// Copyright 2018 The dexon-consensus-core Authors
// This file is part of the dexon-consensus-core library.
// The dexon-consensus-core library is free software: you can redistribute it
// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License,
// or (at your option) any later version.
// The dexon-consensus-core library is distributed in the hope that it will be
// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with the dexon-consensus-core library. If not, see
// <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package core
import (
const (
infinity uint64 = math.MaxUint64
// ErrNotValidDAG would be reported when block subbmitted to totalOrdering
// didn't form a DAG.
var ErrNotValidDAG = fmt.Errorf("not a valid dag")
// ackingStatusVector describes the acking status, either globally or just
// for one candidate.
// When block A acks block B, all blocks proposed from the same proposer
// as block A with higher height would also acks block B. Therefore,
// we just need to record:
// - the minimum height of acking block from that proposer
// - count of acking blocks from that proposer
// to repsent the acking status for block A.
type ackingStatusVector map[types.ValidatorID]*struct{ minHeight, count uint64 }
// addBlock would update ackingStatusVector, it's caller's duty
// to make sure the input block acutally acking the target block.
func (v ackingStatusVector) addBlock(b *types.Block) (err error) {
rec, exists := v[b.ProposerID]
if !exists {
v[b.ProposerID] = &struct {
minHeight, count uint64
minHeight: b.Height,
count: 1,
} else {
if b.Height < rec.minHeight {
err = ErrNotValidDAG
// getAckingNodeSet would generate the Acking Node Set.
// Only block height larger than
// global minimum height + k
// would be taken into consideration, ex.
// For some validator X:
// - the global minimum acking height = 1,
// - k = 1
// then only block height >= 2 would be added to acking node set.
func (v ackingStatusVector) getAckingNodeSet(
global ackingStatusVector, k uint64) map[types.ValidatorID]struct{} {
ret := make(map[types.ValidatorID]struct{})
for vID, gRec := range global {
rec, exists := v[vID]
if !exists {
// This line would check if these two ranges would overlap:
// - (global minimum height + k, infinity)
// - (local minimum height, local minimum height + count - 1)
if rec.minHeight+rec.count-1 >= gRec.minHeight+k {
ret[vID] = struct{}{}
return ret
// getAckingHeightVector would convert 'ackingStatusVector' to
// Acking Height Vector.
// Only block height equals to (global minimum block height + k) would be
// taken into consideration.
func (v ackingStatusVector) getAckingHeightVector(
global ackingStatusVector, k uint64) map[types.ValidatorID]uint64 {
ret := make(map[types.ValidatorID]uint64)
for vID, gRec := range global {
rec, exists := v[vID]
if gRec.count <= k {
} else if !exists {
ret[vID] = infinity
} else if rec.minHeight <= gRec.minHeight+k {
// This check is sufficient to make sure the block height:
// gRec.minHeight + k
// would be included in this ackingStatusVector.
ret[vID] = gRec.minHeight + k
} else {
ret[vID] = infinity
return ret
// blockVector stores all blocks grouped by their proposers and
// sorted by their block height.
type blockVector map[types.ValidatorID][]*types.Block
func (v blockVector) addBlock(b *types.Block) (err error) {
blocksFromProposer := v[b.ProposerID]
if len(blocksFromProposer) > 0 {
lastBlock := blocksFromProposer[len(blocksFromProposer)-1]
if b.Height-lastBlock.Height != 1 {
err = ErrNotValidDAG
v[b.ProposerID] = append(blocksFromProposer, b)
// getAckingStatusVector would convert a blockVector to
// ackingStatusVectorAckingStatus.
func (v blockVector) getAckingStatusVector() ackingStatusVector {
ret := ackingStatusVector{}
for vID, vec := range v {
if len(vec) == 0 {
ret[vID] = &struct {
minHeight, count uint64
minHeight: vec[0].Height,
count: uint64(len(vec)),
return ret
// totalOrdering represent a process unit to handle total ordering
// for blocks.
type totalOrdering struct {
// pendings stores blocks awaiting to be ordered.
pendings map[common.Hash]*types.Block
// k represents the k in 'k-level total ordering'.
