const Component = require('react').Component const { withRouter } = require('react-router-dom') const { compose } = require('recompose') const PropTypes = require('prop-types') const connect = require('react-redux').connect const h = require('react-hyperscript') const inherits = require('util').inherits const tokenAbi = require('human-standard-token-abi') const abiDecoder = require('abi-decoder') abiDecoder.addABI(tokenAbi) const actions = require('../../actions') const clone = require('clone') const Identicon = require('../identicon') const GasFeeDisplay = require('../send/gas-fee-display-v2.js') const NetworkDisplay = require('../network-display') const ethUtil = require('ethereumjs-util') const BN = ethUtil.BN const { conversionUtil, multiplyCurrencies, addCurrencies, } = require('../../conversion-util') const { getGasTotal, isBalanceSufficient, } = require('../send/send-utils') const { calcTokenAmount, } = require('../../token-util') const classnames = require('classnames') const currencyFormatter = require('currency-formatter') const currencies = require('currency-formatter/currencies') const { MIN_GAS_PRICE_HEX } = require('../send/send-constants') const { getTokenExchangeRate, getSelectedAddress, getSelectedTokenContract, } = require('../../selectors') const { SEND_ROUTE, DEFAULT_ROUTE } = require('../../routes') const { ENVIRONMENT_TYPE_POPUP, ENVIRONMENT_TYPE_NOTIFICATION, } = require('../../../../app/scripts/lib/enums') ConfirmSendToken.contextTypes = { t: PropTypes.func, } module.exports = compose( withRouter, connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps) )(ConfirmSendToken) function mapStateToProps (state, ownProps) { const { token: { address }, txData } = ownProps const { txParams } = txData || {} const tokenData = && abiDecoder.decodeMethod( const { conversionRate, identities, currentCurrency, } = state.metamask const accounts = state.metamask.accounts const selectedAddress = getSelectedAddress(state) const tokenExchangeRate = getTokenExchangeRate(state, address) const { balance } = accounts[selectedAddress] return { conversionRate, identities, selectedAddress, tokenExchangeRate, tokenData: tokenData || {}, currentCurrency: currentCurrency.toUpperCase(), send: state.metamask.send, tokenContract: getSelectedTokenContract(state), balance, } } function mapDispatchToProps (dispatch, ownProps) { return { backToAccountDetail: address => dispatch(actions.backToAccountDetail(address)), cancelTransaction: ({ id }) => dispatch(actions.cancelTx({ id })), editTransaction: txMeta => { const { token: { address } } = ownProps const { txParams = {}, id } = txMeta const tokenData = && abiDecoder.decodeMethod( || {} const { params = [] } = tokenData const { value: to } = params[0] || {} const { value: tokenAmountInDec } = params[1] || {} const tokenAmountInHex = conversionUtil(tokenAmountInDec, { fromNumericBase: 'dec', toNumericBase: 'hex', }) const { gas: gasLimit, gasPrice, } = txParams dispatch(actions.setSelectedToken(address)) dispatch(actions.updateSend({ gasLimit, gasPrice, gasTotal: null, to, amount: tokenAmountInHex, errors: { to: null, amount: null }, editingTransactionId: id, token: ownProps.token, })) dispatch(actions.showSendTokenPage()) }, showCustomizeGasModal: (txMeta, sendGasLimit, sendGasPrice, sendGasTotal) => { const { id, txParams, lastGasPrice } = txMeta const { gas: txGasLimit, gasPrice: txGasPrice } = txParams const tokenData = && abiDecoder.decodeMethod( const { params = [] } = tokenData const { value: to } = params[0] || {} const { value: tokenAmountInDec } = params[1] || {} const tokenAmountInHex = conversionUtil(tokenAmountInDec, { fromNumericBase: 'dec', toNumericBase: 'hex', }) let forceGasMin if (lastGasPrice) { forceGasMin = ethUtil.addHexPrefix(multiplyCurrencies(lastGasPrice, 1.1, { multiplicandBase: 16, multiplierBase: 10, toNumericBase: 'hex', fromDenomination: 'WEI', })) } dispatch(actions.updateSend({ gasLimit: sendGasLimit || txGasLimit, gasPrice: sendGasPrice || txGasPrice, editingTransactionId: id, gasTotal: sendGasTotal, to, amount: tokenAmountInHex, forceGasMin, })) dispatch(actions.showModal({ name: 'CUSTOMIZE_GAS' })) }, updateSendErrors: error => dispatch(actions.updateSendErrors(error)), } } inherits(ConfirmSendToken, Component) function ConfirmSendToken () { this.state = {} this.onSubmit = this.onSubmit.bind(this) } ConfirmSendToken.prototype.editTransaction = function (txMeta) { const { editTransaction, history } = this.props editTransaction(txMeta) history.push(SEND_ROUTE) } ConfirmSendToken.prototype.updateComponentSendErrors = function (prevProps) { const { balance: oldBalance, conversionRate: oldConversionRate, } = prevProps const { updateSendErrors, balance, conversionRate, send: { errors: { simulationFails, }, }, } = this.props const txMeta = this.gatherTxMeta() const shouldUpdateBalanceSendErrors = balance && [ balance !== oldBalance, conversionRate !== oldConversionRate, ].some(x => Boolean(x)) if (shouldUpdateBalanceSendErrors) { const balanceIsSufficient = this.isBalanceSufficient(txMeta) updateSendErrors({ insufficientFunds: balanceIsSufficient ? false : this.context.t('insufficientFunds'), }) } const shouldUpdateSimulationSendError = Boolean(txMeta.simulationFails) !== Boolean(simulationFails) if (shouldUpdateSimulationSendError) { updateSendErrors({ simulationFails: !txMeta.simulationFails ? false : this.context.t('transactionError'), }) } } ConfirmSendToken.prototype.componentWillMount = function () { const { tokenContract, selectedAddress } = this.props tokenContract && tokenContract .balanceOf(selectedAddress) .then(usersToken => { }) this.updateComponentSendErrors({}) } ConfirmSendToken.prototype.componentDidUpdate = function (prevProps) { this.updateComponentSendErrors(prevProps) } ConfirmSendToken.prototype.getAmount = function () { const { conversionRate, tokenExchangeRate, token, tokenData, send: { amount, editingTransactionId }, } = this.props const { params = [] } = tokenData let { value } = params[1] || {} const { decimals } = token if (editingTransactionId) { value = conversionUtil(amount, { fromNumericBase: 'hex', toNumericBase: 'dec', }) } const sendTokenAmount = calcTokenAmount(value, decimals) return { fiat: tokenExchangeRate ? +(sendTokenAmount * tokenExchangeRate * conversionRate).toFixed(2) : null, token: typeof value === 'undefined' ? this.context.t('unknown') : +sendTokenAmount.toFixed(decimals), } } ConfirmSendToken.prototype.getGasFee = function () { const { conversionRate, tokenExchangeRate, token, currentCurrency } = this.props const txMeta = this.gatherTxMeta() const txParams = txMeta.txParams || {} const { decimals } = token const gas = txParams.gas const gasPrice = txParams.gasPrice || MIN_GAS_PRICE_HEX const gasTotal = multiplyCurrencies(gas, gasPrice, { multiplicandBase: 16, multiplierBase: 16, }) const FIAT = conversionUtil(gasTotal, { fromNumericBase: 'BN', toNumericBase: 'dec', fromDenomination: 'WEI', fromCurrency: 'ETH', toCurrency: currentCurrency, numberOfDecimals: 2, conversionRate, }) const ETH = conversionUtil(gasTotal, { fromNumericBase: 'BN', toNumericBase: 'dec', fromDenomination: 'WEI', fromCurrency: 'ETH', toCurrency: 'ETH', numberOfDecimals: 