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47 files changed, 11284 insertions, 491 deletions
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index 8fbc310ac..13cff9927 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -2,6 +2,10 @@
## Current Master
+- UI Overhaul per Vlad Todirut's designs
+- Replaced identicons with jazzicons
+- Fixed glitchy transitions
## 1.8.4 2016-05-13
- Point rpc servers to https endpoints.
diff --git a/app/fonts/Transat Black/transat_black-webfont.eot b/app/fonts/Transat Black/transat_black-webfont.eot
new file mode 100755
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Binary files differ
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+<hkern g1="H,I,M,N,Igrave,Iacute,Icircumflex,Idieresis,Ntilde" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="H,I,M,N,Igrave,Iacute,Icircumflex,Idieresis,Ntilde" g2="c,d,e,o,q,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe" k="41" />
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+<hkern g1="H,I,M,N,Igrave,Iacute,Icircumflex,Idieresis,Ntilde" g2="g" k="61" />
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+<hkern g1="V,W" g2="T" k="-41" />
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+<hkern g1="V,W" g2="V,W" k="-82" />
+<hkern g1="V,W" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="-82" />
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+<hkern g1="V,W" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="-20" />
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+<hkern g1="V,W" g2="y,yacute,ydieresis" k="154" />
+<hkern g1="V,W" g2="m,n,r,ntilde" k="143" />
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+<hkern g1="V,W" g2="guillemotright,guilsinglright" k="82" />
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+<hkern g1="V,W" g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae" k="205" />
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+<hkern g1="V,W" g2="z" k="164" />
+<hkern g1="V,W" g2="g" k="184" />
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+<hkern g1="h,m,n,ntilde" g2="V,W" k="184" />
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+<hkern g1="h,m,n,ntilde" g2="quotedbl,quotesingle" k="143" />
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+<hkern g1="h,m,n,ntilde" g2="s" k="-10" />
+<hkern g1="h,m,n,ntilde" g2="z" k="10" />
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+<hkern g1="d,l,uniFB02,uniFB04" g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae" k="-10" />
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+<hkern g1="b,e,o,p,ae,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,thorn,oe" g2="y,yacute,ydieresis" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="b,e,o,p,ae,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,thorn,oe" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="b,e,o,p,ae,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,thorn,oe" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="b,e,o,p,ae,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,thorn,oe" g2="S" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="b,e,o,p,ae,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,thorn,oe" g2="c,d,e,o,q,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe" k="-10" />
+<hkern g1="b,e,o,p,ae,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,thorn,oe" g2="quotedbl,quotesingle" k="143" />
+<hkern g1="b,e,o,p,ae,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,thorn,oe" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="b,e,o,p,ae,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,thorn,oe" g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae" k="10" />
+<hkern g1="b,e,o,p,ae,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,thorn,oe" g2="i,igrave,iacute,icircumflex,idieresis" k="10" />
+<hkern g1="b,e,o,p,ae,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,thorn,oe" g2="g" k="10" />
+<hkern g1="b,e,o,p,ae,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,thorn,oe" g2="B,D,E,F,H,I,K,L,M,N,P,R,Egrave,Eacute,Ecircumflex,Edieresis,Igrave,Iacute,Icircumflex,Idieresis,Ntilde" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="v,w" g2="T" k="164" />
+<hkern g1="v,w" g2="V,W" k="102" />
+<hkern g1="v,w" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="143" />
+<hkern g1="v,w" g2="t" k="-41" />
+<hkern g1="v,w" g2="v,w" k="-20" />
+<hkern g1="v,w" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="-41" />
+<hkern g1="v,w" g2="y,yacute,ydieresis" k="-41" />
+<hkern g1="v,w" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="184" />
+<hkern g1="v,w" g2="hyphen,endash,emdash" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="v,w" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="-41" />
+<hkern g1="v,w" g2="c,d,e,o,q,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe" k="61" />
+<hkern g1="v,w" g2="quotedbl,quotesingle" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="v,w" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" k="164" />
+<hkern g1="v,w" g2="J" k="102" />
+<hkern g1="v,w" g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="v,w" g2="z" k="-10" />
+<hkern g1="v,w" g2="B,D,E,F,H,I,K,L,M,N,P,R,Egrave,Eacute,Ecircumflex,Edieresis,Igrave,Iacute,Icircumflex,Idieresis,Ntilde" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="y,yacute,ydieresis" g2="T" k="164" />
+<hkern g1="y,yacute,ydieresis" g2="V,W" k="123" />
+<hkern g1="y,yacute,ydieresis" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="164" />
+<hkern g1="y,yacute,ydieresis" g2="v,w" k="-20" />
+<hkern g1="y,yacute,ydieresis" g2="y,yacute,ydieresis" k="-20" />
+<hkern g1="y,yacute,ydieresis" g2="m,n,r,ntilde" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="y,yacute,ydieresis" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="205" />
+<hkern g1="y,yacute,ydieresis" g2="c,d,e,o,q,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe" k="61" />
+<hkern g1="y,yacute,ydieresis" g2="quotedbl,quotesingle" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="y,yacute,ydieresis" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" k="164" />
+<hkern g1="y,yacute,ydieresis" g2="J" k="102" />
+<hkern g1="y,yacute,ydieresis" g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="y,yacute,ydieresis" g2="z" k="-10" />
+<hkern g1="y,yacute,ydieresis" g2="B,D,E,F,H,I,K,L,M,N,P,R,Egrave,Eacute,Ecircumflex,Edieresis,Igrave,Iacute,Icircumflex,Idieresis,Ntilde" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring" g2="T" k="184" />
+<hkern g1="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring" g2="V,W" k="184" />
+<hkern g1="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="205" />
+<hkern g1="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring" g2="t" k="10" />
+<hkern g1="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring" g2="v,w" k="72" />
+<hkern g1="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="82" />
+<hkern g1="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring" g2="y,yacute,ydieresis" k="72" />
+<hkern g1="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring" g2="c,d,e,o,q,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe" k="10" />
+<hkern g1="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring" g2="u,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis" k="10" />
+<hkern g1="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring" g2="quotedbl,quotesingle" k="143" />
+<hkern g1="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring" g2="z" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring" g2="B,D,E,F,H,I,K,L,M,N,P,R,Egrave,Eacute,Ecircumflex,Edieresis,Igrave,Iacute,Icircumflex,Idieresis,Ntilde" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="E,AE,Egrave,Eacute,Ecircumflex,Edieresis,OE" g2="T" k="-20" />
+<hkern g1="E,AE,Egrave,Eacute,Ecircumflex,Edieresis,OE" g2="U,Ugrave,Uacute,Ucircumflex,Udieresis" k="-20" />
+<hkern g1="E,AE,Egrave,Eacute,Ecircumflex,Edieresis,OE" g2="V,W" k="-20" />
+<hkern g1="E,AE,Egrave,Eacute,Ecircumflex,Edieresis,OE" g2="t" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="E,AE,Egrave,Eacute,Ecircumflex,Edieresis,OE" g2="v,w" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="E,AE,Egrave,Eacute,Ecircumflex,Edieresis,OE" g2="y,yacute,ydieresis" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="E,AE,Egrave,Eacute,Ecircumflex,Edieresis,OE" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="-20" />
+<hkern g1="E,AE,Egrave,Eacute,Ecircumflex,Edieresis,OE" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" k="-41" />
+<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="T" k="246" />
+<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="U,Ugrave,Uacute,Ucircumflex,Udieresis" k="61" />
+<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="V,W" k="348" />
+<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="328" />
+<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="t" k="82" />
+<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="v,w" k="164" />
+<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="246" />
+<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="C,G,O,Q,Ccedilla,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Oslash,OE" k="82" />
+<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="y,yacute,ydieresis" k="164" />
+<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="246" />
+<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="S" k="-10" />
+<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="quotedbl,quotesingle" k="205" />
+<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" k="-61" />
+<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="Z" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="J" k="-20" />
+<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="zero" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="one" k="102" />
+<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="three" k="-41" />
+<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="five" k="-20" />
+<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="six" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="one" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="one" g2="four" k="-20" />
+<hkern g1="two" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="20" />
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+<hkern g1="three" g2="eight" k="-31" />
+<hkern g1="four" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="82" />
+<hkern g1="four" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="61" />
+<hkern g1="four" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="82" />
+<hkern g1="four" g2="quotedbl,quotesingle" k="61" />
+<hkern g1="four" g2="three" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="four" g2="nine" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="four" g2="seven" k="61" />
+<hkern g1="five" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="61" />
+<hkern g1="five" g2="eight" k="-31" />
+<hkern g1="five" g2="nine" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="six" g2="hyphen,endash,emdash" k="-41" />
+<hkern g1="six" g2="two" k="31" />
+<hkern g1="seven" g2="t" k="82" />
+<hkern g1="seven" g2="v,w" k="102" />
+<hkern g1="seven" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="-41" />
+<hkern g1="seven" g2="y,yacute,ydieresis" k="102" />
+<hkern g1="seven" g2="m,n,r,ntilde" k="82" />
+<hkern g1="seven" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="246" />
+<hkern g1="seven" g2="hyphen,endash,emdash" k="102" />
+<hkern g1="seven" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="seven" g2="c,d,e,o,q,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe" k="143" />
+<hkern g1="seven" g2="u,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis" k="82" />
+<hkern g1="seven" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" k="164" />
+<hkern g1="seven" g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae" k="102" />
+<hkern g1="seven" g2="s" k="102" />
+<hkern g1="seven" g2="z" k="102" />
+<hkern g1="seven" g2="g" k="164" />
+<hkern g1="seven" g2="f,uniFB01,uniFB02,uniFB03,uniFB04" k="61" />
+<hkern g1="seven" g2="four" k="184" />
+<hkern g1="seven" g2="eight" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="eight" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="eight" g2="hyphen,endash,emdash" k="-41" />
+<hkern g1="eight" g2="four" k="-20" />
+<hkern g1="nine" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="-20" />
+<hkern g1="nine" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="143" />
+<hkern g1="nine" g2="hyphen,endash,emdash" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="nine" g2="four" k="72" />
+<hkern g1="nine" g2="two" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="zero" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="zero" g2="four" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="hyphen,endash,emdash" g2="T" k="184" />
+<hkern g1="hyphen,endash,emdash" g2="V,W" k="164" />
+<hkern g1="hyphen,endash,emdash" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="287" />
+<hkern g1="hyphen,endash,emdash" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="hyphen,endash,emdash" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="hyphen,endash,emdash" g2="three" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="hyphen,endash,emdash" g2="six" k="-41" />
+<hkern g1="hyphen,endash,emdash" g2="eight" k="-61" />
+<hkern g1="hyphen,endash,emdash" g2="seven" k="82" />
+<hkern g1="hyphen,endash,emdash" g2="two" k="82" />
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+<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="V,W" k="-41" />
+<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="-41" />
+<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="t" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="m,n,r,ntilde" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="287" />
+<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="hyphen,endash,emdash" k="102" />
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+<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="u,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" k="184" />
+<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="J" k="246" />
+<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="AE" k="369" />
+<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae" k="82" />
+<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="s" k="102" />
