var actions = { _setBackgroundConnection: _setBackgroundConnection, GO_HOME: 'GO_HOME', goHome: goHome, // menu state getNetworkStatus: 'getNetworkStatus', // transition state TRANSITION_FORWARD: 'TRANSITION_FORWARD', TRANSITION_BACKWARD: 'TRANSITION_BACKWARD', transitionForward, transitionBackward, // remote state UPDATE_METAMASK_STATE: 'UPDATE_METAMASK_STATE', updateMetamaskState: updateMetamaskState, // notices MARK_NOTICE_READ: 'MARK_NOTICE_READ', markNoticeRead: markNoticeRead, SHOW_NOTICE: 'SHOW_NOTICE', showNotice: showNotice, CLEAR_NOTICES: 'CLEAR_NOTICES', clearNotices: clearNotices, markAccountsFound, // intialize screen AGREE_TO_DISCLAIMER: 'AGREE_TO_DISCLAIMER', agreeToDisclaimer: agreeToDisclaimer, CREATE_NEW_VAULT_IN_PROGRESS: 'CREATE_NEW_VAULT_IN_PROGRESS', SHOW_CREATE_VAULT: 'SHOW_CREATE_VAULT', SHOW_RESTORE_VAULT: 'SHOW_RESTORE_VAULT', FORGOT_PASSWORD: 'FORGOT_PASSWORD', forgotPassword: forgotPassword, SHOW_INIT_MENU: 'SHOW_INIT_MENU', SHOW_NEW_VAULT_SEED: 'SHOW_NEW_VAULT_SEED', SHOW_INFO_PAGE: 'SHOW_INFO_PAGE', unlockMetamask: unlockMetamask, unlockFailed: unlockFailed, showCreateVault: showCreateVault, showRestoreVault: showRestoreVault, showInitializeMenu: showInitializeMenu, createNewVaultAndKeychain: createNewVaultAndKeychain, createNewVaultAndRestore: createNewVaultAndRestore, createNewVaultInProgress: createNewVaultInProgress, addNewKeyring, addNewAccount, showNewVaultSeed: showNewVaultSeed, showInfoPage: showInfoPage, // seed recovery actions REVEAL_SEED_CONFIRMATION: 'REVEAL_SEED_CONFIRMATION', revealSeedConfirmation: revealSeedConfirmation, requestRevealSeed: requestRevealSeed, // unlock screen UNLOCK_IN_PROGRESS: 'UNLOCK_IN_PROGRESS', UNLOCK_FAILED: 'UNLOCK_FAILED', UNLOCK_METAMASK: 'UNLOCK_METAMASK', LOCK_METAMASK: 'LOCK_METAMASK', tryUnlockMetamask: tryUnlockMetamask, lockMetamask: lockMetamask, unlockInProgress: unlockInProgress, // error handling displayWarning: displayWarning, DISPLAY_WARNING: 'DISPLAY_WARNING', HIDE_WARNING: 'HIDE_WARNING', hideWarning: hideWarning, // accounts screen SET_SELECTED_ACCOUNT: 'SET_SELECTED_ACCOUNT', SHOW_ACCOUNT_DETAIL: 'SHOW_ACCOUNT_DETAIL', SHOW_ACCOUNTS_PAGE: 'SHOW_ACCOUNTS_PAGE', SHOW_CONF_TX_PAGE: 'SHOW_CONF_TX_PAGE', SHOW_CONF_MSG_PAGE: 'SHOW_CONF_MSG_PAGE', SET_CURRENT_FIAT: 'SET_CURRENT_FIAT', setCurrentFiat: setCurrentFiat, // account detail screen SHOW_SEND_PAGE: 'SHOW_SEND_PAGE', showSendPage: showSendPage, REQUEST_ACCOUNT_EXPORT: 'REQUEST_ACCOUNT_EXPORT', requestExportAccount: requestExportAccount, EXPORT_ACCOUNT: 'EXPORT_ACCOUNT', exportAccount: exportAccount, SHOW_PRIVATE_KEY: 'SHOW_PRIVATE_KEY', showPrivateKey: showPrivateKey, SAVE_ACCOUNT_LABEL: 'SAVE_ACCOUNT_LABEL', saveAccountLabel: saveAccountLabel, // tx conf screen COMPLETED_TX: 'COMPLETED_TX', TRANSACTION_ERROR: 'TRANSACTION_ERROR', NEXT_TX: 'NEXT_TX', PREVIOUS_TX: 'PREV_TX', setSelectedAccount: setSelectedAccount, signMsg: signMsg, cancelMsg: cancelMsg, sendTx: sendTx, signTx: signTx, cancelTx: cancelTx, completedTx: completedTx, txError: txError, nextTx: nextTx, previousTx: previousTx, viewPendingTx: viewPendingTx, VIEW_PENDING_TX: 'VIEW_PENDING_TX', // app messages confirmSeedWords: confirmSeedWords, showAccountDetail: showAccountDetail, BACK_TO_ACCOUNT_DETAIL: 'BACK_TO_ACCOUNT_DETAIL', backToAccountDetail: backToAccountDetail, showAccountsPage: showAccountsPage, showConfTxPage: showConfTxPage, // config screen SHOW_CONFIG_PAGE: 'SHOW_CONFIG_PAGE', SET_RPC_TARGET: 'SET_RPC_TARGET', SET_PROVIDER_TYPE: 'SET_PROVIDER_TYPE', USE_ETHERSCAN_PROVIDER: 'USE_ETHERSCAN_PROVIDER', useEtherscanProvider: useEtherscanProvider, showConfigPage: