const inherits = require('util').inherits const Component = require('react').Component const ReactCSSTransitionGroup = require('react-addons-css-transition-group') const h = require('react-hyperscript') const connect = require('react-redux').connect const actions = require('./actions') const NetworkIndicator = require('./components/network') const txHelper = require('../lib/tx-helper') const isPopupOrNotification = require('../../app/scripts/lib/is-popup-or-notification') const ethUtil = require('ethereumjs-util') const BN = ethUtil.BN const PendingTx = require('./components/pending-tx') const PendingMsg = require('./components/pending-msg') module.exports = connect(mapStateToProps)(ConfirmTxScreen) function mapStateToProps (state) { return { identities: state.metamask.identities, accounts: state.metamask.accounts, selectedAddress: state.metamask.selectedAddress, unapprovedTxs: state.metamask.unapprovedTxs, unapprovedMsgs: state.metamask.unapprovedMsgs, index: state.appState.currentView.context, warning: state.appState.warning, network:, provider: state.metamask.provider, } } inherits(ConfirmTxScreen, Component) function ConfirmTxScreen () { } ConfirmTxScreen.prototype.render = function () { var state = this.props var network = var provider = state.provider var unapprovedTxs = state.unapprovedTxs var unapprovedMsgs = state.unapprovedMsgs var unconfTxList = txHelper(unapprovedTxs, unapprovedMsgs, network) var index = state.index !== undefined && unconfTxList[index] ? state.index : 0 var txData = unconfTxList[index] || {} var txParams = txData.params || {} var isNotification = isPopupOrNotification() === 'notification'`rendering a combined ${unconfTxList.length} unconf msg & txs`) if (unconfTxList.length === 0) return null return ( h('.flex-column.flex-grow', [ // subtitle and nav h('.section-title.flex-row.flex-center', [ !isNotification ? h('i.fa.fa-arrow-left.fa-lg.cursor-pointer', { onClick: this.goHome.bind(this), }) : null, h('', 'Confirm Transaction'), isNotification ? h(NetworkIndicator, { network: network, provider: provider, }) : null, ]), h('h3', { style: { alignSelf: 'center', display: unconfTxList.length > 1 ? 'block' : 'none', }, }, [ h('i.fa.fa-arrow-left.fa-lg.cursor-pointer', { style: { display: state.index === 0 ? 'none' : 'inline-block', }, onClick: () => state.dispatch(actions.previousTx()), }), ` ${state.index + 1} of ${unconfTxList.length} `, h('i.fa.fa-arrow-right.fa-lg.cursor-pointer', { style: { display: state.index + 1 === unconfTxList.length ? 'none' : 'inline-block', }, onClick: () => state.dispatch(actions.nextTx()), }), ]), warningIfExists(state.warning), h(ReactCSSTransitionGroup, { className: 'css-transition-group', transitionName: 'main', transitionEnterTimeout: 300, transitionLeaveTimeout: 300, }, [ currentTxView({ // Properties txData: txData, key:, selectedAddress: state.selectedAddress, accounts: state.accounts, identities: state.identities, insufficientBalance: this.checkBalanceAgainstTx(txData), // Actions buyEth: this.buyEth.bind(this, txParams.from || state.selectedAddress), sendTransaction: this.sendTransaction.bind(this, txData), cancelTransaction: this.cancelTransaction.bind(this, txData), signMessage: this.signMessage.bind(this, txData), cancelMessage: this.cancelMessage.bind(this, txData), }), ]), ]) ) } function currentTxView (opts) { const { txData } = opts const { txParams, msgParams } = txData'rendering current tx view') if (txParams) { // This is a pending transaction log.debug('txParams detected, rendering pending tx') return h(PendingTx, opts) } else if (msgParams) { // This is a pending message to sign log.debug('msgParams detected, rendering pending msg') return h(PendingMsg, opts) } } ConfirmTxScreen.prototype.checkBalanceAgainstTx = function (txData) { if (!txData.txParams) return false var state = this.props var address = txData.txParams.from || state.selectedAddress var account = state.accounts[address] var balance = account ? account.balance : '0x0' var maxCost = new BN(txData.maxCost, 16) var balanceBn = new BN(ethUtil.stripHexPrefix(balance), 16) return } ConfirmTxScreen.prototype.buyEth = function (address, event) { event.stopPropagation() this.props.dispatch(actions.buyEthView(address)) } ConfirmTxScreen.prototype.sendTransaction = function (txData, event) { event.stopPropagation() this.props.dispatch(actions.sendTx(txData)) } ConfirmTxScreen.prototype.cancelTransaction = function (txData, event) { event.stopPropagation() this.props.dispatch(actions.cancelTx(txData)) } ConfirmTxScreen.prototype.signMessage = function (msgData, event) { var params = msgData.msgParams params.metamaskId = event.stopPropagation() this.props.dispatch(actions.signMsg(params)) } ConfirmTxScreen.prototype.cancelMessage = function (msgData, event) { event.stopPropagation() this.props.dispatch(actions.cancelMsg(msgData)) } ConfirmTxScreen.prototype.goHome = function (event) { event.stopPropagation() this.props.dispatch(actions.goHome()) } function warningIfExists (warning) { if (warning && // Do not display user rejections on this screen: warning.indexOf('User denied transaction signature') === -1) { return h('.error', { style: { margin: 'auto', }, }, warning) } }