diff options
authorLAN-TW <lantw44@gmail.com>2013-12-06 02:24:46 +0800
committerLAN-TW <lantw44@gmail.com>2013-12-06 02:24:46 +0800
commit1234cc26cca11feaa64f54baefafa182bde8746a (patch)
parentd47ac0df1c525155714d9bcbb7e9fc40b4d0a76f (diff)
bash_include: 重新排列 alias 和 function 位置,和說明訊息一致bash_include-20131206
1 files changed, 925 insertions, 867 deletions
diff --git a/bash_include b/bash_include
index b0c1163..dba412e 100644
--- a/bash_include
+++ b/bash_include
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ if [[ "$-" == *i* ]] ; then interactive_shell=1; fi
unset tty_short
# Internal Variables
colorprompting='\[\e[1;31m\]\!\[\e[m\] \[\e[35m\]$tty_short\[\e[m\][\[\e[1;33m\]\u\[\e[m\]@\[\e[1;32m\]\h\[\e[m\] \[\e[1;36m\]\w\[\e[m\]]'
@@ -110,10 +111,7 @@ export GCC_COLORS=1
export GREP_OPTIONS='--color=auto'
-# Aliases
-alias startcolor='PS1=$colorprompting; PS2=$colorsecondprompting'
-alias stopcolor='PS1=$nocolorprompting; PS2=$nocolorsecondprompting'
+# Aliases: Replace common tools
alias ll='ls -lF'
alias lh='ls -lFh'
@@ -136,7 +134,9 @@ case "$OSTYPE" in
-# Non-aliased common tools (safe for use in script)
+# Aliases: Non-aliased common tools (safe for use in script)
alias safe_ls='\ls'
alias safe_cp='\cp'
alias safe_mv='\mv'
@@ -145,113 +145,71 @@ alias safe_jobs='\jobs'
alias safe_less='\less'
alias safe_grep='GREP_OPTIONS= \grep'
+# Aliases: Command Prompt
+alias startcolor='PS1=$colorprompting; PS2=$colorsecondprompting'
+alias stopcolor='PS1=$nocolorprompting; PS2=$nocolorsecondprompting'
+# Aliases: Language
alias enus='LANG=en_US.UTF-8;LANGUAGE=en_US:en;LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8'
alias big5='LANG=zh_TW.Big5;LANGUAGE=zh_TW:zh:en;LC_ALL=zh_TW.Big5'
alias zhtw='LANG=zh_TW.UTF-8;LANGUAGE=zh_TW:zh:en;LC_ALL=zh_TW.UTF-8'
-alias savetty='default_tty_setting=`stty -g`'
-alias resetty='stty $default_tty_setting'
-alias vimhtml='vim -c "set ts=2" -c "set sw=2"'
-alias screen256='screen -T screen-256color'
+# Aliases: Nice Format
alias ndate='date +%H:%M:%S---%A---%x'
alias npasswd="getent passwd | awk 'BEGIN {FS=\":\"} {printf \"%24s%3s%6s%6s %-28s%-18s>> %s\\n\",\$1,\$2,\$3,\$4,\$6,\$7,\$5}' | $PAGER"
alias ngroup="getent group | awk 'BEGIN {FS=\":\"} {printf \"%24s%3s%6s >> %s\\n\",\$1,\$2,\$3,\$4}' | $PAGER"
+# Aliases: Terminal
+alias savetty='default_tty_setting=`stty -g`'
+alias resetty='stty $default_tty_setting'
+# Aliases: Git, GNU Screen, Vim
alias git_history='git log --pretty=format:"%h %ad | %s%d [%an]" --graph --date=iso'
+alias screen256='screen -T screen-256color'
+alias vimhtml='vim -c "set ts=2" -c "set sw=2"'
-# Functions
+# Functions: Shared Internal Functions #######################################
-function compile_all ()
+function createdir_askmode ()
- local noask=0
- local mycc="${CC}"
- local mycxx="${CXX}"
- local myexe="`get_executable_extension`"
- local newCFLAGS
- local newCXXFLAGS
- local newLDFLAGS
- [ "$1" = '' ] && echo "Which file(s) do you want to compile? " && return 1
- [ "$1" = "-n" ] && noask=1
- if [ "$noask" = "0" ]; then
- read -e -p "CFLAGS: " -i "$CFLAGS" newCFLAGS
- read -e -p "CXXFLAGS: " -i "$CXXFLAGS" newCXXFLAGS
- read -e -p "LDFLAGS: " -i "$LDFLAGS" newLDFLAGS
- [ "$newCFLAGS" '!=' '' ] && CFLAGS=$newCFLAGS
- [ "$newCXXFLAGS" '!=' '' ] && CXXFLAGS=$newCXXFLAGS
- [ "$newLDFLAGS" '!=' '' ] && LDFLAGS=$newLDFLAGS
+ newdir_mode="$2"
+ if mkdir -p "$1"
+ then
+ echo "Directory $1 is created."
+ printf "Change the mode of the directory... "
+ read -i "$newdir_mode" -p ">>> Mode: " -e newdir_mode
+ chmod "$newdir_mode" "$1"
- shift
+ echo "Cannot create directory $1!"
+ return 1
- [ -z "${mycc}" ] && mycc=cc
- [ -z "${mycxx}" ] && mycxx=c++
- while [ "$1" '!=' '' ]
- do
- local targetfile="`echo "$1" | sed 's|\(.*\)\..*|\1|'`$myexe"
- local suffix="`echo "$1" | sed 's|.*\.\(.*\)|\1|'`"
- if [ -f "$1" ]; then
- true
- else
- printf \
- "\e[1;33mWarning\e[0m: $1 Non-existent file or not a regular file\n"
- shift ; continue
- fi
- [ "$targetfile" = "$1" ] && shift && continue
- case "$suffix" in
- c)
- echo "[${mycc}] $1 -> $targetfile"
- ${mycc} $CFLAGS "$1" $LDFLAGS -o "$targetfile"
- ;;
- cpp|cxx|cc|C)
- echo "[${mycxx}] $1 -> $targetfile"
- ${mycxx} $CXXFLAGS "$1" $LDFLAGS -o "$targetfile"
- ;;
- *)
- printf "$1: Unknown suffix (\e[1;33mskipped\e[0m)\n"
- ;;
- esac
- [ "$?" '!=' "0" ] && printf \
- '\e[1;31mError\e[0m while compiling file\n'
- shift
- done
- return 0
-function convert_to_html ()
+function check_command_existent ()
- while [ "$1" '!=' '' ]
- do
- for i in "$1"
- do
- vim $i -c 'set background=dark' \
- -c 'highlight PreProc ctermfg=darkcyan' \
- -c TOhtml \
- -c :w \
- -c :qa
- done
- shift
- done
+ type "$1" &> /dev/null
+ return $?
