// Copyright 2018 The dexon-consensus Authors
// This file is part of the dexon-consensus library.
// The dexon-consensus library is free software: you can redistribute it
// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License,
// or (at your option) any later version.
// The dexon-consensus library is distributed in the hope that it will be
// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with the dexon-consensus library. If not, see
// <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package core
import (
// Errors returned from BA modules
var (
ErrPreviousRoundIsNotFinished = errors.New("previous round is not finished")
// genValidLeader generate a validLeader function for agreement modules.
func genValidLeader(
mgr *agreementMgr) func(*types.Block) (bool, error) {
return func(block *types.Block) (bool, error) {
if block.Timestamp.After(time.Now()) {
return false, nil
if err := mgr.lattice.SanityCheck(block); err != nil {
if err == ErrRetrySanityCheckLater {
return false, nil
return false, err
mgr.logger.Debug("Calling Application.VerifyBlock", "block", block)
switch mgr.app.VerifyBlock(block) {
case types.VerifyInvalidBlock:
return false, ErrInvalidBlock
case types.VerifyRetryLater:
return false, nil
return true, nil
type agreementMgrConfig struct {
beginTime time.Time
numChains uint32
roundInterval time.Duration
notarySetSize uint32
lambdaBA time.Duration
crs common.Hash
type baRoundSetting struct {
chainID uint32
notarySet map[types.NodeID]struct{}
agr *agreement
recv *consensusBAReceiver
ticker Ticker
crs common.Hash
type agreementMgr struct {
// TODO(mission): unbound Consensus instance from this module.
con *Consensus
ID types.NodeID
app Application
gov Governance
network Network
logger common.Logger
cache *utils.NodeSetCache
signer *utils.Signer
lattice *Lattice
ctx context.Context
lastEndTime time.Time
initRound uint64
configs []*agreementMgrConfig
baModules []*agreement
waitGroup sync.WaitGroup
pendingVotes map[uint64][]*types.Vote
pendingBlocks map[uint64][]*types.Block
isRunning bool
// This lock should be used when attempting to:
// - add a new baModule.
// - remove all baModules when stopping. In this case, the cleaner need
// to wait for all routines runnning baModules finished.
// - access a method of baModule.
// - append a config from new round.
// The routine running corresponding baModule, however, doesn't have to
// acquire this lock.
lock sync.RWMutex
func newAgreementMgr(con *Consensus, initRound uint64,
initRoundBeginTime time.Time) *agreementMgr {
return &agreementMgr{
con: con,
ID: con.ID,
app: con.app,
gov: con.gov,
network: con.network,
logger: con.logger,
cache: con.nodeSetCache,
signer: con.signer,
lattice: con.lattice,
ctx: con.ctx,
initRound: initRound,
lastEndTime: initRoundBeginTime,
func (mgr *agreementMgr) getConfig(round uint64) *agreementMgrConfig {
defer mgr.lock.RUnlock()
if round < mgr.initRound {
roundIndex := round - mgr.initRound
if roundIndex >= uint64(len(mgr.configs)) {
return nil
return mgr.configs[roundIndex]
func (mgr *agreementMgr) run() {
defer mgr.lock.Unlock()
if mgr.isRunning {
mgr.isRunning = true
for i := uint32(0); i < uint32(len(mgr.baModules)); i++ {
go mgr.runBA(mgr.initRound, i)
func (mgr *agreementMgr) appendConfig(
round uint64, config *types.Config, crs common.Hash) (err error) {
defer mgr.lock.Unlock()
if round != uint64(len(mgr.configs))+mgr.initRound {
return ErrRoundNotIncreasing
newConfig := &agreementMgrConfig{
beginTime: mgr.lastEndTime,
numChains: config.NumChains,
roundInterval: config.RoundInterval,
notarySetSize: config.NotarySetSize,
lambdaBA: config.LambdaBA,
crs: crs,
mgr.configs = append(mgr.configs, newConfig)
mgr.lastEndTime = mgr.lastEndTime.Add(config.RoundInterval)
// Create baModule for newly added chain.
