectTransactionFailedAsync } from '../utils/assertions';
-import { getLatestBlockTimestampAsync } from '../utils/block_timestamp';
-import { chaiSetup } from '../utils/chai_setup';
-import { constants } from '../utils/constants';
import { ERC20Wrapper } from '../utils/erc20_wrapper';
import { ERC721Wrapper } from '../utils/erc721_wrapper';
import { ExchangeWrapper } from '../utils/exchange_wrapper';
-import { OrderFactory } from '../utils/order_factory';
-import { ContractName, ERC20BalancesByOwner } from '../utils/types';
-import { provider, txDefaults, web3Wrapper } from '../utils/web3_wrapper';
const expect = chai.expect;
diff --git a/contracts/core/test/extensions/forwarder.ts b/contracts/core/test/extensions/forwarder.ts
index c006be0fe..44ad4d6ff 100644
--- a/contracts/core/test/extensions/forwarder.ts
+++ b/contracts/core/test/extensions/forwarder.ts
@@ -1,3 +1,16 @@
+import {
+ chaiSetup,
+ constants,
+ ContractName,
+ ERC20BalancesByOwner,
+ expectContractCreationFailedAsync,
+ expectTransactionFailedAsync,
+ OrderFactory,
+ provider,
+ sendTransactionResult,
+ txDefaults,
+ web3Wrapper,
+} from '@0x/contracts-test-utils';
import { BlockchainLifecycle } from '@0x/dev-utils';
import { assetDataUtils } from '@0x/order-utils';
import { RevertReason, SignedOrder } from '@0x/types';
@@ -12,20 +25,10 @@ import { ExchangeContract } from '../../generated-wrappers/exchange';
import { ForwarderContract } from '../../generated-wrappers/forwarder';
import { WETH9Contract } from '../../generated-wrappers/weth9';
import { artifacts } from '../../src/artifacts';
-import {
- expectContractCreationFailedAsync,
- expectTransactionFailedAsync,
- sendTransactionResult,
-} from '../utils/assertions';
-import { chaiSetup } from '../utils/chai_setup';
-import { constants } from '../utils/constants';
import { ERC20Wrapper } from '../utils/erc20_wrapper';
import { ERC721Wrapper } from '../utils/erc721_wrapper';
import { ExchangeWrapper } from '../utils/exchange_wrapper';
import { ForwarderWrapper } from '../utils/forwarder_wrapper';
-import { OrderFactory } from '../utils/order_factory';
-import { ContractName, ERC20BalancesByOwner } from '../utils/types';
-import { provider, txDefaults, web3Wrapper } from '../utils/web3_wrapper';
const expect = chai.expect;
diff --git a/contracts/core/test/extensions/order_validator.ts b/contracts/core/test/extensions/order_validator.ts
index 37d7c4c5a..3dbe76f6e 100644
--- a/contracts/core/test/extensions/order_validator.ts
+++ b/contracts/core/test/extensions/order_validator.ts
@@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
+import {
+ chaiSetup,
+ constants,
+ OrderFactory,
+ OrderStatus,
+ provider,
+ txDefaults,
+ web3Wrapper,
+} from '@0x/contracts-test-utils';
import { BlockchainLifecycle } from '@0x/dev-utils';
import { assetDataUtils, orderHashUtils } from '@0x/order-utils';
import { SignedOrder } from '@0x/types';
@@ -12,14 +21,9 @@ import { ERC721ProxyContract } from '../../generated-wrappers/erc721_proxy';
import { ExchangeContract } from '../../generated-wrappers/exchange';
import { OrderValidatorContract } from '../../generated-wrappers/order_validator';
import { artifacts } from '../../src/artifacts';
-import { chaiSetup } from '../utils/chai_setup';
-import { constants } from '../utils/constants';
import { ERC20Wrapper } from '../utils/erc20_wrapper';
import { ERC721Wrapper } from '../utils/erc721_wrapper';
import { ExchangeWrapper } from '../utils/exchange_wrapper';
-import { OrderFactory } from '../utils/order_factory';
-import { OrderStatus } from '../utils/types';
-import { provider, txDefaults, web3Wrapper } from '../utils/web3_wrapper';
const expect = chai.expect;
diff --git a/contracts/core/test/global_hooks.ts b/contracts/core/test/global_hooks.ts
index 2e9ac9e21..f8ace376a 100644
--- a/contracts/core/test/global_hooks.ts
+++ b/contracts/core/test/global_hooks.ts
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
import { env, EnvVars } from '@0x/dev-utils';
-import { coverage } from './utils/coverage';
-import { profiler } from './utils/profiler';
+import { coverage, profiler, provider } from '@0x/contracts-test-utils';
+before('start web3 provider', () => {
+ provider.start();
after('generate coverage report', async () => {
if (env.parseBoolean(EnvVars.SolidityCoverage)) {
const coverageSubprovider = coverage.getCoverageSubproviderSingleton();
@@ -12,4 +13,5 @@ after('generate coverage report', async () => {
const profilerSubprovider = profiler.getProfilerSubproviderSingleton();
await profilerSubprovider.writeProfilerOutputAsync();
+ provider.stop();
diff --git a/contracts/core/test/libraries/lib_bytes.ts b/contracts/core/test/libraries/lib_bytes.ts
index b1a389f00..9338e6e7f 100644
--- a/contracts/core/test/libraries/lib_bytes.ts
+++ b/contracts/core/test/libraries/lib_bytes.ts
@@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
+import {
+ chaiSetup,
+ constants,
+ expectContractCallFailedAsync,
+ provider,
+ txDefaults,
+ typeEncodingUtils,
+ web3Wrapper,
+} from '@0x/contracts-test-utils';
import { BlockchainLifecycle } from '@0x/dev-utils';
import { generatePseudoRandomSalt } from '@0x/order-utils';
import { RevertReason } from '@0x/types';
@@ -9,11 +18,6 @@ import * as _ from 'lodash';
import { TestLibBytesContract } from '../../generated-wrappers/test_lib_bytes';
import { artifacts } from '../../src/artifacts';
-import { expectContractCallFailedAsync } from '../utils/assertions';
-import { chaiSetup } from '../utils/chai_setup';
-import { constants } from '../utils/constants';
-import { typeEncodingUtils } from '../utils/type_encoding_utils';
-import { provider, txDefaults, web3Wrapper } from '../utils/web3_wrapper';
const expect = chai.expect;
diff --git a/contracts/core/test/multisig/asset_proxy_owner.ts b/contracts/core/test/multisig/asset_proxy_owner.ts
index 087152316..daebfb7fb 100644
--- a/contracts/core/test/multisig/asset_proxy_owner.ts
+++ b/contracts/core/test/multisig/asset_proxy_owner.ts
@@ -1,3 +1,16 @@
+import {
+ chaiSetup,
+ constants,
+ expectContractCallFailedAsync,
+ expectContractCreationFailedAsync,
+ expectTransactionFailedAsync,
+ expectTransactionFailedWithoutReasonAsync,
+ increaseTimeAndMineBlockAsync,
+ provider,
+ sendTransactionResult,
+ txDefaults,
+ web3Wrapper,
+} from '@0x/contracts-test-utils';
import { BlockchainLifecycle } from '@0x/dev-utils';
import { RevertReason } from '@0x/types';
import { BigNumber } from '@0x/utils';
@@ -14,18 +27,7 @@ import {
import { MixinAuthorizableContract } from '../../generated-wrappers/mixin_authorizable';
import { TestAssetProxyOwnerContract } from '../../generated-wrappers/test_asset_proxy_owner';
import { artifacts } from '../../src/artifacts';
-import {
- expectContractCallFailedAsync,
- expectContractCreationFailedAsync,
- expectTransactionFailedAsync,
- expectTransactionFailedWithoutReasonAsync,
- sendTransactionResult,
-} from '../utils/assertions';
-import { increaseTimeAndMineBlockAsync } from '../utils/block_timestamp';
-import { chaiSetup } from '../utils/chai_setup';
-import { constants } from '../utils/constants';
-import { MultiSigWrapper } from '../utils/multi_sig_wrapper';
-import { provider, txDefaults, web3Wrapper } from '../utils/web3_wrapper';
+import { AssetProxyOwnerWrapper } from '../utils/asset_proxy_owner_wrapper';
const expect = chai.expect;
@@ -41,7 +43,7 @@ describe('AssetProxyOwner', () => {
let erc20Proxy: MixinAuthorizableContract;
let erc721Proxy: MixinAuthorizableContract;
let testAssetProxyOwner: TestAssetProxyOwnerContract;
- let multiSigWrapper: MultiSigWrapper;
+ let assetProxyOwnerWrapper: AssetProxyOwnerWrapper;
before(async () => {
await blockchainLifecycle.startAsync();
@@ -75,7 +77,7 @@ describe('AssetProxyOwner', () => {
- multiSigWrapper = new MultiSigWrapper(testAssetProxyOwner, provider);
+ assetProxyOwnerWrapper = new AssetProxyOwnerWrapper(testAssetProxyOwner, provider);
await web3Wrapper.awaitTransactionSuccessAsync(
await erc20Proxy.transferOwnership.sendTransactionAsync(testAssetProxyOwner.address, {
from: initialOwner,
@@ -172,7 +174,7 @@ describe('AssetProxyOwner', () => {
- const submitTxRes = await multiSigWrapper.submitTransactionAsync(
+ const submitTxRes = await assetProxyOwnerWrapper.submitTransactionAsync(
@@ -181,10 +183,10 @@ describe('AssetProxyOwner', () => {
const log = submitTxRes.logs[0] as LogWithDecodedArgs<AssetProxyOwnerSubmissionEventArgs>;
const txId = log.args.transactionId;
- await multiSigWrapper.confirmTransactionAsync(txId, owners[1]);
+ await assetProxyOwnerWrapper.confirmTransactionAsync(txId, owners[1]);
await increaseTimeAndMineBlockAsync(SECONDS_TIME_LOCKED.toNumber());
- const executeTxRes = await multiSigWrapper.executeTransactionAsync(txId, owners[0]);
+ const executeTxRes = await assetProxyOwnerWrapper.executeTransactionAsync(txId, owners[0]);
const registerLog = executeTxRes.logs[0] as LogWithDecodedArgs<
@@ -204,7 +206,7 @@ describe('AssetProxyOwner', () => {
- const submitTxRes = await multiSigWrapper.submitTransactionAsync(
+ const submitTxRes = await assetProxyOwnerWrapper.submitTransactionAsync(
@@ -212,10 +214,10 @@ describe('AssetProxyOwner', () => {
const log = submitTxRes.logs[0] as LogWithDecodedArgs<AssetProxyOwnerSubmissionEventArgs>;
const txId = log.args.transactionId;
- await multiSigWrapper.confirmTransactionAsync(txId, owners[1]);
+ await assetProxyOwnerWrapper.confirmTransactionAsync(txId, owners[1]);
await increaseTimeAndMineBlockAsync(SECONDS_TIME_LOCKED.toNumber());
- const executeTxRes = await multiSigWrapper.executeTransactionAsync(txId, owners[0]);
+ const executeTxRes = await assetProxyOwnerWrapper.executeTransactionAsync(txId, owners[0]);
const failureLog = executeTxRes.logs[0] as LogWithDecodedArgs<AssetProxyOwnerExecutionFailureEventArgs>;
@@ -237,7 +239,7 @@ describe('AssetProxyOwner', () => {
- const registerAssetProxySubmitRes = await multiSigWrapper.submitTransactionAsync(
+ const registerAssetProxySubmitRes = await assetProxyOwnerWrapper.submitTransactionAsync(
@@ -247,12 +249,12 @@ describe('AssetProxyOwner', () => {
const addAuthorizedAddressData = erc20Proxy.addAuthorizedAddress.getABIEncodedTransactionData(authorized);
- const erc20AddAuthorizedAddressSubmitRes = await multiSigWrapper.submitTransactionAsync(
+ const erc20AddAuthorizedAddressSubmitRes = await assetProxyOwnerWrapper.submitTransactionAsync(
- const erc721AddAuthorizedAddressSubmitRes = await multiSigWrapper.submitTransactionAsync(
+ const erc721AddAuthorizedAddressSubmitRes = await assetProxyOwnerWrapper.submitTransactionAsync(
@@ -267,15 +269,15 @@ describe('AssetProxyOwner', () => {
const erc20AddAuthorizedAddressTxId = erc20AddAuthorizedAddressSubmitLog.args.transactionId;
const erc721AddAuthorizedAddressTxId = erc721AddAuthorizedAddressSubmitLog.args.transactionId;
- await multiSigWrapper.confirmTransactionAsync(registerAssetProxyTxId, owners[1]);
- await multiSigWrapper.confirmTransactionAsync(erc20AddAuthorizedAddressTxId, owners[1]);
- await multiSigWrapper.confirmTransactionAsync(erc721AddAuthorizedAddressTxId, owners[1]);
+ await assetProxyOwnerWrapper.confirmTransactionAsync(registerAssetProxyTxId, owners[1]);
+ await assetProxyOwnerWrapper.confirmTransactionAsync(erc20AddAuthorizedAddressTxId, owners[1]);
+ await assetProxyOwnerWrapper.confirmTransactionAsync(erc721AddAuthorizedAddressTxId, owners[1]);
await increaseTimeAndMineBlockAsync(SECONDS_TIME_LOCKED.toNumber());
- await multiSigWrapper.executeTransactionAsync(registerAssetProxyTxId, owners[0]);
- await multiSigWrapper.executeTransactionAsync(erc20AddAuthorizedAddressTxId, owners[0], {
+ await assetProxyOwnerWrapper.executeTransactionAsync(registerAssetProxyTxId, owners[0]);
+ await assetProxyOwnerWrapper.executeTransactionAsync(erc20AddAuthorizedAddressTxId, owners[0], {
- await multiSigWrapper.executeTransactionAsync(erc721AddAuthorizedAddressTxId, owners[0], {
+ await assetProxyOwnerWrapper.executeTransactionAsync(erc721AddAuthorizedAddressTxId, owners[0], {
@@ -285,7 +287,7 @@ describe('AssetProxyOwner', () => {
const notRemoveAuthorizedAddressData = erc20Proxy.addAuthorizedAddress.getABIEncodedTransactionData(
- const submitTxRes = await multiSigWrapper.submitTransactionAsync(
+ const submitTxRes = await assetProxyOwnerWrapper.submitTransactionAsync(
@@ -303,7 +305,7 @@ describe('AssetProxyOwner', () => {
- const submitTxRes = await multiSigWrapper.submitTransactionAsync(
+ const submitTxRes = await assetProxyOwnerWrapper.submitTransactionAsync(
@@ -321,7 +323,7 @@ describe('AssetProxyOwner', () => {
- const submitTxRes = await multiSigWrapper.submitTransactionAsync(
+ const submitTxRes = await assetProxyOwnerWrapper.submitTransactionAsync(
@@ -341,7 +343,7 @@ describe('AssetProxyOwner', () => {
