import { schemas } from '@0xproject/json-schemas';
import { ECSignature, SignatureType, SignerType, ValidatorSignature } from '@0xproject/types';
import { Web3Wrapper } from '@0xproject/web3-wrapper';
import { Provider } from 'ethereum-types';
import * as ethUtil from 'ethereumjs-util';
import * as _ from 'lodash';
import { artifacts } from './artifacts';
import { assert } from './assert';
import { ExchangeContract } from './generated_contract_wrappers/exchange';
import { IValidatorContract } from './generated_contract_wrappers/i_validator';
import { IWalletContract } from './generated_contract_wrappers/i_wallet';
import { OrderError } from './types';
import { utils } from './utils';
* Verifies that the provided signature is valid according to the 0x Protocol smart contracts
* @param data The hex encoded data signed by the supplied signature.
* @param signature A hex encoded 0x Protocol signature made up of: [TypeSpecificData][SignatureType].
* E.g [vrs][SignatureType.EIP712]
* @param signerAddress The hex encoded address that signed the data, producing the supplied signature.
* @return Whether the signature is valid for the supplied signerAddress and data.
export async function isValidSignatureAsync(
provider: Provider,
data: string,
signature: string,
signerAddress: string,
): Promise<boolean> {
assert.isWeb3Provider('provider', provider);
assert.isHexString('data', data);
assert.isHexString('signature', signature);
assert.isETHAddressHex('signerAddress', signerAddress);
const signatureTypeIndexIfExists = utils.getSignatureTypeIndexIfExists(signature);
if (_.isUndefined(signatureTypeIndexIfExists)) {
throw new Error(`Unrecognized signatureType in signature: ${signature}`);
switch (signatureTypeIndexIfExists) {
case SignatureType.Illegal:
case SignatureType.Invalid:
return false;
case SignatureType.EIP712: {
const ecSignature = parseECSignature(signature);
return isValidECSignature(data, ecSignature, signerAddress);
case SignatureType.EthSign: {
const ecSignature = parseECSignature(signature);
const prefixedMessageHex = addSignedMessagePrefix(data, SignerType.Default);
return isValidECSignature(prefixedMessageHex, ecSignature, signerAddress);
case SignatureType.Caller:
// HACK: We currently do not "validate" the caller signature type.
// It can only be validated during Exchange contract execution.
throw new Error('Caller signature type cannot be validated off-chain');
case SignatureType.Wallet: {
const isValid = await isValidWalletSignatureAsync(provider, data, signature, signerAddress);
return isValid;
case SignatureType.Validator: {
const isValid = await isValidValidatorSignatureAsync(provider, data, signature, signerAddress);
return isValid;
case SignatureType.PreSigned: {
return isValidPresignedSignatureAsync(provider, data, signerAddress);
case SignatureType.Trezor: {
const prefixedMessageHex = addSignedMessagePrefix(data, SignerType.Trezor);
const ecSignature = parseECSignature(signature);
return isValidECSignature(prefixedMessageHex, ecSignature, signerAddress);
throw new Error(`Unhandled SignatureType: ${signatureTypeIndexIfExists}`);
* Verifies that the provided presigned signature is valid according to the 0x Protocol smart contracts
* @param data The hex encoded data signed by the supplied signature.
* @param signature A hex encoded presigned 0x Protocol signature made up of: [SignatureType.Presigned]
* @param signerAddress The hex encoded address that signed the data, producing the supplied signature.
* @return Whether the data was preSigned by the supplied signerAddress.
export async function isValidPresignedSignatureAsync(
provider: Provider,
data: string,
signerAddress: string,
): Promise<boolean> {
assert.isWeb3Provider('provider', provider);
assert.isHexString('data', data);
assert.isETHAddressHex('signerAddress', signerAddress);
const exchangeContract = new ExchangeContract(artifacts.Exchange.compilerOutput.abi, signerAddress, provider);
const isValid = await exchangeContract.preSigned.callAsync(data, signerAddress);
return isValid;
* Verifies that the provided wallet signature is valid according to the 0x Protocol smart contracts
* @param data The hex encoded data signed by the supplied signature.
* @param signature A hex encoded presigned 0x Protocol signature made up of: [SignatureType.Presigned]
* @param signerAddress The hex encoded address that signed the data, producing the supplied signature.
* @return Whether the data was preSigned by the supplied signerAddress.
export async function isValidWalletSignatureAsync(
provider: Provider,
data: string,
signature: string,
signerAddress: string,
): Promise<boolean> {
assert.isWeb3Provider('provider', provider);
assert.isHexString('data', data);
assert.isHexString('signature', signature);
assert.isETHAddressHex('signerAddress', signerAddress);
// tslint:disable-next-line:custom-no-magic-numbers
const signatureWithoutType = signature.slice(-2);
const walletContract = new IWalletContract(artifacts.IWallet.compilerOutput.abi, signerAddress, provider);
const isValid = await walletContract.isValidSignature.callAsync(data, signatureWithoutType);
return isValid;
* Verifies that the provided validator signature is valid according to the 0x Protocol smart contracts
* @param data The hex encoded data signed by the supplied signature.
