var assert = require('assert') const h = require('react-hyperscript') var PendingTx = require('../../../ui/app/components/pending-tx') const createReactFactory = require('create-react-factory').createReactFactory const React = require('react') console.dir(createReactFactory) const shallow = require('enzyme').shallow const Factory = createReactFactory(PendingTx) const ReactTestUtils = require('react-addons-test-utils') describe.only('PendingTx', function () { let pendingTxComponent const identities = { '0xfdea65c8e26263f6d9a1b5de9555d2931a33b826': { name: 'Main Account 1', balance: '0x00000000000000056bc75e2d63100000', }, } const gasPrice = '0x4A817C800' // 20 Gwei const txData = { 'id':5021615666270214, 'time':1494458763011, 'status':'unapproved', 'metamaskNetworkId':'1494442339676', 'txParams':{ 'from':'0xfdea65c8e26263f6d9a1b5de9555d2931a33b826', 'to':'0xc5b8dbac4c1d3f152cdeb400e2313f309c410acb', 'value':'0xde0b6b3a7640000', gasPrice, 'gas':'0x7b0c'}, 'gasLimitSpecified':false, 'estimatedGas':'0x5208', } it('should use updated values when edited.', function (done) { const renderer = ReactTestUtils.createRenderer(); const newGasPrice = '0x451456' const props = { identities, accounts: identities, txData, sendTransaction: (txMeta, event) => { assert.notEqual(txMeta.txParams.gasPrice, gasPrice, 'gas price should change') assert.equal(txMeta.txParams.gasPrice, newGasPrice, 'gas price assigned.') done() }, } const pendingTxComponent = h(PendingTx, props) renderer.render(pendingTxComponent) const result = renderer.getRenderOutput() assert.equal(result.type, 'div', 'should create a div') console.dir(result) const noop = () => {} setTimeout(() => { console.log('timeout finished') // Get the gas price input // Set it to the newGasPrice value // Wait for the value to change // Get the submit button // Click the submit button // Get the output of the submit event. }, 200) console.log('calling render') }) })