diff options
45 files changed, 3206 insertions, 329 deletions
diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md index 40d77bc9e..e2896153e 100644 --- a/CHANGELOG.md +++ b/CHANGELOG.md @@ -1,6 +1,12 @@ # Changelog ## Current Master +- Updates design of new-ui Add Token screen +- New-ui can send to ens addresses +- Update new-ui button styles +- Signed-type-data notification handles long messages +- Popup extension in new-ui uses new on-boarding designs +- Buy ether step of new-ui on-boarding uses new buy ether modal designs ## 4.3.0 Wed Mar 21 2018 @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ # MetaMask Browser Extension -[](https://circleci.com/gh/MetaMask/metamask-extension) [](https://coveralls.io/github/MetaMask/metamask-extension?branch=master) [](https://greenkeeper.io/) [](http://waffle.io/MetaMask/metamask-extension) +[](https://circleci.com/gh/MetaMask/metamask-extension) [](https://coveralls.io/github/MetaMask/metamask-extension?branch=master) [](https://greenkeeper.io/) [](https://waffle.io/MetaMask/metamask-extension) ## Support diff --git a/app/_locales/en/messages.json b/app/_locales/en/messages.json index c64b7248b..0bfa992b4 100644 --- a/app/_locales/en/messages.json +++ b/app/_locales/en/messages.json @@ -171,6 +171,9 @@ "customGas": { "message": "Customize Gas" }, + "customToken": { + "message": "Custom Token" + }, "customize": { "message": "Customize" }, @@ -415,6 +418,9 @@ "message": "JSON File", "description": "format for importing an account" }, + "keepTrackTokens": { + "message": "Keep track of the tokens you’ve bought with your MetaMask account." + }, "kovan": { "message": "Kovan Test Network" }, @@ -424,6 +430,9 @@ "max": { "message": "Max" }, + "learnMore": { + "message": "Learn more." + }, "lessThanMax": { "message": "must be less than or equal to $1.", "description": "helper for inputting hex as decimal input" @@ -564,6 +573,9 @@ "pleaseReviewTransaction": { "message": "Please review your transaction." }, + "popularTokens": { + "message": "Popular Tokens" + }, "privacyMsg": { "message": "Privacy Policy" }, @@ -702,6 +714,9 @@ "onlySendToEtherAddress": { "message": "Only send ETH to an Ethereum address." }, + "searchTokens": { + "message": "Search Tokens" + }, "sendTokensAnywhere": { "message": "Send Tokens to anyone with an Ethereum account" }, diff --git a/app/_locales/sl/messages.json b/app/_locales/sl/messages.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0532f11b2 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/_locales/sl/messages.json @@ -0,0 +1,819 @@ +{ + "accept": { + "message": "Sprejmi" + }, + "account": { + "message": "Račun" + }, + "accountDetails": { + "message": "Podrobnosti računa" + }, + "accountName": { + "message": "Ime računa" + }, + "address": { + "message": "Naslov" + }, + "addCustomToken": { + "message": "Dodaj žeton po meri" + }, + "addToken": { + "message": "Dodaj žeton" + }, + "addTokens": { + "message": "Dodaj žetone" + }, + "amount": { + "message": "Znesek" + }, + "amountPlusGas": { + "message": "Znesek + Gas" + }, + "appDescription": { + "message": "Denarnica za Ethereum v brskalniku", + "description": "The description of the application" + }, + "appName": { + "message": "MetaMask", + "description": "The name of the application" + }, + "attemptingConnect": { + "message": "Povezovanje z verigo blokov ..." + }, + "attributions": { + "message": "Dodelitve" + }, + "available": { + "message": "Na voljo" + }, + "back": { + "message": "Nazaj" + }, + "balance": { + "message": "Znesek:" + }, + "balances": { + "message": "Vaš znesek" + }, + "balanceIsInsufficientGas": { + "message": "Napačen znesek za skupno gas vrednost" + }, + "beta": { + "message": "BETA" + }, + "betweenMinAndMax": { + "message": "mora biti večji ali enak $1 in manjši ali enak $1.", + "description": "helper for inputting hex as decimal input" + }, + "blockiesIdenticon": { + "message": "Uporabite Blockies Identicon" + }, + "borrowDharma": { + "message": "Izposoja z Dharma (Beta)" + }, + "builtInCalifornia": { + "message": "MetaMask je ustvarjen v Kaliforniji." + }, + "buy": { + "message": "Kupi" + }, + "buyCoinbase": { + "message": "Kupi na Coinbase" + }, + "buyCoinbaseExplainer": { + "message": "Coinbase je najpopularnejši načun za kupovanje in prodajo bitcoinov, ethereuma, in litecoina." + }, + "cancel": { + "message": "Prekliči" + }, + "classicInterface": { + "message": "Uporabi navaden način" + }, + "clickCopy": { + "message": "Kliknite za kopiranje" + }, + "confirm": { + "message": "Potrdi" + }, + "confirmContract": { + "message": "Potrdi pogodbo" + }, + "confirmPassword": { + "message": "Potrdi geslo" + }, + "confirmTransaction": { + "message": "Potrdi transakcijo" + }, + "continue": { + "message": "Nadaljuj" + }, + "continueToCoinbase": { + "message": "Nadaljuj na Coinbase" + }, + "contractDeployment": { + "message": "Ustvarjanje pogodbe" + }, + "conversionProgress": { + "message": "Poteka pretvorba" + }, + "copiedButton": { + "message": "Kopirano" + }, + "copiedClipboard": { + "message": "Kopirano v odložišče" + }, + "copiedExclamation": { + "message": "Kopirano!" + }, + "copiedSafe": { + "message": "Prilepil sem ga na varno!" + }, + "copy": { + "message": "Kopiraj" + }, + "copyToClipboard": { + "message": "Kopiraj v odložišče" + }, + "copyButton": { + "message": " Kopiraj " + }, + "copyPrivateKey": { + "message": "To je vaš zesebni ključ (kliknite za kopiranje)" + }, + "create": { + "message": "Ustvari" + }, + "createAccount": { + "message": "Ustvari račun" + }, + "createDen": { + "message": "Ustvari" + }, + "crypto": { + "message": "Kripto", + "description": "Exchange type (cryptocurrencies)" + }, + "currentConversion": { + "message": "Trenutna cena" + }, + "currentNetwork": { + "message": "Trenutno omrežje" + }, + "customGas": { + "message": "Prilagodi gas" + }, + "customize": { + "message": "Prilagodi" + }, + "customRPC": { + "message": "Poljuben RPC" + }, + "decimalsMustZerotoTen": { + "message": "Decimalk mora biti vsaj 0, in ne več kot 36." + }, + "decimal": { + "message": "Decimalke natančnosti" + }, + "defaultNetwork": { + "message": "Privzeto omrežje za transakcije je Main Net." + }, + "denExplainer": { + "message": "DEN je vaša šifrirana shramba v MetaMasku." + }, + "deposit": { + "message": "Vplačilo" + }, + "depositBTC": { + "message": "Vplačajte vaš BTC na spodnji naslov:" + }, + "depositCoin": { + "message": "Vplačajte $1 na spodnji naslov", + "description": "Tells the user what coin they have selected to deposit with shapeshift" + }, + "depositEth": { + "message": "Vplačilo ETH" + }, + "depositEther": { + "message": "Vplačilo ethera" + }, + "depositFiat": { + "message": "Vplačilo s klasičnimi valutami" + }, + "depositFromAccount": { + "message": "Vplačilo iz drugega računa" + }, + "depositShapeShift": { + "message": "Vplačilo z ShapeShift" + }, + "depositShapeShiftExplainer": { + "message": "Če imate druge kriptovalute, lahko vpačate ether neposredno v MetaMask. Brez računov." + }, + "details": { + "message": "Podrobnosti" + }, + "directDeposit": { + "message": "Direktno vplačilo" + }, + "directDepositEther": { + "message": "Direktno vplačilo ehera" + }, + "directDepositEtherExplainer": { + "message": "Če že imate ether, ga lahko najhitreje dobite v MetaMask z direktnim vplačilom." + }, + "done": { + "message": "Končano" + }, + "downloadStatelogs": { + "message": "Prenesi state dnevnike" + }, + "edit": { + "message": "Uredi" + }, + "editAccountName": { + "message": "Uredi ime računa" + }, + "emailUs": { + "message": "Pišite nam!" + }, + "encryptNewDen": { + "message": "Šifrirajte DEN" + }, + "enterPassword": { + "message": "Vpišite geslo" + }, + "enterPasswordConfirm": { + "message": "Potrdite geslo" + }, + "etherscanView": { + "message": "Poglejte račun na Etherscan" + }, + "exchangeRate": { + "message": "Menjalni tečaj" + }, + "exportPrivateKey": { + "message": "Izvozi zasebni ključ" + }, + "exportPrivateKeyWarning": { + "message": "Izvažanje zasebnih ključev je na lastno odgovornost." + }, + "failed": { + "message": "Ni uspelo" + }, + "fiat": { + "message": "FIAT", + "description": "Exchange type" + }, + "fileImportFail": { + "message": "Uvoz z datoteko ni uspel? Kliknite tukaj!", + "description": "Helps user import their account from a JSON file" + }, + "followTwitter": { + "message": "Sledite nam na Twitterju" + }, + "from": { + "message": "Od" + }, + "fromToSame": { + "message": "From and To address cannot be the same" + }, + "fromShapeShift": { + "message": "Od ShapeShift" + }, + "gas": { + "message": "Gas", + "description": "Short indication of gas cost" + }, + "gasFee": { + "message": "Gas fee" + }, + "gasLimit": { + "message": "Gas limit" + }, + "gasLimitCalculation": { + "message": "Priporočen gas limit je izračunan glede na omrežje." + }, + "gasLimitRequired": { + "message": "Gas limit je zahtevan" + }, + "gasLimitTooLow": { + "message": "Gas limit mora biti najmanj 21000" + }, + "generatingSeed": { + "message": "Ustvarjenje seed ..." + }, + "gasPrice": { + "message": "Gas price (GWEI)" + }, + "gasPriceCalculation": { + "message": "Priporočen gas price je izračunan glede na omrežje" + }, + "gasPriceRequired": { + "message": "Gas price je zahtevan" + }, + "getEther": { + "message": "Pridobite ether" + }, + "getEtherFromFaucet": { + "message": "Pridobite ether iz fauceta za $1", + "description": "Displays network name for Ether faucet" + }, + "greaterThanMin": { + "message": "mora biti višji ali enak $1.", + "description": "helper for inputting hex as decimal input" + }, + "here": { + "message": "tukaj", + "description": "as in -click here- for more information (goes with troubleTokenBalances)" + }, + "hereList": { + "message": "Tukaj je seznam!!!" + }, + "hide": { + "message": "Skrij" + }, + "hideToken": { + "message": "Skrij žeton" + }, + "hideTokenPrompt": { + "message": "Skrijem žeton?" + }, + "howToDeposit": { + "message": "Kako želite vplačati ether?" + }, + "holdEther": { + "message": "Omogoča vam, da imate eter in žetone in služi kot most za decentralizirane aplikacije." + }, + "import": { + "message": "Uvozi", + "description": "Button to import an account from a selected file" + }, + "importAccount": { + "message": "Uvozi račun" + }, + "importAccountMsg": { + "message":" Uvoženi računi ne bodo povezani s prvotnim seedphaseom. Preberite več o uvoženih računih " + }, + "importAnAccount": { + "message": "Uvozi račun" + }, + "importDen": { + "message": "Uvozi DEN" + }, + "imported": { + "message": "Uvoženo", + "description": "status showing that an account has been fully loaded into the keyring" + }, + "infoHelp": { + "message": "Info & Pomoč" + }, + "insufficientFunds": { + "message": "Nezadostna sredstva." + }, + "insufficientTokens": { + "message": "Nezadostni žetoni." + }, + "invalidAddress": { + "message": "Nepravilen naslov" + }, + "invalidAddressRecipient": { + "message": "Prejemnikov naslov je neveljaven" + }, + "invalidGasParams": { + "message": "Nepravilno nastavljen gas" + }, + "invalidInput": { + "message": "Napačen vnos." + }, + "invalidRequest": { + "message": "Napačna zahteva" + }, + "invalidRPC": { + "message": "Napačen RPC URI" + }, + "jsonFail": { + "message": "Nekaj je bilo narobe. Prepričajte se, da je JSON datoteka pravilno oblikovana." + }, + "jsonFile": { + "message": "JSON datoteka", + "description": "format for importing an account" + }, + "kovan": { + "message": "Testno omrežje Kovan" + }, + "knowledgeDataBase": { + "message": "Obiščite našo pomoč" + }, + "lessThanMax": { + "message": "mora biti večji ali enak $1.", + "description": "helper for inputting hex as decimal input" + }, + "likeToAddTokens": { + "message": "Želite dodati te žetone?" + }, + "limit": { + "message": "Omejitev" + }, + "loading": { + "message": "Nalaganje ..." + }, + "loadingTokens": { + "message": "Nalaganje žetonov ..." + }, + "localhost": { + "message": "Localhost 8545" + }, + "login": { + "message": "Prijava" + }, + "logout": { + "message": "Odjava" + }, + "loose": { + "message": "Loose" + }, + "loweCaseWords": { + "message": "seed words imajo lahko le male črke" + }, + "mainnet": { + "message": "Glavno omrežje" + }, + "message": { + "message": "Sporočilo" + }, + "metamaskDescription": { + "message": "MetaMask je varen identitetni sklad za Ethereum." + }, + "min": { + "message": "Najmanj" + }, + "myAccounts": { + "message": "Moji računi" + }, + "mustSelectOne": { + "message": "Izbran mora biti vsaj 1 žeton." + }, + "needEtherInWallet": { + "message": "Za interakcijo z decentraliziranimi aplikacijami, ki uporabljajo MetaMask, boste v svoji denarnici potrebovali eter." + }, + "needImportFile": { + "message": "Za uvoz morate izbrati datoteko.", + "description": "User is important an account and needs to add a file to continue" + }, + "needImportPassword": { + "message": "Za izbrano datoteko morate vnesti geslo.", + "description": "Password and file needed to import an account" + }, + "negativeETH": { + "message": "Ni mogoče poslati negativne vsote ETH." + }, + "networks": { + "message": "Omrežja" + }, + "newAccount": { + "message": "Nov račun" + }, + "newAccountNumberName": { + "message": "Račun $1", + "description": "Default name of next account to be created on create account screen" + }, + "newContract": { + "message": "Nova pogodba" + }, + "newPassword": { + "message": "Novo geslo (min. 8. črk)" + }, + "newRecipient": { + "message": "Nov prejemnik" + }, + "newRPC": { + "message": "Nov RPC URL" + }, + "next": { + "message": "Naprej" + }, + "noAddressForName": { + "message": "Za to ime ni bil nastavljen noben naslov." + }, + "noDeposits": { + "message": "Ni prejetih vplačil" + }, + "noTransactionHistory": { + "message": "Ni zgodovine transakcij." + }, + "noTransactions": { + "message": "Ni transakcij" + }, + "notStarted": { + "message": "Ni se začelo" + }, + "oldUI": { + "message": "Starejši uporabniški vmesnik" + }, + "oldUIMessage": { + "message": "Vrnili ste se v starejši uporabniški vmesnik. V novega se lahko vrnete z možnostjo v spustnem meniju v zgornjem desnem kotu." + }, + "or": { + "message": "ali", + "description": "choice between creating or importing a new account" + }, + "passwordCorrect": { + "message": "Prepričajte se, da je geslo pravilno." + }, + "passwordMismatch": { + "message": "gesli se ne ujemata", + "description": "in password creation process, the two new password fields did not match" + }, + "passwordShort": { + "message": "geslo ni dovolj dolgo", + "description": "in password creation process, the password is not long enough to be secure" + }, + "pastePrivateKey": { + "message": "Tukaj prilepite zasebni ključ:", + "description": "For importing an account from a private key" + }, + "pasteSeed": { + "message": "Tukaj prilepite seed phrase!" + }, + "personalAddressDetected": { + "message": "Osebni naslov je zaznan. Vnesite naslov žetona." + }, + "pleaseReviewTransaction": { + "message": "Preglejte transakcijo." + }, + "privacyMsg": { + "message": "Politika zasebnosti" + }, + "privateKey": { + "message": "Zasebni ključ", + "description": "select this type of file to use to import an account" + }, + "privateKeyWarning": { + "message": "Opozorilo: Nikoli ne razkrijte tega ključa. Vsakdo s svojimi zasebnimi ključi lahko ukrade vse premoženje v računu." + }, + "privateNetwork": { + "message": "Zasebno omrežje" + }, + "qrCode": { + "message": "Prikaži QR kodo" + }, + "readdToken": { + "message": "Ta žeton lahko dodate tudi v prihodnosti, tako da odprete možnost »Dodaj žeton« v meniju z računi." + }, + "readMore": { + "message": "Preberite več." + }, + "readMore2": { + "message": "Preberite več." + }, + "receive": { + "message": "Prejmite" + }, + "recipientAddress": { + "message": "Prejemnikov naslov" + }, + "refundAddress": { + "message": "Vaš naslov za vračilo" + }, + "rejected": { + "message": "Zavrnjeno" + }, + "resetAccount": { + "message": "Ponastavi račun" + }, + "restoreFromSeed": { + "message": "Obnovi iz seed phrase" + }, + "required": { + "message": "Zahtevano" + }, + "retryWithMoreGas": { + "message": "Poskusi z višjim gas price" + }, + "revealSeedWords": { + "message": "Prikaži seed words" + }, + "revealSeedWordsWarning": { + "message": "Ne obnovite seed words na javnem mestu! Te besede se lahko uporabijo za krajo vseh vaših računov." + }, + "revert": { + "message": "Povrni" + }, + "rinkeby": { + "message": "Testno omrežje Rinkeby" + }, + "ropsten": { + "message": "Testno omrežje Ropsten" + }, + "sampleAccountName": { + "message": "npr. Moj nov račun", + "description": "Help user understand concept of adding a human-readable name to their account" + }, + "save": { + "message": "Shrani" + }, + "saveAsFile": { + "message": "Shrani kot datoteko", + "description": "Account export process" + }, + "saveSeedAsFile": { + "message": "Shrani seed words kot datoteko" + }, + "search": { + "message": "Iskanje" + }, + "secretPhrase": { + "message": "Tukaj vnesite svoje seed words, da obnovite svoje račune." + }, + "seedPhraseReq": { + "message": "seed phrases so dolgi 12 besed" + }, + "select": { + "message": "Izberi" + }, + "selectCurrency": { + "message": "Izberi valuto" + }, + "selectService": { + "message": "Izberi storitev" + }, + "selectType": { + "message": "Izberi vrsto" + }, + "send": { + "message": "Pošlji" + }, + "sendETH": { + "message": "Pošlji ETH" + }, + "sendTokens": { + "message": "Pošlji žetone" + }, + "sendTokensAnywhere": { + "message": "Pošljite žetone vsem, ki imajo Ethereum račun" + }, + "settings": { + "message": "Nastavitve" + }, + "shapeshiftBuy": { + "message": "Kupite z Shapeshift" + }, + "showPrivateKeys": { + "message": "Prikaži zasebne ključe" + }, + "showQRCode": { + "message": "Prikaži QR kodo" + }, + "sign": { + "message": "Podpiši" + }, + "signMessage": { + "message": "Podpiši sporočilo" + }, + "signNotice": { + "message": "To podpisovanje lahko povzroči \nnevarne stranske učinke. Podpisujte samo sporočila \nstrani, ki jim zaupate s svojim celotnim računom.