const EventEmitter = require('events')
const ObservableStore = require('obs-store')
const ethUtil = require('ethereumjs-util')
const Transaction = require('ethereumjs-tx')
const EthQuery = require('ethjs-query')
const TransactionStateManager = require('./tx-state-manager')
const TxGasUtil = require('./tx-gas-utils')
const PendingTransactionTracker = require('./pending-tx-tracker')
const NonceTracker = require('./nonce-tracker')
const txUtils = require('./lib/util')
const log = require('loglevel')
Transaction Controller is an aggregate of sub-controllers and trackers
composing them in a way to be exposed to the metamask controller
- txStateManager
responsible for the state of a transaction and
storing the transaction
- pendingTxTracker
watching blocks for transactions to be include
and emitting confirmed events
- txGasUtil
gas calculations and safety buffering
- nonceTracker
calculating nonces
@param {object} - opts
@param {object} opts.initState - initial transaction list default is an empty array
@param {Object} opts.networkStore - an observable store for network number
@param {Object} opts.blockTracker - An instance of eth-blocktracker
@param {Object} opts.provider - A network provider.
@param {Function} opts.signTransaction - function the signs an ethereumjs-tx
@param {Function} [opts.getGasPrice] - optional gas price calculator
@param {Function} opts.signTransaction - ethTx signer that returns a rawTx
@param {Number} [opts.txHistoryLimit] - number *optional* for limiting how many transactions are in state
@param {Object} opts.preferencesStore
class TransactionController extends EventEmitter {
constructor (opts) {
this.networkStore = opts.networkStore || new ObservableStore({})
this.preferencesStore = opts.preferencesStore || new ObservableStore({})
this.provider = opts.provider
this.blockTracker = opts.blockTracker
this.signEthTx = opts.signTransaction
this.getGasPrice = opts.getGasPrice
this.memStore = new ObservableStore({})
this.query = new EthQuery(this.provider)
this.txGasUtil = new TxGasUtil(this.provider)
this.txStateManager = new TransactionStateManager({
initState: opts.initState,
txHistoryLimit: opts.txHistoryLimit,
getNetwork: this.getNetwork.bind(this),
this._onBootCleanUp() =
this.nonceTracker = new NonceTracker({
provider: this.provider,
getPendingTransactions: this.txStateManager.getPendingTransactions.bind(this.txStateManager),
getConfirmedTransactions: this.txStateManager.getConfirmedTransactions.bind(this.txStateManager),
this.pendingTxTracker = new PendingTransactionTracker({
provider: this.provider,
nonceTracker: this.nonceTracker,
publishTransaction: (rawTx) => this.query.sendRawTransaction(rawTx),
getPendingTransactions: this.txStateManager.getPendingTransactions.bind(this.txStateManager),
getCompletedTransactions: this.txStateManager.getConfirmedTransactions.bind(this.txStateManager),
}) => this.emit('update:badge'))
// memstore is computed from a few different stores
this._updateMemstore() => this._updateMemstore())
this.networkStore.subscribe(() => this._updateMemstore())
this.preferencesStore.subscribe(() => this._updateMemstore())
/** @returns {number} the chainId*/
getChainId () {
const networkState = this.networkStore.getState()
const getChainId = parseInt(networkState)
if (Number.isNaN(getChainId)) {
return 0
} else {
return getChainId
Adds a tx to the txlist
@emits ${}:unapproved
addTx (txMeta) {
this.emit(`${}:unapproved`, txMeta)
Wipes the transactions for a given account
@param {string} address - hex string of the from address for txs being removed
wipeTransactions (address) {
Returns error without stack trace for better UI display
@param {Error} err - error which stack will be cleaned
err.stack = + ': ' + err.message
return err
add a new unapproved transaction to the pipeline
@returns {Promise} the hash of the transaction after being submitted to the network
@param txParams {object} - txParams for the transaction
@param opts {object} - with the key origin to put the origin on the txMeta
async newUnapprovedTransaction (txParams, opts = {}) {
log.debug(`MetaMaskController newUnapprovedTransaction ${JSON.stringify(txParams)}`)
const initialTxMeta = await this.addUnapprovedTransaction(txParams)
initialTxMeta.origin = opts.origin
this.txStateManager.updateTx(initialTxMeta, '#newUnapprovedTransaction - adding the origin')
// listen for tx completion (success, fail)
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.txStateManager.once(`${}:finished`, (finishedTxMeta) => {
switch (finishedTxMeta.status) {
case 'submitted':
return resolve(finishedTxMeta.hash)
case 'rejected':
return reject(this.cleanErrorStack(new Error('MetaMask Tx Signature: User denied transaction signature.')))
case 'failed':
return reject(this.cleanErrorStack(new Error(finishedTxMeta.err.message)))
return reject(this.cleanErrorStack(`MetaMask Tx Signature: Unknown problem: ${JSON.stringify(finishedTxMeta.txParams)}`))
Validates and generates a txMeta with defaults and puts it in txStateManager
@returns {txMeta}
async addUnapprovedTransaction (txParams) {
// validate
const normalizedTxParams = txUtils.normalizeTxParams(txParams)
// construct txMeta
let txMeta = this.txStateManager.generateTxMeta({ txParams: normalizedTxParams })
this.emit('newUnapprovedTx', txMeta)
// add default tx params
try {
txMeta = await this.addTxGasDefaults(txMeta)
} catch (error) {
this.txStateManager.setTxStatusFailed(, error)
throw error
txMeta.loadingDefaults = false
// save txMeta
return txMeta
adds the tx gas defaults: gas && gasPrice
@param txMeta {Object} - the txMeta object
@returns {Promise