6, conversionRate, }) const tokenGas = multiplyCurrencies(gas, gasPrice, { toNumericBase: 'dec', multiplicandBase: 16, multiplierBase: 16, toCurrency: 'BAT', conversionRate: tokenExchangeRate, invertConversionRate: true, fromDenomination: 'WEI', numberOfDecimals: decimals || 4, }) return { fiat: +Number(FIAT).toFixed(2), eth: ETH, token: tokenExchangeRate ? tokenGas : null, gasFeeInHex: gasTotal.toString(16), } } ConfirmSendToken.prototype.getData = function () { const { identities, tokenData } = this.props const { params = [] } = tokenData const { value } = params[0] || {} const txMeta = this.gatherTxMeta() const txParams = txMeta.txParams || {} return { from: { address: txParams.from, name: identities[txParams.from].name, }, to: { address: value, name: identities[value] ? identities[value].name : this.context.t('newRecipient'), }, memo: txParams.memo || '', } } ConfirmSendToken.prototype.renderHeroAmount = function () { const { token: { symbol }, currentCurrency } = this.props const { fiat: fiatAmount, token: tokenAmount } = this.getAmount() const txMeta = this.gatherTxMeta() const txParams = txMeta.txParams || {} const { memo = '' } = txParams const convertedAmountInFiat = this.convertToRenderableCurrency(fiatAmount, currentCurrency) return fiatAmount ? ( h('div.confirm-send-token__hero-amount-wrapper', [ h('h3.flex-center.confirm-screen-send-amount', `${convertedAmountInFiat}`), h('h3.flex-center.confirm-screen-send-amount-currency', currentCurrency), h('div.flex-center.confirm-memo-wrapper', [ h('h3.confirm-screen-send-memo', [ memo ? `"${memo}"` : '' ]), ]), ]) ) : ( h('div.confirm-send-token__hero-amount-wrapper', [ h('h3.flex-center.confirm-screen-send-amount', tokenAmount), h('h3.flex-center.confirm-screen-send-amount-currency', symbol), h('div.flex-center.confirm-memo-wrapper', [ h('h3.confirm-screen-send-memo', [ memo ? `"${memo}"` : '' ]), ]), ]) ) } ConfirmSendToken.prototype.renderGasFee = function () { const { currentCurrency: convertedCurrency, conversionRate, send: { gasTotal, gasLimit: sendGasLimit, gasPrice: sendGasPrice }, showCustomizeGasModal, } = this.props const txMeta = this.gatherTxMeta() const { gasFeeInHex } = this.getGasFee() return ( h('section.flex-row.flex-center.confirm-screen-row', [ h('span.confirm-screen-label.confirm-screen-section-column', [ this.context.t('gasFee') ]), h('div.confirm-screen-section-column', [ h(GasFeeDisplay, { gasTotal: gasTotal || gasFeeInHex, conversionRate, convertedCurrency, onClick: () => showCustomizeGasModal(txMeta, sendGasLimit, sendGasPrice, gasTotal), }), ]), ]) ) } ConfirmSendToken.prototype.renderTotalPlusGas = function () { const { token: { symbol }, currentCurrency, send: { errors } } = this.props const { fiat: fiatAmount, token: tokenAmount } = this.getAmount() const { fiat: fiatGas, token: tokenGas } = this.getGasFee() const totalInFIAT = fiatAmount && fiatGas && addCurrencies(fiatAmount, fiatGas) const convertedTotalInFiat = this.convertToRenderableCurrency(totalInFIAT, currentCurrency) return fiatAmount && fiatGas ? ( h('section.flex-row.flex-center.confirm-screen-row.confirm-screen-total-box ', [ h('div.confirm-screen-section-column', [ h('span.confirm-screen-label', [ this.context.t('total') + ' ' ]), h('div.confirm-screen-total-box__subtitle', [ this.context.t('amountPlusGas') ]), ]), h('div.confirm-screen-section-column', [ h('div.confirm-screen-row-info', `${convertedTotalInFiat} ${currentCurrency}`), h('div.confirm-screen-row-detail', `${addCurrencies(tokenAmount, tokenGas || '0')} ${symbol}`), ]), ]) ) : ( h('section.flex-row.flex-center.confirm-screen-row.confirm-screen-total-box ', [ h('div', { className: classnames({ 'confirm-screen-section-column--with-error': errors['insufficientFunds'], 'confirm-screen-section-column': !errors['insufficientFunds'], }), }, [ h('span.confirm-screen-label', [ this.context.t('total') + ' ' ]), h('div.confirm-screen-total-box__subtitle', [ this.context.t('amountPlusGas') ]), ]), h('div.confirm-screen-section-column', [ h('div.confirm-screen-row-info', `${tokenAmount} ${symbol}`), h('div.confirm-screen-row-detail', `+ ${fiatGas} ${currentCurrency} ${this.context.t('gas')}`), ]), this.renderErrorMessage('insufficientFunds'), ]) ) } ConfirmSendToken.prototype.renderErrorMessage = function (message) { const { send: { errors } } = this.props return errors[message] ? h('div.confirm-screen-error', [ errors[message] ]) : null } ConfirmSendToken.prototype.convertToRenderableCurrency = function (value, currencyCode) { const upperCaseCurrencyCode = currencyCode.toUpperCase() return currencies.find(currency => currency.code === upperCaseCurrencyCode) ? currencyFormatter.format(Number(value), { code: upperCaseCurrencyCode, }) : value } ConfirmSendToken.prototype.renderHeaderRow = function (isTxReprice) { const windowType = window.METAMASK_UI_TYPE const isFullScreen = windowType !== ENVIRONMENT_TYPE_NOTIFICATION && windowType !== ENVIRONMENT_TYPE_POPUP if (isTxReprice && isFullScreen) { return null } return ( h('.page-container__header-row', [ h('', { onClick: () => this.editTransaction(), style: { visibility: isTxReprice ? 'hidden' : 'initial', }, }, 'Edit'), !isFullScreen && h(NetworkDisplay), ]) ) } ConfirmSendToken.prototype.renderHeader = function (isTxReprice) { const title = isTxReprice ? this.context.t('speedUpTitle') : this.context.t('confirm') const subtitle = isTxReprice ? this.context.t('speedUpSubtitle') : this.context.t('pleaseReviewTransaction') return ( h('.page-container__header', [ this.renderHeaderRow(isTxReprice), h('.page-container__title', title), h('.page-container__subtitle', subtitle), ]) ) } ConfirmSendToken.prototype.render = function () { const txMeta = this.gatherTxMeta() const { from: { address: fromAddress, name: fromName, }, to: { address: toAddress, name: toName, }, } = this.getData() const isTxReprice = Boolean(txMeta.lastGasPrice) return ( h('div.confirm-screen-container.confirm-send-token', [ // Main Send token Card h('', [ this.renderHeader(isTxReprice), h('.page-container__content', [ h('div.flex-row.flex-center.confirm-screen-identicons', [ h('div.confirm-screen-account-wrapper', [ h( Identicon, { address: fromAddress, diameter: 60, }, ), h('span.confirm-screen-account-name', fromName), // h('span.confirm-screen-account-number', fromAddress.slice(fromAddress.length - 4)), ]), h('i.fa.fa-arrow-right.fa-lg'), h('div.confirm-screen-account-wrapper', [ h( Identicon, { address: toAddress, diameter: 60, }, ), h('span.confirm-screen-account-name', toName), // h('span.confirm-screen-account-number', toAddress.slice(toAddress.length - 4)), ]), ]), // h('h3.flex-center.confirm-screen-sending-to-message', { // style: { // textAlign: 'center', // fontSize: '16px', // }, // }, [ // `You're sending to Recipient ...${toAddress.slice(toAddress.length - 4)}`, // ]), this.renderHeroAmount(), h('div.confirm-screen-rows', [ h('section.flex-row.flex-center.confirm-screen-row', [ h('span.confirm-screen-label.confirm-screen-section-column', [ this.context.t('from') ]), h('div.confirm-screen-section-column', [ h('div.confirm-screen-row-info', fromName), h('div.confirm-screen-row-detail', `...