\n Ta nevarna funkcija bo odstranjena v prihodnji različici. " + }, + "sigRequest": { + "message": "Zahteva za podpis" + }, + "sigRequested": { + "message": "Podpis je zahtevan" + }, + "spaceBetween": { + "message": "med besedami je lahko samo presledek" + }, + "status": { + "message": "Status" + }, + "stateLogs": { + "message": "State dnevniki" + }, + "stateLogsDescription": { + "message": "State dnevniki vsebujejo naslove vašega računa in poslane transakcije.." + }, + "submit": { + "message": "Potrdi" + }, + "supportCenter": { + "message": "Obiščite našo podporo" + }, + "symbolBetweenZeroTen": { + "message": "Simbol mora biti dolg od 0 do 10 znakov." + }, + "takesTooLong": { + "message": "Traja predolgo?" + }, + "terms": { + "message": "Pogoji uporabe" + }, + "testFaucet": { + "message": "Testni faucet" + }, + "to": { + "message": "Za" + }, + "toETHviaShapeShift": { + "message": "$1 v ETH prek ShapeShift", + "description": "system will fill in deposit type in start of message" + }, + "tokenAddress": { + "message": "Naslov žetona" + }, + "tokenAlreadyAdded": { + "message": "Žeton je že bil dodan." + }, + "tokenBalance": { + "message": "Vaš znesek žetona:" + }, + "tokenSelection": { + "message": "Poiščite žetone ali jih izberite z našega seznama priljubljenih žetonov." + }, + "tokenSymbol": { + "message": "Simbol žetona" + }, + "tokenWarning1": { + "message": "Spremljajte žetone, ki ste jih kupili s svojim MetaMask računom. Če ste kupili žetone z drugačnim računom, ti žetoni ne bodo prikazani tukaj." + }, + "total": { + "message": "Skupno" + }, + "transactions": { + "message": "transakcije" + }, + "transactionMemo": { + "message": "Opis transakcije (ni zahtevano)" + }, + "transactionNumber": { + "message": "Številka transakcije" + }, + "transfers": { + "message": "Prenosi" + }, + "troubleTokenBalances": { + "message": "Imeli smo težave pri nalaganju vaših žetonov. Ogledate si jih lahko ", + "description": "Followed by a link (here) to view token balances" + }, + "twelveWords": { + "message": "Edini način za obnovitev MetaMask računa, je teh 12 besed.\nShranite jih na varno in skrivno mesto." + }, + "typePassword": { + "message": "Vpišite vaše geslo" + }, + "uiWelcome": { + "message": "Dobrodošli v novem uporabniškem vmesniku (Beta)" + }, + "uiWelcomeMessage": { + "message": "Zdaj uporabljate novi MetaMask uporabniški vmesnik. Razglejte se, preizkusite nove funkcije, kot so pošiljanje žetonov, in nas obvestite, če imate kakšne težave." + }, + "unavailable": { + "message": "Ni na voljo" + }, + "unknown": { + "message": "Neznano" + }, + "unknownNetwork": { + "message": "Neznano zasebno omrežje" + }, + "unknownNetworkId": { + "message": "Neznan ID omrežja" + }, + "uriErrorMsg": { + "message": "URI-ji zahtevajo ustrezno HTTP/HTTPS predpono." + }, + "usaOnly": { + "message": "Samo za ZDA", + "description": "Using this exchange is limited to people inside the USA" + }, + "usedByClients": { + "message": "Uporablja jih več različnih odjemalcev" + }, + "useOldUI": { + "message": "Uporabi star uporabniški vmesnik" + }, + "validFileImport": { + "message": "Za uvoz morate izbrati pravilno datoteko." + }, + "vaultCreated": { + "message": "Račun je ustvarjen" + }, + "viewAccount": { + "message": "Poglej račun" + }, + "visitWebSite": { + "message": "Obiščite našo spletno stran" + }, + "warning": { + "message": "Opozorilo" + }, + "welcomeBeta": { + "message": "Dobrodošli v MetaMask Beta" + }, + "whatsThis": { + "message": "Kaj je to?" + }, + "yourSigRequested": { + "message": "Vaš podpis je bil zahtevan" + }, + "youSign": { + "message": "Podpisani ste" + } +} diff --git a/app/_locales/th/messages.json b/app/_locales/th/messages.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..887714f3f --- /dev/null +++ b/app/_locales/th/messages.json @@ -0,0 +1,819 @@ +{ + "accept": { + "message": "ยอมรับ" + }, + "account": { + "message": "บัญชี" + }, + "accountDetails": { + "message": "รายละเอียดบัญชี" + }, + "accountName": { + "message": "ชื่อบัญชี" + }, + "address": { + "message": "แอดเดรส" + }, + "addCustomToken": { + "message": "เพิ่มโทเค็นด้วยตัวเอง" + }, + "addToken": { + "message": "เพิ่มโทเค็น" + }, + "addTokens": { + "message": "เพิ่มหลายโทเค็น" + }, + "amount": { + "message": "จำนวน" + }, + "amountPlusGas": { + "message": "จำนวน + แก๊ส" + }, + "appDescription": { + "message": "ส่วนขยายเบราว์เซอร์สำหรับอีเธอเรียม", + "description": "The description of the application" + }, + "appName": { + "message": "MetaMask", + "description": "The name of the application" + }, + "attemptingConnect": { + "message": "กำลังเชื่อมต่อกับบล็อกเชน" + }, + "attributions": { + "message": "อ้างถึง" + }, + "available": { + "message": "ว่าง" + }, + "back": { + "message": "กลับ" + }, + "balance": { + "message": "ยอดคงเหลือ:" + }, + "balances": { + "message": "ยอดคงเหลือของคุณ" + }, + "balanceIsInsufficientGas": { + "message": "ยอดคงเหลือไม่พอสำหรับจ่ายค่าแก๊สทั้งหมด" + }, + "beta": { + "message": "เบต้า" + }, + "betweenMinAndMax": { + "message": "ต้องมากกว่าหรือเท่ากับ $1 และน้อยกว่าหรือเท่ากับ $2", + "description": "helper for inputting hex as decimal input" + }, + "blockiesIdenticon": { + "message": "ใช้งาน Blockies Identicon" + }, + "borrowDharma": { + "message": "ยืมด้วย Dharma (เบต้า)" + }, + "builtInCalifornia": { + "message": "MetaMask ออกแบบและพัฒนาที่แคลิฟอร์เนีย" + }, + "buy": { + "message": "ซื้อ" + }, + "buyCoinbase": { + "message": "ซื้อด้วย Coinbase" + }, + "buyCoinbaseExplainer": { + "message": "Coinbase เป็นแหล่งซื้อขายบิตคอยน์ไลท์คอยน์และอีเธอเรียมที่ได้รับความนิยมสูงสุดในโลก" + }, + "cancel": { + "message": "ยกเลิก" + }, + "classicInterface": { + "message": "ใช้หน้าตาแบบเก่า" + }, + "clickCopy": { + "message": "กดเพื่อคัดลอก" + }, + "confirm": { + "message": "ยืนยัน" + }, + "confirmContract": { + "message": "ยืนยันสัญญา" + }, + "confirmPassword": { + "message": "ยืนยันรหัสผ่าน" + }, + "confirmTransaction": { + "message": "ยืนยันการทำรายการธุรกรรม" + }, + "continue": { + "message": "ทำต่อไป" + }, + "continueToCoinbase": { + "message": "ไปที่ Coinbase" + }, + "contractDeployment": { + "message": "การติดตั้งสัญญา" + }, + "conversionProgress": { + "message": "กำลังดำเนินการแปลงหน่วย" + }, + "copiedButton": { + "message": "คัดลอกแล้ว" + }, + "copiedClipboard": { + "message": "คัดลอกไปที่คลิบบอร์ดแล้ว" + }, + "copiedExclamation": { + "message": "คัดลอกแล้ว!" + }, + "copiedSafe": { + "message": "ฉันได้คัดลอกเก็บไว้ในที่ปลอดภัยเรียบร้อยแล้ว" + }, + "copy": { + "message": "คัดลอก" + }, + "copyToClipboard": { + "message": "คัดลอกไปคลิปบอร์ด" + }, + "copyButton": { + "message": " คัดลอก " + }, + "copyPrivateKey": { + "message": "นี่คือคีย์ส่วนตัวของคุณ(กดเพื่อคัดลอก)" + }, + "create": { + "message": "สร้าง" + }, + "createAccount": { + "message": "สร้างบัญชี" + }, + "createDen": { + "message": "สร้าง" + }, + "crypto": { + "message": "คริปโต", + "description": "Exchange type (cryptocurrencies)" + }, + "currentConversion": { + "message": "อัตราแลกเปลี่ยนปัจจุบัน" + }, + "currentNetwork": { + "message": "เครือข่ายปัจจุบัน" + }, + "customGas": { + "message": "กำหนดค่าแก็สเอง" + }, + "customize": { + "message": "กำหนดค่าเอง" + }, + "customRPC": { + "message": "กำหนดค่า RPC เอง" + }, + "decimalsMustZerotoTen": { + "message": "จำนวนต้องมากกว่า 0 และไม่เกิน 36" + }, + "decimal": { + "message": "ตำแหน่งของทศนิยม" + }, + "defaultNetwork": { + "message": "ค่าเริ่มต้นของเครือข่ายสำหรับทำรายการธุรกรรมอีเธอร์คือ Main Net" + }, + "denExplainer": { + "message": "DEN ของคุณคือตัวเก็บข้อมูลที่เข้ารหัสไว้ด้วยรหัสผ่านของคุณภายใน MetaMask " + }, + "deposit": { + "message": "ฝาก" + }, + "depositBTC": { + "message": "ฝากบิตคอยน์ของคุณไปที่แอดเดรสด้านล่างนี้:" + }, + "depositCoin": { + "message": "ฝาก $1 ของคุณไปที่แอดเดรสด้านล่างนี้:", + "description": "Tells the user what coin they have selected to deposit with shapeshift" + }, + "depositEth": { + "message": "การฝากอีเธอร์" + }, + "depositEther": { + "message": "การฝากอีเธอร์" + }, + "depositFiat": { + "message": "ฝากด้วยเงินตรา" + }, + "depositFromAccount": { + "message": "ฝากจากบัญชีอื่น" + }, + "depositShapeShift": { + "message": "ฝากด้วย ShapeShift" + }, + "depositShapeShiftExplainer": { + "message": "ถ้ามีเงินสกุลอื่นอยู่ก็สามารถแลกเงินและฝากเป็นอีเธอร์ได้โดยตรงเข้ากระเป๋า MetaMask ได้เลยไม่ต้องสมัครบัญชี" + }, + "details": { + "message": "รายละเอียด" + }, + "directDeposit": { + "message": "ฝากตรง" + }, + "directDepositEther": { + "message": "ฝากอีเธอร์โดยตรง" + }, + "directDepositEtherExplainer": { + "message": "ถ้าคุณมีอีเธอร์อยู่แล้ววิธีการที่เร็วที่สุดในการเอาเงินเข้ากระเป๋าใหม่ก็คือการโอนตรงๆ" + }, + "done": { + "message": "เสร็จสิ้น" + }, + "downloadStatelogs": { + "message": "ดาวน์โหลดล็อกสถานะ" + }, + "edit": { + "message": "แก้ไข" + }, + "editAccountName": { + "message": "แก้ไขชื่อบัญชี" + }, + "emailUs": { + "message": "อีเมลหาเรา!" + }, + "encryptNewDen": { + "message": "เข้ารหัส DEN ของคุณ" + }, + "enterPassword": { + "message": "ใส่รหัสผ่าน" + }, + "enterPasswordConfirm": { + "message": "ใส่รหัสผ่านอีกครั้งเพื่อยืนยัน" + }, + "etherscanView": { + "message": "ดูบัญชีบน Etherscan" + }, + "exchangeRate": { + "message": "อัตราแลกเปลี่ยน" + }, + "exportPrivateKey": { + "message": "ส่งออกคีย์ส่วนตัว" + }, + "exportPrivateKeyWarning": { + "message": "ส่งออกคีย์ส่วนตัวโดยคุณรับความเสี่ยงเอง" + }, + "failed": { + "message": "ล้มเหลว" + }, + "fiat": { + "message": "เงินตรา", + "description": "Exchange type" + }, + "fileImportFail": { + "message": "นำเข้าไฟล์ไม่สำเหร็จ กดที่นี่!", + "description": "Helps user import their account from a JSON file" + }, + "followTwitter": { + "message": "ติดตามเราบนทวิตเตอร์" + }, + "from": { + "message": "จาก" + }, + "fromToSame": { + "message": "แอดเดรสที่ส่งกับที่รับจะต้องไม่ไช่อันเดียวกัน" + }, + "fromShapeShift": { + "message": "จาก ShapeShift" + }, + "gas": { + "message": "แก็ส", + "description": "Short indication of gas cost" + }, + "gasFee": { + "message": "ค่าแก๊ส" + }, + "gasLimit": { + "message": "วงเงินแก็ส" + }, + "gasLimitCalculation": { + "message": "เราแนะนำวงเงินแก็สตามความสำเร็จบนเครือข่าย" + }, + "gasLimitRequired": { + "message": "ต้องกำหนดวงเงินแก็ส" + }, + "gasLimitTooLow": { + "message": "วงเงินแก็สต้องอย่างน้อย 21000" + }, + "generatingSeed": { + "message": "กำลังสร้างชีด..." + }, + "gasPrice": { + "message": "ราคาแก๊ส (GWEI)" + }, + "gasPriceCalculation": { + "message": "เราแนะนำราคาแก็สตามความสำเร็จบนเครือข่าย" + }, + "gasPriceRequired": { + "message": "ต้องมีราคาแก๊ส" + }, + "getEther": { + "message": "รับอีเธอร์" + }, + "getEtherFromFaucet": { + "message": "รับอีเธอร์ที่ปล่อยจาก $1", + "description": "Displays network name for Ether faucet" + }, + "greaterThanMin": { + "message": "ต้องมากกว่าหรือเท่ากับ $1.", + "description": "helper for inputting hex as decimal input" + }, + "here": { + "message": "ที่นี่", + "description": "as in -click here- for more information (goes with troubleTokenBalances)" + }, + "hereList": { + "message": "รายการอยู่ที่นี่!!!!" + }, + "hide": { + "message": "ซ่อน" + }, + "hideToken": { + "message": "ซ่อนโทเค็น" + }, + "hideTokenPrompt": { + "message": "ซ่อนโทเค็นหรือไม่?" + }, + "howToDeposit": { + "message": "คุณต้องการฝากอีเธอร์อย่างไร?" + }, + "holdEther": { + "message": "ช่วยคุณถืออีเทอร์และโทเค็นและทำหน้าที่เป็นสะพานเชื่อมต่อกับแอพพลิเคชันแบบกระจาย" + }, + "import": { + "message": "นำเข้า", + "description": "Button to import an account from a selected file" + }, + "importAccount": { + "message": "นำเข้าบัญชี" + }, + "importAccountMsg": { + "message":"บัญชีที่นำเข้าจะไม่ถูกรวมกับบัญชีที่สร้างด้วยคำเเริ่มต้นบนเมต้ามาร์สในตอนแรก เรียนรู้เพิ่มเติมเกี่ยวกับบัญชีที่นำเข้า" + }, + "importAnAccount": { + "message": "นำเข้าบัญชี" + }, + "importDen": { + "message": "นำเข้า DEN ที่มีอยู่แล้ว" + }, + "imported": { + "message": "นำเข้าเรียบร้อย", + "description": "status showing that an account has been fully loaded into the keyring" + }, + "infoHelp": { + "message": "ข้อมูลและความช่วยเหลือ" + }, + "insufficientFunds": { + "message": "เงินทุนไม่เพียงพอ" + }, + "insufficientTokens": { + "message": "โทเค็นไม่เพียงพอ" + }, + "invalidAddress": { + "message": "แอดแดรสไม่ถูกต้อง" + }, + "invalidAddressRecipient": { + "message": "แอดแดรสผู้รับไม่ถูกต้อง" + }, + "invalidGasParams": { + "message": "ตั้งค่าแก๊สไม่ถูกต้อง" + }, + "invalidInput": { + "message": "อินพุทไม่ถูกต้อง" + }, + "invalidRequest": { + "message": "คำร้องขอไม่ถูกต้อง" + }, + "invalidRPC": { + "message": "RPC URI ไม่ถูกต้อง" + }, + "jsonFail": { + "message": "เกิดบางอย่างผิดพลาด โปรดตรวจสอบว่าไฟล์ JSON ของคุณมีรูปแบบที่ถูกต้อง." + }, + "jsonFile": { + "message": "ไฟล์ JSON", + "description": "format for importing an account" + }, + "kovan": { + "message": "เครือข่ายทดสอบ Kovan" + }, + "knowledgeDataBase": { + "message": "ไปที่คลังความรู้ของเรา" + }, + "lessThanMax": { + "message": "ต้องน้อยกว่าหรือเท่ากับ $1.", + "description": "helper for inputting hex as decimal input" + }, + "likeToAddTokens": { + "message": "คุณต้องการเพิ่มโทเค็นเหล่านี้หรือไม่?" + }, + "limit": { + "message": "ข้อจำกัด" + }, + "loading": { + "message": "กำลังโหลด..." + }, + "loadingTokens": { + "message": "กำลังโหลดโทเค็น..." + }, + "localhost": { + "message": "Localhost 8545" + }, + "login": { + "message": "เข้าสู่ระบบ" + }, + "logout": { + "message": "ออกจากระบบ" + }, + "loose": { + "message": "อิสระ" + }, + "loweCaseWords": { + "message": "กลุ่มคำชีดมีเพียงตัวพิมพ์เล็กเท่านั้น" + }, + "mainnet": { + "message": "เครือข่าย Main Net" + }, + "message": { + "message": "ข้อความ" + }, + "metamaskDescription": { + "message": "MetaMask คือที่เก็บตัวตนนิรภัยสำหรับอีเธอเรียม" + }, + "min": { + "message": "ขั้นต่ำ" + }, + "myAccounts": { + "message": "บัญชีของฉัน" + }, + "mustSelectOne": { + "message": "ต้องเลือกอย่างน้อย 1 โทเค็น" + }, + "needEtherInWallet": { + "message": "คุณจะต้องมีอีเธอร์ในกระเป๋าเงินของคุณในการใช้งานกับแอพพลิเคชันแบบกระจายด้วย MetaMask" + }, + "needImportFile": { + "message": "คุณต้องเลือกไฟล์ที่จะนำเข้า", + "description": "User is important an account and needs to add a file to continue" + }, + "needImportPassword": { + "message": "คุณต้องป้อนรหัสผ่านสำหรับไฟล์ที่เลือก", + "description": "Password and file needed to import an account" + }, + "negativeETH": { + "message": "ไม่สามารถส่งอีเธอร์เป็นจำนวนติดลบได้" + }, + "networks": { + "message": "เครือข่าย" + }, + "newAccount": { + "message": "บัญชีใหม่" + }, + "newAccountNumberName": { + "message": "บัญชี $1", + "description": "Default name of next account to be created on create account screen" + }, + "newContract": { + "message": "สร้างสัญญาใหม่" + }, + "newPassword": { + "message": "รหัสผ่านใหม่(ขั้นต่ำ 8 ตัวอักษร)" + }, + "newRecipient": { + "message": "ผู้รับใหม่" + }, + "newRPC": { + "message": "RPC URL