path: root/packages/contracts/test
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Diffstat (limited to 'packages/contracts/test')
1 files changed, 22 insertions, 240 deletions
diff --git a/packages/contracts/test/combinatorial_tests.ts b/packages/contracts/test/combinatorial_tests.ts
index 7a118f6ac..c7de8d7e3 100644
--- a/packages/contracts/test/combinatorial_tests.ts
+++ b/packages/contracts/test/combinatorial_tests.ts
@@ -1,266 +1,48 @@
import { BlockchainLifecycle } from '@0xproject/dev-utils';
-import { assetProxyUtils, crypto, orderHashUtils, OrderStateUtils } from '@0xproject/order-utils';
-import { AssetProxyId, SignatureType, SignedOrder } from '@0xproject/types';
-import { BigNumber } from '@0xproject/utils';
-import { Web3Wrapper } from '@0xproject/web3-wrapper';
-import * as chai from 'chai';
-import { LogWithDecodedArgs } from 'ethereum-types';
-import ethUtil = require('ethereumjs-util');
-import 'make-promises-safe';
+import * as _ from 'lodash';
-import { DummyERC20TokenContract } from '../src/contract_wrappers/generated/dummy_e_r_c20_token';
-import { DummyERC721TokenContract } from '../src/contract_wrappers/generated/dummy_e_r_c721_token';
-import { ERC20ProxyContract } from '../src/contract_wrappers/generated/e_r_c20_proxy';
-import { ERC721ProxyContract } from '../src/contract_wrappers/generated/e_r_c721_proxy';
-import {
- CancelContractEventArgs,
- ExchangeContract,
- FillContractEventArgs,
-} from '../src/contract_wrappers/generated/exchange';
-import { artifacts } from '../src/utils/artifacts';
import { chaiSetup } from '../src/utils/chai_setup';
-import { constants } from '../src/utils/constants';
-import { ERC20Wrapper } from '../src/utils/erc20_wrapper';
-import { ERC721Wrapper } from '../src/utils/erc721_wrapper';
-import { ExchangeWrapper } from '../src/utils/exchange_wrapper';
-import { NewOrderFactory } from '../src/utils/new_order_factory';
-import { OrderInfoUtils } from '../src/utils/order_info_utils';
-import { orderUtils } from '../src/utils/order_utils';
-import { signingUtils } from '../src/utils/signing_utils';
-import {
- AssetDataScenario,
- ContractName,
- ERC20BalancesByOwner,
- ExpirationTimeSecondsScenario,
- FeeRecipientAddressScenario,
- OrderAmountScenario,
- OrderStatus,
-} from '../src/utils/types';
+import { CoreCombinatorialUtils, coreCombinatorialUtilsFactoryAsync } from '../src/utils/core_combinatorial_utils';
import { provider, txDefaults, web3Wrapper } from '../src/utils/web3_wrapper';
+import { OrderScenario } from '../src/utils/types';
-const expect = chai.expect;
const blockchainLifecycle = new BlockchainLifecycle(web3Wrapper);
describe('Combinatorial tests', () => {
- let newOrderFactory: NewOrderFactory;
- let usedAddresses: string[];
- let makerAddress: string;
- let owner: string;
- let takerAddress: string;
- let feeRecipientAddress: string;
- let erc20EighteenDecimalTokenA: DummyERC20TokenContract;
- let erc20EighteenDecimalTokenB: DummyERC20TokenContract;
- let erc20FiveDecimalTokenA: DummyERC20TokenContract;
- let erc20FiveDecimalTokenB: DummyERC20TokenContract;
- let zrxToken: DummyERC20TokenContract;
- let erc721Token: DummyERC721TokenContract;
- let exchange: ExchangeContract;
- let erc20Proxy: ERC20ProxyContract;
- let erc721Proxy: ERC721ProxyContract;
- let erc20Balances: ERC20BalancesByOwner;
- let exchangeWrapper: ExchangeWrapper;
- let erc20Wrapper: ERC20Wrapper;
- let erc721Wrapper: ERC721Wrapper;
- let erc721MakerAssetIds: BigNumber[];
- let erc721TakerAssetIds: BigNumber[];
- let defaultMakerAssetAddress: string;
- let defaultTakerAssetAddress: string;
+ let coreCombinatorialUtils: CoreCombinatorialUtils;
before(async () => {
await blockchainLifecycle.startAsync();
+ coreCombinatorialUtils = await coreCombinatorialUtilsFactoryAsync(web3Wrapper, txDefaults);
after(async () => {
await blockchainLifecycle.revertAsync();
- before(async () => {
- const accounts = await web3Wrapper.getAvailableAddressesAsync();
- usedAddresses = [owner, makerAddress, takerAddress, feeRecipientAddress] = accounts;
- erc20Wrapper = new ERC20Wrapper(provider, usedAddresses, owner);
- erc721Wrapper = new ERC721Wrapper(provider, usedAddresses, owner);
- const erc20EighteenDecimalTokenCount = 3;
