const h = require('react-hyperscript') const inherits = require('util').inherits const Component = require('react').Component const connect = require('react-redux').connect const classnames = require('classnames') const { qrcode } = require('qrcode-npm') const { shapeShiftSubview, pairUpdate, buyWithShapeShift } = require('../actions') const { isValidAddress } = require('../util') const SimpleDropdown = require('./dropdowns/simple-dropdown') function mapStateToProps (state) { const { coinOptions, tokenExchangeRates, selectedAddress, } = state.metamask return { coinOptions, tokenExchangeRates, selectedAddress, } } function mapDispatchToProps (dispatch) { return { shapeShiftSubview: () => dispatch(shapeShiftSubview()), pairUpdate: coin => dispatch(pairUpdate(coin)), buyWithShapeShift: data => dispatch(buyWithShapeShift(data)), } } module.exports = connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(ShapeshiftForm) inherits(ShapeshiftForm, Component) function ShapeshiftForm () { this.state = { depositCoin: 'btc', refundAddress: '', showQrCode: false, depositAddress: '', errorMessage: '', isLoading: false, bought: false, } } ShapeshiftForm.prototype.componentWillMount = function () { this.props.shapeShiftSubview() } ShapeshiftForm.prototype.onCoinChange = function (e) { const coin = this.setState({ depositCoin: coin, errorMessage: '', }) this.props.pairUpdate(coin) } ShapeshiftForm.prototype.onBuyWithShapeShift = function () { this.setState({ isLoading: true, showQrCode: true, }) const { buyWithShapeShift, selectedAddress: withdrawal, } = this.props const { refundAddress: returnAddress, depositCoin, } = this.state const pair = `${depositCoin}_eth` const data = { withdrawal, pair, returnAddress, // Public api key 'apiKey': '803d1f5df2ed1b1476e4b9e6bcd089e34d8874595dda6a23b67d93c56ea9cc2445e98a6748b219b2b6ad654d9f075f1f1db139abfa93158c04e825db122c14b6', } if (isValidAddress(withdrawal)) { buyWithShapeShift(data) .then(d => this.setState({ showQrCode: true, depositAddress: d.deposit, isLoading: false, })) .catch(() => this.setState({ showQrCode: false, errorMessage: 'Invalid Request', isLoading: false, })) } } ShapeshiftForm.prototype.renderMetadata = function (label, value) { return h('div', {className: 'shapeshift-form__metadata-wrapper'}, [ h('div.shapeshift-form__metadata-label', {}, [ h('span', `${label}:`), ]), h('div.shapeshift-form__metadata-value', {}, [ h('span', value), ]), ]) } ShapeshiftForm.prototype.renderMarketInfo = function () { const { depositCoin } = this.state const coinPair = `${depositCoin}_eth` const { tokenExchangeRates } = this.props const { limit, rate, minimum, } = tokenExchangeRates[coinPair] || {} return h('div.shapeshift-form__metadata', {}, [ this.renderMetadata('Status', limit ? 'Available' : 'Unavailable'), this.renderMetadata('Limit', limit), this.renderMetadata('Exchange Rate', rate), this.renderMetadata('Minimum', minimum), ]) } ShapeshiftForm.prototype.renderQrCode = function () { const { depositAddress, isLoading } = this.state const qrImage = qrcode(4, 'M') qrImage.addData(depositAddress) qrImage.make() return h('div.shapeshift-form', {}, [ h('div.shapeshift-form__deposit-instruction', [ 'Deposit your BTC to the address below:', ]), h('div', depositAddress), h('div.shapeshift-form__qr-code', [ isLoading ? h('img', { src: 'images/loading.svg', style: { width: '60px'}, }) : h('div', { dangerouslySetInnerHTML: { __html: qrImage.createTableTag(4) }, }), ]), this.renderMarketInfo(), ]) } ShapeshiftForm.prototype.render = function () { const { coinOptions, btnClass } = this.props const { depositCoin, errorMessage, showQrCode, depositAddress } = this.state const coinPair = `${depositCoin}_eth` const { tokenExchangeRates } = this.props const token = tokenExchangeRates[coinPair] return h('div.shapeshift-form-wrapper', [ showQrCode ? this.renderQrCode() : h('div.shapeshift-form', [ h('div.shapeshift-form__selectors', [ h('div.shapeshift-form__selector', [ h('div.shapeshift-form__selector-label', 'Deposit'), h(SimpleDropdown, { selectedOption: this.state.depositCoin, onSelect: this.onCoinChange, options: Object.entries(coinOptions).map(([coin]) => ({ value: coin.toLowerCase(), displayValue: coin, })), }), ]), h('div.icon.shapeshift-form__caret', { style: { backgroundImage: 'url(images/caret-right.svg)'}, }), h('div.shapeshift-form__selector', [ h('div.shapeshift-form__selector-label', [ 'Receive', ]), h('div.shapeshift-form__selector-input', ['ETH']), ]), ]), h('div', { className: classnames('shapeshift-form__address-input-wrapper', { 'shapeshift-form__address-input-wrapper--error': errorMessage, }), }, [ h('div.shapeshift-form__address-input-label', [ 'Your Refund Address', ]), h('input.shapeshift-form__address-input', { type: 'text', onChange: e => this.setState({ refundAddress:, errorMessage: '', }), }), h('divshapeshift-form__address-input-error-message', [errorMessage]), ]), this.renderMarketInfo(), ]), !depositAddress && h('button.shapeshift-form__shapeshift-buy-btn', { className: btnClass, disabled: !token, onClick: () => this.onBuyWithShapeShift(), }, ['Buy']), ]) }