path: root/ui/app/components/wallet-view.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'ui/app/components/wallet-view.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 246 deletions
diff --git a/ui/app/components/wallet-view.js b/ui/app/components/wallet-view.js
deleted file mode 100644
index db572e5cb..000000000
--- a/ui/app/components/wallet-view.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,246 +0,0 @@
-const Component = require('react').Component
-const PropTypes = require('prop-types')
-const connect = require('react-redux').connect
-const h = require('react-hyperscript')
-const { withRouter } = require('react-router-dom')
-const { compose } = require('recompose')
-const inherits = require('util').inherits
-const classnames = require('classnames')
-const { checksumAddress } = require('../util')
-import Identicon from './identicon'
-// const AccountDropdowns = require('./dropdowns/index.js').AccountDropdowns
-const Tooltip = require('./tooltip-v2.js').default
-const copyToClipboard = require('copy-to-clipboard')
-const actions = require('../actions')
-import BalanceComponent from './balance'
-const TokenList = require('./token-list')
-const selectors = require('../selectors')
-const { ADD_TOKEN_ROUTE } = require('../routes')
-import AddTokenButton from './add-token-button'
-module.exports = compose(
- withRouter,
- connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)
-WalletView.contextTypes = {
- t: PropTypes.func,
- metricsEvent: PropTypes.func,
-WalletView.defaultProps = {
- responsiveDisplayClassname: '',
-function mapStateToProps (state) {
- return {
- network: state.metamask.network,
- sidebarOpen: state.appState.sidebar.isOpen,
- identities: state.metamask.identities,
- accounts: selectors.getMetaMaskAccounts(state),
- keyrings: state.metamask.keyrings,
- selectedAddress: selectors.getSelectedAddress(state),
- selectedAccount: selectors.getSelectedAccount(state),
- selectedTokenAddress: state.metamask.selectedTokenAddress,
- }
-function mapDispatchToProps (dispatch) {
- return {
- showSendPage: () => dispatch(actions.showSendPage()),
- hideSidebar: () => dispatch(actions.hideSidebar()),
- unsetSelectedToken: () => dispatch(actions.setSelectedToken()),
- showAccountDetailModal: () => {
- dispatch(actions.showModal({ name: 'ACCOUNT_DETAILS' }))
- },
- showAddTokenPage: () => dispatch(actions.showAddTokenPage()),
- }
-inherits(WalletView, Component)
-function WalletView () {
- Component.call(this)
- this.state = {
- hasCopied: false,
- copyToClipboardPressed: false,
- }
-WalletView.prototype.renderWalletBalance = function () {
- const {
- selectedTokenAddress,
- selectedAccount,
- unsetSelectedToken,
- hideSidebar,
- sidebarOpen,
- } = this.props
- const selectedClass = selectedTokenAddress
- ? ''
- : 'wallet-balance-wrapper--active'
- const className = `flex-column wallet-balance-wrapper ${selectedClass}`
- return h('div', { className }, [
- h('div.wallet-balance',
- {
- onClick: () => {
- unsetSelectedToken()
- selectedTokenAddress && sidebarOpen && hideSidebar()
- },
- },
- [
- h(BalanceComponent, {
- balanceValue: selectedAccount ? selectedAccount.balance : '',
- style: {},
- }),
- ]
- ),
- ])
-WalletView.prototype.renderAddToken = function () {
- const {
- sidebarOpen,
- hideSidebar,
- history,
- } = this.props
- const { metricsEvent } = this.context
- return h(AddTokenButton, {
- onClick () {
- history.push(ADD_TOKEN_ROUTE)
- metricsEvent({
- eventOpts: {
- category: 'Navigation',
- action: 'Token Menu',
- name: 'Clicked "Add Token"',
- },
- })
- if (sidebarOpen) {
- hideSidebar()
- }
- },
- })
-WalletView.prototype.render = function () {
- const {
- responsiveDisplayClassname,
- selectedAddress,
- keyrings,
- showAccountDetailModal,
- hideSidebar,
- identities,
- network,
- } = this.props
- // temporary logs + fake extra wallets
- const checksummedAddress = checksumAddress(selectedAddress, network)
- if (!selectedAddress) {
- throw new Error('selectedAddress should not be ' + String(selectedAddress))
- }
- const keyring = keyrings.find((kr) => {
- return kr.accounts.includes(selectedAddress)
- })
- let label = ''
- let type
- if (keyring) {
- type = keyring.type
- if (type !== 'HD Key Tree') {
- if (type.toLowerCase().search('hardware') !== -1) {
- label = this.context.t('hardware')
- } else {
- label = this.context.t('imported')
- }
- }
- }
- return h('div.wallet-view.flex-column', {
- style: {},
- className: responsiveDisplayClassname,
- }, [
- // TODO: Separate component: wallet account details
- h('div.flex-column.wallet-view-account-details', {
- style: {},
- }, [
- h('div.wallet-view__sidebar-close', {
- onClick: hideSidebar,
- }),
- h('div.wallet-view__keyring-label.allcaps', label),
- h('div.flex-column.flex-center.wallet-view__name-container', {
- style: { margin: '0 auto' },
- onClick: showAccountDetailModal,
- }, [
- h(Identicon, {
- diameter: 54,
- address: checksummedAddress,
- }),
- h('span.account-name', {
- style: {},
- }, [
- identities[selectedAddress].name,
- ]),
- h('button.btn-clear.wallet-view__details-button.allcaps', this.context.t('details')),
- ]),
- ]),
- h(Tooltip, {
- position: 'bottom',
- title: this.state.hasCopied ? this.context.t('copiedExclamation') : this.context.t('copyToClipboard'),
- wrapperClassName: 'wallet-view__tooltip',
- }, [
- h('button.wallet-view__address', {
- className: classnames({
- 'wallet-view__address__pressed': this.state.copyToClipboardPressed,
- }),
- onClick: () => {
- copyToClipboard(checksummedAddress)
- this.context.metricsEvent({
- eventOpts: {
- category: 'Navigation',
- action: 'Home',
- name: 'Copied Address',
- },
- })
- this.setState({ hasCopied: true })
- setTimeout(() => this.setState({ hasCopied: false }), 3000)
- },
- onMouseDown: () => {
- this.setState({ copyToClipboardPressed: true })
- },
- onMouseUp: () => {
- this.setState({ copyToClipboardPressed: false })
- },
- }, [
- `${checksummedAddress.slice(0, 6)}...${checksummedAddress.slice(-4)}`,
- h('i.fa.fa-clipboard', { style: { marginLeft: '8px' } }),
- ]),
- ]),
- this.renderWalletBalance(),
- h(TokenList),
- this.renderAddToken(),
- ])
-// TODO: Extra wallets, for dev testing. Remove when PRing to master.
-// const extraWallet = h('div.flex-column.wallet-balance-wrapper', {}, [
-// h('div.wallet-balance', {}, [
-// h(BalanceComponent, {
-// balanceValue: selectedAccount.balance,
-// style: {},
-// }),
-// ]),
-// ])