blob: ea210a3fa4102ae0c614e29207115efd1087621c (
plain) (
import findVersions = require('find-versions');
import * as _ from 'lodash';
import {DoxityDocObj, S3FileObject, TypeDocNode, VersionToFileName} from 'ts/types';
import {utils} from 'ts/utils/utils';
import convert = require('xml-js');
export const docUtils = {
async getVersionToFileNameAsync(s3DocJsonRoot: string):
Promise<VersionToFileName> {
const versionFileNames = await this.getVersionFileNamesAsync(s3DocJsonRoot);
const versionToFileName: VersionToFileName = {};
_.each(versionFileNames, fileName => {
const [version] = findVersions(fileName);
versionToFileName[version] = fileName;
return versionToFileName;
async getVersionFileNamesAsync(s3DocJsonRoot: string): Promise<string[]> {
const response = await fetch(s3DocJsonRoot);
if (response.status !== 200) {
// TODO: Show the user an error message when the docs fail to load
const errMsg = await response.text();
utils.consoleLog(`Failed to load JSON file list: ${response.status} ${errMsg}`);
const responseXML = await response.text();
const responseJSONString = convert.xml2json(responseXML, {
compact: true,
const responseObj = JSON.parse(responseJSONString);
const fileObjs: S3FileObject[] = (_.isArray(responseObj.ListBucketResult.Contents)) ?
responseObj.ListBucketResult.Contents as S3FileObject[] :
const versionFileNames =, fileObj => {
return fileObj.Key._text;
return versionFileNames;
async getJSONDocFileAsync(fileName: string, s3DocJsonRoot: string): Promise<TypeDocNode|DoxityDocObj> {
const endpoint = `${s3DocJsonRoot}/${fileName}`;
const response = await fetch(endpoint);
if (response.status !== 200) {
// TODO: Show the user an error message when the docs fail to load
const errMsg = await response.text();
utils.consoleLog(`Failed to load Doc JSON: ${response.status} ${errMsg}`);
const jsonDocObj = await response.json();
return jsonDocObj;