- const res = await multiSigWrapper.submitTransactionAsync(
+ const res = await assetProxyOwnerWrapper.submitTransactionAsync(
@@ -362,7 +364,7 @@ describe('AssetProxyOwner', () => {
- const res = await multiSigWrapper.submitTransactionAsync(
+ const res = await assetProxyOwnerWrapper.submitTransactionAsync(
@@ -370,7 +372,7 @@ describe('AssetProxyOwner', () => {
const log = res.logs[0] as LogWithDecodedArgs<AssetProxyOwnerSubmissionEventArgs>;
const txId = log.args.transactionId;
- await multiSigWrapper.confirmTransactionAsync(txId, owners[1]);
+ await assetProxyOwnerWrapper.confirmTransactionAsync(txId, owners[1]);
return expectTransactionFailedAsync(
testAssetProxyOwner.executeRemoveAuthorizedAddressAtIndex.sendTransactionAsync(txId, {
@@ -385,7 +387,7 @@ describe('AssetProxyOwner', () => {
const addAuthorizedAddressData = erc20Proxy.addAuthorizedAddress.getABIEncodedTransactionData(
- const res = await multiSigWrapper.submitTransactionAsync(
+ const res = await assetProxyOwnerWrapper.submitTransactionAsync(
@@ -393,7 +395,7 @@ describe('AssetProxyOwner', () => {
const log = res.logs[0] as LogWithDecodedArgs<AssetProxyOwnerSubmissionEventArgs>;
const txId = log.args.transactionId;
- await multiSigWrapper.confirmTransactionAsync(txId, owners[1]);
+ await assetProxyOwnerWrapper.confirmTransactionAsync(txId, owners[1]);
return expectTransactionFailedAsync(
testAssetProxyOwner.executeRemoveAuthorizedAddressAtIndex.sendTransactionAsync(txId, {
@@ -411,7 +413,7 @@ describe('AssetProxyOwner', () => {
- const submitRes = await multiSigWrapper.submitTransactionAsync(
+ const submitRes = await assetProxyOwnerWrapper.submitTransactionAsync(
@@ -419,9 +421,12 @@ describe('AssetProxyOwner', () => {
const submitLog = submitRes.logs[0] as LogWithDecodedArgs<AssetProxyOwnerSubmissionEventArgs>;
const txId = submitLog.args.transactionId;
- await multiSigWrapper.confirmTransactionAsync(txId, owners[1]);
+ await assetProxyOwnerWrapper.confirmTransactionAsync(txId, owners[1]);
- const execRes = await multiSigWrapper.executeRemoveAuthorizedAddressAtIndexAsync(txId, owners[0]);
+ const execRes = await assetProxyOwnerWrapper.executeRemoveAuthorizedAddressAtIndexAsync(
+ txId,
+ owners[0],
+ );
const execLog = execRes.logs[1] as LogWithDecodedArgs<AssetProxyOwnerExecutionEventArgs>;
@@ -441,7 +446,7 @@ describe('AssetProxyOwner', () => {
- const submitRes = await multiSigWrapper.submitTransactionAsync(
+ const submitRes = await assetProxyOwnerWrapper.submitTransactionAsync(
@@ -449,9 +454,9 @@ describe('AssetProxyOwner', () => {
const submitLog = submitRes.logs[0] as LogWithDecodedArgs<AssetProxyOwnerSubmissionEventArgs>;
const txId = submitLog.args.transactionId;
- await multiSigWrapper.confirmTransactionAsync(txId, owners[1]);
+ await assetProxyOwnerWrapper.confirmTransactionAsync(txId, owners[1]);
- const execRes = await multiSigWrapper.executeRemoveAuthorizedAddressAtIndexAsync(txId, notOwner);
+ const execRes = await assetProxyOwnerWrapper.executeRemoveAuthorizedAddressAtIndexAsync(txId, notOwner);
const execLog = execRes.logs[1] as LogWithDecodedArgs<AssetProxyOwnerExecutionEventArgs>;
@@ -468,7 +473,7 @@ describe('AssetProxyOwner', () => {
- const submitRes = await multiSigWrapper.submitTransactionAsync(
+ const submitRes = await assetProxyOwnerWrapper.submitTransactionAsync(
@@ -476,9 +481,12 @@ describe('AssetProxyOwner', () => {
const submitLog = submitRes.logs[0] as LogWithDecodedArgs<AssetProxyOwnerSubmissionEventArgs>;
const txId = submitLog.args.transactionId;
- await multiSigWrapper.confirmTransactionAsync(txId, owners[1]);
+ await assetProxyOwnerWrapper.confirmTransactionAsync(txId, owners[1]);
- const execRes = await multiSigWrapper.executeRemoveAuthorizedAddressAtIndexAsync(txId, owners[0]);
+ const execRes = await assetProxyOwnerWrapper.executeRemoveAuthorizedAddressAtIndexAsync(
+ txId,
+ owners[0],
+ );
const execLog = execRes.logs[1] as LogWithDecodedArgs<AssetProxyOwnerExecutionEventArgs>;
@@ -495,4 +503,4 @@ describe('AssetProxyOwner', () => {
-// tslint:enable:no-unnecessary-type-assertion
+// tslint:disable-line max-file-line-count
diff --git a/contracts/core/test/multisig/multi_sig_with_time_lock.ts b/contracts/core/test/multisig/multi_sig_with_time_lock.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c0cb0515..000000000
--- a/contracts/core/test/multisig/multi_sig_with_time_lock.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,347 +0,0 @@
-import { BlockchainLifecycle } from '@0x/dev-utils';
-import { RevertReason } from '@0x/types';
-import { BigNumber } from '@0x/utils';
-import * as chai from 'chai';
-import { LogWithDecodedArgs } from 'ethereum-types';
-import * as _ from 'lodash';
-import { DummyERC20TokenContract } from '../../generated-wrappers/dummy_erc20_token';
-import {
- MultiSigWalletWithTimeLockConfirmationEventArgs,
- MultiSigWalletWithTimeLockConfirmationTimeSetEventArgs,
- MultiSigWalletWithTimeLockContract,
- MultiSigWalletWithTimeLockExecutionEventArgs,
- MultiSigWalletWithTimeLockExecutionFailureEventArgs,
- MultiSigWalletWithTimeLockSubmissionEventArgs,
-} from '../../generated-wrappers/multi_sig_wallet_with_time_lock';
-import { artifacts } from '../../src/artifacts';
-import { expectTransactionFailedAsync, expectTransactionFailedWithoutReasonAsync } from '../utils/assertions';
-import { increaseTimeAndMineBlockAsync } from '../utils/block_timestamp';
-import { chaiSetup } from '../utils/chai_setup';
-import { constants } from '../utils/constants';
-import { MultiSigWrapper } from '../utils/multi_sig_wrapper';
-import { provider, txDefaults, web3Wrapper } from '../utils/web3_wrapper';
-const expect = chai.expect;
-const blockchainLifecycle = new BlockchainLifecycle(web3Wrapper);
-// tslint:disable:no-unnecessary-type-assertion
-describe('MultiSigWalletWithTimeLock', () => {
- let owners: string[];
- let notOwner: string;
- const REQUIRED_APPROVALS = new BigNumber(2);
- const SECONDS_TIME_LOCKED = new BigNumber(1000000);
- before(async () => {
- await blockchainLifecycle.startAsync();
- });
- after(async () => {
- await blockchainLifecycle.revertAsync();
- });
- before(async () => {
- const accounts = await web3Wrapper.getAvailableAddressesAsync();
- owners = [accounts[0], accounts[1], accounts[2]];
- notOwner = accounts[3];
- });
- let multiSig: MultiSigWalletWithTimeLockContract;
- let multiSigWrapper: MultiSigWrapper;
- beforeEach(async () => {
- await blockchainLifecycle.startAsync();
- });
- afterEach(async () => {
- await blockchainLifecycle.revertAsync();
- });
- describe('external_call', () => {
- it('should be internal', async () => {
- const secondsTimeLocked = new BigNumber(0);
- multiSig = await MultiSigWalletWithTimeLockContract.deployFrom0xArtifactAsync(
- artifacts.MultiSigWalletWithTimeLock,
- provider,
- txDefaults,
- owners,
- secondsTimeLocked,
- );
- expect(_.isUndefined((multiSig as any).external_call)).to.be.equal(true);
- });
- });
- describe('confirmTransaction', () => {
- let txId: BigNumber;
- beforeEach(async () => {
- const secondsTimeLocked = new BigNumber(0);
- multiSig = await MultiSigWalletWithTimeLockContract.deployFrom0xArtifactAsync(
- artifacts.MultiSigWalletWithTimeLock,
- provider,
- txDefaults,
- owners,
- secondsTimeLocked,
- );
- multiSigWrapper = new MultiSigWrapper(multiSig, provider);
- const destination = notOwner;
- const data = constants.NULL_BYTES;
- const txReceipt = await multiSigWrapper.submitTransactionAsync(destination, data, owners[0]);
- txId = (txReceipt.logs[0] as LogWithDecodedArgs<MultiSigWalletWithTimeLockSubmissionEventArgs>).args
- .transactionId;
- });
- it('should revert if called by a non-owner', async () => {
- await expectTransactionFailedWithoutReasonAsync(multiSigWrapper.confirmTransactionAsync(txId, notOwner));
- });
- it('should revert if transaction does not exist', async () => {
- const nonexistentTxId = new BigNumber(123456789);
- await expectTransactionFailedWithoutReasonAsync(
- multiSigWrapper.confirmTransactionAsync(nonexistentTxId, owners[1]),
- );
- });
- it('should revert if transaction is already confirmed by caller', async () => {
- await expectTransactionFailedWithoutReasonAsync(multiSigWrapper.confirmTransactionAsync(txId, owners[0]));
- });
- it('should confirm transaction for caller and log a Confirmation event', async () => {
- const txReceipt = await multiSigWrapper.confirmTransactionAsync(txId, owners[1]);
- const log = txReceipt.logs[0] as LogWithDecodedArgs<MultiSigWalletWithTimeLockConfirmationEventArgs>;
- expect(log.event).to.be.equal('Confirmation');
- expect(log.args.sender).to.be.equal(owners[1]);
- expect(log.args.transactionId).to.be.bignumber.equal(txId);
- });
- it('should revert if fully confirmed', async () => {
- await multiSigWrapper.confirmTransactionAsync(txId, owners[1]);
- await expectTransactionFailedAsync(
- multiSigWrapper.confirmTransactionAsync(txId, owners[2]),
- RevertReason.TxFullyConfirmed,
- );
- });
- it('should set the confirmation time of the transaction if it becomes fully confirmed', async () => {
- const txReceipt = await multiSigWrapper.confirmTransactionAsync(txId, owners[1]);
- const blockNum = await web3Wrapper.getBlockNumberAsync();
- const timestamp = new BigNumber(await web3Wrapper.getBlockTimestampAsync(blockNum));
- const log = txReceipt.logs[1] as LogWithDecodedArgs<MultiSigWalletWithTimeLockConfirmationTimeSetEventArgs>;
- expect(log.args.confirmationTime).to.be.bignumber.equal(timestamp);
- expect(log.args.transactionId).to.be.bignumber.equal(txId);
- });
- });
- describe('executeTransaction', () => {
- let txId: BigNumber;
- const secondsTimeLocked = new BigNumber(1000000);
- beforeEach(async () => {
- multiSig = await MultiSigWalletWithTimeLockContract.deployFrom0xArtifactAsync(
- artifacts.MultiSigWalletWithTimeLock,
- provider,
- txDefaults,
- owners,
- secondsTimeLocked,
- );
- multiSigWrapper = new MultiSigWrapper(multiSig, provider);
- const destination = notOwner;
- const data = constants.NULL_BYTES;
- const txReceipt = await multiSigWrapper.submitTransactionAsync(destination, data, owners[0]);
- txId = (txReceipt.logs[0] as LogWithDecodedArgs<MultiSigWalletWithTimeLockSubmissionEventArgs>).args
- .transactionId;
- });
- it('should revert if transaction has not been fully confirmed', async () => {
- await increaseTimeAndMineBlockAsync(secondsTimeLocked.toNumber());
- await expectTransactionFailedAsync(
- multiSigWrapper.executeTransactionAsync(txId, owners[1]),
- RevertReason.TxNotFullyConfirmed,
- );
- });
- it('should revert if time lock has not passed', async () => {
- await multiSigWrapper.confirmTransactionAsync(txId, owners[1]);
- await expectTransactionFailedAsync(
- multiSigWrapper.executeTransactionAsync(txId, owners[1]),
- RevertReason.TimeLockIncomplete,
- );
- });
- it('should execute a transaction and log an Execution event if successful and called by owner', async () => {
- await multiSigWrapper.confirmTransactionAsync(txId, owners[1]);
- await increaseTimeAndMineBlockAsync(secondsTimeLocked.toNumber());
- const txReceipt = await multiSigWrapper.executeTransactionAsync(txId, owners[1]);
- const log = txReceipt.logs[0] as LogWithDecodedArgs<MultiSigWalletWithTimeLockExecutionEventArgs>;
- expect(log.event).to.be.equal('Execution');
- expect(log.args.transactionId).to.be.bignumber.equal(txId);
- });
- it('should execute a transaction and log an Execution event if successful and called by non-owner', async () => {
- await multiSigWrapper.confirmTransactionAsync(txId, owners[1]);
- await increaseTimeAndMineBlockAsync(secondsTimeLocked.toNumber());
- const txReceipt = await multiSigWrapper.executeTransactionAsync(txId, notOwner);
- const log = txReceipt.logs[0] as LogWithDecodedArgs<MultiSigWalletWithTimeLockExecutionEventArgs>;
- expect(log.event).to.be.equal('Execution');
- expect(log.args.transactionId).to.be.bignumber.equal(txId);
- });
- it('should revert if a required confirmation is revoked before executeTransaction is called', async () => {
- await multiSigWrapper.confirmTransactionAsync(txId, owners[1]);
- await increaseTimeAndMineBlockAsync(secondsTimeLocked.toNumber());
- await multiSigWrapper.revokeConfirmationAsync(txId, owners[0]);
- await expectTransactionFailedAsync(
- multiSigWrapper.executeTransactionAsync(txId, owners[1]),
- RevertReason.TxNotFullyConfirmed,
- );
- });
- it('should revert if transaction has been executed', async () => {
- await multiSigWrapper.confirmTransactionAsync(txId, owners[1]);
- await increaseTimeAndMineBlockAsync(secondsTimeLocked.toNumber());
- const txReceipt = await multiSigWrapper.executeTransactionAsync(txId, owners[1]);
- const log = txReceipt.logs[0] as LogWithDecodedArgs<MultiSigWalletWithTimeLockExecutionEventArgs>;
- expect(log.args.transactionId).to.be.bignumber.equal(txId);