showConfigPage, setRpcTarget: setRpcTarget, setProviderType: setProviderType, // loading overlay SHOW_LOADING: 'SHOW_LOADING_INDICATION', HIDE_LOADING: 'HIDE_LOADING_INDICATION', showLoadingIndication: showLoadingIndication, hideLoadingIndication: hideLoadingIndication, // buy Eth with coinbase BUY_ETH: 'BUY_ETH', buyEth: buyEth, buyEthView: buyEthView, BUY_ETH_VIEW: 'BUY_ETH_VIEW', UPDATE_COINBASE_AMOUNT: 'UPDATE_COIBASE_AMOUNT', updateCoinBaseAmount: updateCoinBaseAmount, UPDATE_BUY_ADDRESS: 'UPDATE_BUY_ADDRESS', updateBuyAddress: updateBuyAddress, COINBASE_SUBVIEW: 'COINBASE_SUBVIEW', coinBaseSubview: coinBaseSubview, SHAPESHIFT_SUBVIEW: 'SHAPESHIFT_SUBVIEW', shapeShiftSubview: shapeShiftSubview, PAIR_UPDATE: 'PAIR_UPDATE', pairUpdate: pairUpdate, coinShiftRquest: coinShiftRquest, SHOW_SUB_LOADING_INDICATION: 'SHOW_SUB_LOADING_INDICATION', showSubLoadingIndication: showSubLoadingIndication, HIDE_SUB_LOADING_INDICATION: 'HIDE_SUB_LOADING_INDICATION', hideSubLoadingIndication: hideSubLoadingIndication, // QR STUFF: SHOW_QR: 'SHOW_QR', showQrView: showQrView, reshowQrCode: reshowQrCode, SHOW_QR_VIEW: 'SHOW_QR_VIEW', // FORGOT PASSWORD: BACK_TO_INIT_MENU: 'BACK_TO_INIT_MENU', goBackToInitView: goBackToInitView, RECOVERY_IN_PROGRESS: 'RECOVERY_IN_PROGRESS', BACK_TO_UNLOCK_VIEW: 'BACK_TO_UNLOCK_VIEW', backToUnlockView: backToUnlockView, // SHOWING KEYCHAIN SHOW_NEW_KEYCHAIN: 'SHOW_NEW_KEYCHAIN', showNewKeychain: showNewKeychain, callBackgroundThenUpdate, } module.exports = actions var background = null function _setBackgroundConnection (backgroundConnection) { background = backgroundConnection } function goHome () { return { type: actions.GO_HOME, } } // async actions function tryUnlockMetamask (password) { return (dispatch) => { dispatch(actions.showLoadingIndication()) dispatch(actions.unlockInProgress()) background.submitPassword(password, (err, newState) => { dispatch(actions.hideLoadingIndication()) if (err) { dispatch(actions.unlockFailed(err.message)) } else { dispatch(actions.transitionForward()) dispatch(actions.updateMetamaskState(newState)) } }) } } function transitionForward () { return { type: this.TRANSITION_FORWARD, } } function transitionBackward () { return { type: this.TRANSITION_BACKWARD, } } function confirmSeedWords () { return (dispatch) => { dispatch(actions.showLoadingIndication()) background.clearSeedWordCache((err, account) => { dispatch(actions.hideLoadingIndication()) if (err) { return dispatch(actions.displayWarning(err.message)) } console.log('Seed word cache cleared. ' + account) dispatch(actions.showAccountDetail(account)) }) } } function createNewVaultAndRestore (password, seed) { return (dispatch) => { dispatch(actions.showLoadingIndication()) background.createNewVaultAndRestore(password, seed, (err) => { dispatch(actions.hideLoadingIndication()) if (err) return dispatch(actions.displayWarning(err.message)) dispatch(actions.showAccountsPage()) }) } } function createNewVaultAndKeychain (password) { return (dispatch) => { background.createNewVaultAndKeychain(password, (err, newState) => { if (err) { return dispatch(actions.displayWarning(err.message)) } }) } } function revealSeedConfirmation () { return { type: this.REVEAL_SEED_CONFIRMATION, } } function requestRevealSeed (password) { return (dispatch) => { dispatch(actions.showLoadingIndication()) background.submitPassword(password, (err) => { if (err) return dispatch(actions.displayWarning(err.message)) background.placeSeedWords((err) => { if (err) return dispatch(actions.displayWarning(err.message)) dispatch(actions.hideLoadingIndication()) }) }) } } function addNewKeyring (type, opts) { return (dispatch) => { dispatch(actions.showLoadingIndication()) background.addNewKeyring(type, opts, (err) => { dispatch(this.hideLoadingIndication()) if (err) { return dispatch(actions.displayWarning(err)) } }) } } function addNewAccount (ringNumber = 0) { return callBackgroundThenUpdate(background.addNewAccount, ringNumber) } function showInfoPage () { return { type: actions.SHOW_INFO_PAGE, } } function setSelectedAccount (address) { return (dispatch) => { background.setSelectedAccount(address) } } function setCurrentFiat (fiat) { return (dispatch) => { dispatch(this.showLoadingIndication()) background.setCurrentFiat(fiat, (data, err) => { dispatch(this.hideLoadingIndication()) dispatch({ type: this.SET_CURRENT_FIAT, value: { currentFiat: data.currentFiat, conversionRate: data.conversionRate, conversionDate: data.conversionDate, }, }) }) } } function signMsg (msgData) { return (dispatch) => { dispatch(actions.showLoadingIndication()) background.signMessage(msgData, (err) => { dispatch(actions.hideLoadingIndication()) if (err) return dispatch(actions.displayWarning(err.message)) dispatch(actions.completedTx(msgData.metamaskId)) }) } } function signTx (txData) { return (dispatch) => { background.setGasMultiplier(txData.gasMultiplier, (err) => { if (err) return dispatch(actions.displayWarning(err.message)) web3.eth.sendTransaction(txData, (err, data) => { dispatch(actions.hideLoadingIndication()) if (err) return dispatch(actions.displayWarning(err.message)) dispatch(actions.hideWarning()) dispatch(actions.goHome()) }) dispatch(this.showConfTxPage()) }) } } function sendTx (txData) { return (dispatch) => { background.approveTransaction(, (err) => { if (err) { alert(err.message) dispatch(actions.txError(err)) return console.error(err.message) } dispatch(actions.completedTx( }) } } function completedTx (id) { return { type: actions.COMPLETED_TX, id, } } function txError (err) { return { type: actions.TRANSACTION_ERROR, message: err.message, } } function cancelMsg (msgData) { background.cancelMessage( return actions.completedTx( } function cancelTx (txData) { background.cancelTransaction( return actions.completedTx( } // // initialize screen // function showCreateVault () { return { type: actions.SHOW_CREATE_VAULT, } } function showRestoreVault () { return { type: actions.SHOW_RESTORE_VAULT, } } function forgotPassword () { return { type: actions.FORGOT_PASSWORD, } } function showInitializeMenu () { return { type: actions.SHOW_INIT_MENU, } } function agreeToDisclaimer () { return (dispatch) => { dispatch(this.showLoadingIndication()) background.agreeToDisclaimer((err) => { if (err) { return dispatch(actions.displayWarning(err.message)) } dispatch(this.hideLoadingIndication()) dispatch({ type: this.AGREE_TO_DISCLAIMER, }) }) } } function createNewVaultInProgress () { return { type: actions.CREATE_NEW_VAULT_IN_PROGRESS, } } function showNewVaultSeed (seed) { return { type: actions.SHOW_NEW_VAULT_SEED, value: seed, } } function backToUnlockView () { return { type: actions.BACK_TO_UNLOCK_VIEW, } } function showNewKeychain () { return { type: actions.SHOW_NEW_KEYCHAIN, } } // // unlock screen // function unlockInProgress () { return { type: actions.UNLOCK_IN_PROGRESS, } } function unlockFailed (message) { return { type: actions.UNLOCK_FAILED, value: message, } } function unlockMetamask (account) { return { type: actions.UNLOCK_METAMASK, value: account, } } function updateMetamaskState (newState) { return { type: actions.UPDATE_METAMASK_STATE, value: newState, } } function lockMetamask () { return callBackgroundThenUpdate(background.setLocked) } function