const inherits = require('util').inherits const extend = require('xtend') const Component = require('react').Component const h = require('react-hyperscript') const connect = require('react-redux').connect const copyToClipboard = require('copy-to-clipboard') const actions = require('./actions') const ReactCSSTransitionGroup = require('react-addons-css-transition-group') const valuesFor = require('./util').valuesFor const Identicon = require('./components/identicon') const EtherBalance = require('./components/eth-balance') const TransactionList = require('./components/transaction-list') const ExportAccountView = require('./components/account-export') const ethUtil = require('ethereumjs-util') const EditableLabel = require('./components/editable-label') module.exports = connect(mapStateToProps)(AccountDetailScreen) function mapStateToProps (state) { return { identities: state.metamask.identities, accounts: state.metamask.accounts, address: state.metamask.selectedAccount, accountDetail: state.appState.accountDetail, transactions: state.metamask.transactions, network:, unconfTxs: valuesFor(state.metamask.unconfTxs), unconfMsgs: valuesFor(state.metamask.unconfMsgs), } } inherits(AccountDetailScreen, Component) function AccountDetailScreen () { } AccountDetailScreen.prototype.render = function () { var props = this.props var selected = props.address || Object.keys(props.accounts)[0] var identity = props.identities[selected] var account = props.accounts[selected] return ( h('.account-detail-section.flex-column.flex-grow', [ // identicon, label, balance, etc h('.account-data-subsection.flex-column.flex-grow', { style: { margin: '0 20px', }, }, [ // header - identicon + nav h('.flex-row.flex-space-between', { style: { marginTop: 28, }, }, [ // invisible placeholder for later h('i.fa.fa-users.fa-lg.color-orange', { style: { width: '30px', visibility: 'hidden', }, }), // large identicon h('', [ h(Identicon, { diameter: 62, address: selected, }), ]), // small accounts nav h('img.cursor-pointer.color-orange', { src: 'images/switch_acc.svg', onClick: this.navigateToAccounts.bind(this), }), ]), h('.flex-center', { style: { height: '62px', paddingTop: '8px', }, }, [ h(EditableLabel, { textValue: identity ? : '', state: { isEditingLabel: false, }, saveText: (text) => { props.dispatch(actions.saveAccountLabel(selected, text)) }, }, [ // What is shown when not editing + edit text: h('label.editing-label', [h('.edit-text', 'edit')]), h('h2.font-medium.color-forest', {name: 'edit'}, identity &&, ]), ]), // address and getter actions h('.flex-row', { style: { marginBottom: 16, }, }, [ h('div', { style: { overflow: 'hidden', textOverflow: 'ellipsis', paddingTop: '3px', }, }, ethUtil.toChecksumAddress(selected)), h('img.cursor-pointer.color-orange', { src: 'images/copy.svg', onClick: () => copyToClipboard(ethUtil.toChecksumAddress(selected)), style: { margin: '0px 5px', }, }), h('img.cursor-pointer.color-orange', { src: 'images/key-32.png', onClick: () => this.requestAccountExport(selected), style:{ margin: "0px 5px", width: "20px", height: "20px", position: "relative", top: "3px", right: "4px", }, }), ]), // balance + send h('.flex-row.flex-space-between', [ h(EtherBalance, { value: account && account.balance, style: { lineHeight: '50px', }, }), h('button', { onClick: () => props.dispatch(actions.showSendPage()), style: { margin: 10, }, }, 'SEND ETH'), ]), ]), // subview (tx history, pk export confirm) h(ReactCSSTransitionGroup, { className: 'css-transition-group', transitionName: 'main', transitionEnterTimeout: 300, transitionLeaveTimeout: 300, }, [ this.subview(), ]), ]) ) } AccountDetailScreen.prototype.subview = function () { var subview try { subview = this.props.accountDetail.subview } catch (e) { subview = null } switch (subview) { case 'transactions': return this.transactionList() case 'export': var state = extend({key: 'export'}, this.props) return h(ExportAccountView, state) default: return this.transactionList() } } AccountDetailScreen.prototype.transactionList = function () { const { transactions, unconfTxs, unconfMsgs, address, network } = this.props var txsToRender = transactions // only transactions that are from the current address .filter(tx => tx.txParams.from === address) // only transactions that are on the current network .filter(tx => tx.txParams.metamaskNetworkId === network) // sort by recency .sort((a, b) => b.time - a.time) return h(TransactionList, { txsToRender, network, unconfTxs, unconfMsgs, viewPendingTx: (txId) => { this.props.dispatch(actions.viewPendingTx(txId)) }, }) } AccountDetailScreen.prototype.navigateToAccounts = function (event) { event.stopPropagation() this.props.dispatch(actions.showAccountsPage()) } AccountDetailScreen.prototype.requestAccountExport = function () { this.props.dispatch(actions.requestExportAccount()) }