// Copyright 2018 The dexon-consensus-core Authors
// This file is part of the dexon-consensus-core library.
// The dexon-consensus-core library is free software: you can redistribute it
// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License,
// or (at your option) any later version.
// The dexon-consensus-core library is distributed in the hope that it will be
// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with the dexon-consensus-core library. If not, see
// <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package core
import (
type TotalOrderingTestSuite struct {
func (s *TotalOrderingTestSuite) genGenesisBlock(
vIDs types.NodeIDs,
chainID uint32,
acks common.Hashes) *types.Block {
return &types.Block{
ProposerID: vIDs[chainID],
ParentHash: common.Hash{},
Hash: common.NewRandomHash(),
Position: types.Position{
Height: 0,
ChainID: chainID,
Acks: common.NewSortedHashes(acks),
func (s *TotalOrderingTestSuite) performOneRun(
to *totalOrdering, revealer test.Revealer) (revealed, ordered string) {
curRound := uint64(0)
for {
// Reveal next block.
b, err := revealer.Next()
if err != nil {
if err == blockdb.ErrIterationFinished {
err = nil
revealed += b.Hash.String() + ","
// Perform total ordering.
blocks, _, err := to.processBlock(&b)
for _, b := range blocks {
ordered += b.Hash.String() + ","
// Make sure the round ID is increasing, and no interleave.
s.Require().True(b.Position.Round >= curRound)
curRound = b.Position.Round
func (s *TotalOrderingTestSuite) checkRandomResult(
revealingSequence, orderingSequence map[string]struct{}) {
// Make sure we test at least two different
// revealing sequence.
s.True(len(revealingSequence) > 1)
// Make sure all ordering are equal or prefixed
// to another one.
for orderFrom := range orderingSequence {
s.True(len(orderFrom) > 0)
for orderTo := range orderingSequence {
if orderFrom == orderTo {
ok := strings.HasPrefix(orderFrom, orderTo) ||
strings.HasPrefix(orderTo, orderFrom)
func (s *TotalOrderingTestSuite) checkNotDeliver(to *totalOrdering, b *types.Block) {
blocks, mode, err := to.processBlock(b)
s.Equal(mode, TotalOrderingModeNormal)
func (s *TotalOrderingTestSuite) checkHashSequence(blocks []*types.Block, hashes common.Hashes) {
for i, h := range hashes {
s.Equal(blocks[i].Hash, h)
func (s *TotalOrderingTestSuite) checkNotInWorkingSet(
to *totalOrdering, b *types.Block) {
s.NotContains(to.pendings, b.Hash)
s.NotContains(to.acked, b.Hash)
func (s *TotalOrderingTestSuite) TestBlockRelation() {
// This test case would verify if 'acking' and 'acked'
// accumulated correctly.
// The DAG used below is:
// A <- B <- C
nodes := test.GenerateRandomNodeIDs(5)
vID := nodes[0]
blockA := s.genGenesisBlock(nodes, 0, common.Hashes{})
blockB := &types.Block{
ProposerID: vID,
ParentHash: blockA.Hash,
Hash: common.NewRandomHash(),
Position: types.Position{
Height: 1,
ChainID: 0,
Acks: common.NewSortedHashes(common.Hashes{blockA.Hash}),
blockC := &types.Block{
ProposerID: vID,
ParentHash: blockB.Hash,
Hash: common.NewRandomHash(),
Position: types.Position{
Height: 2,
ChainID: 0,
Acks: common.NewSortedHashes(common.Hashes{blockB.Hash}),
genesisConfig := &totalOrderingConfig{
roundBasedConfig: roundBasedConfig{
roundInterval: 1000 * time.Second,
k: 1,
phi: 3,
numChains: uint32(len(nodes)),
to := newTotalOrdering(genesisConfig)
s.checkNotDeliver(to, blockA)
s.checkNotDeliver(to, blockB)
s.checkNotDeliver(to, blockC)
// Check 'acked'.
ackedA := to.acked[blockA.Hash]
s.Len(ackedA, 2)
s.Contains(ackedA, blockB.Hash)
s.Contains(ackedA, blockC.Hash)
ackedB := to.acked[blockB.Hash]
s.Len(ackedB, 1)
s.Contains(ackedB, blockC.Hash)
func (s *TotalOrderingTestSuite) TestCreateAckingHeightVectorFromHeightVector() {
var (
cache = newTotalOrderingObjectCache(5)
dirties = []int{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}
// Prepare global acking status.
global := &totalOrderingCandidateInfo{
ackedStatus: []*totalOrderingHeightRecord{
&totalOrderingHeightRecord{minHeight: 0, count: 5},
&totalOrderingHeightRecord{minHeight: 0, count: 5},
&totalOrderingHeightRecord{minHeight: 0, count: 5},
&totalOrderingHeightRecord{minHeight: 0, count: 5},
&totalOrderingHeightRecord{minHeight: 0, count: 0},
// For 'not existed' record in local but exist in global,
// should be infinity.