- const eighteenDecimals = new BigNumber(18);
- [erc20EighteenDecimalTokenA, erc20EighteenDecimalTokenB, zrxToken] = await erc20Wrapper.deployDummyTokensAsync(
- erc20EighteenDecimalTokenCount,
- eighteenDecimals,
- );
- const erc20FiveDecimalTokenCount = 2;
- const fiveDecimals = new BigNumber(18);
- [erc20FiveDecimalTokenA, erc20FiveDecimalTokenB] = await erc20Wrapper.deployDummyTokensAsync(
- erc20FiveDecimalTokenCount,
- fiveDecimals,
- );
- erc20Proxy = await erc20Wrapper.deployProxyAsync();
- await erc20Wrapper.setBalancesAndAllowancesAsync();
- [erc721Token] = await erc721Wrapper.deployDummyTokensAsync();
- erc721Proxy = await erc721Wrapper.deployProxyAsync();
- await erc721Wrapper.setBalancesAndAllowancesAsync();
- const erc721Balances = await erc721Wrapper.getBalancesAsync();
- erc721MakerAssetIds = erc721Balances[makerAddress][erc721Token.address];
- erc721TakerAssetIds = erc721Balances[takerAddress][erc721Token.address];
- exchange = await ExchangeContract.deployFrom0xArtifactAsync(
- artifacts.Exchange,
- provider,
- txDefaults,
- assetProxyUtils.encodeERC20ProxyData(zrxToken.address),
- );
- exchangeWrapper = new ExchangeWrapper(exchange, provider);
- await exchangeWrapper.registerAssetProxyAsync(AssetProxyId.ERC20, erc20Proxy.address, owner);
- await exchangeWrapper.registerAssetProxyAsync(AssetProxyId.ERC721, erc721Proxy.address, owner);
- await web3Wrapper.awaitTransactionSuccessAsync(
- await erc20Proxy.addAuthorizedAddress.sendTransactionAsync(exchange.address, {
- from: owner,
- }),
- );
- await web3Wrapper.awaitTransactionSuccessAsync(
- await erc721Proxy.addAuthorizedAddress.sendTransactionAsync(exchange.address, {
- from: owner,
- }),
- );
- defaultMakerAssetAddress = erc20EighteenDecimalTokenA.address;
- defaultTakerAssetAddress = erc20EighteenDecimalTokenB.address;
- newOrderFactory = new NewOrderFactory(
- usedAddresses,
- zrxToken.address,
- [erc20EighteenDecimalTokenA.address, erc20EighteenDecimalTokenB.address],
- [erc20FiveDecimalTokenA.address, erc20FiveDecimalTokenB.address],
- erc721Token,
- erc721Balances,
- exchange.address,
- );
- });
beforeEach(async () => {
await blockchainLifecycle.startAsync();
afterEach(async () => {
await blockchainLifecycle.revertAsync();
- describe.only('Fill order', () => {
- beforeEach(async () => {
- erc20Balances = await erc20Wrapper.getBalancesAsync();
+ const test = (orderScenarios: OrderScenario[]) => {
+ _.forEach(orderScenarios, orderScenario => {
+ const description = `Combinatorial OrderFill: ${orderScenario.feeRecipientScenario} ${
+ orderScenario.makerAssetAmountScenario
+ } ${orderScenario.takerAssetAmountScenario} ${orderScenario.makerFeeScenario} ${
+ orderScenario.takerFeeScenario
+ } ${orderScenario.expirationTimeSecondsScenario} ${orderScenario.makerAssetDataScenario} ${
+ orderScenario.takerAssetDataScenario
+ }`;
+ it(description, async () => {
+ const order = coreCombinatorialUtils.orderFactory.generateOrder(orderScenario);
+ await coreCombinatorialUtils.testFillOrderScenarioAsync(order, provider);
+ });
- it('should transfer the correct amounts when makerAssetAmount === takerAssetAmount', async () => {
- const order = newOrderFactory.generateOrder(
- FeeRecipientAddressScenario.EthUserAddress,
- OrderAmountScenario.NonZero,
- OrderAmountScenario.NonZero,
- OrderAmountScenario.Zero,
- OrderAmountScenario.Zero,
- ExpirationTimeSecondsScenario.InFuture,
- AssetDataScenario.ERC20NonZRXEighteenDecimals,
- AssetDataScenario.ERC20NonZRXEighteenDecimals,
- );
- // TODO: Permute signature types
+ };
- // TODO: Sign order (for now simply ECSign)
- const orderHashBuff = orderHashUtils.getOrderHashBuff(order);
- const privateKey = constants.TESTRPC_PRIVATE_KEYS[usedAddresses.indexOf(makerAddress)];
- const signature = signingUtils.signMessage(orderHashBuff, privateKey, SignatureType.EthSign);
- const signedOrder = {
- ...order,
- signature: `0x${signature.toString('hex')}`,
- };
- console.log('signedOrder', signedOrder);
+ const allOrderScenarios = CoreCombinatorialUtils.generateOrderCombinations();
- // TODO: Get orderRelevantState
- const orderInfoUtils = new OrderInfoUtils(exchange, erc20Wrapper, zrxToken.address);
- // 1. How much of this order can I fill?
