path: root/app/scripts
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'app/scripts')
12 files changed, 422 insertions, 81 deletions
diff --git a/app/scripts/background.js b/app/scripts/background.js
index 6550e8944..38b871bb5 100644
--- a/app/scripts/background.js
+++ b/app/scripts/background.js
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+ * @file The entry point for the web extension singleton process.
+ */
const urlUtil = require('url')
const endOfStream = require('end-of-stream')
const pump = require('pump')
@@ -61,6 +65,90 @@ initialize().catch(log.error)
// setup metamask mesh testing container
+ * An object representing a transaction, in whatever state it is in.
+ * @typedef TransactionMeta
+ *
+ * @property {number} id - An internally unique tx identifier.
+ * @property {number} time - Time the tx was first suggested, in unix epoch time (ms).
+ * @property {string} status - The current transaction status (unapproved, signed, submitted, dropped, failed, rejected), as defined in `tx-state-manager.js`.
+ * @property {string} metamaskNetworkId - The transaction's network ID, used for EIP-155 compliance.
+ * @property {boolean} loadingDefaults - TODO: Document
+ * @property {Object} txParams - The tx params as passed to the network provider.
+ * @property {Object[]} history - A history of mutations to this TransactionMeta object.
+ * @property {boolean} gasPriceSpecified - True if the suggesting dapp specified a gas price, prevents auto-estimation.
+ * @property {boolean} gasLimitSpecified - True if the suggesting dapp specified a gas limit, prevents auto-estimation.
+ * @property {string} estimatedGas - A hex string represented the estimated gas limit required to complete the transaction.
+ * @property {string} origin - A string representing the interface that suggested the transaction.
+ * @property {Object} nonceDetails - A metadata object containing information used to derive the suggested nonce, useful for debugging nonce issues.
+ * @property {string} rawTx - A hex string of the final signed transaction, ready to submit to the network.
+ * @property {string} hash - A hex string of the transaction hash, used to identify the transaction on the network.
+ * @property {number} submittedTime - The time the transaction was submitted to the network, in Unix epoch time (ms).
+ */
+ * The data emitted from the MetaMaskController.store EventEmitter, also used to initialize the MetaMaskController. Available in UI on React state as state.metamask.
+ * @typedef MetaMaskState
+ * @property {boolean} isInitialized - Whether the first vault has been created.
+ * @property {boolean} isUnlocked - Whether the vault is currently decrypted and accounts are available for selection.
+ * @property {boolean} isAccountMenuOpen - Represents whether the main account selection UI is currently displayed.
+ * @property {boolean} isMascara - True if the current context is the extensionless MetaMascara project.
+ * @property {boolean} isPopup - Returns true if the current view is an externally-triggered notification.
+ * @property {string} rpcTarget - DEPRECATED - The URL of the current RPC provider.
+ * @property {Object} identities - An object matching lower-case hex addresses to Identity objects with "address" and "name" (nickname) keys.
+ * @property {Object} unapprovedTxs - An object mapping transaction hashes to unapproved transactions.
+ * @property {boolean} noActiveNotices - False if there are notices the user should confirm before using the application.
+ * @property {Array} frequentRpcList - A list of frequently used RPCs, including custom user-provided ones.
+ * @property {Array} addressBook - A list of previously sent to addresses.
+ * @property {address} selectedTokenAddress - Used to indicate if a token is globally selected. Should be deprecated in favor of UI-centric token selection.
+ * @property {Object} tokenExchangeRates - Info about current token prices.
+ * @property {Array} tokens - Tokens held by the current user, including their balances.
+ * @property {Object} send - TODO: Document
+ * @property {Object} coinOptions - TODO: Document
+ * @property {boolean} useBlockie - Indicates preferred user identicon format. True for blockie, false for Jazzicon.
+ * @property {Object} featureFlags - An object for optional feature flags.