- await expectTransactionFailedWithoutReasonAsync(multiSigWrapper.executeTransactionAsync(txId, owners[1]));
- });
- it("should log an ExecutionFailure event and not update the transaction's execution state if unsuccessful", async () => {
- const contractWithoutFallback = await DummyERC20TokenContract.deployFrom0xArtifactAsync(
- artifacts.DummyERC20Token,
- provider,
- txDefaults,
- constants.DUMMY_TOKEN_NAME,
- );
- const data = constants.NULL_BYTES;
- const value = new BigNumber(10);
- const submissionTxReceipt = await multiSigWrapper.submitTransactionAsync(
- contractWithoutFallback.address,
- data,
- owners[0],
- { value },
- );
- const newTxId = (submissionTxReceipt.logs[0] as LogWithDecodedArgs<
- MultiSigWalletWithTimeLockSubmissionEventArgs
- >).args.transactionId;
- await multiSigWrapper.confirmTransactionAsync(newTxId, owners[1]);
- await increaseTimeAndMineBlockAsync(secondsTimeLocked.toNumber());
- const txReceipt = await multiSigWrapper.executeTransactionAsync(newTxId, owners[1]);
- const executionFailureLog = txReceipt.logs[0] as LogWithDecodedArgs<
- MultiSigWalletWithTimeLockExecutionFailureEventArgs
- >;
- expect(executionFailureLog.event).to.be.equal('ExecutionFailure');
- expect(executionFailureLog.args.transactionId).to.be.bignumber.equal(newTxId);
- });
- });
- describe('changeTimeLock', () => {
- describe('initially non-time-locked', async () => {
- before(async () => {
- await blockchainLifecycle.startAsync();
- });
- after(async () => {
- await blockchainLifecycle.revertAsync();
- });
- before('deploy a wallet', async () => {
- const secondsTimeLocked = new BigNumber(0);
- multiSig = await MultiSigWalletWithTimeLockContract.deployFrom0xArtifactAsync(
- artifacts.MultiSigWalletWithTimeLock,
- provider,
- txDefaults,
- owners,
- secondsTimeLocked,
- );
- multiSigWrapper = new MultiSigWrapper(multiSig, provider);
- });
- it('should throw when not called by wallet', async () => {
- return expectTransactionFailedWithoutReasonAsync(
- multiSig.changeTimeLock.sendTransactionAsync(SECONDS_TIME_LOCKED, { from: owners[0] }),
- );
- });
- it('should throw without enough confirmations', async () => {
- const destination = multiSig.address;
- const changeTimeLockData = multiSig.changeTimeLock.getABIEncodedTransactionData(SECONDS_TIME_LOCKED);
- const res = await multiSigWrapper.submitTransactionAsync(destination, changeTimeLockData, owners[0]);
- const log = res.logs[0] as LogWithDecodedArgs<MultiSigWalletWithTimeLockSubmissionEventArgs>;
- const txId = log.args.transactionId;
- return expectTransactionFailedAsync(
- multiSig.executeTransaction.sendTransactionAsync(txId, { from: owners[0] }),
- RevertReason.TxNotFullyConfirmed,
- );
- });
- it('should set confirmation time with enough confirmations', async () => {
- const destination = multiSig.address;
- const changeTimeLockData = multiSig.changeTimeLock.getABIEncodedTransactionData(SECONDS_TIME_LOCKED);
- const subRes = await multiSigWrapper.submitTransactionAsync(destination, changeTimeLockData, owners[0]);
- const subLog = subRes.logs[0] as LogWithDecodedArgs<MultiSigWalletWithTimeLockSubmissionEventArgs>;
- const txId = subLog.args.transactionId;
- const confirmRes = await multiSigWrapper.confirmTransactionAsync(txId, owners[1]);
- expect(confirmRes.logs).to.have.length(2);
- const blockNum = await web3Wrapper.getBlockNumberAsync();
- const blockInfo = await web3Wrapper.getBlockIfExistsAsync(blockNum);
- if (_.isUndefined(blockInfo)) {
- throw new Error(`Unexpectedly failed to fetch block at #${blockNum}`);
- }
- const timestamp = new BigNumber(blockInfo.timestamp);
- const confirmationTimeBigNum = new BigNumber(await multiSig.confirmationTimes.callAsync(txId));
- expect(timestamp).to.be.bignumber.equal(confirmationTimeBigNum);
- });
- it('should be executable with enough confirmations and secondsTimeLocked of 0', async () => {
- const destination = multiSig.address;
- const changeTimeLockData = multiSig.changeTimeLock.getABIEncodedTransactionData(SECONDS_TIME_LOCKED);
- const subRes = await multiSigWrapper.submitTransactionAsync(destination, changeTimeLockData, owners[0]);
- const subLog = subRes.logs[0] as LogWithDecodedArgs<MultiSigWalletWithTimeLockSubmissionEventArgs>;
- const txId = subLog.args.transactionId;
- await multiSigWrapper.confirmTransactionAsync(txId, owners[1]);
- await multiSigWrapper.executeTransactionAsync(txId, owners[1]);
- const secondsTimeLocked = new BigNumber(await multiSig.secondsTimeLocked.callAsync());
- expect(secondsTimeLocked).to.be.bignumber.equal(SECONDS_TIME_LOCKED);
- });
- });
- describe('initially time-locked', async () => {
- before(async () => {
- await blockchainLifecycle.startAsync();
- });
- after(async () => {
- await blockchainLifecycle.revertAsync();
- });
- let txId: BigNumber;
- const newSecondsTimeLocked = new BigNumber(0);
- before('deploy a wallet, submit transaction to change timelock, and confirm the transaction', async () => {
- multiSig = await MultiSigWalletWithTimeLockContract.deployFrom0xArtifactAsync(
- artifacts.MultiSigWalletWithTimeLock,
- provider,
- txDefaults,
- owners,
- );
- multiSigWrapper = new MultiSigWrapper(multiSig, provider);
- const changeTimeLockData = multiSig.changeTimeLock.getABIEncodedTransactionData(newSecondsTimeLocked);
- const res = await multiSigWrapper.submitTransactionAsync(
- multiSig.address,
- changeTimeLockData,
- owners[0],
- );
- const log = res.logs[0] as LogWithDecodedArgs<MultiSigWalletWithTimeLockSubmissionEventArgs>;
- txId = log.args.transactionId;
- await multiSigWrapper.confirmTransactionAsync(txId, owners[1]);
- });
- it('should throw if it has enough confirmations but is not past the time lock', async () => {
- return expectTransactionFailedAsync(
- multiSig.executeTransaction.sendTransactionAsync(txId, { from: owners[0] }),
- RevertReason.TimeLockIncomplete,
- );
- });
- it('should execute if it has enough confirmations and is past the time lock', async () => {
- await increaseTimeAndMineBlockAsync(SECONDS_TIME_LOCKED.toNumber());
- await web3Wrapper.awaitTransactionSuccessAsync(
- await multiSig.executeTransaction.sendTransactionAsync(txId, { from: owners[0] }),
- );
- const secondsTimeLocked = new BigNumber(await multiSig.secondsTimeLocked.callAsync());
- expect(secondsTimeLocked).to.be.bignumber.equal(newSecondsTimeLocked);
- });
- });
- });
-// tslint:enable:no-unnecessary-type-assertion
diff --git a/contracts/core/test/tokens/erc721_token.ts b/contracts/core/test/tokens/erc721_token.ts
index 72407748f..3b0a5f001 100644
--- a/contracts/core/test/tokens/erc721_token.ts
+++ b/contracts/core/test/tokens/erc721_token.ts
@@ -1,3 +1,13 @@
+import {
+ chaiSetup,
+ constants,
+ expectTransactionFailedAsync,
+ expectTransactionFailedWithoutReasonAsync,
+ LogDecoder,
+ provider,
+ txDefaults,
+ web3Wrapper,
+} from '@0x/contracts-test-utils';
import { BlockchainLifecycle } from '@0x/dev-utils';
import { RevertReason } from '@0x/types';
import { BigNumber } from '@0x/utils';
@@ -14,11 +24,6 @@ import {
} from '../../generated-wrappers/dummy_erc721_token';
import { InvalidERC721ReceiverContract } from '../../generated-wrappers/invalid_erc721_receiver';
import { artifacts } from '../../src/artifacts';
-import { expectTransactionFailedAsync, expectTransactionFailedWithoutReasonAsync } from '../utils/assertions';
-import { chaiSetup } from '../utils/chai_setup';
-import { constants } from '../utils/constants';
-import { LogDecoder } from '../utils/log_decoder';
-import { provider, txDefaults, web3Wrapper } from '../utils/web3_wrapper';
const expect = chai.expect;
@@ -53,7 +58,7 @@ describe('ERC721Token', () => {
- logDecoder = new LogDecoder(web3Wrapper);
+ logDecoder = new LogDecoder(web3Wrapper, artifacts);
await web3Wrapper.awaitTransactionSuccessAsync(
await token.mint.sendTransactionAsync(owner, tokenId, { from: owner }),
diff --git a/contracts/core/test/tokens/unlimited_allowance_token.ts b/contracts/core/test/tokens/unlimited_allowance_token.ts
index ea5a50522..c3e4072c5 100644
--- a/contracts/core/test/tokens/unlimited_allowance_token.ts
+++ b/contracts/core/test/tokens/unlimited_allowance_token.ts
@@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
+import {
+ chaiSetup,
+ constants,
+ expectContractCallFailedAsync,
+ provider,
+ txDefaults,
+ web3Wrapper,
+} from '@0x/contracts-test-utils';
import { BlockchainLifecycle } from '@0x/dev-utils';
import { RevertReason } from '@0x/types';
import { BigNumber } from '@0x/utils';
@@ -5,10 +13,6 @@ import * as chai from 'chai';
import { DummyERC20TokenContract } from '../../generated-wrappers/dummy_erc20_token';
import { artifacts } from '../../src/artifacts';
-import { expectContractCallFailedAsync } from '../utils/assertions';
-import { chaiSetup } from '../utils/chai_setup';
-import { constants } from '../utils/constants';
-import { provider, txDefaults, web3Wrapper } from '../utils/web3_wrapper';
const expect = chai.expect;
diff --git a/contracts/core/test/tokens/weth9.ts b/contracts/core/test/tokens/weth9.ts
index 9a31dc3f2..225481904 100644
--- a/contracts/core/test/tokens/weth9.ts
+++ b/contracts/core/test/tokens/weth9.ts
@@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
+import {
+ chaiSetup,
+ constants,
+ expectInsufficientFundsAsync,
+ expectTransactionFailedWithoutReasonAsync,
+ provider,
+ txDefaults,
+ web3Wrapper,
+} from '@0x/contracts-test-utils';
import { BlockchainLifecycle } from '@0x/dev-utils';
import { BigNumber } from '@0x/utils';
import { Web3Wrapper } from '@0x/web3-wrapper';
@@ -5,10 +14,6 @@ import * as chai from 'chai';
import { WETH9Contract } from '../../generated-wrappers/weth9';
import { artifacts } from '../../src/artifacts';
-import { expectInsufficientFundsAsync, expectTransactionFailedWithoutReasonAsync } from '../utils/assertions';
-import { chaiSetup } from '../utils/chai_setup';
-import { constants } from '../utils/constants';
-import { provider, txDefaults, web3Wrapper } from '../utils/web3_wrapper';
const expect = chai.expect;
diff --git a/contracts/core/test/tokens/zrx_token.ts b/contracts/core/test/tokens/zrx_token.ts
index cab62c205..6bc5e164c 100644
--- a/contracts/core/test/tokens/zrx_token.ts
+++ b/contracts/core/test/tokens/zrx_token.ts
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+import { chaiSetup, constants, provider, txDefaults, web3Wrapper } from '@0x/contracts-test-utils';
import { BlockchainLifecycle } from '@0x/dev-utils';
import { BigNumber } from '@0x/utils';
import { Web3Wrapper } from '@0x/web3-wrapper';
@@ -5,9 +6,6 @@ import * as chai from 'chai';
import { ZRXTokenContract } from '../../generated-wrappers/zrx_token';
import { artifacts } from '../../src/artifacts';
-import { chaiSetup } from '../utils/chai_setup';
-import { constants } from '../utils/constants';
-import { provider, txDefaults, web3Wrapper } from '../utils/web3_wrapper';
const expect = chai.expect;
diff --git a/contracts/core/test/utils/abstract_asset_wrapper.ts b/contracts/core/test/utils/abstract_asset_wrapper.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b56a8502..000000000
--- a/contracts/core/test/utils/abstract_asset_wrapper.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-export abstract class AbstractAssetWrapper {
- public abstract getProxyId(): string;
diff --git a/contracts/core/test/utils/address_utils.ts b/contracts/core/test/utils/address_utils.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 634da0c16..000000000
--- a/contracts/core/test/utils/address_utils.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-import { generatePseudoRandomSalt } from '@0x/order-utils';
-import { crypto } from '@0x/order-utils/lib/src/crypto';
-export const addressUtils = {
- generatePseudoRandomAddress(): string {
- const randomBigNum = generatePseudoRandomSalt();
- const randomBuff = crypto.solSHA3([randomBigNum]);
- const randomAddress = `0x${randomBuff.slice(0, 20).toString('hex')}`;
- return randomAddress;
- },
diff --git a/contracts/core/test/utils/assertions.ts b/contracts/core/test/utils/assertions.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b1cedfcc..000000000
--- a/contracts/core/test/utils/assertions.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,199 +0,0 @@
-import { RevertReason } from '@0x/types';
-import { logUtils } from '@0x/utils';
-import { NodeType } from '@0x/web3-wrapper';
-import * as chai from 'chai';
-import { TransactionReceipt, TransactionReceiptStatus, TransactionReceiptWithDecodedLogs } from 'ethereum-types';
-import * as _ from 'lodash';
-import { web3Wrapper } from './web3_wrapper';
-const expect = chai.expect;
-let nodeType: NodeType | undefined;
-// Represents the return value of a `sendTransaction` call. The Promise should
-// resolve with either a transaction receipt or a transaction hash.
