path: root/core/test/block-revealer.go
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Diffstat (limited to 'core/test/block-revealer.go')
1 files changed, 332 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/core/test/block-revealer.go b/core/test/block-revealer.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ebd2e35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/test/block-revealer.go
@@ -0,0 +1,332 @@
+// Copyright 2018 The dexon-consensus Authors
+// This file is part of the dexon-consensus library.
+// The dexon-consensus library is free software: you can redistribute it
+// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License,
+// or (at your option) any later version.
+// The dexon-consensus library is distributed in the hope that it will be
+// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+// along with the dexon-consensus library. If not, see
+// <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+package test
+import (
+ "errors"
+ "math/rand"
+ "sort"
+ "time"
+ "github.com/dexon-foundation/dexon-consensus/common"
+ "github.com/dexon-foundation/dexon-consensus/core/db"
+ "github.com/dexon-foundation/dexon-consensus/core/types"
+// Errors returns from block-revealer.
+var (
+ ErrNotValidCompactionChain = errors.New("not valid compaction chain")
+// isAllAckingBlockRevealed is a helper to check if all acking blocks of
+// one block are revealed.
+func isAllAckingBlockRevealed(
+ b *types.Block, revealed map[common.Hash]struct{}) bool {
+ for _, ack := range b.Acks {
+ if _, exists := revealed[ack]; !exists {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ return true
+// loadAllBlocks is a helper to load all blocks from db.BlockIterator.
+func loadAllBlocks(iter db.BlockIterator) (
+ blocks map[common.Hash]*types.Block, err error) {
+ blocks = make(map[common.Hash]*types.Block)
+ for {
+ block, err := iter.NextBlock()
+ if err != nil {
+ if err == db.ErrIterationFinished {
+ // It's safe to ignore iteraion-finished error.
+ err = nil
+ }
+ break
+ }
+ blocks[block.Hash] = &block
+ }
+ return
+// RandomDAGBlockRevealer implements BlockRevealer interface, which would load
+// all blocks from db, and randomly pick one block to reveal if it still forms
+// a valid DAG in revealed blocks.
+type RandomDAGBlockRevealer struct {
+ // blocksByChain group all blocks by chains and sorting
+ // them by height.
+ blocksByChain map[uint32][]*types.Block
+ // tipIndexes store the height of next block from one chain
+ // to check if is candidate.
+ tipIndexes map[uint32]int
+ // candidate are blocks that forms valid DAG with
+ // current revealed blocks.
+ candidates []*types.Block
+ candidateChains map[uint32]struct{}
+ // revealed stores block hashes of current revealed blocks.
+ revealed map[common.Hash]struct{}
+ randGen *rand.Rand
+// NewRandomDAGBlockRevealer constructs RandomDAGBlockRevealer.
+func NewRandomDAGBlockRevealer(
+ iter db.BlockIterator) (r *RandomDAGBlockRevealer, err error) {
+ blocks, err := loadAllBlocks(iter)
+ if err != nil {
+ return
+ }
+ // Rearrange blocks by nodes and height.
+ blocksByChain := make(map[uint32][]*types.Block)
+ for _, block := range blocks {
+ blocksByChain[block.Position.ChainID] =
+ append(blocksByChain[block.Position.ChainID], block)
+ }
+ // Make sure blocks are sorted by block heights, from lower to higher.
+ for chainID := range blocksByChain {
+ sort.Sort(types.ByPosition(blocksByChain[chainID]))
+ }
+ r = &RandomDAGBlockRevealer{
+ blocksByChain: blocksByChain,
+ randGen: rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano())),
+ candidateChains: make(map[uint32]struct{}),
+ }
+ // Make sure this revealer is ready to use.
+ r.Reset()
+ return
+// pickCandidates is a helper function to pick candidates from current tips.
+func (r *RandomDAGBlockRevealer) pickCandidates() {
+ for chainID, tip := range r.tipIndexes {
+ if _, isPicked := r.candidateChains[chainID]; isPicked {
+ continue
+ }
+ blocks, exists := r.blocksByChain[chainID]
+ if !exists {
+ continue
+ }
+ if tip >= len(blocks) {
+ continue
+ }
+ block := blocks[tip]
+ if isAllAckingBlockRevealed(block, r.revealed) {
+ r.tipIndexes[chainID]++
+ r.candidates = append(r.candidates, block)
+ r.candidateChains[chainID] = struct{}{}
+ }
+ }
+// NextBlock implement Revealer.Next method, which would reveal blocks
+// forming valid DAGs.
+func (r *RandomDAGBlockRevealer) NextBlock() (types.Block, error) {
+ if len(r.candidates) == 0 {
+ r.pickCandidates()
+ if len(r.candidates) == 0 {
+ return types.Block{}, db.ErrIterationFinished
+ }
+ }
+ // Pick next block to be revealed.
+ picked := r.randGen.Intn(len(r.candidates))
+ block := r.candidates[picked]
+ r.candidates =
+ append(r.candidates[:picked], r.candidates[picked+1:]...)
+ delete(r.candidateChains, block.Position.ChainID)
+ r.revealed[block.Hash] = struct{}{}
+ r.pickCandidates()
+ return *block, nil
+// Reset implement Revealer.Reset method, which would reset the revealing.
+func (r *RandomDAGBlockRevealer) Reset() {
+ r.tipIndexes = make(map[uint32]int)
+ for chainID := range r.blocksByChain {
+ r.tipIndexes[chainID] = 0
+ }
+ r.revealed = make(map[common.Hash]struct{})
+ r.candidates = []*types.Block{}
+// RandomBlockRevealer implements BlockRevealer interface, which would load
+// all blocks from db, and randomly pick one block to reveal.