+<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="z" k="61" />
+<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="g" k="123" />
+<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="f,uniFB01,uniFB02,uniFB03,uniFB04" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="four" k="307" />
+<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="B,D,E,F,H,I,K,L,M,N,P,R,Egrave,Eacute,Ecircumflex,Edieresis,Igrave,Iacute,Icircumflex,Idieresis,Ntilde" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="three" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="guillemotleft,guilsinglleft" g2="V,W" k="82" />
+<hkern g1="guillemotleft,guilsinglleft" g2="C,G,O,Q,Ccedilla,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Oslash,OE" k="-20" />
+<hkern g1="guillemotleft,guilsinglleft" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" k="-20" />
+<hkern g1="C,Ccedilla" g2="T" k="-20" />
+<hkern g1="C,Ccedilla" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="C,Ccedilla" g2="v,w" k="123" />
+<hkern g1="C,Ccedilla" g2="C,G,O,Q,Ccedilla,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Oslash,OE" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="C,Ccedilla" g2="y,yacute,ydieresis" k="123" />
+<hkern g1="C,Ccedilla" g2="m,n,r,ntilde" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="C,Ccedilla" g2="c,d,e,o,q,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="C,Ccedilla" g2="guillemotright,guilsinglright" k="-20" />
+<hkern g1="C,Ccedilla" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" k="10" />
+<hkern g1="C,Ccedilla" g2="B,D,E,F,H,I,K,L,M,N,P,R,Egrave,Eacute,Ecircumflex,Edieresis,Igrave,Iacute,Icircumflex,Idieresis,Ntilde" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="U,Ugrave,Uacute,Ucircumflex,Udieresis" g2="V,W" k="-20" />
+<hkern g1="U,Ugrave,Uacute,Ucircumflex,Udieresis" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="102" />
+<hkern g1="U,Ugrave,Uacute,Ucircumflex,Udieresis" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" k="82" />
+<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="T" k="-41" />
+<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="V,W" k="-82" />
+<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="t" k="184" />
+<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="v,w" k="205" />
+<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="C,G,O,Q,Ccedilla,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Oslash,OE" k="123" />
+<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="y,yacute,ydieresis" k="205" />
+<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="m,n,r,ntilde" k="184" />
+<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="328" />
+<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="hyphen,endash,emdash" k="225" />
+<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="S" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="c,d,e,o,q,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe" k="225" />
+<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="u,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis" k="184" />
+<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" k="246" />
+<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="AE" k="328" />
+<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae" k="246" />
+<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="i,igrave,iacute,icircumflex,idieresis" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="s" k="205" />
+<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="z" k="246" />
+<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="g" k="225" />
+<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="f,uniFB01,uniFB02,uniFB03,uniFB04" k="102" />
+<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="ampersand" k="123" />
+<hkern g1="c,ccedilla" g2="T" k="184" />
+<hkern g1="c,ccedilla" g2="V,W" k="164" />
+<hkern g1="c,ccedilla" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="184" />
+<hkern g1="c,ccedilla" g2="t" k="-10" />
+<hkern g1="c,ccedilla" g2="c,d,e,o,q,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe" k="31" />
+<hkern g1="c,ccedilla" g2="u,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis" k="10" />
+<hkern g1="c,ccedilla" g2="quotedbl,quotesingle" k="82" />
+<hkern g1="c,ccedilla" g2="s" k="-10" />
+<hkern g1="u,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis" g2="T" k="143" />
+<hkern g1="u,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis" g2="V,W" k="123" />
+<hkern g1="u,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="143" />
+<hkern g1="u,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis" g2="t" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="u,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis" g2="quotedbl,quotesingle" k="102" />
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+<hkern g1="F" g2="J" k="164" />
+<hkern g1="F" g2="i,igrave,iacute,icircumflex,idieresis" k="123" />
+<hkern g1="F" g2="s" k="184" />
+<hkern g1="F" g2="u,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis" k="143" />
+<hkern g1="F" g2="z" k="164" />
+<hkern g1="F" g2="b,h,k,l,germandbls,thorn" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="F" g2="f,uniFB01,uniFB02,uniFB03,uniFB04" k="102" />
+<hkern g1="F" g2="c,d,e,o,q,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe" k="184" />
+<hkern g1="H,I,M,N,Igrave,Iacute,Icircumflex,Idieresis,Ntilde" g2="t" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="H,I,M,N,Igrave,Iacute,Icircumflex,Idieresis,Ntilde" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="H,I,M,N,Igrave,Iacute,Icircumflex,Idieresis,Ntilde" g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae" k="10" />
+<hkern g1="H,I,M,N,Igrave,Iacute,Icircumflex,Idieresis,Ntilde" g2="c,d,e,o,q,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="V,W" g2="T" k="-41" />
+<hkern g1="V,W" g2="U,Ugrave,Uacute,Ucircumflex,Udieresis" k="-20" />
+<hkern g1="V,W" g2="V,W" k="-20" />
+<hkern g1="V,W" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="-20" />
+<hkern g1="V,W" g2="t" k="123" />
+<hkern g1="V,W" g2="v,w" k="123" />
+<hkern g1="V,W" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="-20" />
+<hkern g1="V,W" g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae" k="164" />
+<hkern g1="V,W" g2="C,G,O,Q,Ccedilla,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Oslash,OE" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="V,W" g2="y,yacute,ydieresis" k="123" />
+<hkern g1="V,W" g2="m,n,r,ntilde" k="123" />
+<hkern g1="V,W" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="205" />
+<hkern g1="V,W" g2="hyphen,endash,emdash" k="123" />
+<hkern g1="V,W" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" k="205" />
+<hkern g1="V,W" g2="g" k="164" />
+<hkern g1="V,W" g2="AE" k="287" />
+<hkern g1="V,W" g2="i,igrave,iacute,icircumflex,idieresis" k="61" />
+<hkern g1="V,W" g2="s" k="143" />
+<hkern g1="V,W" g2="u,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis" k="123" />
+<hkern g1="V,W" g2="z" k="143" />
+<hkern g1="V,W" g2="f,uniFB01,uniFB02,uniFB03,uniFB04" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="V,W" g2="c,d,e,o,q,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe" k="164" />
+<hkern g1="V,W" g2="four" k="123" />
+<hkern g1="V,W" g2="ampersand" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="V,W" g2="guillemotright,guilsinglright" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="h,m,n,ntilde" g2="T" k="143" />
+<hkern g1="h,m,n,ntilde" g2="V,W" k="164" />
+<hkern g1="h,m,n,ntilde" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="205" />
+<hkern g1="h,m,n,ntilde" g2="t" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="h,m,n,ntilde" g2="v,w" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="h,m,n,ntilde" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="143" />
+<hkern g1="h,m,n,ntilde" g2="y,yacute,ydieresis" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="h,m,n,ntilde" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="123" />
+<hkern g1="h,m,n,ntilde" g2="quotedbl,quotesingle" k="123" />
+<hkern g1="h,m,n,ntilde" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" k="-20" />
+<hkern g1="h,m,n,ntilde" g2="g" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="h,m,n,ntilde" g2="c,d,e,o,q,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe" k="10" />
+<hkern g1="d,l,uniFB02,uniFB04" g2="v,w" k="10" />
+<hkern g1="d,l,uniFB02,uniFB04" g2="y,yacute,ydieresis" k="10" />
+<hkern g1="b,e,o,p,ae,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,thorn,oe" g2="T" k="143" />
+<hkern g1="b,e,o,p,ae,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,thorn,oe" g2="V,W" k="164" />
+<hkern g1="b,e,o,p,ae,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,thorn,oe" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="184" />
+<hkern g1="b,e,o,p,ae,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,thorn,oe" g2="t" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="b,e,o,p,ae,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,thorn,oe" g2="v,w" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="b,e,o,p,ae,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,thorn,oe" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="143" />
+<hkern g1="b,e,o,p,ae,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,thorn,oe" g2="y,yacute,ydieresis" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="b,e,o,p,ae,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,thorn,oe" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="b,e,o,p,ae,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,thorn,oe" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="143" />
+<hkern g1="b,e,o,p,ae,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,thorn,oe" g2="quotedbl,quotesingle" k="102" />
+<hkern g1="b,e,o,p,ae,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,thorn,oe" g2="g" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="b,e,o,p,ae,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,thorn,oe" g2="f,uniFB01,uniFB02,uniFB03,uniFB04" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="b,e,o,p,ae,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,thorn,oe" g2="c,d,e,o,q,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe" k="-10" />
+<hkern g1="b,e,o,p,ae,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,thorn,oe" g2="B,D,E,F,H,I,K,L,M,N,P,R,Egrave,Eacute,Ecircumflex,Edieresis,Igrave,Iacute,Icircumflex,Idieresis,Ntilde" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="v,w" g2="T" k="143" />
+<hkern g1="v,w" g2="V,W" k="123" />
+<hkern g1="v,w" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="164" />
+<hkern g1="v,w" g2="v,w" k="-20" />
+<hkern g1="v,w" g2="y,yacute,ydieresis" k="-20" />
+<hkern g1="v,w" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="123" />
+<hkern g1="v,w" g2="hyphen,endash,emdash" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="v,w" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="-20" />
+<hkern g1="v,w" g2="quotedbl,quotesingle" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="v,w" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" k="82" />
+<hkern g1="v,w" g2="J" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="v,w" g2="i,igrave,iacute,icircumflex,idieresis" k="10" />
+<hkern g1="v,w" g2="c,d,e,o,q,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="y,yacute,ydieresis" g2="T" k="143" />
+<hkern g1="y,yacute,ydieresis" g2="V,W" k="123" />
+<hkern g1="y,yacute,ydieresis" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="164" />
+<hkern g1="y,yacute,ydieresis" g2="v,w" k="-20" />
+<hkern g1="y,yacute,ydieresis" g2="y,yacute,ydieresis" k="-20" />
+<hkern g1="y,yacute,ydieresis" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="143" />
+<hkern g1="y,yacute,ydieresis" g2="quotedbl,quotesingle" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="y,yacute,ydieresis" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" k="82" />
+<hkern g1="y,yacute,ydieresis" g2="J" k="61" />
+<hkern g1="y,yacute,ydieresis" g2="i,igrave,iacute,icircumflex,idieresis" k="10" />
+<hkern g1="y,yacute,ydieresis" g2="z" k="10" />
+<hkern g1="y,yacute,ydieresis" g2="c,d,e,o,q,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring" g2="T" k="143" />
+<hkern g1="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring" g2="V,W" k="143" />
+<hkern g1="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="143" />
+<hkern g1="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring" g2="t" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring" g2="v,w" k="10" />
+<hkern g1="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="123" />
+<hkern g1="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="123" />
+<hkern g1="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring" g2="quotedbl,quotesingle" k="123" />
+<hkern g1="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring" g2="g" k="10" />
+<hkern g1="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring" g2="B,D,E,F,H,I,K,L,M,N,P,R,Egrave,Eacute,Ecircumflex,Edieresis,Igrave,Iacute,Icircumflex,Idieresis,Ntilde" k="10" />
+<hkern g1="E,AE,Egrave,Eacute,Ecircumflex,Edieresis,OE" g2="t" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="E,AE,Egrave,Eacute,Ecircumflex,Edieresis,OE" g2="v,w" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="E,AE,Egrave,Eacute,Ecircumflex,Edieresis,OE" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="E,AE,Egrave,Eacute,Ecircumflex,Edieresis,OE" g2="y,yacute,ydieresis" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="E,AE,Egrave,Eacute,Ecircumflex,Edieresis,OE" g2="g" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="T" k="164" />
+<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="U,Ugrave,Uacute,Ucircumflex,Udieresis" k="61" />
+<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="V,W" k="205" />
+<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="246" />
+<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="t" k="61" />
+<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="v,w" k="123" />
+<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="164" />
+<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="C,G,O,Q,Ccedilla,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Oslash,OE" k="61" />
+<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="y,yacute,ydieresis" k="123" />
+<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="164" />