-export type sendTransactionResult = Promise<TransactionReceipt | TransactionReceiptWithDecodedLogs | string>;
- * Returns ganacheError if the backing Ethereum node is Ganache and gethError
- * if it is Geth.
- * @param ganacheError the error to be returned if the backing node is Ganache.
- * @param gethError the error to be returned if the backing node is Geth.
- * @returns either the given ganacheError or gethError depending on the backing
- * node.
- */
-async function _getGanacheOrGethError(ganacheError: string, gethError: string): Promise<string> {
- if (_.isUndefined(nodeType)) {
- nodeType = await web3Wrapper.getNodeTypeAsync();
- }
- switch (nodeType) {
- case NodeType.Ganache:
- return ganacheError;
- case NodeType.Geth:
- return gethError;
- default:
- throw new Error(`Unknown node type: ${nodeType}`);
- }
-async function _getInsufficientFundsErrorMessageAsync(): Promise<string> {
- return _getGanacheOrGethError("sender doesn't have enough funds", 'insufficient funds');
-async function _getTransactionFailedErrorMessageAsync(): Promise<string> {
- return _getGanacheOrGethError('revert', 'always failing transaction');
-async function _getContractCallFailedErrorMessageAsync(): Promise<string> {
- return _getGanacheOrGethError('revert', 'Contract call failed');
- * Returns the expected error message for an 'invalid opcode' resulting from a
- * contract call. The exact error message depends on the backing Ethereum node.
- */
-export async function getInvalidOpcodeErrorMessageForCallAsync(): Promise<string> {
- return _getGanacheOrGethError('invalid opcode', 'Contract call failed');
- * Returns the expected error message for the given revert reason resulting from
- * a sendTransaction call. The exact error message depends on the backing
- * Ethereum node and whether it supports revert reasons.
- * @param reason a specific revert reason.
- * @returns the expected error message.
- */
-export async function getRevertReasonOrErrorMessageForSendTransactionAsync(reason: RevertReason): Promise<string> {
- return _getGanacheOrGethError(reason, 'always failing transaction');
- * Rejects if the given Promise does not reject with an error indicating
- * insufficient funds.
- * @param p a promise resulting from a contract call or sendTransaction call.
- * @returns a new Promise which will reject if the conditions are not met and
- * otherwise resolve with no value.
- */
-export async function expectInsufficientFundsAsync<T>(p: Promise<T>): Promise<void> {
- const errMessage = await _getInsufficientFundsErrorMessageAsync();
- return expect(p).to.be.rejectedWith(errMessage);
- * Resolves if the the sendTransaction call fails with the given revert reason.
- * However, since Geth does not support revert reasons for sendTransaction, this
- * falls back to expectTransactionFailedWithoutReasonAsync if the backing
- * Ethereum node is Geth.
- * @param p a Promise resulting from a sendTransaction call
- * @param reason a specific revert reason
- * @returns a new Promise which will reject if the conditions are not met and
- * otherwise resolve with no value.
- */
-export async function expectTransactionFailedAsync(p: sendTransactionResult, reason: RevertReason): Promise<void> {
- // HACK(albrow): This dummy `catch` should not be necessary, but if you
- // remove it, there is an uncaught exception and the Node process will
- // forcibly exit. It's possible this is a false positive in
- // make-promises-safe.
- p.catch(e => {
- _.noop(e);
- });
- if (_.isUndefined(nodeType)) {
- nodeType = await web3Wrapper.getNodeTypeAsync();
- }
- switch (nodeType) {
- case NodeType.Ganache:
- return expect(p).to.be.rejectedWith(reason);
- case NodeType.Geth:
- logUtils.warn(
- 'WARNING: Geth does not support revert reasons for sendTransaction. This test will pass if the transaction fails for any reason.',
- );
- return expectTransactionFailedWithoutReasonAsync(p);
- default:
- throw new Error(`Unknown node type: ${nodeType}`);
- }
- * Resolves if the transaction fails without a revert reason, or if the
- * corresponding transactionReceipt has a status of 0 or '0', indicating
- * failure.
- * @param p a Promise resulting from a sendTransaction call
- * @returns a new Promise which will reject if the conditions are not met and
- * otherwise resolve with no value.
- */
-export async function expectTransactionFailedWithoutReasonAsync(p: sendTransactionResult): Promise<void> {
- return p
- .then(async result => {
- let txReceiptStatus: TransactionReceiptStatus;
- if (_.isString(result)) {
- // Result is a txHash. We need to make a web3 call to get the
- // receipt, then get the status from the receipt.
- const txReceipt = await web3Wrapper.awaitTransactionMinedAsync(result);
- txReceiptStatus = txReceipt.status;
- } else if ('status' in result) {
- // Result is a transaction receipt, so we can get the status
- // directly.
- txReceiptStatus = result.status;
- } else {
- throw new Error('Unexpected result type: ' + typeof result);
- }
- expect(_.toString(txReceiptStatus)).to.equal(
- '0',
- 'Expected transaction to fail but receipt had a non-zero status, indicating success',
- );
- })
- .catch(async err => {
- // If the promise rejects, we expect a specific error message,
- // depending on the backing Ethereum node type.
- const errMessage = await _getTransactionFailedErrorMessageAsync();
- expect(err.message).to.include(errMessage);
- });
- * Resolves if the the contract call fails with the given revert reason.
- * @param p a Promise resulting from a contract call
- * @param reason a specific revert reason
- * @returns a new Promise which will reject if the conditions are not met and
- * otherwise resolve with no value.
- */
-export async function expectContractCallFailedAsync<T>(p: Promise<T>, reason: RevertReason): Promise<void> {
- return expect(p).to.be.rejectedWith(reason);
- * Resolves if the contract call fails without a revert reason.
- * @param p a Promise resulting from a contract call
- * @returns a new Promise which will reject if the conditions are not met and
- * otherwise resolve with no value.
- */
-export async function expectContractCallFailedWithoutReasonAsync<T>(p: Promise<T>): Promise<void> {
- const errMessage = await _getContractCallFailedErrorMessageAsync();
- return expect(p).to.be.rejectedWith(errMessage);
- * Resolves if the contract creation/deployment fails without a revert reason.
- * @param p a Promise resulting from a contract creation/deployment
- * @returns a new Promise which will reject if the conditions are not met and
- * otherwise resolve with no value.
- */
-export async function expectContractCreationFailedAsync<T>(
- p: sendTransactionResult,
- reason: RevertReason,
-): Promise<void> {
- return expectTransactionFailedAsync(p, reason);
- * Resolves if the contract creation/deployment fails without a revert reason.
- * @param p a Promise resulting from a contract creation/deployment
- * @returns a new Promise which will reject if the conditions are not met and
- * otherwise resolve with no value.
- */
-export async function expectContractCreationFailedWithoutReasonAsync<T>(p: Promise<T>): Promise<void> {
- const errMessage = await _getTransactionFailedErrorMessageAsync();
- return expect(p).to.be.rejectedWith(errMessage);
diff --git a/contracts/core/test/utils/multi_sig_wrapper.ts b/contracts/core/test/utils/asset_proxy_owner_wrapper.ts
index 74fd3b4d6..d5aaaf519 100644
--- a/contracts/core/test/utils/multi_sig_wrapper.ts
+++ b/contracts/core/test/utils/asset_proxy_owner_wrapper.ts
@@ -1,21 +1,20 @@
+import { LogDecoder } from '@0x/contracts-test-utils';
import { BigNumber } from '@0x/utils';
import { Web3Wrapper } from '@0x/web3-wrapper';
import { Provider, TransactionReceiptWithDecodedLogs } from 'ethereum-types';
import * as _ from 'lodash';
import { AssetProxyOwnerContract } from '../../generated-wrappers/asset_proxy_owner';
-import { MultiSigWalletContract } from '../../generated-wrappers/multi_sig_wallet';
+import { artifacts } from '../../src/artifacts';
-import { LogDecoder } from './log_decoder';
-export class MultiSigWrapper {
- private readonly _multiSig: MultiSigWalletContract;
+export class AssetProxyOwnerWrapper {
+ private readonly _assetProxyOwner: AssetProxyOwnerContract;
private readonly _web3Wrapper: Web3Wrapper;
private readonly _logDecoder: LogDecoder;
- constructor(multiSigContract: MultiSigWalletContract, provider: Provider) {
- this._multiSig = multiSigContract;
+ constructor(assetproxyOwnerContract: AssetProxyOwnerContract, provider: Provider) {
+ this._assetProxyOwner = assetproxyOwnerContract;
this._web3Wrapper = new Web3Wrapper(provider);
- this._logDecoder = new LogDecoder(this._web3Wrapper);
+ this._logDecoder = new LogDecoder(this._web3Wrapper, artifacts);
public async submitTransactionAsync(
destination: string,
@@ -24,19 +23,19 @@ export class MultiSigWrapper {
opts: { value?: BigNumber } = {},
): Promise<TransactionReceiptWithDecodedLogs> {
const value = _.isUndefined(opts.value) ? new BigNumber(0) : opts.value;
- const txHash = await this._multiSig.submitTransaction.sendTransactionAsync(destination, value, data, {
+ const txHash = await this._assetProxyOwner.submitTransaction.sendTransactionAsync(destination, value, data, {
const tx = await this._logDecoder.getTxWithDecodedLogsAsync(txHash);
return tx;
public async confirmTransactionAsync(txId: BigNumber, from: string): Promise<TransactionReceiptWithDecodedLogs> {
- const txHash = await this._multiSig.confirmTransaction.sendTransactionAsync(txId, { from });
+ const txHash = await this._assetProxyOwner.confirmTransaction.sendTransactionAsync(txId, { from });
const tx = await this._logDecoder.getTxWithDecodedLogsAsync(txHash);
return tx;
public async revokeConfirmationAsync(txId: BigNumber, from: string): Promise<TransactionReceiptWithDecodedLogs> {
- const txHash = await this._multiSig.revokeConfirmation.sendTransactionAsync(txId, { from });
+ const txHash = await this._assetProxyOwner.revokeConfirmation.sendTransactionAsync(txId, { from });
const tx = await this._logDecoder.getTxWithDecodedLogsAsync(txHash);
return tx;
@@ -45,7 +44,7 @@ export class MultiSigWrapper {
from: string,
opts: { gas?: number } = {},
): Promise<TransactionReceiptWithDecodedLogs> {
- const txHash = await this._multiSig.executeTransaction.sendTransactionAsync(txId, {
+ const txHash = await this._assetProxyOwner.executeTransaction.sendTransactionAsync(txId, {
gas: opts.gas,
@@ -58,9 +57,12 @@ export class MultiSigWrapper {
): Promise<TransactionReceiptWithDecodedLogs> {
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-unnecessary-type-assertion
const txHash = await (this
- ._multiSig as AssetProxyOwnerContract).executeRemoveAuthorizedAddressAtIndex.sendTransactionAsync(txId, {
- from,
- });
+ ._assetProxyOwner as AssetProxyOwnerContract).executeRemoveAuthorizedAddressAtIndex.sendTransactionAsync(
+ txId,
+ {
+ from,
+ },
+ );
const tx = await this._logDecoder.getTxWithDecodedLogsAsync(txHash);
return tx;
diff --git a/contracts/core/test/utils/asset_wrapper.ts b/contracts/core/test/utils/asset_wrapper.ts
index 4e7696066..e4090ad74 100644
--- a/contracts/core/test/utils/asset_wrapper.ts
+++ b/contracts/core/test/utils/asset_wrapper.ts
@@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
+import { AbstractAssetWrapper, constants } from '@0x/contracts-test-utils';
import { assetDataUtils } from '@0x/order-utils';
import { AssetProxyId } from '@0x/types';
import { BigNumber, errorUtils } from '@0x/utils';
import * as _ from 'lodash';
-import { AbstractAssetWrapper } from './abstract_asset_wrapper';
-import { constants } from './constants';
import { ERC20Wrapper } from './erc20_wrapper';
import { ERC721Wrapper } from './erc721_wrapper';
diff --git a/contracts/core/test/utils/block_timestamp.ts b/contracts/core/test/utils/block_timestamp.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 66c13eed1..000000000
--- a/contracts/core/test/utils/block_timestamp.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-import * as _ from 'lodash';
-import { constants } from './constants';
-import { web3Wrapper } from './web3_wrapper';
-let firstAccount: string | undefined;
- * Increases time by the given number of seconds and then mines a block so that
- * the current block timestamp has the offset applied.
- * @param seconds the number of seconds by which to incrase the time offset.
- * @returns a new Promise which will resolve with the new total time offset or
- * reject if the time could not be increased.
- */
-export async function increaseTimeAndMineBlockAsync(seconds: number): Promise<number> {
- if (_.isUndefined(firstAccount)) {
- const accounts = await web3Wrapper.getAvailableAddressesAsync();
- firstAccount = accounts[0];
- }
- const offset = await web3Wrapper.increaseTimeAsync(seconds);
- // Note: we need to send a transaction after increasing time so
- // that a block is actually mined. The contract looks at the
- // last mined block for the timestamp.
- await web3Wrapper.awaitTransactionSuccessAsync(
- await web3Wrapper.sendTransactionAsync({ from: firstAccount, to: firstAccount, value: 0 }),
- );
- return offset;
- * Returns the timestamp of the latest block in seconds since the Unix epoch.
- * @returns a new Promise which will resolve with the timestamp in seconds.
