// Copyright 2018 The dexon-consensus Authors
// This file is part of the dexon-consensus library.
// The dexon-consensus library is free software: you can redistribute it
// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License,
// or (at your option) any later version.
// The dexon-consensus library is distributed in the hope that it will be
// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with the dexon-consensus library. If not, see
// <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package core
import (
// Errors for sanity check error.
var (
ErrDuplicatedAckOnOneChain = fmt.Errorf("duplicated ack on one chain")
ErrInvalidChainID = fmt.Errorf("invalid chain id")
ErrInvalidProposerID = fmt.Errorf("invalid proposer id")
ErrInvalidWitness = fmt.Errorf("invalid witness data")
ErrInvalidBlock = fmt.Errorf("invalid block")
ErrNotAckParent = fmt.Errorf("not ack parent")
ErrDoubleAck = fmt.Errorf("double ack")
ErrAcksNotSorted = fmt.Errorf("acks not sorted")
ErrInvalidBlockHeight = fmt.Errorf("invalid block height")
ErrAlreadyInLattice = fmt.Errorf("block already in lattice")
ErrIncorrectBlockTime = fmt.Errorf("block timestamp is incorrect")
ErrInvalidRoundID = fmt.Errorf("invalid round id")
ErrUnknownRoundID = fmt.Errorf("unknown round id")
ErrRoundOutOfRange = fmt.Errorf("round out of range")
ErrRoundNotSwitch = fmt.Errorf("round not switch")
ErrNotGenesisBlock = fmt.Errorf("not a genesis block")
ErrUnexpectedGenesisBlock = fmt.Errorf("unexpected genesis block")
// ErrAckingBlockNotExists is for sanity check error.
type ErrAckingBlockNotExists struct {
hash common.Hash
func (e ErrAckingBlockNotExists) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("acking block %s not exists", e.hash)
// Errors for method usage
var (
ErrRoundNotIncreasing = errors.New("round not increasing")
ErrPurgedBlockNotFound = errors.New("purged block not found")
ErrPurgeNotDeliveredBlock = errors.New("not purge from head")
// latticeDataConfig is the configuration for latticeData for each round.
type latticeDataConfig struct {
// Number of chains between runs
numChains uint32
// Block interval specifies reasonable time difference between
// parent/child blocks.
minBlockTimeInterval time.Duration
// Initiate latticeDataConfig from types.Config.
func (config *latticeDataConfig) fromConfig(roundID uint64, cfg *types.Config) {
config.numChains = cfg.NumChains
config.minBlockTimeInterval = cfg.MinBlockInterval
config.setupRoundBasedFields(roundID, cfg)
// isValidBlockTime checks if timestamp of a block is valid according to a
// reference time.
func (config *latticeDataConfig) isValidBlockTime(
b *types.Block, ref time.Time) bool {
return !b.Timestamp.Before(ref.Add(config.minBlockTimeInterval))
// isValidGenesisBlockTime checks if a timestamp is valid for a genesis block.
func (config *latticeDataConfig) isValidGenesisBlockTime(b *types.Block) bool {
return !b.Timestamp.Before(config.roundBeginTime)
// newLatticeDataConfig constructs a latticeDataConfig instance.
func newLatticeDataConfig(
prev *latticeDataConfig, cur *types.Config) *latticeDataConfig {
c := &latticeDataConfig{}
c.fromConfig(prev.roundID+1, cur)
return c
// latticeData is a module for storing lattice.
type latticeData struct {
// BlockDB for getting blocks purged in memory.
db blockdb.Reader
// chains stores chains' blocks and other info.
chains []*chainStatus
// blockByHash stores blocks, indexed by block hash.
blockByHash map[common.Hash]*types.Block
// This stores configuration for each round.
configs []*latticeDataConfig
// newLatticeData creates a new latticeData instance.
func newLatticeData(
db blockdb.Reader,
dMoment time.Time,
round uint64,
config *types.Config) (data *latticeData) {
genesisConfig := &latticeDataConfig{}
genesisConfig.fromConfig(round, config)
data = &latticeData{
db: db,
chains: make([]*chainStatus, genesisConfig.numChains),
blockByHash: make(map[common.Hash]*types.Block),
configs: []*latticeDataConfig{genesisConfig},
for i := range data.chains {
data.chains[i] = &chainStatus{
ID: uint32(i),
blocks: []*types.Block{},
lastAckPos: make([]*types.Position, genesisConfig.numChains),
func (data *latticeData) checkAckingRelations(b *types.Block) error {
acksByChainID := make(map[uint32]struct{}, len(data.chains))
for _, hash := range b.Acks {
bAck, err := data.findBlock(hash)
if err != nil {
if err == blockdb.ErrBlockDoesNotExist {
return &ErrAckingBlockNotExists{hash}
return err
// Check if it acks blocks from old rounds, the allowed round difference
// is 1.