+ * @property {string} networkEndpointType - TODO: Document
+ * @property {boolean} isRevealingSeedWords - True if seed words are currently being recovered, and should be shown to user.
+ * @property {boolean} welcomeScreen - True if welcome screen should be shown.
+ * @property {string} currentLocale - A locale string matching the user's preferred display language.
+ * @property {Object} provider - The current selected network provider.
+ * @property {string} provider.rpcTarget - The address for the RPC API, if using an RPC API.
+ * @property {string} provider.type - An identifier for the type of network selected, allows MetaMask to use custom provider strategies for known networks.
+ * @property {string} network - A stringified number of the current network ID.
+ * @property {Object} accounts - An object mapping lower-case hex addresses to objects with "balance" and "address" keys, both storing hex string values.
+ * @property {hex} currentBlockGasLimit - The most recently seen block gas limit, in a lower case hex prefixed string.
+ * @property {TransactionMeta[]} selectedAddressTxList - An array of transactions associated with the currently selected account.
+ * @property {Object} unapprovedMsgs - An object of messages associated with the currently selected account, mapping a unique ID to the options.
+ * @property {number} unapprovedMsgCount - The number of messages in unapprovedMsgs.
+ * @property {Object} unapprovedPersonalMsgs - An object of messages associated with the currently selected account, mapping a unique ID to the options.
+ * @property {number} unapprovedPersonalMsgCount - The number of messages in unapprovedPersonalMsgs.
+ * @property {Object} unapprovedTypedMsgs - An object of messages associated with the currently selected account, mapping a unique ID to the options.
+ * @property {number} unapprovedTypedMsgCount - The number of messages in unapprovedTypedMsgs.
+ * @property {string[]} keyringTypes - An array of unique keyring identifying strings, representing available strategies for creating accounts.
+ * @property {Keyring[]} keyrings - An array of keyring descriptions, summarizing the accounts that are available for use, and what keyrings they belong to.
+ * @property {Object} computedBalances - Maps accounts to their balances, accounting for balance changes from pending transactions.
+ * @property {string} currentAccountTab - A view identifying string for displaying the current displayed view, allows user to have a preferred tab in the old UI (between tokens and history).
+ * @property {string} selectedAddress - A lower case hex string of the currently selected address.
+ * @property {string} currentCurrency - A string identifying the user's preferred display currency, for use in showing conversion rates.
+ * @property {number} conversionRate - A number representing the current exchange rate from the user's preferred currency to Ether.
+ * @property {number} conversionDate - A unix epoch date (ms) for the time the current conversion rate was last retrieved.
+ * @property {Object} infuraNetworkStatus - An object of infura network status checks.
+ * @property {Block[]} recentBlocks - An array of recent blocks, used to calculate an effective but cheap gas price.
+ * @property {Array} shapeShiftTxList - An array of objects describing shapeshift exchange attempts.
+ * @property {Array} lostAccounts - TODO: Remove this feature. A leftover from the version-3 migration where our seed-phrase library changed to fix a bug where some accounts were mis-generated, but we recovered the old accounts as "lost" instead of losing them.
+ * @property {boolean} forgottenPassword - Returns true if the user has initiated the password recovery screen, is recovering from seed phrase.
+ */
+ * @typedef VersionedData
+ * @property {MetaMaskState} data - The data emitted from MetaMask controller, or used to initialize it.
+ * @property {Number} version - The latest migration version that has been run.
+ */
+ * Initializes the MetaMask controller, and sets up all platform configuration.
+ * @returns {Promise} Setup complete.
+ */
async function initialize () {
const initState = await loadStateFromPersistence()
const initLangCode = await getFirstPreferredLangCode()
@@ -72,6 +160,11 @@ async function initialize () {
// State and Persistence
+ * Loads any stored data, prioritizing the latest storage strategy.
+ * Migrates that data schema in case it was last loaded on an older version.
+ * @returns {Promise<MetaMaskState>} Last data emitted from previous instance of MetaMask.