- */
-export async function getLatestBlockTimestampAsync(): Promise<number> {
- const currentBlockIfExists = await web3Wrapper.getBlockIfExistsAsync('latest');
- if (_.isUndefined(currentBlockIfExists)) {
- throw new Error(`Unable to fetch latest block.`);
- }
- return currentBlockIfExists.timestamp;
diff --git a/contracts/core/test/utils/chai_setup.ts b/contracts/core/test/utils/chai_setup.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a8733093..000000000
--- a/contracts/core/test/utils/chai_setup.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-import * as chai from 'chai';
-import chaiAsPromised = require('chai-as-promised');
-import ChaiBigNumber = require('chai-bignumber');
-import * as dirtyChai from 'dirty-chai';
-export const chaiSetup = {
- configure(): void {
- chai.config.includeStack = true;
- chai.use(ChaiBigNumber());
- chai.use(dirtyChai);
- chai.use(chaiAsPromised);
- },
diff --git a/contracts/core/test/utils/combinatorial_utils.ts b/contracts/core/test/utils/combinatorial_utils.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index bb1b55b4d..000000000
--- a/contracts/core/test/utils/combinatorial_utils.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-import { BigNumber } from '@0x/utils';
-import * as combinatorics from 'js-combinatorics';
-import { testWithReferenceFuncAsync } from './test_with_reference';
-// A set of values corresponding to the uint256 type in Solidity. This set
-// contains some notable edge cases, including some values which will overflow
-// the uint256 type when used in different mathematical operations.
-export const uint256Values = [
- new BigNumber(0),
- new BigNumber(1),
- new BigNumber(2),
- // Non-trivial big number.
- new BigNumber(2).pow(64),
- // Max that does not overflow when squared.
- new BigNumber(2).pow(128).minus(1),
- // Min that does overflow when squared.
- new BigNumber(2).pow(128),
- // Max that does not overflow when doubled.
- new BigNumber(2).pow(255).minus(1),
- // Min that does overflow when doubled.
- new BigNumber(2).pow(255),
- // Max that does not overflow.
- new BigNumber(2).pow(256).minus(1),
-// A set of values corresponding to the bytes32 type in Solidity.
-export const bytes32Values = [
- // Min
- '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
- '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001',
- '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002',
- // Non-trivial big number.
- '0x000000000000f000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
- // Max
- '0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff',
-export async function testCombinatoriallyWithReferenceFuncAsync<P0, P1, R>(
- name: string,
- referenceFunc: (p0: P0, p1: P1) => Promise<R>,
- testFunc: (p0: P0, p1: P1) => Promise<R>,
- allValues: [P0[], P1[]],
-): Promise<void>;
-export async function testCombinatoriallyWithReferenceFuncAsync<P0, P1, P2, R>(
- name: string,
- referenceFunc: (p0: P0, p1: P1, p2: P2) => Promise<R>,
- testFunc: (p0: P0, p1: P1, p2: P2) => Promise<R>,
- allValues: [P0[], P1[], P2[]],
-): Promise<void>;
-export async function testCombinatoriallyWithReferenceFuncAsync<P0, P1, P2, P3, R>(
- name: string,
- referenceFunc: (p0: P0, p1: P1, p2: P2, p3: P3) => Promise<R>,
- testFunc: (p0: P0, p1: P1, p2: P2, p3: P3) => Promise<R>,
- allValues: [P0[], P1[], P2[], P3[]],
-): Promise<void>;
-export async function testCombinatoriallyWithReferenceFuncAsync<P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, R>(
- name: string,
- referenceFunc: (p0: P0, p1: P1, p2: P2, p3: P3, p4: P4) => Promise<R>,
- testFunc: (p0: P0, p1: P1, p2: P2, p3: P3, p4: P4) => Promise<R>,
- allValues: [P0[], P1[], P2[], P3[], P4[]],
-): Promise<void>;
- * Uses combinatorics to test the behavior of a test function by comparing it to
- * the expected behavior (defined by a reference function) for a large number of
- * possible input values.
- *
- * First generates test cases by taking the cartesian product of the given
- * values. Each test case is a set of N values corresponding to the N arguments
- * for the test func and the reference func. For each test case, first the
- * reference function will be called to obtain an "expected result", or if the
- * reference function throws/rejects, an "expected error". Next, the test
- * function will be called to obtain an "actual result", or if the test function
- * throws/rejects, an "actual error". Each test case passes if at least one of
- * the following conditions is met:
- *
- * 1) Neither the reference function or the test function throw and the
- * "expected result" equals the "actual result".
- *
- * 2) Both the reference function and the test function throw and the "actual
- * error" message *contains* the "expected error" message.
- *
- * The first test case which does not meet one of these conditions will cause
- * the entire test to fail and this function will throw/reject.
- *
- * @param referenceFuncAsync a reference function implemented in pure
- * JavaScript/TypeScript which accepts N arguments and returns the "expected
- * result" or "expected error" for a given test case.
- * @param testFuncAsync a test function which, e.g., makes a call or sends a
- * transaction to a contract. It accepts the same N arguments returns the
- * "actual result" or "actual error" for a given test case.
- * @param values an array of N arrays. Each inner array is a set of possible
- * values which are passed into both the reference function and the test
- * function.
- * @return A Promise that resolves if the test passes and rejects if the test
- * fails, according to the rules described above.
- */
-export async function testCombinatoriallyWithReferenceFuncAsync(
- name: string,
- referenceFuncAsync: (...args: any[]) => Promise<any>,
- testFuncAsync: (...args: any[]) => Promise<any>,
- allValues: any[],
-): Promise<void> {
- const testCases = combinatorics.cartesianProduct(...allValues);
- let counter = 0;
- testCases.forEach(async testCase => {
- counter += 1;
- it(`${name} ${counter}/${testCases.length}`, async () => {
- await testWithReferenceFuncAsync(referenceFuncAsync, testFuncAsync, testCase as any);
- });
- });
diff --git a/contracts/core/test/utils/constants.ts b/contracts/core/test/utils/constants.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index d2c3ab512..000000000
--- a/contracts/core/test/utils/constants.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-import { BigNumber } from '@0x/utils';
-import { Web3Wrapper } from '@0x/web3-wrapper';
-import * as ethUtil from 'ethereumjs-util';
-import * as _ from 'lodash';
- '0xf2f48ee19680706196e2e339e5da3491186e0c4c5030670656b0e0164837257d',
- '0x5d862464fe9303452126c8bc94274b8c5f9874cbd219789b3eb2128075a76f72',
- '0xdf02719c4df8b9b8ac7f551fcb5d9ef48fa27eef7a66453879f4d8fdc6e78fb1',
- '0xff12e391b79415e941a94de3bf3a9aee577aed0731e297d5cfa0b8a1e02fa1d0',
- '0x752dd9cf65e68cfaba7d60225cbdbc1f4729dd5e5507def72815ed0d8abc6249',
- '0xefb595a0178eb79a8df953f87c5148402a224cdf725e88c0146727c6aceadccd',
- '0x83c6d2cc5ddcf9711a6d59b417dc20eb48afd58d45290099e5987e3d768f328f',
- '0xbb2d3f7c9583780a7d3904a2f55d792707c345f21de1bacb2d389934d82796b2',
- '0xb2fd4d29c1390b71b8795ae81196bfd60293adf99f9d32a0aff06288fcdac55f',
- '0x23cb7121166b9a2f93ae0b7c05bde02eae50d64449b2cbb42bc84e9d38d6cc89',
-export const constants = {
- BASE_16: 16,
- INVALID_OPCODE: 'invalid opcode',
- // Note(albrow): In practice V8 and most other engines limit the minimum
- // interval for setInterval to 10ms. We still set it to 0 here in order to
- // ensure we always use the minimum interval.
- DUMMY_TOKEN_DECIMALS: new BigNumber(18),
- NULL_BYTES: '0x',
- NULL_ADDRESS: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
- UNLIMITED_ALLOWANCE_IN_BASE_UNITS: new BigNumber(2).pow(256).minus(1),
- TESTRPC_PRIVATE_KEYS: _.map(TESTRPC_PRIVATE_KEYS_STRINGS, privateKeyString => ethUtil.toBuffer(privateKeyString)),
- INITIAL_ERC20_BALANCE: Web3Wrapper.toBaseUnitAmount(new BigNumber(10000), 18),
- INITIAL_ERC20_ALLOWANCE: Web3Wrapper.toBaseUnitAmount(new BigNumber(10000), 18),
- makerAssetAmount: Web3Wrapper.toBaseUnitAmount(new BigNumber(100), 18),
- takerAssetAmount: Web3Wrapper.toBaseUnitAmount(new BigNumber(200), 18),
- makerFee: Web3Wrapper.toBaseUnitAmount(new BigNumber(1), 18),
- takerFee: Web3Wrapper.toBaseUnitAmount(new BigNumber(1), 18),
- },
- ZERO_AMOUNT: new BigNumber(0),
- PERCENTAGE_DENOMINATOR: new BigNumber(10).pow(18),
- ],
diff --git a/contracts/core/test/utils/coverage.ts b/contracts/core/test/utils/coverage.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 5becfa1b6..000000000
--- a/contracts/core/test/utils/coverage.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-import { devConstants } from '@0x/dev-utils';
-import { CoverageSubprovider, SolCompilerArtifactAdapter } from '@0x/sol-cov';
-import * as _ from 'lodash';
-let coverageSubprovider: CoverageSubprovider;
-export const coverage = {
- getCoverageSubproviderSingleton(): CoverageSubprovider {
- if (_.isUndefined(coverageSubprovider)) {
- coverageSubprovider = coverage._getCoverageSubprovider();
- }
- return coverageSubprovider;
- },
- _getCoverageSubprovider(): CoverageSubprovider {
- const defaultFromAddress = devConstants.TESTRPC_FIRST_ADDRESS;
- const solCompilerArtifactAdapter = new SolCompilerArtifactAdapter();
- const isVerbose = true;
- const subprovider = new CoverageSubprovider(solCompilerArtifactAdapter, defaultFromAddress, isVerbose);
- return subprovider;
- },
diff --git a/contracts/core/test/utils/erc20_wrapper.ts b/contracts/core/test/utils/erc20_wrapper.ts
index c281a2abf..d6210646c 100644
--- a/contracts/core/test/utils/erc20_wrapper.ts
+++ b/contracts/core/test/utils/erc20_wrapper.ts
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+import { constants, ERC20BalancesByOwner, txDefaults } from '@0x/contracts-test-utils';
import { assetDataUtils } from '@0x/order-utils';
import { BigNumber } from '@0x/utils';
import { Web3Wrapper } from '@0x/web3-wrapper';
@@ -8,10 +9,6 @@ import { DummyERC20TokenContract } from '../../generated-wrappers/dummy_erc20_to
import { ERC20ProxyContract } from '../../generated-wrappers/erc20_proxy';
import { artifacts } from '../../src/artifacts';
-import { constants } from './constants';
-import { ERC20BalancesByOwner } from './types';
-import { txDefaults } from './web3_wrapper';
export class ERC20Wrapper {
private readonly _tokenOwnerAddresses: string[];
private readonly _contractOwnerAddress: string;
diff --git a/contracts/core/test/utils/erc721_wrapper.ts b/contracts/core/test/utils/erc721_wrapper.ts
index e9da553d0..b5ae34e60 100644
--- a/contracts/core/test/utils/erc721_wrapper.ts
+++ b/contracts/core/test/utils/erc721_wrapper.ts
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+import { constants, ERC721TokenIdsByOwner, txDefaults } from '@0x/contracts-test-utils';
import { generatePseudoRandomSalt } from '@0x/order-utils';
import { BigNumber } from '@0x/utils';
import { Web3Wrapper } from '@0x/web3-wrapper';
@@ -8,10 +9,6 @@ import { DummyERC721TokenContract } from '../../generated-wrappers/dummy_erc721_
import { ERC721ProxyContract } from '../../generated-wrappers/erc721_proxy';
import { artifacts } from '../../src/artifacts';
-import { constants } from './constants';
-import { ERC721TokenIdsByOwner } from './types';
-import { txDefaults } from './web3_wrapper';
export class ERC721Wrapper {
private readonly _tokenOwnerAddresses: string[];
private readonly _contractOwnerAddress: string;
diff --git a/contracts/core/test/utils/exchange_wrapper.ts b/contracts/core/test/utils/exchange_wrapper.ts
index c28989d3f..2a24b880f 100644
--- a/contracts/core/test/utils/exchange_wrapper.ts
+++ b/contracts/core/test/utils/exchange_wrapper.ts
@@ -1,14 +1,18 @@
+import {
+ FillResults,
+ formatters,
+ LogDecoder,
+ OrderInfo,
+ orderUtils,
+ SignedTransaction,
+} from '@0x/contracts-test-utils';