ใหม่" + }, + "next": { + "message": "ถัดไป" + }, + "noAddressForName": { + "message": "ยังไม่มีแอดแดรสไหนตั้งในชื่อนี้" + }, + "noDeposits": { + "message": "ไม่มีเงินฝากเข้ามา" + }, + "noTransactionHistory": { + "message": "ไม่มีรายการธุรกรรมในอดีต" + }, + "noTransactions": { + "message": "ยังไม่มีรายการธุรกรรม" + }, + "notStarted": { + "message": "ยังไม่เริ่ม" + }, + "oldUI": { + "message": "หน้าตาแบบเก่า" + }, + "oldUIMessage": { + "message": "คุณได้เปลี่ยนเป็นหน้าตาแบบเก่าแล้ว คุณสามารถเปลี่ยนเป็นหน้าตาแบบใหม่ได้โดยไปที่ตัวเลือกตรงเมนูมุมขวาบน" + }, + "or": { + "message": "หรือ", + "description": "choice between creating or importing a new account" + }, + "passwordCorrect": { + "message": "โปรดตรวจสอบว่ารหัสผ่านของคุณถูกต้อง" + }, + "passwordMismatch": { + "message": "รหัสผ่านไม่ตรงกัน", + "description": "in password creation process, the two new password fields did not match" + }, + "passwordShort": { + "message": "รหัสผ่านไม่ยาวพอ", + "description": "in password creation process, the password is not long enough to be secure" + }, + "pastePrivateKey": { + "message": "วางคีย์ส่วนตัวของคุณที่นี่:", + "description": "For importing an account from a private key" + }, + "pasteSeed": { + "message": "วางคำชีดของคุณที่นี่!" + }, + "personalAddressDetected": { + "message": "ตรวจพบแอดแดรสส่วนตัวแล้ว ใส่แอดแดรสสัญญาโทเค็น" + }, + "pleaseReviewTransaction": { + "message": "โปรดตรวจสอบธุรกรรมของคุณ" + }, + "privacyMsg": { + "message": "นโยบายสความเป็นส่วนตัว" + }, + "privateKey": { + "message": "คีย์ส่วนตัว", + "description": "select this type of file to use to import an account" + }, + "privateKeyWarning": { + "message": "คำเตือน: ห้ามเปิดเผยคีย์นี้ ทุกคนที่มีคีย์ส่วนตัวสามารถขโมยข้อมูลใด ๆ ที่เก็บไว้ในบัญชีของคุณได้" + }, + "privateNetwork": { + "message": "เครือข่ายส่วนตัว" + }, + "qrCode": { + "message": "แสดง QR Code" + }, + "readdToken": { + "message": "คุณสามารถเพิ่มโทเค็นนี้ในอนาคตได้โดยไปที่ “เพิ่มโทเค็น” ในเมนูตัวเลือกบัญชีของคุณ" + }, + "readMore": { + "message": "อ่านเพิ่มเติมที่นี่" + }, + "readMore2": { + "message": "อ่านเพิ่มเติม" + }, + "receive": { + "message": "รับ" + }, + "recipientAddress": { + "message": "แอดแดรสผู้รับ" + }, + "refundAddress": { + "message": "แอดแดรสสำหรับการคืนเงินของคุณ" + }, + "rejected": { + "message": "ถูกปฏิเสธ" + }, + "resetAccount": { + "message": "รีเซ็ตบัญชี" + }, + "restoreFromSeed": { + "message": "กู้คืนจากกลุ่มคำชีด" + }, + "required": { + "message": "จำเป็น" + }, + "retryWithMoreGas": { + "message": "ลองใหม่ด้วยราคาแก๊สที่สูงกว่านี้ที่นี่" + }, + "revealSeedWords": { + "message": "เปิดเผยกลุ่มคำชีด" + }, + "revealSeedWordsWarning": { + "message": "อย่าเปิดเผยคำกลุ่มคำชีดของคุณในที่สาธารณะ! คำเหล่านี้สามารถใช้เพื่อขโมยบัญชีทั้งหมดของคุณ" + }, + "revert": { + "message": "ย้อนกลับ" + }, + "rinkeby": { + "message": "เครือข่ายทดสอบ Rinkeby" + }, + "ropsten": { + "message": "เครือข่ายทดสอบ Ropsten" + }, + "sampleAccountName": { + "message": "เช่น บัญชีเฮงเฮงของฉัน", + "description": "Help user understand concept of adding a human-readable name to their account" + }, + "save": { + "message": "บันทึก" + }, + "saveAsFile": { + "message": "บันทึกเป็นไฟล์", + "description": "Account export process" + }, + "saveSeedAsFile": { + "message": "บันทึกกลุ่มคำชีดเป็นไฟล์" + }, + "search": { + "message": "ค้นหา" + }, + "secretPhrase": { + "message": "ป้อนกลุ่มคำสิบสองคำเพื่อกู้คืนตู้เซฟของคุณ" + }, + "seedPhraseReq": { + "message": "กลุ่มคำชีดมีความยาว 12 คำ" + }, + "select": { + "message": "เลือก" + }, + "selectCurrency": { + "message": "เลือกสกุลเงิน" + }, + "selectService": { + "message": "เลือกบริการ" + }, + "selectType": { + "message": "เลือกประเภท" + }, + "send": { + "message": "ส่ง" + }, + "sendETH": { + "message": "ส่งอีเธอร์" + }, + "sendTokens": { + "message": "ส่งโทเค็น" + }, + "sendTokensAnywhere": { + "message": "ส่งโทเค็นไปให้ทุกคนที่มีบัญชีอีเธอเรียม" + }, + "settings": { + "message": "การตั้งค่า" + }, + "shapeshiftBuy": { + "message": "ซื้อด้วย Shapeshift" + }, + "showPrivateKeys": { + "message": "แสดงคีย์ส่วนตัว" + }, + "showQRCode": { + "message": "แสดง QR Code" + }, + "sign": { + "message": "เซ็นชื่อ" + }, + "signMessage": { + "message": "เซ็นชื่อในข้อความ" + }, + "signNotice": { + "message": "การเซ็นชื่อในข้อความนี้อาจจะเป็นอันตรายได้ \nเซ็นชื่อเฉพาะข้อความจากแหล่งที่คุณไว้วางใจได้จริง ๆ เท่านั้น \nวิธีที่อันตรายนี้จะถูกลบออกในอนาคต" + }, + "sigRequest": { + "message": "ขอลายเซ็น" + }, + "sigRequested": { + "message": "ขอลายเซ็นแล้ว" + }, + "spaceBetween": { + "message": "มีช่องว่างได้เพียงตัวเดียวระหว่างคำเท่านั้น" + }, + "status": { + "message": "สถานะ" + }, + "stateLogs": { + "message": "บันทึกของสถานะ" + }, + "stateLogsDescription": { + "message": "บันทึกของสถานะประกอบด้วยแอดแดรสสาธารณะและธุรกรรมที่ส่ง" + }, + "submit": { + "message": "ตกลง" + }, + "supportCenter": { + "message": "ไปที่ศูนย์สนับสนุนของเรา" + }, + "symbolBetweenZeroTen": { + "message": "สัญลักษณ์ต้องมีความยาวตั้งแต่ 0 ถึง 10 อักขระ" + }, + "takesTooLong": { + "message": "ใช้เวลานานเกินไปใช่หรือไม่?" + }, + "terms": { + "message": "ข้อตกลงในการใช้งาน" + }, + "testFaucet": { + "message": "ตัวแจกจ่ายเพื่อการทดสอบ" + }, + "to": { + "message": "ถึง" + }, + "toETHviaShapeShift": { + "message": "$1 เป็นอีเธอร์โดย ShapeShift", + "description": "system will fill in deposit type in start of message" + }, + "tokenAddress": { + "message": "แอดแดรสโทเค็น" + }, + "tokenAlreadyAdded": { + "message": "โทเคนได้ถูกเพิ่มไปแล้ว" + }, + "tokenBalance": { + "message": "ยอดโทเค็นคงเหลือของคุณคือ:" + }, + "tokenSelection": { + "message": "ค้นหาโทเค็นหรือเลือกจากรายการโทเค็นยอดนิยมของเรา" + }, + "tokenSymbol": { + "message": "สัญลักษณ์ประจำตัว" + }, + "tokenWarning1": { + "message": "ติดตามโทเค็นที่คุณซื้อด้วยบัญชี MetaMask ของคุณ หากคุณซื้อโทเค็นโดยใช้บัญชีอื่นโทเค็นเหล่านั้นจะไม่ปรากฏที่นี่" + }, + "total": { + "message": "รวม" + }, + "transactions": { + "message": "ธุรกรรม" + }, + "transactionMemo": { + "message": "บันทึกช่วยจำของการทำธุรกรรม (ไม่บังคับ)" + }, + "transactionNumber": { + "message": "หมายเลขธุรกรรม" + }, + "transfers": { + "message": "โอน" + }, + "troubleTokenBalances": { + "message": "เรามีปัญหาในการโหลดยอดโทเค็นคงเหลือของคุณ คุณสามารถดูได้ที่นี่", + "description": "Followed by a link (here) to view token balances" + }, + "twelveWords": { + "message": "กลุ่มคำ 12 คำเหล่านี้เป็นวิธีเดียวที่จะกู้คืนบัญชี MetaMask ของคุณ \n กรุณาเก็บไว้ในที่ปลอดภัยและเก็บเป็นความลับ" + }, + "typePassword": { + "message": "พิมพ์รหัสผ่านของคุณ" + }, + "uiWelcome": { + "message": "ยินดีต้อนรับสู่หน้าตาใหม่ (เบต้า)" + }, + "uiWelcomeMessage": { + "message": "ขณะนี้คุณใช้งาน Metamask หน้าตาใหม่แล้ว ลองใช้ความสามรถใหม่ ๆ เช่นการส่งโทเค็นและหากพบปัญหากรุณาแจ้งให้เราทราบ" + }, + "unavailable": { + "message": "ใช้งานไม่ได้" + }, + "unknown": { + "message": "ไม่รู้จัก" + }, + "unknownNetwork": { + "message": "ไม่รู้จักเครือข่ายส่วนตัว" + }, + "unknownNetworkId": { + "message": "ไม่รู้จักหมายเลขเครือข่าย" + }, + "uriErrorMsg": { + "message": "URI ต้องมีคำนำหน้าเป็น HTTP หรือ HTTPS" + }, + "usaOnly": { + "message": "ในสหรัฐอเมริกาเท่านั้น", + "description": "Using this exchange is limited to people inside the USA" + }, + "usedByClients": { + "message": "ถูกใช้งานโดยหลายไคลเอนท์" + }, + "useOldUI": { + "message": "ใช้หน้าตาเก่า" + }, + "validFileImport": { + "message": "คุณต้องเลือกไฟล์ที่ถูกต้องเพื่อนำเข้า" + }, + "vaultCreated": { + "message": "สร้างตู้เซฟแล้ว" + }, + "viewAccount": { + "message": "ดูบัญชี" + }, + "visitWebSite": { + "message": "เยี่ยมชมเว็บไซต์ของเรา" + }, + "warning": { + "message": "คำเตือน" + }, + "welcomeBeta": { + "message": "ยินดีต้อนรับสู่ MetaMask เบต้า" + }, + "whatsThis": { + "message": "นี่คืออะไร?" + }, + "yourSigRequested": { + "message": "ลายเซ็นของคุณกำลังได้รับการร้องขอ" + }, + "youSign": { + "message": "คุณกำลังเซ็นชื่อ" + } +} diff --git a/app/_locales/zh_TW/messages.json b/app/_locales/zh_TW/messages.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..90f63c6a6 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/_locales/zh_TW/messages.json @@ -0,0 +1,864 @@ +{ + "accept": { + "message": "接受" + }, + "account": { + "message": "帳戶" + }, + "accountDetails": { + "message": "帳戶詳情" + }, + "accountName": { + "message": "帳戶名稱" + }, + "address": { + "message": "帳戶地址" + }, + "addCustomToken": { + "message": "加入自訂代幣" + }, + "addToken": { + "message": "加入代幣" + }, + "addTokens": { + "message": "加入多筆代幣" + }, + "amount": { + "message": "數額" + }, + "amountPlusGas": { + "message": "數額 + Gas" + }, + "appDescription": { + "message": "乙太坊瀏覽器擴充插件", + "description": "The description of the application" + }, + "appName": { + "message": "MetaMask", + "description": "The name of the application" + }, + "approved": { + "message": "已同意" + }, + "attemptingConnect": { + "message": "正在嘗試連接區塊鏈。" + }, + "attributions": { + "message": "來源" + }, + "available": { + "message": "可使用" + }, + "back": { + "message": "上一頁" + }, + "balance": { + "message": "餘額:" + }, + "balances": { + "message": "你的餘額:" + }, + "balanceIsInsufficientGas": { + "message": "當前餘額不足以支付 Gas" + }, + "beta": { + "message": "BETA" + }, + "betweenMinAndMax": { + "message": "必須大於等於 $1 並且小於等於 $2 。", + "description": "helper for inputting hex as decimal input" + }, + "blockiesIdenticon": { + "message": "使用 Blockies Identicon" + }, + "borrowDharma": { + "message": "透過 Dharma (Beta) 借用" + }, + "builtInCalifornia": { + "message": "MetaMask 是在加州設計製造." + }, + "buy": { + "message": "購買" + }, + "buyCoinbase": { + "message": "在 Coinbase 上購買" + }, + "buyCoinbaseExplainer": { + "message": "Coinbase 是世界上最流行的買賣比特幣,以太幣和萊特幣的交易所。" + }, + "ok": { + "message": "Ok" + }, + "cancel": { + "message": "取消" + }, + "classicInterface": { + "message": "使用舊版界面" + }, + "clickCopy": { + "message": "點擊複製" + }, + "confirm": { + "message": "確認" + }, + "confirmed": { + "message": "已確認" + }, + "confirmContract": { + "message": "確認合約" + }, + "confirmPassword": { + "message": "確認密碼" + }, + "confirmTransaction": { + "message": "確認交易" + }, + "continue": { + "message": "繼續" + }, + "continueToCoinbase": { + "message": "繼續前往 Coinbase" + }, + "contractDeployment": { + "message": "合約部署" + }, + "conversionProgress": { + "message": "正在取得匯率" + }, + "copiedButton": { + "message": "已複製" + }, + "copiedClipboard": { + "message": "已複製到剪貼簿" + }, + "copiedExclamation": { + "message": "已複製!" + }, + "copiedSafe": { + "message": "我已經複製到某個安全的地方了" + }, + "copy": { + "message": "複製" + }, + "copyToClipboard": { + "message": "複製到剪貼簿" + }, + "copyButton": { + "message": " 複製 " + }, + "copyPrivateKey": { + "message": "這是你的私鑰(點擊複製)" + }, + "create": { + "message": "建立" + }, + "createAccount": { + "message": "建立帳戶" + }, + "createDen": { + "message": "建立" + }, + "crypto": { + "message": "加密", + "description": "Exchange type (cryptocurrencies)" + }, + "currentConversion": { + "message": "當前匯率" + }, + "currentNetwork": { + "message": "當前網路" + }, + "customGas": { + "message": "自訂 Gas" + }, + "customize": { + "message": "自訂" + }, + "customRPC": { + "message": "自訂 RPC" + }, + "decimalsMustZerotoTen": { + "message": "小數點後位數至少為0, 最多為36." + }, + "decimal": { + "message": "小數點精度" + }, + "defaultNetwork": { + "message": "預設Ether交易網路為主網(Main Net)。" + }, + "denExplainer": { + "message": "你的 DEN 是在你的 MetaMask 中的加密密碼儲存庫。" + }, + "deposit": { + "message": "存入" + }, + "depositBTC": { + "message": "將你的 BTC 存入到下面的地址:" + }, + "depositCoin": { + "message": "將你的 $1 存入到下面的地址", + "description": "Tells the user what coin they have selected to deposit with shapeshift" + }, + "depositEth": { + "message": "存入 Eth" + }, + "depositEther": { + "message": "存入 Ether" + }, + "depositFiat": { + "message": "從法定貨幣存入" + }, + "depositFromAccount": { + "message": "從其他帳戶存入" + }, + "depositShapeShift": { + "message": "從 ShapeShift 存入" + }, + "depositShapeShiftExplainer": { + "message": "如果你擁有其他加密貨幣,你可以直接交易並存入 Ether 到你的MetaMask錢包。不需要開帳戶。" + }, + "details": { + "message": "詳情" + }, + "directDeposit": { + "message": "直接存入" + }, + "directDepositEther": { + "message": "直接存入 Ether" + }, + "directDepositEtherExplainer": { + "message": "如果你已經擁有了一些Ether,使用直接存入功能是讓你的新錢包最快取得Ether的方式。" + }, + "done": { + "message": "完成" + }, + "downloadStatelogs": { + "message": "下載狀態紀錄" + }, + "dropped": { + "message": "丟棄" + }, + "edit": { + "message": "編輯" + }, + "editAccountName": { + "message": "編輯帳戶名稱" + }, + "emailUs": { + "message": "寄 Email 給我們!" + }, + "encryptNewDen": { + "message": "加密你的新 DEN" + }, + "enterPassword": { + "message": "請輸入密碼" + }, + "enterPasswordConfirm": { + "message": "請再次輸入密碼確認" + }, + "passwordNotLongEnough": { + "message": "您所輸入的密碼長度不足" + }, + "passwordsDontMatch": { + "message": "您所輸入的密碼不一致" + }, + "etherscanView": { + "message": "在 Etherscan 上查看帳戶" + }, + "exchangeRate": { + "message": "匯率" + }, + "exportPrivateKey": { + "message": "導出私鑰" + }, + "exportPrivateKeyWarning": { + "message": "您需要自行負擔導出私鑰產生的風險" + }, + "failed": { + "message": "失败" + }, + "fiat": { + "message": "FIAT", + "description": "Exchange type" + }, + "fileImportFail": { + "message": "檔案導入失敗?點擊這裡!", + "description": "Helps user import their account from a JSON file" + }, + "from": { + "message": "來源地址" + }, + "fromToSame": { + "message": "來源和目的地址不能一樣" + }, + "fromShapeShift": { + "message": "來自 ShapeShift" + }, + "gas": { + "message": "Gas", + "description": "Short indication of gas cost" + }, + "gasFee": { + "message": "Gas 費用" + }, + "gasLimit": { + "message": "Gas 上限" + }, + "gasLimitCalculation": { + "message": "我們根據網路成功率算出建議的 Gas 上限。" + }, + "gasLimitRequired": { + "message": "必需填寫 Gas 上限" + }, + "gasLimitTooLow": { + "message": "Gas 上限至少為 21000" + }, + "gasPrice": { + "message": "Gas 價格 (GWEI)" + }, + "gasPriceCalculation": { + "message": "我們根據網路成功率算出建議的 Gas 價格" + }, + "gasPriceRequired": { + "message": "必需填寫 Gas 價格" + }, + "getEther": { + "message": "取得 Ether" + }, + "getEtherFromFaucet": { + "message": "從水管取得$1 Ether", + "description": "Displays network name for Ether faucet" + }, + "greaterThanMin": { + "message": "必須要大於等於 $1。", + "description": "helper for inputting hex as decimal input" + }, + "here": { + "message": "這裡", + "description": "as in -click here- for more information (goes with troubleTokenBalances)" + }, + "hereList": { + "message": "Here's a list!!!!" + }, + "hide": { + "message": "隱藏" + }, + "hideToken": { + "message": "隱藏代幣" + }, + "hideTokenPrompt": { + "message": "隱藏代幣?" + }, + "howToDeposit": { + "message": "你想怎麼存入 Ether?" + }, + "holdEther": { + "message": "Metamask 讓您能保存 ether 和代幣, 並成為您接觸分散式應用程式的途徑." + }, + "import": { + "message": "導入", + "description": "Button to import an account from a selected file" + }, + "importAccount": { + "message": "導入帳戶" + }, + "importAnAccount": { + "message": "導入一個帳戶" + }, + "importDen": { + "message": "導入現成的 DEN" + }, + "imported": { + "message": "已導入私鑰", + "description": "status showing that an account has been fully loaded into the keyring" + }, + "infoHelp": { + "message": "說明 & 資訊" + }, + "insufficientFunds": { + "message": "資金不足." + }, + "insufficientTokens": { + "message": "代幣不足." + }, + "invalidAddress": { + "message": "錯誤的地址" + }, + "invalidAddressRecipient": { + "message": "接收地址錯誤" + }, + "invalidGasParams": { + "message": "Gas 參數錯誤" + }, + "invalidInput": { + "message": "輸入錯誤。" + }, + "invalidRequest": { + "message": "無效的請求" + }, + "invalidRPC": { + "message": "無效的 RPC URI" + }, + "jsonFail": { + "message": "有東西出錯了. 請確認你的 JSON 檔案格式正確." + }, + "jsonFile": { + "message": "JSON 檔案", + "description": "format for importing an account" + }, + "kovan": { + "message": "Kovan 測試網路" + }, + "knowledgeDataBase": { + "message": "查看我們的知識庫" + }, + "max": { + "message": "最大值" + }, + "lessThanMax": { + "message": "必須小於等於 $1.", + "description": "helper for inputting hex as decimal input" + }, + "likeToAddTokens": { + "message": "您確定要加入這些代幣嗎?" + }, + "links": { + "message": "連結" + }, + "limit": { + "message": "上限" + }, + "loading": { + "message": "載入..." + }, + "loadingTokens": { + "message": "載入代幣..." + }, + "localhost": { + "message": "Localhost 8545" + }, + "logout": { + "message": "登出" + }, + "loose": { + "message": "非Metamask帳號" + }, + "loweCaseWords": { + "message": "助憶詞僅包含小寫字元" + }, + "mainnet": { + "message": "主乙太坊網路" + }, + "message": { + "message": "訊息" + }, + "metamaskDescription": { + "message": "MetaMask 是Ethereum的安全身份識別金庫." + }, + "min": { + "message": "最小" + }, + "myAccounts": { + "message": "我的帳戶" + }, + "mustSelectOne": { + "message": "必須選擇至少 1 代幣." + }, + "needEtherInWallet": { + "message": "要使用 MetaMask 存取 DAPP時,您的錢包中需要有 Ether。" + }, + "needImportFile": { + "message": "您必須選擇一個檔案來導入。", + "description": "User is important an account and needs to add a file to continue" + }, + "needImportPassword": { + "message": "您必須為選擇好的檔案輸入密碼。", + "description": "Password and file needed to import an account" + }, + "networks": { + "message": "網路" + }, + "newAccount": { + "message": "新帳戶" + }, + "newAccountNumberName": { + "message": "帳戶 $1", + "description": "Default name of next account to be created on create account screen" + }, + "newContract": { + "message": "新合約" + }, + "newPassword": { + "message": "新密碼(至少8個字)" + }, + "newRecipient": { + "message": "新收款人" + }, + "newRPC": { + "message": "New RPC URL" + }, + "next": { + "message": "下一頁" + }, + "noAddressForName": { + "message": "此 ENS 尚未指定地址。" + }, + "noDeposits": { + "message": "尚未有存款" + }, + "noTransactionHistory": { + "message": "尚未有交易紀錄。" + }, + "noTransactions": { + "message": "尚未有交易" + }, + "notStarted": { + "message": "尚未開始" + }, + "oldUI": { + "message": "舊版界面" + }, + "oldUIMessage": { + "message": "你已經切換到舊版界面。