candidate := &totalOrderingCandidateInfo{
ackedStatus: []*totalOrderingHeightRecord{
&totalOrderingHeightRecord{minHeight: 0, count: 2},
&totalOrderingHeightRecord{minHeight: 0, count: 0},
&totalOrderingHeightRecord{minHeight: 0, count: 0},
&totalOrderingHeightRecord{minHeight: 0, count: 0},
&totalOrderingHeightRecord{minHeight: 0, count: 0},
candidate.updateAckingHeightVector(global, 0, dirties, cache)
s.Equal(candidate.cachedHeightVector[0], uint64(0))
s.Equal(candidate.cachedHeightVector[1], infinity)
s.Equal(candidate.cachedHeightVector[2], infinity)
s.Equal(candidate.cachedHeightVector[3], infinity)
// For local min exceeds global's min+k-1, should be infinity
candidate = &totalOrderingCandidateInfo{
ackedStatus: []*totalOrderingHeightRecord{
&totalOrderingHeightRecord{minHeight: 3, count: 1},
&totalOrderingHeightRecord{minHeight: 0, count: 0},
&totalOrderingHeightRecord{minHeight: 0, count: 0},
&totalOrderingHeightRecord{minHeight: 0, count: 0},
&totalOrderingHeightRecord{minHeight: 0, count: 0},
candidate.updateAckingHeightVector(global, 2, dirties, cache)
s.Equal(candidate.cachedHeightVector[0], infinity)
candidate.updateAckingHeightVector(global, 3, dirties, cache)
s.Equal(candidate.cachedHeightVector[0], uint64(3))
candidate = &totalOrderingCandidateInfo{
ackedStatus: []*totalOrderingHeightRecord{
&totalOrderingHeightRecord{minHeight: 0, count: 3},
&totalOrderingHeightRecord{minHeight: 0, count: 3},
&totalOrderingHeightRecord{minHeight: 0, count: 0},
&totalOrderingHeightRecord{minHeight: 0, count: 0},
&totalOrderingHeightRecord{minHeight: 0, count: 0},
candidate.updateAckingHeightVector(global, 5, dirties, cache)
func (s *TotalOrderingTestSuite) TestCreateAckingNodeSetFromHeightVector() {
global := &totalOrderingCandidateInfo{
ackedStatus: []*totalOrderingHeightRecord{
&totalOrderingHeightRecord{minHeight: 0, count: 5},
&totalOrderingHeightRecord{minHeight: 0, count: 5},
&totalOrderingHeightRecord{minHeight: 0, count: 5},
&totalOrderingHeightRecord{minHeight: 0, count: 5},
&totalOrderingHeightRecord{minHeight: 0, count: 0},
local := &totalOrderingCandidateInfo{
ackedStatus: []*totalOrderingHeightRecord{
&totalOrderingHeightRecord{minHeight: 1, count: 2},
&totalOrderingHeightRecord{minHeight: 0, count: 0},
&totalOrderingHeightRecord{minHeight: 0, count: 0},
&totalOrderingHeightRecord{minHeight: 0, count: 0},
&totalOrderingHeightRecord{minHeight: 0, count: 0},
s.Equal(local.getAckingNodeSetLength(global, 1, 5), uint64(1))
s.Equal(local.getAckingNodeSetLength(global, 2, 5), uint64(1))
s.Equal(local.getAckingNodeSetLength(global, 3, 5), uint64(0))
func (s *TotalOrderingTestSuite) TestGrade() {
// This test case just fake some internal structure used
// when performing total ordering.
var (
nodes = test.GenerateRandomNodeIDs(5)
cache = newTotalOrderingObjectCache(5)
dirtyNodes = []int{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}
ansLength := uint64(len(map[types.NodeID]struct{}{
nodes[0]: struct{}{},
nodes[1]: struct{}{},
nodes[2]: struct{}{},
nodes[3]: struct{}{},
candidate1 := newTotalOrderingCandidateInfo(common.Hash{}, cache)
candidate1.cachedHeightVector = []uint64{
1, infinity, infinity, infinity, infinity}
candidate2 := newTotalOrderingCandidateInfo(common.Hash{}, cache)
candidate2.cachedHeightVector = []uint64{
1, 1, 1, 1, infinity}
candidate3 := newTotalOrderingCandidateInfo(common.Hash{}, cache)
candidate3.cachedHeightVector = []uint64{
1, 1, infinity, infinity, infinity}
0, candidate1, dirtyNodes, cache, 5)
s.Equal(candidate2.winRecords[0].grade(5, 3, ansLength), 1)
1, candidate2, dirtyNodes, cache, 5)
s.Equal(candidate1.winRecords[1].grade(5, 3, ansLength), 0)
2, candidate3, dirtyNodes, cache, 5)
s.Equal(candidate2.winRecords[2].grade(5, 3, ansLength), -1)
1, candidate2, dirtyNodes, cache, 5)
s.Equal(candidate3.winRecords[1].grade(5, 3, ansLength), 0)
func (s *TotalOrderingTestSuite) TestCycleDetection() {
// Make sure we don't get hang by cycle from
// block's acks.
nodes := test.GenerateRandomNodeIDs(5)
// create blocks with cycles in acking relation.
cycledHash := common.NewRandomHash()
b00 := s.genGenesisBlock(nodes, 0, common.Hashes{cycledHash})
b01 := &types.Block{
ProposerID: nodes[0],
ParentHash: b00.Hash,
Hash: common.NewRandomHash(),
Position: types.Position{
Height: 1,
ChainID: 0,
Acks: common.NewSortedHashes(common.Hashes{b00.Hash}),
b02 := &types.Block{
ProposerID: nodes[0],
ParentHash: b01.Hash,
Hash: common.NewRandomHash(),
Position: types.Position{
Height: 2,
ChainID: 0,
Acks: common.NewSortedHashes(common.Hashes{b01.Hash}),
b03 := &types.Block{
ProposerID: nodes[0],
ParentHash: b02.Hash,
Hash: cycledHash,
Position: types.Position{
Height: 3,
ChainID: 0,
Acks: common.NewSortedHashes(common.Hashes{b02.Hash}),
// Create a block acks self.
