path: root/docs
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authorMITSUNARI Shigeo <herumi@nifty.com>2017-10-10 21:09:57 +0800
committerMITSUNARI Shigeo <herumi@nifty.com>2017-10-10 21:09:57 +0800
commitd9a74de3ff0cadeea31ab3dc8816fa463e3c13c3 (patch)
treef396dc4b5ff4d350c87fa3f549569e5681beec3f /docs
parent31cdd3294f352f94f6f6c699372f8fcb9015b245 (diff)
[js] add share and recover method
Diffstat (limited to 'docs')
3 files changed, 246 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/docs/demo/bls-demo.js b/docs/demo/bls-demo.js
index e656902..6c80a31 100644
--- a/docs/demo/bls-demo.js
+++ b/docs/demo/bls-demo.js
@@ -97,6 +97,12 @@ function benchBls() {
+ sec = new BlsSecretKey()
+ sec.setByCSPRNG()
+ pub = sec.getPublicKey()
+ bench('time_sign_class', 50, () => sec.sign(msg))
+ sig = sec.sign(msg)
+ bench('time_verify_class', 50, () => pub.verify(sig, msg))
function onClickBenchmark() {
@@ -371,3 +377,115 @@ function onClickTestMisc()
var a = sec.serialize()
setText('secSerialize', Uint8ArrayToHexString(a))
+function onClickTestShareClass()
+ let k = parseInt(getValue('ss_k'))
+ let n = parseInt(getValue('ss_n'))
+ let msg = getValue('msg2')
+ console.log('k = ' + k)
+ console.log('n = ' + n)
+ console.log('msg = ' + msg)
+ if (n < k) {
+ alert('err : n is smaller than k')
+ return
+ }
+ let msk = []
+ let mpk = []
+ let idVec = []
+ let secVec = []
+ let pubVec = []
+ let sigVec = []
+ /*
+ setup master secret key
+ */
+ for (let i = 0; i < k; i++) {
+ let sk = new BlsSecretKey()
+ sk.setByCSPRNG()
+ msk.push(sk)
+ let pk = sk.getPublicKey()
+ mpk.push(pk)
+ }
+ setText('msk', Uint8ArrayToHexString(msk[0].serialize()))
+ setText('mpk', Uint8ArrayToHexString(mpk[0].serialize()))
+ {
+ let sig = msk[0].sign(msg)
+ setText('signature2', Uint8ArrayToHexString(sig.serialize()))
+ console.log('mpk[0] verify ' + mpk[0].verify(sig, msg))
+ }
+ /*
+ key sharing
+ */
+ for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+ let id = new BlsId()
+// blsIdSetInt(id, i + 1)
+ id.setByCSPRNG()
+ idVec.push(id)
+ let sk = new BlsSecretKey()
+ sk.share(msk, idVec[i])
+ secVec.push(sk)
+ let pk = new BlsPublicKey()
+ pk.share(mpk, idVec[i])
+ pubVec.push(pk)
+ let sig = sk.sign(msg)
+ sigVec.push(sig)
+ console.log(i + ' : verify msg : ' + pk.verify(sig, msg))
+ }
+ let o = document.getElementById('idlist')
+ let ol = document.createElement('ol')
+ let t = ''
+ for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+ let id = Uint8ArrayToHexString(idVec[i].serialize())
+ let sk = Uint8ArrayToHexString(secVec[i].serialize())
+ let pk = Uint8ArrayToHexString(pubVec[i].serialize())
+ let sig = Uint8ArrayToHexString(sigVec[i].serialize())
+ t += '<li id="ui"' + i + '"> '
+ t += 'id : <span id="id"' + i + '">' + id + '</span><br>'
+ t += 'pk : <span id="pk"' + i + '">' + pk + '</span><br>'
+ t += 'sk : <span id="sk"' + i + '">' + sk + '</span><br>'
+ t += 'sig: <span id="sig"' + i + '">' + sig + '</span><br>'
+ }
+ ol.innerHTML = t
+ o.firstElementChild.innerHTML = ol.innerHTML
+ /*
+ recover
+ */
+ let idxVec = randSelect(k, n)
+ setText('idxVec', idxVec.toString())
+ let subIdVec = []
+ let subSecVec = []
+ let subPubVec = []
+ let subSigVec = []
+ for (let i = 0; i < idxVec.length; i++) {
+ let idx = idxVec[i]
+ subIdVec.push(idVec[idx])
+ subSecVec.push(secVec[idx])
+ subPubVec.push(pubVec[idx])