import { SignedOrder } from '@0x/types';
import { BigNumber } from '@0x/utils';
import { Web3Wrapper } from '@0x/web3-wrapper';
import { Provider, TransactionReceiptWithDecodedLogs } from 'ethereum-types';
import { ExchangeContract } from '../../generated-wrappers/exchange';
-import { formatters } from './formatters';
-import { LogDecoder } from './log_decoder';
-import { orderUtils } from './order_utils';
-import { FillResults, OrderInfo, SignedTransaction } from './types';
+import { artifacts } from '../../src/artifacts';
export class ExchangeWrapper {
private readonly _exchange: ExchangeContract;
@@ -17,7 +21,7 @@ export class ExchangeWrapper {
constructor(exchangeContract: ExchangeContract, provider: Provider) {
this._exchange = exchangeContract;
this._web3Wrapper = new Web3Wrapper(provider);
- this._logDecoder = new LogDecoder(this._web3Wrapper);
+ this._logDecoder = new LogDecoder(this._web3Wrapper, artifacts);
public async fillOrderAsync(
signedOrder: SignedOrder,
diff --git a/contracts/core/test/utils/fill_order_combinatorial_utils.ts b/contracts/core/test/utils/fill_order_combinatorial_utils.ts
index 8046771f9..6372ad29a 100644
--- a/contracts/core/test/utils/fill_order_combinatorial_utils.ts
+++ b/contracts/core/test/utils/fill_order_combinatorial_utils.ts
@@ -1,4 +1,21 @@
import {
+ AllowanceAmountScenario,
+ AssetDataScenario,
+ BalanceAmountScenario,
+ chaiSetup,
+ constants,
+ expectTransactionFailedAsync,
+ ExpirationTimeSecondsScenario,
+ FeeRecipientAddressScenario,
+ FillScenario,
+ OrderAssetAmountScenario,
+ orderUtils,
+ signingUtils,
+ TakerAssetFillAmountScenario,
+ TakerScenario,
+ TraderStateScenario,
+} from '@0x/contracts-test-utils';
+import {
@@ -18,30 +35,13 @@ import { ExchangeContract, ExchangeFillEventArgs } from '../../generated-wrapper
import { TestLibsContract } from '../../generated-wrappers/test_libs';
import { artifacts } from '../../src/artifacts';
-import { expectTransactionFailedAsync } from './assertions';
import { AssetWrapper } from './asset_wrapper';
-import { chaiSetup } from './chai_setup';
-import { constants } from './constants';
import { ERC20Wrapper } from './erc20_wrapper';
import { ERC721Wrapper } from './erc721_wrapper';
import { ExchangeWrapper } from './exchange_wrapper';
import { OrderFactoryFromScenario } from './order_factory_from_scenario';
-import { orderUtils } from './order_utils';
-import { signingUtils } from './signing_utils';
import { SimpleAssetBalanceAndProxyAllowanceFetcher } from './simple_asset_balance_and_proxy_allowance_fetcher';
import { SimpleOrderFilledCancelledFetcher } from './simple_order_filled_cancelled_fetcher';
-import {
- AllowanceAmountScenario,
- AssetDataScenario,
- BalanceAmountScenario,
- ExpirationTimeSecondsScenario,
- FeeRecipientAddressScenario,
- FillScenario,
- OrderAssetAmountScenario,
- TakerAssetFillAmountScenario,
- TakerScenario,
- TraderStateScenario,
-} from './types';
const expect = chai.expect;
diff --git a/contracts/core/test/utils/formatters.ts b/contracts/core/test/utils/formatters.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 813eb45db..000000000
--- a/contracts/core/test/utils/formatters.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-import { SignedOrder } from '@0x/types';
-import { BigNumber } from '@0x/utils';
-import * as _ from 'lodash';
-import { constants } from './constants';
-import { orderUtils } from './order_utils';
-import { BatchCancelOrders, BatchFillOrders, MarketBuyOrders, MarketSellOrders } from './types';
-export const formatters = {
- createBatchFill(signedOrders: SignedOrder[], takerAssetFillAmounts: BigNumber[] = []): BatchFillOrders {
- const batchFill: BatchFillOrders = {
- orders: [],
- signatures: [],
- takerAssetFillAmounts,
- };
- _.forEach(signedOrders, signedOrder => {
- const orderWithoutExchangeAddress = orderUtils.getOrderWithoutExchangeAddress(signedOrder);
- batchFill.orders.push(orderWithoutExchangeAddress);
- batchFill.signatures.push(signedOrder.signature);
- if (takerAssetFillAmounts.length < signedOrders.length) {
- batchFill.takerAssetFillAmounts.push(signedOrder.takerAssetAmount);
- }
- });
- return batchFill;
- },
- createMarketSellOrders(signedOrders: SignedOrder[], takerAssetFillAmount: BigNumber): MarketSellOrders {
- const marketSellOrders: MarketSellOrders = {
- orders: [],
- signatures: [],
- takerAssetFillAmount,
- };
- _.forEach(signedOrders, (signedOrder, i) => {
- const orderWithoutExchangeAddress = orderUtils.getOrderWithoutExchangeAddress(signedOrder);
- if (i !== 0) {
- orderWithoutExchangeAddress.takerAssetData = constants.NULL_BYTES;
- }
- marketSellOrders.orders.push(orderWithoutExchangeAddress);
- marketSellOrders.signatures.push(signedOrder.signature);
- });
- return marketSellOrders;
- },
- createMarketBuyOrders(signedOrders: SignedOrder[], makerAssetFillAmount: BigNumber): MarketBuyOrders {
- const marketBuyOrders: MarketBuyOrders = {
- orders: [],
- signatures: [],
- makerAssetFillAmount,
- };
- _.forEach(signedOrders, (signedOrder, i) => {
- const orderWithoutExchangeAddress = orderUtils.getOrderWithoutExchangeAddress(signedOrder);
- if (i !== 0) {
- orderWithoutExchangeAddress.makerAssetData = constants.NULL_BYTES;
- }
- marketBuyOrders.orders.push(orderWithoutExchangeAddress);
- marketBuyOrders.signatures.push(signedOrder.signature);
- });
- return marketBuyOrders;
- },
- createBatchCancel(signedOrders: SignedOrder[]): BatchCancelOrders {
- const batchCancel: BatchCancelOrders = {
- orders: [],
- };
- _.forEach(signedOrders, signedOrder => {
- const orderWithoutExchangeAddress = orderUtils.getOrderWithoutExchangeAddress(signedOrder);
- batchCancel.orders.push(orderWithoutExchangeAddress);
- });
- return batchCancel;
- },
diff --git a/contracts/core/test/utils/forwarder_wrapper.ts b/contracts/core/test/utils/forwarder_wrapper.ts
index a0bfcfe1d..9c5560381 100644
--- a/contracts/core/test/utils/forwarder_wrapper.ts
+++ b/contracts/core/test/utils/forwarder_wrapper.ts
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+import { constants, formatters, LogDecoder, MarketSellOrders } from '@0x/contracts-test-utils';
import { SignedOrder } from '@0x/types';
import { BigNumber } from '@0x/utils';
import { Web3Wrapper } from '@0x/web3-wrapper';
@@ -5,11 +6,7 @@ import { Provider, TransactionReceiptWithDecodedLogs, TxDataPayable } from 'ethe
import * as _ from 'lodash';
import { ForwarderContract } from '../../generated-wrappers/forwarder';
-import { constants } from './constants';
-import { formatters } from './formatters';
-import { LogDecoder } from './log_decoder';
-import { MarketSellOrders } from './types';
+import { artifacts } from '../../src/artifacts';
export class ForwarderWrapper {
private readonly _web3Wrapper: Web3Wrapper;
@@ -61,7 +58,7 @@ export class ForwarderWrapper {
constructor(contractInstance: ForwarderContract, provider: Provider) {
this._forwarderContract = contractInstance;
this._web3Wrapper = new Web3Wrapper(provider);
- this._logDecoder = new LogDecoder(this._web3Wrapper);
+ this._logDecoder = new LogDecoder(this._web3Wrapper, artifacts);
public async marketSellOrdersWithEthAsync(
orders: SignedOrder[],
diff --git a/contracts/core/test/utils/log_decoder.ts b/contracts/core/test/utils/log_decoder.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 05b0a9204..000000000
--- a/contracts/core/test/utils/log_decoder.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-import { AbiDecoder, BigNumber } from '@0x/utils';
-import { Web3Wrapper } from '@0x/web3-wrapper';
-import {
- AbiDefinition,
- ContractArtifact,
- DecodedLogArgs,
- LogEntry,
- LogWithDecodedArgs,
- RawLog,
- TransactionReceiptWithDecodedLogs,
-} from 'ethereum-types';
-import * as _ from 'lodash';
-import { artifacts } from '../../src/artifacts';
-import { constants } from './constants';
-export class LogDecoder {
- private readonly _web3Wrapper: Web3Wrapper;
- private readonly _abiDecoder: AbiDecoder;
- public static wrapLogBigNumbers(log: any): any {
- const argNames = _.keys(log.args);
- for (const argName of argNames) {
- const isWeb3BigNumber = _.startsWith(log.args[argName].constructor.toString(), 'function BigNumber(');
- if (isWeb3BigNumber) {
- log.args[argName] = new BigNumber(log.args[argName]);
- }
- }
- }
- constructor(web3Wrapper: Web3Wrapper) {
- this._web3Wrapper = web3Wrapper;
- const abiArrays: AbiDefinition[][] = [];
- _.forEach(artifacts, (artifact: ContractArtifact) => {
- const compilerOutput = artifact.compilerOutput;
- abiArrays.push(compilerOutput.abi);
- });
- this._abiDecoder = new AbiDecoder(abiArrays);
- }
- public decodeLogOrThrow<ArgsType extends DecodedLogArgs>(log: LogEntry): LogWithDecodedArgs<ArgsType> | RawLog {
- const logWithDecodedArgsOrLog = this._abiDecoder.tryToDecodeLogOrNoop(log);
- // tslint:disable-next-line:no-unnecessary-type-assertion
- if (_.isUndefined((logWithDecodedArgsOrLog as LogWithDecodedArgs<ArgsType>).args)) {
- throw new Error(`Unable to decode log: ${JSON.stringify(log)}`);
- }
- LogDecoder.wrapLogBigNumbers(logWithDecodedArgsOrLog);
- return logWithDecodedArgsOrLog;
- }
- public async getTxWithDecodedLogsAsync(txHash: string): Promise<TransactionReceiptWithDecodedLogs> {
- const tx = await this._web3Wrapper.awaitTransactionSuccessAsync(txHash, constants.AWAIT_TRANSACTION_MINED_MS);
- tx.logs = _.map(tx.logs, log => this.decodeLogOrThrow(log));
- return tx;
- }
diff --git a/contracts/core/test/utils/match_order_tester.ts b/contracts/core/test/utils/match_order_tester.ts
index 6c2c84959..8f574704e 100644
--- a/contracts/core/test/utils/match_order_tester.ts
+++ b/contracts/core/test/utils/match_order_tester.ts
@@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
+import {
+ chaiSetup,
+ ERC20BalancesByOwner,
+ ERC721TokenIdsByOwner,
+ OrderInfo,
+ OrderStatus,
+ TransferAmountsByMatchOrders as TransferAmounts,
+ TransferAmountsLoggedByMatchOrders as LoggedTransferAmounts,
+} from '@0x/contracts-test-utils';
import { assetDataUtils, orderHashUtils } from '@0x/order-utils';
import { AssetProxyId, SignedOrder } from '@0x/types';
import { BigNumber } from '@0x/utils';
@@ -6,18 +15,9 @@ import * as _ from 'lodash';
import { TransactionReceiptWithDecodedLogs } from '../../../../node_modules/ethereum-types';
-import { chaiSetup } from './chai_setup';
import { ERC20Wrapper } from './erc20_wrapper';
import { ERC721Wrapper } from './erc721_wrapper';
import { ExchangeWrapper } from './exchange_wrapper';
-import {
- ERC20BalancesByOwner,
- ERC721TokenIdsByOwner,
- OrderInfo,
- OrderStatus,
- TransferAmountsByMatchOrders as TransferAmounts,
- TransferAmountsLoggedByMatchOrders as LoggedTransferAmounts,
-} from './types';
const expect = chai.expect;
@@ -270,18 +270,14 @@ export class MatchOrderTester {
const leftExpectedStatus = expectedTransferAmounts.amountBoughtByLeftMaker.equals(maxAmountBoughtByLeftMaker)
? OrderStatus.FULLY_FILLED
: OrderStatus.FILLABLE;
- expect(leftOrderInfo.orderStatus as OrderStatus, 'Checking exchange status for left order').to.be.equal(
- leftExpectedStatus,
- );
+ expect(leftOrderInfo.orderStatus, 'Checking exchange status for left order').to.be.equal(leftExpectedStatus);
// Assert right order status
const maxAmountBoughtByRightMaker = signedOrderRight.takerAssetAmount.minus(initialRightOrderFilledAmount);
const rightOrderInfo: OrderInfo = await this._exchangeWrapper.getOrderInfoAsync(signedOrderRight);
const rightExpectedStatus = expectedTransferAmounts.amountBoughtByRightMaker.equals(maxAmountBoughtByRightMaker)
? OrderStatus.FULLY_FILLED
: OrderStatus.FILLABLE;
- expect(rightOrderInfo.orderStatus as OrderStatus, 'Checking exchange status for right order').to.be.equal(
- rightExpectedStatus,
- );
+ expect(rightOrderInfo.orderStatus, 'Checking exchange status for right order').to.be.equal(rightExpectedStatus);
/// @dev Asserts account balances after matching orders.
/// @param signedOrderLeft First matched order.