for i := uint32(len(mgr.baModules)); i < newConfig.numChains; i++ {
// Prepare modules.
recv := &consensusBAReceiver{
consensus: mgr.con,
chainID: i,
restartNotary: make(chan types.Position, 1),
agrModule := newAgreement(
newLeaderSelector(genValidLeader(mgr), mgr.logger),
// Hacky way to make agreement module self contained.
recv.agreementModule = agrModule
mgr.baModules = append(mgr.baModules, agrModule)
if mgr.isRunning {
go mgr.runBA(round, i)
return nil
func (mgr *agreementMgr) processVote(v *types.Vote) error {
v = v.Clone()
defer mgr.lock.RUnlock()
if v.Position.ChainID >= uint32(len(mgr.baModules)) {
mgr.logger.Error("Process vote for unknown chain to BA",
"position", &v.Position,
"baChain", len(mgr.baModules),
"baRound", len(mgr.configs),
"initRound", mgr.initRound)
return utils.ErrInvalidChainID
return mgr.baModules[v.Position.ChainID].processVote(v)
func (mgr *agreementMgr) processBlock(b *types.Block) error {
defer mgr.lock.RUnlock()
if b.Position.ChainID >= uint32(len(mgr.baModules)) {
mgr.logger.Error("Process block for unknown chain to BA",
"position", &b.Position,
"baChain", len(mgr.baModules),
"baRound", len(mgr.configs),
"initRound", mgr.initRound)
return utils.ErrInvalidChainID
return mgr.baModules[b.Position.ChainID].processBlock(b)
func (mgr *agreementMgr) processAgreementResult(
result *types.AgreementResult) error {
defer mgr.lock.RUnlock()
if result.Position.ChainID >= uint32(len(mgr.baModules)) {
mgr.logger.Error("Process unknown result for unknown chain to BA",
"position", &result.Position,
"baChain", len(mgr.baModules),
"baRound", len(mgr.configs),
"initRound", mgr.initRound)
return utils.ErrInvalidChainID
agreement := mgr.baModules[result.Position.ChainID]
aID := agreement.agreementID()
if isStop(aID) {
return nil
if result.Position.Newer(&aID) {
mgr.logger.Info("Syncing BA", "position", &result.Position)
nodes, err := mgr.cache.GetNodeSet(result.Position.Round)
if err != nil {
return err
mgr.logger.Debug("Calling Network.PullBlocks for syncing BA",
"hash", result.BlockHash)
mgr.logger.Debug("Calling Governance.CRS", "round", result.Position.Round)
crs := utils.GetCRSWithPanic(mgr.gov, result.Position.Round, mgr.logger)
nIDs := nodes.GetSubSet(
mgr.gov, result.Position.Round, mgr.logger).NotarySetSize),
types.NewNotarySetTarget(crs, result.Position.ChainID))
for key := range result.Votes {
if err := agreement.processVote(&result.Votes[key]); err != nil {
return err
agreement.restart(nIDs, result.Position, crs)
return nil
func (mgr *agreementMgr) stop() {
// Stop all running agreement modules.
func() {
defer mgr.lock.Unlock()
for _, agr := range mgr.baModules {
// Block until all routines are done.
func (mgr *agreementMgr) runBA(initRound uint64, chainID uint32) {
defer mgr.waitGroup.Done()
// Acquire agreement module.
agr, recv := func() (*agreement, *consensusBAReceiver) {
defer mgr.lock.RUnlock()
agr := mgr.baModules[chainID]
return agr, agr.data.recv.(*consensusBAReceiver)
// These are round based variables.
var (
currentRound uint64
nextRound = initRound
setting = baRoundSetting{
chainID: chainID,
agr: agr,
recv: recv,
roundBeginTime time.Time
roundEndTime time.Time
tickDuration time.Duration
// Check if this routine needs to awake in this round and prepare essential
// variables when yes.
checkRound := func() (isNotary, isDisabled bool) {
defer func() {
currentRound = nextRound
// Wait until the configuartion for next round is ready.
var config *agreementMgrConfig
for {
if config = mgr.getConfig(nextRound); config != nil {
} else {
mgr.logger.Debug("round is not ready", "round", nextRound)
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
// Set next checkpoint.