// In short, only block height equals to (global minimum height + k)
// would be taken into consideration.
k uint64
// phi is a const to control how strong the leading preceding block
// should be.
phi uint64
// validatorCount is the count of validator set.
validatorCount uint64
// globalVector group all pending blocks by proposers and
// sort them by block height. This structure is helpful when:
// - build global height vector
// - picking candidates next round
globalVector blockVector
// candidateAckingStatusVectors caches ackingStatusVector of candidates.
candidateAckingStatusVectors map[common.Hash]ackingStatusVector
// acked cache the 'block A acked by block B' relation by
// keeping a record in acked[A.Hash][B.Hash]
acked map[common.Hash]map[common.Hash]struct{}
func newTotalOrdering(k, phi, validatorCount uint64) *totalOrdering {
return &totalOrdering{
candidateAckingStatusVectors: make(map[common.Hash]ackingStatusVector),
pendings: make(map[common.Hash]*types.Block),
k: k,
phi: phi,
validatorCount: validatorCount,
globalVector: blockVector{},
acked: make(map[common.Hash]map[common.Hash]struct{}),
// buildBlockRelation populates the acked according their acking relationships.
func (to *totalOrdering) buildBlockRelation(b *types.Block) {
// populateAcked would update all blocks implcitly acked
// by input block recursively.
var populateAcked func(bx, target *types.Block)
populateAcked = func(bx, target *types.Block) {
for ack := range bx.Acks {
acked, exists := to.acked[ack]
if !exists {
acked = make(map[common.Hash]struct{})
to.acked[ack] = acked
// This means we've walked this block already.
if _, alreadyPopulated := acked[target.Hash]; alreadyPopulated {
acked[target.Hash] = struct{}{}
// See if we need to go forward.
if nextBlock, exists := to.pendings[ack]; !exists {
} else {
populateAcked(nextBlock, target)
populateAcked(b, b)
// clean would remove a block from working set. This behaviour
// would prevent our memory usage growing infinity.
func (to *totalOrdering) clean(h common.Hash) {
delete(to.acked, h)
delete(to.pendings, h)
delete(to.candidateAckingStatusVectors, h)
// updateVectors is a helper function to update all cached vectors.
func (to *totalOrdering) updateVectors(b *types.Block) (err error) {
// Update global height vector
err = to.globalVector.addBlock(b)
if err != nil {
// Update acking status of candidates.
for candidate, vector := range to.candidateAckingStatusVectors {
if _, acked := to.acked[candidate][b.Hash]; !acked {
if err = vector.addBlock(b); err != nil {
// grade implements the 'grade' potential function described in white paper.
func (to *totalOrdering) grade(
hvFrom, hvTo map[types.ValidatorID]uint64,
globalAns map[types.ValidatorID]struct{}) int {
count := uint64(0)
for vID, hFrom := range hvFrom {
hTo, exists := hvTo[vID]
if !exists {
if hFrom != infinity && hTo == infinity {
if count >= to.phi {
return 1
} else if count < to.phi-to.validatorCount+uint64(len(globalAns)) {
return 0
} else {
return -1
// buildAckingStatusVectorForNewCandidate is a helper function to
// build ackingStatusVector for new candidate.
func (to *totalOrdering) buildAckingStatusVectorForNewCandidate(
candidate *types.Block) (hVec ackingStatusVector) {
blocks := to.globalVector[candidate.ProposerID]
hVec = ackingStatusVector{
candidate.ProposerID: &struct {
minHeight, count uint64
minHeight: candidate.Height,
count: uint64(len(blocks)),
ackedsForCandidate, exists := to.acked[candidate.Hash]
if !exists {
// This candidate is acked by nobody.
for vID, blocks := range to.globalVector {
if vID == candidate.ProposerID {
for i, b := range blocks {
if _, acked := ackedsForCandidate[b.Hash]; !acked {
// If this block acks this candidate, all newer blocks
// from the same validator also 'indirect' acks it.
hVec[vID] = &struct {
minHeight, count uint64
minHeight: b.Height,
count: uint64(len(blocks) - i),
// isAckOnlyPrecedings is a helper function to check if a block
// only contain acks to delivered blocks.
func (to *totalOrdering) isAckOnlyPrecedings(b *types.Block) bool {
for ack := range b.Acks {
if _, pending := to.pendings[ack]; pending {
return false
return true
// output is a helper function to finish the delivery of
// deliverable preceding set.
func (to *totalOrdering) output(precedings map[common.Hash]struct{}) (ret []*types.Block) {
for p := range precedings {
// Remove the first element from corresponding blockVector.
b := to.pendings[p]
to.globalVector[b.ProposerID] = to.globalVector[b.ProposerID][1:]
ret = append(ret, b)
// Remove block relations.