b10 := s.genGenesisBlock(nodes, 1, common.Hashes{})
b10.Acks = append(b10.Acks, b10.Hash)
// Make sure we won't hang when cycle exists.
genesisConfig := &totalOrderingConfig{
roundBasedConfig: roundBasedConfig{
roundInterval: 1000 * time.Second,
k: 1,
phi: 3,
numChains: uint32(len(nodes)),
to := newTotalOrdering(genesisConfig)
s.checkNotDeliver(to, b00)
s.checkNotDeliver(to, b01)
s.checkNotDeliver(to, b02)
// Should not hang in this line.
s.checkNotDeliver(to, b03)
// Should not hang in this line
s.checkNotDeliver(to, b10)
func (s *TotalOrderingTestSuite) TestEarlyDeliver() {
// The test scenario:
// o o o o o
// : : : : : <- (K - 1) layers
// o o o o o
// \ v / |
// o o
// A B
// Even when B is not received, A should
// be able to be delivered.
nodes := test.GenerateRandomNodeIDs(5)
genesisConfig := &totalOrderingConfig{
roundBasedConfig: roundBasedConfig{
roundInterval: 1000 * time.Second,
k: 2,
phi: 3,
numChains: uint32(len(nodes)),
to := newTotalOrdering(genesisConfig)
genNextBlock := func(b *types.Block) *types.Block {
return &types.Block{
ProposerID: b.ProposerID,
ParentHash: b.Hash,
Hash: common.NewRandomHash(),
Position: types.Position{
Height: b.Position.Height + 1,
ChainID: b.Position.ChainID,
Acks: common.NewSortedHashes(common.Hashes{b.Hash}),
b00 := s.genGenesisBlock(nodes, 0, common.Hashes{})
b01 := genNextBlock(b00)
b02 := genNextBlock(b01)
b10 := s.genGenesisBlock(nodes, 1, common.Hashes{b00.Hash})
b11 := genNextBlock(b10)
b12 := genNextBlock(b11)
b20 := s.genGenesisBlock(nodes, 2, common.Hashes{b00.Hash})
b21 := genNextBlock(b20)
b22 := genNextBlock(b21)
b30 := s.genGenesisBlock(nodes, 3, common.Hashes{b00.Hash})
b31 := genNextBlock(b30)
b32 := genNextBlock(b31)
// It's a valid block sequence to deliver
// to total ordering algorithm: DAG.
s.checkNotDeliver(to, b00)
s.checkNotDeliver(to, b01)
s.checkNotDeliver(to, b02)
candidate := to.candidates[0]
s.Equal(candidate.ackedStatus[0].count, uint64(3))
s.checkNotDeliver(to, b10)
s.checkNotDeliver(to, b11)
s.checkNotDeliver(to, b12)
s.checkNotDeliver(to, b20)
s.checkNotDeliver(to, b21)
s.checkNotDeliver(to, b22)
s.checkNotDeliver(to, b30)
s.checkNotDeliver(to, b31)
// Check the internal state before delivering.
s.Len(to.candidateChainMapping, 1) // b00 is the only candidate.
candidate = to.candidates[0]
s.Equal(candidate.ackedStatus[0].minHeight, b00.Position.Height)
s.Equal(candidate.ackedStatus[0].count, uint64(3))
s.Equal(candidate.ackedStatus[1].minHeight, b10.Position.Height)
s.Equal(candidate.ackedStatus[1].count, uint64(3))
s.Equal(candidate.ackedStatus[2].minHeight, b20.Position.Height)
s.Equal(candidate.ackedStatus[2].count, uint64(3))
s.Equal(candidate.ackedStatus[3].minHeight, b30.Position.Height)
s.Equal(candidate.ackedStatus[3].count, uint64(2))
blocks, mode, err := to.processBlock(b32)
s.Require().Len(blocks, 1)
s.Equal(mode, TotalOrderingModeEarly)
s.checkHashSequence(blocks, common.Hashes{b00.Hash})
// Check the internal state after delivered.
s.Len(to.candidateChainMapping, 4) // b01, b10, b20, b30 are candidates.
// Check b01.
candidate = to.candidates[0]
s.Equal(candidate.ackedStatus[0].minHeight, b01.Position.Height)
s.Equal(candidate.ackedStatus[0].count, uint64(2))
// Check b10.
candidate = to.candidates[1]
s.Equal(candidate.ackedStatus[1].minHeight, b10.Position.Height)
s.Equal(candidate.ackedStatus[1].count, uint64(3))
// Check b20.
candidate = to.candidates[2]
s.Equal(candidate.ackedStatus[2].minHeight, b20.Position.Height)
s.Equal(candidate.ackedStatus[2].count, uint64(3))
// Check b30.
candidate = to.candidates[3]
s.Equal(candidate.ackedStatus[3].minHeight, b30.Position.Height)
s.Equal(candidate.ackedStatus[3].count, uint64(3))
// Make sure b00 doesn't exist in current working set:
s.checkNotInWorkingSet(to, b00)
func (s *TotalOrderingTestSuite) TestBasicCaseForK2() {
// It's a handcrafted test case.
nodes := test.GenerateRandomNodeIDs(5)
genesisConfig := &totalOrderingConfig{
roundBasedConfig: roundBasedConfig{
roundInterval: 1000 * time.Second,
k: 2,
phi: 3,
numChains: uint32(len(nodes)),
to := newTotalOrdering(genesisConfig)
// Setup blocks.
