blob: a0ce2640fc81f7f28230fcd8f620842ad5c080ca (
plain) (
import * as fs from 'fs';
import * as glob from 'glob';
import * as _ from 'lodash';
import * as path from 'path';
import { ContractData } from './types';
export const collectContractsData = (artifactsPath: string, sourcesPath: string, networkId: number) => {
const sourcesGlob = `${sourcesPath}/**/*.sol`;
const sourceFileNames = glob.sync(sourcesGlob, { absolute: true });
const contractsDataIfExists: Array<ContractData | {}> =, sourceFileName => {
const baseName = path.basename(sourceFileName, '.sol');
const artifactFileName = path.join(artifactsPath, `${baseName}.json`);
if (!fs.existsSync(artifactFileName)) {
// If the contract isn't directly compiled, but is imported as the part of the other contract - we don't
// have an artifact for it and therefore can't do anything useful with it
return {};
const artifact = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(artifactFileName).toString());
const sources =[networkId].sources, source => {
const includedFileName = glob.sync(`${sourcesPath}/**/${source}`, { absolute: true })[0];
return includedFileName;
const sourceCodes =, source => {
const includedSourceCode = fs.readFileSync(source).toString();
return includedSourceCode;
if (_.isUndefined(artifact.networks[networkId])) {
throw new Error(`No ${baseName} artifacts found for networkId ${networkId}`);
const contractData = {
sourceMap: artifact.networks[networkId].source_map,
sourceMapRuntime: artifact.networks[networkId].source_map_runtime,
runtimeBytecode: artifact.networks[networkId].runtime_bytecode,
bytecode: artifact.networks[networkId].bytecode,
return contractData;
const contractsData = _.filter(contractsDataIfExists, contractData => !_.isEmpty(contractData)) as ContractData[];
return contractsData;