- const fillableTakerAssetAmount = await orderInfoUtils.getFillableTakerAssetAmountAsync(
- signedOrder,
- takerAddress,
- );
- console.log('fillableTakerAssetAmount', fillableTakerAssetAmount);
- // TODO: Decide how much to fill (all, some)
- const takerFillAmount = fillableTakerAssetAmount.div(2); // some for now
- // 2. If I fill it by X, what are the resulting balances/allowances/filled amounts expected?
- // NOTE: we can't use orderStateUtils for this :( We need to do this ourselves.
- // This doesn't include taker balance/allowance checks...
- /*
- Inputs:
- - signedOrder
- - takerAddress
- Outputs:
- - Check fillable amount
- - maker token balance & allowance
- - maker ZRX balance & allowance
- - taker token balance & allowance
- - taker ZRX balance & allowance
- Test:
- - If fillable >= fillAmount:
- - check that filled by fillAmount
- - check makerBalance
- */
- // signedOrder = orderFactory.newSignedOrder({
- // makerAssetAmount: Web3Wrapper.toBaseUnitAmount(new BigNumber(100), 18),
- // takerAssetAmount: Web3Wrapper.toBaseUnitAmount(new BigNumber(100), 18),
- // }); );
- //
- // const takerAssetFilledAmountBefore = await exchangeWrapper.getTakerAssetFilledAmountAsync(
- // orderHashUtils.getOrderHashHex(signedOrder),
- // );
- // expect(takerAssetFilledAmountBefore).to.be.bignumber.equal(0);
- //
- // const takerAssetFillAmount = signedOrder.takerAssetAmount.div(2);
- // await exchangeWrapper.fillOrderAsync(signedOrder, takerAddress, { takerAssetFillAmount });
- //
- // const makerAmountBoughtAfter = await exchangeWrapper.getTakerAssetFilledAmountAsync(
- // orderHashUtils.getOrderHashHex(signedOrder),
- // );
- // expect(makerAmountBoughtAfter).to.be.bignumber.equal(takerAssetFillAmount);
- //
- // const newBalances = await erc20Wrapper.getBalancesAsync();
- //
- // const makerAssetFilledAmount = takerAssetFillAmount
- // .times(signedOrder.makerAssetAmount)
- // .dividedToIntegerBy(signedOrder.takerAssetAmount);
- // const makerFeePaid = signedOrder.makerFee
- // .times(makerAssetFilledAmount)
- // .dividedToIntegerBy(signedOrder.makerAssetAmount);
- // const takerFeePaid = signedOrder.takerFee
- // .times(makerAssetFilledAmount)
- // .dividedToIntegerBy(signedOrder.makerAssetAmount);
- // expect(newBalances[makerAddress][defaultMakerAssetAddress]).to.be.bignumber.equal(
- // erc20Balances[makerAddress][defaultMakerAssetAddress].minus(makerAssetFilledAmount),
- // );
- // expect(newBalances[makerAddress][defaultTakerAssetAddress]).to.be.bignumber.equal(
- // erc20Balances[makerAddress][defaultTakerAssetAddress].add(takerAssetFillAmount),
- // );
- // expect(newBalances[makerAddress][zrxToken.address]).to.be.bignumber.equal(
- // erc20Balances[makerAddress][zrxToken.address].minus(makerFeePaid),
- // );
- // expect(newBalances[takerAddress][defaultTakerAssetAddress]).to.be.bignumber.equal(
- // erc20Balances[takerAddress][defaultTakerAssetAddress].minus(takerAssetFillAmount),
- // );
- // expect(newBalances[takerAddress][defaultMakerAssetAddress]).to.be.bignumber.equal(
- // erc20Balances[takerAddress][defaultMakerAssetAddress].add(makerAssetFilledAmount),
- // );
- // expect(newBalances[takerAddress][zrxToken.address]).to.be.bignumber.equal(
- // erc20Balances[takerAddress][zrxToken.address].minus(takerFeePaid),
- // );
- // expect(newBalances[feeRecipientAddress][zrxToken.address]).to.be.bignumber.equal(
- // erc20Balances[feeRecipientAddress][zrxToken.address].add(makerFeePaid.add(takerFeePaid)),
- // );
- });
- });
+ describe.only('Fills orders', () => test(allOrderScenarios));