-function mkscreenacl ()
+function is_file_type ()
- local screen_permit_command="select windowlist other meta detach reset hardcopy info redisplay lastmsg next prev xon xoff windows suspend help colon copy paste writebuf readbuf displays stuff attach"
- while [ "$1" '!=' '' ]
- do
- for i in $screen_permit_command
- do
- echo "aclchg $1 +x $i"
- done
- echo "aclchg $1 -rw \"\#?\""
- shift
- done
+ local filename="$1"
+ local typename="$2"
+ shift 2
+ [ "`"$@" find "$filename" -maxdepth 0 -type "$typename"`" ] && return 0
+ return 1
function get_file_size ()
@@ -266,7 +224,41 @@ function get_file_size ()
unset prefixlist
-########## Background ##########
+function get_executable_extension ()
+ local lsloc="`command which ls`"
+ local lsalt="`echo ${lsloc}.* | cut -d ' ' -f 1`"
+ cmp "$lsloc" "$lsalt" &> /dev/null && echo ${lsalt:${#lsloc}} && return
+function split_arguments ()
+ local argcount=$#
+ local -i i=0
+ local prefix_start=0
+ while [ "$1" ]
+ do
+ if [ "$prefix_start" = "0" ]
+ then
+ if [ "$1" = "--" ]
+ then
+ prefix_start=1
+ i=0
+ shift
+ continue
+ else
+ arglist[$i]="$1"
+ fi
+ else
+ prefixlist[$i]="$1"
+ fi
+ i=$i+1
+ shift
+ done
+# Group: Background Tasks ####################################################
alias bgr=bgrun
alias bgv=bgview
@@ -428,403 +420,193 @@ function bgdu ()
} | $PAGER
-########## Background End ##########
-function check_dmesg ()
- [ "$#" = "0" ] && return 1
- while true
- do
- cdm_previous_dmesg_buf="$cdm_current_dmesg_buf"
- cdm_current_dmesg_buf="`dmesg`"
- [ "$cdm_previous_dmesg_buf" '!=' "$cdm_current_dmesg_buf" ] && \
- [ "$cdm_first_run" = "0" ] && \
- echo '===> You should check the system message buffer <==='
- sleep $1
- [ "$?" '!=' "0" ] && return 1
- cdm_first_run=0
- done
-function check_system_status ()
- [ "$#" = "0" ] && return 1
- filename_mail="$MAIL"
- filename_messages="/var/log/messages"
- filename_audit="/var/log/audit/audit.log"
- while true
- do
- previous_dmesg_buf="$current_dmesg_buf"
- current_dmesg_buf="`dmesg`"
- previous_mail_info="$current_mail_info"
- current_mail_info="`ls -l "$filename_mail"`"
- previous_messages_info="$current_messages_info"
- current_messages_info="`ls -l "$filename_messages"`"
- previous_audit_info="$current_audit_info"
- current_audit_info="`ls -l "$filename_audit"`"
- if [ "$first_run" = "0" ]
- then
- [ "$previous_dmesg_buf" '!=' "$current_dmesg_buf" ] && echo "===> The system message buffer is modified (dmesg) <==="
- [ "$previous_mail_info" '!=' "$current_mail_info" ] && echo "===> Your mailbox $filename_mail is modified <==="
- [ "$previous_messages_info" '!=' "$current_messages_info" ] && echo "===> $filename_messages is modified <==="
- [ "$previous_audit_info" '!=' "$current_audit_info" ] && echo "===> $filename_audit is modified <==="
- fi
- sleep $1
- first_run=0
- done
+# Group: Configuration Files #################################################
-function prehistory_backup ()
+function fetch_remote_file ()
- echo "Checking your current history file"
- local -i currentcount="`wc -l < "$HISTFILE"`"
- currentcount="${currentcount/ */}"
- [ '!' -f "$historycountfile" ] && touch "$historycountfile"
- local -i previoushistorycount="$(< "$historycountfile")"
- if [ "$currentcount" -lt "$previoushistorycount" ]
- then
- printf "\e[1;31mWarning\e[m: Your $HISTFILE may be TRUNCATED OR OVERWRITTEN BY OTHER PROGRAMS!\n"
- printf "Note: \e[1;33m$currentcount\e[m < $previoushistorycount\n"
- echo "Your $historycountfile and $historybackupfile will not be overwritten until this problem is fixed."
- echo " 1. Check your $HISTFILE."
- echo " 2. Edit your $HISTFILE manually if some unexpected changes are found."
- echo " (You may need $historybackupfile to do it) "
- echo " 3. Remove the file $historycountfile."
- echo " 4. Run the command \`prehistory_backup' again."
- return 3
+ local rval
+ printf "==> Fetch remote file \e[1;33m$2\e[m as \e[1;35m$1\e[m ...\n"
+ if check_command_existent curl; then
+ curl -f -o "$1" "$2"
+ rval=$?
+ elif check_command_existent wget; then
+ wget --progress=dot -O "$1" "$2"
+ rval=$?
+ elif check_command_existent fetch; then
+ fetch -o "$1" "$2"
+ rval=$?
+ elif check_command_existent ftp; then
+ ftp -o "$1" "$2"
+ rval=$?
+ else
+ echo "<== Sorry, I don't know how to fetch remote files on your system"
+ return 1
- echo -n "Backing up your current history file ($previoushistorycount -> $currentcount, "
- if [ "$previoushistorycount" = "$currentcount" ]
- then
- echo "no modification)"
+ if [ "$rval" = "0" ]; then
+ printf "<== \e[1;32mDone\e[m\n"
- echo "+$[$currentcount-$previoushistorycount])"
+ printf "<== \e[1;31mFailed\e[m\n"
- echo "$currentcount" > "$historycountfile"
- safe_cp -f "$HISTFILE" "$historybackupfile"
+ return $rval
-########## Trash Manager ##########
-alias trash_put=trash_mv
-alias trash_add=trash_mv
-alias trash_list=trash_ls
-alias trash_ct=trash_count
-alias trash_restore=trash_recover
-alias trash_rc=trash_recover
-alias trash_drop=trash_rm
-alias trash_clean=trash_rm
-function trash_mv ()
+function fetch_and_merge ()
- [ "$#" = "0" ] && return 1
- [ '!' -d "$trashdir" ] && createdir_askmode "$trashdir" 0700
- local original_path
- local current_time
- local -i i=0
- split_arguments "$@"
- while [ "${arglist[$i]}" ]
- do
- original_path="`"${prefixlist[@]}" $realpath_program "${arglist[$i]}"`"
- current_time=`date "+%Y%m%d-%H%M%S"`
- better_time=`date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"`
- dirname="`basename "${arglist[$i]}" | sed -e 's/-/_/g' -e 's/ /_/g'`"
- fulldirname="$trashdir/$current_time-$dirname"
- mkdir -p "$fulldirname"
- echo "Move: ${arglist[$i]} -> $fulldirname"
- "${prefixlist[@]}" mv "${arglist[$i]}" "$fulldirname"
- if [ "$?" = "0" ]
- then
- echo "$better_time" > "$fulldirname/information.date"
- echo "$original_path" > "$fulldirname/information.path"
+ local merge_cmd
+ local merge_cmd_prog
+ local local_file="$1"
+ local remote_file="$2"
+ if fetch_remote_file "${local_file}.new" "${remote_file}"
+ then
+ if [ '!' -e "${local_file}" ]; then
+ safe_mv -vf "${local_file}.new" "${local_file}"
- rmdir "$fulldirname"
+ while true
+ do
+ echo ""
+ cmp "${local_file}" "${local_file}.new" &> /dev/null && \
+ echo "Downloaded file is the same as installed one." && \
+ break
+ printf "Configuration files update tool: "
+ printf "Updating \e[1;35m${local_file}\e[m\n"
+ echo ""
+ echo " Install: Install the new version"
+ echo " Keep: Keep the old version"
+ echo " Retry: Give up downloaded file and try the next mirror"
+ echo ""
+ echo " Diff: View the difference between versions"
+ echo " Merge: Merge two files by yourself"
+ echo ""
+ read -e -p "[I]nstall/(K)eep/(R)etry/(D)iff/(M)erge ? " merge_cmd
+ case "${merge_cmd}" in
+ ''|I|i)
+ safe_mv -vf "${local_file}.new" "${local_file}"
+ break
+ ;;
+ K|k)
+ rm -f "${local_file}.new"
+ break
+ ;;
+ R|r)
+ rm -f "${local_file}.new"
+ return 1
+ ;;
+ D|d)
+ diff -u "${local_file}" "${local_file}.new" | $PAGER
+ ;;
+ M|m)
+ read -e -p "Merge tool: " -i "$merge_cmd_prog" merge_cmd_prog
+ if $merge_cmd_prog "${local_file}" "${local_file}.new"; then
+ break
+ else
+ echo "Command is exited with error. Please try again."
+ fi
+ ;;
+ *)
+ printf " \e[33m*** Unknown command ***\e[m \n"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
- i=$i+1
- shift
- done
- unset arglist
- unset prefixlist
+ return 0
+ fi
+ return 1
-function trash_rm ()
+function configfile_fetch ()
- split_arguments "$@"
- local -i i=0
- while [ "${arglist[$i]}" ]
- do
- arglist[$i]="-e ${arglist[$i]}p"
- i=$i+1
- done
- trash_dirname=`find "$trashdir" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 | sort | sed -n ${arglist[*]} `
- echo 'Type rm -rf $trash_dirname to remove them.'
