const inherits = require('util').inherits
const Component = require('react').Component
const h = require('react-hyperscript')
const connect = require('react-redux').connect
const actions = require('../../../../ui/app/actions')
import Select from 'react-select'

// Subviews
const JsonImportView = require('./json.js')
const PrivateKeyImportView = require('./private-key.js')

const menuItems = [
  'Private Key',
  'JSON File',

module.exports = connect(mapStateToProps)(AccountImportSubview)

function mapStateToProps (state) {
  return {

inherits(AccountImportSubview, Component)
function AccountImportSubview () {

AccountImportSubview.prototype.render = function () {
  const props = this.props
  const state = this.state || {}
  const { menuItems } = props
  const { type } = state

  return (
    h('div', [
      h('.section-title.flex-row.flex-center', [
        h('i.fa.fa-arrow-left.fa-lg.cursor-pointer', {
          onClick: (event) => {
        h('', 'Import Accounts'),
      h('.error', {
        style: {
          display: 'inline-block',
          alignItems: 'center',
          padding: '5px 15px 0px 15px',
      }, [
        h('span', 'Imported accounts will not be associated with your originally created MetaMask account seedphrase. Learn more about imported accounts '),
        h('span', {
          style: {
            color: 'rgba(247, 134, 28, 1)',
            cursor: 'pointer',
            textDecoration: 'underline',
          onClick: () => {
              url: '',
        }, 'here.'),
      h('div', {
        style: {
          padding: '10px',
          color: 'rgb(174, 174, 174)',
      }, [

        h('h3', { style: { padding: '3px' } }, 'SELECT TYPE'),

        h('style', `
          .has-value.Select--single > .Select-control .Select-value .Select-value-label, .Select-value-label {
            color: rgb(174,174,174);

        h(Select, {
          name: 'import-type-select',
          clearable: false,
          value: type || menuItems[0],
          options: => {
            return {
              value: type,
              label: type,
          onChange: (opt) => {
            this.setState({ type: opt.value })


AccountImportSubview.prototype.renderImportView = function () {
  const props = this.props
  const state = this.state || {}
  const { type } = state
  const { menuItems } = props
  const current = type || menuItems[0]

  switch (current) {
    case 'Private Key':
      return h(PrivateKeyImportView)
    case 'JSON File':
      return h(JsonImportView)
      return h(JsonImportView)