+<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="quotedbl,quotesingle" k="205" />
+<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" k="-82" />
+<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="Z" k="-20" />
+<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="four" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="zero" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="one" k="61" />
+<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="three" k="-20" />
+<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="five" k="-20" />
+<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="six" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="one" g2="four" k="-20" />
+<hkern g1="two" g2="four" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="two" g2="zero" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="three" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="three" g2="eight" k="-20" />
+<hkern g1="four" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="82" />
+<hkern g1="four" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="61" />
+<hkern g1="four" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="82" />
+<hkern g1="four" g2="quotedbl,quotesingle" k="61" />
+<hkern g1="four" g2="three" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="four" g2="five" k="10" />
+<hkern g1="four" g2="nine" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="five" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="five" g2="eight" k="-20" />
+<hkern g1="five" g2="nine" k="31" />
+<hkern g1="six" g2="two" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="seven" g2="t" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="seven" g2="v,w" k="61" />
+<hkern g1="seven" g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae" k="82" />
+<hkern g1="seven" g2="y,yacute,ydieresis" k="61" />
+<hkern g1="seven" g2="m,n,r,ntilde" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="seven" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="205" />
+<hkern g1="seven" g2="hyphen,endash,emdash" k="82" />
+<hkern g1="seven" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" k="123" />
+<hkern g1="seven" g2="g" k="123" />
+<hkern g1="seven" g2="s" k="61" />
+<hkern g1="seven" g2="u,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="seven" g2="z" k="61" />
+<hkern g1="seven" g2="f,uniFB01,uniFB02,uniFB03,uniFB04" k="61" />
+<hkern g1="seven" g2="c,d,e,o,q,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe" k="102" />
+<hkern g1="seven" g2="four" k="123" />
+<hkern g1="eight" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="82" />
+<hkern g1="eight" g2="four" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="nine" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="-20" />
+<hkern g1="nine" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="61" />
+<hkern g1="nine" g2="two" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="zero" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="zero" g2="four" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="hyphen,endash,emdash" g2="T" k="184" />
+<hkern g1="hyphen,endash,emdash" g2="V,W" k="164" />
+<hkern g1="hyphen,endash,emdash" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="205" />
+<hkern g1="hyphen,endash,emdash" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="hyphen,endash,emdash" g2="J" k="164" />
+<hkern g1="hyphen,endash,emdash" g2="four" k="-20" />
+<hkern g1="hyphen,endash,emdash" g2="three" k="102" />
+<hkern g1="hyphen,endash,emdash" g2="nine" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="hyphen,endash,emdash" g2="two" k="61" />
+<hkern g1="hyphen,endash,emdash" g2="seven" k="102" />
+<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="T" k="-20" />
+<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="V,W" k="-41" />
+<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="-41" />
+<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="t" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="v,w" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="C,G,O,Q,Ccedilla,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Oslash,OE" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="y,yacute,ydieresis" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="m,n,r,ntilde" k="61" />
+<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="205" />
+<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="hyphen,endash,emdash" k="61" />
+<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" k="205" />
+<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="g" k="102" />
+<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="J" k="246" />
+<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="AE" k="410" />
+<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="s" k="102" />
+<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="u,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="z" k="82" />
+<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="b,h,k,l,germandbls,thorn" k="-41" />
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+<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="c,d,e,o,q,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe" k="123" />
+<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="four" k="205" />
+<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="one" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="three" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="seven" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="S" k="20" />
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+<hkern g1="C,Ccedilla" g2="v,w" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="C,Ccedilla" g2="C,G,O,Q,Ccedilla,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Oslash,OE" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="C,Ccedilla" g2="y,yacute,ydieresis" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="C,Ccedilla" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" k="-20" />
+<hkern g1="U,Ugrave,Uacute,Ucircumflex,Udieresis" g2="V,W" k="-20" />
+<hkern g1="U,Ugrave,Uacute,Ucircumflex,Udieresis" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="102" />
+<hkern g1="U,Ugrave,Uacute,Ucircumflex,Udieresis" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" k="61" />
+<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="T" k="-41" />
+<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="V,W" k="-41" />
+<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="t" k="164" />
+<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="v,w" k="205" />
+<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="-20" />
+<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae" k="225" />
+<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="C,G,O,Q,Ccedilla,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Oslash,OE" k="61" />
+<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="y,yacute,ydieresis" k="205" />
+<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="m,n,r,ntilde" k="143" />
+<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="205" />
+<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="hyphen,endash,emdash" k="205" />
+<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" k="205" />
+<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="g" k="205" />
+<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="AE" k="287" />
+<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="i,igrave,iacute,icircumflex,idieresis" k="123" />
+<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="s" k="164" />
+<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="u,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis" k="164" />
+<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="z" k="205" />
+<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="f,uniFB01,uniFB02,uniFB03,uniFB04" k="82" />
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+<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="ampersand" k="61" />
+<hkern g1="c,ccedilla" g2="T" k="143" />
+<hkern g1="c,ccedilla" g2="V,W" k="123" />
+<hkern g1="c,ccedilla" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="143" />
+<hkern g1="c,ccedilla" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="82" />
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+<hkern g1="c,ccedilla" g2="quotedbl,quotesingle" k="61" />
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+<hkern g1="u,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis" g2="T" k="102" />
+<hkern g1="u,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis" g2="V,W" k="123" />
+<hkern g1="u,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="143" />
+<hkern g1="u,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis" g2="t" k="10" />
+<hkern g1="u,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="61" />
+<hkern g1="u,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="61" />
+<hkern g1="u,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis" g2="quotedbl,quotesingle" k="102" />
+<hkern g1="u,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis" g2="g" k="10" />
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+<hkern g1="i,j,igrave,iacute,icircumflex,idieresis,uniFB01,uniFB03" g2="V,W" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="i,j,igrave,iacute,icircumflex,idieresis,uniFB01,uniFB03" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="102" />
+<hkern g1="i,j,igrave,iacute,icircumflex,idieresis,uniFB01,uniFB03" g2="g" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="i,j,igrave,iacute,icircumflex,idieresis,uniFB01,uniFB03" g2="f,uniFB01,uniFB02,uniFB03,uniFB04" k="20" />
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+<hkern g1="s" g2="V,W" k="164" />
+<hkern g1="s" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="184" />
+<hkern g1="s" g2="t" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="s" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="102" />
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+<hkern g1="s" g2="quotedbl,quotesingle" k="82" />
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+<hkern g1="ampersand" g2="V,W" k="102" />
+<hkern g1="ampersand" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="143" />
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+<hkern g1="quotedbl,quotesingle" g2="t" k="41" />
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+<hkern g1="quotedbl,quotesingle" g2="y,yacute,ydieresis" k="41" />
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+<hkern g1="quotedbl,quotesingle" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" k="102" />
+<hkern g1="quotedbl,quotesingle" g2="g" k="102" />
+<hkern g1="quotedbl,quotesingle" g2="AE" k="410" />
+<hkern g1="quotedbl,quotesingle" g2="s" k="61" />
+<hkern g1="quotedbl,quotesingle" g2="u,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis" k="61" />
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+<hkern g1="f" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="-20" />
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+<hkern g1="f" g2="C,G,O,Q,Ccedilla,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Oslash,OE" k="-20" />
+<hkern g1="f" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="102" />
+<hkern g1="f" g2="hyphen,endash,emdash" k="61" />
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+<hkern g1="f" g2="Z" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="f" g2="g" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="f" g2="AE" k="123" />
+<hkern g1="f" g2="i,igrave,iacute,icircumflex,idieresis" k="41" />
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+<hkern g1="f" g2="c,d,e,o,q,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe" k="41" />
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+<hkern g1="f" g2="zero" k="-41" />
+<hkern g1="f" g2="one" k="-20" />
+<hkern g1="f" g2="three" k="-41" />
+<hkern g1="f" g2="five" k="-41" />
+<hkern g1="f" g2="six" k="-20" />
+<hkern g1="f" g2="eight" k="-20" />
+<hkern g1="f" g2="nine" k="-20" />
+<hkern g1="f" g2="two" k="-20" />
+<hkern g1="f" g2="seven" k="-41" />
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+<hkern g1="t" g2="V,W" k="123" />
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+<hkern g1="t" g2="t" k="31" />
+<hkern g1="t" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="82" />
+<hkern g1="t" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="61" />
+<hkern g1="t" g2="quotedbl,quotesingle" k="61" />
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+<hkern g1="t" g2="B,D,E,F,H,I,K,L,M,N,P,R,Egrave,Eacute,Ecircumflex,Edieresis,Igrave,Iacute,Icircumflex,Idieresis,Ntilde" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="T" k="-61" />
+<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="V,W" k="-41" />
+<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="-41" />
+<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="t" k="143" />
+<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="v,w" k="143" />
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+<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="C,G,O,Q,Ccedilla,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Oslash,OE" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="y,yacute,ydieresis" k="143" />
+<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="m,n,r,ntilde" k="143" />
+<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="205" />
+<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" k="205" />
+<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="g" k="266" />
+<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="J" k="184" />
+<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="AE" k="451" />
+<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="s" k="184" />
+<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="u,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis" k="143" />
+<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="z" k="184" />
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+<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="four" k="266" />
+<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="B,D,E,F,H,I,K,L,M,N,P,R,Egrave,Eacute,Ecircumflex,Edieresis,Igrave,Iacute,Icircumflex,Idieresis,Ntilde" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="one" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="six" k="123" />
+<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="eight" k="82" />
+<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="seven" k="-20" />