b00 := s.genGenesisBlock(nodes, 0, common.Hashes{})
b10 := s.genGenesisBlock(nodes, 1, common.Hashes{})
b20 := s.genGenesisBlock(nodes, 2, common.Hashes{b10.Hash})
b30 := s.genGenesisBlock(nodes, 3, common.Hashes{b20.Hash})
b40 := s.genGenesisBlock(nodes, 4, common.Hashes{})
b11 := &types.Block{
ProposerID: nodes[1],
ParentHash: b10.Hash,
Hash: common.NewRandomHash(),
Position: types.Position{
Height: 1,
ChainID: 1,
Acks: common.NewSortedHashes(common.Hashes{b10.Hash, b00.Hash}),
b01 := &types.Block{
ProposerID: nodes[0],
ParentHash: b00.Hash,
Hash: common.NewRandomHash(),
Position: types.Position{
Height: 1,
ChainID: 0,
Acks: common.NewSortedHashes(common.Hashes{b00.Hash, b11.Hash}),
b21 := &types.Block{
ProposerID: nodes[2],
ParentHash: b20.Hash,
Hash: common.NewRandomHash(),
Position: types.Position{
Height: 1,
ChainID: 2,
Acks: common.NewSortedHashes(common.Hashes{b20.Hash, b01.Hash}),
b31 := &types.Block{
ProposerID: nodes[3],
ParentHash: b30.Hash,
Hash: common.NewRandomHash(),
Position: types.Position{
Height: 1,
ChainID: 3,
Acks: common.NewSortedHashes(common.Hashes{b30.Hash, b21.Hash}),
b02 := &types.Block{
ProposerID: nodes[0],
ParentHash: b01.Hash,
Hash: common.NewRandomHash(),
Position: types.Position{
Height: 2,
ChainID: 0,
Acks: common.NewSortedHashes(common.Hashes{b01.Hash, b21.Hash}),
b12 := &types.Block{
ProposerID: nodes[1],
ParentHash: b11.Hash,
Hash: common.NewRandomHash(),
Position: types.Position{
Height: 2,
ChainID: 1,
Acks: common.NewSortedHashes(common.Hashes{b11.Hash, b21.Hash}),
b32 := &types.Block{
ProposerID: nodes[3],
ParentHash: b31.Hash,
Hash: common.NewRandomHash(),
Position: types.Position{
Height: 2,
ChainID: 3,
Acks: common.NewSortedHashes(common.Hashes{b31.Hash}),
b22 := &types.Block{
ProposerID: nodes[2],
ParentHash: b21.Hash,
Hash: common.NewRandomHash(),
Position: types.Position{
Height: 2,
ChainID: 2,
Acks: common.NewSortedHashes(common.Hashes{b21.Hash, b32.Hash}),
b23 := &types.Block{
ProposerID: nodes[2],
ParentHash: b22.Hash,
Hash: common.NewRandomHash(),
Position: types.Position{
Height: 3,
ChainID: 2,
Acks: common.NewSortedHashes(common.Hashes{b22.Hash}),
b03 := &types.Block{
ProposerID: nodes[0],
ParentHash: b02.Hash,
Hash: common.NewRandomHash(),
Position: types.Position{
Height: 3,
ChainID: 0,
Acks: common.NewSortedHashes(common.Hashes{b02.Hash, b22.Hash}),
b13 := &types.Block{
ProposerID: nodes[1],
ParentHash: b12.Hash,
Hash: common.NewRandomHash(),
Position: types.Position{
Height: 3,
ChainID: 1,
Acks: common.NewSortedHashes(common.Hashes{b12.Hash, b22.Hash}),
b14 := &types.Block{
ProposerID: nodes[1],
ParentHash: b13.Hash,
Hash: common.NewRandomHash(),
Position: types.Position{
Height: 4,
ChainID: 1,
Acks: common.NewSortedHashes(common.Hashes{b13.Hash}),
b41 := &types.Block{
ProposerID: nodes[4],
ParentHash: b40.Hash,
Hash: common.NewRandomHash(),
Position: types.Position{
Height: 1,
ChainID: 4,
Acks: common.NewSortedHashes(common.Hashes{b40.Hash}),
b42 := &types.Block{
ProposerID: nodes[4],
ParentHash: b41.Hash,
Hash: common.NewRandomHash(),
Position: types.Position{
Height: 2,
ChainID: 4,
Acks: common.NewSortedHashes(common.Hashes{b41.Hash}),
s.checkNotDeliver(to, b00)
s.checkNotDeliver(to, b10)
s.checkNotDeliver(to, b11)
s.checkNotDeliver(to, b01)
s.checkNotDeliver(to, b20)
s.checkNotDeliver(to, b30)
s.checkNotDeliver(to, b21)
s.checkNotDeliver(to, b31)
s.checkNotDeliver(to, b32)
s.checkNotDeliver(to, b22)
s.checkNotDeliver(to, b12)
// Make sure 'acked' for current precedings is correct.
acked := to.acked[b00.Hash]
s.Len(acked, 7)
s.Contains(acked, b01.Hash)
s.Contains(acked, b11.Hash)
s.Contains(acked, b12.Hash)
s.Contains(acked, b21.Hash)
s.Contains(acked, b22.Hash)
s.Contains(acked, b31.Hash)
s.Contains(acked, b32.Hash)
acked = to.acked[b10.Hash]
s.Len(acked, 9)
s.Contains(acked, b01.Hash)
s.Contains(acked, b11.Hash)
s.Contains(acked, b12.Hash)
s.Contains(acked, b20.Hash)
s.Contains(acked, b21.Hash)
s.Contains(acked, b22.Hash)
s.Contains(acked, b30.Hash)
s.Contains(acked, b31.Hash)
s.Contains(acked, b32.Hash)
// Make sure there are 2 candidates.