- unset arglist
- unset prefixlist
+ local cgit_mirror_list=(
+ "http://www.tfcis.org/~lantw44/cgit/cgit.cgi/configfile/plain"
+ "http://phantom.tfcis.org/~lantw44/cgit/cgit.cgi/configfile/plain"
+ "http://master.lant.com.tw/~lantw44/cgit/cgit.cgi/configfile/plain")
+ local github_mirror_list=(
+ "https://raw.github.com/lantw44/configfile"
+ "http://raw.github.com/lantw44/configfile")
+ local args
+ local file_url
+ local file_version
+ local completed
+ local -a file_name
+ local -i i
+ local -i j
-function trash_ls ()
- local -i i=1
- local oneline
- find "$trashdir" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 | sort | {
- while read oneline
- do
- printf "%6d %s %s\n" "$i" \
- "$(< "$oneline/information.date")" \
- "$(< "$oneline/information.path")"
- i=$i+1
- done
- } | $PAGER
+ if [ "$1" ]; then
+ file_version="$1"
+ else
+ file_version="master"
+ fi
-function trash_pushd ()
- [ -z "$1" ] && return 1
- pushd `find "$trashdir" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 | sort | sed -n $1p`
+ args=("$@")
+ for((i=1, j=0; i<=$#; i++, j++)){
+ file_name[$j]="${args[$i]}"
+ }
-function trash_cd ()
- [ -z "$1" ] && return 1
- cd `find "$trashdir" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 | sort | sed -n $1p`
+ if [ -z "$file_name"]; then
+ file_name=("bash_include" "vimrc" "screenrc")
+ fi
-function trash_recover ()
- [ -z "$1" ] && return 1
- split_arguments "$@"
- local -i i=0
- while [ "${arglist[$i]}" ]
+ for file in ${file_name[@]}
- arglist[$i]="-e ${arglist[$i]}p"
- i=$i+1
- done
- find "$trashdir" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 | sort | sed -n ${arglist[*]} | {
- while read oneline
+ completed="false"
+ for site in ${cgit_mirror_list[@]}
- local fromfile="$oneline/`basename "$(< "$oneline/information.path")"`"
- local tofile="`dirname "$(< "$oneline/information.path")"`"
- if [ -e "$(< "$oneline/information.path")" ]
- then
- echo "Destination file exists."
- continue
- fi
- echo "Move: $fromfile -> $tofile"
- "${prefixlist[@]}" mv -f "$fromfile" "$tofile"
- if [ "$?" = "0" ]
+ [ "$completed" = "true" ] && break
+ file_url="$site/$file?id=$file_version"
+ if fetch_and_merge "$HOME/.${file}" "$file_url"
- echo "Remove: $oneline"
- rm -rf "$oneline"
+ completed="true"
+ break
- }
- unset arglist
- unset prefixlist
-function trash_count ()
- find "$trashdir" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 | wc | awk '{print $2}'
-function trash_du ()
- split_arguments "$@"
- local oneline
- local -i i=1
- find "$trashdir" -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 | sort | {
- while read oneline
+ for site in ${github_mirror_list[@]}
- printf "%6d %8d %s\n" "$i" \
- "`get_file_size "$oneline" -- "${prefixlist[@]}"`" \
- "$(< "$oneline/information.path")"
- i=$i+1
- done
- } | $PAGER
- unset arglist
- unset prefixlist
-########## Trash Manager End ##########
-function split_arguments ()
- local argcount=$#
- local -i i=0
- local prefix_start=0
- while [ "$1" ]
- do
- if [ "$prefix_start" = "0" ]
- then
- if [ "$1" = "--" ]
+ [ "$completed" = "true" ] && break
+ file_url="$site/$file_version/$file"
+ if fetch_and_merge "$HOME/.${file}" "$file_url"
- prefix_start=1
- i=0
- shift
- continue
- else
- arglist[$i]="$1"
+ completed="true"
+ break
- else
- prefixlist[$i]="$1"
- fi
- i=$i+1
- shift
- done
-function check_important_files ()
- important_files="$HOME/.screenrc $HOME/.vimrc"
- for i in $important_files
- do
- [ '!' -f "$i" ] && printf "\e[1;31mWarning\e[m: \e[1;33m$i\e[m does not exist.\n"
- done
-########## PATH Editor ##########
-function split_path_core ()
- echo "$current_path" | {
- while read -d : oneline
- do
- [ '!' "$oneline" = '^' ] && echo "$oneline"
- [ '!' "$oneline" = '^' ] && echo "$oneline"
- }
- unset oneline
-function split_path ()
- coproc split_path_core
- readarray -t -u ${COPROC[0]} patharr
- wait $COPROC_PID
-function update_path ()
- current_path=''
- local -i i=0
- local firsttime="yes"
- while [ "${patharr[$i]}" ]
- do
- if [ '!' "${patharr[$i]}" = "^" ]
- then
- if [ "$firsttime" ]
- then
- firsttime=''
- else
- current_path+=':'
- fi
- current_path+="${patharr[$i]}"
- fi
- i=$i+1
-function old_path_editor ()
- old_path_editor_core
-function old_ldpath_editor ()
- old_path_editor_core ld
-function old_path_editor_core ()
+function configfile_initial_setup ()
- if [ "$1" = "ld" ]
- then
- export current_path="$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"
- else
- export current_path="$PATH"
+ cat >> ~/.bashrc << "EOF"
+if [ -f ~/.bash_include ]; then
+ . ~/.bash_include
+ if [[ "$OSTYPE" == *freebsd* ]]; then
+ cat >> ~/.bash_login << "EOF"
+GET_TTY_NAME=`tty | cut -c 9`
+[ "$GET_TTY_NAME" = 'v' ] && echo "Login from local virtual terminal: `tty`"
+[ "$GET_TTY_NAME" = 'p' ] && echo "Login from pseudo terminal: `tty`"
+[ "$GET_TTY_NAME" = '/' ] && echo "Login from pseudo terminal: `tty`"
- local should_continue="yes"
- local command
- local command_sub
- local command_sub2
- local -i i
- while [ "$should_continue" ]
+ cat >> ~/.bash_login << "EOF"
+if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
+ . ~/.bashrc
+ echo "Completed. Type \`help_function' to know how to use!"