+<hkern g1="G" g2="T" k="-20" />
+<hkern g1="G" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="G" g2="hyphen,endash,emdash" k="-41" />
+<hkern g1="g" g2="T" k="123" />
+<hkern g1="g" g2="V,W" k="102" />
+<hkern g1="g" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="123" />
+<hkern g1="g" g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="g" g2="C,G,O,Q,Ccedilla,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Oslash,OE" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="g" g2="m,n,r,ntilde" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="g" g2="g" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="g" g2="f,uniFB01,uniFB02,uniFB03,uniFB04" k="41" />
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+<hkern g1="J" g2="v,w" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="J" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="J" g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae" k="61" />
+<hkern g1="J" g2="m,n,r,ntilde" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="J" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="102" />
+<hkern g1="J" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="J" g2="g" k="61" />
+<hkern g1="J" g2="i,igrave,iacute,icircumflex,idieresis" k="61" />
+<hkern g1="J" g2="u,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="J" g2="z" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="J" g2="f,uniFB01,uniFB02,uniFB03,uniFB04" k="61" />
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+<hkern g1="K" g2="t" k="123" />
+<hkern g1="K" g2="v,w" k="143" />
+<hkern g1="K" g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="K" g2="C,G,O,Q,Ccedilla,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Oslash,OE" k="92" />
+<hkern g1="K" g2="m,n,r,ntilde" k="51" />
+<hkern g1="K" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="102" />
+<hkern g1="K" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" k="-20" />
+<hkern g1="K" g2="g" k="72" />
+<hkern g1="K" g2="u,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis" k="72" />
+<hkern g1="K" g2="c,d,e,o,q,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe" k="82" />
+<hkern g1="k" g2="T" k="184" />
+<hkern g1="k" g2="V,W" k="123" />
+<hkern g1="k" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="164" />
+<hkern g1="k" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="102" />
+<hkern g1="k" g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae" k="10" />
+<hkern g1="k" g2="y,yacute,ydieresis" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="k" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="102" />
+<hkern g1="k" g2="quotedbl,quotesingle" k="102" />
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+<hkern g1="r" g2="T" k="164" />
+<hkern g1="r" g2="V,W" k="102" />
+<hkern g1="r" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="164" />
+<hkern g1="r" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="r" g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae" k="31" />
+<hkern g1="r" g2="m,n,r,ntilde" k="10" />
+<hkern g1="r" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="102" />
+<hkern g1="r" g2="hyphen,endash,emdash" k="61" />
+<hkern g1="r" g2="g" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="r" g2="J" k="61" />
+<hkern g1="r" g2="i,igrave,iacute,icircumflex,idieresis" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="r" g2="c,d,e,o,q,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe" k="31" />
+<hkern g1="R" g2="T" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="R" g2="V,W" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="R" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="R" g2="v,w" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="R" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="82" />
+<hkern g1="R" g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="R" g2="C,G,O,Q,Ccedilla,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Oslash,OE" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="R" g2="y,yacute,ydieresis" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="R" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="-61" />
+<hkern g1="R" g2="hyphen,endash,emdash" k="61" />
+<hkern g1="R" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="R" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" k="-41" />
+<hkern g1="R" g2="g" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="R" g2="J" k="-20" />
+<hkern g1="R" g2="i,igrave,iacute,icircumflex,idieresis" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="R" g2="c,d,e,o,q,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe" k="51" />
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+<hkern g1="S" g2="t" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="S" g2="v,w" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="S" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="S" g2="z" k="20" />
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+<hkern g1="S" g2="S" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="T" g2="T" k="-41" />
+<hkern g1="T" g2="V,W" k="-41" />
+<hkern g1="T" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="-41" />
+<hkern g1="T" g2="t" k="143" />
+<hkern g1="T" g2="v,w" k="143" />
+<hkern g1="T" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="-20" />
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+<hkern g1="T" g2="C,G,O,Q,Ccedilla,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Oslash,OE" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="T" g2="y,yacute,ydieresis" k="143" />
+<hkern g1="T" g2="m,n,r,ntilde" k="102" />
+<hkern g1="T" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="143" />
+<hkern g1="T" g2="hyphen,endash,emdash" k="143" />
+<hkern g1="T" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="-20" />
+<hkern g1="T" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" k="102" />
+<hkern g1="T" g2="g" k="164" />
+<hkern g1="T" g2="AE" k="225" />
+<hkern g1="T" g2="i,igrave,iacute,icircumflex,idieresis" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="T" g2="s" k="143" />
+<hkern g1="T" g2="u,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis" k="102" />
+<hkern g1="T" g2="z" k="143" />
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+<hkern g1="T" g2="ampersand" k="20" />
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+<hkern g1="Z" g2="g" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="z" g2="T" k="143" />
+<hkern g1="z" g2="V,W" k="123" />
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+<hkern g1="D,O,Q,Eth,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Oslash" g2="J" k="51" />
+<hkern g1="D,O,Q,Eth,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Oslash" g2="AE" k="123" />
+<hkern g1="F" g2="T" k="-41" />
+<hkern g1="F" g2="V,W" k="-41" />
+<hkern g1="F" g2="t" k="102" />
+<hkern g1="F" g2="v,w" k="109" />
+<hkern g1="F" g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae" k="174" />
+<hkern g1="F" g2="u,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis" k="123" />
+<hkern g1="F" g2="C,G,O,Q,Ccedilla,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Oslash,OE" k="31" />
+<hkern g1="F" g2="y,yacute,ydieresis" k="109" />
+<hkern g1="F" g2="m,n,r,ntilde" k="123" />
+<hkern g1="F" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="266" />
+<hkern g1="F" g2="hyphen,endash,emdash" k="164" />
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+<hkern g1="F" g2="quotedbl,quotesingle" k="-41" />
+<hkern g1="F" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" k="154" />
+<hkern g1="F" g2="g" k="164" />
+<hkern g1="F" g2="J" k="164" />
+<hkern g1="F" g2="i,igrave,iacute,icircumflex,idieresis" k="82" />
+<hkern g1="F" g2="s" k="160" />
+<hkern g1="F" g2="z" k="133" />
+<hkern g1="F" g2="b,h,k,l,germandbls,thorn" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="F" g2="f,uniFB01,uniFB02,uniFB03,uniFB04" k="92" />
+<hkern g1="H,I,M,N,Igrave,Iacute,Icircumflex,Idieresis,Ntilde" g2="t" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="H,I,M,N,Igrave,Iacute,Icircumflex,Idieresis,Ntilde" g2="v,w" k="31" />
+<hkern g1="H,I,M,N,Igrave,Iacute,Icircumflex,Idieresis,Ntilde" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="H,I,M,N,Igrave,Iacute,Icircumflex,Idieresis,Ntilde" g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae" k="31" />
+<hkern g1="H,I,M,N,Igrave,Iacute,Icircumflex,Idieresis,Ntilde" g2="u,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis" k="10" />
+<hkern g1="H,I,M,N,Igrave,Iacute,Icircumflex,Idieresis,Ntilde" g2="y,yacute,ydieresis" k="31" />
+<hkern g1="H,I,M,N,Igrave,Iacute,Icircumflex,Idieresis,Ntilde" g2="m,n,r,ntilde" k="10" />
+<hkern g1="H,I,M,N,Igrave,Iacute,Icircumflex,Idieresis,Ntilde" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="10" />
+<hkern g1="H,I,M,N,Igrave,Iacute,Icircumflex,Idieresis,Ntilde" g2="c,d,e,o,q,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe" k="31" />
+<hkern g1="H,I,M,N,Igrave,Iacute,Icircumflex,Idieresis,Ntilde" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" k="10" />
+<hkern g1="H,I,M,N,Igrave,Iacute,Icircumflex,Idieresis,Ntilde" g2="g" k="31" />
+<hkern g1="H,I,M,N,Igrave,Iacute,Icircumflex,Idieresis,Ntilde" g2="s" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="H,I,M,N,Igrave,Iacute,Icircumflex,Idieresis,Ntilde" g2="z" k="31" />
+<hkern g1="H,I,M,N,Igrave,Iacute,Icircumflex,Idieresis,Ntilde" g2="f,uniFB01,uniFB02,uniFB03,uniFB04" k="10" />
+<hkern g1="V,W" g2="T" k="-41" />
+<hkern g1="V,W" g2="U,Ugrave,Uacute,Ucircumflex,Udieresis" k="-20" />
+<hkern g1="V,W" g2="V,W" k="-51" />
+<hkern g1="V,W" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="-51" />
+<hkern g1="V,W" g2="t" k="123" />
+<hkern g1="V,W" g2="v,w" k="133" />
+<hkern g1="V,W" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="-20" />
+<hkern g1="V,W" g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae" k="184" />
+<hkern g1="V,W" g2="u,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis" k="133" />
+<hkern g1="V,W" g2="C,G,O,Q,Ccedilla,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Oslash,OE" k="47" />
+<hkern g1="V,W" g2="y,yacute,ydieresis" k="139" />
+<hkern g1="V,W" g2="m,n,r,ntilde" k="133" />
+<hkern g1="V,W" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="276" />
+<hkern g1="V,W" g2="hyphen,endash,emdash" k="143" />
+<hkern g1="V,W" g2="c,d,e,o,q,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe" k="174" />
+<hkern g1="V,W" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" k="225" />
+<hkern g1="V,W" g2="g" k="174" />
+<hkern g1="V,W" g2="AE" k="297" />
+<hkern g1="V,W" g2="i,igrave,iacute,icircumflex,idieresis" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="V,W" g2="s" k="164" />
+<hkern g1="V,W" g2="z" k="154" />
+<hkern g1="V,W" g2="f,uniFB01,uniFB02,uniFB03,uniFB04" k="51" />
+<hkern g1="V,W" g2="B,D,E,F,H,I,K,L,M,N,P,R,Egrave,Eacute,Ecircumflex,Edieresis,Igrave,Iacute,Icircumflex,Idieresis,Ntilde" k="10" />
+<hkern g1="V,W" g2="four" k="164" />
+<hkern g1="V,W" g2="ampersand" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="V,W" g2="guillemotright,guilsinglright" k="61" />
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+<hkern g1="h,m,n,ntilde" g2="V,W" k="174" />
+<hkern g1="h,m,n,ntilde" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="215" />
+<hkern g1="h,m,n,ntilde" g2="t" k="27" />
+<hkern g1="h,m,n,ntilde" g2="v,w" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="h,m,n,ntilde" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="92" />
+<hkern g1="h,m,n,ntilde" g2="y,yacute,ydieresis" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="h,m,n,ntilde" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="82" />
+<hkern g1="h,m,n,ntilde" g2="c,d,e,o,q,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe" k="6" />
+<hkern g1="h,m,n,ntilde" g2="quotedbl,quotesingle" k="133" />
+<hkern g1="h,m,n,ntilde" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" k="-20" />
+<hkern g1="h,m,n,ntilde" g2="g" k="10" />
+<hkern g1="h,m,n,ntilde" g2="s" k="-4" />
+<hkern g1="h,m,n,ntilde" g2="z" k="6" />
+<hkern g1="h,m,n,ntilde" g2="B,D,E,F,H,I,K,L,M,N,P,R,Egrave,Eacute,Ecircumflex,Edieresis,Igrave,Iacute,Icircumflex,Idieresis,Ntilde" k="10" />
+<hkern g1="d,l,uniFB02,uniFB04" g2="v,w" k="6" />
+<hkern g1="d,l,uniFB02,uniFB04" g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae" k="-4" />
+<hkern g1="d,l,uniFB02,uniFB04" g2="u,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis" k="6" />
+<hkern g1="d,l,uniFB02,uniFB04" g2="y,yacute,ydieresis" k="6" />
+<hkern g1="d,l,uniFB02,uniFB04" g2="B,D,E,F,H,I,K,L,M,N,P,R,Egrave,Eacute,Ecircumflex,Edieresis,Igrave,Iacute,Icircumflex,Idieresis,Ntilde" k="10" />
+<hkern g1="b,e,o,p,ae,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,thorn,oe" g2="T" k="143" />
+<hkern g1="b,e,o,p,ae,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,thorn,oe" g2="V,W" k="184" />
+<hkern g1="b,e,o,p,ae,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,thorn,oe" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="205" />
+<hkern g1="b,e,o,p,ae,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,thorn,oe" g2="t" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="b,e,o,p,ae,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,thorn,oe" g2="v,w" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="b,e,o,p,ae,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,thorn,oe" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="102" />
+<hkern g1="b,e,o,p,ae,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,thorn,oe" g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae" k="6" />
+<hkern g1="b,e,o,p,ae,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,thorn,oe" g2="y,yacute,ydieresis" k="31" />
+<hkern g1="b,e,o,p,ae,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,thorn,oe" g2="S" k="10" />
+<hkern g1="b,e,o,p,ae,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,thorn,oe" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="b,e,o,p,ae,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,thorn,oe" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="82" />
+<hkern g1="b,e,o,p,ae,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,thorn,oe" g2="c,d,e,o,q,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe" k="-10" />
+<hkern g1="b,e,o,p,ae,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,thorn,oe" g2="quotedbl,quotesingle" k="123" />
