#!/usr/bin/env node
* This script exists to migrate the legacy CHANGELOG.md to the canonical CHANGELOG.md
* TODO: Remove after migration is successful and committed.
import * as fs from 'fs';
import lernaGetPackages = require('lerna-get-packages');
import * as _ from 'lodash';
import * as moment from 'moment';
import * as path from 'path';
import { constants } from './constants';
import { Changelog, Changes, UpdatedPackage } from './types';
import { utils } from './utils';
const HEADER_PRAGMA = '##';
(async () => {
const allLernaPackages = lernaGetPackages(constants.monorepoRootPath);
const publicLernaPackages = _.filter(allLernaPackages, pkg => !pkg.package.private);
_.each(publicLernaPackages, lernaPackage => {
const changelogMdIfExists = getChangelogMdIfExists(lernaPackage.package.name, lernaPackage.location);
if (_.isUndefined(changelogMdIfExists)) {
throw new Error(`${lernaPackage.package.name} should have CHANGELOG.md b/c it's public. Add one.`);
const lines = changelogMdIfExists.split('\n');
const changelogs: Changelog[] = [];
let changelog: Changelog = {
version: '',
changes: [],
* Example MD entry:
* ## v0.3.1 - _March 18, 2018_
* * Add TS types for `yargs` (#400)
for (const line of lines) {
if (_.startsWith(line, `${HEADER_PRAGMA} `)) {
let version = line.substr(4).split(' - ')[0];
if (version === '0.x.x') {
version = utils.getNextPatchVersion(lernaPackage.package.version);
const dateStr = line.split('_')[1];
let date;
if (!_.includes(dateStr, 'TBD')) {
date = moment(dateStr, 'MMMM D, YYYY');
changelog = {
changes: [],
if (!_.isUndefined(date)) {
changelog.timestamp = date.unix();
if (!_.includes(dateStr, 'TBD')) {
changelog.isPublished = true;
} else if (_.includes(line, '* ')) {
const note = line.split('* ')[1].split(' (#')[0];
const prChunk = line.split(' (#')[1];
let pr;
if (!_.isUndefined(prChunk)) {
pr = prChunk.split(')')[0];
const changes: Changes = {
if (!_.isUndefined(pr)) {
changes.pr = _.parseInt(pr);
const changelogJson = JSON.stringify(changelogs, null, '\t');
fs.writeFileSync(`${lernaPackage.location}/CHANGELOG.json`, changelogJson);
})().catch(err => {
function getChangelogMdIfExists(packageName: string, location: string): string | undefined {
const changelogPath = path.join(location, 'CHANGELOG.md');
let changelogMd: string;
try {
changelogMd = fs.readFileSync(changelogPath, 'utf-8');
return changelogMd;
} catch (err) {
return undefined;