可以通過右上方下拉選單中的選項切換回新的使用者界面。" + }, + "or": { + "message": "或", + "description": "choice between creating or importing a new account" + }, + "passwordMismatch": { + "message": "密碼不一致", + "description": "in password creation process, the two new password fields did not match" + }, + "passwordShort": { + "message": "密碼不夠長", + "description": "in password creation process, the password is not long enough to be secure" + }, + "pastePrivateKey": { + "message": "請貼上你的私鑰串:", + "description": "For importing an account from a private key" + }, + "pasteSeed": { + "message": "請貼上你的助憶詞!" + }, + "personalAddressDetected": { + "message": "已偵測到個人地址. 請輸入代幣合約地址." + }, + "pleaseReviewTransaction": { + "message": "請檢查你的交易。" + }, + "privateKey": { + "message": "私鑰", + "description": "select this type of file to use to import an account" + }, + "privateKeyWarning": { + "message": "注意:永遠不要公開這個私鑰。任何取得這把私鑰的人都可以竊取這個帳號中的任何資產。" + }, + "privateNetwork": { + "message": "私有網路" + }, + "qrCode": { + "message": "顯示 QR Code" + }, + "readdToken": { + "message": "之後還可以透過帳戶選單中的“加入代幣”來加入此代幣。" + }, + "readMore": { + "message": "了解更多。" + }, + "readMore2": { + "message": "了解更多。" + }, + "receive": { + "message": "接收" + }, + "recipientAddress": { + "message": "接收地址" + }, + "refundAddress": { + "message": "你的退款地址" + }, + "rejected": { + "message": "拒絕" + }, + "resetAccount": { + "message": "重置帳戶" + }, + "restoreFromSeed": { + "message": "透過助憶詞重置" + }, + "restoreVault": { + "message": "重置金庫" + }, + "required": { + "message": "必填" + }, + "retryWithMoreGas": { + "message": "改用更高的 Gas 價格重試" + }, + "walletSeed": { + "message": "錢包助憶詞" + }, + "revealSeedWords": { + "message": "顯示助憶詞" + }, + "revealSeedWordsWarning": { + "message": "別在公共場合回復你的助憶詞!這些詞可被用來竊取你的帳戶." + }, + "revert": { + "message": "還原" + }, + "rinkeby": { + "message": "Rinkeby 測試網路" + }, + "ropsten": { + "message": "Ropsten 測試網路" + }, + "currentRpc": { + "message": "當前的 RPC" + }, + "connectingToMainnet": { + "message": "連線到主 Ethereum 網路" + }, + "connectingToRopsten": { + "message": "連線到 Ropsten 測試網路" + }, + "connectingToKovan": { + "message": "連線到 Kovan 測試網路" + }, + "connectingToRinkeby": { + "message": "連線到 Rinkeby 測試網路" + }, + "connectingToUnknown": { + "message": "連線到未知網路" + }, + "sampleAccountName": { + "message": "例如:我的新帳戶", + "description": "Help user understand concept of adding a human-readable name to their account" + }, + "save": { + "message": "儲存" + }, + "saveAsFile": { + "message": "儲存檔案", + "description": "Account export process" + }, + "saveSeedAsFile": { + "message": "將助憶詞儲存成檔案" + }, + "search": { + "message": "搜尋" + }, + "secretPhrase": { + "message": "在此輸入你的12個祕密助憶詞以回復金庫." + }, + "newPassword8Chars": { + "message": "新密碼 (至少 8 個字元)" + }, + "seedPhraseReq": { + "message": "助憶詞為 12 個詞語" + }, + "select": { + "message": "選擇" + }, + "selectCurrency": { + "message": "選擇幣別" + }, + "selectService": { + "message": "選擇服務" + }, + "selectType": { + "message": "選擇類型" + }, + "send": { + "message": "發送" + }, + "sendETH": { + "message": "發送 ETH" + }, + "sendTokens": { + "message": "發送代幣" + }, + "onlySendToEtherAddress": { + "message": "只發送 ETH 到乙太坊地址." + }, + "sendTokensAnywhere": { + "message": "發送代幣給擁有乙太坊帳戶的任何人" + }, + "settings": { + "message": "設定" + }, + "info": { + "message": "資訊" + }, + "shapeshiftBuy": { + "message": "從 Shapeshift 購買" + }, + "showPrivateKeys": { + "message": "顯示私鑰" + }, + "showQRCode": { + "message": "顯示 QR Code" + }, + "sign": { + "message": "簽名" + }, + "signMessage": { + "message": "簽署訊息" + }, + "signNotice": { + "message": "簽署此訊息可能會產生危險的副作用。 \n只從你完全信任的網站上簽名。這種危險的方法;將在未來的版本中被移除。" + }, + "sigRequest": { + "message": "請求簽署" + }, + "sigRequested": { + "message": "已請求簽署" + }, + "spaceBetween": { + "message": "there can only be a space between words" + }, + "status": { + "message": "狀態" + }, + "stateLogs": { + "message": "狀態紀錄" + }, + "stateLogsDescription": { + "message": "狀態紀錄包含你的公開帳戶地址和已傳送的交易資訊." + }, + "stateLogError": { + "message": "在取得狀態紀錄時發生錯誤." + }, + "submit": { + "message": "送出" + }, + "submitted": { + "message": "已送出" + }, + "supportCenter": { + "message": "造訪我們的協助中心" + }, + "symbolBetweenZeroTen": { + "message": "代號必須介於 0 到 10 字元間." + }, + "takesTooLong": { + "message": "花費太長時間?" + }, + "terms": { + "message": "使用條款" + }, + "testFaucet": { + "message": "測試水管" + }, + "to": { + "message": "目的帳號" + }, + "toETHviaShapeShift": { + "message": "$1 ETH 透過 ShapeShift", + "description": "system will fill in deposit type in start of message" + }, + "tokenAddress": { + "message": "代幣地址" + }, + "tokenAlreadyAdded": { + "message": "已加入過此代幣。" + }, + "tokenBalance": { + "message": "代幣餘額:" + }, + "tokenSelection": { + "message": "搜尋代幣或是從熱門代幣列表中選擇。" + }, + "tokenSymbol": { + "message": "代幣代號" + }, + "tokenWarning1": { + "message": "使用 MetaMask 帳戶追蹤你已購得的代幣。如果你使用不同的帳戶保存購得的代幣,那些代幣就不會出現在這裡。" + }, + "total": { + "message": "總量" + }, + "transactions": { + "message": "交易紀錄" + }, + "transactionMemo": { + "message": "交易備註(選填)" + }, + "transactionNumber": { + "message": "交易號碼" + }, + "transfers": { + "message": "交易" + }, + "troubleTokenBalances": { + "message": "無法取得代幣餘額。您k可以到這裡查看 ", + "description": "Followed by a link (here) to view token balances" + }, + "twelveWords": { + "message": "這 12 個單詞是唯一回復你的 MetaMask 帳號的方法。\n將它們儲存到那些安全且隱密的地方吧。" + }, + "typePassword": { + "message": "請輸入密碼" + }, + "uiWelcome": { + "message": "歡迎使用新版界面 (Beta)" + }, + "uiWelcomeMessage": { + "message": "你現在正在使用新的 Metamask 界面。試試諸如發送代幣等新功能,有任何問題請告知我們。" + }, + "unapproved": { + "message": "未同意" + }, + "unavailable": { + "message": "不可用" + }, + "unknown": { + "message": "未知" + }, + "unknownNetwork": { + "message": "未知私有網路" + }, + "unknownNetworkId": { + "message": "未知網路 ID" + }, + "uriErrorMsg": { + "message": "URIs 需要加入適當的 HTTP/HTTPS 前綴." + }, + "usaOnly": { + "message": "僅限美國", + "description": "Using this exchange is limited to people inside the USA" + }, + "usedByClients": { + "message": "可用於各種不同的客戶端" + }, + "useOldUI": { + "message": "使用舊版界面" + }, + "validFileImport": { + "message": "您必須選擇一個合法的檔案來導入." + }, + "vaultCreated": { + "message": "已建立金庫" + }, + "viewAccount": { + "message": "查看帳戶" + }, + "visitWebSite": { + "message": "造訪我們的網站" + }, + "warning": { + "message": "警告" + }, + "welcomeBeta": { + "message": "歡迎到 MetaMask Beta" + }, + "whatsThis": { + "message": "這是什麼?" + }, + "yourSigRequested": { + "message": "正在請求你的簽署" + }, + "youSign": { + "message": "正在簽署" + } +} diff --git a/app/scripts/lib/setupRaven.js b/app/scripts/lib/setupRaven.js index 42e48cb90..02c01b755 100644 --- a/app/scripts/lib/setupRaven.js +++ b/app/scripts/lib/setupRaven.js @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -const Raven = require('../vendor/raven.min.js') +const Raven = require('raven-js') const METAMASK_DEBUG = 'GULP_METAMASK_DEBUG' const PROD = 'https://3567c198f8a8412082d32655da2961d0@sentry.io/273505' const DEV = 'https://f59f3dd640d2429d9d0e2445a87ea8e1@sentry.io/273496' @@ -18,9 +18,35 @@ function setupRaven(opts) { ravenTarget = PROD } - Raven.config(ravenTarget, { + const client = Raven.config(ravenTarget, { release, - }).install() + transport: function(opts) { + // modify report urls + const report = opts.data + rewriteReportUrls(report) + // make request normally + client._makeRequest(opts) + }, + }) + client.install() return Raven } + +function rewriteReportUrls(report) { + // update request url + report.request.url = toMetamaskUrl(report.request.url) + // update exception stack trace + report.exception.values.forEach(item => { + item.stacktrace.frames.forEach(frame => { + frame.filename = toMetamaskUrl(frame.filename) + }) + }) +} + +function toMetamaskUrl(origUrl) { + const filePath = origUrl.split(location.origin)[1] + if (!filePath) return origUrl + const metamaskUrl = `metamask${filePath}` + return metamaskUrl +} diff --git a/app/scripts/migrations/022.js b/app/scripts/migrations/022.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c3c0d53ef --- /dev/null +++ b/app/scripts/migrations/022.js @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ + +const version = 22 + +/* + +This migration adds submittedTime to the txMeta if it is not their + +*/ + +const clone = require('clone') + +module.exports = { + version, + + migrate: function (originalVersionedData) { + const versionedData = clone(originalVersionedData) + versionedData.meta.version = version + try { + const state = versionedData.data + const newState = transformState(state) + versionedData.data = newState + } catch (err) { + console.warn(`MetaMask Migration #${version}` + err.stack) + } + return Promise.resolve(versionedData) + }, +} + +function transformState (state) { + const newState = state + const transactions = newState.TransactionController.transactions + + newState.TransactionController.transactions = transactions.map((txMeta) => { + if (txMeta.status !== 'submitted' || txMeta.submittedTime) return txMeta + txMeta.submittedTime = (new Date()).getTime() + return txMeta + }) + return newState +} diff --git a/app/scripts/vendor/raven.min.js b/app/scripts/vendor/raven.min.js deleted file mode 100644 index b439aeae6..000000000 --- a/app/scripts/vendor/raven.min.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ -/*! Raven.js 3.22.1 (7584197) | github.com/getsentry/raven-js */ -!function(a){if("object"==typeof exports&&"undefined"!=typeof module)module.exports=a();else if("function"==typeof define&&define.amd)define([],a);else{var b;b="undefined"!=typeof window?window:"undefined"!=typeof global?global:"undefined"!=typeof self?self:this,b.Raven=a()}}(function(){return function a(b,c,d){function e(g,h){if(!c[g]){if(!b[g]){var i="function"==typeof require&&require;if(!h&&i)return i(g,!0);if(f)return f(g,!0);var j=new Error("Cannot find module '"+g+"'");throw j.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",j}var k=c[g]={exports:{}};b[g][0].call(k.exports,function(a){var c=b[g][1][a];return e(c?c:a)},k,k.exports,a,b,c,d)}return c[g].exports}for(var f="function"==typeof require&&require,g=0;g<d.length;g++)e(d[g]);return e}({1:[function(a,b,c){function d(a){this.name="RavenConfigError",this.message=a}d.prototype=new Error,d.prototype.constructor=d,b.exports=d},{}],2:[function(a,b,c){var d=function(a,b,c){var d=a[b],e=a;if(b in a){var f="warn"===b?"warning":b;a[b]=function(){var a=[].slice.call(arguments),g=""+a.join(" "),h={level:f,logger:"console",extra:{arguments:a}};"assert"===b?a[0]===!1&&(g="Assertion failed: "+(a.slice(1).join(" ")||"console.assert"),h.extra.arguments=a.slice(1),c&&c(g,h)):c&&c(g,h),d&&Function.prototype.apply.call(d,e,a)}}};b.exports={wrapMethod:d}},{}],3:[function(a,b,c){(function(c){function d(){return+new Date}function e(a,b){return o(b)?function(c){return b(c,a)}:b}function f(){this.a=!("object"!=typeof JSON||!JSON.stringify),this.b=!n(K),this.c=!n(L),this.d=null,this.e=null,this.f=null,this.g=null,this.h=null,this.i=null,this.j={},this.k={release:J.SENTRY_RELEASE&&J.SENTRY_RELEASE.id,logger:"javascript",ignoreErrors:[],ignoreUrls:[],whitelistUrls:[],includePaths:[],headers:null,collectWindowErrors:!0,maxMessageLength:0,maxUrlLength:250,stackTraceLimit:50,autoBreadcrumbs:!0,instrument:!0,sampleRate:1},this.l={method:"POST",keepalive:!0,referrerPolicy:"origin"},this.m=0,this.n=!1,this.o=Error.stackTraceLimit,this.p=J.console||{},this.q={},this.r=[],this.s=d(),this.t=[],this.u=[],this.v=null,this.w=J.location,this.x=this.w&&this.w.href,this.y();for(var a in this.p)this.q[a]=this.p[a]}var g=a(6),h=a(7),i=a(1),j=a(5),k=j.isError,l=j.isObject,m=j.isErrorEvent,n=j.isUndefined,o=j.isFunction,p=j.isString,q=j.isArray,r=j.isEmptyObject,s=j.each,t=j.objectMerge,u=j.truncate,v=j.objectFrozen,w=j.hasKey,x=j.joinRegExp,y=j.urlencode,z=j.uuid4,A=j.htmlTreeAsString,B=j.isSameException,C=j.isSameStacktrace,D=j.parseUrl,E=j.fill,F=j.supportsFetch,G=a(2).wrapMethod,H="source protocol user pass host port path".split(" "),I=/^(?:(\w+):)?\/\/(?:(\w+)(:\w+)?@)?([\w\.-]+)(?::(\d+))?(\/.*)/,J="undefined"!=typeof window?window:"undefined"!=typeof c?c:"undefined"!=typeof self?self:{},K=J.document,L=J.navigator;f.prototype={VERSION:"3.22.1",debug:!1,TraceKit:g,config:function(a,b){var c=this;if(c.g)return this.z("error","Error: Raven has already been configured"),c;if(!a)return c;var d=c.k;b&&s(b,function(a,b){"tags"===a||"extra"===a||"user"===a?c.j[a]=b:d[a]=b}),c.setDSN(a),d.ignoreErrors.push(/^Script error\.?$/),d.ignoreErrors.push(/^Javascript error: Script error\.? on line 0$/),d.ignoreErrors=x(d.ignoreErrors),d.ignoreUrls=!!d.ignoreUrls.length&&x(d.ignoreUrls),d.whitelistUrls=!!d.whitelistUrls.length&&x(d.whitelistUrls),d.includePaths=x(d.includePaths),d.maxBreadcrumbs=Math.max(0,Math.min(d.maxBreadcrumbs||100,100));var e={xhr:!0,console:!0,dom:!0,location:!0,sentry:!0},f=d.autoBreadcrumbs;"[object Object]"==={}.toString.call(f)?f=t(e,f):f!==!1&&(f=e),d.autoBreadcrumbs=f;var h={tryCatch:!0},i=d.instrument;return"[object Object]"==={}.toString.call(i)?i=t(h,i):i!==!1&&(i=h),d.instrument=i,g.collectWindowErrors=!!d.collectWindowErrors,c},install:function(){var a=this;return a.isSetup()&&!a.n&&(g.report.subscribe(function(){a.A.apply(a,arguments)}),a.B(),a.k.instrument&&a.k.instrument.tryCatch&&a.C(),a.k.autoBreadcrumbs&&a.D(),a.E(),a.n=!0),Error.stackTraceLimit=a.k.stackTraceLimit,this},setDSN:function(a){var b=this,c=b.F(a),d=c.path.lastIndexOf("/"),e=c.path.substr(1,d);b.G=a,b.h=c.user,b.H=c.pass&&c.pass.substr(1),b.i=c.path.substr(d+1),b.g=b.I(c),b.J=b.g+"/"+e+"api/"+b.i+"/store/",this.y()},context:function(a,b,c){return o(a)&&(c=b||[],b=a,a=void 0),this.wrap(a,b).apply(this,c)},wrap:function(a,b,c){function d(){var d=[],f=arguments.length,g=!a||a&&a.deep!==!1;for(c&&o(c)&&c.apply(this,arguments);f--;)d[f]=g?e.wrap(a,arguments[f]):arguments[f];try{return b.apply(this,d)}catch(h){throw e.K(),e.captureException(h,a),h}}var e=this;if(n(b)&&!o(a))return a;if(o(a)&&(b=a,a=void 0),!o(b))return b;try{if(b.L)return b;if(b.M)return b.M}catch(f){return b}for(var g in b)w(b,g)&&(d[g]=b[g]);return d.prototype=b.prototype,b.M=d,d.L=!0,d.N=b,d},uninstall:function(){return g.report.uninstall(),this.O(),this.P(),Error.stackTraceLimit=this.o,this.n=!1,this},captureException:function(a,b){var c=!k(a),d=!m(a),e=m(a)&&!a.error;if(c&&d||e)return this.captureMessage(a,t({trimHeadFrames:1,stacktrace:!0},b));m(a)&&(a=a.error),this.d=a;try{var f=g.computeStackTrace(a);this.Q(f,b)}catch(h){if(a!