path: root/core/consensus-timestamp_test.go
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Diffstat (limited to 'core/consensus-timestamp_test.go')
1 files changed, 206 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/core/consensus-timestamp_test.go b/core/consensus-timestamp_test.go
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+++ b/core/consensus-timestamp_test.go
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+// Copyright 2018 The dexon-consensus-core Authors
+// This file is part of the dexon-consensus-core library.
+// The dexon-consensus-core library is free software: you can redistribute it
+// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License,
+// or (at your option) any later version.
+// The dexon-consensus-core library is distributed in the hope that it will be
+// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+// along with the dexon-consensus-core library. If not, see
+// <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+package core
+import (
+ "math"
+ "math/rand"
+ "testing"
+ "time"
+ "github.com/stretchr/testify/suite"
+ "github.com/dexon-foundation/dexon-consensus-core/common"
+ "github.com/dexon-foundation/dexon-consensus-core/core/types"
+type ConsensusTimestampTest struct {
+ suite.Suite
+func generateBlocksWithAcks(blockNum, maxAcks int) []*types.Block {
+ chain := []*types.Block{
+ &types.Block{
+ Hash: common.NewRandomHash(),
+ Acks: make(map[common.Hash]struct{}),
+ },
+ }
+ for i := 1; i < blockNum; i++ {
+ acks := make(map[common.Hash]struct{})
+ ackNum := rand.Intn(maxAcks) + 1
+ for j := 0; j < ackNum; j++ {
+ ack := rand.Intn(len(chain))
+ acks[chain[ack].Hash] = struct{}{}
+ }
+ block := &types.Block{
+ Hash: common.NewRandomHash(),
+ Acks: acks,
+ }
+ chain = append(chain, block)
+ }
+ return chain
+func fillBlocksTimestamps(blocks []*types.Block, validatorNum int,
+ step, sigma time.Duration) {
+ curTime := time.Now().UTC()
+ vIDs := make([]types.ValidatorID, validatorNum)
+ for i := 0; i < validatorNum; i++ {
+ vIDs[i] = types.ValidatorID{Hash: common.NewRandomHash()}
+ }
+ for _, block := range blocks {
+ block.Timestamps = make(map[types.ValidatorID]time.Time)
+ for _, vID := range vIDs {
+ diffSeconds := rand.NormFloat64() * sigma.Seconds()
+ diffSeconds = math.Min(diffSeconds, step.Seconds()/2)
+ diffSeconds = math.Max(diffSeconds, -step.Seconds()/2)
+ diffDuration := time.Duration(diffSeconds*1000) * time.Millisecond
+ block.Timestamps[vID] = curTime.Add(diffDuration)
+ }
+ curTime = curTime.Add(step)
+ }
+func extractTimestamps(blocks []*types.Block) []time.Time {
+ timestamps := make([]time.Time, len(blocks))
+ for idx, block := range blocks {
+ timestamps[idx] = block.ConsensusTime
+ }
+ return timestamps
+func (s *ConsensusTimestampTest) TestMainChainSelection() {
+ ct := newConsensusTimestamp()
+ ct2 := newConsensusTimestamp()
+ blockNums := []int{50, 100, 30}
+ maxAcks := 5
+ for _, blockNum := range blockNums {
+ chain := generateBlocksWithAcks(blockNum, maxAcks)
+ mainChain, _ := ct.selectMainChain(chain)
+ // Verify the selected main chain.
+ for i := 1; i < len(mainChain); i++ {
+ _, exists := mainChain[i].Acks[mainChain[i-1].Hash]
+ s.True(exists)
+ }
+ // Verify if selectMainChain is stable.