s.Require().Len(to.candidateChainMapping, 2)
// Check b00's height vector.
candidate := to.candidates[0]
s.Equal(candidate.ackedStatus[0].minHeight, b00.Position.Height)
s.Equal(candidate.ackedStatus[0].count, uint64(2))
s.Equal(candidate.ackedStatus[1].minHeight, b11.Position.Height)
s.Equal(candidate.ackedStatus[1].count, uint64(2))
s.Equal(candidate.ackedStatus[2].minHeight, b21.Position.Height)
s.Equal(candidate.ackedStatus[2].count, uint64(2))
s.Equal(candidate.ackedStatus[3].minHeight, b31.Position.Height)
s.Equal(candidate.ackedStatus[3].count, uint64(2))
s.Equal(candidate.ackedStatus[4].count, uint64(0))
// Check b10's height vector.
candidate = to.candidates[1]
s.Equal(candidate.ackedStatus[0].minHeight, b01.Position.Height)
s.Equal(candidate.ackedStatus[0].count, uint64(1))
s.Equal(candidate.ackedStatus[1].minHeight, b10.Position.Height)
s.Equal(candidate.ackedStatus[1].count, uint64(3))
s.Equal(candidate.ackedStatus[2].minHeight, b20.Position.Height)
s.Equal(candidate.ackedStatus[2].count, uint64(3))
s.Equal(candidate.ackedStatus[3].minHeight, b30.Position.Height)
s.Equal(candidate.ackedStatus[3].count, uint64(3))
s.Equal(candidate.ackedStatus[4].count, uint64(0))
// Check the first deliver.
blocks, mode, err := to.processBlock(b02)
s.Equal(mode, TotalOrderingModeEarly)
s.checkHashSequence(blocks, common.Hashes{b00.Hash, b10.Hash})
// Make sure b00, b10 are removed from current working set.
s.checkNotInWorkingSet(to, b00)
s.checkNotInWorkingSet(to, b10)
// Check if candidates of next round are picked correctly.
s.Len(to.candidateChainMapping, 2)
// Check b01's height vector.
candidate = to.candidates[1]
s.Equal(candidate.ackedStatus[0].minHeight, b01.Position.Height)
s.Equal(candidate.ackedStatus[0].count, uint64(2))
s.Equal(candidate.ackedStatus[1].minHeight, b11.Position.Height)
s.Equal(candidate.ackedStatus[1].count, uint64(2))
s.Equal(candidate.ackedStatus[2].minHeight, b21.Position.Height)
s.Equal(candidate.ackedStatus[2].count, uint64(2))
s.Equal(candidate.ackedStatus[3].minHeight, b11.Position.Height)
s.Equal(candidate.ackedStatus[3].count, uint64(2))
s.Equal(candidate.ackedStatus[4].count, uint64(0))
// Check b20's height vector.
candidate = to.candidates[2]
s.Equal(candidate.ackedStatus[0].minHeight, b02.Position.Height)
s.Equal(candidate.ackedStatus[0].count, uint64(1))
s.Equal(candidate.ackedStatus[1].minHeight, b12.Position.Height)
s.Equal(candidate.ackedStatus[1].count, uint64(1))
s.Equal(candidate.ackedStatus[2].minHeight, b20.Position.Height)
s.Equal(candidate.ackedStatus[2].count, uint64(3))
s.Equal(candidate.ackedStatus[3].minHeight, b30.Position.Height)
s.Equal(candidate.ackedStatus[3].count, uint64(3))
s.Equal(candidate.ackedStatus[4].count, uint64(0))
s.checkNotDeliver(to, b13)
// Check the second deliver.
blocks, mode, err = to.processBlock(b03)
s.Equal(mode, TotalOrderingModeEarly)
s.checkHashSequence(blocks, common.Hashes{b11.Hash, b20.Hash})
// Make sure b11, b20 are removed from current working set.
s.checkNotInWorkingSet(to, b11)
s.checkNotInWorkingSet(to, b20)
// Add b40, b41, b42 to pending set.
s.checkNotDeliver(to, b40)
s.checkNotDeliver(to, b41)
s.checkNotDeliver(to, b42)
s.checkNotDeliver(to, b14)
// Make sure b01, b30, b40 are candidate in next round.
s.Len(to.candidateChainMapping, 3)
candidate = to.candidates[0]
s.Equal(candidate.ackedStatus[0].minHeight, b01.Position.Height)
s.Equal(candidate.ackedStatus[0].count, uint64(3))
s.Equal(candidate.ackedStatus[1].minHeight, b12.Position.Height)
s.Equal(candidate.ackedStatus[1].count, uint64(3))
s.Equal(candidate.ackedStatus[2].minHeight, b21.Position.Height)
s.Equal(candidate.ackedStatus[2].count, uint64(2))
s.Equal(candidate.ackedStatus[3].minHeight, b31.Position.Height)
s.Equal(candidate.ackedStatus[3].count, uint64(2))
s.Equal(candidate.ackedStatus[4].count, uint64(0))
candidate = to.candidates[3]
s.Equal(candidate.ackedStatus[0].minHeight, b03.Position.Height)
s.Equal(candidate.ackedStatus[0].count, uint64(1))
s.Equal(candidate.ackedStatus[1].minHeight, b13.Position.Height)
s.Equal(candidate.ackedStatus[1].count, uint64(2))
s.Equal(candidate.ackedStatus[2].minHeight, b22.Position.Height)
s.Equal(candidate.ackedStatus[2].count, uint64(1))
s.Equal(candidate.ackedStatus[3].minHeight, b30.Position.Height)
s.Equal(candidate.ackedStatus[3].count, uint64(3))
s.Equal(candidate.ackedStatus[4].count, uint64(0))
candidate = to.candidates[4]
s.Equal(candidate.ackedStatus[0].count, uint64(0))
s.Equal(candidate.ackedStatus[1].count, uint64(0))
s.Equal(candidate.ackedStatus[2].count, uint64(0))
s.Equal(candidate.ackedStatus[3].count, uint64(0))
s.Equal(candidate.ackedStatus[4].minHeight, b40.Position.Height)
s.Equal(candidate.ackedStatus[4].count, uint64(3))
// Make 'Acking Node Set' contains blocks from all chains,
// this should trigger not-early deliver.
