const Component = require('react').Component const h = require('react-hyperscript') const inherits = require('util').inherits const connect = require('react-redux').connect const actions = require('../../actions') const Identicon = require('../identicon') function mapStateToProps (state) { return { network:, token: state.appState.modal.modalState.token, } } function mapDispatchToProps (dispatch) { return {} } inherits(HideTokenConfirmationModal, Component) function HideTokenConfirmationModal () { this.state = {} } module.exports = connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(HideTokenConfirmationModal) HideTokenConfirmationModal.prototype.render = function () { const { token, network } = this.props const { symbol, address } = token return h('div.hide-token-confirmation', {}, [ h('div.hide-token-confirmation__container', { }, [ h('div.hide-token-confirmation__title', {}, [ 'Hide Token?', ]), h(Identicon, { className: 'hide-token-confirmation__identicon', diameter: 45, address, network, }), h('div.hide-token-confirmation__symbol', {}, symbol), h('div.hide-token-confirmation__copy', {}, [ 'You can add this token back in the future by going go to “Add token” in your accounts options menu.', ]), h('div.hide-token-confirmation__buttons', {}, [ h('button.btn-clear', { onClick: () => {}, }, [ 'CANCEL', ]), h('button.btn-clear', { onClick: () => {}, }, [ 'HIDE', ]), ]), ]), ]) }