+<hkern g1="b,e,o,p,ae,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,thorn,oe" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" k="10" />
+<hkern g1="b,e,o,p,ae,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,thorn,oe" g2="g" k="16" />
+<hkern g1="b,e,o,p,ae,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,thorn,oe" g2="i,igrave,iacute,icircumflex,idieresis" k="6" />
+<hkern g1="b,e,o,p,ae,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,thorn,oe" g2="f,uniFB01,uniFB02,uniFB03,uniFB04" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="b,e,o,p,ae,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,thorn,oe" g2="B,D,E,F,H,I,K,L,M,N,P,R,Egrave,Eacute,Ecircumflex,Edieresis,Igrave,Iacute,Icircumflex,Idieresis,Ntilde" k="31" />
+<hkern g1="v,w" g2="T" k="154" />
+<hkern g1="v,w" g2="V,W" k="113" />
+<hkern g1="v,w" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="154" />
+<hkern g1="v,w" g2="t" k="-20" />
+<hkern g1="v,w" g2="v,w" k="-20" />
+<hkern g1="v,w" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="-20" />
+<hkern g1="v,w" g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="v,w" g2="y,yacute,ydieresis" k="-31" />
+<hkern g1="v,w" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="154" />
+<hkern g1="v,w" g2="hyphen,endash,emdash" k="31" />
+<hkern g1="v,w" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="-31" />
+<hkern g1="v,w" g2="c,d,e,o,q,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="v,w" g2="quotedbl,quotesingle" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="v,w" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" k="123" />
+<hkern g1="v,w" g2="J" k="72" />
+<hkern g1="v,w" g2="i,igrave,iacute,icircumflex,idieresis" k="6" />
+<hkern g1="v,w" g2="z" k="-4" />
+<hkern g1="v,w" g2="B,D,E,F,H,I,K,L,M,N,P,R,Egrave,Eacute,Ecircumflex,Edieresis,Igrave,Iacute,Icircumflex,Idieresis,Ntilde" k="10" />
+<hkern g1="y,yacute,ydieresis" g2="T" k="154" />
+<hkern g1="y,yacute,ydieresis" g2="V,W" k="123" />
+<hkern g1="y,yacute,ydieresis" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="164" />
+<hkern g1="y,yacute,ydieresis" g2="v,w" k="-20" />
+<hkern g1="y,yacute,ydieresis" g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="y,yacute,ydieresis" g2="y,yacute,ydieresis" k="-20" />
+<hkern g1="y,yacute,ydieresis" g2="m,n,r,ntilde" k="10" />
+<hkern g1="y,yacute,ydieresis" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="174" />
+<hkern g1="y,yacute,ydieresis" g2="c,d,e,o,q,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe" k="51" />
+<hkern g1="y,yacute,ydieresis" g2="quotedbl,quotesingle" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="y,yacute,ydieresis" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" k="123" />
+<hkern g1="y,yacute,ydieresis" g2="J" k="82" />
+<hkern g1="y,yacute,ydieresis" g2="i,igrave,iacute,icircumflex,idieresis" k="6" />
+<hkern g1="y,yacute,ydieresis" g2="B,D,E,F,H,I,K,L,M,N,P,R,Egrave,Eacute,Ecircumflex,Edieresis,Igrave,Iacute,Icircumflex,Idieresis,Ntilde" k="10" />
+<hkern g1="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring" g2="T" k="164" />
+<hkern g1="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring" g2="V,W" k="164" />
+<hkern g1="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="174" />
+<hkern g1="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring" g2="t" k="16" />
+<hkern g1="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring" g2="v,w" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="102" />
+<hkern g1="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring" g2="u,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis" k="6" />
+<hkern g1="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring" g2="y,yacute,ydieresis" k="37" />
+<hkern g1="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="82" />
+<hkern g1="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring" g2="c,d,e,o,q,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe" k="6" />
+<hkern g1="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring" g2="quotedbl,quotesingle" k="133" />
+<hkern g1="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring" g2="g" k="6" />
+<hkern g1="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring" g2="z" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring" g2="B,D,E,F,H,I,K,L,M,N,P,R,Egrave,Eacute,Ecircumflex,Edieresis,Igrave,Iacute,Icircumflex,Idieresis,Ntilde" k="16" />
+<hkern g1="E,AE,Egrave,Eacute,Ecircumflex,Edieresis,OE" g2="T" k="-10" />
+<hkern g1="E,AE,Egrave,Eacute,Ecircumflex,Edieresis,OE" g2="U,Ugrave,Uacute,Ucircumflex,Udieresis" k="-10" />
+<hkern g1="E,AE,Egrave,Eacute,Ecircumflex,Edieresis,OE" g2="V,W" k="-10" />
+<hkern g1="E,AE,Egrave,Eacute,Ecircumflex,Edieresis,OE" g2="t" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="E,AE,Egrave,Eacute,Ecircumflex,Edieresis,OE" g2="v,w" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="E,AE,Egrave,Eacute,Ecircumflex,Edieresis,OE" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="10" />
+<hkern g1="E,AE,Egrave,Eacute,Ecircumflex,Edieresis,OE" g2="y,yacute,ydieresis" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="E,AE,Egrave,Eacute,Ecircumflex,Edieresis,OE" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="-10" />
+<hkern g1="E,AE,Egrave,Eacute,Ecircumflex,Edieresis,OE" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" k="-20" />
+<hkern g1="E,AE,Egrave,Eacute,Ecircumflex,Edieresis,OE" g2="g" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="T" k="205" />
+<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="U,Ugrave,Uacute,Ucircumflex,Udieresis" k="61" />
+<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="V,W" k="276" />
+<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="287" />
+<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="t" k="72" />
+<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="v,w" k="143" />
+<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="205" />
+<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="C,G,O,Q,Ccedilla,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Oslash,OE" k="72" />
+<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="y,yacute,ydieresis" k="143" />
+<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="S" k="-4" />
+<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="205" />
+<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="quotedbl,quotesingle" k="205" />
+<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" k="-72" />
+<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="J" k="-10" />
+<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="four" k="10" />
+<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="zero" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="one" k="82" />
+<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="three" k="-31" />
+<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="five" k="-20" />
+<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="six" k="31" />
+<hkern g1="one" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="10" />
+<hkern g1="one" g2="four" k="-20" />
+<hkern g1="two" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="10" />
+<hkern g1="two" g2="four" k="10" />
+<hkern g1="two" g2="zero" k="10" />
+<hkern g1="three" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="51" />
+<hkern g1="three" g2="eight" k="-25" />
+<hkern g1="four" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="82" />
+<hkern g1="four" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="61" />
+<hkern g1="four" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="82" />
+<hkern g1="four" g2="quotedbl,quotesingle" k="61" />
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+<hkern g1="five" g2="eight" k="-25" />
+<hkern g1="five" g2="nine" k="27" />
+<hkern g1="six" g2="two" k="27" />
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+<hkern g1="seven" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="-20" />
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+<hkern g1="seven" g2="u,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis" k="61" />
+<hkern g1="seven" g2="y,yacute,ydieresis" k="82" />
+<hkern g1="seven" g2="m,n,r,ntilde" k="61" />
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+<hkern g1="seven" g2="g" k="143" />
+<hkern g1="seven" g2="s" k="82" />
+<hkern g1="seven" g2="z" k="82" />
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+<hkern g1="nine" g2="two" k="41" />
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+<hkern g1="hyphen,endash,emdash" g2="V,W" k="164" />
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+<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="S" k="10" />
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+<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="g" k="113" />
+<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="J" k="246" />
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+<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="one" k="20" />
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+<hkern g1="C,Ccedilla" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="10" />
+<hkern g1="C,Ccedilla" g2="v,w" k="82" />
+<hkern g1="C,Ccedilla" g2="C,G,O,Q,Ccedilla,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Oslash,OE" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="C,Ccedilla" g2="y,yacute,ydieresis" k="82" />
+<hkern g1="C,Ccedilla" g2="m,n,r,ntilde" k="10" />
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+<hkern g1="C,Ccedilla" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" k="-4" />
+<hkern g1="C,Ccedilla" g2="B,D,E,F,H,I,K,L,M,N,P,R,Egrave,Eacute,Ecircumflex,Edieresis,Igrave,Iacute,Icircumflex,Idieresis,Ntilde" k="10" />
+<hkern g1="U,Ugrave,Uacute,Ucircumflex,Udieresis" g2="V,W" k="-20" />
+<hkern g1="U,Ugrave,Uacute,Ucircumflex,Udieresis" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="102" />
+<hkern g1="U,Ugrave,Uacute,Ucircumflex,Udieresis" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" k="72" />
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+<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="V,W" k="-61" />
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+<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="u,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis" k="174" />
+<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="C,G,O,Q,Ccedilla,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Oslash,OE" k="92" />
+<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="y,yacute,ydieresis" k="205" />
+<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="S" k="20" />
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+<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="g" k="215" />
+<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="AE" k="307" />
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+<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="z" k="225" />
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+<hkern g1="c,ccedilla" g2="V,W" k="143" />
+<hkern g1="c,ccedilla" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="164" />
+<hkern g1="c,ccedilla" g2="t" k="-4" />
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+<hkern g1="c,ccedilla" g2="u,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis" k="6" />
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+<hkern g1="c,ccedilla" g2="s" k="-4" />
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+<hkern g1="u,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis" g2="V,W" k="123" />
+<hkern g1="u,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="143" />
+<hkern g1="u,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis" g2="t" k="16" />
+<hkern g1="u,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="31" />
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+<hkern g1="i,j,igrave,iacute,icircumflex,idieresis,uniFB01,uniFB03" g2="V,W" k="20" />
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+<hkern g1="i,j,igrave,iacute,icircumflex,idieresis,uniFB01,uniFB03" g2="s" k="-10" />
+<hkern g1="i,j,igrave,iacute,icircumflex,idieresis,uniFB01,uniFB03" g2="f,uniFB01,uniFB02,uniFB03,uniFB04" k="10" />
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+<hkern g1="s" g2="t" k="20" />
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+<hkern g1="s" g2="quotedbl,quotesingle" k="82" />
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+<hkern g1="ampersand" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="143" />
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+<hkern g1="quotedbl,quotesingle" g2="u,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis" k="61" />
+<hkern g1="quotedbl,quotesingle" g2="y,yacute,ydieresis" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="quotedbl,quotesingle" g2="m,n,r,ntilde" k="61" />
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+<hkern g1="quotedbl,quotesingle" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" k="102" />
+<hkern g1="quotedbl,quotesingle" g2="g" k="102" />
+<hkern g1="quotedbl,quotesingle" g2="AE" k="410" />
+<hkern g1="quotedbl,quotesingle" g2="s" k="61" />
+<hkern g1="quotedbl,quotesingle" g2="z" k="82" />
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+<hkern g1="f" g2="t" k="-10" />
+<hkern g1="f" g2="v,w" k="-4" />
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+<hkern g1="f" g2="y,yacute,ydieresis" k="-4" />
+<hkern g1="f" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="102" />
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+<hkern g1="f" g2="quotedbl,quotesingle" k="-20" />
+<hkern g1="f" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" k="10" />
+<hkern g1="f" g2="g" k="27" />
+<hkern g1="f" g2="AE" k="123" />
+<hkern g1="f" g2="i,igrave,iacute,icircumflex,idieresis" k="20" />
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+<hkern g1="f" g2="zero" k="-41" />
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+<hkern g1="f" g2="two" k="-20" />
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+<hkern g1="t" g2="V,W" k="123" />
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+<hkern g1="t" g2="t" k="31" />
+<hkern g1="t" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="t" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="31" />
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+<hkern g1="t" g2="i,igrave,iacute,icircumflex,idieresis" k="10" />