==h)throw h}return this},captureMessage:function(a,b){if(!this.k.ignoreErrors.test||!this.k.ignoreErrors.test(a)){b=b||{};var c,d=t({message:a+""},b);try{throw new Error(a)}catch(e){c=e}c.name=null;var f=g.computeStackTrace(c),h=q(f.stack)&&f.stack[1],i=h&&h.url||"";if((!this.k.ignoreUrls.test||!this.k.ignoreUrls.test(i))&&(!this.k.whitelistUrls.test||this.k.whitelistUrls.test(i))){if(this.k.stacktrace||b&&b.stacktrace){b=t({fingerprint:a,trimHeadFrames:(b.trimHeadFrames||0)+1},b);var j=this.R(f,b);d.stacktrace={frames:j.reverse()}}return this.S(d),this}}},captureBreadcrumb:function(a){var b=t({timestamp:d()/1e3},a);if(o(this.k.breadcrumbCallback)){var c=this.k.breadcrumbCallback(b);if(l(c)&&!r(c))b=c;else if(c===!1)return this}return this.u.push(b),this.u.length>this.k.maxBreadcrumbs&&this.u.shift(),this},addPlugin:function(a){var b=[].slice.call(arguments,1);return this.r.push([a,b]),this.n&&this.E(),this},setUserContext:function(a){return this.j.user=a,this},setExtraContext:function(a){return this.T("extra",a),this},setTagsContext:function(a){return this.T("tags",a),this},clearContext:function(){return this.j={},this},getContext:function(){return JSON.parse(h(this.j))},setEnvironment:function(a){return this.k.environment=a,this},setRelease:function(a){return this.k.release=a,this},setDataCallback:function(a){var b=this.k.dataCallback;return this.k.dataCallback=e(b,a),this},setBreadcrumbCallback:function(a){var b=this.k.breadcrumbCallback;return this.k.breadcrumbCallback=e(b,a),this},setShouldSendCallback:function(a){var b=this.k.shouldSendCallback;return this.k.shouldSendCallback=e(b,a),this},setTransport:function(a){return this.k.transport=a,this},lastException:function(){return this.d},lastEventId:function(){return this.f},isSetup:function(){return!!this.a&&(!!this.g||(this.ravenNotConfiguredError||(this.ravenNotConfiguredError=!0,this.z("error","Error: Raven has not been configured.")),!1))},afterLoad:function(){var a=J.RavenConfig;a&&this.config(a.dsn,a.config).install()},showReportDialog:function(a){if(K){a=a||{};var b=a.eventId||this.lastEventId();if(!b)throw new i("Missing eventId");var c=a.dsn||this.G;if(!c)throw new i("Missing DSN");var d=encodeURIComponent,e="";e+="?eventId="+d(b),e+="&dsn="+d(c);var f=a.user||this.j.user;f&&(f.name&&(e+="&name="+d(f.name)),f.email&&(e+="&email="+d(f.email)));var g=this.I(this.F(c)),h=K.createElement("script");h.async=!0,h.src=g+"/api/embed/error-page/"+e,(K.head||K.body).appendChild(h)}},K:function(){var a=this;this.m+=1,setTimeout(function(){a.m-=1})},U:function(a,b){var c,d;if(this.b){b=b||{},a="raven"+a.substr(0,1).toUpperCase()+a.substr(1),K.createEvent?(c=K.createEvent("HTMLEvents"),c.initEvent(a,!0,!0)):(c=K.createEventObject(),c.eventType=a);for(d in b)w(b,d)&&(c[d]=b[d]);if(K.createEvent)K.dispatchEvent(c);else try{K.fireEvent("on"+c.eventType.toLowerCase(),c)}catch(e){}}},V:function(a){var b=this;return function(c){if(b.W=null,b.v!==c){b.v=c;var d;try{d=A(c.target)}catch(e){d="<unknown>"}b.captureBreadcrumb({category:"ui."+a,message:d})}}},X:function(){var a=this,b=1e3;return function(c){var d;try{d=c.target}catch(e){return}var f=d&&d.tagName;if(f&&("INPUT"===f||"TEXTAREA"===f||d.isContentEditable)){var g=a.W;g||a.V("input")(c),clearTimeout(g),a.W=setTimeout(function(){a.W=null},b)}}},Y:function(a,b){var c=D(this.w.href),d=D(b),e=D(a);this.x=b,c.protocol===d.protocol&&c.host===d.host&&(b=d.relative),c.protocol===e.protocol&&c.host===e.host&&(a=e.relative),this.captureBreadcrumb({category:"navigation",data:{to:b,from:a}})},B:function(){var a=this;a.Z=Function.prototype.toString,Function.prototype.toString=function(){return"function"==typeof this&&this.L?a.Z.apply(this.N,arguments):a.Z.apply(this,arguments)}},O:function(){this.Z&&(Function.prototype.toString=this.Z)},C:function(){function a(a){return function(b,d){for(var e=new Array(arguments.length),f=0;f<e.length;++f)e[f]=arguments[f];var g=e[0];return o(g)&&(e[0]=c.wrap(g)),a.apply?a.apply(this,e):a(e[0],e[1])}}function b(a){var b=J[a]&&J[a].prototype;b&&b.hasOwnProperty&&b.hasOwnProperty("addEventListener")&&(E(b,"addEventListener",function(b){return function(d,f,g,h){try{f&&f.handleEvent&&(f.handleEvent=c.wrap(f.handleEvent))}catch(i){}var j,k,l;return e&&e.dom&&("EventTarget"===a||"Node"===a)&&(k=c.V("click"),l=c.X(),j=function(a){if(a){var b;try{b=a.type}catch(c){return}return"click"===b?k(a):"keypress"===b?l(a):void 0}}),b.call(this,d,c.wrap(f,void 0,j),g,h)}},d),E(b,"removeEventListener",function(a){return function(b,c,d,e){try{c=c&&(c.M?c.M:c)}catch(f){}return a.call(this,b,c,d,e)}},d))}var c=this,d=c.t,e=this.k.autoBreadcrumbs;E(J,"setTimeout",a,d),E(J,"setInterval",a,d),J.requestAnimationFrame&&E(J,"requestAnimationFrame",function(a){return function(b){return a(c.wrap(b))}},d);for(var f=["EventTarget","Window","Node","ApplicationCache","AudioTrackList","ChannelMergerNode","CryptoOperation","EventSource","FileReader","HTMLUnknownElement","IDBDatabase","IDBRequest","IDBTransaction","KeyOperation","MediaController","MessagePort","ModalWindow","Notification","SVGElementInstance","Screen","TextTrack","TextTrackCue","TextTrackList","WebSocket","WebSocketWorker","Worker","XMLHttpRequest","XMLHttpRequestEventTarget","XMLHttpRequestUpload"],g=0;g<f.length;g++)b(f[g])},D:function(){function a(a,c){a in c&&o(c[a])&&E(c,a,function(a){return b.wrap(a)})}var b=this,c=this.k.autoBreadcrumbs,d=b.t;if(c.xhr&&"XMLHttpRequest"in J){var e=XMLHttpRequest.prototype;E(e,"open",function(a){return function(c,d){return p(d)&&d.indexOf(b.h)===-1&&(this.$={method:c,url:d,status_code:null}),a.apply(this,arguments)}},d),E(e,"send",function(c){return function(){function d(){if(e.$&&4===e.readyState){try{e.$.status_code=e.status}catch(a){}b.captureBreadcrumb({type:"http",category:"xhr",data:e.$})}}for(var e=this,f=["onload","onerror","onprogress"],g=0;g<f.length;g++)a(f[g],e);return"onreadystatechange"in e&&o(e.onreadystatechange)?E(e,"onreadystatechange",function(a){return b.wrap(a,void 0,d)}):e.onreadystatechange=d,c.apply(this,arguments)}},d)}c.xhr&&F()&&E(J,"fetch",function(a){return function(){for(var c=new Array(arguments.length),d=0;d<c.length;++d)c[d]=arguments[d];var e,f=c[0],g="GET";if("string"==typeof f?e=f:"Request"in J&&f instanceof J.Request?(e=f.url,f.method&&(g=f.method)):e=""+f,e.indexOf(b.h)!==-1)return a.apply(this,c);c[1]&&c[1].method&&(g=c[1].method);var h={method:g,url:e,status_code:null};return a.apply(this,c).then(function(a){return h.status_code=a.status,b.captureBreadcrumb({type:"http",category:"fetch",data:h}),a})}},d),c.dom&&this.b&&(K.addEventListener?(K.addEventListener("click",b.V("click"),!1),K.addEventListener("keypress",b.X(),!1)):(K.attachEvent("onclick",b.V("click")),K.attachEvent("onkeypress",b.X())));var f=J.chrome,g=f&&f.app&&f.app.runtime,h=!g&&J.history&&history.pushState&&history.replaceState;if(c.location&&h){var i=J.onpopstate;J.onpopstate=function(){var a=b.w.href;if(b.Y(b.x,a),i)return i.apply(this,arguments)};var j=function(a){return function(){var c=arguments.length>2?arguments[2]:void 0;return c&&b.Y(b.x,c+""),a.apply(this,arguments)}};E(history,"pushState",j,d),E(history,"replaceState",j,d)}if(c.console&&"console"in J&&console.log){var k=function(a,c){b.captureBreadcrumb({message:a,level:c.level,category:"console"})};s(["debug","info","warn","error","log"],function(a,b){G(console,b,k)})}},P:function(){for(var a;this.t.length;){a=this.t.shift();var b=a[0],c=a[1],d=a[2];b[c]=d}},E:function(){var a=this;s(this.r,function(b,c){var d=c[0],e=c[1];d.apply(a,[a].concat(e))})},F:function(a){var b=I.exec(a),c={},d=7;try{for(;d--;)c[H[d]]=b[d]||""}catch(e){throw new i("Invalid DSN: "+a)}if(c.pass&&!this.k.allowSecretKey)throw new i("Do not specify your secret key in the DSN. 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h;if(e&&e.length?(c=e[0].filename||c,e.reverse(),h={frames:e}):c&&(h={frames:[{filename:c,lineno:d,in_app:!0}]}),(!this.k.ignoreUrls.test||!this.k.ignoreUrls.test(c))&&(!this.k.whitelistUrls.test||this.k.whitelistUrls.test(c))){var i=t({exception:{values:[{type:a,value:b,stacktrace:h}]},culprit:c},f);this.S(i)}}},ba:function(a){var b=this.k.maxMessageLength;if(a.message&&(a.message=u(a.message,b)),a.exception){var c=a.exception.values[0];c.value=u(c.value,b)}var d=a.request;return d&&(d.url&&(d.url=u(d.url,this.k.maxUrlLength)),d.Referer&&(d.Referer=u(d.Referer,this.k.maxUrlLength))),a.breadcrumbs&&a.breadcrumbs.values&&this.ca(a.breadcrumbs),a},ca:function(a){for(var b,c,d,e=["to","from","url"],f=0;f<a.values.length;++f)if(c=a.values[f],c.hasOwnProperty("data")&&l(c.data)&&!v(c.data)){d=t({},c.data);for(var g=0;g<e.length;++g)b=e[g],d.hasOwnProperty(b)&&d[b]&&(d[b]=u(d[b],this.k.maxUrlLength));a.values[f].data=d}},da:function(){if(this.c||this.b){var a={};return 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a.trimHeadFrames,a=t(c,a),a.tags=t(t({},this.j.tags),a.tags),a.extra=t(t({},this.j.extra),a.extra),a.extra["session:duration"]=d()-this.s,this.u&&this.u.length>0&&(a.breadcrumbs={values:[].slice.call(this.u,0)}),this.j.user&&(a.user=this.j.user),b.environment&&(a.environment=b.environment),b.release&&(a.release=b.release),b.serverName&&(a.server_name=b.serverName),Object.keys(a).forEach(function(b){(null==a[b]||""===a[b]||r(a[b]))&&delete a[b]}),o(b.dataCallback)&&(a=b.dataCallback(a)||a),a&&!r(a)&&(!o(b.shouldSendCallback)||b.shouldSendCallback(a)))return this.ga()?void this.z("warn","Raven dropped error due to backoff: ",a):void("number"==typeof b.sampleRate?Math.random()<b.sampleRate&&this.ja(a):this.ja(a))},ka:function(){return z()},ja:function(a,b){var c=this,d=this.k;if(this.isSetup()){if(a=this.ba(a),!this.k.allowDuplicates&&this.ha(a))return void this.z("warn","Raven dropped repeat event: ",a);this.f=a.event_id||(a.event_id=this.ka()),this.e=a,this.z("debug","Raven about to send:",a);var e={sentry_version:"7",sentry_client:"raven-js/"+this.VERSION,sentry_key:this.h};this.H&&(e.sentry_secret=this.H);var f=a.exception&&a.exception.values[0];this.k.autoBreadcrumbs&&this.k.autoBreadcrumbs.sentry&&this.captureBreadcrumb({category:"sentry",message:f?(f.type?f.type+": ":"")+f.value:a.message,event_id:a.event_id,level:a.level||"error"});var g=this.J;(d.transport||this.la).call(this,{url:g,auth:e,data:a,options:d,onSuccess:function(){c.y(),c.U("success",{data:a,src:g}),b&&b()},onError:function(d){c.z("error","Raven transport failed to send: ",d),d.request&&c.ia(d.request),c.U("failure",{data:a,src:g}),d=d||new Error("Raven send failed (no additional details provided)"),b&&b(d)}})}},la:function(a){var b=a.url+"?"+y(a.auth),c=null,d={};if(a.options.headers&&(c=this.ma(a.options.headers)),a.options.fetchParameters&&(d=this.ma(a.options.fetchParameters)),F()){d.body=h(a.data);var e=t({},this.l),f=t(e,d);return c&&(f.headers=c),J.fetch(b,f).then(function(b){if(b.ok)a.onSuccess&&a.onSuccess();else{var c=new Error("Sentry error code: "+b.status);c.request=b,a.onError&&a.onError(c)}})["catch"](function(){a.onError&&a.onError(new Error("Sentry error code: network unavailable"))})}var g=J.XMLHttpRequest&&new J.XMLHttpRequest;if(g){var i="withCredentials"in g||"undefined"!=typeof XDomainRequest;i&&("withCredentials"in g?g.onreadystatechange=function(){if(4===g.readyState)if(200===g.status)a.onSuccess&&a.onSuccess();else if(a.onError){var b=new Error("Sentry error code: "+g.status);b.request=g,a.onError(b)}}:(g=new XDomainRequest,b=b.replace(/^https?:/,""),a.onSuccess&&(g.onload=a.onSuccess),a.onError&&(g.onerror=function(){var b=new Error("Sentry error code: XDomainRequest");b.request=g,a.onError(b)})),g.open("POST",b),c&&s(c,function(a,b){g.setRequestHeader(a,b)}),g.send(h(a.data)))}},ma:function(a){var b={};for(var c in a)if(a.hasOwnProperty(c)){var d=a[c];b[c]="function"==typeof d?d():d}return b},z:function(a){this.q[a]&&this.debug&&Function.prototype.apply.call(this.q[a],this.p,[].slice.call(arguments,1))},T:function(a,b){n(b)?delete this.j[a]:this.j[a]=t(this.j[a]||{},b)}},f.prototype.setUser=f.prototype.setUserContext,f.prototype.setReleaseContext=f.prototype.setRelease,b.exports=f}).call(this,"undefined"!=typeof global?global:"undefined"!=typeof self?self:"undefined"!=typeof window?window:{})},{1:1,2:2,5:5,6:6,7:7}],4:[function(a,b,c){(function(c){var d=a(3),e="undefined"!=typeof window?window:"undefined"!=typeof c?c:"undefined"!=typeof self?self:{},f=e.Raven,g=new d;g.noConflict=function(){return e.Raven=f,g},g.afterLoad(),b.exports=g}).call(this,"undefined"!=typeof global?global:"undefined"!=typeof self?self:"undefined"!=typeof window?window:{})},{3:3}],5:[function(a,b,c){(function(a){function c(a){return"object"==typeof a&&null!==a}function d(a){switch({}.toString.call(a)){case"[object Error]":return!0;case"[object Exception]":return!0;case"[object 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c(b[0])+c(b[1])+c(b[2])+c(b[3])+c(b[4])+c(b[5])+c(b[6])+c(b[7])}return"xxxxxxxxxxxx4xxxyxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx".replace(/[xy]/g,function(a){var b=16*Math.random()|0,c="x"===a?b:3&b|8;return c.toString(16)})}function x(a){for(var b,c=5,d=80,e=[],f=0,g=0,h=" > ",i=h.length;a&&f++<c&&(b=y(a),!("html"===b||f>1&&g+e.length*i+b.length>=d));)e.push(b),g+=b.length,a=a.parentNode;return e.reverse().join(h)}function y(a){var b,c,d,e,f,g=[];if(!a||!a.tagName)return"";if(g.push(a.tagName.toLowerCase()),a.id&&g.push("#"+a.id),b=a.className,b&&i(b))for(c=b.split(/\s+/),f=0;f<c.length;f++)g.push("."+c[f]);var h=["type","name","title","alt"];for(f=0;f<h.length;f++)d=h[f],e=a.getAttribute(d),e&&g.push("["+d+'="'+e+'"]');return g.join("")}function z(a,b){return!!(!!a^!!b)}function A(a,b){return f(a)&&f(b)}function B(a,b){return!z(a,b)&&(a=a.values[0],b=b.values[0],a.type===b.type&&a.value===b.value&&(!A(a.stacktrace,b.stacktrace)&&C(a.stacktrace,b.stacktrace)))}function C(a,b){if(z(a,b))return!1;var 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let addTokenButton = await queryAsync($, 'button.btn-clear.wallet-view__add-token-button') + let addTokenButton = await queryAsync($, 'button.btn-primary.wallet-view__add-token-button') assert.ok(addTokenButton[0], 'add token button present') addTokenButton[0].click() @@ -34,26 +34,26 @@ async function runAddTokenFlowTest (assert, done) { let addTokenWrapper = await queryAsync($, '.add-token__wrapper') assert.ok(addTokenWrapper[0], 'add token wrapper renders') - let addTokenTitle = await queryAsync($, '.add-token__title') - assert.equal(addTokenTitle[0].textContent, 'Add Token', 'add token title is correct') + let addTokenTitle = await queryAsync($, '.add-token__header__title') + assert.equal(addTokenTitle[0].textContent, 'Add Tokens', 'add token title is correct') // Cancel Add Token - const cancelAddTokenButton = await queryAsync($, 'button.btn-cancel.add-token__button') + const cancelAddTokenButton = await queryAsync($, 'button.btn-secondary--lg.add-token__cancel-button') assert.ok(cancelAddTokenButton[0], 'cancel add token button present') cancelAddTokenButton.click() assert.ok($('.wallet-view')[0], 'cancelled and returned to account detail wallet view') // Return to Add Token Screen - addTokenButton = await queryAsync($, 'button.btn-clear.wallet-view__add-token-button') + addTokenButton = await queryAsync($, 'button.btn-primary.wallet-view__add-token-button') assert.ok(addTokenButton[0], 'add token button present') addTokenButton[0].click() // Verify Add Token Screen addTokenWrapper = await queryAsync($, '.add-token__wrapper') - addTokenTitle = await queryAsync($, '.add-token__title') + addTokenTitle = await queryAsync($, '.add-token__header__title') assert.ok(addTokenWrapper[0], 'add token wrapper renders') - assert.equal(addTokenTitle[0].textContent, 'Add Token', 'add token title is correct') + assert.equal(addTokenTitle[0].textContent, 'Add Tokens', 'add token title is correct') // Search for token const searchInput = await queryAsync($, 'input.add-token__input') @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ async function runAddTokenFlowTest (assert, done) { tokenWrapper[0].click() // Click Next button - let nextButton = await queryAsync($, 'button.btn-clear.add-token__button') + let nextButton = await queryAsync($, 'button.btn-primary--lg') assert.equal(nextButton[0].textContent, 'Next', 'next button rendered') nextButton[0].click() @@ -78,8 +78,8 @@ async function runAddTokenFlowTest (assert, done) { 'Would you like to add these tokens?', 'confirm add token rendered' ) - assert.ok($('button.btn-clear.add-token__button')[0], 'confirm add token button found') - $('button.btn-clear.add-token__button')[0].click() + assert.ok($('button.btn-primary--lg')[0], 'confirm add token button found') + $('button.btn-primary--lg')[0].click() // Verify added token image let heroBalance = await queryAsync($, '.hero-balance') @@ -87,13 +87,15 @@ async function runAddTokenFlowTest (assert, done) { assert.ok(tokenImageUrl.indexOf(heroBalance.find('img').attr('src')) > -1, 'token added') // Return to Add Token Screen - addTokenButton = await queryAsync($, 'button.btn-clear.wallet-view__add-token-button') + addTokenButton = await queryAsync($, 'button.btn-primary.wallet-view__add-token-button') assert.ok(addTokenButton[0], 'add token button present') addTokenButton[0].click() - const addCustom = await queryAsync($, '.add-token__add-custom') - assert.ok(addCustom[0], 