+ */
async function loadStateFromPersistence () {
// migrations
const migrator = new Migrator({ migrations })
@@ -134,6 +227,16 @@ async function loadStateFromPersistence () {
return versionedData.data
+ * Initializes the MetaMask Controller with any initial state and default language.
+ * Configures platform-specific error reporting strategy.
+ * Streams emitted state updates to platform-specific storage strategy.
+ * Creates platform listeners for new Dapps/Contexts, and sets up their data connections to the controller.
+ *
+ * @param {Object} initState - The initial state to start the controller with, matches the state that is emitted from the controller.
+ * @param {String} initLangCode - The region code for the language preferred by the current user.
+ * @returns {Promise} After setup is complete.
+ */
function setupController (initState, initLangCode) {
// MetaMask Controller
@@ -172,6 +275,11 @@ function setupController (initState, initLangCode) {
+ /**
+ * Assigns the given state to the versioned object (with metadata), and returns that.
+ * @param {Object} state - The state object as emitted by the MetaMaskController.
+ * @returns {VersionedData} The state object wrapped in an object that includes a metadata key.
+ */
function versionifyData (state) {
versionedData.data = state
return versionedData
@@ -208,6 +316,18 @@ function setupController (initState, initLangCode) {
return popupIsOpen || Boolean(Object.keys(openMetamaskTabsIDs).length) || notificationIsOpen
+ /**
+ * A runtime.Port object, as provided by the browser:
+ * @link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/runtime/Port
+ * @typedef Port
+ * @type Object
+ */
+ /**
+ * Connects a Port to the MetaMask controller via a multiplexed duplex stream.
+ * This method identifies trusted (MetaMask) interfaces, and connects them differently from untrusted (web pages).
+ * @param {Port} remotePort - The port provided by a new context.
+ */
function connectRemote (remotePort) {
const processName = remotePort.name
const isMetaMaskInternalProcess = metamaskInternalProcessHash[processName]
@@ -261,7 +381,10 @@ function setupController (initState, initLangCode) {
controller.messageManager.on('updateBadge', updateBadge)
controller.personalMessageManager.on('updateBadge', updateBadge)
- // plugin badge text
+ /**
+ * Updates the Web Extension's "badge" number, on the little fox in the toolbar.
+ * The number reflects the current number of pending transactions or message signatures needing user approval.
+ */
function updateBadge () {
var label = ''
var unapprovedTxCount = controller.txController.getUnapprovedTxCount()
@@ -283,7 +406,9 @@ function setupController (initState, initLangCode) {
// Etc...
-// popup trigger
+ * Opens the browser popup for user confirmation
+ */
function triggerUi () {
extension.tabs.query({ active: true }, tabs => {
const currentlyActiveMetamaskTab = Boolean(tabs.find(tab => openMetamaskTabsIDs[tab.id]))
diff --git a/app/scripts/config.js b/app/scripts/config.js
index a8470ed82..e6f70ca2b 100644
--- a/app/scripts/config.js
+++ b/app/scripts/config.js
@@ -15,7 +15,41 @@ const BETA_UI_NETWORK_TYPE = 'networkBeta'
-module.exports = {
+ * @typedef {Object} UrlConfig
+ * @property {string} localhost URL of local RPC provider
+ * @property {string} mainnet URL of mainnet RPC provider
+ * @property {string} ropsten URL of Ropsten testnet RPC provider
+ * @property {string} kovan URL of Kovan testnet RPC provider
+ * @property {string} rinkeby URL of Rinkeby testnet RPC provider
+ */
+ * @typedef {Object} NameConfig
+ * @property {string} 3 URL of local RPC provider
+ * @property {string} 4 URL of mainnet RPC provider
