path: root/core/test/blocks-generator_test.go
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'core/test/blocks-generator_test.go')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 323 deletions
diff --git a/core/test/blocks-generator_test.go b/core/test/blocks-generator_test.go
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index bcbd749..0000000
--- a/core/test/blocks-generator_test.go
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-// Copyright 2018 The dexon-consensus Authors
-// This file is part of the dexon-consensus library.
-// The dexon-consensus library is free software: you can redistribute it
-// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
-// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License,
-// or (at your option) any later version.
-// The dexon-consensus library is distributed in the hope that it will be
-// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-// along with the dexon-consensus library. If not, see
-// <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-package test
-import (
- "sort"
- "testing"
- "time"
- "github.com/dexon-foundation/dexon-consensus/common"
- "github.com/dexon-foundation/dexon-consensus/core/db"
- "github.com/dexon-foundation/dexon-consensus/core/types"
- "github.com/stretchr/testify/suite"
-type BlocksGeneratorTestSuite struct {
- suite.Suite
-func (s *BlocksGeneratorTestSuite) TestGenerate() {
- // This test case is to make sure the generated blocks are legimate.
- var (
- config = &BlocksGeneratorConfig{
- NumChains: 19,
- MinBlockTimeInterval: 200 * time.Millisecond,
- }
- gen = NewBlocksGenerator(config, nil)
- req = s.Require()
- beginTime = time.Now().UTC()
- endTime = beginTime.Add(time.Minute)
- )
- dbInst, err := db.NewMemBackedDB()
- req.NoError(err)
- req.NoError(gen.Generate(1, beginTime, endTime, dbInst))
- // Load all blocks in that database for further checking.
- iter, err := dbInst.GetAllBlocks()
- req.NoError(err)
- blocksByChain := make(map[uint32][]*types.Block)
- blocksByHash := make(map[common.Hash]*types.Block)
- for {
- block, err := iter.NextBlock()
- if err == db.ErrIterationFinished {
- break
- }
- req.NoError(err)
- // TODO(mission): Make sure each block is correctly signed once
- // we have a way to access core.hashBlock.
- req.NotEqual(block.Hash, common.Hash{})
- if !block.IsEmpty() {
- req.NotEmpty(block.Signature)
- }
- req.Equal(block.Position.Round, uint64(1))
- blocksByChain[block.Position.ChainID] =
- append(blocksByChain[block.Position.ChainID], &block)
- sort.Sort(types.ByPosition(blocksByChain[block.Position.ChainID]))
- blocksByHash[block.Hash] = &block
- }
- // Make sure these two rules are hold for these blocks:
- // - No backward acking: the later block should only ack new blocks
- // compared to its parent block.
- // - Parent Ack: always ack its parent block.
- // - Timestamp: timestamp are increasing, and with valid interval to
- // previous block.
- // - The last block of each chain should pass endTime.
- // - No Acks in genesis bloc
- for _, blocks := range blocksByChain {
- lastAckingHeights := map[uint32]uint64{}
- req.NotEmpty(blocks)
- // Check genesis block.
- genesisBlock := blocks[0]
- req.Equal(genesisBlock.ParentHash, common.Hash{})
- req.Equal(genesisBlock.Position.Height, uint64(0))
- req.Empty(genesisBlock.Acks)
- // Check normal blocks.
- for index, block := range blocks[1:] {
- parentAcked := false
- for _, ack := range block.Acks {
- if ack == block.ParentHash {
- parentAcked = true
- }
- ackedBlock := blocksByHash[ack]
- req.NotNil(ackedBlock)
- prevAckingHeight, exists :=
- lastAckingHeights[ackedBlock.Position.ChainID]
- if exists {
- s.True(prevAckingHeight < ackedBlock.Position.Height)
- }
- lastAckingHeights[ackedBlock.Position.ChainID] =
- ackedBlock.Position.Height
- // Block Height should always incremental by 1.
- //
- // Because we iterate blocks slice from 1,
- // we need to add 1 to the index.
- req.Equal(block.Position.Height, uint64(index+1))
- }
- req.True(parentAcked)
- }
- // The block time of the last block should be after end time.
- req.True(blocks[len(blocks)-1].Timestamp.After(endTime))
- }
-func (s *BlocksGeneratorTestSuite) TestGenerateWithMaxAckCount() {
- var (
- config = &BlocksGeneratorConfig{
- NumChains: 13,
- MinBlockTimeInterval: 250 * time.Millisecond,
- }
- req = s.Require()
- totalAckingCount = 0
- totalBlockCount = 0
- genesisTime = time.Now().UTC()
- )
- // Generate with 0 acks.
- dbInst, err := db.NewMemBackedDB()
- req.NoError(err)
- gen := NewBlocksGenerator(config, MaxAckingCountGenerator(0))
- req.NoError(gen.Generate(
- 0,
- genesisTime,
- genesisTime.Add(50*time.Second),
- dbInst))
- // Load blocks to check their acking count.
- iter, err := dbInst.GetAllBlocks()
- req.NoError(err)
- for {
- block, err := iter.NextBlock()
- if err == db.ErrIterationFinished {
- break
- }
- req.NoError(err)
- if block.IsGenesis() {
- continue
- }
- req.Len(block.Acks, 1)
- }
- // Generate with acks as many as possible.