+ for i in ~/.bashrc ~/.bash_login ~/.bash_profile ~/.shrc ~/.profile
- split_path
- i=0
- echo "========================================"
- while [ "${patharr[$i]}" ]
- do
- echo "$i: ${patharr[$i]}"
- i=$i+1
- done
- [ "$i" = '0' ] && echo "(Empty or not declared)"
- echo "========================================"
- read -e -p "[A]ppend/(D)elete/(E)dit/(M)ove/(R)eset/(Q)uit ? " command
- case "$command" in
- ''|A|a)
- read -e -p "Type a new entry: " patharr[$i]
- update_path
- ;;
- D|d)
- read -e -p "Index: " command_sub
- patharr[$command_sub]='^'
- update_path
- ;;
- E|e)
- read -e -p "Index: " command_sub
- read -e -p "Modify this entry: " -i "${patharr[$command_sub]}" patharr[$command_sub]
- update_path
- ;;
- M|m)
- read -e -p "From: " command_sub
- read -e -p "To: " command_sub2
- swaptmp="${patharr[$command_sub]}"
- patharr[$command_sub]="${patharr[$command_sub2]}"
- patharr[$command_sub2]="$swaptmp"
- unset swaptmp
- update_path
- ;;
- R|r)
- if [ "$1" = "ld" ]
- then
- current_path="$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"
- else
- current_path="$PATH"
- fi
- ;;
- Q|q)
- if [ "$1" = "ld" ]
- then
- export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$current_path"
- else
- export PATH="$current_path"
- echo "PATH=$PATH"
- history -s "PATH=$PATH"
- fi
- should_continue=''
- ;;
- *)
- printf " \e[33m*** Unknown command ***\e[m \n"
- ;;
- esac
+ grep -q -e HISTSIZE -e HISTFILESIZE "$i" 2>/dev/null && \
+ echo "Warning: HISTSIZE or HISTFILESIZE is set in $i!" && \
+ echo "History file features may not work"
- unset patharr
- unset current_path
-########## PATH Editor End ##########
-########## New PATH Editor ##########
-function ldpath_editor ()
- path_editor LD_LIBRARY_PATH
+# Group: New PATH Editor #####################################################
function newpath_init ()
@@ -985,242 +767,339 @@ function path_editor ()
unset pathmodval
-########## New PATH Editor End ##########
-########## Configuration File ##########
-function configfile_fetch ()
+function ldpath_editor ()
- local cgit_mirror_list=(
- "http://www.tfcis.org/~lantw44/cgit/cgit.cgi/configfile/plain"
- "http://phantom.tfcis.org/~lantw44/cgit/cgit.cgi/configfile/plain"
- "http://master.lant.com.tw/~lantw44/cgit/cgit.cgi/configfile/plain")
- local github_mirror_list=(
- "https://raw.github.com/lantw44/configfile"
- "http://raw.github.com/lantw44/configfile")
- local args
- local file_url
- local file_version
- local completed
- local -a file_name
- local -i i
- local -i j
- if [ "$1" ]; then
- file_version="$1"
- else
- file_version="master"
- fi
- args=("$@")
- for((i=1, j=0; i<=$#; i++, j++)){
- file_name[$j]="${args[$i]}"
- }
+ path_editor LD_LIBRARY_PATH
- if [ -z "$file_name"]; then
- file_name=("bash_include" "vimrc" "screenrc")
- fi
- for file in ${file_name[@]}
- do
- completed="false"
+# Obsolete Group: Old PATH Editor ############################################
- for site in ${cgit_mirror_list[@]}
+function split_path_core ()
+ echo "$current_path" | {
+ while read -d : oneline
- [ "$completed" = "true" ] && break
- file_url="$site/$file?id=$file_version"
- if fetch_and_merge "$HOME/.${file}" "$file_url"
- then
- completed="true"
- break
- fi
+ [ '!' "$oneline" = '^' ] && echo "$oneline"
+ [ '!' "$oneline" = '^' ] && echo "$oneline"
+ }
+ unset oneline
- for site in ${github_mirror_list[@]}
- do
- [ "$completed" = "true" ] && break
- file_url="$site/$file_version/$file"
- if fetch_and_merge "$HOME/.${file}" "$file_url"
+function split_path ()
+ coproc split_path_core
+ readarray -t -u ${COPROC[0]} patharr
+ wait $COPROC_PID
+function update_path ()
+ current_path=''
+ local -i i=0
+ local firsttime="yes"
+ while [ "${patharr[$i]}" ]
+ do
+ if [ '!' "${patharr[$i]}" = "^" ]
+ then
+ if [ "$firsttime" ]
- completed="true"
- break
+ firsttime=''
+ else
+ current_path+=':'
- done
+ current_path+="${patharr[$i]}"
+ fi
+ i=$i+1
-function configfile_initial_setup ()
+function old_path_editor_core ()
- cat >> ~/.bashrc << "EOF"
-if [ -f ~/.bash_include ]; then
- . ~/.bash_include
- if [[ "$OSTYPE" == *freebsd* ]]; then
- cat >> ~/.bash_login << "EOF"
-GET_TTY_NAME=`tty | cut -c 9`
-[ "$GET_TTY_NAME" = 'v' ] && echo "Login from local virtual terminal: `tty`"
-[ "$GET_TTY_NAME" = 'p' ] && echo "Login from pseudo terminal: `tty`"
-[ "$GET_TTY_NAME" = '/' ] && echo "Login from pseudo terminal: `tty`"
+ if [ "$1" = "ld" ]
+ then
+ export current_path="$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"
+ else
+ export current_path="$PATH"
- cat >> ~/.bash_login << "EOF"
-if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
- . ~/.bashrc
- echo "Completed. Type \`help_function' to know how to use!"
- for i in ~/.bashrc ~/.bash_login ~/.bash_profile ~/.shrc ~/.profile
+ local should_continue="yes"
+ local command
+ local command_sub
+ local command_sub2
+ local -i i
+ while [ "$should_continue" ]
- grep -q -e HISTSIZE -e HISTFILESIZE "$i" 2>/dev/null && \
- echo "Warning: HISTSIZE or HISTFILESIZE is set in $i!" && \
- echo "History file features may not work"
+ split_path
+ i=0
+ echo "========================================"
+ while [ "${patharr[$i]}" ]
+ do
+ echo "$i: ${patharr[$i]}"
+ i=$i+1
+ done
+ [ "$i" = '0' ] && echo "(Empty or not declared)"
+ echo "========================================"
+ read -e -p "[A]ppend/(D)elete/(E)dit/(M)ove/(R)eset/(Q)uit ? " command
+ case "$command" in
+ ''|A|a)
+ read -e -p "Type a new entry: " patharr[$i]
+ update_path
+ ;;
+ D|d)
+ read -e -p "Index: " command_sub
+ patharr[$command_sub]='^'
+ update_path
+ ;;
+ E|e)
+ read -e -p "Index: " command_sub
+ read -e -p "Modify this entry: " -i "${patharr[$command_sub]}" patharr[$command_sub]
+ update_path
+ ;;
+ M|m)
+ read -e -p "From: " command_sub
+ read -e -p "To: " command_sub2
+ swaptmp="${patharr[$command_sub]}"
+ patharr[$command_sub]="${patharr[$command_sub2]}"
+ patharr[$command_sub2]="$swaptmp"
+ unset swaptmp
+ update_path
+ ;;
+ R|r)
+ if [ "$1" = "ld" ]
+ then
+ current_path="$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"
+ else
+ current_path="$PATH"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ Q|q)
+ if [ "$1" = "ld" ]
+ then
+ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$current_path"
+ else
+ export PATH="$current_path"
+ echo "PATH=$PATH"
+ history -s "PATH=$PATH"
+ fi
+ should_continue=''
+ ;;
+ *)
+ printf " \e[33m*** Unknown command ***\e[m \n"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ unset patharr
+ unset current_path
-function fetch_remote_file ()
+function old_path_editor ()
- local rval
- printf "==> Fetch remote file \e[1;33m$2\e[m as \e[1;35m$1\e[m ...\n"
- if check_command_existent curl; then
- curl -f -o "$1" "$2"
- rval=$?
- elif check_command_existent wget; then
- wget --progress=dot -O "$1" "$2"
- rval=$?
- elif check_command_existent fetch; then
- fetch -o "$1" "$2"
- rval=$?
- elif check_command_existent ftp; then
- ftp -o "$1" "$2"
- rval=$?
- else
- echo "<== Sorry, I don't know how to fetch remote files on your system"
- return 1
- fi
- if [ "$rval" = "0" ]; then
- printf "<== \e[1;32mDone\e[m\n"
- else
- printf "<== \e[1;31mFailed\e[m\n"
- fi
- return $rval
+ old_path_editor_core
-function fetch_and_merge ()
+function old_ldpath_editor ()
- local merge_cmd
- local merge_cmd_prog
- local local_file="$1"
- local remote_file="$2"
- if fetch_remote_file "${local_file}.new" "${remote_file}"
- then
- if [ '!' -e "${local_file}" ]; then
- safe_mv -vf "${local_file}.new" "${local_file}"
- else
- while true
- do
- echo ""
- cmp "${local_file}" "${local_file}.new" &> /dev/null && \
- echo "Downloaded file is the same as installed one." && \
- break
- printf "Configuration files update tool: "
- printf "Updating \e[1;35m${local_file}\e[m\n"
- echo ""
- echo " Install: Install the new version"
- echo " Keep: Keep the old version"
- echo " Retry: Give up downloaded file and try the next mirror"
- echo ""
- echo " Diff: View the difference between versions"
- echo " Merge: Merge two files by yourself"
- echo ""
- read -e -p "[I]nstall/(K)eep/(R)etry/(D)iff/(M)erge ? " merge_cmd
- case "${merge_cmd}" in
- ''|I|i)
- safe_mv -vf "${local_file}.new" "${local_file}"
- break
- ;;
- K|k)
- rm -f "${local_file}.new"
- break
- ;;
- R|r)
- rm -f "${local_file}.new"
- return 1
- ;;
- D|d)
- diff -u "${local_file}" "${local_file}.new" | $PAGER
- ;;
- M|m)
- read -e -p "Merge tool: " -i "$merge_cmd_prog" merge_cmd_prog
- if $merge_cmd_prog "${local_file}" "${local_file}.new"; then
- break
- else
- echo "Command is exited with error. Please try again."