+ * @property {string} 42 URL of Ropsten testnet RPC provider
+ */
+ * @typedef {Object} EnumConfig
+ * @property {string} DEFAULT_RPC Default network provider URL
+ * @property {string} OLD_UI_NETWORK_TYPE Network associated with old UI
+ * @property {string} BETA_UI_NETWORK_TYPE Network associated with new UI
+ */
+ * @typedef {Object} Config
+ * @property {UrlConfig} network Network configuration parameters
+ * @property {UrlConfig} networkBeta Beta UI network configuration parameters
+ * @property {NameConfig} networkNames Network name configuration parameters
+ * @property {EnumConfig} enums Application-wide string constants
+ */
+ * @type {Config}
+ **/
+const config = {
network: {
mainnet: MAINET_RPC_URL,
@@ -23,7 +57,6 @@ module.exports = {
- // Used for beta UI
networkBeta: {
@@ -42,3 +75,5 @@ module.exports = {
+module.exports = config
diff --git a/app/scripts/contentscript.js b/app/scripts/contentscript.js
index fe1766273..dbf1c6d4c 100644
--- a/app/scripts/contentscript.js
+++ b/app/scripts/contentscript.js
@@ -23,6 +23,9 @@ if (shouldInjectWeb3()) {
+ * Creates a script tag that injects inpage.js
+ */
function setupInjection () {
try {
// inject in-page script
@@ -37,6 +40,10 @@ function setupInjection () {
+ * Sets up two-way communication streams between the
+ * browser extension and local per-page browser context
+ */
function setupStreams () {
// setup communication to page and plugin
const pageStream = new LocalMessageDuplexStream({
@@ -89,17 +96,34 @@ function setupStreams () {
+ * Error handler for page to plugin stream disconnections
+ *
+ * @param {string} remoteLabel Remote stream name
+ * @param {Error} err Stream connection error
+ */
function logStreamDisconnectWarning (remoteLabel, err) {
let warningMsg = `MetamaskContentscript - lost connection to ${remoteLabel}`
if (err) warningMsg += '\n' + err.stack
+ * Determines if Web3 should be injected
+ *
+ * @returns {boolean} {@code true} if Web3 should be injected
+ */
function shouldInjectWeb3 () {
return doctypeCheck() && suffixCheck()
&& documentElementCheck() && !blacklistedDomainCheck()
+ * Checks the doctype of the current document if it exists
+ *
+ * @returns {boolean} {@code true} if the doctype is html or if none exists
+ */
function doctypeCheck () {
const doctype = window.document.doctype
if (doctype) {
@@ -109,6 +133,11 @@ function doctypeCheck () {
+ * Checks the current document extension
+ *
+ * @returns {boolean} {@code true} if the current extension is not prohibited
+ */
function suffixCheck () {
var prohibitedTypes = ['xml', 'pdf']
var currentUrl = window.location.href
@@ -122,6 +151,11 @@ function suffixCheck () {
return true
+ * Checks the documentElement of the current document
+ *
+ * @returns {boolean} {@code true} if the documentElement is an html node or if none exists
+ */
function documentElementCheck () {
var documentElement = document.documentElement.nodeName
if (documentElement) {
@@ -130,6 +164,11 @@ function documentElementCheck () {
return true
+ * Checks if the current domain is blacklisted
+ *
+ * @returns {boolean} {@code true} if the current domain is blacklisted
+ */
function blacklistedDomainCheck () {
var blacklistedDomains = [
@@ -148,6 +187,9 @@ function blacklistedDomainCheck () {
return false
+ * Redirects the current page to a phishing information page
+ */
function redirectToPhishingWarning () {
console.log('MetaMask - redirecting to phishing warning')
window.location.href = 'https://metamask.io/phishing.html'
diff --git a/app/scripts/controllers/computed-balances.js b/app/scripts/controllers/computed-balances.js
index 907b087cf..1a6802f9a 100644