+ mainChain2, _ := ct2.selectMainChain(chain)
+ s.Equal(mainChain, mainChain2)
+ }
+func (s *ConsensusTimestampTest) TestTimestampPartition() {
+ blockNums := []int{50, 100, 30}
+ validatorNum := 19
+ sigma := 100 * time.Millisecond
+ maxAcks := 5
+ totalMainChain := make([]*types.Block, 1)
+ totalChain := make([]*types.Block, 0)
+ totalTimestamps := make([]time.Time, 0)
+ ct := newConsensusTimestamp()
+ var lastMainChainBlock *types.Block
+ for _, blockNum := range blockNums {
+ chain := generateBlocksWithAcks(blockNum, maxAcks)
+ fillBlocksTimestamps(chain, validatorNum, time.Second, sigma)
+ blocksWithTimestamps, mainChain, err := ct.processBlocks(chain)
+ s.Require().Nil(err)
+ timestamps := extractTimestamps(blocksWithTimestamps)
+ if lastMainChainBlock != nil {
+ s.Require().Equal(mainChain[0], lastMainChainBlock)
+ }
+ s.Require().Equal(mainChain[len(mainChain)-1], ct.lastMainChainBlock)
+ lastMainChainBlock = ct.lastMainChainBlock
+ totalMainChain =
+ append(totalMainChain[:len(totalMainChain)-1], mainChain...)
+ totalChain = append(totalChain, chain...)
+ totalTimestamps = append(totalTimestamps, timestamps...)
+ }
+ ct2 := newConsensusTimestamp()
+ blocksWithTimestamps2, mainChain2, err := ct2.processBlocks(totalChain)
+ s.Require().Nil(err)
+ timestamps2 := extractTimestamps(blocksWithTimestamps2)
+ s.Equal(totalMainChain, mainChain2)
+ s.Equal(totalTimestamps, timestamps2)
+func timeDiffWithinTolerance(t1, t2 time.Time, tolerance time.Duration) bool {
+ if t1.After(t2) {
+ return timeDiffWithinTolerance(t2, t1, tolerance)
+ }
+ return t1.Add(tolerance).After(t2)
+func (s *ConsensusTimestampTest) TestTimestampIncrease() {
+ validatorNum := 19
+ sigma := 100 * time.Millisecond
+ ct := newConsensusTimestamp()
+ chain := generateBlocksWithAcks(1000, 5)
+ fillBlocksTimestamps(chain, validatorNum, time.Second, sigma)
+ blocksWithTimestamps, _, err := ct.processBlocks(chain)
+ s.Require().Nil(err)
+ timestamps := extractTimestamps(blocksWithTimestamps)
+ for i := 1; i < len(timestamps); i++ {
+ s.True(timestamps[i].After(timestamps[i-1]))
+ }
+ // Test if the processBlocks is stable.
+ ct2 := newConsensusTimestamp()
+ blocksWithTimestamps2, _, err := ct2.processBlocks(chain)
+ s.Require().Nil(err)
+ timestamps2 := extractTimestamps(blocksWithTimestamps2)
+ s.Equal(timestamps, timestamps2)
+func (s *ConsensusTimestampTest) TestByzantineBiasTime() {
+ // Test that Byzantine node cannot bias the timestamps.
+ validatorNum := 19
+ sigma := 100 * time.Millisecond
+ tolerance := 4 * sigma
+ ct := newConsensusTimestamp()
+ chain := generateBlocksWithAcks(1000, 5)
+ fillBlocksTimestamps(chain, validatorNum, time.Second, sigma)
+ blocksWithTimestamps, _, err := ct.processBlocks(chain)
+ s.Require().Nil(err)
+ timestamps := extractTimestamps(blocksWithTimestamps)
+ byzantine := validatorNum / 3
+ validators := make([]types.ValidatorID, 0, validatorNum)
+ for vID := range chain[0].Timestamps {
+ validators = append(validators, vID)
+ }
+ // The number of Byzantine node is at most N/3.
+ for i := 0; i < byzantine; i++ {
+ // Pick one validator to be Byzantine node.
+ // It is allowed to have the vID be duplicated,
+ // because the number of Byzantine node is between 1 and N/3.
+ vID := validators[rand.Intn(validatorNum)]
+ for _, block := range chain {
+ block.Timestamps[vID] = time.Time{}
+ }
+ }
+ ctByzantine := newConsensusTimestamp()
+ blocksWithTimestampsB, _, err := ctByzantine.processBlocks(chain)
+ s.Require().Nil(err)
+ timestampsWithByzantine := extractTimestamps(blocksWithTimestampsB)
+ for idx, timestamp := range timestamps {
+ timestampWithByzantine := timestampsWithByzantine[idx]
+ s.True(timeDiffWithinTolerance(
+ timestamp, timestampWithByzantine, tolerance))
+ }
+func TestConsensusTimestamp(t *testing.T) {
+ suite.Run(t, new(ConsensusTimestampTest))