* @param signature A hex encoded presigned 0x Protocol signature made up of: [SignatureType.Presigned]
* @param signerAddress The hex encoded address that signed the data, producing the supplied signature.
* @return Whether the data was preSigned by the supplied signerAddress.
export async function isValidValidatorSignatureAsync(
provider: Provider,
data: string,
signature: string,
signerAddress: string,
): Promise<boolean> {
assert.isWeb3Provider('provider', provider);
assert.isHexString('data', data);
assert.isHexString('signature', signature);
assert.isETHAddressHex('signerAddress', signerAddress);
const validatorSignature = parseValidatorSignature(signature);
const exchangeContract = new ExchangeContract(artifacts.Exchange.compilerOutput.abi, signerAddress, provider);
const isValidatorApproved = await exchangeContract.allowedValidators.callAsync(
if (!isValidatorApproved) {
throw new Error(`Validator ${validatorSignature.validatorAddress} was not pre-approved by ${signerAddress}.`);
const validatorContract = new IValidatorContract(artifacts.IValidator.compilerOutput.abi, signerAddress, provider);
const isValid = await validatorContract.isValidSignature.callAsync(
return isValid;
* Checks if the supplied elliptic curve signature corresponds to signing `data` with
* the private key corresponding to `signerAddress`
* @param data The hex encoded data signed by the supplied signature.
* @param signature An object containing the elliptic curve signature parameters.
* @param signerAddress The hex encoded address that signed the data, producing the supplied signature.
* @return Whether the ECSignature is valid.
export function isValidECSignature(data: string, signature: ECSignature, signerAddress: string): boolean {
assert.isHexString('data', data);
assert.doesConformToSchema('signature', signature, schemas.ecSignatureSchema);
assert.isETHAddressHex('signerAddress', signerAddress);
const msgHashBuff = ethUtil.toBuffer(data);
try {
const pubKey = ethUtil.ecrecover(
const retrievedAddress = ethUtil.bufferToHex(ethUtil.pubToAddress(pubKey));
return retrievedAddress === signerAddress;
} catch (err) {
return false;
* Signs an orderHash and returns it's elliptic curve signature and signature type.
* This method currently supports TestRPC, Geth and Parity above and below V1.6.6
* @param orderHash Hex encoded orderHash to sign.
* @param signerAddress The hex encoded Ethereum address you wish to sign it with. This address
* must be available via the Provider supplied to 0x.js.
* @param signerType Different signers add/require different prefixes to be prepended to the message being signed.
* Since we cannot know ahead of time which signer you are using, you must supply a SignerType.
* @return A hex encoded string containing the Elliptic curve signature generated by signing the orderHash and the Signature Type.
export async function ecSignOrderHashAsync(
provider: Provider,
orderHash: string,
signerAddress: string,
signerType: SignerType,
): Promise<string> {
assert.isWeb3Provider('provider', provider);
assert.isHexString('orderHash', orderHash);
assert.isETHAddressHex('signerAddress', signerAddress);
const web3Wrapper = new Web3Wrapper(provider);
await assert.isSenderAddressAsync('signerAddress', signerAddress, web3Wrapper);
const normalizedSignerAddress = signerAddress.toLowerCase();
let msgHashHex = orderHash;
const prefixedMsgHashHex = addSignedMessagePrefix(orderHash, signerType);
// Metamask incorrectly implements eth_sign and does not prefix the message as per the spec
// Source:
if (signerType === SignerType.Metamask) {
msgHashHex = prefixedMsgHashHex;
const signature = await web3Wrapper.signMessageAsync(normalizedSignerAddress, msgHashHex);
// HACK: There is no consensus on whether the signatureHex string should be formatted as
// v + r + s OR r + s + v, and different clients (even different versions of the same client)
// return the signature params in different orders. In order to support all client implementations,
// we parse the signature in both ways, and evaluate if either one is a valid signature.
// r + s + v is the most prevalent format from eth_sign, so we attempt this first.
// tslint:disable-next-line:custom-no-magic-numbers
const validVParamValues = [27, 28];
const ecSignatureRSV = parseSignatureHexAsRSV(signature);
if (_.includes(validVParamValues, ecSignatureRSV.v)) {
const isValidRSVSignature = isValidECSignature(prefixedMsgHashHex, ecSignatureRSV, normalizedSignerAddress);
if (isValidRSVSignature) {
const convertedSignatureHex = convertECSignatureToSignatureHex(ecSignatureRSV, signerType);
return convertedSignatureHex;
const ecSignatureVRS = parseSignatureHexAsVRS(signature);
if (_.includes(validVParamValues, ecSignatureVRS.v)) {
const isValidVRSSignature = isValidECSignature(prefixedMsgHashHex, ecSignatureVRS, normalizedSignerAddress);
if (isValidVRSSignature) {
const convertedSignatureHex = convertECSignatureToSignatureHex(ecSignatureVRS, signerType);
return convertedSignatureHex;
throw new Error(OrderError.InvalidSignature);
* Combines ECSignature with V,R,S and the relevant signature type for use in 0x protocol
* @param ecSignature The ECSignature of the signed data
* @param signerType The SignerType of the signed data
* @return Hex encoded string of signature (v,r,s) with Signature Type
export function convertECSignatureToSignatureHex(ecSignature: ECSignature, signerType: SignerType): string {
const signatureBuffer = Buffer.concat([
const signatureHex = `0x${signatureBuffer.toString('hex')}`;
let signatureType;
switch (signerType) {
case SignerType.Metamask:
case SignerType.Ledger:
case SignerType.Default: {
signatureType = SignatureType.EthSign;
case SignerType.Trezor: {
signatureType = SignatureType.Trezor;
throw new Error(`Unrecognized SignerType: ${signerType}`);
const signatureWithType = convertToSignatureWithType(signatureHex, signatureType);
return signatureWithType;
* Combines the signature proof and the Signature Type.