- fi
- ;;
- *)
- printf " \e[33m*** Unknown command ***\e[m \n"
- ;;
- esac
- done
- fi
- return 0
- fi
- return 1
+ old_path_editor_core ld
-########## Configuration File End ##########
-function varset ()
+# Group: Trash ###############################################################
+alias trash_put=trash_mv
+alias trash_add=trash_mv
+alias trash_list=trash_ls
+alias trash_ct=trash_count
+alias trash_restore=trash_recover
+alias trash_rc=trash_recover
+alias trash_drop=trash_rm
+alias trash_clean=trash_rm
+function trash_mv ()
- local varoldvalue
- local varnewvalue
- while [ "$1" ]
+ [ "$#" = "0" ] && return 1
+ [ '!' -d "$trashdir" ] && createdir_askmode "$trashdir" 0700
+ local original_path
+ local current_time
+ local -i i=0
+ split_arguments "$@"
+ while [ "${arglist[$i]}" ]
- eval varoldvalue=\${$1}
- read -r -e -p "$1=" -i "$varoldvalue" varnewvalue
- eval "$1"='"$varnewvalue"'
+ original_path="`"${prefixlist[@]}" $realpath_program "${arglist[$i]}"`"
+ current_time=`date "+%Y%m%d-%H%M%S"`
+ better_time=`date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"`
+ dirname="`basename "${arglist[$i]}" | sed -e 's/-/_/g' -e 's/ /_/g'`"
+ fulldirname="$trashdir/$current_time-$dirname"
+ mkdir -p "$fulldirname"
+ echo "Move: ${arglist[$i]} -> $fulldirname"
+ "${prefixlist[@]}" mv "${arglist[$i]}" "$fulldirname"
+ if [ "$?" = "0" ]
+ then
+ echo "$better_time" > "$fulldirname/information.date"
+ echo "$original_path" > "$fulldirname/information.path"
+ else
+ rmdir "$fulldirname"
+ fi
+ i=$i+1
+ unset arglist
+ unset prefixlist
-function is_file_type ()
+function trash_ls ()
- local filename="$1"
- local typename="$2"
- shift 2
- [ "`"$@" find "$filename" -maxdepth 0 -type "$typename"`" ] && return 0
- return 1
+ local -i i=1
+ local oneline
+ find "$trashdir" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 | sort | {
+ while read oneline
+ do
+ printf "%6d %s %s\n" "$i" \
+ "$(< "$oneline/information.date")" \
+ "$(< "$oneline/information.path")"
+ i=$i+1
+ done
+ } | $PAGER
-function editlink ()
+function trash_cd ()
- local newdest
- local orgdest
+ [ -z "$1" ] && return 1
+ cd `find "$trashdir" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 | sort | sed -n $1p`
+function trash_pushd ()
+ [ -z "$1" ] && return 1
+ pushd `find "$trashdir" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 | sort | sed -n $1p`
+function trash_recover ()
+ [ -z "$1" ] && return 1
split_arguments "$@"
local -i i=0
while [ "${arglist[$i]}" ]
- if is_file_type "${arglist[$i]}" "l" "${prefixlist[@]}"; then
- orgdest="`${prefixlist[@]} readlink "${arglist[$i]}"`"
- read -e -p "EditLink: ${arglist[$i]} -> " -i "$orgdest" newdest
- else
- printf "\e[1;33mWarning\e[m: ${arglist[$i]} is not a symbolic link.\n"
- i=$i+1
- continue
- fi
- if [ "$newdest" ] && [ "$newdest" '!=' "$orgdest" ]; then
- "${prefixlist[@]}" rm -f "${arglist[$i]}"
- "${prefixlist[@]}" ln -sv "$newdest" "${arglist[$i]}"
- fi
+ arglist[$i]="-e ${arglist[$i]}p"
+ i=$i+1
+ done
+ find "$trashdir" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 | sort | sed -n ${arglist[*]} | {
+ while read oneline
+ do
+ local fromfile="$oneline/`basename "$(< "$oneline/information.path")"`"
+ local tofile="`dirname "$(< "$oneline/information.path")"`"
+ if [ -e "$(< "$oneline/information.path")" ]
+ then
+ echo "Destination file exists."
+ continue
+ fi
+ echo "Move: $fromfile -> $tofile"
+ "${prefixlist[@]}" mv -f "$fromfile" "$tofile"
+ if [ "$?" = "0" ]
+ then
+ echo "Remove: $oneline"
+ rm -rf "$oneline"
+ fi
+ done
+ }
+ unset arglist
+ unset prefixlist
+function trash_rm ()
+ split_arguments "$@"
+ local -i i=0
+ while [ "${arglist[$i]}" ]
+ do
+ arglist[$i]="-e ${arglist[$i]}p"
+ trash_dirname=`find "$trashdir" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 | sort | sed -n ${arglist[*]} `
+ echo 'Type rm -rf $trash_dirname to remove them.'
+ unset arglist
+ unset prefixlist
+function trash_count ()
+ find "$trashdir" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 | wc | awk '{print $2}'
+function trash_du ()
+ split_arguments "$@"
+ local oneline
+ local -i i=1
+ find "$trashdir" -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 | sort | {
+ while read oneline
+ do
+ printf "%6d %8d %s\n" "$i" \
+ "`get_file_size "$oneline" -- "${prefixlist[@]}"`" \
+ "$(< "$oneline/information.path")"
+ i=$i+1
+ done
+ } | $PAGER
unset arglist
unset prefixlist
+# Tools: Background Notify Daemon ############################################
+function check_dmesg ()
+ [ "$#" = "0" ] && return 1
+ while true
+ do
+ cdm_previous_dmesg_buf="$cdm_current_dmesg_buf"
+ cdm_current_dmesg_buf="`dmesg`"
+ [ "$cdm_previous_dmesg_buf" '!=' "$cdm_current_dmesg_buf" ] && \
+ [ "$cdm_first_run" = "0" ] && \
+ echo '===> You should check the system message buffer <==='
+ sleep $1
+ [ "$?" '!=' "0" ] && return 1
+ cdm_first_run=0
+ done
+function check_system_status ()
+ [ "$#" = "0" ] && return 1
+ filename_mail="$MAIL"
+ filename_messages="/var/log/messages"
+ filename_audit="/var/log/audit/audit.log"
+ while true
+ do
+ previous_dmesg_buf="$current_dmesg_buf"
+ current_dmesg_buf="`dmesg`"
+ previous_mail_info="$current_mail_info"
+ current_mail_info="`ls -l "$filename_mail"`"
+ previous_messages_info="$current_messages_info"
+ current_messages_info="`ls -l "$filename_messages"`"
+ previous_audit_info="$current_audit_info"
+ current_audit_info="`ls -l "$filename_audit"`"
+ if [ "$first_run" = "0" ]
+ then
+ [ "$previous_dmesg_buf" '!=' "$current_dmesg_buf" ] && echo "===> The system message buffer is modified (dmesg) <==="
+ [ "$previous_mail_info" '!=' "$current_mail_info" ] && echo "===> Your mailbox $filename_mail is modified <==="
+ [ "$previous_messages_info" '!=' "$current_messages_info" ] && echo "===> $filename_messages is modified <==="
+ [ "$previous_audit_info" '!=' "$current_audit_info" ] && echo "===> $filename_audit is modified <==="
+ fi
+ sleep $1
+ first_run=0
+ done
+# Tools: Backup ##############################################################
function backup_file ()
split_arguments "$@"
@@ -1273,178 +1152,83 @@ function backup_file ()
unset prefixlist