'add custom token button present') - addCustom[0].click() + const addTokenTabs = await queryAsync($, '.add-token__header__tabs__tab') + assert.equal(addTokenTabs.length, 2, 'expected number of tabs') + assert.equal(addTokenTabs[1].textContent, 'Custom Token', 'Custom Token tab present') + assert.ok(addTokenTabs[1], 'add custom token tab present') + addTokenTabs[1].click() // Input token contract address const customInput = await queryAsync($, 'input.add-token__add-custom-input') @@ -101,14 +103,15 @@ async function runAddTokenFlowTest (assert, done) { reactTriggerChange(customInput[0]) // Click Next button - nextButton = await queryAsync($, 'button.btn-clear.add-token__button') + nextButton = await queryAsync($, 'button.btn-primary--lg') assert.equal(nextButton[0].textContent, 'Next', 'next button rendered') nextButton[0].click() // Verify symbol length error since contract address won't return symbol const errorMessage = await queryAsync($, '.add-token__add-custom-error-message') assert.ok(errorMessage[0], 'error rendered') - $('button.btn-cancel.add-token__button')[0].click() + + $('button.btn-secondary--lg')[0].click() // // Confirm Add token // assert.equal( @@ -116,8 +119,8 @@ async function runAddTokenFlowTest (assert, done) { // 'Would you like to add these tokens?', // 'confirm add token rendered' // ) - // assert.ok($('button.btn-clear.add-token__button')[0], 'confirm add token button found') - // $('button.btn-clear.add-token__button')[0].click() + // assert.ok($('button.btn-primary--lg')[0], 'confirm add token button found') + // $('button.btn-primary--lg')[0].click() // // Verify added token image // heroBalance = await queryAsync($, '.hero-balance') diff --git a/test/integration/lib/confirm-sig-requests.js b/test/integration/lib/confirm-sig-requests.js index 9737a2283..f1116d1a6 100644 --- a/test/integration/lib/confirm-sig-requests.js +++ b/test/integration/lib/confirm-sig-requests.js @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ async function runConfirmSigRequestsTest(assert, done) { let confirmSigRowValue = await queryAsync($, '.request-signature__row-value') assert.ok(confirmSigRowValue[0].textContent.match(/^\#\sTerms\sof\sUse/)) - let confirmSigSignButton = await queryAsync($, '.request-signature__footer__sign-button') + let confirmSigSignButton = await queryAsync($, 'button.btn-primary--lg') confirmSigSignButton[0].click() confirmSigHeadline = await queryAsync($, '.request-signature__headline') @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ async function runConfirmSigRequestsTest(assert, done) { confirmSigRowValue = await queryAsync($, '.request-signature__row-value') assert.equal(confirmSigRowValue[0].textContent, '0x879a053d4800c6354e76c7985a865d2922c82fb5b3f4577b2fe08b998954f2e0') - confirmSigSignButton = await queryAsync($, '.request-signature__footer__sign-button') + confirmSigSignButton = await queryAsync($, 'button.btn-primary--lg') confirmSigSignButton[0].click() confirmSigHeadline = await queryAsync($, '.request-signature__headline') @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ async function runConfirmSigRequestsTest(assert, done) { assert.equal(confirmSigRowValue[0].textContent, 'Hi, Alice!') assert.equal(confirmSigRowValue[1].textContent, '1337') - confirmSigSignButton = await queryAsync($, '.request-signature__footer__sign-button') + confirmSigSignButton = await queryAsync($, 'button.btn-primary--lg') confirmSigSignButton[0].click() const txView = await queryAsync($, '.tx-view') diff --git a/test/integration/lib/send-new-ui.js b/test/integration/lib/send-new-ui.js index 46e0ef0e4..163f3658c 100644 --- a/test/integration/lib/send-new-ui.js +++ b/test/integration/lib/send-new-ui.js @@ -21,13 +21,15 @@ global.ethQuery = { sendTransaction: () => {}, } +global.ethereumProvider = {} + async function runSendFlowTest(assert, done) { console.log('*** start runSendFlowTest') const selectState = await queryAsync($, 'select') selectState.val('send new ui') reactTriggerChange(selectState[0]) - const sendScreenButton = await queryAsync($, 'button.btn-clear.hero-balance-button') + const sendScreenButton = await queryAsync($, 'button.btn-primary.hero-balance-button') assert.ok(sendScreenButton[1], 'send screen button present') sendScreenButton[1].click() @@ -120,14 +122,13 @@ async function runSendFlowTest(assert, done) { 'send gas field should show customized gas total converted to USD' ) - const sendButton = await queryAsync($, 'button.btn-clear.page-container__footer-button') + const sendButton = await queryAsync($, 'button.btn-primary--lg.page-container__footer-button') assert.equal(sendButton[0].textContent, 'Next', 'next button rendered') sendButton[0].click() await timeout() selectState.val('send edit') reactTriggerChange(selectState[0]) - await timeout(10000) const confirmFromName = (await queryAsync($, '.sender-to-recipient__sender-name')).first() assert.equal(confirmFromName[0].textContent, 'Send Account 2', 'confirm screen should show correct from name') @@ -161,7 +162,7 @@ async function runSendFlowTest(assert, done) { sendAmountFieldInputInEdit.val('1.0') reactTriggerChange(sendAmountFieldInputInEdit[0]) - const sendButtonInEdit = await queryAsync($, '.btn-clear.page-container__footer-button') + const sendButtonInEdit = await queryAsync($, '.btn-primary--lg.page-container__footer-button') assert.equal(sendButtonInEdit[0].textContent, 'Next', 'next button in edit rendered') sendButtonInEdit[0].click() diff --git a/test/unit/migrations/022-test.js b/test/unit/migrations/022-test.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1333d929d --- /dev/null +++ b/test/unit/migrations/022-test.js @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +const assert = require('assert') +const migration22 = require('../../../app/scripts/migrations/022') +const properTime = (new Date()).getTime() +const storage = { + "meta": {}, + "data": { + "TransactionController": { + "transactions": [ + { "status": "submitted" }, + { "status": "submitted", "submittedTime": properTime }, + {"status": "confirmed"}, + ] + }, + }, +} + +describe('storage is migrated successfully where transactions that are submitted have submittedTimes', () => { + it('should add submittedTime key on the txMeta if appropriate', (done) => { + migration22.migrate(storage) + .then((migratedData) => { + const [txMeta1, txMeta2, txMeta3] = migratedData.data.TransactionController.transactions + assert.equal(migratedData.meta.version, 22) + // should have written a submitted time + assert(txMeta1.submittedTime) + // should not have written a submitted time because it already has one + assert.equal(txMeta2.submittedTime, properTime) + // should not have written a submitted time + assert(!txMeta3.submittedTime) + done() + }).catch(done) + }) +}) diff --git a/ui/app/accounts/import/json.js b/ui/app/accounts/import/json.js index fa25168f1..eeba73e77 100644 --- a/ui/app/accounts/import/json.js +++ b/ui/app/accounts/import/json.js @@ -50,13 +50,13 @@ class JsonImportSubview extends Component { h('div.new-account-create-form__buttons', {}, [ - h('button.new-account-create-form__button-cancel', { + h('button.btn-secondary.new-account-create-form__button', { onClick: () => this.props.goHome(), }, [ t('cancel'), ]), - h('button.new-account-create-form__button-create', { + h('button.btn-primary.new-account-create-form__button', { onClick: () => this.createNewKeychain(), }, [ t('import'), diff --git a/ui/app/accounts/import/private-key.js b/ui/app/accounts/import/private-key.js index bc9e9384e..13c8da722 100644 --- a/ui/app/accounts/import/private-key.js +++ b/ui/app/accounts/import/private-key.js @@ -48,13 +48,13 @@ PrivateKeyImportView.prototype.render = function () { h('div.new-account-import-form__buttons', {}, [ - h('button.new-account-create-form__button-cancel.allcaps', { + h('button.btn-secondary--lg.new-account-create-form__button', { onClick: () => goHome(), }, [ t('cancel'), ]), - h('button.new-account-create-form__button-create.allcaps', { + h('button.btn-primary--lg.new-account-create-form__button', { onClick: () => this.createNewKeychain(), }, [ t('import'), diff --git a/ui/app/accounts/new-account/create-form.js b/ui/app/accounts/new-account/create-form.js index 8ef842a2a..c820cdf6d 100644 --- a/ui/app/accounts/new-account/create-form.js +++ b/ui/app/accounts/new-account/create-form.js @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ class NewAccountCreateForm extends Component { render () { const { newAccountName, defaultAccountName } = this.state - + return h('div.new-account-create-form', [ @@ -38,13 +38,13 @@ class NewAccountCreateForm extends Component { h('div.new-account-create-form__buttons', {}, [ - h('button.new-account-create-form__button-cancel.allcaps', { + h('button.btn-secondary--lg.new-account-create-form__button', { onClick: () => this.props.goHome(), }, [ t('cancel'), ]), - h('button.new-account-create-form__button-create.allcaps', { + h('button.btn-primary--lg.new-account-create-form__button', { onClick: () => this.props.createAccount(newAccountName || defaultAccountName), }, [ t('create'), diff --git a/ui/app/actions.js b/ui/app/actions.js index bc7ee3d07..4a5962610 100644 --- a/ui/app/actions.js +++ b/ui/app/actions.js @@ -694,10 +694,10 @@ function updateSendFrom (from) { } } -function updateSendTo (to) { +function updateSendTo (to, nickname = '') { return { type: actions.UPDATE_SEND_TO, - value: to, + value: { to, nickname }, } } diff --git a/ui/app/add-token.js b/ui/app/add-token.js index b3a5bdc20..b4ea4a532 100644 --- a/ui/app/add-token.js +++ b/ui/app/add-token.js @@ -55,10 +55,10 @@ function AddTokenScreen () { customSymbol: '', customDecimals: '', searchQuery: '', - isCollapsed: true, selectedTokens: {}, errors: {}, autoFilled: false, + displayedTab: 'SEARCH', } this.tokenAddressDidChange = this.tokenAddressDidChange.bind(this) this.tokenSymbolDidChange = this.tokenSymbolDidChange.bind(this) @@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ AddTokenScreen.prototype.attemptToAutoFillTokenParams = async function (address) AddTokenScreen.prototype.renderCustomForm = function () { const { autoFilled, customAddress, customSymbol, customDecimals, errors } = this.state - return !this.state.isCollapsed && ( + return ( h('div.add-token__add-custom-form', [ h('div', { className: classnames('add-token__add-custom-field', { @@ -247,33 +247,36 @@ AddTokenScreen.prototype.renderTokenList = function () { }) const results = [...addressSearchResult, ...fuseSearchResult] - return Array(6).fill(undefined) - .map((_, i) => { - const { logo, symbol, name, address } = results[i] || {} - const tokenAlreadyAdded = this.checkExistingAddresses(address) - return Boolean(logo || symbol || name) && ( - h('div.add-token__token-wrapper', { - className: classnames({ - 'add-token__token-wrapper--selected': selectedTokens[address], - 'add-token__token-wrapper--disabled': tokenAlreadyAdded, - }), - onClick: () => !tokenAlreadyAdded && this.toggleToken(address, results[i]), - }, [ - h('div.add-token__token-icon', { - style: { - backgroundImage: logo && `url(images/contract/${logo})`, - }, - }), - h('div.add-token__token-data', [ - h('div.add-token__token-symbol', symbol), - h('div.add-token__token-name', name), - ]), - // tokenAlreadyAdded && ( - // h('div.add-token__token-message', 'Already added') - // ), - ]) - ) - }) + return h('div', [ + results.length > 0 && h('div.add-token__token-icons-title', t('popularTokens')), + h('div.add-token__token-icons-container', Array(6).fill(undefined) + .map((_, i) => { + const { logo, symbol, name, address } = results[i] || {} + const tokenAlreadyAdded = this.checkExistingAddresses(address) + return Boolean(logo || symbol || name) && ( + h('div.add-token__token-wrapper', { + className: classnames({ + 'add-token__token-wrapper--selected': selectedTokens[address], + 'add-token__token-wrapper--disabled': tokenAlreadyAdded, + }), + onClick: () => !tokenAlreadyAdded && this.toggleToken(address, results[i]), + }, [ + h('div.add-token__token-icon', { + style: { + backgroundImage: logo && `url(images/contract/${logo})`, + }, + }), + h('div.add-token__token-data', [ + h('div.add-token__token-symbol', symbol), + h('div.add-token__token-name', name), + ]), + // tokenAlreadyAdded && ( + // h('div.add-token__token-message', 'Already added') + // ), + ]) + ) + })), + ]) } AddTokenScreen.prototype.renderConfirmation = function () { @@ -300,7 +303,6 @@ AddTokenScreen.prototype.renderConfirmation = function () { h('div.add-token', [ h('div.add-token__wrapper', [ h('div.add-token__title-container.add-token__confirmation-title', [ - h('div.add-token__title', t('addToken')), h('div.add-token__description', t('likeToAddTokens')), ]), h('div.add-token__content-container.add-token__confirmation-content', [ @@ -321,10 +323,10 @@ AddTokenScreen.prototype.renderConfirmation = function () { ]), ]), h('div.add-token__buttons', [ - h('button.btn-cancel.add-token__button', { + h('button.btn-secondary--lg.add-token__cancel-button', { onClick: () => this.setState({ isShowingConfirmation: false }), }, t('back')), - h('button.btn-clear.add-token__button', { + h('button.btn-primary--lg', { onClick: () => addTokens(tokens).then(goHome), }, t('addTokens')), ]), @@ -332,52 +334,86 @@ AddTokenScreen.prototype.renderConfirmation = function () { ) } -AddTokenScreen.prototype.render = function () { - const { isCollapsed, errors, isShowingConfirmation } = this.state - const { goHome } = this.props +AddTokenScreen.prototype.displayTab = function (selectedTab) { + this.setState({ displayedTab: selectedTab }) +} - return isShowingConfirmation - ? this.renderConfirmation() - : ( - h('div.add-token', [ - h('div.add-token__wrapper', [ - h('div.add-token__title-container', [ - h('div.add-token__title', t('addToken')), - h('div.add-token__description', t('tokenWarning1')), - h('div.add-token__description', t('tokenSelection')), - ]), - h('div.add-token__content-container', [ - h('div.add-token__input-container', [ - h('input.add-token__input', { - type: 'text', - placeholder: t('search'), - onChange: e => this.setState({ searchQuery: e.target.value }), - }), - h('div.add-token__search-input-error-message', errors.tokenSelector), - ]), - h( - 'div.add-token__token-icons-container', - this.renderTokenList(), - ), +AddTokenScreen.prototype.renderTabs = function () { + const { displayedTab, errors } = this.state + + return displayedTab === 'CUSTOM_TOKEN' + ? this.renderCustomForm() + : h('div', [ + h('div.add-token__wrapper', [ + h('div.add-token__content-container', [ + h('div.add-token__info-box', [ + h('div.add-token__info-box__close'), + h('div.add-token__info-box__title', t('whatsThis')), + h('div.add-token__info-box__copy', t('keepTrackTokens')), + h('div.add-token__info-box__copy--blue', t('learnMore')), ]), - h('div.add-token__footers', [ - h('div.add-token__add-custom', { - onClick: () => this.setState({ isCollapsed: !isCollapsed }), - }, [ - t('addCustomToken'), - h(`i.fa.fa-angle-${isCollapsed ? 'down' : 'up'}`), - ]), - this.renderCustomForm(), + h('div.add-token__input-container', [ + h('input.add-token__input', { + type: 'text', + placeholder: t('searchTokens'), + onChange: e => this.setState({ searchQuery: e.target.value }), + }), + h('div.add-token__search-input-error-message', errors.tokenSelector), ]), + this.renderTokenList(), ]), - h('div.add-token__buttons', [ - h('button.btn-cancel.add-token__button', { - onClick: goHome, - }, t('cancel')), - h('button.btn-clear.add-token__button', { - onClick: this.onNext, - }, t('next')), + ]), + ]) +} + +AddTokenScreen.prototype.render = function () { + const { + isShowingConfirmation, + displayedTab, + } = this.state + const { goHome } = this.props + + return h('div.add-token', [ + h('div.add-token__header', [ + h('div.add-token__header__cancel', { + onClick: () => goHome(), + }, [ + h('i.fa.fa-angle-left.fa-lg'), + h('span', t('cancel')), ]), - ]) - ) + h('div.add-token__header__title', t('addTokens')), + !isShowingConfirmation && h('div.add-token__header__tabs', [ + + h('div.add-token__header__tabs__tab', { + className: classnames('add-token__header__tabs__tab', { + 'add-token__header__tabs__selected': displayedTab === 'SEARCH', + 'add-token__header__tabs__unselected cursor-pointer': displayedTab !