diff --git a/contracts/core/test/utils/order_factory.ts b/contracts/core/test/utils/order_factory.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 2449d1a8a..000000000
--- a/contracts/core/test/utils/order_factory.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-import { generatePseudoRandomSalt, orderHashUtils } from '@0x/order-utils';
-import { Order, SignatureType, SignedOrder } from '@0x/types';
-import { BigNumber } from '@0x/utils';
-import { getLatestBlockTimestampAsync } from './block_timestamp';
-import { constants } from './constants';
-import { signingUtils } from './signing_utils';
-export class OrderFactory {
- private readonly _defaultOrderParams: Partial<Order>;
- private readonly _privateKey: Buffer;
- constructor(privateKey: Buffer, defaultOrderParams: Partial<Order>) {
- this._defaultOrderParams = defaultOrderParams;
- this._privateKey = privateKey;
- }
- public async newSignedOrderAsync(
- customOrderParams: Partial<Order> = {},
- signatureType: SignatureType = SignatureType.EthSign,
- ): Promise<SignedOrder> {
- const tenMinutesInSeconds = 10 * 60;
- const currentBlockTimestamp = await getLatestBlockTimestampAsync();
- const order = ({
- senderAddress: constants.NULL_ADDRESS,
- expirationTimeSeconds: new BigNumber(currentBlockTimestamp).add(tenMinutesInSeconds),
- salt: generatePseudoRandomSalt(),
- takerAddress: constants.NULL_ADDRESS,
- ...this._defaultOrderParams,
- ...customOrderParams,
- } as any) as Order;
- const orderHashBuff = orderHashUtils.getOrderHashBuffer(order);
- const signature = signingUtils.signMessage(orderHashBuff, this._privateKey, signatureType);
- const signedOrder = {
- ...order,
- signature: `0x${signature.toString('hex')}`,
- };
- return signedOrder;
- }
diff --git a/contracts/core/test/utils/order_factory_from_scenario.ts b/contracts/core/test/utils/order_factory_from_scenario.ts
index 60c8606c4..1cc962020 100644
--- a/contracts/core/test/utils/order_factory_from_scenario.ts
+++ b/contracts/core/test/utils/order_factory_from_scenario.ts
@@ -1,19 +1,18 @@
-import { assetDataUtils, generatePseudoRandomSalt } from '@0x/order-utils';
-import { Order } from '@0x/types';
-import { BigNumber, errorUtils } from '@0x/utils';
-import { DummyERC721TokenContract } from '../../generated-wrappers/dummy_erc721_token';
-import { constants } from './constants';
import {
+ constants,
-} from './types';
+} from '@0x/contracts-test-utils';
+import { assetDataUtils, generatePseudoRandomSalt } from '@0x/order-utils';
+import { Order } from '@0x/types';
+import { BigNumber, errorUtils } from '@0x/utils';
+import { DummyERC721TokenContract } from '../../generated-wrappers/dummy_erc721_token';
const TEN_UNITS_EIGHTEEN_DECIMALS = new BigNumber(10_000_000_000_000_000_000);
const FIVE_UNITS_EIGHTEEN_DECIMALS = new BigNumber(5_000_000_000_000_000_000);
diff --git a/contracts/core/test/utils/order_utils.ts b/contracts/core/test/utils/order_utils.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 4f7a34011..000000000
--- a/contracts/core/test/utils/order_utils.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-import { OrderWithoutExchangeAddress, SignedOrder } from '@0x/types';
-import { BigNumber } from '@0x/utils';
-import { constants } from './constants';
-import { CancelOrder, MatchOrder } from './types';
-export const orderUtils = {
- getPartialAmountFloor(numerator: BigNumber, denominator: BigNumber, target: BigNumber): BigNumber {
- const partialAmount = numerator
- .mul(target)
- .div(denominator)
- .floor();
- return partialAmount;
- },
- createFill: (signedOrder: SignedOrder, takerAssetFillAmount?: BigNumber) => {
- const fill = {
- order: orderUtils.getOrderWithoutExchangeAddress(signedOrder),
- takerAssetFillAmount: takerAssetFillAmount || signedOrder.takerAssetAmount,
- signature: signedOrder.signature,
- };
- return fill;
- },
- createCancel(signedOrder: SignedOrder, takerAssetCancelAmount?: BigNumber): CancelOrder {
- const cancel = {
- order: orderUtils.getOrderWithoutExchangeAddress(signedOrder),
- takerAssetCancelAmount: takerAssetCancelAmount || signedOrder.takerAssetAmount,
- };
- return cancel;
- },
- getOrderWithoutExchangeAddress(signedOrder: SignedOrder): OrderWithoutExchangeAddress {
- const orderStruct = {
- senderAddress: signedOrder.senderAddress,
- makerAddress: signedOrder.makerAddress,
- takerAddress: signedOrder.takerAddress,
- feeRecipientAddress: signedOrder.feeRecipientAddress,
- makerAssetAmount: signedOrder.makerAssetAmount,
- takerAssetAmount: signedOrder.takerAssetAmount,
- makerFee: signedOrder.makerFee,
- takerFee: signedOrder.takerFee,
- expirationTimeSeconds: signedOrder.expirationTimeSeconds,
- salt: signedOrder.salt,
- makerAssetData: signedOrder.makerAssetData,
- takerAssetData: signedOrder.takerAssetData,
- };
- return orderStruct;
- },
- createMatchOrders(signedOrderLeft: SignedOrder, signedOrderRight: SignedOrder): MatchOrder {
- const fill = {
- left: orderUtils.getOrderWithoutExchangeAddress(signedOrderLeft),
- right: orderUtils.getOrderWithoutExchangeAddress(signedOrderRight),
- leftSignature: signedOrderLeft.signature,
- rightSignature: signedOrderRight.signature,
- };
- fill.right.makerAssetData = constants.NULL_BYTES;
- fill.right.takerAssetData = constants.NULL_BYTES;
- return fill;
- },
diff --git a/contracts/core/test/utils/profiler.ts b/contracts/core/test/utils/profiler.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 2c7c1d66c..000000000
--- a/contracts/core/test/utils/profiler.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-import { devConstants } from '@0x/dev-utils';
-import { ProfilerSubprovider, SolCompilerArtifactAdapter } from '@0x/sol-cov';
-import * as _ from 'lodash';
-let profilerSubprovider: ProfilerSubprovider;
-export const profiler = {
- start(): void {
- profiler.getProfilerSubproviderSingleton().start();
- },
- stop(): void {
- profiler.getProfilerSubproviderSingleton().stop();
- },
- getProfilerSubproviderSingleton(): ProfilerSubprovider {
- if (_.isUndefined(profilerSubprovider)) {
- profilerSubprovider = profiler._getProfilerSubprovider();
- }
- return profilerSubprovider;
- },
- _getProfilerSubprovider(): ProfilerSubprovider {
- const defaultFromAddress = devConstants.TESTRPC_FIRST_ADDRESS;
- const solCompilerArtifactAdapter = new SolCompilerArtifactAdapter();
- const isVerbose = true;
- const subprovider = new ProfilerSubprovider(solCompilerArtifactAdapter, defaultFromAddress, isVerbose);
- return subprovider;
- },
diff --git a/contracts/core/test/utils/revert_trace.ts b/contracts/core/test/utils/revert_trace.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f74fd28b..000000000
--- a/contracts/core/test/utils/revert_trace.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-import { devConstants } from '@0x/dev-utils';
-import { RevertTraceSubprovider, SolCompilerArtifactAdapter } from '@0x/sol-cov';
-import * as _ from 'lodash';
-let revertTraceSubprovider: RevertTraceSubprovider;
-export const revertTrace = {
- getRevertTraceSubproviderSingleton(): RevertTraceSubprovider {
- if (_.isUndefined(revertTraceSubprovider)) {
- revertTraceSubprovider = revertTrace._getRevertTraceSubprovider();
- }
- return revertTraceSubprovider;
- },
- _getRevertTraceSubprovider(): RevertTraceSubprovider {
- const defaultFromAddress = devConstants.TESTRPC_FIRST_ADDRESS;
- const solCompilerArtifactAdapter = new SolCompilerArtifactAdapter();
- const isVerbose = true;
- const subprovider = new RevertTraceSubprovider(solCompilerArtifactAdapter, defaultFromAddress, isVerbose);
- return subprovider;
- },
diff --git a/contracts/core/test/utils/signing_utils.ts b/contracts/core/test/utils/signing_utils.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 21f864bfa..000000000
--- a/contracts/core/test/utils/signing_utils.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-import { SignatureType } from '@0x/types';
-import * as ethUtil from 'ethereumjs-util';
-export const signingUtils = {
- signMessage(message: Buffer, privateKey: Buffer, signatureType: SignatureType): Buffer {
- if (signatureType === SignatureType.EthSign) {
- const prefixedMessage = ethUtil.hashPersonalMessage(message);
- const ecSignature = ethUtil.ecsign(prefixedMessage, privateKey);
- const signature = Buffer.concat([
- ethUtil.toBuffer(ecSignature.v),
- ecSignature.r,
- ecSignature.s,
- ethUtil.toBuffer(signatureType),
- ]);
- return signature;
- } else if (signatureType === SignatureType.EIP712) {
- const ecSignature = ethUtil.ecsign(message, privateKey);
- const signature = Buffer.concat([
- ethUtil.toBuffer(ecSignature.v),
- ecSignature.r,
- ecSignature.s,
- ethUtil.toBuffer(signatureType),
- ]);
- return signature;
- } else {
- throw new Error(`${signatureType} is not a valid signature type`);
- }
- },
diff --git a/contracts/core/test/utils/test_with_reference.ts b/contracts/core/test/utils/test_with_reference.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index b80be4a6c..000000000
--- a/contracts/core/test/utils/test_with_reference.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
-import * as chai from 'chai';
-import * as _ from 'lodash';
-import { chaiSetup } from './chai_setup';
-const expect = chai.expect;
-class Value<T> {
- public value: T;
- constructor(value: T) {
- this.value = value;
- }
-// tslint:disable-next-line: max-classes-per-file
-class ErrorMessage {
- public error: string;
- constructor(message: string) {
- this.error = message;
- }
-type PromiseResult<T> = Value<T> | ErrorMessage;
-// TODO(albrow): This seems like a generic utility function that could exist in
-// lodash. We should replace it by a library implementation, or move it to our
-// own.
-async function evaluatePromise<T>(promise: Promise<T>): Promise<PromiseResult<T>> {
- try {
- return new Value<T>(await promise);
- } catch (e) {
- return new ErrorMessage(e.message);
- }
-export async function testWithReferenceFuncAsync<P0, R>(
- referenceFunc: (p0: P0) => Promise<R>,
- testFunc: (p0: P0) => Promise<R>,
- values: [P0],
-): Promise<void>;
-export async function testWithReferenceFuncAsync<P0, P1, R>(
- referenceFunc: (p0: P0, p1: P1) => Promise<R>,
- testFunc: (p0: P0, p1: P1) => Promise<R>,
- values: [P0, P1],
-): Promise<void>;
-export async function testWithReferenceFuncAsync<P0, P1, P2, R>(
- referenceFunc: (p0: P0, p1: P1, p2: P2) => Promise<R>,
- testFunc: (p0: P0, p1: P1, p2: P2) => Promise<R>,
- values: [P0, P1, P2],
-): Promise<void>;
-export async function testWithReferenceFuncAsync<P0, P1, P2, P3, R>(
- referenceFunc: (p0: P0, p1: P1, p2: P2, p3: P3) => Promise<R>,
- testFunc: (p0: P0, p1: P1, p2: P2, p3: P3) => Promise<R>,
- values: [P0, P1, P2, P3],
-): Promise<void>;
-export async function testWithReferenceFuncAsync<P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, R>(
- referenceFunc: (p0: P0, p1: P1, p2: P2, p3: P3, p4: P4) => Promise<R>,
- testFunc: (p0: P0, p1: P1, p2: P2, p3: P3, p4: P4) => Promise<R>,
- values: [P0, P1, P2, P3, P4],
-): Promise<void>;
- * Tests the behavior of a test function by comparing it to the expected
- * behavior (defined by a reference function).
- *
- * First the reference function will be called to obtain an "expected result",
- * or if the reference function throws/rejects, an "expected error". Next, the
- * test function will be called to obtain an "actual result", or if the test
- * function throws/rejects, an "actual error". The test passes if at least one
- * of the following conditions is met:
- *
- * 1) Neither the reference function or the test function throw and the
- * "expected result" equals the "actual result".
- *
- * 2) Both the reference function and the test function throw and the "actual
- * error" message *contains* the "expected error" message.
- *
- * @param referenceFuncAsync a reference function implemented in pure
- * JavaScript/TypeScript which accepts N arguments and returns the "expected
- * result" or throws/rejects with the "expected error".
- * @param testFuncAsync a test function which, e.g., makes a call or sends a
- * transaction to a contract. It accepts the same N arguments returns the
- * "actual result" or throws/rejects with the "actual error".
- * @param values an array of N values, where each value corresponds in-order to
- * an argument to both the test function and the reference function.
- * @return A Promise that resolves if the test passes and rejects if the test
- * fails, according to the rules described above.
- */
-export async function testWithReferenceFuncAsync(
- referenceFuncAsync: (...args: any[]) => Promise<any>,
- testFuncAsync: (...args: any[]) => Promise<any>,
- values: any[],
-): Promise<void> {
- // Measure correct behaviour
- const expected = await evaluatePromise(referenceFuncAsync(...values));
- // Measure actual behaviour
- const actual = await evaluatePromise(testFuncAsync(...values));
- // Compare behaviour
- if (expected instanceof ErrorMessage) {
- // If we expected an error, check if the actual error message contains the
- // expected error message.
- if (!(actual instanceof ErrorMessage)) {
- throw new Error(
- `Expected error containing ${expected.error} but got no error\n\tTest case: ${_getTestCaseString(
- referenceFuncAsync,
- values,
- )}`,
- );
- }
- expect(actual.error).to.contain(
- expected.error,
- `${actual.error}\n\tTest case: ${_getTestCaseString(referenceFuncAsync, values)}`,
- );
- } else {
- // If we do not expect an error, compare actual and expected directly.