if DiffUint64(bAck.Position.Round, b.Position.Round) > 1 {
return ErrRoundOutOfRange
// Check if it acks older blocks than blocks on the same chain.
lastAckPos :=
if lastAckPos != nil && !bAck.Position.Newer(lastAckPos) {
return ErrDoubleAck
// Check if it acks two blocks on the same chain. This would need
// to check after we replace map with slice for acks.
if _, acked := acksByChainID[bAck.Position.ChainID]; acked {
return ErrDuplicatedAckOnOneChain
acksByChainID[bAck.Position.ChainID] = struct{}{}
return nil
func (data *latticeData) sanityCheck(b *types.Block) error {
// TODO(mission): Check if its proposer is in validator set, lattice has no
// knowledge about node set.
config := data.getConfig(b.Position.Round)
if config == nil {
return ErrInvalidRoundID
// Check if the chain id is valid.
if b.Position.ChainID >= config.numChains {
return ErrInvalidChainID
// Make sure parent block is arrived.
chain := data.chains[b.Position.ChainID]
chainTip := chain.tip
if chainTip == nil {
if !b.ParentHash.Equal(common.Hash{}) {
return &ErrAckingBlockNotExists{b.ParentHash}
if !b.IsGenesis() {
return ErrNotGenesisBlock
if !config.isValidGenesisBlockTime(b) {
return ErrIncorrectBlockTime
return data.checkAckingRelations(b)
// Check parent block if parent hash is specified.
if !b.ParentHash.Equal(common.Hash{}) {
if !b.ParentHash.Equal(chainTip.Hash) {
return &ErrAckingBlockNotExists{b.ParentHash}
if !b.IsAcking(b.ParentHash) {
return ErrNotAckParent
chainTipConfig := data.getConfig(chainTip.Position.Round)
// Round can't be rewinded.
if chainTip.Position.Round > b.Position.Round {
return ErrInvalidRoundID
checkTip := false
if chainTip.Timestamp.After(chainTipConfig.roundEndTime) {
// Round switching should happen when chainTip already pass
// round end time of its round.
if chainTip.Position.Round == b.Position.Round {
return ErrRoundNotSwitch
// The round ID is continuous.
if b.Position.Round-chainTip.Position.Round == 1 {
checkTip = true
} else {
// This block should be genesis block of new round because round
// ID is not continuous.
if !b.IsGenesis() {
return ErrNotGenesisBlock
if !config.isValidGenesisBlockTime(b) {
return ErrIncorrectBlockTime
// TODO(mission): make sure rounds between chainTip and current block
// don't expect blocks from this chain.
} else {
if chainTip.Position.Round != b.Position.Round {
// Round should not switch.
return ErrInvalidRoundID
checkTip = true
// Validate the relation between chain tip when needed.
if checkTip {
if b.Position.Height != chainTip.Position.Height+1 {
return ErrInvalidBlockHeight
if b.Witness.Height < chainTip.Witness.Height {
return ErrInvalidWitness
if !config.isValidBlockTime(b, chainTip.Timestamp) {
return ErrIncorrectBlockTime
// Chain tip should be acked.
if !b.IsAcking(chainTip.Hash) {
return ErrNotAckParent
if err := data.checkAckingRelations(b); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// addBlock processes blocks. It does sanity check, inserts block into lattice
// and deletes blocks which will not be used.
func (data *latticeData) addBlock(
block *types.Block) (deliverable []*types.Block, err error) {
var (
bAck *types.Block
updated bool
data.blockByHash[block.Hash] = block
// Update lastAckPos.
for _, ack := range block.Acks {
if bAck, err = data.findBlock(ack); err != nil {
if err == blockdb.ErrBlockDoesNotExist {
err = nil
data.chains[bAck.Position.ChainID].lastAckPos[block.Position.ChainID] =
// Extract deliverable blocks to total ordering. A block is deliverable to
// total ordering iff all its ackings blocks were delivered to total ordering.
for {
updated = false
for _, status := range data.chains {
if status.nextOutputIndex >= len(status.blocks) {
tip := status.blocks[status.nextOutputIndex]
allAckingBlockDelivered := true
for _, ack := range tip.Acks {
if bAck, err = data.findBlock(ack); err != nil {
if err == blockdb.ErrBlockDoesNotExist {
err = nil
allAckingBlockDelivered = false
// Check if this block is outputed or not.
idx := data.chains[bAck.Position.ChainID].findBlock(&bAck.Position)
var ok bool
if idx == -1 {
// Either the block is delivered or not added to chain yet.