-function keep_sudo_credential ()
+# Tools: Compatibility #######################################################
+function fbterm_chewing ()
- if [ "$1" ]
- then
- update_sudo_interval="$1"
+ if [ -z "$1" ]; then
+ fbterm -s 14 -- uim-fep -u chewing
- update_sudo_interval="280"
+ local font_size="$1"
+ shift
+ fbterm -s "$font_size" "$@" -- uim-fep -u chewing
- while true
- do
- sudo -v
- sleep "$update_sudo_interval"
- done
-function get_memory_info ()
- case "$OSTYPE" in
- *linux*|*gnu*)
- local meminfoline="`free -m | safe_grep -i mem`"
- local swapinfoline="`free -m | safe_grep -i swap`"
- local memtotal="`echo "$meminfoline" | awk '{print $2}'`"
- local memused="`echo "$meminfoline" | awk '{print $3}'`"
- local membuf="`echo "$meminfoline" | awk '{print $6}'`"
- local memcache="`echo "$meminfoline" | awk '{print $7}'`"
- local memprog=$(($memused-$membuf-$memcache))
- local swaptotal="`echo "$swapinfoline" | awk '{print $2}'`"
- local swapused="`echo "$swapinfoline" | awk '{print $3}'`"
- echo "Memory: $memused / $memtotal MB (`printf %2d $(($memused*100/$memtotal))`%)"
- echo "Detail:"
- echo " Used: `printf %5d $memprog` MB (`printf %2d $(($memprog*100/$memtotal))`%)"
- echo " Buffers: `printf %5d $membuf` MB (`printf %2d $(($membuf*100/$memtotal))`%)"
- echo " Cached: `printf %5d $memcache` MB (`printf %2d $(($memcache*100/$memtotal))`%)"
- if [ "$swaptotal" = "0" ]
- then
- echo "Swap: not available"
- else
- echo "Swap: $swapused / $swaptotal MB (`printf %2d $(($swapused*100/$swaptotal))`%)"
- fi
- ;;
- *freebsd*)
- local mempagesize="`sysctl -n hw.pagesize`"
- local mempagecount="`sysctl -n hw.availpages`"
- local memactive="`sysctl -n vm.stats.vm.v_active_count`"
- local meminactive="`sysctl -n vm.stats.vm.v_inactive_count`"
- local memwire="`sysctl -n vm.stats.vm.v_wire_count`"
- local memcache="`sysctl -n vm.stats.vm.v_cache_count`"
- local memfree="`sysctl -n vm.stats.vm.v_free_count`"
- local swapenabled="`sysctl -n vm.swap_enabled`"
- echo "Memory (Active): `printf %5d $(($memactive*$mempagesize/1048576))` MB (`printf %2d $(($memactive*100/$mempagecount))`%)"
- echo "Memory (Inactive): `printf %5d $(($meminactive*$mempagesize/1048576))` MB (`printf %2d $(($meminactive*100/$mempagecount))`%)"
- echo "Memory (Wired): `printf %5d $(($memwire*$mempagesize/1048576))` MB (`printf %2d $(($memwire*100/$mempagecount))`%)"
- echo "Memory (Cache): `printf %5d $(($memcache*$mempagesize/1048576))` MB (`printf %2d $(($memcache*100/$mempagecount))`%)"
- echo "Memory (Free): `printf %5d $(($memfree*$mempagesize/1048576))` MB (`printf %2d $(($memfree*100/$mempagecount))`%)"
- echo "Total Memory: `printf %5d $(($mempagecount*$mempagesize/1048576))` MB"
- if [ "$swapenabled" = "1" ]; then
- echo ""
- echo "Swap devices:"
- swapinfo -m
- else
- echo "Swap: not enabled"
- fi
- ;;
- *)
- echo "Unsupported operating system."
- ;;
- esac
+function gen_ms_inet_shortcut () {
+ [ "$#" != "2" ] && {
+ echo "Usage: $FUNCNAME filename url"
+ } && return 1
-function argv0 ()
- local execname="$1"
- local argv0="$2"
- shift 2
- ( exec -a "$argv0" "$execname" "$@" )
+ {
+ echo "[InternetShortcut]"
+ echo "URL=$2"
+ } > "$1"
-function chr ()
+function unzip_nomac ()
- printf $(printf '\\%03o\\n' "$1")
+ unzip "$@" -x '__MACOSX/*' '*.DS_Store'
+ return $?
-function hex ()
- printf "0x%02x\n" "$1"
-function ord ()
- printf "%d 0x%02x 0%03o\n" "'$1" "'$1" "'$1"
+# Tools: GNU Screen ##########################################################
-function cc_define ()
+function mkscreenacl ()
- local -i i
- local mycpp="${CPP}"
- if [ -z "${mycpp}" ]; then
- if [ -z "${CC}" ]; then
- mycpp="cpp"
- else
- mycpp="${CC} -E"
- fi
- fi
- split_arguments "$@"
- {
- (( i = 0 ))
- while [ "${prefixlist[$i]}" ]; do
- echo "#include <${prefixlist[$i]}>"
- (( i++ ))
- done
- (( i = 0 ))
- while [ "${arglist[$i]}" ]; do
- echo "${arglist[$i]}"
- (( i++ ))
+ local screen_permit_command="select windowlist other meta detach reset hardcopy info redisplay lastmsg next prev xon xoff windows suspend help colon copy paste writebuf readbuf displays stuff attach"
+ while [ "$1" '!=' '' ]
+ do
+ for i in $screen_permit_command
+ do
+ echo "aclchg $1 +x $i"
- } | ${mycpp} - | tail -n "${#arglist[@]}"
- unset arglist
- unset prefixlist
+ echo "aclchg $1 -rw \"\#?\""
+ shift
+ done
-function cxx_define ()
- CPP="${CXXCPP}" CC="${CXX:-c++ -x c++}" cc_define "$@"
-function repeat ()
- local repeat_times="$1"
- shift
- for ((i=0; i<repeat_times; i++))
- do
- "$@"
- done
-function wait_success ()
- local i=1
- until "$@"; do echo "Failed ... $i"; ((i++)) ; done
-function fbterm_chewing ()
- if [ -z "$1" ]; then
- fbterm -s 14 -- uim-fep -u chewing
- else
- local font_size="$1"
- shift
- fbterm -s "$font_size" "$@" -- uim-fep -u chewing
- fi
+# Tools: Interactive #########################################################
-function set_console_title ()
+function editlink ()
- case "$TERM" in
- screen*)
- printf "\033]0;"
- echo -n "$*"
- printf "\033\\"
- ;;
- xterm*)
- printf "\033]0;"
- echo -n "$*"
- printf "\007"
- ;;
- *)
- echo "Your terminal may not have the hardstatus line."
- echo "Note: TERM=$TERM"
- ;;
- esac
+ local newdest
+ local orgdest
+ split_arguments "$@"
+ local -i i=0
+ while [ "${arglist[$i]}" ]
+ do
+ if is_file_type "${arglist[$i]}" "l" "${prefixlist[@]}"; then
+ orgdest="`${prefixlist[@]} readlink "${arglist[$i]}"`"
+ read -e -p "EditLink: ${arglist[$i]} -> " -i "$orgdest" newdest
+ else
+ printf "\e[1;33mWarning\e[m: ${arglist[$i]} is not a symbolic link.\n"
+ i=$i+1
+ continue
+ fi
+ if [ "$newdest" ] && [ "$newdest" '!=' "$orgdest" ]; then
+ "${prefixlist[@]}" rm -f "${arglist[$i]}"
+ "${prefixlist[@]}" ln -sv "$newdest" "${arglist[$i]}"
+ fi
+ i=$i+1
+ done
+ unset arglist
+ unset prefixlist
function mvfile ()
@@ -1476,68 +1260,78 @@ function mvfile ()
unset new_file_name
-function createdir_askmode ()
+function varset ()
- newdir_mode="$2"
- if mkdir -p "$1"
- then
- echo "Directory $1 is created."
- printf "Change the mode of the directory... "
- read -i "$newdir_mode" -p ">>> Mode: " -e newdir_mode
- chmod "$newdir_mode" "$1"
- else
- echo "Cannot create directory $1!"