- expect(actual).to.deep.equal(expected, `Test case ${_getTestCaseString(referenceFuncAsync, values)}`);
- }
-function _getTestCaseString(referenceFuncAsync: (...args: any[]) => Promise<any>, values: any[]): string {
- const paramNames = _getParameterNames(referenceFuncAsync);
- return JSON.stringify(_.zipObject(paramNames, values));
-// Source: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1007981/how-to-get-function-parameter-names-values-dynamically
-function _getParameterNames(func: (...args: any[]) => any): string[] {
- return _.toString(func)
- .replace(/[/][/].*$/gm, '') // strip single-line comments
- .replace(/\s+/g, '') // strip white space
- .replace(/[/][*][^/*]*[*][/]/g, '') // strip multi-line comments
- .split('){', 1)[0]
- .replace(/^[^(]*[(]/, '') // extract the parameters
- .replace(/=[^,]+/g, '') // strip any ES6 defaults
- .split(',')
- .filter(Boolean); // split & filter [""]
diff --git a/contracts/core/test/utils/transaction_factory.ts b/contracts/core/test/utils/transaction_factory.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index dbab3ade4..000000000
--- a/contracts/core/test/utils/transaction_factory.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-import { eip712Utils, generatePseudoRandomSalt } from '@0x/order-utils';
-import { SignatureType } from '@0x/types';
-import { signTypedDataUtils } from '@0x/utils';
-import * as ethUtil from 'ethereumjs-util';
-import { signingUtils } from './signing_utils';
-import { SignedTransaction } from './types';
-export class TransactionFactory {
- private readonly _signerBuff: Buffer;
- private readonly _exchangeAddress: string;
- private readonly _privateKey: Buffer;
- constructor(privateKey: Buffer, exchangeAddress: string) {
- this._privateKey = privateKey;
- this._exchangeAddress = exchangeAddress;
- this._signerBuff = ethUtil.privateToAddress(this._privateKey);
- }
- public newSignedTransaction(data: string, signatureType: SignatureType = SignatureType.EthSign): SignedTransaction {
- const salt = generatePseudoRandomSalt();
- const signerAddress = `0x${this._signerBuff.toString('hex')}`;
- const executeTransactionData = {
- salt,
- signerAddress,
- data,
- };
- const typedData = eip712Utils.createZeroExTransactionTypedData(executeTransactionData, this._exchangeAddress);
- const eip712MessageBuffer = signTypedDataUtils.generateTypedDataHash(typedData);
- const signature = signingUtils.signMessage(eip712MessageBuffer, this._privateKey, signatureType);
- const signedTx = {
- exchangeAddress: this._exchangeAddress,
- signature: `0x${signature.toString('hex')}`,
- ...executeTransactionData,
- };
- return signedTx;
- }
diff --git a/contracts/core/test/utils/type_encoding_utils.ts b/contracts/core/test/utils/type_encoding_utils.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index bfd9c9ef5..000000000
--- a/contracts/core/test/utils/type_encoding_utils.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-import { BigNumber } from '@0x/utils';
-import BN = require('bn.js');
-import ethUtil = require('ethereumjs-util');
-import { constants } from './constants';
-export const typeEncodingUtils = {
- encodeUint256(value: BigNumber): Buffer {
- const base = 10;
- const formattedValue = new BN(value.toString(base));
- const encodedValue = ethUtil.toBuffer(formattedValue);
- // tslint:disable-next-line:custom-no-magic-numbers
- const paddedValue = ethUtil.setLengthLeft(encodedValue, constants.WORD_LENGTH);
- return paddedValue;
- },
- decodeUint256(encodedValue: Buffer): BigNumber {
- const formattedValue = ethUtil.bufferToHex(encodedValue);
- const value = new BigNumber(formattedValue, constants.BASE_16);
- return value;
- },
diff --git a/contracts/core/test/utils/types.ts b/contracts/core/test/utils/types.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index d738fcd4e..000000000
--- a/contracts/core/test/utils/types.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,242 +0,0 @@
-import { OrderWithoutExchangeAddress } from '@0x/types';
-import { BigNumber } from '@0x/utils';
-import { AbiDefinition } from 'ethereum-types';
-export interface ERC20BalancesByOwner {
- [ownerAddress: string]: {
- [tokenAddress: string]: BigNumber;
- };
-export interface ERC721TokenIdsByOwner {
- [ownerAddress: string]: {
- [tokenAddress: string]: BigNumber[];
- };
-export interface SubmissionContractEventArgs {
- transactionId: BigNumber;
-export interface BatchFillOrders {
- orders: OrderWithoutExchangeAddress[];
- signatures: string[];
- takerAssetFillAmounts: BigNumber[];
-export interface MarketSellOrders {
- orders: OrderWithoutExchangeAddress[];
- signatures: string[];
- takerAssetFillAmount: BigNumber;
-export interface MarketBuyOrders {
- orders: OrderWithoutExchangeAddress[];
- signatures: string[];
- makerAssetFillAmount: BigNumber;
-export interface BatchCancelOrders {
- orders: OrderWithoutExchangeAddress[];
-export interface CancelOrdersBefore {
- salt: BigNumber;
-export interface TransactionDataParams {
- name: string;
- abi: AbiDefinition[];
- args: any[];
-export interface MultiSigConfig {
- owners: string[];
- confirmationsRequired: number;
- secondsRequired: number;
-export interface MultiSigConfigByNetwork {
- [networkName: string]: MultiSigConfig;
-export interface Token {
- address?: string;
- name: string;
- symbol: string;
- decimals: number;
- ipfsHash: string;
- swarmHash: string;
-export enum OrderStatus {
-export enum ContractName {
- TokenRegistry = 'TokenRegistry',
- MultiSigWalletWithTimeLock = 'MultiSigWalletWithTimeLock',
- Exchange = 'Exchange',
- ZRXToken = 'ZRXToken',
- DummyERC20Token = 'DummyERC20Token',
- EtherToken = 'WETH9',
- DutchAuction = 'DutchAuction',
- AssetProxyOwner = 'AssetProxyOwner',
- AccountLevels = 'AccountLevels',
- EtherDelta = 'EtherDelta',
- Arbitrage = 'Arbitrage',
- TestAssetDataDecoders = 'TestAssetDataDecoders',
- TestAssetProxyDispatcher = 'TestAssetProxyDispatcher',
- TestLibs = 'TestLibs',
- TestSignatureValidator = 'TestSignatureValidator',
- ERC20Proxy = 'ERC20Proxy',
- ERC721Proxy = 'ERC721Proxy',
- DummyERC721Receiver = 'DummyERC721Receiver',
- DummyERC721Token = 'DummyERC721Token',
- TestLibBytes = 'TestLibBytes',
- TestWallet = 'TestWallet',
- Authorizable = 'Authorizable',
- Whitelist = 'Whitelist',
- Forwarder = 'Forwarder',
-export interface SignedTransaction {
- exchangeAddress: string;
- salt: BigNumber;
- signerAddress: string;
- data: string;
- signature: string;
-export interface TransferAmountsByMatchOrders {
- // Left Maker
- amountBoughtByLeftMaker: BigNumber;
- amountSoldByLeftMaker: BigNumber;
- feePaidByLeftMaker: BigNumber;
- // Right Maker
- amountBoughtByRightMaker: BigNumber;
- amountSoldByRightMaker: BigNumber;
- feePaidByRightMaker: BigNumber;
- // Taker
- amountReceivedByTaker: BigNumber;
- feePaidByTakerLeft: BigNumber;
- feePaidByTakerRight: BigNumber;
-export interface TransferAmountsLoggedByMatchOrders {
- makerAddress: string;
- takerAddress: string;
- makerAssetFilledAmount: string;
- takerAssetFilledAmount: string;
- makerFeePaid: string;
- takerFeePaid: string;
-export interface OrderInfo {
- orderStatus: number;
- orderHash: string;
- orderTakerAssetFilledAmount: BigNumber;
-export interface CancelOrder {
- order: OrderWithoutExchangeAddress;
- takerAssetCancelAmount: BigNumber;
-export interface MatchOrder {
- left: OrderWithoutExchangeAddress;
- right: OrderWithoutExchangeAddress;
- leftSignature: string;
- rightSignature: string;
-// Combinatorial testing types
-export enum FeeRecipientAddressScenario {
- BurnAddress = 'BURN_ADDRESS',
- EthUserAddress = 'ETH_USER_ADDRESS',
-export enum OrderAssetAmountScenario {
- Zero = 'ZERO',
- Large = 'LARGE',
- Small = 'SMALL',
-export enum TakerScenario {
- CorrectlySpecified = 'CORRECTLY_SPECIFIED',
- IncorrectlySpecified = 'INCORRECTLY_SPECIFIED',
- Unspecified = 'UNSPECIFIED',
-export enum ExpirationTimeSecondsScenario {
- InPast = 'IN_PAST',
- InFuture = 'IN_FUTURE',
-export enum AssetDataScenario {
- ERC20ZeroDecimals = 'ERC20_ZERO_DECIMALS',
- ZRXFeeToken = 'ZRX_FEE_TOKEN',
- ERC20FiveDecimals = 'ERC20_FIVE_DECIMALS',
- ERC721 = 'ERC721',
-export enum TakerAssetFillAmountScenario {
- Zero = 'ZERO',
- GreaterThanRemainingFillableTakerAssetAmount = 'GREATER_THAN_REMAINING_FILLABLE_TAKER_ASSET_AMOUNT',
- LessThanRemainingFillableTakerAssetAmount = 'LESS_THAN_REMAINING_FILLABLE_TAKER_ASSET_AMOUNT',
- ExactlyRemainingFillableTakerAssetAmount = 'EXACTLY_REMAINING_FILLABLE_TAKER_ASSET_AMOUNT',
-export interface OrderScenario {
- takerScenario: TakerScenario;
- feeRecipientScenario: FeeRecipientAddressScenario;
- makerAssetAmountScenario: OrderAssetAmountScenario;
- takerAssetAmountScenario: OrderAssetAmountScenario;
- makerFeeScenario: OrderAssetAmountScenario;
- takerFeeScenario: OrderAssetAmountScenario;
- expirationTimeSecondsScenario: ExpirationTimeSecondsScenario;
- makerAssetDataScenario: AssetDataScenario;
- takerAssetDataScenario: AssetDataScenario;
-export enum BalanceAmountScenario {
- Exact = 'EXACT',
- TooLow = 'TOO_LOW',
- Higher = 'HIGHER',
-export enum AllowanceAmountScenario {
- Exact = 'EXACT',
- TooLow = 'TOO_LOW',
- Higher = 'HIGHER',
- Unlimited = 'UNLIMITED',
-export interface TraderStateScenario {
- traderAssetBalance: BalanceAmountScenario;
- traderAssetAllowance: AllowanceAmountScenario;
- zrxFeeBalance: BalanceAmountScenario;
- zrxFeeAllowance: AllowanceAmountScenario;
-export interface FillScenario {
- orderScenario: OrderScenario;
- takerAssetFillAmountScenario: TakerAssetFillAmountScenario;
- makerStateScenario: TraderStateScenario;
- takerStateScenario: TraderStateScenario;
-export interface FillResults {
- makerAssetFilledAmount: BigNumber;
- takerAssetFilledAmount: BigNumber;
- makerFeePaid: BigNumber;
- takerFeePaid: BigNumber;
diff --git a/contracts/core/test/utils/web3_wrapper.ts b/contracts/core/test/utils/web3_wrapper.ts
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index f7b1a732a..000000000
--- a/contracts/core/test/utils/web3_wrapper.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-import { devConstants, env, EnvVars, web3Factory } from '@0x/dev-utils';
-import { prependSubprovider, Web3ProviderEngine } from '@0x/subproviders';
-import { logUtils } from '@0x/utils';
-import { Web3Wrapper } from '@0x/web3-wrapper';
-import * as _ from 'lodash';
-import { coverage } from './coverage';
-import { profiler } from './profiler';
-import { revertTrace } from './revert_trace';
-enum ProviderType {
- Ganache = 'ganache',
- Geth = 'geth',
-let testProvider: ProviderType;
-switch (process.env.TEST_PROVIDER) {
- case undefined:
- testProvider = ProviderType.Ganache;
- break;
- case 'ganache':
- testProvider = ProviderType.Ganache;
- break;
- case 'geth':
- testProvider = ProviderType.Geth;
- break;
- default:
- throw new Error(`Unknown TEST_PROVIDER: ${process.env.TEST_PROVIDER}`);
-const ganacheTxDefaults = {
- from: devConstants.TESTRPC_FIRST_ADDRESS,
- gas: devConstants.GAS_LIMIT,
-const gethTxDefaults = {
- from: devConstants.TESTRPC_FIRST_ADDRESS,
-export const txDefaults = testProvider === ProviderType.Ganache ? ganacheTxDefaults : gethTxDefaults;
-const gethConfigs = {
- shouldUseInProcessGanache: false,
- rpcUrl: 'http://localhost:8501',
- shouldUseFakeGasEstimate: false,
-const ganacheConfigs = {
- shouldUseInProcessGanache: true,
-const providerConfigs = testProvider === ProviderType.Ganache ? ganacheConfigs : gethConfigs;
-export const provider: Web3ProviderEngine = web3Factory.getRpcProvider(providerConfigs);
-const isCoverageEnabled = env.parseBoolean(EnvVars.SolidityCoverage);
-const isProfilerEnabled = env.parseBoolean(EnvVars.SolidityProfiler);
-const isRevertTraceEnabled = env.parseBoolean(EnvVars.SolidityRevertTrace);
-const enabledSubproviderCount = _.filter(
- [isCoverageEnabled, isProfilerEnabled, isRevertTraceEnabled],
- _.identity.bind(_),
-if (enabledSubproviderCount > 1) {
- throw new Error(`Only one of coverage, profiler, or revert trace subproviders can be enabled at a time`);
-if (isCoverageEnabled) {
- const coverageSubprovider = coverage.getCoverageSubproviderSingleton();
- prependSubprovider(provider, coverageSubprovider);
-if (isProfilerEnabled) {
- if (testProvider === ProviderType.Ganache) {
- logUtils.warn(
- "Gas costs in Ganache traces are incorrect and we don't recommend using it for profiling. Please switch to Geth",
- );
- process.exit(1);
- }
- const profilerSubprovider = profiler.getProfilerSubproviderSingleton();
- logUtils.log(
- "By default profilerSubprovider is stopped so that you don't get noise from setup code. Don't forget to start it before the code you want to profile and stop it afterwards",
- );
- profilerSubprovider.stop();
- prependSubprovider(provider, profilerSubprovider);
-if (isRevertTraceEnabled) {
- const revertTraceSubprovider = revertTrace.getRevertTraceSubproviderSingleton();
- prependSubprovider(provider, revertTraceSubprovider);
-export const web3Wrapper = new Web3Wrapper(provider);
diff --git a/contracts/core/test/utils_test/test_with_reference.ts b/contracts/core/test/utils_test/test_with_reference.ts
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index 8d633cd1f..000000000
--- a/contracts/core/test/utils_test/test_with_reference.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-import * as chai from 'chai';
-import { chaiSetup } from '../utils/chai_setup';
-import { testWithReferenceFuncAsync } from '../utils/test_with_reference';
-const expect = chai.expect;
-async function divAsync(x: number, y: number): Promise<number> {
- if (y === 0) {
- throw new Error('MathError: divide by zero');
- }
- return x / y;
-// returns an async function that always returns the given value.
-function alwaysValueFunc(value: number): (x: number, y: number) => Promise<number> {
- return async (x: number, y: number) => value;
-// returns an async function which always throws/rejects with the given error
-// message.
-function alwaysFailFunc(errMessage: string): (x: number, y: number) => Promise<number> {
- return async (x: number, y: number) => {
- throw new Error(errMessage);
- };
-describe('testWithReferenceFuncAsync', () => {
- it('passes when both succeed and actual === expected', async () => {
- await testWithReferenceFuncAsync(alwaysValueFunc(0.5), divAsync, [1, 2]);
- });
- it('passes when both fail and actual error contains expected error', async () => {
- await testWithReferenceFuncAsync(alwaysFailFunc('divide by zero'), divAsync, [1, 0]);
- });
- it('fails when both succeed and actual !== expected', async () => {
- expect(testWithReferenceFuncAsync(alwaysValueFunc(3), divAsync, [1, 2])).to.be.rejectedWith(
- 'Test case {"x":1,"y":2}: expected { value: 0.5 } to deeply equal { value: 3 }',
- );
- });
- it('fails when both fail and actual error does not contain expected error', async () => {
- expect(
- testWithReferenceFuncAsync(alwaysFailFunc('Unexpected math error'), divAsync, [1, 0]),
- ).to.be.rejectedWith(
- 'MathError: divide by zero\n\tTest case: {"x":1,"y":0}: expected \'MathError: divide by zero\' to include \'Unexpected math error\'',
- );
- });
- it('fails when referenceFunc succeeds and testFunc fails', async () => {
- expect(testWithReferenceFuncAsync(alwaysValueFunc(0), divAsync, [1, 0])).to.be.rejectedWith(
- 'Test case {"x":1,"y":0}: expected { error: \'MathError: divide by zero\' } to deeply equal { value: 0 }',
- );
- });
- it('fails when referenceFunc fails and testFunc succeeds', async () => {
- expect(testWithReferenceFuncAsync(alwaysFailFunc('divide by zero'), divAsync, [1, 2])).to.be.rejectedWith(
- 'Expected error containing divide by zero but got no error\n\tTest case: {"x":1,"y":2}',
- );
- });
diff --git a/contracts/core/tsconfig.json b/contracts/core/tsconfig.json
index 23b069110..57ab35732 100644
--- a/contracts/core/tsconfig.json
+++ b/contracts/core/tsconfig.json
@@ -28,8 +28,6 @@
- "./generated-artifacts/MultiSigWallet.json",
- "./generated-artifacts/MultiSigWalletWithTimeLock.json",