if out :=
data.chains[bAck.Position.ChainID].lastOutputPosition; out != nil {
ok = !out.Older(&bAck.Position)
} else if ackTip :=
data.chains[bAck.Position.ChainID].tip; ackTip != nil {
ok = !ackTip.Position.Older(&bAck.Position)
} else {
ok = idx < data.chains[bAck.Position.ChainID].nextOutputIndex
if ok {
// This acked block exists and not delivered yet.
allAckingBlockDelivered = false
if allAckingBlockDelivered {
status.lastOutputPosition = &tip.Position
deliverable = append(deliverable, tip)
updated = true
if !updated {
// addFinalizedBlock processes block for syncing internal data.
func (data *latticeData) addFinalizedBlock(block *types.Block) (err error) {
var bAck *types.Block
chain := data.chains[block.Position.ChainID]
if chain.tip != nil && chain.tip.Position.Height >= block.Position.Height {
chain.nextOutputIndex = 0
chain.blocks = []*types.Block{}
chain.tip = block
chain.lastOutputPosition = nil
// Update lastAckPost.
for _, ack := range block.Acks {
if bAck, err = data.findBlock(ack); err != nil {
data.chains[bAck.Position.ChainID].lastAckPos[block.Position.ChainID] =
// prepareBlock setups fields of a block based on its ChainID and Round,
// including:
// - Acks
// - Timestamp
// - ParentHash and Height from parent block. If there is no valid parent block
// (e.g. Newly added chain or bootstrap), these fields should be setup as
// genesis block.
func (data *latticeData) prepareBlock(b *types.Block) error {
var (
minTimestamp time.Time
config *latticeDataConfig
acks common.Hashes
bindTip bool
chainTip *types.Block
if config = data.getConfig(b.Position.Round); config == nil {
return ErrUnknownRoundID
// If chainID is illegal in this round, reject it.
if b.Position.ChainID >= config.numChains {
return ErrInvalidChainID
// Reset fields to make sure we got these information from parent block.
b.Position.Height = 0
b.ParentHash = common.Hash{}
// Decide valid timestamp range.
homeChain := data.chains[b.Position.ChainID]
if homeChain.tip != nil {
chainTip = homeChain.tip
if b.Position.Round < chainTip.Position.Round {
return ErrInvalidRoundID
chainTipConfig := data.getConfig(chainTip.Position.Round)
if chainTip.Timestamp.After(chainTipConfig.roundEndTime) {
if b.Position.Round == chainTip.Position.Round {
return ErrRoundNotSwitch
if b.Position.Round == chainTip.Position.Round+1 {
bindTip = true
} else {
if b.Position.Round != chainTip.Position.Round {
return ErrInvalidRoundID
bindTip = true
// TODO(mission): find a way to prevent us to assign a witness height
// from Jurassic period.
b.Witness.Height = chainTip.Witness.Height
// For blocks with continuous round ID, assign timestamp range based on
// parent block and bound config.
if bindTip {
minTimestamp = chainTip.Timestamp.Add(config.minBlockTimeInterval)
// When a chain is removed and added back, the reference block
// of previous round can't be used as parent block.
b.ParentHash = chainTip.Hash
b.Position.Height = chainTip.Position.Height + 1
} else {
// Discontinuous round ID detected, another fresh start of
// new round.
minTimestamp = config.roundBeginTime
// Fix timestamp if the given one is invalid.
if b.Timestamp.Before(minTimestamp) {
b.Timestamp = minTimestamp
// Setup acks fields.
for _, status := range data.chains {
// Check if we can ack latest block on that chain.
if status.tip == nil {
lastAckPos := status.lastAckPos[b.Position.ChainID]
if lastAckPos != nil && !status.tip.Position.Newer(lastAckPos) {
// The reference block is already acked.
if status.tip.Position.Round > b.Position.Round {
// Avoid forward acking: acking some block from later rounds.
if b.Position.Round > status.tip.Position.Round+1 {
// Can't ack block too old or too new to us.
acks = append(acks, status.tip.Hash)
b.Acks = common.NewSortedHashes(acks)
return nil
// prepareEmptyBlock setups fields of a block based on its ChainID.
// including:
// - Acks only acking its parent
// - Timestamp with parent.Timestamp + minBlockProposeInterval
// - ParentHash and Height from parent block. If there is no valid parent block
// (ex. Newly added chain or bootstrap), these fields would be setup as
// genesis block.
func (data *latticeData) prepareEmptyBlock(b *types.Block) {
// emptyBlock has no proposer.
b.ProposerID = types.NodeID{}
var acks common.Hashes
// Reset fields to make sure we got these information from parent block.
b.Position.Height = 0
b.Position.Round = 0
b.ParentHash = common.Hash{}
b.Timestamp = time.Time{}
// Decide valid timestamp range.