--- a/app/scripts/controllers/computed-balances.js
+++ b/app/scripts/controllers/computed-balances.js
@@ -2,8 +2,24 @@ const ObservableStore = require('obs-store')
const extend = require('xtend')
const BalanceController = require('./balance')
-class ComputedbalancesController {
+ * @typedef {Object} ComputedBalancesOptions
+ * @property {Object} accountTracker Account tracker store reference
+ * @property {Object} txController Token controller reference
+ * @property {Object} blockTracker Block tracker reference
+ * @property {Object} initState Initial state to populate this internal store with
+ */
+ * Background controller responsible for syncing
+ * and computing ETH balances for all accounts
+ */
+class ComputedbalancesController {
+ /**
+ * Creates a new controller instance
+ *
+ * @param {ComputedBalancesOptions} [opts] Controller configuration parameters
+ */
constructor (opts = {}) {
const { accountTracker, txController, blockTracker } = opts
this.accountTracker = accountTracker
@@ -19,6 +35,9 @@ class ComputedbalancesController {
+ /**
+ * Updates balances associated with each internal address
+ */
updateAllBalances () {
Object.keys(this.balances).forEach((balance) => {
const address = balance.address
@@ -26,12 +45,23 @@ class ComputedbalancesController {
+ /**
+ * Initializes internal address tracking
+ *
+ * @private
+ */
_initBalanceUpdating () {
const store = this.accountTracker.store.getState()
+ /**
+ * Uses current account state to sync and track all
+ * addresses associated with the current account
+ *
+ * @param {{ accounts: Object }} store Account tracking state
+ */
syncAllAccountsFromStore (store) {
const upstream = Object.keys(store.accounts)
const balances = Object.keys(this.balances)
@@ -50,6 +80,13 @@ class ComputedbalancesController {
+ /**
+ * Conditionally establishes a new subscription
+ * to track an address associated with the current
+ * account
+ *
+ * @param {string} address Address to conditionally subscribe to
+ */
trackAddressIfNotAlready (address) {
const state = this.store.getState()
if (!(address in state.computedBalances)) {
@@ -57,6 +94,12 @@ class ComputedbalancesController {
+ /**
+ * Establishes a new subscription to track an
+ * address associated with the current account
+ *
+ * @param {string} address Address to conditionally subscribe to
+ */
trackAddress (address) {
const updater = new BalanceController({
diff --git a/app/scripts/controllers/token-rates.js b/app/scripts/controllers/token-rates.js
index 22e3e8154..28409ea10 100644
--- a/app/scripts/controllers/token-rates.js
+++ b/app/scripts/controllers/token-rates.js
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ class TokenRatesController {
- * @type {Number} - Interval used to poll for exchange rates
+ * @type {Number}
set interval (interval) {
this._handle && clearInterval(this._handle)
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ class TokenRatesController {
- * @type {Object} - Preferences controller instance
+ * @type {Object}
set preferences (preferences) {
this._preferences && this._preferences.unsubscribe()
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ class TokenRatesController {
- * @type {Array} - Array of token objects with contract addresses
+ * @type {Array}
set tokens (tokens) {
this._tokens = tokens
diff --git a/app/scripts/edge-encryptor.js b/app/scripts/edge-encryptor.js
index 24c0c93a8..dcb06873b 100644
--- a/app/scripts/edge-encryptor.js
+++ b/app/scripts/edge-encryptor.js
@@ -1,69 +1,97 @@
const asmcrypto = require('asmcrypto.js')
const Unibabel = require('browserify-unibabel')
+ * A Microsoft Edge-specific encryption class that exposes