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+<hkern g1="t" g2="B,D,E,F,H,I,K,L,M,N,P,R,Egrave,Eacute,Ecircumflex,Edieresis,Igrave,Iacute,Icircumflex,Idieresis,Ntilde" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="T" k="-51" />
+<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="V,W" k="-51" />
+<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="-41" />
+<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="t" k="143" />
+<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="v,w" k="143" />
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+<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="u,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis" k="164" />
+<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="C,G,O,Q,Ccedilla,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Oslash,OE" k="72" />
+<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="y,yacute,ydieresis" k="143" />
+<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="m,n,r,ntilde" k="164" />
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+<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" k="256" />
+<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="g" k="287" />
+<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="J" k="205" />
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+<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="one" k="20" />
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+<hkern g1="G" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="10" />
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+<hkern g1="g" g2="V,W" k="113" />
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+<hkern g1="g" g2="t" k="-20" />
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+<hkern g1="g" g2="C,G,O,Q,Ccedilla,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Oslash,OE" k="-10" />
+<hkern g1="g" g2="c,d,e,o,q,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="g" g2="g" k="-20" />
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+<hkern g1="J" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="31" />
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+<hkern g1="F" g2="J" k="164" />
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+<hkern g1="H,I,M,N,Igrave,Iacute,Icircumflex,Idieresis,Ntilde" g2="m,n,r,ntilde" k="6" />
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+<hkern g1="H,I,M,N,Igrave,Iacute,Icircumflex,Idieresis,Ntilde" g2="c,d,e,o,q,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe" k="27" />
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+<hkern g1="V,W" g2="V,W" k="-35" />
+<hkern g1="V,W" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="-35" />
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+<hkern g1="V,W" g2="C,G,O,Q,Ccedilla,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Oslash,OE" k="43" />
+<hkern g1="V,W" g2="y,yacute,ydieresis" k="131" />
+<hkern g1="V,W" g2="m,n,r,ntilde" k="129" />
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+<hkern g1="V,W" g2="g" k="170" />
+<hkern g1="V,W" g2="AE" k="293" />
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+<hkern g1="V,W" g2="ampersand" k="41" />
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+<hkern g1="h,m,n,ntilde" g2="V,W" k="170" />
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+<hkern g1="b,e,o,p,ae,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,thorn,oe" g2="V,W" k="174" />
+<hkern g1="b,e,o,p,ae,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,thorn,oe" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="195" />
+<hkern g1="b,e,o,p,ae,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,thorn,oe" g2="t" k="31" />
+<hkern g1="b,e,o,p,ae,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,thorn,oe" g2="v,w" k="31" />
+<hkern g1="b,e,o,p,ae,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,thorn,oe" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="123" />
+<hkern g1="b,e,o,p,ae,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,thorn,oe" g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae" k="2" />
+<hkern g1="b,e,o,p,ae,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,thorn,oe" g2="y,yacute,ydieresis" k="27" />
+<hkern g1="b,e,o,p,ae,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,thorn,oe" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="b,e,o,p,ae,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,thorn,oe" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="113" />
+<hkern g1="b,e,o,p,ae,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,thorn,oe" g2="c,d,e,o,q,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe" k="-10" />
+<hkern g1="b,e,o,p,ae,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,thorn,oe" g2="quotedbl,quotesingle" k="113" />
+<hkern g1="b,e,o,p,ae,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,thorn,oe" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" k="6" />
+<hkern g1="b,e,o,p,ae,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,thorn,oe" g2="g" k="18" />
+<hkern g1="b,e,o,p,ae,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,thorn,oe" g2="i,igrave,iacute,icircumflex,idieresis" k="2" />
+<hkern g1="b,e,o,p,ae,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,thorn,oe" g2="f,uniFB01,uniFB02,uniFB03,uniFB04" k="31" />
+<hkern g1="b,e,o,p,ae,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,thorn,oe" g2="B,D,E,F,H,I,K,L,M,N,P,R,Egrave,Eacute,Ecircumflex,Edieresis,Igrave,Iacute,Icircumflex,Idieresis,Ntilde" k="27" />
+<hkern g1="b,e,o,p,ae,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,thorn,oe" g2="S" k="6" />
+<hkern g1="v,w" g2="T" k="150" />
+<hkern g1="v,w" g2="V,W" k="119" />
+<hkern g1="v,w" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="160" />
+<hkern g1="v,w" g2="t" k="-10" />
+<hkern g1="v,w" g2="v,w" k="-20" />
+<hkern g1="v,w" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="-10" />
+<hkern g1="v,w" g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae" k="10" />
+<hkern g1="v,w" g2="y,yacute,ydieresis" k="-25" />
+<hkern g1="v,w" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="139" />
+<hkern g1="v,w" g2="hyphen,endash,emdash" k="27" />
+<hkern g1="v,w" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="-25" />
+<hkern g1="v,w" g2="c,d,e,o,q,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe" k="31" />
+<hkern g1="v,w" g2="quotedbl,quotesingle" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="v,w" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" k="102" />
+<hkern g1="v,w" g2="J" k="57" />
+<hkern g1="v,w" g2="i,igrave,iacute,icircumflex,idieresis" k="8" />
+<hkern g1="v,w" g2="z" k="-2" />
+<hkern g1="v,w" g2="B,D,E,F,H,I,K,L,M,N,P,R,Egrave,Eacute,Ecircumflex,Edieresis,Igrave,Iacute,Icircumflex,Idieresis,Ntilde" k="6" />
+<hkern g1="y,yacute,ydieresis" g2="T" k="150" />
+<hkern g1="y,yacute,ydieresis" g2="V,W" k="123" />
+<hkern g1="y,yacute,ydieresis" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="164" />
+<hkern g1="y,yacute,ydieresis" g2="v,w" k="-20" />
+<hkern g1="y,yacute,ydieresis" g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae" k="10" />
+<hkern g1="y,yacute,ydieresis" g2="y,yacute,ydieresis" k="-20" />
+<hkern g1="y,yacute,ydieresis" g2="m,n,r,ntilde" k="6" />
+<hkern g1="y,yacute,ydieresis" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="160" />
+<hkern g1="y,yacute,ydieresis" g2="c,d,e,o,q,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe" k="47" />
+<hkern g1="y,yacute,ydieresis" g2="quotedbl,quotesingle" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="y,yacute,ydieresis" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" k="102" />
+<hkern g1="y,yacute,ydieresis" g2="J" k="72" />
+<hkern g1="y,yacute,ydieresis" g2="i,igrave,iacute,icircumflex,idieresis" k="8" />
+<hkern g1="y,yacute,ydieresis" g2="z" k="6" />
+<hkern g1="y,yacute,ydieresis" g2="B,D,E,F,H,I,K,L,M,N,P,R,Egrave,Eacute,Ecircumflex,Edieresis,Igrave,Iacute,Icircumflex,Idieresis,Ntilde" k="6" />
+<hkern g1="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring" g2="T" k="154" />
+<hkern g1="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring" g2="V,W" k="154" />
+<hkern g1="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="160" />
+<hkern g1="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring" g2="t" k="18" />
+<hkern g1="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring" g2="v,w" k="27" />
+<hkern g1="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="113" />
+<hkern g1="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring" g2="u,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis" k="2" />
+<hkern g1="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring" g2="y,yacute,ydieresis" k="18" />
+<hkern g1="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="102" />
+<hkern g1="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring" g2="c,d,e,o,q,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe" k="2" />
+<hkern g1="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring" g2="quotedbl,quotesingle" k="129" />
+<hkern g1="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring" g2="g" k="8" />
+<hkern g1="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring" g2="z" k="10" />
+<hkern g1="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring" g2="B,D,E,F,H,I,K,L,M,N,P,R,Egrave,Eacute,Ecircumflex,Edieresis,Igrave,Iacute,Icircumflex,Idieresis,Ntilde" k="12" />
+<hkern g1="E,AE,Egrave,Eacute,Ecircumflex,Edieresis,OE" g2="T" k="-4" />
+<hkern g1="E,AE,Egrave,Eacute,Ecircumflex,Edieresis,OE" g2="U,Ugrave,Uacute,Ucircumflex,Udieresis" k="-4" />
+<hkern g1="E,AE,Egrave,Eacute,Ecircumflex,Edieresis,OE" g2="V,W" k="-4" />
+<hkern g1="E,AE,Egrave,Eacute,Ecircumflex,Edieresis,OE" g2="t" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="E,AE,Egrave,Eacute,Ecircumflex,Edieresis,OE" g2="v,w" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="E,AE,Egrave,Eacute,Ecircumflex,Edieresis,OE" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="16" />
+<hkern g1="E,AE,Egrave,Eacute,Ecircumflex,Edieresis,OE" g2="y,yacute,ydieresis" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="E,AE,Egrave,Eacute,Ecircumflex,Edieresis,OE" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="-4" />
+<hkern g1="E,AE,Egrave,Eacute,Ecircumflex,Edieresis,OE" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" k="-10" />
+<hkern g1="E,AE,Egrave,Eacute,Ecircumflex,Edieresis,OE" g2="g" k="31" />
+<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="T" k="184" />
+<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="U,Ugrave,Uacute,Ucircumflex,Udieresis" k="61" />
+<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="V,W" k="242" />
+<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="266" />
+<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="t" k="68" />
+<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="v,w" k="133" />
+<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="184" />
+<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="C,G,O,Q,Ccedilla,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Oslash,OE" k="68" />
+<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="y,yacute,ydieresis" k="133" />
+<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="184" />
+<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="quotedbl,quotesingle" k="205" />
+<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" k="-76" />
+<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="Z" k="-10" />
+<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="J" k="-4" />
+<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="four" k="16" />
+<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="S" k="-2" />
+<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="zero" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="one" k="72" />
+<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="three" k="-25" />
+<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="five" k="-20" />
+<hkern g1="comma,period,ellipsis" g2="six" k="27" />
+<hkern g1="one" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="6" />
+<hkern g1="one" g2="four" k="-20" />
+<hkern g1="two" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="6" />
+<hkern g1="two" g2="hyphen,endash,emdash" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="two" g2="four" k="16" />
+<hkern g1="two" g2="zero" k="16" />
+<hkern g1="three" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="47" />
+<hkern g1="three" g2="hyphen,endash,emdash" k="-20" />
+<hkern g1="three" g2="eight" k="-23" />
+<hkern g1="four" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="82" />
+<hkern g1="four" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="61" />
+<hkern g1="four" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="82" />
+<hkern g1="four" g2="quotedbl,quotesingle" k="61" />
+<hkern g1="four" g2="three" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="four" g2="five" k="8" />
+<hkern g1="four" g2="nine" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="four" g2="seven" k="16" />
+<hkern g1="five" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="47" />
+<hkern g1="five" g2="eight" k="-23" />
+<hkern g1="five" g2="nine" k="29" />
+<hkern g1="six" g2="hyphen,endash,emdash" k="-20" />
+<hkern g1="six" g2="two" k="23" />
+<hkern g1="seven" g2="t" k="51" />
+<hkern g1="seven" g2="v,w" k="72" />
+<hkern g1="seven" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="-10" />
+<hkern g1="seven" g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae" k="88" />
+<hkern g1="seven" g2="u,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis" k="51" />
+<hkern g1="seven" g2="y,yacute,ydieresis" k="72" />
+<hkern g1="seven" g2="m,n,r,ntilde" k="51" />
+<hkern g1="seven" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="215" />
+<hkern g1="seven" g2="hyphen,endash,emdash" k="123" />
+<hkern g1="seven" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="6" />
+<hkern g1="seven" g2="c,d,e,o,q,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe" k="113" />
+<hkern g1="seven" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" k="133" />
+<hkern g1="seven" g2="g" k="133" />
+<hkern g1="seven" g2="s" k="72" />
+<hkern g1="seven" g2="z" k="72" />
+<hkern g1="seven" g2="f,uniFB01,uniFB02,uniFB03,uniFB04" k="61" />
+<hkern g1="seven" g2="four" k="139" />
+<hkern g1="seven" g2="eight" k="6" />
+<hkern g1="eight" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="68" />
+<hkern g1="eight" g2="four" k="10" />