roundBeginTime = config.beginTime
roundEndTime = config.beginTime.Add(config.roundInterval)
// Check if this chain handled by this routine included in this round.
if chainID >= config.numChains {
isDisabled = true
// Check if this node in notary set of this chain in this round.
nodeSet, err := mgr.cache.GetNodeSet(nextRound)
if err != nil {
setting.crs = config.crs
setting.notarySet = nodeSet.GetSubSet(
types.NewNotarySetTarget(config.crs, chainID))
_, isNotary = setting.notarySet[mgr.ID]
if isNotary {
mgr.logger.Info("selected as notary set",
"ID", mgr.ID,
"round", nextRound,
"chainID", chainID)
} else {
mgr.logger.Info("not selected as notary set",
"ID", mgr.ID,
"round", nextRound,
"chainID", chainID)
// Setup ticker
if tickDuration != config.lambdaBA {
if setting.ticker != nil {
setting.ticker = newTicker(mgr.gov, nextRound, TickerBA)
tickDuration = config.lambdaBA
for {
select {
case <-mgr.ctx.Done():
break Loop
now := time.Now().UTC()
var isDisabled bool
setting.recv.isNotary, isDisabled = checkRound()
if isDisabled {
select {
case <-mgr.ctx.Done():
break Loop
case <-time.After(roundEndTime.Sub(now)):
continue Loop
// Sleep until round begin. Here a biased round begin time would be
// used instead of the one in config. The reason it to disperse the load
// of fullnodes to verify confirmed blocks from each chain.
if now.Before(pickBiasedTime(roundBeginTime, 4*tickDuration)) {
select {
case <-mgr.ctx.Done():
break Loop
case <-time.After(roundBeginTime.Sub(now)):
// Clean the tick channel after awake: the tick would be queued in
// channel, thus the first few ticks would not tick on expected
// interval.
// Run BA for this round.
recv.round = currentRound
recv.changeNotaryTime = roundEndTime
recv.restartNotary <- types.Position{ChainID: math.MaxUint32}
if err := mgr.baRoutineForOneRound(&setting); err != nil {
mgr.logger.Error("BA routine failed",
"error", err,
"nodeID", mgr.ID,
"chain", chainID)
break Loop
func (mgr *agreementMgr) baRoutineForOneRound(
setting *baRoundSetting) (err error) {
agr := setting.agr
recv := setting.recv
oldPos := agr.agreementID()
for {
select {
case <-mgr.ctx.Done():
break Loop
select {
case restartPos := <-recv.restartNotary:
if !isStop(restartPos) {
if restartPos.Round > oldPos.Round {
// This round is finished.
break Loop
if restartPos.Older(&oldPos) {
// The restartNotary event is triggered by 'BlockConfirmed'
// of some older block.
var nextHeight uint64
for {
nextHeight, err = mgr.lattice.NextHeight(recv.round, setting.chainID)
if err != nil {
mgr.logger.Debug("Error getting next height",
"error", err,
"round", recv.round,
"chainID", setting.chainID)
err = nil
nextHeight = oldPos.Height
if isStop(oldPos) || nextHeight == 0 {
if nextHeight > oldPos.Height {
mgr.logger.Debug("Lattice not ready!!!",
"old", &oldPos, "next", nextHeight)
time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
nextPos := types.Position{
Round: recv.round,
ChainID: setting.chainID,
Height: nextHeight,
oldPos = nextPos
agr.restart(setting.notarySet, nextPos, setting.crs)
if agr.pullVotes() {
pos := agr.agreementID()
mgr.logger.Debug("Calling Network.PullVotes for syncing votes",
"position", &pos)
if err = agr.nextState(); err != nil {
mgr.logger.Error("Failed to proceed to next state",
"nodeID", mgr.ID.String(),
"error", err)
break Loop
for i := 0; i < agr.clocks(); i++ {
// Priority select for agreement.done().
select {
case <-agr.done():
continue Loop
select {
case <-agr.done():
continue Loop
case <-setting.ticker.Tick():
return nil