path: root/docs/index.html
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-<!DOCTYPE html>
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-<a href="demo/bls.html">bls demo</a>
-<li>MCLBN_CURVE_FP382_1 = 1
-<li>MCLBN_CURVE_FP382_2 = 2
-<dd>equal to mclBnFr ; create by blsId_malloc()
-<dd>equal to mclBnFr ; create by blsSecretKey_malloc()
-<dd>equal to mclBnG1 ; create by blsPrivateKeyKey_malloc()
-<dd>equal to mclBnG2 ; create by blsPublicKey_malloc()
-<dt>blsSignature ; create by blsSignatureKey_malloc()
-<dd>equal to mclG1
-all objects are deleted by bls_free()
-<dt>int blsInit(int curve, int maxUnitSize)
-<dd>curve = curveType, maxUnitSize = 6
-<dt>string blsGetCurveOrder()
-<dd>return the order of a group
-<dt>string blsGetFieldOrder()
-<dd>return the order of an finite field
-<dt>blsGetGeneratorOfG2(blsPublicKey pub)
-<dd>set pub to a generator of G2
-<dt>blsIdSetInt(blsId id, int x)
-<dd>set id by x
-<dt>blsIdSetDecStr(blsId id, string s)
-<dd>set id by decimal string s
-<dt>blsIdSetHexStr(blsId id, string s)
-<dd>set id by hexagonal string s
-<dt>string blsIdGetDecStr(blsId id)
-<dd>get decimal string of id
-<dt>string blsIdGetHexStr(blsId id)
-<dd>return hexiagonal string of id
-<dt>Uint8Array blsIdSerialize(blsId id)
-<dd>return Uint8Array of serialized id
-<dt>Uint8Array blsSecretKeySerialize(blsSecretKey sec)
-<dd>return Uint8Array of serialized sec
-<dt>Uint8Array blsPublicKeySerialize(blsPublicKey pub)
-<dd>return Uint8Array of serialized pub
-<dt>Uint8Array blsSignatureSerialize(blsSignature sig)
-<dd>return Uint8Array of serialized sig
-<dt>blsIdDeserialize(blsId id, Uint8Array a)
-<dd>set id by a
-<dt>blsSecretKeyDeserialize(blsSecretKey sec, Uint8Array a)
-<dd>set sec by a
-<dt>blsPublicKeyDeserialize(blsPublicKey pub, Uint8Array a)
-<dd>set pub by a
-<dt>blsSignatureDeserialize(blsSignature sig, Uint8Array a)
-<dd>set sig by a
-<dt>blsIdIsEqual(blsId lhs, blsId rhs)
-<dd>return 1 if lhs == rhs
-<dt>blsSecretKeyIsEqual(blsSecretKey lhs, blsSecretKey rhs)
-<dd>return 1 if lhs == rhs
-<dt>blsPublicKeyIsEqual(blsPublicKey lhs, blsPublicKey rhs)
-<dd>return 1 if lhs == rhs
-<dt>blsSignatureIsEqual(blsSignature lhs, blsSignature rhs)
-<dd>return 1 if lhs == rhs
-<dt>blsSecretKeyAdd(blsSecretKey sec, blsSecretKey rhs)
-<dt>sec += rhs
-<dt>blsPublicKeyAdd(blsPublicKey pub, blsPublicKey rhs)
-<dt>sec += rhs
-<dt>blsSignatureAdd(blsSignature sig, blsSignature rhs)
-<dt>sec += rhs
-<dt>blsHashToSecretKey(blsSecretKey sec, (string|Uint8Array) s)
-<dd>set sec by hash(s)
-<dt>blsSecretKeySetByCSPRNG(blsSecretKey sec)
-<dd>set sec by random number generator
-<dt>blsGetPublicKey(blsPublicKey pub, blsSecretKey sec)
-<dd>set public key pub by secret key sec
-<dt>blsSecretKeyShare(blsSecretKey sec, array of blsSecretKey msk, blsId id)
-<dd>share secret key sec by array of blsSecretKey msk with id
-<dt>blsPublicKeyShare(blsPublicKey pub, array of blsPublicKey mpk, blsId id)
-<dd>share public key pub by array of blsPublicKey mpk with id
-<dt>blsSecretKeyRecover(blsSecretKey sec, array of blsSecretKey secVec, array of blsId idVec)
-<dd>recover sec by n array of secVec and idVec
-<dt>blsPublicKeyRecover(blsPublicKey pub, array of blsPublicKey pubVec, array of blsId idVec)
-<dd>recover pub by n array of pubVec and idVec
-<dt>blsSignatureRecover(blsSignature sig, array of blsSignature sigVec, array of blsId idVec)
-<dd>recover sig by n array of sigVec and idVec
-<dt>blsSign(blsSignature sig, blsSecretKey sec, (string|Uint8Array) m)
-<dd>set sig by signing message m with sec
-<dt>blsVerify(blsSignature sig, blsPublicKey pub, (string|Uint8Array) m)
-<dd>verify sig by pub and message m