+type RandomBlockRevealer struct {
+ blocks map[common.Hash]*types.Block
+ remains common.Hashes
+ randGen *rand.Rand
+// NewRandomBlockRevealer constructs RandomBlockRevealer.
+func NewRandomBlockRevealer(
+ iter db.BlockIterator) (r *RandomBlockRevealer, err error) {
+ blocks, err := loadAllBlocks(iter)
+ if err != nil {
+ return
+ }
+ r = &RandomBlockRevealer{
+ blocks: blocks,
+ randGen: rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano())),
+ }
+ r.Reset()
+ return
+// NextBlock implements Revealer.NextBlock method, which would reveal blocks
+// randomly.
+func (r *RandomBlockRevealer) NextBlock() (types.Block, error) {
+ if len(r.remains) == 0 {
+ return types.Block{}, db.ErrIterationFinished
+ }
+ picked := r.randGen.Intn(len(r.remains))
+ block := r.blocks[r.remains[picked]]
+ r.remains =
+ append(r.remains[:picked], r.remains[picked+1:]...)
+ return *block, nil
+// Reset implement Revealer.Reset method, which would reset revealing.
+func (r *RandomBlockRevealer) Reset() {
+ hashes := common.Hashes{}
+ for hash := range r.blocks {
+ hashes = append(hashes, hash)
+ }
+ r.remains = hashes
+// RandomTipBlockRevealer implements BlockRevealer interface, which would load
+// all blocks from db, and randomly pick one chain's tip to reveal.
+type RandomTipBlockRevealer struct {
+ chainsBlock []map[uint64]*types.Block
+ chainTip []uint64
+ chainRevealSeq []uint32
+ revealed int
+ randGen *rand.Rand
+// NewRandomTipBlockRevealer constructs RandomTipBlockRevealer.
+func NewRandomTipBlockRevealer(
+ iter db.BlockIterator) (r *RandomTipBlockRevealer, err error) {
+ blocks, err := loadAllBlocks(iter)
+ if err != nil {
+ return
+ }
+ r = &RandomTipBlockRevealer{
+ randGen: rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano())),
+ }
+ for _, b := range blocks {
+ for b.Position.ChainID >= uint32(len(r.chainsBlock)) {
+ r.chainsBlock = append(r.chainsBlock, make(map[uint64]*types.Block))
+ r.chainTip = append(r.chainTip, 0)
+ }
+ r.chainsBlock[b.Position.ChainID][b.Position.Height] = b
+ r.chainRevealSeq = append(r.chainRevealSeq, b.Position.ChainID)
+ }
+ r.Reset()
+ return
+// NextBlock implements Revealer.Next method, which would reveal blocks randomly.
+func (r *RandomTipBlockRevealer) NextBlock() (types.Block, error) {
+ if len(r.chainRevealSeq) == r.revealed {
+ return types.Block{}, db.ErrIterationFinished
+ }
+ picked := r.chainRevealSeq[r.revealed]
+ r.revealed++
+ block := r.chainsBlock[picked][r.chainTip[picked]]
+ r.chainTip[picked]++
+ return *block, nil
+// Reset implement Revealer.Reset method, which would reset revealing.
+func (r *RandomTipBlockRevealer) Reset() {
+ r.revealed = 0
+ r.randGen.Shuffle(len(r.chainRevealSeq), func(i, j int) {
+ r.chainRevealSeq[i], r.chainRevealSeq[j] =
+ r.chainRevealSeq[j], r.chainRevealSeq[i]
+ })
+ for i := range r.chainTip {
+ r.chainTip[i] = 0
+ }
+// CompactionChainBlockRevealer implements BlockRevealer interface, which would
+// load all blocks from db, reveal them in the order of compaction chain,
+// from the genesis block to the latest one.
+type CompactionChainBlockRevealer struct {
+ blocks types.ByFinalizationHeight
+ nextRevealIndex int
+// NewCompactionChainBlockRevealer constructs a block revealer in the order of
+// compaction chain.
+func NewCompactionChainBlockRevealer(iter db.BlockIterator,
+ startHeight uint64) (r *CompactionChainBlockRevealer, err error) {
+ blocksByHash, err := loadAllBlocks(iter)
+ if err != nil {
+ return
+ }
+ if startHeight == 0 {
+ startHeight = 1
+ }
+ blocks := types.ByFinalizationHeight{}
+ for _, b := range blocksByHash {
+ if b.Finalization.Height < startHeight {
+ continue
+ }
+ blocks = append(blocks, b)
+ }
+ sort.Sort(types.ByFinalizationHeight(blocks))
+ // Make sure the finalization height of blocks are incremental with step 1.
+ for idx, b := range blocks {
+ if idx == 0 {
+ continue
+ }
+ if b.Finalization.Height != blocks[idx-1].Finalization.Height+1 {
+ err = ErrNotValidCompactionChain
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ r = &CompactionChainBlockRevealer{
+ blocks: blocks,
+ }
+ r.Reset()
+ return
+// NextBlock implements Revealer.Next method, which would reveal blocks in the
+// order of compaction chain.
+func (r *CompactionChainBlockRevealer) NextBlock() (types.Block, error) {
+ if r.nextRevealIndex == len(r.blocks) {
+ return types.Block{}, db.ErrIterationFinished
+ }
+ b := r.blocks[r.nextRevealIndex]
+ r.nextRevealIndex++
+ return *b, nil
+// Reset implement Revealer.Reset method, which would reset revealing.
+func (r *CompactionChainBlockRevealer) Reset() {
+ r.nextRevealIndex = 0