blob: bdbcd613e21dd3b6faf37468f6cbd60d9abdf319 (
plain) (
import * as ethUtil from 'ethereumjs-util';
import * as _ from 'lodash';
import * as parser from 'solidity-parser-antlr';
import { ASTVisitor, CoverageEntriesDescription } from './ast_visitor';
import { getLocationByOffset } from './source_maps';
const IGNORE_RE = /\/\*\s*solcov\s+ignore\s+next\s*\*\/\s*/gm;
// Parsing source code for each transaction/code is slow and therefore we cache it
const coverageEntriesBySourceHash: { [sourceHash: string]: CoverageEntriesDescription } = {};
export const collectCoverageEntries = (contractSource: string) => {
const sourceHash = ethUtil.sha3(contractSource).toString('hex');
if (_.isUndefined(coverageEntriesBySourceHash[sourceHash]) && !_.isUndefined(contractSource)) {
const ast = parser.parse(contractSource, { range: true });
const locationByOffset = getLocationByOffset(contractSource);
const ignoreRangesBegingingAt = gatherRangesToIgnore(contractSource);
const visitor = new ASTVisitor(locationByOffset, ignoreRangesBegingingAt);
parser.visit(ast, visitor);
coverageEntriesBySourceHash[sourceHash] = visitor.getCollectedCoverageEntries();
const coverageEntriesDescription = coverageEntriesBySourceHash[sourceHash];
return coverageEntriesDescription;
// Gather the start index of all code blocks preceeded by "/* solcov ignore next */"
function gatherRangesToIgnore(contractSource: string): number[] {
const ignoreRangesStart = [];
let match;
do {
match = IGNORE_RE.exec(contractSource);
if (match) {
const matchLen = match[0].length;
ignoreRangesStart.push(match.index + matchLen);
} while (match);
return ignoreRangesStart;