blocks, mode, err = to.processBlock(b23)
s.Equal(mode, TotalOrderingModeNormal)
s.checkHashSequence(blocks, common.Hashes{b01.Hash, b30.Hash})
// Make sure b01, b30 not in working set
s.checkNotInWorkingSet(to, b01)
s.checkNotInWorkingSet(to, b30)
// Make sure b21, b40 are candidates of next round.
s.Equal(to.candidateChainMapping[b21.Position.ChainID], b21.Hash)
s.Equal(to.candidateChainMapping[b40.Position.ChainID], b40.Hash)
func (s *TotalOrderingTestSuite) TestBasicCaseForK0() {
// This is a relatively simple test for K=0.
// 0 1 2 3 4
// -------------------
// . . . . .
// . . . . .
// o o o <- o <- o Height: 1
// | \ | \ | |
// v v v v
// o o o <- o Height: 0
var (
nodes = test.GenerateRandomNodeIDs(5)
genesisConfig = &totalOrderingConfig{
roundBasedConfig: roundBasedConfig{
roundInterval: 1000 * time.Second,
k: 0,
phi: 3,
numChains: uint32(len(nodes)),
req = s.Require()
to = newTotalOrdering(genesisConfig)
// Setup blocks.
b00 := s.genGenesisBlock(nodes, 0, common.Hashes{})
b10 := s.genGenesisBlock(nodes, 1, common.Hashes{})
b20 := s.genGenesisBlock(nodes, 2, common.Hashes{})
b30 := s.genGenesisBlock(nodes, 3, common.Hashes{b20.Hash})
b01 := &types.Block{
ProposerID: nodes[0],
ParentHash: b00.Hash,
Hash: common.NewRandomHash(),
Position: types.Position{
Height: 1,
ChainID: 0,
Acks: common.NewSortedHashes(common.Hashes{b00.Hash, b10.Hash}),
b11 := &types.Block{
ProposerID: nodes[1],
ParentHash: b10.Hash,
Hash: common.NewRandomHash(),
Position: types.Position{
Height: 1,
ChainID: 1,
Acks: common.NewSortedHashes(common.Hashes{b10.Hash, b20.Hash}),
b21 := &types.Block{
ProposerID: nodes[2],
ParentHash: b20.Hash,
Hash: common.NewRandomHash(),
Position: types.Position{
Height: 1,
ChainID: 2,
Acks: common.NewSortedHashes(common.Hashes{b20.Hash}),
b31 := &types.Block{
ProposerID: nodes[3],
ParentHash: b30.Hash,
Hash: common.NewRandomHash(),
Position: types.Position{
Height: 1,
ChainID: 3,
Acks: common.NewSortedHashes(common.Hashes{b21.Hash, b30.Hash}),
b40 := s.genGenesisBlock(nodes, 4, common.Hashes{b31.Hash})
s.checkNotDeliver(to, b00)
s.checkNotDeliver(to, b10)
s.checkNotDeliver(to, b20)
s.checkNotDeliver(to, b30)
s.checkNotDeliver(to, b01)
s.checkNotDeliver(to, b11)
s.checkNotDeliver(to, b21)
s.checkNotDeliver(to, b31)
// Check candidate status before delivering.
candidate := to.candidates[0]
req.Equal(candidate.ackedStatus[0].minHeight, b00.Position.Height)
req.Equal(candidate.ackedStatus[0].count, uint64(2))
candidate = to.candidates[1]
req.Equal(candidate.ackedStatus[0].minHeight, b01.Position.Height)
req.Equal(candidate.ackedStatus[0].count, uint64(1))
req.Equal(candidate.ackedStatus[1].minHeight, b10.Position.Height)
req.Equal(candidate.ackedStatus[1].count, uint64(2))
candidate = to.candidates[2]
req.Equal(candidate.ackedStatus[1].minHeight, b11.Position.Height)
req.Equal(candidate.ackedStatus[1].count, uint64(1))
req.Equal(candidate.ackedStatus[2].minHeight, b20.Position.Height)
req.Equal(candidate.ackedStatus[2].count, uint64(2))
req.Equal(candidate.ackedStatus[3].minHeight, b30.Position.Height)
req.Equal(candidate.ackedStatus[3].count, uint64(2))
// This new block should trigger non-early deliver.
blocks, mode, err := to.processBlock(b40)
req.Equal(mode, TotalOrderingModeNormal)
s.checkHashSequence(blocks, common.Hashes{b20.Hash})
// Make sure b20 is no long existing in working set.
s.checkNotInWorkingSet(to, b20)
// Make sure b10, b30 are candidates for next round.