+ * the interface expected by eth-keykeyring-controller
+ */
class EdgeEncryptor {
+ /**
+ * Encrypts an arbitrary object to ciphertext
+ *
+ * @param {string} password Used to generate a key to encrypt the data
+ * @param {Object} dataObject Data to encrypt
+ * @returns {Promise<string>} Promise resolving to an object with ciphertext
+ */
+ encrypt (password, dataObject) {
+ var salt = this._generateSalt()
+ return this._keyFromPassword(password, salt)
+ .then(function (key) {
+ var data = JSON.stringify(dataObject)
+ var dataBuffer = Unibabel.utf8ToBuffer(data)
+ var vector = global.crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(16))
+ var resultbuffer = asmcrypto.AES_GCM.encrypt(dataBuffer, key, vector)
- encrypt (password, dataObject) {
+ var buffer = new Uint8Array(resultbuffer)
+ var vectorStr = Unibabel.bufferToBase64(vector)
+ var vaultStr = Unibabel.bufferToBase64(buffer)
+ return JSON.stringify({
+ data: vaultStr,
+ iv: vectorStr,
+ salt: salt,
+ })
+ })
+ }
- var salt = this._generateSalt()
- return this._keyFromPassword(password, salt)
- .then(function (key) {
+ /**
+ * Decrypts an arbitrary object from ciphertext
+ *
+ * @param {string} password Used to generate a key to decrypt the data
+ * @param {string} text Ciphertext of an encrypted object
+ * @returns {Promise<Object>} Promise resolving to copy of decrypted object
+ */
+ decrypt (password, text) {
+ const payload = JSON.parse(text)
+ const salt = payload.salt
+ return this._keyFromPassword(password, salt)
+ .then(function (key) {
+ const encryptedData = Unibabel.base64ToBuffer(payload.data)
+ const vector = Unibabel.base64ToBuffer(payload.iv)
+ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ var result
+ try {
+ result = asmcrypto.AES_GCM.decrypt(encryptedData, key, vector)
+ } catch (err) {
+ return reject(new Error('Incorrect password'))
+ }
+ const decryptedData = new Uint8Array(result)
+ const decryptedStr = Unibabel.bufferToUtf8(decryptedData)
+ const decryptedObj = JSON.parse(decryptedStr)
+ resolve(decryptedObj)
+ })
+ })
+ }
- var data = JSON.stringify(dataObject)
- var dataBuffer = Unibabel.utf8ToBuffer(data)
- var vector = global.crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(16))
- var resultbuffer = asmcrypto.AES_GCM.encrypt(dataBuffer, key, vector)
+ /**
+ * Retrieves a cryptographic key using a password
+ *
+ * @private
+ * @param {string} password Password used to unlock a cryptographic key
+ * @param {string} salt Random base64 data
+ * @returns {Promise<Object>} Promise resolving to a derived key
+ */
+ _keyFromPassword (password, salt) {
- var buffer = new Uint8Array(resultbuffer)
- var vectorStr = Unibabel.bufferToBase64(vector)
- var vaultStr = Unibabel.bufferToBase64(buffer)
- return JSON.stringify({
- data: vaultStr,
- iv: vectorStr,
- salt: salt,
- })
- })
- }
+ var passBuffer = Unibabel.utf8ToBuffer(password)
+ var saltBuffer = Unibabel.base64ToBuffer(salt)
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ var key = asmcrypto.PBKDF2_HMAC_SHA256.bytes(passBuffer, saltBuffer, 10000)
+ resolve(key)
+ })
+ }
- decrypt (password, text) {
- const payload = JSON.parse(text)
- const salt = payload.salt
- return this._keyFromPassword(password, salt)
- .then(function (key) {
- const encryptedData = Unibabel.base64ToBuffer(payload.data)
- const vector = Unibabel.base64ToBuffer(payload.iv)
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- var result
- try {
- result = asmcrypto.AES_GCM.decrypt(encryptedData, key, vector)
- } catch (err) {
- return reject(new Error('Incorrect password'))
- }
- const decryptedData = new Uint8Array(result)
- const decryptedStr = Unibabel.bufferToUtf8(decryptedData)