showAccountDetail (address) { return (dispatch) => { dispatch(actions.showLoadingIndication()) background.setSelectedAccount(address, (err, address) => { dispatch(actions.hideLoadingIndication()) if (err) { return dispatch(actions.displayWarning(err.message)) } dispatch({ type: actions.SHOW_ACCOUNT_DETAIL, value: address, }) }) } } function backToAccountDetail (address) { return { type: actions.BACK_TO_ACCOUNT_DETAIL, value: address, } } function showAccountsPage () { return { type: actions.SHOW_ACCOUNTS_PAGE, } } function showConfTxPage (transForward = true) { return { type: actions.SHOW_CONF_TX_PAGE, transForward: transForward, } } function nextTx () { return { type: actions.NEXT_TX, } } function viewPendingTx (txId) { return { type: actions.VIEW_PENDING_TX, value: txId, } } function previousTx () { return { type: actions.PREVIOUS_TX, } } function showConfigPage (transitionForward = true) { return { type: actions.SHOW_CONFIG_PAGE, value: transitionForward, } } function goBackToInitView () { return { type: actions.BACK_TO_INIT_MENU, } } // // notice // function markNoticeRead (notice) { return (dispatch) => { dispatch(this.showLoadingIndication()) background.markNoticeRead(notice, (err, notice) => { dispatch(this.hideLoadingIndication()) if (err) { return dispatch(actions.displayWarning(err)) } if (notice) { return dispatch(actions.showNotice(notice)) } else { dispatch(this.clearNotices()) return { type: actions.SHOW_ACCOUNTS_PAGE, } } }) } } function showNotice (notice) { return { type: actions.SHOW_NOTICE, value: notice, } } function clearNotices () { return { type: actions.CLEAR_NOTICES, } } function markAccountsFound() { return callBackgroundThenUpdate(background.markAccountsFound) } // // config // function setRpcTarget (newRpc) { background.setRpcTarget(newRpc) return { type: actions.SET_RPC_TARGET, value: newRpc, } } function setProviderType (type) { background.setProviderType(type) return { type: actions.SET_PROVIDER_TYPE, value: type, } } function useEtherscanProvider () { background.useEtherscanProvider() return { type: actions.USE_ETHERSCAN_PROVIDER, } } function showLoadingIndication () { return { type: actions.SHOW_LOADING, } } function hideLoadingIndication () { return { type: actions.HIDE_LOADING, } } function showSubLoadingIndication () { return { type: actions.SHOW_SUB_LOADING_INDICATION, } } function hideSubLoadingIndication () { return { type: actions.HIDE_SUB_LOADING_INDICATION, } } function displayWarning (text) { return { type: actions.DISPLAY_WARNING, value: text, } } function hideWarning () { return { type: actions.HIDE_WARNING, } } function requestExportAccount () { return { type: actions.REQUEST_ACCOUNT_EXPORT, } } function exportAccount (address) { var self = this return function (dispatch) { dispatch(self.showLoadingIndication()) background.exportAccount(address, function (err, result) { dispatch(self.hideLoadingIndication()) if (err) { console.error(err) return dispatch(self.displayWarning('Had a problem exporting the account.')) } dispatch(self.showPrivateKey(result)) }) } } function showPrivateKey (key) { return { type: actions.SHOW_PRIVATE_KEY, value: key, } } function saveAccountLabel (account, label) { return (dispatch) => { dispatch(actions.showLoadingIndication()) background.saveAccountLabel(account, label, (err) => { dispatch(actions.hideLoadingIndication()) if (err) { return dispatch(actions.displayWarning(err.message)) } dispatch({ type: actions.SAVE_ACCOUNT_LABEL, value: { account, label }, }) }) } } function showSendPage () { return { type: actions.SHOW_SEND_PAGE, } } function buyEth (address, amount) { return (dispatch) => { background.buyEth(address, amount) dispatch({ type: actions.BUY_ETH, }) } } function buyEthView (address) { return { type: actions.BUY_ETH_VIEW, value: address, } } function updateCoinBaseAmount (value) { return { type: actions.UPDATE_COINBASE_AMOUNT, value, } } function updateBuyAddress (value) { return { type: actions.UPDATE_BUY_ADDRESS, value, } } function coinBaseSubview () { return { type: actions.COINBASE_SUBVIEW, } } function pairUpdate (coin) { return (dispatch) => { dispatch(actions.showSubLoadingIndication()) dispatch(actions.hideWarning()) shapeShiftRequest('marketinfo', {pair: `${coin.toLowerCase()}_eth`}, (mktResponse) => { dispatch(actions.hideSubLoadingIndication()) dispatch({ type: actions.PAIR_UPDATE, value: { marketinfo: mktResponse, }, }) }) } } function shapeShiftSubview (network) { var pair = 'btc_eth' return (dispatch) => { dispatch(actions.showSubLoadingIndication()) shapeShiftRequest('marketinfo', {pair}, (mktResponse) => { shapeShiftRequest('getcoins', {}, (response) => { dispatch(actions.hideSubLoadingIndication()) if (mktResponse.error) return dispatch(actions.displayWarning(mktResponse.error)) dispatch({ type: actions.SHAPESHIFT_SUBVIEW, value: { marketinfo: mktResponse, coinOptions: response, }, }) }) }) } } function coinShiftRquest (data, marketData) { return (dispatch) => { dispatch(actions.showLoadingIndication()) shapeShiftRequest('shift', { method: 'POST', data}, (response) => { if (response.error) return dispatch(actions.displayWarning(response.error)) var message = ` Deposit your ${response.depositType} to the address bellow:` background.createShapeShiftTx(response.deposit, response.depositType) dispatch(actions.showQrView(response.deposit, [message].concat(marketData))) }) } } function showQrView (data, message) { return { type: actions.SHOW_QR_VIEW, value: { message: message, data: data, }, } } function reshowQrCode (data, coin) { return (dispatch) => { dispatch(actions.showLoadingIndication()) shapeShiftRequest('marketinfo', {pair: `${coin.toLowerCase()}_eth`}, (mktResponse) => { if (mktResponse.error) return dispatch(actions.displayWarning(mktResponse.error)) var message = [ `Deposit your ${coin} to the address bellow:`, `Deposit Limit: ${mktResponse.limit}`, `Deposit Minimum:${mktResponse.minimum}`, ] dispatch(actions.hideLoadingIndication()) return dispatch(actions.showQrView(data, message)) }) } } function shapeShiftRequest (query, options, cb) { var queryResponse, method !options ? options = {} : null options.method ? method = options.method : method = 'GET' var requestListner = function (request) { queryResponse = JSON.parse(this.responseText) cb ? cb(queryResponse) : null return queryResponse } var shapShiftReq = new XMLHttpRequest() shapShiftReq.addEventListener('load', requestListner), `${query}/${options.pair ? options.pair : ''}`, true) if (options.method === 'POST') { var jsonObj = JSON.stringify( shapShiftReq.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json') return shapShiftReq.send(jsonObj) } else { return shapShiftReq.send() } } // Call Background Then Update // // A function generator for a common pattern wherein: // We show loading indication. // We call a background method. // We hide loading indication. // If it errored, we show a warning. // If it didn't, we update the state. function callBackgroundThenUpdate (method, ...args) { return (dispatch) => { dispatch(actions.showLoadingIndication()), ...args, (err, newState) => { dispatch(actions.hideLoadingIndication()) if (err) { return dispatch(actions.displayWarning(err.message)) } dispatch(actions.updateMetamaskState(newState)) }) } }