+<hkern g1="nine" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="-20" />
+<hkern g1="nine" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="82" />
+<hkern g1="nine" g2="four" k="18" />
+<hkern g1="nine" g2="two" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="zero" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="zero" g2="four" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="hyphen,endash,emdash" g2="T" k="184" />
+<hkern g1="hyphen,endash,emdash" g2="V,W" k="164" />
+<hkern g1="hyphen,endash,emdash" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="225" />
+<hkern g1="hyphen,endash,emdash" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="6" />
+<hkern g1="hyphen,endash,emdash" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="hyphen,endash,emdash" g2="J" k="123" />
+<hkern g1="hyphen,endash,emdash" g2="three" k="102" />
+<hkern g1="hyphen,endash,emdash" g2="six" k="-20" />
+<hkern g1="hyphen,endash,emdash" g2="seven" k="123" />
+<hkern g1="hyphen,endash,emdash" g2="two" k="123" />
+<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="T" k="-25" />
+<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="V,W" k="-41" />
+<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="-41" />
+<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="t" k="37" />
+<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="v,w" k="16" />
+<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae" k="51" />
+<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="u,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis" k="27" />
+<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="C,G,O,Q,Ccedilla,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Oslash,OE" k="31" />
+<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="y,yacute,ydieresis" k="16" />
+<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="m,n,r,ntilde" k="57" />
+<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="225" />
+<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="hyphen,endash,emdash" k="72" />
+<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="c,d,e,o,q,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe" k="119" />
+<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" k="215" />
+<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="g" k="109" />
+<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="J" k="246" />
+<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="AE" k="399" />
+<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="s" k="102" />
+<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="z" k="78" />
+<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="b,h,k,l,germandbls,thorn" k="-31" />
+<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="f,uniFB01,uniFB02,uniFB03,uniFB04" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="B,D,E,F,H,I,K,L,M,N,P,R,Egrave,Eacute,Ecircumflex,Edieresis,Igrave,Iacute,Icircumflex,Idieresis,Ntilde" k="6" />
+<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="four" k="231" />
+<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="S" k="16" />
+<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="one" k="31" />
+<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="three" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="quoteleft,quotedblleft" g2="seven" k="16" />
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+<hkern g1="guillemotleft,guilsinglleft" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" k="-4" />
+<hkern g1="C,Ccedilla" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="6" />
+<hkern g1="C,Ccedilla" g2="v,w" k="61" />
+<hkern g1="C,Ccedilla" g2="C,G,O,Q,Ccedilla,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Oslash,OE" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="C,Ccedilla" g2="y,yacute,ydieresis" k="61" />
+<hkern g1="C,Ccedilla" g2="m,n,r,ntilde" k="6" />
+<hkern g1="C,Ccedilla" g2="c,d,e,o,q,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe" k="6" />
+<hkern g1="C,Ccedilla" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" k="-12" />
+<hkern g1="C,Ccedilla" g2="B,D,E,F,H,I,K,L,M,N,P,R,Egrave,Eacute,Ecircumflex,Edieresis,Igrave,Iacute,Icircumflex,Idieresis,Ntilde" k="6" />
+<hkern g1="U,Ugrave,Uacute,Ucircumflex,Udieresis" g2="V,W" k="-20" />
+<hkern g1="U,Ugrave,Uacute,Ucircumflex,Udieresis" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="102" />
+<hkern g1="U,Ugrave,Uacute,Ucircumflex,Udieresis" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" k="68" />
+<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="T" k="-41" />
+<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="V,W" k="-51" />
+<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="t" k="170" />
+<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="v,w" k="205" />
+<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="-14" />
+<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae" k="231" />
+<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="u,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis" k="170" />
+<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="C,G,O,Q,Ccedilla,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Oslash,OE" k="78" />
+<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="y,yacute,ydieresis" k="205" />
+<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="m,n,r,ntilde" k="154" />
+<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="236" />
+<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="hyphen,endash,emdash" k="211" />
+<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="c,d,e,o,q,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe" k="195" />
+<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" k="215" />
+<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="g" k="211" />
+<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="AE" k="297" />
+<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="i,igrave,iacute,icircumflex,idieresis" k="98" />
+<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="s" k="174" />
+<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="z" k="215" />
+<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="f,uniFB01,uniFB02,uniFB03,uniFB04" k="88" />
+<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="ampersand" k="78" />
+<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="S" k="10" />
+<hkern g1="c,ccedilla" g2="T" k="154" />
+<hkern g1="c,ccedilla" g2="V,W" k="133" />
+<hkern g1="c,ccedilla" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="154" />
+<hkern g1="c,ccedilla" g2="t" k="-2" />
+<hkern g1="c,ccedilla" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="61" />
+<hkern g1="c,ccedilla" g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae" k="-8" />
+<hkern g1="c,ccedilla" g2="u,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis" k="2" />
+<hkern g1="c,ccedilla" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="61" />
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+<hkern g1="c,ccedilla" g2="s" k="-2" />
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+<hkern g1="u,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis" g2="V,W" k="123" />
+<hkern g1="u,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="143" />
+<hkern g1="u,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis" g2="t" k="12" />
+<hkern g1="u,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="47" />
+<hkern g1="u,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="47" />
+<hkern g1="u,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis" g2="quotedbl,quotesingle" k="102" />
+<hkern g1="u,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis" g2="g" k="8" />
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+<hkern g1="i,j,igrave,iacute,icircumflex,idieresis,uniFB01,uniFB03" g2="V,W" k="31" />
+<hkern g1="i,j,igrave,iacute,icircumflex,idieresis,uniFB01,uniFB03" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="78" />
+<hkern g1="i,j,igrave,iacute,icircumflex,idieresis,uniFB01,uniFB03" g2="g" k="16" />
+<hkern g1="i,j,igrave,iacute,icircumflex,idieresis,uniFB01,uniFB03" g2="s" k="-4" />
+<hkern g1="i,j,igrave,iacute,icircumflex,idieresis,uniFB01,uniFB03" g2="f,uniFB01,uniFB02,uniFB03,uniFB04" k="16" />
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+<hkern g1="s" g2="V,W" k="164" />
+<hkern g1="s" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="184" />
+<hkern g1="s" g2="t" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="s" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="88" />
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+<hkern g1="s" g2="quotedbl,quotesingle" k="82" />
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+<hkern g1="ampersand" g2="V,W" k="102" />
+<hkern g1="ampersand" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="143" />
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+<hkern g1="quotedbl,quotesingle" g2="t" k="41" />
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+<hkern g1="quotedbl,quotesingle" g2="u,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis" k="61" />
+<hkern g1="quotedbl,quotesingle" g2="y,yacute,ydieresis" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="quotedbl,quotesingle" g2="m,n,r,ntilde" k="61" />
+<hkern g1="quotedbl,quotesingle" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="164" />
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+<hkern g1="quotedbl,quotesingle" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" k="102" />
+<hkern g1="quotedbl,quotesingle" g2="g" k="102" />
+<hkern g1="quotedbl,quotesingle" g2="AE" k="410" />
+<hkern g1="quotedbl,quotesingle" g2="s" k="61" />
+<hkern g1="quotedbl,quotesingle" g2="z" k="82" />
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+<hkern g1="f" g2="T" k="-41" />
+<hkern g1="f" g2="t" k="-4" />
+<hkern g1="f" g2="v,w" k="-2" />
+<hkern g1="f" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="-20" />
+<hkern g1="f" g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="f" g2="y,yacute,ydieresis" k="-2" />
+<hkern g1="f" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="102" />
+<hkern g1="f" g2="hyphen,endash,emdash" k="61" />
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+<hkern g1="f" g2="quotedbl,quotesingle" k="-10" />
+<hkern g1="f" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" k="6" />
+<hkern g1="f" g2="g" k="33" />
+<hkern g1="f" g2="AE" k="123" />
+<hkern g1="f" g2="i,igrave,iacute,icircumflex,idieresis" k="31" />
+<hkern g1="f" g2="f,uniFB01,uniFB02,uniFB03,uniFB04" k="51" />
+<hkern g1="f" g2="zero" k="-41" />
+<hkern g1="f" g2="one" k="-20" />
+<hkern g1="f" g2="three" k="-41" />
+<hkern g1="f" g2="five" k="-41" />
+<hkern g1="f" g2="six" k="-20" />
+<hkern g1="f" g2="eight" k="-20" />
+<hkern g1="f" g2="nine" k="-20" />
+<hkern g1="f" g2="seven" k="-41" />
+<hkern g1="f" g2="two" k="-20" />
+<hkern g1="t" g2="T" k="139" />
+<hkern g1="t" g2="V,W" k="123" />
+<hkern g1="t" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="143" />
+<hkern g1="t" g2="t" k="31" />
+<hkern g1="t" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="61" />
+<hkern g1="t" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="47" />
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+<hkern g1="t" g2="quotedbl,quotesingle" k="61" />
+<hkern g1="t" g2="i,igrave,iacute,icircumflex,idieresis" k="16" />
+<hkern g1="t" g2="f,uniFB01,uniFB02,uniFB03,uniFB04" k="31" />
+<hkern g1="t" g2="B,D,E,F,H,I,K,L,M,N,P,R,Egrave,Eacute,Ecircumflex,Edieresis,Igrave,Iacute,Icircumflex,Idieresis,Ntilde" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="T" k="-55" />
+<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="V,W" k="-45" />
+<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="-41" />
+<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="t" k="143" />
+<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="v,w" k="143" />
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+<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="u,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis" k="154" />
+<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="C,G,O,Q,Ccedilla,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Oslash,OE" k="57" />
+<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="y,yacute,ydieresis" k="143" />
+<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="m,n,r,ntilde" k="154" />
+<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="252" />
+<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="c,d,e,o,q,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe" k="205" />
+<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" k="231" />
+<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="g" k="276" />
+<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="J" k="195" />
+<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="AE" k="461" />
+<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="s" k="205" />
+<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="z" k="184" />
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+<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="four" k="297" />
+<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="one" k="31" />
+<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="six" k="139" />
+<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="eight" k="88" />
+<hkern g1="quoteright,quotedblright" g2="seven" k="-14" />
+<hkern g1="G" g2="T" k="-14" />
+<hkern g1="G" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="16" />
+<hkern g1="G" g2="hyphen,endash,emdash" k="-31" />
+<hkern g1="g" g2="T" k="129" />
+<hkern g1="g" g2="V,W" k="109" />
+<hkern g1="g" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="129" />
+<hkern g1="g" g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae" k="16" />
+<hkern g1="g" g2="C,G,O,Q,Ccedilla,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Oslash,OE" k="6" />
+<hkern g1="g" g2="m,n,r,ntilde" k="10" />
+<hkern g1="g" g2="c,d,e,o,q,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe" k="41" />
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+<hkern g1="g" g2="f,uniFB01,uniFB02,uniFB03,uniFB04" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="g" g2="B,D,E,F,H,I,K,L,M,N,P,R,Egrave,Eacute,Ecircumflex,Edieresis,Igrave,Iacute,Icircumflex,Idieresis,Ntilde" k="6" />
+<hkern g1="J" g2="t" k="53" />
+<hkern g1="J" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="37" />