- const decryptedObj = JSON.parse(decryptedStr)
- resolve(decryptedObj)
- })
- })
- }
- _keyFromPassword (password, salt) {
- var passBuffer = Unibabel.utf8ToBuffer(password)
- var saltBuffer = Unibabel.base64ToBuffer(salt)
- return new Promise((resolve) => {
- var key = asmcrypto.PBKDF2_HMAC_SHA256.bytes(passBuffer, saltBuffer, 10000)
- resolve(key)
- })
- }
- _generateSalt (byteCount = 32) {
- var view = new Uint8Array(byteCount)
- global.crypto.getRandomValues(view)
- var b64encoded = btoa(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, view))
- return b64encoded
- }
+ /**
+ * Generates random base64 encoded data
+ *
+ * @private
+ * @returns {string} Randomized base64 encoded data
+ */
+ _generateSalt (byteCount = 32) {
+ var view = new Uint8Array(byteCount)
+ global.crypto.getRandomValues(view)
+ var b64encoded = btoa(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, view))
+ return b64encoded
+ }
module.exports = EdgeEncryptor
diff --git a/app/scripts/first-time-state.js b/app/scripts/first-time-state.js
index 3063df627..144534f43 100644
--- a/app/scripts/first-time-state.js
+++ b/app/scripts/first-time-state.js
@@ -2,10 +2,16 @@
const env = process.env.METAMASK_ENV
-// The default state of MetaMask
-module.exports = {
+ * @typedef {Object} FirstTimeState
+ * @property {Object} config Initial configuration parameters
+ * @property {Object} NetworkController Network controller state
+ */
+ * @type {FirstTimeState}
+ */
+const initialState = {
config: {},
NetworkController: {
provider: {
@@ -13,3 +19,5 @@ module.exports = {
+module.exports = initialState
diff --git a/app/scripts/inpage.js b/app/scripts/inpage.js
index 92c732813..6d16eebd4 100644
--- a/app/scripts/inpage.js
+++ b/app/scripts/inpage.js
@@ -42,20 +42,20 @@ log.debug('MetaMask - injected web3')
setupDappAutoReload(web3, inpageProvider.publicConfigStore)
// set web3 defaultAccount
inpageProvider.publicConfigStore.subscribe(function (state) {
web3.eth.defaultAccount = state.selectedAddress
-// util
// need to make sure we aren't affected by overlapping namespaces
// and that we dont affect the app with our namespace
// mostly a fix for web3's BigNumber if AMD's "define" is defined...
var __define
+ * Caches reference to global define object and deletes it to
+ * avoid conflicts with other global define objects, such as
+ * AMD's define function
+ */
function cleanContextForImports () {
__define = global.define
try {
@@ -65,6 +65,9 @@ function cleanContextForImports () {
+ * Restores global define object from cached reference
+ */
function restoreContextAfterImports () {
try {
global.define = __define
diff --git a/app/scripts/lib/createProviderMiddleware.js b/app/scripts/lib/createProviderMiddleware.js
index 4e667bac2..8a939ba4e 100644
--- a/app/scripts/lib/createProviderMiddleware.js
+++ b/app/scripts/lib/createProviderMiddleware.js
@@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
module.exports = createProviderMiddleware
-// forward requests to provider
+ * Forwards an HTTP request to the current Web3 provider
+ *
+ * @param {{ provider: Object }} config Configuration containing current Web3 provider
+ */
function createProviderMiddleware ({ provider }) {
return (req, res, next, end) => {
provider.sendAsync(req, (err, _res) => {
diff --git a/app/scripts/lib/port-stream.js b/app/scripts/lib/port-stream.js
index a9716fb00..5c4224fd9 100644
--- a/app/scripts/lib/port-stream.js
+++ b/app/scripts/lib/port-stream.js
@@ -6,6 +6,13 @@ module.exports = PortDuplexStream
inherits(PortDuplexStream, Duplex)
+ * Creates a stream that's both readable and writable.
+ * The stream supports arbitrary objects.