* @param signature The hex encoded signature proof
* @param signatureType The signature type, i.e EthSign, Trezor, Wallet etc.
* @return Hex encoded string of signature proof with Signature Type
export function convertToSignatureWithType(signature: string, signatureType: SignatureType): string {
const signatureBuffer = Buffer.concat([ethUtil.toBuffer(signature), ethUtil.toBuffer(signatureType)]);
const signatureHex = `0x${signatureBuffer.toString('hex')}`;
return signatureHex;
* Adds the relevant prefix to the message being signed.
* @param message Message to sign
* @param signerType The type of message prefix to add for a given SignerType. Different signers expect
* specific message prefixes.
* @return Prefixed message
export function addSignedMessagePrefix(message: string, signerType: SignerType = SignerType.Default): string {
assert.isString('message', message);
assert.doesBelongToStringEnum('signerType', signerType, SignerType);
switch (signerType) {
case SignerType.Metamask:
case SignerType.Ledger:
case SignerType.Default: {
const msgBuff = ethUtil.toBuffer(message);
const prefixedMsgBuff = ethUtil.hashPersonalMessage(msgBuff);
const prefixedMsgHex = ethUtil.bufferToHex(prefixedMsgBuff);
return prefixedMsgHex;
case SignerType.Trezor: {
const msgBuff = ethUtil.toBuffer(message);
const prefixedMsgBuff = hashTrezorPersonalMessage(msgBuff);
const prefixedMsgHex = ethUtil.bufferToHex(prefixedMsgBuff);
return prefixedMsgHex;
throw new Error(`Unrecognized SignerType: ${signerType}`);
* Parse a 0x protocol hex-encoded signature string into it's ECSignature components
* @param signature A hex encoded ecSignature 0x Protocol signature
* @return An ECSignature object with r,s,v parameters
export function parseECSignature(signature: string): ECSignature {
assert.isHexString('signature', signature);
const ecSignatureTypes = [SignatureType.EthSign, SignatureType.EIP712, SignatureType.Trezor];
assert.isOneOfExpectedSignatureTypes(signature, ecSignatureTypes);
// tslint:disable-next-line:custom-no-magic-numbers
const vrsHex = signature.slice(0, -2);
const ecSignature = parseSignatureHexAsVRS(vrsHex);
return ecSignature;
function hashTrezorPersonalMessage(message: Buffer): Buffer {
const prefix = ethUtil.toBuffer('\x19Ethereum Signed Message:\n' + String.fromCharCode(message.byteLength));
return ethUtil.sha3(Buffer.concat([prefix, message]));
function parseValidatorSignature(signature: string): ValidatorSignature {
assert.isOneOfExpectedSignatureTypes(signature, [SignatureType.Validator]);
// tslint:disable:custom-no-magic-numbers
const validatorSignature = {
validatorAddress: signature.slice(-22, -2),
signature: signature.slice(0, -22),
// tslint:enable:custom-no-magic-numbers
return validatorSignature;
function parseSignatureHexAsVRS(signatureHex: string): ECSignature {
const signatureBuffer = ethUtil.toBuffer(signatureHex);
let v = signatureBuffer[0];
// HACK: Sometimes v is returned as [0, 1] and sometimes as [27, 28]
// If it is returned as [0, 1], add 27 to both so it becomes [27, 28]
const lowestValidV = 27;
const isProperlyFormattedV = v >= lowestValidV;
if (!isProperlyFormattedV) {
v += lowestValidV;
// signatureBuffer contains vrs
const vEndIndex = 1;
const rsIndex = 33;
const r = signatureBuffer.slice(vEndIndex, rsIndex);
const sEndIndex = 65;
const s = signatureBuffer.slice(rsIndex, sEndIndex);
const ecSignature: ECSignature = {
r: ethUtil.bufferToHex(r),
s: ethUtil.bufferToHex(s),
return ecSignature;
function parseSignatureHexAsRSV(signatureHex: string): ECSignature {
const { v, r, s } = ethUtil.fromRpcSig(signatureHex);
const ecSignature: ECSignature = {
r: ethUtil.bufferToHex(r),
s: ethUtil.bufferToHex(s),
return ecSignature;