+ subSigVec.push(sigVec[idx])
+ }
+ {
+ let sec = new BlsSecretKey()
+ let pub = new BlsPublicKey()
+ let sig = new BlsSignature()
+ sec.recover(subSecVec, subIdVec)
+ pub.recover(subPubVec, subIdVec)
+ sig.recover(subSigVec, subIdVec)
+ let s = Uint8ArrayToHexString(sec.serialize())
+ s += s == getText('msk') ? ' :ok' : ' :ng'
+ setText('recoverSec', s)
+ s = Uint8ArrayToHexString(pub.serialize())
+ s += s == getText('mpk') ? ' :ok' : ' :ng'
+ setText('recoverPub', s)
+ s = Uint8ArrayToHexString(sig.serialize())
+ s += s == getText('signature2') ? ' :ok' : ' :ng'
+ setText('recoverSig', s)
+ }
diff --git a/docs/demo/bls.html b/docs/demo/bls.html
index 9c68d62..8c84a2e 100644
--- a/docs/demo/bls.html
+++ b/docs/demo/bls.html
@@ -30,6 +30,9 @@ library status <span name="status">initializing...</span>
<div>Hash and map to G1 : <span name="time_mapToG1">0</span>msec</div>
<div>sign : <span name="time_sign">0</span>msec</div>
<div>verify : <span name="time_verify">0</span>msec</div>
+<div>sign : <span name="time_sign_class">0</span>msec</div>
+<div>verify : <span name="time_verify_class">0</span>msec</div>
<button type="text" id="testBls" onclick="onClickTestSignature()">test basic signature</button>
@@ -40,6 +43,7 @@ signature : <span name="signature"></span><br>
verify : <span name="verifyResult"></span><br>
<button type="text" id="testBls" onclick="onClickTestShare()">test sharing</button>
+<button type="text" id="testBls" onclick="onClickTestShareClass()">test sharing class</button>
threshold(k) : <input type="text" name="ss_k" value="3"><br>
number of players(n) : <input type="text" name="ss_n" value="5"><br>
diff --git a/docs/demo/bls.js b/docs/demo/bls.js
index 20ea3a0..df1942d 100644
--- a/docs/demo/bls.js
+++ b/docs/demo/bls.js
@@ -32,6 +32,12 @@ BlsId = function() {
BlsSecretKey = function() {
this.a_ = new Uint32Array(BLS_SECRETKEY_SIZE / 4)
+BlsPublicKey = function() {
+ this.a_ = new Uint32Array(BLS_PUBLICKEY_SIZE / 4)
+BlsSignature = function() {
+ this.a_ = new Uint32Array(BLS_SIGNATURE_SIZE / 4)
function define_bls_extra_functions(mod) {
ptrToStr = function(pos, n) {
@@ -248,6 +254,11 @@ function define_bls_extra_functions(mod) {
a[i] = mod.HEAP32[pos / 4 + i]
+ let copyFromUint32Array = function(pos, a) {
+ for (let i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
+ mod.HEAP32[pos / 4 + i] = a[i]
+ }
+ }
let callSetter = function(func, a, p1, p2) {
let pos = mod._malloc(a.length * 4)
func(pos, p1, p2) // p1, p2 may be undefined
@@ -272,6 +283,9 @@ function define_bls_extra_functions(mod) {
BlsId.prototype.setInt = function(x) {
callSetter(blsIdSetInt, this.a_, x)
+ BlsId.prototype.setByCSPRNG = function() {
+ callSetter(blsSecretKeySetByCSPRNG, this.a_) // same type of BlsSecretKey
+ }
BlsId.prototype.setStr = function(s, base = 10) {
switch (base) {
case 10:
@@ -322,5 +336,115 @@ function define_bls_extra_functions(mod) {
// callSetter(blsSecretKeySetByCSPRNG, this.a_)
+ // return BlsPublicKey
+ BlsSecretKey.prototype.getPublicKey = function() {
+ let pub = new BlsPublicKey()
+ let stack = mod.Runtime.stackSave()
+ let secPos = mod.Runtime.stackAlloc(this.a_.length * 4)
+ let pubPos = mod.Runtime.stackAlloc(pub.a_.length * 4)
+ mod.HEAP32.set(this.a_, secPos / 4)
+ blsGetPublicKey(pubPos, secPos)
+ copyToUint32Array(pub.a_, pubPos)
+ mod.Runtime.stackRestore(stack)