+ *
+ * @class
+ * @param {Object} port Remote Port object
+ */
function PortDuplexStream (port) {
Duplex.call(this, {
objectMode: true,
@@ -15,8 +22,13 @@ function PortDuplexStream (port) {
-// private
+ * Callback triggered when a message is received from
+ * the remote Port associated with this Stream.
+ *
+ * @private
+ * @param {Object} msg - Payload from the onMessage listener of Port
+ */
PortDuplexStream.prototype._onMessage = function (msg) {
if (Buffer.isBuffer(msg)) {
delete msg._isBuffer
@@ -27,14 +39,31 @@ PortDuplexStream.prototype._onMessage = function (msg) {
+ * Callback triggered when the remote Port
+ * associated with this Stream disconnects.
+ *
+ * @private
+ */
PortDuplexStream.prototype._onDisconnect = function () {
-// stream plumbing
+ * Explicitly sets read operations to a no-op
+ */
PortDuplexStream.prototype._read = noop
+ * Called internally when data should be written to
+ * this writable stream.
+ *
+ * @private
+ * @param {*} msg Arbitrary object to write
+ * @param {string} encoding Encoding to use when writing payload
+ * @param {Function} cb Called when writing is complete or an error occurs
+ */
PortDuplexStream.prototype._write = function (msg, encoding, cb) {
try {
if (Buffer.isBuffer(msg)) {
diff --git a/app/scripts/lib/setupMetamaskMeshMetrics.js b/app/scripts/lib/setupMetamaskMeshMetrics.js
index 40343f017..02690a948 100644
--- a/app/scripts/lib/setupMetamaskMeshMetrics.js
+++ b/app/scripts/lib/setupMetamaskMeshMetrics.js
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
module.exports = setupMetamaskMeshMetrics
+ * Injects an iframe into the current document for testing
+ */
function setupMetamaskMeshMetrics() {
const testingContainer = document.createElement('iframe')
testingContainer.src = 'https://metamask.github.io/mesh-testing/'
diff --git a/app/scripts/popup-core.js b/app/scripts/popup-core.js
index 2e4334bb1..6325b8a8d 100644
--- a/app/scripts/popup-core.js
+++ b/app/scripts/popup-core.js
@@ -7,10 +7,14 @@ const launchMetamaskUi = require('../../ui')
const StreamProvider = require('web3-stream-provider')
const setupMultiplex = require('./lib/stream-utils.js').setupMultiplex
module.exports = initializePopup
+ * Asynchronously initializes the MetaMask popup UI
+ *
+ * @param {{ container: Element, connectionStream: * }} config Popup configuration object
+ * @param {Function} cb Called when initialization is complete
+ */
function initializePopup ({ container, connectionStream }, cb) {
// setup app
@@ -19,6 +23,12 @@ function initializePopup ({ container, connectionStream }, cb) {
], cb)
+ * Establishes streamed connections to background scripts and a Web3 provider
+ *
+ * @param {PortDuplexStream} connectionStream PortStream instance establishing a background connection
+ * @param {Function} cb Called when controller connection is established
+ */
function connectToAccountManager (connectionStream, cb) {
// setup communication with background
// setup multiplexing
@@ -28,6 +38,11 @@ function connectToAccountManager (connectionStream, cb) {
+ * Establishes a streamed connection to a Web3 provider
+ *
+ * @param {PortDuplexStream} connectionStream PortStream instance establishing a background connection
+ */
function setupWeb3Connection (connectionStream) {
var providerStream = new StreamProvider()
@@ -38,6 +53,12 @@ function setupWeb3Connection (connectionStream) {
global.eth = new Eth(providerStream)
+ * Establishes a streamed connection to the background account manager
+ *
+ * @param {PortDuplexStream} connectionStream PortStream instance establishing a background connection
+ * @param {Function} cb Called when the remote account manager connection is established
+ */
function setupControllerConnection (connectionStream, cb) {
// this is a really sneaky way of adding EventEmitter api
// to a bi-directional dnode instance