- return 1
- fi
+ local varoldvalue
+ local varnewvalue
+ while [ "$1" ]
+ do
+ eval varoldvalue=\${$1}
+ read -r -e -p "$1=" -i "$varoldvalue" varnewvalue
+ eval "$1"='"$varnewvalue"'
+ shift
+ done
-function get_terminal_size ()
- # ESC 7 = 儲存游標位置和屬性
- # ESC [r = 啟用全螢幕捲動
- # ESC [{row};{col}H = 移動游標
- # ESC 6n = 回報目前游標位置
- # ESC 8 = 還原游標位置和屬性
- echo -n $'\e7\e[r\e[999;999H\e[6n\e8' 1>&2
- read -s -d R getsize
- echo $getsize | sed 's#..\([0-9]*\);\([0-9]*\)#LINES=\1 COLUMNS=\2#'
-function set_terminal_size ()
- eval "export `get_terminal_size`"
- stty cols $COLUMNS rows $LINES
+# Tools: Memory ##############################################################
-function unzip_nomac ()
+function get_memory_info ()
- unzip "$@" -x '__MACOSX/*' '*.DS_Store'
- return $?
-function gen_ms_inet_shortcut () {
- [ "$#" != "2" ] && {
- echo "Usage: $FUNCNAME filename url"
- } && return 1
- {
- echo "[InternetShortcut]"
- echo "URL=$2"
- } > "$1"
+ case "$OSTYPE" in
+ *linux*|*gnu*)
+ local meminfoline="`free -m | safe_grep -i mem`"
+ local swapinfoline="`free -m | safe_grep -i swap`"
+ local memtotal="`echo "$meminfoline" | awk '{print $2}'`"
+ local memused="`echo "$meminfoline" | awk '{print $3}'`"
+ local membuf="`echo "$meminfoline" | awk '{print $6}'`"
+ local memcache="`echo "$meminfoline" | awk '{print $7}'`"
+ local memprog=$(($memused-$membuf-$memcache))
+ local swaptotal="`echo "$swapinfoline" | awk '{print $2}'`"
+ local swapused="`echo "$swapinfoline" | awk '{print $3}'`"
+ echo "Memory: $memused / $memtotal MB (`printf %2d $(($memused*100/$memtotal))`%)"
+ echo "Detail:"
+ echo " Used: `printf %5d $memprog` MB (`printf %2d $(($memprog*100/$memtotal))`%)"
+ echo " Buffers: `printf %5d $membuf` MB (`printf %2d $(($membuf*100/$memtotal))`%)"
+ echo " Cached: `printf %5d $memcache` MB (`printf %2d $(($memcache*100/$memtotal))`%)"
+ if [ "$swaptotal" = "0" ]
+ then
+ echo "Swap: not available"
+ else
+ echo "Swap: $swapused / $swaptotal MB (`printf %2d $(($swapused*100/$swaptotal))`%)"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ *freebsd*)
+ local mempagesize="`sysctl -n hw.pagesize`"
+ local mempagecount="`sysctl -n hw.availpages`"
+ local memactive="`sysctl -n vm.stats.vm.v_active_count`"
+ local meminactive="`sysctl -n vm.stats.vm.v_inactive_count`"
+ local memwire="`sysctl -n vm.stats.vm.v_wire_count`"
+ local memcache="`sysctl -n vm.stats.vm.v_cache_count`"
+ local memfree="`sysctl -n vm.stats.vm.v_free_count`"
+ local swapenabled="`sysctl -n vm.swap_enabled`"
+ echo "Memory (Active): `printf %5d $(($memactive*$mempagesize/1048576))` MB (`printf %2d $(($memactive*100/$mempagecount))`%)"
+ echo "Memory (Inactive): `printf %5d $(($meminactive*$mempagesize/1048576))` MB (`printf %2d $(($meminactive*100/$mempagecount))`%)"
+ echo "Memory (Wired): `printf %5d $(($memwire*$mempagesize/1048576))` MB (`printf %2d $(($memwire*100/$mempagecount))`%)"
+ echo "Memory (Cache): `printf %5d $(($memcache*$mempagesize/1048576))` MB (`printf %2d $(($memcache*100/$mempagecount))`%)"
+ echo "Memory (Free): `printf %5d $(($memfree*$mempagesize/1048576))` MB (`printf %2d $(($memfree*100/$mempagecount))`%)"
+ echo "Total Memory: `printf %5d $(($mempagecount*$mempagesize/1048576))` MB"
+ if [ "$swapenabled" = "1" ]; then
+ echo ""
+ echo "Swap devices:"
+ swapinfo -m
+ else
+ echo "Swap: not enabled"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Unsupported operating system."
+ ;;
+ esac
-function check_command_existent ()
- type "$1" &> /dev/null
- return $?
-function get_executable_extension ()
- local lsloc="`command which ls`"
- local lsalt="`echo ${lsloc}.* | cut -d ' ' -f 1`"
- cmp "$lsloc" "$lsalt" &> /dev/null && echo ${lsalt:${#lsloc}} && return
+# Tools: Packages ############################################################
function rpmdu () {
local div_base=1
@@ -1649,7 +1443,266 @@ function freebsd_ports_should_rebuild () {
echo $reqpkg
-########## Help ##########
+# Tools: Personal Files ######################################################
+function check_important_files ()
+ important_files="$HOME/.screenrc $HOME/.vimrc"
+ for i in $important_files
+ do
+ [ '!' -f "$i" ] && printf "\e[1;31mWarning\e[m: \e[1;33m$i\e[m does not exist.\n"
+ done
+function prehistory_backup ()
+ echo "Checking your current history file"
+ local -i currentcount="`wc -l < "$HISTFILE"`"
+ currentcount="${currentcount/ */}"
+ [ '!' -f "$historycountfile" ] && touch "$historycountfile"
+ local -i previoushistorycount="$(< "$historycountfile")"
+ if [ "$currentcount" -lt "$previoushistorycount" ]
+ then
+ printf "\e[1;31mWarning\e[m: Your $HISTFILE may be TRUNCATED OR OVERWRITTEN BY OTHER PROGRAMS!\n"
+ printf "Note: \e[1;33m$currentcount\e[m < $previoushistorycount\n"
+ echo "Your $historycountfile and $historybackupfile will not be overwritten until this problem is fixed."
+ echo " 1. Check your $HISTFILE."
+ echo " 2. Edit your $HISTFILE manually if some unexpected changes are found."
+ echo " (You may need $historybackupfile to do it) "
+ echo " 3. Remove the file $historycountfile."
+ echo " 4. Run the command \`prehistory_backup' again."
