const Component = require('react').Component const h = require('react-hyperscript') const inherits = require('util').inherits const CurrencyDisplay = require('./currency-display') const t = require('../../../i18n') module.exports = GasFeeDisplay inherits(GasFeeDisplay, Component) function GasFeeDisplay () { } GasFeeDisplay.prototype.render = function () { const { conversionRate, gasTotal, onClick, primaryCurrency = 'ETH', convertedCurrency, gasLoadingError, } = this.props return h('div.send-v2__gas-fee-display', [ gasTotal ? h(CurrencyDisplay, { primaryCurrency, convertedCurrency, value: gasTotal, conversionRate, convertedPrefix: '$', readOnly: true, }) : gasLoadingError ? h('div..currency-display.currency-display--message', 'Set with the gas price customizer.') : h('div.currency-display', t('loading')), h('button.send-v2__sliders-icon-container', { onClick, disabled: !gasTotal && !gasLoadingError, }, [ h('i.fa.fa-sliders.send-v2__sliders-icon'), ]), ]) }