- dbInst, err = db.NewMemBackedDB()
- req.NoError(err)
- gen = NewBlocksGenerator(config, MaxAckingCountGenerator(config.NumChains))
- req.NoError(gen.Generate(
- 0,
- genesisTime,
- genesisTime.Add(50*time.Second),
- dbInst))
- // Load blocks to verify the average acking count.
- iter, err = dbInst.GetAllBlocks()
- req.NoError(err)
- for {
- block, err := iter.NextBlock()
- if err == db.ErrIterationFinished {
- break
- }
- req.NoError(err)
- if block.IsGenesis() {
- continue
- }
- totalAckingCount += len(block.Acks)
- totalBlockCount++
- }
- req.NotZero(totalBlockCount)
- req.True((totalAckingCount / totalBlockCount) >= int(config.NumChains/2))
-// TestFindTips make sure findTips works as expected.
-func (s *BlocksGeneratorTestSuite) TestFindTips() {
- var (
- config = &BlocksGeneratorConfig{
- NumChains: 10,
- MinBlockTimeInterval: 250 * time.Millisecond,
- }
- req = s.Require()
- genesisTime = time.Now().UTC()
- endTime = genesisTime.Add(100 * time.Second)
- )
- gen := NewBlocksGenerator(config, nil)
- dbInst, err := db.NewMemBackedDB()
- req.NoError(err)
- req.NoError(gen.Generate(
- 0,
- genesisTime,
- endTime,
- dbInst))
- tips, err := gen.findTips(0, dbInst)
- req.NoError(err)
- req.Len(tips, int(config.NumChains))
- for _, b := range tips {
- req.True(b.Timestamp.After(endTime))
- }
-func (s *BlocksGeneratorTestSuite) TestConcateBlocksFromRounds() {
- // This test case run these steps:
- // - generate blocks by round but sharing one db.
- // - if those rounds are continuous, they should be concated.
- var (
- req = s.Require()
- genesisTime = time.Now().UTC()
- )
- dbInst, err := db.NewMemBackedDB()
- req.NoError(err)
- // Generate round 0 blocks.
- gen := NewBlocksGenerator(&BlocksGeneratorConfig{
- NumChains: 4,
- MinBlockTimeInterval: 250 * time.Millisecond,
- }, MaxAckingCountGenerator(4))
- req.NoError(gen.Generate(
- 0,
- genesisTime,
- genesisTime.Add(10*time.Second),
- dbInst))
- tips0, err := gen.findTips(0, dbInst)
- req.NoError(err)
- req.Len(tips0, 4)
- // Generate round 1 blocks.
- gen = NewBlocksGenerator(&BlocksGeneratorConfig{
- NumChains: 10,
- MinBlockTimeInterval: 250 * time.Millisecond,
- }, MaxAckingCountGenerator(10))
- req.NoError(gen.Generate(
- 1,
- genesisTime.Add(10*time.Second),
- genesisTime.Add(20*time.Second),
- dbInst))
- tips1, err := gen.findTips(1, dbInst)
- req.NoError(err)
- req.Len(tips1, 10)
- // Generate round 2 blocks.
- gen = NewBlocksGenerator(&BlocksGeneratorConfig{
- NumChains: 7,
- MinBlockTimeInterval: 250 * time.Millisecond,
- }, MaxAckingCountGenerator(7))
- req.NoError(gen.Generate(
- 2,
- genesisTime.Add(20*time.Second),
- genesisTime.Add(30*time.Second),
- dbInst))
- tips2, err := gen.findTips(2, dbInst)
- req.NoError(err)
- req.Len(tips2, 7)
- // Check results, make sure tips0, tips1 are acked by correct blocks.
- iter, err := dbInst.GetAllBlocks()
- req.NoError(err)
- revealer, err := NewRandomBlockRevealer(iter)
- req.NoError(err)
- removeTip := func(tips map[uint32]*types.Block, b *types.Block) {
- toRemove := []uint32{}
- for chainID, tip := range tips {
- if b.ParentHash == tip.Hash {
- req.Equal(b.Position.Height, tip.Position.Height+1)
- req.Equal(b.Position.Round, tip.Position.Round+1)
- req.True(b.IsAcking(tip.Hash))
- toRemove = append(toRemove, chainID)
- }
- }
- for _, ID := range toRemove {
- delete(tips, ID)
- }
- }
- // Make sure all tips are acked by loading blocks from db
- // and check them one by one.
- for {
- b, err := revealer.NextBlock()
- if err != nil {
- if err == db.ErrIterationFinished {
- err = nil
- break
- }
- req.NoError(err)
- }
- switch b.Position.Round {
- case 1:
- removeTip(tips0, &b)
- case 2:
- removeTip(tips1, &b)
- }
- }
- req.Empty(tips0)
- req.Len(tips1, 3)
- req.Contains(tips1, uint32(7))
- req.Contains(tips1, uint32(8))
- req.Contains(tips1, uint32(9))
- // Check the acking frequency of last round, it might be wrong.
- totalBlockCount := 0
- totalAckCount := 0
- revealer.Reset()
- for {
- b, err := revealer.NextBlock()
- if err != nil {
- if err == db.ErrIterationFinished {
- err = nil
- break
- }
- req.NoError(err)
- }
- if b.Position.Round != 2 {
- continue
- }
- totalBlockCount++
- totalAckCount += len(b.Acks)
- }
- // At least all blocks can ack some non-parent block.
- req.True(totalAckCount/totalBlockCount >= 2)
-func TestBlocksGenerator(t *testing.T) {
- suite.Run(t, new(BlocksGeneratorTestSuite))