path: root/test/integration
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Diffstat (limited to 'test/integration')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 92 deletions
diff --git a/test/integration/lib/idStore-migrator-test.js b/test/integration/lib/idStore-migrator-test.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 290216ae8..000000000
--- a/test/integration/lib/idStore-migrator-test.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-const ObservableStore = require('obs-store')
-const ConfigManager = require('../../../app/scripts/lib/config-manager')
-const IdStoreMigrator = require('../../../app/scripts/lib/idStore-migrator')
-const SimpleKeyring = require('eth-simple-keyring')
-const normalize = require('eth-sig-util').normalize
-const oldStyleVault = require('../mocks/oldVault.json').data
-const badStyleVault = require('../mocks/badVault.json').data
-const PASSWORD = '12345678'
-const FIRST_ADDRESS = '0x4dd5d356c5A016A220bCD69e82e5AF680a430d00'.toLowerCase()
-const BAD_STYLE_FIRST_ADDRESS = '0xac39b311dceb2a4b2f5d8461c1cdaf756f4f7ae9'
-const SEED = 'fringe damage bounce extend tunnel afraid alert sound all soldier all dinner'
-QUnit.module('Old Style Vaults', {
- beforeEach: function () {
- let managers = managersFromInitState(oldStyleVault)
- this.configManager = managers.configManager
- this.migrator = managers.migrator
- }
-QUnit.test('migrator:isInitialized', function (assert) {
- assert.ok(this.migrator)
-QUnit.test('migrator:migratedVaultForPassword', function (assert) {
- var done = assert.async()
- this.migrator.migratedVaultForPassword(PASSWORD)
- .then((result) => {
- assert.ok(result, 'migratedVaultForPassword returned result')
- const { serialized, lostAccounts } = result
- assert.equal(serialized.data.mnemonic, SEED, 'seed phrase recovered')
- assert.equal(lostAccounts.length, 0, 'no lost accounts')
- done()
- })
-QUnit.module('Old Style Vaults with bad HD seed', {
- beforeEach: function () {
- let managers = managersFromInitState(badStyleVault)
- this.configManager = managers.configManager
- this.migrator = managers.migrator
- }
-QUnit.test('migrator:migratedVaultForPassword', function (assert) {
- var done = assert.async()
- this.migrator.migratedVaultForPassword(PASSWORD)
- .then((result) => {
- assert.ok(result, 'migratedVaultForPassword returned result')
- const { serialized, lostAccounts } = result
- assert.equal(lostAccounts.length, 1, 'one lost account')
- assert.equal(lostAccounts[0].address, '0xe15D894BeCB0354c501AE69429B05143679F39e0'.toLowerCase())
- assert.ok(lostAccounts[0].privateKey, 'private key exported')
- var lostAccount = lostAccounts[0]
- var privateKey = lostAccount.privateKey
- var simple = new SimpleKeyring()
- simple.deserialize([privateKey])
- .then(() => {
- return simple.getAccounts()
- })
- .then((accounts) => {
- assert.equal(normalize(accounts[0]), lostAccount.address, 'recovered address.')
- done()
- })
- .catch((reason) => {
- assert.ifError(reason)
- done(reason)
- })
- })
-function managersFromInitState(initState){
- let configManager = new ConfigManager({
- store: new ObservableStore(initState),
- })
- let migrator = new IdStoreMigrator({
- configManager: configManager,
- })
- return { configManager, migrator }