req.Equal(to.candidateChainMapping[b00.Position.ChainID], b00.Hash)
req.Equal(to.candidateChainMapping[b10.Position.ChainID], b10.Hash)
req.Equal(to.candidateChainMapping[b30.Position.ChainID], b30.Hash)
func (s *TotalOrderingTestSuite) baseTestRandomlyGeneratedBlocks(
totalOrderingConstructor func(chainNum uint32) *totalOrdering,
chainNum uint32,
ackingCountGenerator func() int,
repeat int) {
var (
req = s.Require()
revealingSequence = make(map[string]struct{})
orderingSequence = make(map[string]struct{})
genesisTime = time.Now().UTC()
gen := test.NewBlocksGenerator(&test.BlocksGeneratorConfig{
NumChains: chainNum,
MinBlockTimeInterval: 0,
MaxBlockTimeInterval: 500 * time.Millisecond,
}, ackingCountGenerator, hashBlock)
db, err := blockdb.NewMemBackedBlockDB()
iter, err := db.GetAll()
// Setup a revealer that would reveal blocks forming
// valid DAGs.
revealer, err := test.NewRandomDAGRevealer(iter)
// TODO (mission): make this part run concurrently.
for i := 0; i < repeat; i++ {
revealed, ordered := s.performOneRun(
totalOrderingConstructor(chainNum), revealer)
revealingSequence[revealed] = struct{}{}
orderingSequence[ordered] = struct{}{}
s.checkRandomResult(revealingSequence, orderingSequence)
func (s *TotalOrderingTestSuite) TestRandomlyGeneratedBlocks() {
var (
numChains = uint32(20)
phi = uint64(10)
repeat = 15
if testing.Short() {
numChains = 10
phi = 5
repeat = 3
ackingCountGenerators := []func() int{
nil, // Acking frequency with normal distribution.
test.MaxAckingCountGenerator(0), // Low acking frequency.
test.MaxAckingCountGenerator(numChains), // High acking frequency.
// Test based on different acking frequency.
for _, gen := range ackingCountGenerators {
// Test for K=0.
constructor := func(numChains uint32) *totalOrdering {
genesisConfig := &totalOrderingConfig{
roundBasedConfig: roundBasedConfig{
roundInterval: 1000 * time.Second,
k: 0,
phi: phi,
numChains: numChains,
to := newTotalOrdering(genesisConfig)
// Add config for next round.
s.Require().NoError(to.appendConfig(1, &types.Config{
K: 0,
PhiRatio: 0.5,
NumChains: numChains,
return to
s.baseTestRandomlyGeneratedBlocks(constructor, numChains, gen, repeat)
// Test for K=1.
constructor = func(numChains uint32) *totalOrdering {
genesisConfig := &totalOrderingConfig{
roundBasedConfig: roundBasedConfig{
roundInterval: 1000 * time.Second,
k: 1,
phi: phi,
numChains: numChains,
to := newTotalOrdering(genesisConfig)
// Add config for next round.
s.Require().NoError(to.appendConfig(1, &types.Config{
K: 1,
PhiRatio: 0.5,
NumChains: numChains,
return to
s.baseTestRandomlyGeneratedBlocks(constructor, numChains, gen, repeat)
// Test for K=2.
constructor = func(numChains uint32) *totalOrdering {
genesisConfig := &totalOrderingConfig{
roundBasedConfig: roundBasedConfig{
roundInterval: 1000 * time.Second,
k: 2,
phi: phi,
numChains: numChains,
to := newTotalOrdering(genesisConfig)
s.Require().NoError(to.appendConfig(1, &types.Config{
K: 2,
PhiRatio: 0.5,
NumChains: numChains,
return to
s.baseTestRandomlyGeneratedBlocks(constructor, numChains, gen, repeat)
// Test for K=3.
constructor = func(numChains uint32) *totalOrdering {
genesisConfig := &totalOrderingConfig{
roundBasedConfig: roundBasedConfig{
roundInterval: 1000 * time.Second,
k: 3,
phi: phi,
numChains: numChains,
to := newTotalOrdering(genesisConfig)
s.Require().NoError(to.appendConfig(1, &types.Config{
K: 3,
PhiRatio: 0.5,
NumChains: numChains,
return to
s.baseTestRandomlyGeneratedBlocks(constructor, numChains, gen, repeat)
func (s *TotalOrderingTestSuite) baseTestForRoundChange(
repeat int, configs []*types.Config) {
var (
req = s.Require()
genesisTime = time.Now().UTC()
db, err := blockdb.NewMemBackedBlockDB()
// Generate DAG for rounds.
// NOTE: the last config won't be tested, just avoid panic
// when round switching.
begin := genesisTime
for roundID, config := range configs[:len(configs)-1] {
gen := test.NewBlocksGenerator(
test.NewBlocksGeneratorConfig(config), nil, hashBlock)
end := begin.Add(config.RoundInterval)
req.NoError(gen.Generate(uint64(roundID), begin, end, db))
begin = end
// Test, just dump the whole DAG to total ordering and make sure
// repeating it won't change it delivered sequence.
iter, err := db.GetAll()
revealer, err := test.NewRandomDAGRevealer(iter)
revealingSequence := make(map[string]struct{})
orderingSequence := make(map[string]struct{})
for i := 0; i < repeat; i++ {
to := newTotalOrdering(
newGenesisTotalOrderingConfig(genesisTime, configs[0]))
for roundID, config := range configs[1:] {
req.NoError(to.appendConfig(uint64(roundID+1), config))
revealed, ordered := s.performOneRun(to, revealer)
revealingSequence[revealed] = struct{}{}
orderingSequence[ordered] = struct{}{}
s.checkRandomResult(revealingSequence, orderingSequence)
func (s *TotalOrderingTestSuite) TestNumChainsChanged() {
// This test fixes K, Phi, and changes 'numChains' for each round.