${fromAddress.slice(fromAddress.length - 4)}`), ]), ]), toAddress && h('section.flex-row.flex-center.confirm-screen-row', [ h('span.confirm-screen-label.confirm-screen-section-column', [ this.context.t('to') ]), h('div.confirm-screen-section-column', [ h('div.confirm-screen-row-info', toName), h('div.confirm-screen-row-detail', `...${toAddress.slice(toAddress.length - 4)}`), ]), ]), this.renderGasFee(), this.renderTotalPlusGas(), ]), ]), h('form#pending-tx-form', { className: 'confirm-screen-form', onSubmit: this.onSubmit, }, [ this.renderErrorMessage('simulationFails'), h('.page-container__footer', [ // Cancel Button h('', { onClick: (event) => this.cancel(event, txMeta), }, this.context.t('cancel')), // Accept Button h('', { onClick: event => this.onSubmit(event), }, [this.context.t('confirm')]), ]), ]), ]), ]) ) } ConfirmSendToken.prototype.onSubmit = function (event) { event.preventDefault() const { updateSendErrors } = this.props const txMeta = this.gatherTxMeta() const valid = this.checkValidity() const balanceIsSufficient = this.isBalanceSufficient(txMeta) this.setState({ valid, submitting: true }) if (valid && this.verifyGasParams() && balanceIsSufficient) { this.props.sendTransaction(txMeta, event) } else if (!balanceIsSufficient) { updateSendErrors({ insufficientFunds: this.context.t('insufficientFunds') }) } else { updateSendErrors({ invalidGasParams: this.context.t('invalidGasParams') }) this.setState({ submitting: false }) } } ConfirmSendToken.prototype.isBalanceSufficient = function (txMeta) { const { balance, conversionRate, } = this.props const { txParams: { gas, gasPrice, }, } = txMeta const gasTotal = getGasTotal(gas, gasPrice) return isBalanceSufficient({ amount: '0', gasTotal, balance, conversionRate, }) } ConfirmSendToken.prototype.cancel = function (event, txMeta) { event.preventDefault() const { cancelTransaction } = this.props cancelTransaction(txMeta) .then(() => this.props.history.push(DEFAULT_ROUTE)) } ConfirmSendToken.prototype.checkValidity = function () { const form = this.getFormEl() const valid = form.checkValidity() return valid } ConfirmSendToken.prototype.getFormEl = function () { const form = document.querySelector('form#pending-tx-form') // Stub out form for unit tests: if (!form) { return { checkValidity () { return true } } } return form } // After a customizable state value has been updated, ConfirmSendToken.prototype.gatherTxMeta = function () { const props = this.props const state = this.state const txData = clone(state.txData) || clone(props.txData) const { gasPrice: sendGasPrice, gas: sendGasLimit } = props.send const { lastGasPrice, txParams: { gasPrice: txGasPrice, gas: txGasLimit, }, } = txData let forceGasMin if (lastGasPrice) { forceGasMin = ethUtil.addHexPrefix(multiplyCurrencies(lastGasPrice, 1.1, { multiplicandBase: 16, multiplierBase: 10, toNumericBase: 'hex', })) } txData.txParams.gasPrice = sendGasPrice || forceGasMin || txGasPrice txData.txParams.gas = sendGasLimit || txGasLimit // log.debug(`UI has defaulted to tx meta ${JSON.stringify(txData)}`) return txData } ConfirmSendToken.prototype.verifyGasParams = function () { // We call this in case the gas has not been modified at all if (!this.state) { return true } return ( this._notZeroOrEmptyString(this.state.gas) && this._notZeroOrEmptyString(this.state.gasPrice) ) } ConfirmSendToken.prototype._notZeroOrEmptyString = function (obj) { return obj !== '' && obj !== '0x0' } ConfirmSendToken.prototype.bnMultiplyByFraction = function (targetBN, numerator, denominator) { const numBN = new BN(numerator) const denomBN = new BN(denominator) return targetBN.mul(numBN).div(denomBN) }