import * as _ from 'lodash';
import * as React from 'react';
import { Circle } from 'ts/components/ui/circle';
import { Container } from 'ts/components/ui/container';
import { Image } from 'ts/components/ui/image';
import { Text } from 'ts/components/ui/text';
import { colors } from 'ts/style/colors';
import { styled } from 'ts/style/theme';
import { ScreenWidths } from 'ts/types';
import { constants } from 'ts/utils/constants';
const BENEFITS = [
'Comprehensive insurance (medical, dental, and vision)',
'Unlimited vacation (three weeks per year minimum)',
'Meals and snacks provided in-office daily',
'Flexible hours and liberal work-from-home-policy',
'Supportive remote working environment',
'Transportation, phone, and wellness expense',
'Relocation assistance',
'Optional team excursions (fully paid, often international)',
'Competitive salary and cryptocurrency-based compensation',
interface Value {
iconSrc: string;
text: string;
const VALUES: Value[] = [
iconSrc: 'images/jobs/heart-icon.svg',
text: 'Do the right thing',
iconSrc: 'images/jobs/ship-icon.svg',
text: 'Consistently ship',
iconSrc: 'images/jobs/calendar-icon.svg',
text: 'Focus on long term impact',
export interface BenefitsProps {
screenWidth: ScreenWidths;
export const Benefits = (props: BenefitsProps) => {
const isSmallScreen = props.screenWidth === ScreenWidths.Sm;
return (
<Container className="flex flex-column items-center py4 px3" backgroundColor={colors.white}>
{!isSmallScreen ? (
<Container className="flex" maxWidth="1200px">
<BenefitsList />
<Container marginLeft="120px">
<ValuesList />
) : (
<Container className="flex-column">
<BenefitsList />
<Container marginTop="50px">
<ValuesList />
const Header: React.StatelessComponent = ({ children }) => (
<Container marginBottom="30px">
<Text fontFamily="Roboto Mono" fontSize="24px" fontColor={}>
interface BenefitsListProps {
className?: string;
const PlainBenefitsList: React.StatelessComponent<BenefitsListProps> = ({ className }) => {
return (
<Container className={className}>
{, benefit => <BenefitItem key={benefit} description={benefit} />)}
const BenefitsList = styled(PlainBenefitsList)`
transform: translateY(30px);
interface BenefitItemProps {
description: string;
const BenefitItem: React.StatelessComponent<BenefitItemProps> = ({ description }) => (
<Container marginBottom="15px">
<div className="flex">
<Circle className="flex-none pr2 pt1" diameter={8} fillColor={} />
<div className="flex-auto">
<Text fontSize="14px" lineHeight="24px">
interface ValuesListProps {
className?: string;
const PlainValuesList: React.StatelessComponent<ValuesListProps> = ({ className }) => {
return (
<Container className={className} maxWidth="270px">
<Header>Our Values</Header>
{, value => <ValueItem key={value.text} {...value} />)}
<Text fontSize="14px" lineHeight="26px">
We care deeply about our culture and values, and encourage you to{' '}
style={{ color: colors.mediumBlue, textDecoration: 'none' }}
read more on our blog
const ValuesList = styled(PlainValuesList)`
border-color: ${colors.beigeWhite};
border-radius: 7px;
border-width: 1px;
border-style: solid;
padding-left: 38px;
padding-right: 38px;
padding-top: 28px;
padding-bottom: 28px;
type ValueItemProps = Value;
const ValueItem: React.StatelessComponent<ValueItemProps> = ({ iconSrc, text }) => {
return (
<Container marginBottom="25px">
<div className="flex items-center">
<Image className="flex-none pr2" width="20px" src={iconSrc} />
<div className="flex-auto">
<Text fontSize="14px" lineHeight="24px" fontWeight="bold">