+ return pub
+ }
+ /*
+ input
+ m : message (string or Uint8Array)
+ return
+ BlsSignature
+ */
+ BlsSecretKey.prototype.sign = function(m) {
+ let sig = new BlsSignature()
+ let stack = mod.Runtime.stackSave()
+ let secPos = mod.Runtime.stackAlloc(this.a_.length * 4)
+ let sigPos = mod.Runtime.stackAlloc(sig.a_.length * 4)
+ mod.HEAP32.set(this.a_, secPos / 4)
+ blsSign(sigPos, secPos, m)
+ copyToUint32Array(sig.a_, sigPos)
+ mod.Runtime.stackRestore(stack)
+ return sig
+ }
+ let share = function(func, a, size, vec, id) {
+ let stack = mod.Runtime.stackSave()
+ let pos = mod.Runtime.stackAlloc(a.length * 4)
+ let idPos = mod.Runtime.stackAlloc(id.a_.length * 4)
+ mod.HEAP32.set(a, pos / 4)
+ mod.HEAP32.set(id.a_, idPos / 4)
+ let vecPos = mod._malloc(size * vec.length)
+ for (let i = 0; i < vec.length; i++) {
+ copyFromUint32Array(vecPos + size * i, vec[i].a_)
+ }
+ func(pos, vecPos, vec.length, idPos)
+ mod._free(vecPos)
+ copyToUint32Array(a, pos)
+ mod.Runtime.stackRestore(stack)
+ }
+ let recover = function(func, a, size, vec, idVec) {
+ let n = vec.length
+ if (n != idVec.length) throw('recover:bad length')
+ let stack = mod.Runtime.stackSave()
+ let secPos = mod.Runtime.stackAlloc(a.length * 4)
+ let vecPos = mod._malloc(size * n)
+ let idVecPos = mod._malloc(BLS_ID_SIZE * n)
+ for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+ copyFromUint32Array(vecPos + size * i, vec[i].a_)
+ copyFromUint32Array(idVecPos + BLS_ID_SIZE * i, idVec[i].a_)
+ }
+ func(secPos, vecPos, idVecPos, n)
+ mod._free(idVecPos)
+ mod._free(vecPos)
+ copyToUint32Array(a, secPos)
+ mod.Runtime.stackRestore(stack)
+ }
+ /*
+ set shared BlsSecretKey by msk and id
+ input
+ msk : master secret key(array of BlsSecretKey)
+ id : BlsId
+ */
+ BlsSecretKey.prototype.share = function(msk, id) {
+ share(_blsSecretKeyShare, this.a_, BLS_SECRETKEY_SIZE, msk, id)
+ }
+ BlsPublicKey.prototype.share = function(msk, id) {
+ share(_blsPublicKeyShare, this.a_, BLS_PUBLICKEY_SIZE, msk, id)
+ }
+ /*
+ recover BlsSecretKey from (secVec, idVec)
+ secVec : array of BlsSecretKey
+ */
+ BlsSecretKey.prototype.recover = function(secVec, idVec) {
+ recover(_blsSecretKeyRecover, this.a_, BLS_SECRETKEY_SIZE, secVec, idVec)
+ }
+ BlsPublicKey.prototype.recover = function(secVec, idVec) {
+ recover(_blsPublicKeyRecover, this.a_, BLS_PUBLICKEY_SIZE, secVec, idVec)
+ }
+ BlsSignature.prototype.recover = function(secVec, idVec) {
+ recover(_blsSignatureRecover, this.a_, BLS_SIGNATURE_SIZE, secVec, idVec)
+ }
+ /// BlsPublicKey
+ BlsPublicKey.prototype.deserialize = function(s) {
+ callSetter(blsPublicKeyDeserialize, this.a_, s)
+ }
+ BlsPublicKey.prototype.serialize = function() {
+ return callGetter(blsPublicKeySerialize, this.a_)
+ }
+ BlsPublicKey.prototype.verify = function(sig, m) {
+ let stack = mod.Runtime.stackSave()
+ let pubPos = mod.Runtime.stackAlloc(this.a_.length * 4)
+ let sigPos = mod.Runtime.stackAlloc(sig.a_.length * 4)
+ mod.HEAP32.set(this.a_, pubPos / 4)
+ mod.HEAP32.set(sig.a_, sigPos / 4)
+ let r = blsVerify(sigPos, pubPos, m)
+ mod.Runtime.stackRestore(stack)
+ return r != 0
+ }
+ /// BlsSignature
+ BlsSignature.prototype.deserialize = function(s) {
+ callSetter(blsSignatureDeserialize, this.a_, s)
+ }
+ BlsSignature.prototype.serialize = function() {
+ return callGetter(blsSignatureSerialize, this.a_)
+ }