+ return 3
+ fi
+ echo -n "Backing up your current history file ($previoushistorycount -> $currentcount, "
+ if [ "$previoushistorycount" = "$currentcount" ]
+ then
+ echo "no modification)"
+ else
+ echo "+$[$currentcount-$previoushistorycount])"
+ fi
+ echo "$currentcount" > "$historycountfile"
+ safe_cp -f "$HISTFILE" "$historybackupfile"
+# Tools: Programming #########################################################
+function chr ()
+ printf $(printf '\\%03o\\n' "$1")
+function hex ()
+ printf "0x%02x\n" "$1"
+function ord ()
+ printf "%d 0x%02x 0%03o\n" "'$1" "'$1" "'$1"
+function argv0 ()
+ local execname="$1"
+ local argv0="$2"
+ shift 2
+ ( exec -a "$argv0" "$execname" "$@" )
+function compile_all ()
+ local noask=0
+ local mycc="${CC}"
+ local mycxx="${CXX}"
+ local myexe="`get_executable_extension`"
+ local newCFLAGS
+ local newCXXFLAGS
+ local newLDFLAGS
+ [ "$1" = '' ] && echo "Which file(s) do you want to compile? " && return 1
+ [ "$1" = "-n" ] && noask=1
+ if [ "$noask" = "0" ]; then
+ read -e -p "CFLAGS: " -i "$CFLAGS" newCFLAGS
+ read -e -p "CXXFLAGS: " -i "$CXXFLAGS" newCXXFLAGS
+ read -e -p "LDFLAGS: " -i "$LDFLAGS" newLDFLAGS
+ [ "$newCFLAGS" '!=' '' ] && CFLAGS=$newCFLAGS
+ [ "$newCXXFLAGS" '!=' '' ] && CXXFLAGS=$newCXXFLAGS
+ [ "$newLDFLAGS" '!=' '' ] && LDFLAGS=$newLDFLAGS
+ else
+ shift
+ fi
+ [ -z "${mycc}" ] && mycc=cc
+ [ -z "${mycxx}" ] && mycxx=c++
+ while [ "$1" '!=' '' ]
+ do
+ local targetfile="`echo "$1" | sed 's|\(.*\)\..*|\1|'`$myexe"
+ local suffix="`echo "$1" | sed 's|.*\.\(.*\)|\1|'`"
+ if [ -f "$1" ]; then
+ true
+ else
+ printf \
+ "\e[1;33mWarning\e[0m: $1 Non-existent file or not a regular file\n"
+ shift ; continue
+ fi
+ [ "$targetfile" = "$1" ] && shift && continue
+ case "$suffix" in
+ c)
+ echo "[${mycc}] $1 -> $targetfile"
+ ${mycc} $CFLAGS "$1" $LDFLAGS -o "$targetfile"
+ ;;
+ cpp|cxx|cc|C)
+ echo "[${mycxx}] $1 -> $targetfile"
+ ${mycxx} $CXXFLAGS "$1" $LDFLAGS -o "$targetfile"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ printf "$1: Unknown suffix (\e[1;33mskipped\e[0m)\n"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ [ "$?" '!=' "0" ] && printf \
+ '\e[1;31mError\e[0m while compiling file\n'
+ shift
+ done
+ return 0
+function cc_define ()
+ local -i i
+ local mycpp="${CPP}"
+ if [ -z "${mycpp}" ]; then
+ if [ -z "${CC}" ]; then
+ mycpp="cpp"
+ else
+ mycpp="${CC} -E"
+ fi
+ fi
+ split_arguments "$@"
+ {
+ (( i = 0 ))
+ while [ "${prefixlist[$i]}" ]; do
+ echo "#include <${prefixlist[$i]}>"
+ (( i++ ))
+ done
+ (( i = 0 ))
+ while [ "${arglist[$i]}" ]; do
+ echo "${arglist[$i]}"
+ (( i++ ))
+ done
+ } | ${mycpp} - | tail -n "${#arglist[@]}"
+ unset arglist
+ unset prefixlist
+function cxx_define ()
+ CPP="${CXXCPP}" CC="${CXX:-c++ -x c++}" cc_define "$@"
+# Tools: Repeated Tasks ######################################################
+function repeat ()
+ local repeat_times="$1"
+ shift
+ for ((i=0; i<repeat_times; i++))
+ do
+ "$@"
+ done
+function wait_success ()
+ local i=1
+ until "$@"; do echo "Failed ... $i"; ((i++)) ; done
+# Tools: Security ############################################################
+function keep_sudo_credential ()
+ if [ "$1" ]
+ then
+ update_sudo_interval="$1"
+ else
+ update_sudo_interval="280"
+ fi
+ while true
+ do
+ sudo -v
+ sleep "$update_sudo_interval"
+ done
+# Tools: Terminal ############################################################
+function get_terminal_size ()
+ # ESC 7 = 儲存游標位置和屬性
+ # ESC [r = 啟用全螢幕捲動
+ # ESC [{row};{col}H = 移動游標
+ # ESC 6n = 回報目前游標位置
+ # ESC 8 = 還原游標位置和屬性
+ echo -n $'\e7\e[r\e[999;999H\e[6n\e8' 1>&2
+ read -s -d R getsize
+ echo $getsize | sed 's#..\([0-9]*\);\([0-9]*\)#LINES=\1 COLUMNS=\2#'
+function set_terminal_size ()
+ eval "export `get_terminal_size`"
+ stty cols $COLUMNS rows $LINES
+function set_console_title ()
+ case "$TERM" in
+ screen*)
+ printf "\033]0;"
+ echo -n "$*"
+ printf "\033\\"
+ ;;
+ xterm*)
+ printf "\033]0;"
+ echo -n "$*"
+ printf "\007"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Your terminal may not have the hardstatus line."
+ echo "Note: TERM=$TERM"
+ ;;
+ esac
+# Tools: Web #################################################################
+function convert_to_html ()
+ while [ "$1" '!=' '' ]
+ do
+ for i in "$1"
+ do
+ vim $i -c 'set background=dark' \
+ -c 'highlight PreProc ctermfg=darkcyan' \
+ -c TOhtml \
+ -c :w \
+ -c :qa
+ done
+ shift
+ done
+# Help
alias helpf='help_function'
alias helpm='help_myself'
@@ -1675,19 +1728,6 @@ function help_myself ()
-function help_obsolete ()
- cat << "ENDHELPMSG"
- @@@ Obsolete Group: PATH Editor @@@
- old_path_editor
- old_ldpath_editor
- x split_path
- x split_path_core
- x update_path
- x old_path_editor_core
function help_function ()
[ "$#" = "0" ] && {
@@ -1699,7 +1739,7 @@ function help_function ()
x print_iconv
- <<< Group: Background >>>
+ <<< Group: Background Tasks >>>
bgrun command [arguments ...] (bgr)
bglist [--full] (bgl, bgls)
bgview [number] (bgv)
@@ -1707,7 +1747,7 @@ function help_function ()
bgcount (bgc)
- <<< Group: Configuration File >>>
+ <<< Group: Configuration Files >>>
configfile_fetch [git_tag [file_name_list ...]]
x fetch_remote_file local_file_name remote_url
@@ -1719,7 +1759,7 @@ function help_function ()
x newpath_init
x newpath_gen
- <<< Group: Trash >>>
+ <<< Group: Trash Manager >>>
trash_mv [filenames ...] [-- sudo_prefix ...] (trash_put, trash_add)
trash_ls (trash_list)
trash_cd number
@@ -1729,7 +1769,7 @@ function help_function ()
trash_count (trash_ct)
trash_du [-- sudo_prefix ...]
- <<< Tools: Background Jobs >>>
+ <<< Tools: Background Notify Daemon >>>
check_dmesg seconds
check_system_status seconds
@@ -1762,15 +1802,15 @@ function help_function ()
<<< Tools: Programming >>>
- argv0 executable arguments ... (include argv[0])
- cc_define macro [-- included_headers ...]
- compile_all [-n] filenames ...
- cxx_define macro [-- included_headers ...]
chr number
hex number
ord character
+ argv0 executable arguments ... (include argv[0])
+ compile_all [-n] filenames ...
+ cc_define macro [-- included_headers ...]
+ cxx_define macro [-- included_headers ...]
- <<< Tools: Repetitive Jobs >>>
+ <<< Tools: Repeated Tasks >>>
repeat times arguments ...
wait_success arguments ...
@@ -1778,8 +1818,9 @@ function help_function ()
keep_sudo_credential [seconds]
<<< Tools: Terminal >>>
- set_console_title
+ get_terminal_size
+ set_console_title
<<< Tools: Web >>>
convert_to_html filename ...
@@ -1790,7 +1831,6 @@ function help_function ()
x is_file_type filename type [-- sudo_prefix ...]
x get_file_size filename [-- sudo_prefix ...]
x get_executable_extension
- x get_terminal_size
x split_arguments [arguments ...]
<<< Aliases: Command Prompt >>>
@@ -1803,6 +1843,12 @@ function help_function ()
<<< Aliases: GNU Screen >>>
screen256 - Start GNU Screen and set TERM to screen-256color
+ <<< Aliases: Language >>>
+ big5 - Set Language and character sets to Taiwan Chinese Big5
+ cccc - Set Language and character sets to 7-bit ASCII
+ enus - Set Language and character sets to US English UTF-8
+ zhtw - Set Language and character sets to Taiwan Chinese UTF-8
<<< Aliases: Nice Format >>>
ndate - Format the output of `date'
npasswd - Format the output of `getent passwd'
@@ -1885,7 +1931,19 @@ ENDHELPMSG
-########## Help End ##########
+function help_obsolete ()
+ cat << "ENDHELPMSG"
+ @@@ Obsolete Group: PATH Editor @@@
+ old_path_editor
+ old_ldpath_editor
+ x old_path_editor_core
+ x split_path
+ x split_path_core
+ x update_path
# Doing something