fix := func(c *types.Config) *types.Config {
c.K = 1
c.PhiRatio = 0.5
c.MinBlockInterval = 0
c.MaxBlockInterval = 500 * time.Millisecond
c.RoundInterval = 10 * time.Second
return c
var (
repeat = 7
configs = []*types.Config{
fix(&types.Config{NumChains: 7}),
fix(&types.Config{NumChains: 10}),
fix(&types.Config{NumChains: 4}),
fix(&types.Config{NumChains: 13}),
fix(&types.Config{NumChains: 4}),
s.baseTestForRoundChange(repeat, configs)
func (s *TotalOrderingTestSuite) TestPhiChanged() {
// This test fixes K, numChains, and changes Phi each round.
fix := func(c *types.Config) *types.Config {
c.K = 1
c.NumChains = 10
c.MinBlockInterval = 0
c.MaxBlockInterval = 500 * time.Millisecond
c.RoundInterval = 10 * time.Second
return c
var (
repeat = 7
configs = []*types.Config{
fix(&types.Config{PhiRatio: 0.5}),
fix(&types.Config{PhiRatio: 0.7}),
fix(&types.Config{PhiRatio: 1}),
fix(&types.Config{PhiRatio: 0.5}),
fix(&types.Config{PhiRatio: 0.7}),
s.baseTestForRoundChange(repeat, configs)
func (s *TotalOrderingTestSuite) TestKChanged() {
// This test fixes phi, numChains, and changes K each round.
fix := func(c *types.Config) *types.Config {
c.NumChains = 10
c.PhiRatio = 0.7
c.MinBlockInterval = 0
c.MaxBlockInterval = 500 * time.Millisecond
c.RoundInterval = 10 * time.Second
return c
var (
repeat = 7
configs = []*types.Config{
fix(&types.Config{K: 0}),
fix(&types.Config{K: 4}),
fix(&types.Config{K: 1}),
fix(&types.Config{K: 2}),
fix(&types.Config{K: 0}),
s.baseTestForRoundChange(repeat, configs)
func (s *TotalOrderingTestSuite) TestRoundChanged() {
// This test changes everything when round changed.
fix := func(c *types.Config) *types.Config {
c.MinBlockInterval = 0
c.MaxBlockInterval = 500 * time.Millisecond
c.RoundInterval = 10 * time.Second
return c
var (
repeat = 7
configs = []*types.Config{
fix(&types.Config{K: 0, NumChains: 4, PhiRatio: 0.5}),
fix(&types.Config{K: 1, NumChains: 10, PhiRatio: 0.7}),
fix(&types.Config{K: 2, NumChains: 7, PhiRatio: 0.8}),
fix(&types.Config{K: 0, NumChains: 4, PhiRatio: 0.5}),
fix(&types.Config{K: 3, NumChains: 10, PhiRatio: 0.8}),
fix(&types.Config{K: 0, NumChains: 7, PhiRatio: 0.5}),
fix(&types.Config{K: 2, NumChains: 13, PhiRatio: 0.7}),
s.baseTestForRoundChange(repeat, configs)
func (s *TotalOrderingTestSuite) TestRunFromNonGenesis() {
var (
req = s.Require()
numChains = uint32(19)
genesisTime = time.Now().UTC()
gen := test.NewBlocksGenerator(&test.BlocksGeneratorConfig{
NumChains: numChains,
MinBlockTimeInterval: 0,
MaxBlockTimeInterval: 500 * time.Millisecond,
}, nil, hashBlock)
db, err := blockdb.NewMemBackedBlockDB()
err = gen.Generate(0, genesisTime, genesisTime.Add(20*time.Second), db)
iter, err := db.GetAll()
revealer, err := test.NewRandomDAGRevealer(iter)
genesisConfig := &totalOrderingConfig{
roundBasedConfig: roundBasedConfig{
roundInterval: 1000 * time.Second,
k: 0,
phi: uint64(numChains * 2 / 3),
numChains: numChains,
to1 := newTotalOrdering(genesisConfig)
s.Require().NoError(to1.appendConfig(1, &types.Config{
K: 0,
PhiRatio: 0.5,
NumChains: numChains,
deliveredBlocks1 := [][]*types.Block{}
for {
b, err := revealer.Next()
if err != nil {
if err == blockdb.ErrIterationFinished {
err = nil
bs, _, err := to1.processBlock(&b)
if len(bs) > 0 {
deliveredBlocks1 = append(deliveredBlocks1, bs)
// Run new total ordering again.
offset := len(deliveredBlocks1) / 2
to2 := newTotalOrdering(genesisConfig)
s.Require().NoError(to2.appendConfig(1, &types.Config{
K: 0,
PhiRatio: 0.5,
NumChains: numChains,
deliveredBlocks2 := [][]*types.Block{}
for i := offset; i < len(deliveredBlocks1); i++ {
for _, b := range deliveredBlocks1[i] {
bs, _, err := to2.processBlock(b)
if len(bs) > 0 {
deliveredBlocks2 = append(deliveredBlocks2, bs)
// Check deliver1 and deliver2.
for i := 0; i < len(deliveredBlocks2); i++ {
req.Equal(len(deliveredBlocks1[offset+i]), len(deliveredBlocks2[i]))
for j := 0; j < len(deliveredBlocks2[i]); j++ {
req.Equal(deliveredBlocks1[offset+i][j], deliveredBlocks2[i][j])
func TestTotalOrdering(t *testing.T) {
suite.Run(t, new(TotalOrderingTestSuite))