// Find new candidates from tip of globalVector of each validator.
// The complexity here is O(N^2logN).
for _, blocks := range to.globalVector {
if len(blocks) == 0 {
tip := blocks[0]
if _, alreadyCandidate :=
to.candidateAckingStatusVectors[tip.Hash]; alreadyCandidate {
if !to.isAckOnlyPrecedings(tip) {
// Build ackingStatusVector for new candidate.
to.candidateAckingStatusVectors[tip.Hash] =
return ret
// generateDeliverSet would:
// - generate preceding set
// - check if the preceding set deliverable by checking potential function
func (to *totalOrdering) generateDeliverSet() (
delivered map[common.Hash]struct{}, early bool) {
globalAckingStatusVector := to.globalVector.getAckingStatusVector()
ahvs := map[common.Hash]map[types.ValidatorID]uint64{}
for candidate, v := range to.candidateAckingStatusVectors {
ahvs[candidate] = v.getAckingHeightVector(globalAckingStatusVector, to.k)
globalAns := globalAckingStatusVector.getAckingNodeSet(
globalAckingStatusVector, to.k)
precedings := make(map[common.Hash]struct{})
for candidate := range to.candidateAckingStatusVectors {
for otherCandidate := range to.candidateAckingStatusVectors {
if candidate == otherCandidate {
if to.grade(ahvs[otherCandidate], ahvs[candidate], globalAns) != 0 {
continue CheckNextCandidateLoop
precedings[candidate] = struct{}{}
if len(precedings) == 0 {
// internal is a helper function to verify internal stability.
internal := func() bool {
for candidate := range to.candidateAckingStatusVectors {
if _, isPreceding := precedings[candidate]; isPreceding {
beaten := false
for p := range precedings {
if beaten =
to.grade(ahvs[p], ahvs[candidate], globalAns) == 1; beaten {
if !beaten {
return false
return true
// checkAHV is a helper function to verify external stability.
// It would make sure some preceding block is strong enough
// to lead the whole preceding set.
checkAHV := func() bool {
for p := range precedings {
count := uint64(0)
for _, v := range ahvs[p] {
if v != infinity {
if count > to.phi {
return true
return false
// checkANS is a helper function to verify external stability.
// It would make sure all preceding blocks are strong enough
// to be delivered.
checkANS := func() bool {
for p := range precedings {
validatorAns := to.candidateAckingStatusVectors[p].getAckingNodeSet(
globalAckingStatusVector, to.k)
if uint64(len(validatorAns)) < to.validatorCount-to.phi {
return false
return true
// Check internal stability first.
if !internal() {
// If all validators propose enough blocks, we should force
// to deliver since the whole picture of the DAG is revealed.
if uint64(len(globalAns)) != to.validatorCount {
// The whole picture is not ready, we need to check if
// exteranl stability is met, and we can deliver earlier.
if checkAHV() && checkANS() {
early = true
} else {
delivered = precedings
// processBlock is the entry point of totalOrdering.
func (to *totalOrdering) processBlock(b *types.Block) (
delivered []*types.Block, early bool, err error) {
// NOTE: I assume the block 'b' is already safe for total ordering.
// That means, all its acking blocks are during/after
// total ordering stage.
// Incremental part.
to.pendings[b.Hash] = b
if err = to.updateVectors(b); err != nil {
if to.isAckOnlyPrecedings(b) {
to.candidateAckingStatusVectors[b.Hash] =
// Not-Incremental part (yet).
// - generate ahv for each candidate
// - generate ans for each candidate
// - generate global ans
// - find preceding set
hashes, early := to.generateDeliverSet()
// output precedings
delivered = to.output(hashes)