== 'SEARCH', + }), + onClick: () => this.displayTab('SEARCH'), + }, t('search')), + + h('div.add-token__header__tabs__tab', { + className: classnames('add-token__header__tabs__tab', { + 'add-token__header__tabs__selected': displayedTab === 'CUSTOM_TOKEN', + 'add-token__header__tabs__unselected cursor-pointer': displayedTab !== 'CUSTOM_TOKEN', + }), + onClick: () => this.displayTab('CUSTOM_TOKEN'), + }, t('customToken')), + + ]), + ]), +// + isShowingConfirmation + ? this.renderConfirmation() + : this.renderTabs(), + + !isShowingConfirmation && h('div.add-token__buttons', [ + h('button.btn-secondary--lg.add-token__cancel-button', { + onClick: goHome, + }, t('cancel')), + h('button.btn-primary--lg.add-token__confirm-button', { + onClick: this.onNext, + }, t('next')), + ]), + ]) } diff --git a/ui/app/components/customize-gas-modal/index.js b/ui/app/components/customize-gas-modal/index.js index d8384c19d..22ad98ce4 100644 --- a/ui/app/components/customize-gas-modal/index.js +++ b/ui/app/components/customize-gas-modal/index.js @@ -302,12 +302,16 @@ CustomizeGasModal.prototype.render = function () { }, [t('revert')]), h('div.send-v2__customize-gas__buttons', [ - h('div.send-v2__customize-gas__cancel.allcaps', { + h('button.btn-secondary.send-v2__customize-gas__cancel', { onClick: this.props.hideModal, + style: { + marginRight: '10px', + }, }, [t('cancel')]), - h(`div.send-v2__customize-gas__save${error ? '__error' : ''}.allcaps`, { + h('button.btn-primary.send-v2__customize-gas__save', { onClick: () => !error && this.save(newGasPrice, gasLimit, gasTotal), + className: error && 'btn-primary--disabled', }, [t('save')]), ]), diff --git a/ui/app/components/ens-input.js b/ui/app/components/ens-input.js index add67ea35..1b2d4009d 100644 --- a/ui/app/components/ens-input.js +++ b/ui/app/components/ens-input.js @@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ const networkMap = require('ethjs-ens/lib/network-map.json') const ensRE = /.+\..+$/ const ZERO_ADDRESS = '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000' const t = require('../../i18n') +const ToAutoComplete = require('./send/to-autocomplete') module.exports = EnsInput @@ -22,12 +23,14 @@ EnsInput.prototype.render = function () { const props = this.props const opts = extend(props, { list: 'addresses', - onChange: () => { + onChange: (recipient) => { const network = this.props.network const networkHasEnsSupport = getNetworkEnsSupport(network) + if (!networkHasEnsSupport) return - const recipient = document.querySelector('input[name="address"]').value + props.onChange(recipient) + if (recipient.match(ensRE) === null) { return this.setState({ loadingEns: false, @@ -39,34 +42,13 @@ EnsInput.prototype.render = function () { this.setState({ loadingEns: true, }) - this.checkName() + this.checkName(recipient) }, }) return h('div', { - style: { width: '100%' }, + style: { width: '100%', position: 'relative' }, }, [ - h('input.large-input.send-screen-input', opts), - // The address book functionality. - h('datalist#addresses', - [ - // Corresponds to the addresses owned. - Object.keys(props.identities).map((key) => { - const identity = props.identities[key] - return h('option', { - value: identity.address, - label: identity.name, - key: identity.address, - }) - }), - // Corresponds to previously sent-to addresses. - props.addressBook.map((identity) => { - return h('option', { - value: identity.address, - label: identity.name, - key: identity.address, - }) - }), - ]), + h(ToAutoComplete, { ...opts }), this.ensIcon(), ]) } @@ -83,8 +65,7 @@ EnsInput.prototype.componentDidMount = function () { } } -EnsInput.prototype.lookupEnsName = function () { - const recipient = document.querySelector('input[name="address"]').value +EnsInput.prototype.lookupEnsName = function (recipient) { const { ensResolution } = this.state log.info(`ENS attempting to resolve name: ${recipient}`) @@ -130,8 +111,8 @@ EnsInput.prototype.ensIcon = function (recipient) { title: hoverText, style: { position: 'absolute', - padding: '9px', - transform: 'translatex(-40px)', + top: '16px', + left: '-25px', }, }, this.ensIconContents(recipient)) } diff --git a/ui/app/components/modals/account-details-modal.js b/ui/app/components/modals/account-details-modal.js index 75f989e86..927d73482 100644 --- a/ui/app/components/modals/account-details-modal.js +++ b/ui/app/components/modals/account-details-modal.js @@ -63,12 +63,12 @@ AccountDetailsModal.prototype.render = function () { h('div.account-modal-divider'), - h('button.btn-clear.account-modal__button', { + h('button.btn-primary.account-modal__button', { onClick: () => global.platform.openWindow({ url: genAccountLink(address, network) }), }, t('etherscanView')), // Holding on redesign for Export Private Key functionality - h('button.btn-clear.account-modal__button', { + h('button.btn-primary.account-modal__button', { onClick: () => showExportPrivateKeyModal(), }, t('exportPrivateKey')), diff --git a/ui/app/components/modals/deposit-ether-modal.js b/ui/app/components/modals/deposit-ether-modal.js index b642513d7..2de1240fc 100644 --- a/ui/app/components/modals/deposit-ether-modal.js +++ b/ui/app/components/modals/deposit-ether-modal.js @@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ DepositEtherModal.prototype.renderRow = function ({ ]), !hideButton && h('div.deposit-ether-modal__buy-row__button', [ - h('button.deposit-ether-modal__deposit-button', { + h('button.btn-primary--lg.deposit-ether-modal__deposit-button', { onClick: onButtonClick, }, [buttonLabel]), ]), diff --git a/ui/app/components/modals/export-private-key-modal.js b/ui/app/components/modals/export-private-key-modal.js index 017177cfd..cf42e4fa2 100644 --- a/ui/app/components/modals/export-private-key-modal.js +++ b/ui/app/components/modals/export-private-key-modal.js @@ -81,14 +81,14 @@ ExportPrivateKeyModal.prototype.renderButton = function (className, onClick, lab ExportPrivateKeyModal.prototype.renderButtons = function (privateKey, password, address, hideModal) { return h('div.export-private-key-buttons', {}, [ !privateKey && this.renderButton( - 'btn-cancel export-private-key__button export-private-key__button--cancel', + 'btn-secondary--lg export-private-key__button export-private-key__button--cancel', () => hideModal(), 'Cancel' ), (privateKey - ? this.renderButton('btn-clear export-private-key__button', () => hideModal(), t('done')) - : this.renderButton('btn-clear export-private-key__button', () => this.exportAccountAndGetPrivateKey(this.state.password, address), t('confirm')) + ? this.renderButton('btn-primary--lg export-private-key__button', () => hideModal(), t('done')) + : this.renderButton('btn-primary--lg export-private-key__button', () => this.exportAccountAndGetPrivateKey(this.state.password, address), t('confirm')) ), ]) diff --git a/ui/app/components/send/send-v2-container.js b/ui/app/components/send/send-v2-container.js index d1319b6dc..08c26a91f 100644 --- a/ui/app/components/send/send-v2-container.js +++ b/ui/app/components/send/send-v2-container.js @@ -69,13 +69,13 @@ function mapDispatchToProps (dispatch) { updateAndApproveTx: txParams => dispatch(actions.updateAndApproveTx(txParams)), updateTx: txData => dispatch(actions.updateTransaction(txData)), setSelectedAddress: address => dispatch(actions.setSelectedAddress(address)), - addToAddressBook: address => dispatch(actions.addToAddressBook(address)), + addToAddressBook: (address, nickname) => dispatch(actions.addToAddressBook(address, nickname)), updateGasTotal: newTotal => dispatch(actions.updateGasTotal(newTotal)), updateGasPrice: newGasPrice => dispatch(actions.updateGasPrice(newGasPrice)), updateGasLimit: newGasLimit => dispatch(actions.updateGasLimit(newGasLimit)), updateSendTokenBalance: tokenBalance => dispatch(actions.updateSendTokenBalance(tokenBalance)), updateSendFrom: newFrom => dispatch(actions.updateSendFrom(newFrom)), - updateSendTo: newTo => dispatch(actions.updateSendTo(newTo)), + updateSendTo: (newTo, nickname) => dispatch(actions.updateSendTo(newTo, nickname)), updateSendAmount: newAmount => dispatch(actions.updateSendAmount(newAmount)), updateSendMemo: newMemo => dispatch(actions.updateSendMemo(newMemo)), updateSendErrors: newError => dispatch(actions.updateSendErrors(newError)), diff --git a/ui/app/components/shapeshift-form.js b/ui/app/components/shapeshift-form.js index 3f8c17932..5729f893c 100644 --- a/ui/app/components/shapeshift-form.js +++ b/ui/app/components/shapeshift-form.js @@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ ShapeshiftForm.prototype.render = function () { ]), - !depositAddress && h('button.shapeshift-form__shapeshift-buy-btn', { + !depositAddress && h('button.btn-primary--lg.shapeshift-form__shapeshift-buy-btn', { className: btnClass, disabled: !token, onClick: () => this.onBuyWithShapeShift(), diff --git a/ui/app/components/signature-request.js b/ui/app/components/signature-request.js index 7bf34e7b6..810a52e55 100644 --- a/ui/app/components/signature-request.js +++ b/ui/app/components/signature-request.js @@ -223,10 +223,10 @@ SignatureRequest.prototype.renderFooter = function () { } return h('div.request-signature__footer', [ - h('button.request-signature__footer__cancel-button', { + h('button.btn-secondary--lg.request-signature__footer__cancel-button', { onClick: cancel, }, t('cancel')), - h('button.request-signature__footer__sign-button', { + h('button.btn-primary--lg', { onClick: sign, }, t('sign')), ]) diff --git a/ui/app/components/tx-view.js b/ui/app/components/tx-view.js index 96d776270..bf2065106 100644 --- a/ui/app/components/tx-view.js +++ b/ui/app/components/tx-view.js @@ -69,13 +69,13 @@ TxView.prototype.renderButtons = function () { return !selectedToken ? ( h('div.flex-row.flex-center.hero-balance-buttons', [ - h('button.btn-clear.hero-balance-button.allcaps', { + h('button.btn-primary.hero-balance-button', { onClick: () => showModal({ name: 'DEPOSIT_ETHER', }), }, t('deposit')), - h('button.btn-clear.hero-balance-button.allcaps', { + h('button.btn-primary.hero-balance-button', { style: { marginLeft: '0.8em', }, @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ TxView.prototype.renderButtons = function () { ) : ( h('div.flex-row.flex-center.hero-balance-buttons', [ - h('button.btn-clear.hero-balance-button', { + h('button.btn-primary.hero-balance-button', { onClick: showSendTokenPage, }, t('send')), ]) diff --git a/ui/app/components/wallet-view.js b/ui/app/components/wallet-view.js index 18452205c..2c6d7f784 100644 --- a/ui/app/components/wallet-view.js +++ b/ui/app/components/wallet-view.js @@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ WalletView.prototype.render = function () { h(TokenList), - h('button.btn-clear.wallet-view__add-token-button', { + h('button.btn-primary.wallet-view__add-token-button', { onClick: () => { showAddTokenPage() hideSidebar() diff --git a/ui/app/css/itcss/components/add-token.scss b/ui/app/css/itcss/components/add-token.scss index 13020f62f..f5c1de67c 100644 --- a/ui/app/css/itcss/components/add-token.scss +++ b/ui/app/css/itcss/components/add-token.scss @@ -1,37 +1,118 @@ .add-token { width: 498px; + max-height: 805px; display: flex; flex-flow: column nowrap; - align-items: center; position: relative; z-index: 12; - font-family: 'DIN Next Light'; + font-family: 'Roboto'; + background: white; + border-radius: 8px; &__wrapper { background-color: $white; - box-shadow: 0 2px 4px 0 rgba($black, .08); display: flex; flex-flow: column nowrap; align-items: center; flex: 0 0 auto; } - &__title-container { + &__header { display: flex; flex-flow: column nowrap; - align-items: center; - padding: 30px 60px 12px; - border-bottom: 1px solid $gallery; + padding: 16px 16px 0px; + border-bottom: 1px solid $geyser; flex: 0 0 auto; + + &__cancel { + color: $dodger-blue; + display: flex; + align-items: center; + + span { + font-family: Roboto; + font-size: 16px; + line-height: 21px; + margin-left: 8px; + } + } + + &__title { + color: $tundora; + font-size: 32px; + font-weight: 500; + margin-top: 4px; + } + + &__tabs { + margin-left: 22px; + display: flex; + + &__tab { + height: 54px; + padding: 15px 10px; + color: $dusty-gray; + font-family: Roboto; + font-size: 18px; + line-height: 24px; + text-align: center; + } + + &__tab:first-of-type { + margin-right: 20px; + } + + &__unselected:hover { + color: $black; + border-bottom: none; + } + + &__selected { + color: $curious-blue; + border-bottom: 3px solid $curious-blue; + } + } } - &__title { - color: $scorpion; - font-size: 20px; - line-height: 26px; - text-align: center; - font-weight: 600; - margin-bottom: 12px; + &__info-box { + height: 96px; + margin: 20px 24px 0px; + border-radius: 4px; + background-color: $alabaster; + position: relative; + padding-left: 18px; + display: flex; + flex-flow: column; + + &__close::after { + content: '\00D7'; + font-size: 29px; + font-weight: 200; + color: $dusty-gray; + position: absolute; + right: 17px; + cursor: pointer; + } + + &__title { + color: $mid-gray; + font-family: Roboto; + font-size: 14px; + margin-top: 15px; + margin-bottom: 9px; + } + + &__copy, + &__copy--blue { + color: $mid-gray; + font-family: Roboto; + font-size: 12px; + line-height: 18px; + } + + &__copy--blue { + color: $curious-blue; + } } &__description { @@ -48,19 +129,17 @@ &__content-container { width: 100%; - border-bottom: 1px solid $gallery; } &__input-container { - padding: 11px 0; - width: 263px; - margin: 0 auto; + display: flex; position: relative; } &__search-input-error-message { position: absolute; bottom: -10px; + left: 22px; font-size: 12px; width: 100%; text-overflow: ellipsis; @@ -69,16 +148,24 @@ color: $red; } - &__input { - width: 100%; - border: 2px solid $gallery; + &__input, + &__add-custom-input { + height: 54px; + padding: 21px 6px; + border: 1px solid $geyser; border-radius: 4px; - padding: 5px 15px; - font-size: 14px; - line-height: 19px; + margin: 22px 24px; + position: relative; + flex: 1 0 auto; + color: $scorpion; + font-family: Roboto; + font-size: 16px; &::placeholder { - color: $silver; + color: $scorpion; + font-family: Roboto; + font-size: 16px; + line-height: 21px; } } @@ -115,13 +202,14 @@ &__add-custom-form { display: flex; flex-flow: column nowrap; - margin: 8px 0 51px; + margin: 40px 0 30px; } &__add-custom-field { - width: 290px; - margin: 0 auto; position: relative; + display: flex; + flex-flow: column; + flex: 1 0 auto; &--error { .add-token__add-custom-input { @@ -132,7 +220,8 @@ &__add-custom-error-message { position: absolute; - bottom: -21px; + bottom: 1px; + left: 22px; font-size: 12px; width: 100%; text-overflow: ellipsis; @@ -144,39 +233,50 @@ &__add-custom-label { font-size: 16px; line-height: 21px; - margin-bottom: 8px; + margin-left: 22px; + color: $scorpion; } &__add-custom-input { - width: 100%; - border: 1px solid $silver; - padding: 5px 15px; - font-size: 14px; - line-height: 19px; + margin-top: 6px; + font-size: 16px; &::placeholder { color: $silver; + font-size: 16px; } } &__add-custom-field + &__add-custom-field { - margin-top: 21px; + margin-top: 6px; } &__buttons { display: flex; flex-flow: row nowrap; - margin: 30px 0 51px; flex: 0 0 auto; align-items: center; justify-content: center; + padding-bottom: 30px; + padding-top: 20px; } - &__button { - flex: 1 0 141px; + &__confirm-button, + &__cancel-button { margin: 0 12px; - padding: 10px 22px; + padding: 10px 13px; height: 54px; + width: 133px; + margin-right: 1.2rem; + } + + &__token-icons-title { + color: #5B5D67; + font-family: Roboto; + font-size: 18px; + line-height: 24px; + margin-left: 24px; + margin-top: 8px; } &__token-icons-container { @@ -191,7 +291,7 @@ flex: 0 0 42.5%; align-items: center; padding: 12px; - margin: 2.5%; + margin: 0% 2.5% 1.5%; box-sizing: border-box; border-radius: 10px; cursor: pointer; @@ -305,13 +405,14 @@ top: 0; width: 100%; overflow: hidden; - height: 100%; + flex: 1 0 auto; &__wrapper { box-shadow: none !important; flex: 1 1 auto; width: 100%; - overflow-y: auto; + overflow-y: scroll; + height: 400px; } &__footers { @@ -334,7 +435,7 @@ } &__buttons { - padding: 12px 0; + padding: 1rem; margin: 0; border-top: 1px solid $gallery; width: 100%; diff --git a/ui/app/css/itcss/components/buttons.scss b/ui/app/css/itcss/components/buttons.scss index 8df8829f2..04e1ed96e 100644 --- a/ui/app/css/itcss/components/buttons.scss +++ b/ui/app/css/itcss/components/buttons.scss @@ -2,6 +2,76 @@ Buttons */ +.btn-primary, +.btn-primary--lg, +.btn-secondary, +.btn-secondary--lg { + background: $white; + display: flex; + justify-content: center; + align-items: center; + box-sizing: border-box; + border-radius: 4px; + font-size: 14px; + font-weight: 500; + transition: border-color .3s ease; + padding: 0 20px; + min-width: 140px; + text-transform: uppercase; +} + +.btn-primary, +.btn-primary--lg { + color: $curious-blue; + border: 2px solid $spindle; + + &:active { + background: $zumthor; + border-color: $curious-blue; + } + + &:hover { + border-color: $curious-blue; + } + + &--disabled, + &[disabled] { + cursor: auto; + opacity: .5; + pointer-events: none; + } +} + +.btn-secondary, +.btn-secondary--lg { + color: $scorpion; + border: 2px solid $dusty-gray; + + &:active { + background: $gallery; + border-color: $dusty-gray; + } + + &:hover { + border-color: $scorpion; + } + + &--disabled, + &[disabled] { + cursor: auto; + opacity: .5; + pointer-events: none; + } +} + +.btn-primary, .btn-secondary { + height: 44px; +} + +.btn-primary--lg, .btn-secondary--lg { + height: 54px; +} + .btn-green { background-color: #02c9b1; // TODO: reusable color in colors.css } @@ -130,20 +200,6 @@ button.btn-thin { font-size: 13px; } -.btn-secondary { - border: 1px solid #979797; - border-radius: 2px; - background-color: $white; - font-size: 16px; - line-height: 24px; - padding: 16px 42px; - - &[disabled] { - background-color: $white !important; - opacity: .5; - } -} - .btn-tertiary { border: 1px solid transparent; border-radius: 2px; diff --git a/ui/app/css/itcss/components/hero-balance.scss b/ui/app/css/itcss/components/hero-balance.scss index a3f051361..69cde8a0f 100644 --- a/ui/app/css/itcss/components/hero-balance.scss +++ b/ui/app/css/itcss/components/hero-balance.scss @@ -103,10 +103,11 @@ } .hero-balance-button { + min-width: initial; width: 6rem; @media #{$sub-mid-size-breakpoint-range} { - padding: 0.4rem; + padding: .4rem; width: 4rem; display: flex; flex: 1; diff --git a/ui/app/css/itcss/components/modal.scss b/ui/app/css/itcss/components/modal.scss index a8d5e8dc2..9ae3ea7fa 100644 --- a/ui/app/css/itcss/components/modal.scss +++ b/ui/app/css/itcss/components/modal.scss @@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ .account-modal__button { margin-top: 17px; padding: 10px 22px; - width: 235px; + width: 286px; } } @@ -341,9 +341,8 @@ .export-private-key__button { margin-top: 17px; - padding: 10px 22px; width: 141px; - height: 54px; + min-width: initial; } .export-private-key__button--cancel { @@ -765,15 +764,7 @@ } &__deposit-button, .shapeshift-form__shapeshift-buy-btn { - height: 54px; width: 257px; - border: 1px solid $curious-blue; - border-radius: 4px; - display: flex; - justify-content: center; - font-size: 16px; - color: $curious-blue; - background-color: $white; } .shapeshift-form-wrapper { diff --git a/ui/app/css/itcss/components/new-account.scss b/ui/app/css/itcss/components/new-account.scss index c2cefe4ad..aa7fed956 100644 --- a/ui/app/css/itcss/components/new-account.scss +++ b/ui/app/css/itcss/components/new-account.scss @@ -192,29 +192,8 @@ justify-content: space-between; } - &__button-cancel, - &__button-create { - height: 55px; + &__button { width: 150px; - border-radius: 2px; - background-color: #FFFFFF; - } - - &__button-cancel { - border: 1px solid $dusty-gray; - color: $dusty-gray; - font-family: Roboto; - font-size: 16px; - line-height: 21px; - text-align: center; + min-width: initial; } - - &__button-create { - border: 1px solid $curious-blue; - color: $curious-blue; - font-family: Roboto; - font-size: 16px; - line-height: 21px; - text-align: center; - } -}
\ No newline at end of file +} diff --git a/ui/app/css/itcss/components/request-signature.scss b/ui/app/css/itcss/components/request-signature.scss index d81099bfa..083481b8f 100644 --- a/ui/app/css/itcss/components/request-signature.scss +++ b/ui/app/css/itcss/components/request-signature.scss @@ -162,6 +162,7 @@ &__row { display: flex; flex-flow: column; + flex: 1 0 auto; } &__row-title { @@ -190,41 +191,19 @@ width: 100%; display: flex; align-items: center; - justify-content: space-evenly; + justify-content: center; font-size: 22px; position: relative; flex: 0 0 auto; border-top: 1px solid $geyser; + padding: 1.6rem; - &__cancel-button, - &__sign-button { - display: flex; - align-items: center; - justify-content: center; - flex: 1 0 auto; - font-family: Roboto; - font-size: 16px; - font-weight: 300; - height: 55px; - line-height: 32px; - cursor: pointer; - border-radius: 2px; - box-shadow: none; - max-width: 162px; - margin: 12px; + button { + width: 165px; } &__cancel-button { - background: none; - border: 1px solid $dusty-gray; - margin-right: 6px; - } - - &__sign-button { - background-color: $caribbean-green; - border-width: 0; - color: $white; - margin-left: 6px; + margin-right: 1.2rem; } } -}
\ No newline at end of file +} diff --git a/ui/app/css/itcss/components/send.scss b/ui/app/css/itcss/components/send.scss index 263b362ca..89d2be891 100644 --- a/ui/app/css/itcss/components/send.scss +++ b/ui/app/css/itcss/components/send.scss @@ -782,7 +782,6 @@ &__buttons { display: flex; justify-content: space-between; - width: 181.75px; margin-right: 21.25px; } @@ -800,13 +799,8 @@ } &__cancel, &__save, &__save__error { - height: 34.64px; width: 85.74px; - border: 1px solid $dusty-gray; - border-radius: 2px; - font-family: 'DIN OT'; - font-size: 12px; - color: $dusty-gray; + min-width: initial; } &__save__error { diff --git a/ui/app/css/itcss/components/settings.scss b/ui/app/css/itcss/components/settings.scss index d60ebd934..dcc9b98d5 100644 --- a/ui/app/css/itcss/components/settings.scss +++ b/ui/app/css/itcss/components/settings.scss @@ -130,24 +130,32 @@ cursor: pointer; } -.settings__clear-button { - font-size: 16px; - border: 1px solid $curious-blue; - color: $curious-blue; - border-radius: 2px; - padding: 18px; - background-color: $white; - text-transform: uppercase; -} - -.settings__clear-button--red { - border: 1px solid $monzo; +.settings__button--red { + border-color: lighten($monzo, 10%); color: $monzo; + + &:active { + background: lighten($monzo, 55%); + border-color: $monzo; + } + + &:hover { + border-color: $monzo; + } } -.settings__clear-button--orange { - border: 1px solid rgba(247, 134, 28, 1); - color: rgba(247, 134, 28, 1); +.settings__button--orange { + border-color: lighten($ecstasy, 20%); + color: $ecstasy; + + &:active { + background: lighten($ecstasy, 40%); + border-color: $ecstasy; + } + + &:hover { + border-color: $ecstasy; + } } .settings__info-logo-wrapper { diff --git a/ui/app/css/itcss/generic/index.scss b/ui/app/css/itcss/generic/index.scss index 08e639d74..92321394b 100644 --- a/ui/app/css/itcss/generic/index.scss +++ b/ui/app/css/itcss/generic/index.scss @@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ input.large-input { height: 55px; font-size: 1rem; text-transform: uppercase; - margin-right: 1rem; + margin-right: 1.2rem; border-radius: 2px; &:last-of-type { diff --git a/ui/app/css/itcss/settings/variables.scss b/ui/app/css/itcss/settings/variables.scss index 640fd95b8..51548306f 100644 --- a/ui/app/css/itcss/settings/variables.scss +++ b/ui/app/css/itcss/settings/variables.scss @@ -51,6 +51,9 @@ $java: #29b6af; $wild-strawberry: #ff4a8d; $cornflower-blue: #7057ff; $saffron: #f6c343; +$dodger-blue: #3099f2; +$zumthor: #edf7ff; +$ecstasy: #f7861c; /* Z-Indicies diff --git a/ui/app/reducers/metamask.js b/ui/app/reducers/metamask.js index e6e02d057..9cba5e83b 100644 --- a/ui/app/reducers/metamask.js +++ b/ui/app/reducers/metamask.js @@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ function reduceMetamask (state, action) { maxModeOn: false, editingTransactionId: null, forceGasMin: null, + toNickname: '', }, coinOptions: {}, useBlockie: false, @@ -238,7 +239,8 @@ function reduceMetamask (state, action) { return extend(metamaskState, { send: { ...metamaskState.send, - to: action.value, + to: action.value.to, + toNickname: action.value.nickname, }, }) diff --git a/ui/app/send-v2.js b/ui/app/send-v2.js index de71ce94c..620da73f8 100644 --- a/ui/app/send-v2.js +++ b/ui/app/send-v2.js @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ const ethAbi = require('ethereumjs-abi') const ethUtil = require('ethereumjs-util') const FromDropdown = require('./components/send/from-dropdown') -const ToAutoComplete = require('./components/send/to-autocomplete') +const EnsInput = require('./components/ens-input') const CurrencyDisplay = require('./components/send/currency-display') const MemoTextArea = require('./components/send/memo-textarea') const GasFeeDisplay = require('./components/send/gas-fee-display-v2') @@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ SendTransactionScreen.prototype.renderFromRow = function () { ]) } -SendTransactionScreen.prototype.handleToChange = function (to) { +SendTransactionScreen.prototype.handleToChange = function (to, nickname = '') { const { updateSendTo, updateSendErrors, @@ -269,12 +269,12 @@ SendTransactionScreen.prototype.handleToChange = function (to) { toError = t('fromToSame') } - updateSendTo(to) + updateSendTo(to, nickname) updateSendErrors({ to: toError }) } SendTransactionScreen.prototype.renderToRow = function () { - const { toAccounts, errors, to } = this.props + const { toAccounts, errors, to, network } = this.props const { toDropdownOpen } = this.state @@ -289,7 +289,10 @@ SendTransactionScreen.prototype.renderToRow = function () { ]), h('div.send-v2__form-field', [ - h(ToAutoComplete, { + h(EnsInput, { + name: 'address', + placeholder: 'Recipient Address', + network, to, accounts: Object.entries(toAccounts).map(([key, account]) => account), dropdownOpen: toDropdownOpen, @@ -510,13 +513,13 @@ SendTransactionScreen.prototype.renderFooter = function () { const noErrors = !amountError && toError === null return h('div.page-container__footer', [ - h('button.btn-cancel.page-container__footer-button', { + h('button.btn-secondary--lg.page-container__footer-button', { onClick: () => { clearSend() goHome() }, }, t('cancel')), - h('button.btn-clear.page-container__footer-button', { + h('button.btn-primary--lg.page-container__footer-button', { disabled: !noErrors || !gasTotal || missingTokenBalance, onClick: event => this.onSubmit(event), }, t('next')), @@ -538,11 +541,11 @@ SendTransactionScreen.prototype.render = function () { ) } -SendTransactionScreen.prototype.addToAddressBookIfNew = function (newAddress) { +SendTransactionScreen.prototype.addToAddressBookIfNew = function (newAddress, nickname = '') { const { toAccounts, addToAddressBook } = this.props if (!toAccounts.find(({ address }) => newAddress === address)) { // TODO: nickname, i.e. addToAddressBook(recipient, nickname) - addToAddressBook(newAddress) + addToAddressBook(newAddress, nickname) } } @@ -603,6 +606,7 @@ SendTransactionScreen.prototype.onSubmit = function (event) { updateTx, selectedToken, editingTransactionId, + toNickname, errors: { amount: amountError, to: toError }, } = this.props @@ -612,7 +616,7 @@ SendTransactionScreen.prototype.onSubmit = function (event) { return } - this.addToAddressBookIfNew(to) + this.addToAddressBookIfNew(to, toNickname) if (editingTransactionId) { const editedTx = this.getEditedTx() diff --git a/ui/app/settings.js b/ui/app/settings.js index 105cbb40b..78ca6c94b 100644 --- a/ui/app/settings.js +++ b/ui/app/settings.js @@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ class Settings extends Component { ]), h('div.settings__content-item', [ h('div.settings__content-item-col', [ - h('button.settings__clear-button', { + h('button.btn-primary--lg.settings__button', { onClick (event) { window.logStateString((err, result) => { if (err) { @@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ class Settings extends Component { h('div.settings__content-item', t('revealSeedWords')), h('div.settings__content-item', [ h('div.settings__content-item-col', [ - h('button.settings__clear-button.settings__clear-button--red', { + h('button.btn-primary--lg.settings__button--red', { onClick (event) { event.preventDefault() revealSeedConfirmation() @@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ class Settings extends Component { h('div.settings__content-item', t('useOldUI')), h('div.settings__content-item', [ h('div.settings__content-item-col', [ - h('button.settings__clear-button.settings__clear-button--orange', { + h('button.btn-primary--lg.settings__button--orange', { onClick (event) { event.preventDefault() setFeatureFlagToBeta() @@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ class Settings extends Component { h('div.settings__content-item', t('resetAccount')), h('div.settings__content-item', [ h('div.settings__content-item-col', [ - h('button.settings__clear-button.settings__clear-button--orange', { + h('button.btn-primary--lg.settings__button--orange', { onClick (event) { event.preventDefault() showResetAccountConfirmationModal() @@ -72,6 +72,15 @@ normalize-path "^2.0.1" through2 "^2.0.3" +"@sentry/cli@^1.30.3": + version "1.30.3" + resolved "https://registry.yarnpkg.com/@sentry/cli/-/cli-1.30.3.tgz#02d0f7781c1ee5e1be5a4312a325fbe8b1b37231" + dependencies: + https-proxy-agent "^2.1.1" + node-fetch "^1.7.3" + progress "2.0.0" + proxy-from-env "^1.0.0" + "@types/node@*": version "8.5.2" resolved "https://registry.yarnpkg.com/@types/node/-/node-8.5.2.tgz#83b8103fa9a2c2e83d78f701a9aa7c9539739aa5" @@ -201,6 +210,12 @@ agent-base@2: extend "~3.0.0" semver "~5.0.1" +agent-base@^4.1.0: + version "4.2.0" + resolved "https://registry.yarnpkg.com/agent-base/-/agent-base-4.2.0.tgz#9838b5c3392b962bad031e6a4c5e1024abec45ce" + dependencies: + es6-promisify "^5.0.0" + ajv-keywords@^1.1.1: version "1.5.1" resolved "https://registry.yarnpkg.com/ajv-keywords/-/ajv-keywords-1.5.1.tgz#314dd0a4b3368fad3dfcdc54ede6171b886daf3c" @@ -3711,6 +3726,16 @@ es6-map@^0.1.3: es6-symbol "~3.1.1" event-emitter "~0.3.5" +es6-promise@^4.0.3: + version "4.2.4" + resolved "https://registry.yarnpkg.com/es6-promise/-/es6-promise-4.2.4.tgz#dc4221c2b16518760bd8c39a52d8f356fc00ed29" + +es6-promisify@^5.0.0: + version "5.0.0" + resolved "https://registry.yarnpkg.com/es6-promisify/-/es6-promisify-5.0.0.tgz#5109d62f3e56ea967c4b63505aef08291c8a5203" + dependencies: + es6-promise "^4.0.3" + es6-set@~0.1.5: version "0.1.5" resolved "https://registry.yarnpkg.com/es6-set/-/es6-set-0.1.5.tgz#d2b3ec5d4d800ced818db538d28974db0a73ccb1" @@ -5919,6 +5944,13 @@ https-proxy-agent@1: debug "2" extend "3" +https-proxy-agent@^2.1.1: + version "2.2.0" + resolved "https://registry.yarnpkg.com/https-proxy-agent/-/https-proxy-agent-2.2.0.tgz#7fbba856be8cd677986f42ebd3664f6317257887" + dependencies: + agent-base "^4.1.0" + debug "^3.1.0" + human-standard-token-abi@^1.0.2: version "1.0.2" resolved "https://registry.yarnpkg.com/human-standard-token-abi/-/human-standard-token-abi-1.0.2.tgz#207d7846796ee5bb85fdd336e769cb38045b2ae0" @@ -7984,7 +8016,7 @@ nock@^9.0.14: qs "^6.5.1" semver "^5.3.0" -node-fetch@^1.0.1, node-fetch@~1.7.1: +node-fetch@^1.0.1, node-fetch@^1.7.3, node-fetch@~1.7.1: version "1.7.3" resolved "https://registry.yarnpkg.com/node-fetch/-/node-fetch-1.7.3.tgz#980f6f72d85211a5347c6b2bc18c5b84c3eb47ef" dependencies: @@ -8991,7 +9023,7 @@ process@~0.5.1: version "0.5.2" resolved "https://registry.yarnpkg.com/process/-/process-0.5.2.tgz#1638d8a8e34c2f440a91db95ab9aeb677fc185cf" -progress@^2.0.0: +progress@2.0.0, progress@^2.0.0: version "2.0.0" resolved "https://registry.yarnpkg.com/progress/-/progress-2.0.0.tgz#8a1be366bf8fc23db2bd23f10c6fe920b4389d1f" @@ -9067,6 +9099,10 @@ proxy-agent@~2.0.0: pac-proxy-agent "1" socks-proxy-agent "2" +proxy-from-env@^1.0.0: + version "1.0.0" + resolved "https://registry.yarnpkg.com/proxy-from-env/-/proxy-from-env-1.0.0.tgz#33c50398f70ea7eb96d21f7b817630a55791c7ee" + prr@~1.0.1: version "1.0.1" resolved "https://registry.yarnpkg.com/prr/-/prr-1.0.1.tgz#d3fc114ba06995a45ec6893f484ceb1d78f5f476" @@ -9245,6 +9281,10 @@ raphael@^2.2.0: dependencies: eve-raphael "0.5.0" +raven-js@^3.24.0: + version "3.24.0" + resolved "https://registry.yarnpkg.com/raven-js/-/raven-js-3.24.0.tgz#59464d8bc4b3812ae87a282e9bb98ecad5b4b047" + raw-body@2, raw-body@2.3.2: version "2.3.2" resolved "https://registry.yarnpkg.com/raw-body/-/raw-body-2.3.2.tgz#bcd60c77d3eb93cde0050295c3f379389bc88f89" |