homeChain := data.chains[b.Position.ChainID]
if homeChain.tip != nil {
chainTip := homeChain.tip
b.ParentHash = chainTip.Hash
chainTipConfig := data.getConfig(chainTip.Position.Round)
if chainTip.Timestamp.After(chainTipConfig.roundEndTime) {
b.Position.Round = chainTip.Position.Round + 1
} else {
b.Position.Round = chainTip.Position.Round
b.Position.Height = chainTip.Position.Height + 1
b.Timestamp = chainTip.Timestamp.Add(chainTipConfig.minBlockTimeInterval)
b.Witness.Height = chainTip.Witness.Height
b.Witness.Data = make([]byte, len(chainTip.Witness.Data))
copy(b.Witness.Data, chainTip.Witness.Data)
acks = append(acks, chainTip.Hash)
b.Acks = common.NewSortedHashes(acks)
// TODO(mission): make more abstraction for this method.
// nextHeight returns the next height of a chain.
func (data *latticeData) nextPosition(chainID uint32) types.Position {
return data.chains[chainID].nextPosition()
// findBlock seeks blocks in memory or db.
func (data *latticeData) findBlock(h common.Hash) (b *types.Block, err error) {
if b = data.blockByHash[h]; b != nil {
var tmpB types.Block
if tmpB, err = data.db.Get(h); err != nil {
b = &tmpB
// purgeBlocks purges blocks from cache.
func (data *latticeData) purgeBlocks(blocks []*types.Block) error {
for _, b := range blocks {
if _, exists := data.blockByHash[b.Hash]; !exists {
return ErrPurgedBlockNotFound
delete(data.blockByHash, b.Hash)
// Blocks are purged in ascending order by position.
if err := data.chains[b.Position.ChainID].purgeBlock(b); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// getConfig get configuration for lattice-data by round ID.
func (data *latticeData) getConfig(round uint64) (config *latticeDataConfig) {
r := data.configs[0].roundID
if round < r || round >= r+uint64(len(data.configs)) {
return data.configs[round-r]
// appendConfig appends a configuration for upcoming round. Rounds appended
// should be consecutive.
func (data *latticeData) appendConfig(
round uint64, config *types.Config) (err error) {
// Check if the round of config is increasing by 1.
if round != uint64(len(data.configs))+data.configs[0].roundID {
return ErrRoundNotIncreasing
// Set round beginning time.
newConfig := newLatticeDataConfig(data.configs[len(data.configs)-1], config)
data.configs = append(data.configs, newConfig)
// Resize each slice if incoming config contains larger number of chains.
if uint32(len(data.chains)) < newConfig.numChains {
count := newConfig.numChains - uint32(len(data.chains))
for _, status := range data.chains {
status.lastAckPos = append(
status.lastAckPos, make([]*types.Position, count)...)
for i := uint32(len(data.chains)); i < newConfig.numChains; i++ {
data.chains = append(data.chains, &chainStatus{
ID: i,
blocks: []*types.Block{},
lastAckPos: make([]*types.Position, newConfig.numChains),
return nil
type chainStatus struct {
// ID keeps the chainID of this chain status.
ID uint32
// blocks stores blocks proposed for this chain, sorted by height.
blocks []*types.Block
// tip is the last block on this chain.
tip *types.Block
// lastAckPos caches last acking position from other chains. Nil means
// not acked yet.
lastAckPos []*types.Position
// the index to be output next time.
nextOutputIndex int
// the position of output last time.
lastOutputPosition *types.Position
// findBlock finds index of block in current pending blocks on this chain.
// Return -1 if not found.
func (s *chainStatus) findBlock(pos *types.Position) (idx int) {
idx = sort.Search(len(s.blocks), func(i int) bool {
return s.blocks[i].Position.Newer(pos) ||
if idx == len(s.blocks) {
idx = -1
} else if !s.blocks[idx].Position.Equal(pos) {
idx = -1
return idx
// getBlock returns a pending block by giving its index from findBlock method.
func (s *chainStatus) getBlock(idx int) (b *types.Block) {
if idx < 0 || idx >= len(s.blocks) {
b = s.blocks[idx]
// addBlock adds a block to pending blocks on this chain.
func (s *chainStatus) addBlock(b *types.Block) {
s.blocks = append(s.blocks, b)
s.tip = b
// TODO(mission): change back to nextHeight.
// nextPosition returns a valid position for new block in this chain.
func (s *chainStatus) nextPosition() types.Position {
if s.tip == nil {
return types.Position{
ChainID: s.ID,
Height: 0,
return types.Position{
ChainID: s.ID,
Height: s.tip.Position.Height + 1,
// purgeBlock purges a block from cache, make sure this block is already saved
// in blockdb.
func (s *chainStatus) purgeBlock(b *types.Block) error {
if b.Hash != s.blocks[0].Hash || s.nextOutputIndex <= 0 {
return ErrPurgeNotDeliveredBlock
s.blocks = s.blocks[1:]
return nil