+<hkern g1="J" g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae" k="68" />
+<hkern g1="J" g2="u,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis" k="27" />
+<hkern g1="J" g2="m,n,r,ntilde" k="27" />
+<hkern g1="J" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="102" />
+<hkern g1="J" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="6" />
+<hkern g1="J" g2="c,d,e,o,q,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe" k="23" />
+<hkern g1="J" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" k="37" />
+<hkern g1="J" g2="g" k="57" />
+<hkern g1="J" g2="i,igrave,iacute,icircumflex,idieresis" k="57" />
+<hkern g1="J" g2="f,uniFB01,uniFB02,uniFB03,uniFB04" k="51" />
+<hkern g1="K" g2="t" k="113" />
+<hkern g1="K" g2="v,w" k="150" />
+<hkern g1="K" g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae" k="37" />
+<hkern g1="K" g2="u,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis" k="72" />
+<hkern g1="K" g2="C,G,O,Q,Ccedilla,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Oslash,OE" k="92" />
+<hkern g1="K" g2="m,n,r,ntilde" k="51" />
+<hkern g1="K" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="109" />
+<hkern g1="K" g2="c,d,e,o,q,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe" k="82" />
+<hkern g1="K" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" k="-25" />
+<hkern g1="K" g2="g" k="53" />
+<hkern g1="k" g2="T" k="184" />
+<hkern g1="k" g2="V,W" k="123" />
+<hkern g1="k" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="164" />
+<hkern g1="k" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="78" />
+<hkern g1="k" g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae" k="12" />
+<hkern g1="k" g2="y,yacute,ydieresis" k="16" />
+<hkern g1="k" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="78" />
+<hkern g1="k" g2="c,d,e,o,q,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe" k="51" />
+<hkern g1="k" g2="quotedbl,quotesingle" k="98" />
+<hkern g1="r" g2="T" k="164" />
+<hkern g1="r" g2="V,W" k="102" />
+<hkern g1="r" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="164" />
+<hkern g1="r" g2="v,w" k="-4" />
+<hkern g1="r" g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae" k="37" />
+<hkern g1="r" g2="y,yacute,ydieresis" k="-10" />
+<hkern g1="r" g2="m,n,r,ntilde" k="10" />
+<hkern g1="r" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="102" />
+<hkern g1="r" g2="hyphen,endash,emdash" k="61" />
+<hkern g1="r" g2="c,d,e,o,q,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe" k="33" />
+<hkern g1="r" g2="g" k="39" />
+<hkern g1="r" g2="J" k="72" />
+<hkern g1="r" g2="i,igrave,iacute,icircumflex,idieresis" k="31" />
+<hkern g1="r" g2="s" k="10" />
+<hkern g1="R" g2="T" k="47" />
+<hkern g1="R" g2="U,Ugrave,Uacute,Ucircumflex,Udieresis" k="8" />
+<hkern g1="R" g2="V,W" k="57" />
+<hkern g1="R" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="57" />
+<hkern g1="R" g2="v,w" k="27" />
+<hkern g1="R" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="72" />
+<hkern g1="R" g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae" k="16" />
+<hkern g1="R" g2="u,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis" k="8" />
+<hkern g1="R" g2="C,G,O,Q,Ccedilla,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Oslash,OE" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="R" g2="y,yacute,ydieresis" k="27" />
+<hkern g1="R" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="-61" />
+<hkern g1="R" g2="hyphen,endash,emdash" k="61" />
+<hkern g1="R" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="R" g2="c,d,e,o,q,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe" k="47" />
+<hkern g1="R" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" k="-41" />
+<hkern g1="R" g2="g" k="31" />
+<hkern g1="R" g2="J" k="-20" />
+<hkern g1="R" g2="i,igrave,iacute,icircumflex,idieresis" k="16" />
+<hkern g1="S" g2="T" k="6" />
+<hkern g1="S" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="S" g2="t" k="16" />
+<hkern g1="S" g2="v,w" k="31" />
+<hkern g1="S" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="6" />
+<hkern g1="S" g2="i,igrave,iacute,icircumflex,idieresis" k="6" />
+<hkern g1="S" g2="z" k="27" />
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+<hkern g1="S" g2="S" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="T" g2="T" k="-41" />
+<hkern g1="T" g2="V,W" k="-41" />
+<hkern g1="T" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="-41" />
+<hkern g1="T" g2="t" k="139" />
+<hkern g1="T" g2="v,w" k="154" />
+<hkern g1="T" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="-14" />
+<hkern g1="T" g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae" k="139" />
+<hkern g1="T" g2="u,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis" k="119" />
+<hkern g1="T" g2="C,G,O,Q,Ccedilla,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Oslash,OE" k="41" />
+<hkern g1="T" g2="y,yacute,ydieresis" k="154" />
+<hkern g1="T" g2="m,n,r,ntilde" k="119" />
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+<hkern g1="T" g2="hyphen,endash,emdash" k="150" />
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+<hkern g1="T" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" k="98" />
+<hkern g1="T" g2="g" k="164" />
+<hkern g1="T" g2="AE" k="225" />
+<hkern g1="T" g2="i,igrave,iacute,icircumflex,idieresis" k="37" />
+<hkern g1="T" g2="s" k="143" />
+<hkern g1="T" g2="z" k="154" />
+<hkern g1="T" g2="b,h,k,l,germandbls,thorn" k="6" />
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+<hkern g1="T" g2="ampersand" k="27" />
+<hkern g1="Z" g2="C,G,O,Q,Ccedilla,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Oslash,OE" k="41" />
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+<hkern g1="Z" g2="g" k="20" />
+<hkern g1="Z" g2="guillemotright,guilsinglright" k="6" />
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+<hkern g1="z" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="164" />
+<hkern g1="z" g2="v,w" k="-23" />
+<hkern g1="z" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="31" />
+<hkern g1="z" g2="y,yacute,ydieresis" k="-23" />
+<hkern g1="z" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="10" />
+<hkern g1="z" g2="quotedbl,quotesingle" k="61" />
+<hkern g1="z" g2="B,D,E,F,H,I,K,L,M,N,P,R,Egrave,Eacute,Ecircumflex,Edieresis,Igrave,Iacute,Icircumflex,Idieresis,Ntilde" k="8" />
+<hkern g1="L" g2="T" k="143" />
+<hkern g1="L" g2="V,W" k="143" />
+<hkern g1="L" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="143" />
+<hkern g1="L" g2="quoteright,quotedblright" k="211" />
+<hkern g1="L" g2="C,G,O,Q,Ccedilla,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Oslash,OE" k="102" />
+<hkern g1="L" g2="comma,period,ellipsis" k="-10" />
+<hkern g1="L" g2="hyphen,endash,emdash" k="184" />
+<hkern g1="L" g2="quoteleft,quotedblleft" k="221" />
+<hkern g1="L" g2="quotedbl,quotesingle" k="211" />
+<hkern g1="L" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring" k="-41" />
+</defs></svg> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/fonts/Transat Standard/transat_standard-webfont.ttf b/app/fonts/Transat Standard/transat_standard-webfont.ttf
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..ccea33a5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/fonts/Transat Standard/transat_standard-webfont.ttf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/app/fonts/Transat Standard/transat_standard-webfont.woff b/app/fonts/Transat Standard/transat_standard-webfont.woff
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..8e3abeaa5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/fonts/Transat Standard/transat_standard-webfont.woff
Binary files differ
diff --git a/app/fonts/Transat Standard/transat_standard-webfont.woff2 b/app/fonts/Transat Standard/transat_standard-webfont.woff2
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..3d62b0ffd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/fonts/Transat Standard/transat_standard-webfont.woff2
Binary files differ
diff --git a/app/scripts/lib/idStore.js b/app/scripts/lib/idStore.js
index b8d825d8b..6d3d0c0aa 100644
--- a/app/scripts/lib/idStore.js
+++ b/app/scripts/lib/idStore.js
@@ -105,14 +105,14 @@ IdentityStore.prototype.getSelectedAddress = function(){
return configManager.getSelectedAccount()
-IdentityStore.prototype.setSelectedAddress = function(address){
+IdentityStore.prototype.setSelectedAddress = function(address, cb){
if (!address) {
var addresses = this._getAddresses()
address = addresses[0]
- this._didUpdate()
+ if (cb) return cb(null, address)
IdentityStore.prototype.getNetwork = function(tries) {
diff --git a/gulpfile.js b/gulpfile.js
index c4e9630ea..2322be608 100644
--- a/gulpfile.js
+++ b/gulpfile.js
@@ -30,6 +30,10 @@ gulp.task('copy:images', copyTask({
source: './app/images/',
destination: './dist/images',
+gulp.task('copy:fonts', copyTask({
+ source: './app/fonts/',
+ destination: './dist/fonts',
gulp.task('copy:reload', copyTask({
source: './app/scripts/',
destination: './dist/scripts',
@@ -40,7 +44,7 @@ gulp.task('copy:root', copyTask({
destination: './dist',
pattern: '/*',
-gulp.task('copy', gulp.parallel('copy:locales','copy:images','copy:reload','copy:root'))
+gulp.task('copy', gulp.parallel('copy:locales','copy:images','copy:fonts','copy:reload','copy:root'))
gulp.task('copy:watch', function(){
gulp.watch(['./app/{_locales,images}/', './app/scripts/chromereload.js', './app/*.{html,json}'], gulp.series('copy'))
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index 3bb2dd3a1..d7f41097f 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -36,17 +36,18 @@
"hat": "0.0.3",
"identicon.js": "^1.2.1",
"inject-css": "^0.1.1",
+ "jazzicon": "^1.1.3",
"metamask-logo": "^1.1.5",
"multiplex": "^6.7.0",
"once": "^1.3.3",
"pojo-migrator": "^2.1.0",
"polyfill-crypto.getrandomvalues": "^1.0.0",
"pumpify": "^1.3.4",
- "react": "^0.14.3",
- "react-addons-css-transition-group": "^0.14.7",
- "react-dom": "^0.14.3",
+ "react": "^15.0.2",
+ "react-addons-css-transition-group": "^15.0.2",
+ "react-dom": "^15.0.2",
"react-hyperscript": "^2.2.2",
- "react-redux": "^4.0.3",
+ "react-redux": "^4.4.5",
"readable-stream": "^2.1.2",
"redux": "^3.0.5",
"redux-logger": "^2.3.1",
@@ -54,6 +55,7 @@
"textarea-caret": "^3.0.1",
"three.js": "^0.73.2",
"through2": "^2.0.1",
+ "vreme": "^3.0.2",
"web3": "ethereum/web3.js#0.16.0",
"web3-provider-engine": "^7.6.3",
"xtend": "^4.0.1"
diff --git a/svg-notifications.md b/svg-notifications.md
index bbb74da79..fd3b63f7a 100644
--- a/svg-notifications.md
+++ b/svg-notifications.md
@@ -12,6 +12,9 @@ Heres some utilities for preparing the data uri:
build a template using pure svg:
+generate uri
<svg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'
width='1000px' height='500px' viewBox='0 0 200 100'>
<rect x='0' y='0' width='100%' height='100%' fill='white' />
diff --git a/test/unit/actions/restore_vault_test.js b/test/unit/actions/restore_vault_test.js
index 5675028b1..609f5429e 100644
--- a/test/unit/actions/restore_vault_test.js
+++ b/test/unit/actions/restore_vault_test.js
@@ -21,7 +21,13 @@ describe('#recoverFromSeed(password, seed)', function() {
// stub out account manager
- recoverFromSeed(pw, seed, cb) { cb(null, [{}, {}]) },
+ recoverFromSeed(pw, seed, cb) {
+ cb(null, {
+ identities: {
+ foo: 'bar'
+ }
+ })
+ },
it('sets metamask.isUnlocked to true', function() {
diff --git a/test/unit/actions/set_selected_account_test.js b/test/unit/actions/set_selected_account_test.js
index 0487bc5f0..69eb11e47 100644
--- a/test/unit/actions/set_selected_account_test.js
+++ b/test/unit/actions/set_selected_account_test.js
@@ -26,3 +26,24 @@ describe('SET_SELECTED_ACCOUNT', function() {
assert.equal(resultingState.appState.activeAddress, action.value)
+describe('SHOW_ACCOUNT_DETAIL', function() {
+ it('updates metamask state', function() {
+ var initialState = {
+ metamask: {
+ selectedAccount: 'foo'
+ }
+ }
+ freeze(initialState)
+ const action = {
+ type: actions.SHOW_ACCOUNT_DETAIL,
+ value: 'bar',
+ }
+ freeze(action)
+ var resultingState = reducers(initialState, action)
+ assert.equal(resultingState.metamask.selectedAccount, action.value)
+ assert.equal(resultingState.metamask.selectedAddress, action.value)
+ })
diff --git a/ui/app/account-detail.js b/ui/app/account-detail.js
index 2775e24fb..00d40a9ee 100644
--- a/ui/app/account-detail.js
+++ b/ui/app/account-detail.js
@@ -5,9 +5,12 @@ const h = require('react-hyperscript')
const connect = require('react-redux').connect
const copyToClipboard = require('copy-to-clipboard')
const actions = require('./actions')
+const addressSummary = require('./util').addressSummary
+const formatBalance = require('./util').formatBalance
const ReactCSSTransitionGroup = require('react-addons-css-transition-group')
const AccountPanel = require('./components/account-panel')
+const Identicon = require('./components/identicon')
const transactionList = require('./components/transaction-list')
const ExportAccountView = require('./components/account-export')
@@ -39,66 +42,106 @@ AccountDetailScreen.prototype.render = function() {
return (
- h('.account-detail-section.flex-column.flex-grow', {
- style: {
- width: '330px',
- },
- }, [
- // subtitle and nav
- h('.section-title.flex-row.flex-center', [
- h('i.fa.fa-arrow-left.fa-lg.cursor-pointer', {
- onClick: this.navigateToAccounts.bind(this),
- }),
- h('h2.page-subtitle', 'Account Detail'),
- ]),
- // account summary, with embedded action buttons
- h(AccountPanel, {
- showFullAddress: true,
- identity: identity,
- account: account,
- key: 'accountPanel'
- }),
+ h('.account-detail-section.flex-column.flex-grow', [
- h('div', {
+ // identicon, label, balance, etc
+ h('.account-data-subsection.flex-column.flex-grow', {
style: {
- display: 'flex',
- }
+ margin: '0 20px',
+ },
}, [
- h('button', {
- onClick: () => {
- copyToClipboard(identity.address)
+ // header - identicon + nav
+ h('.flex-row.flex-space-between', {
+ style: {
+ marginTop: 28,
- }, 'COPY ADDR'),
- h('button', {
- onClick: () => {
- this.props.dispatch(actions.showSendPage())
+ }, [
+ // invisible placeholder for later
+ h('i.fa.fa-users.fa-lg.color-orange', {
+ style: {
+ visibility: 'hidden',
+ },
+ }),
+ // large identicon
+ h('.identicon-wrapper.flex-column.flex-center.select-none', [
+ h(Identicon, {
+ diameter: 62,
+ address: selected,
+ }),
+ ]),
+ // small accounts nav
+ h('i.fa.fa-users.fa-lg.cursor-pointer.color-orange', {
+ onClick: this.navigateToAccounts.bind(this),
+ }),
+ ]),
+ // account label
+ h('h2.font-medium.color-forest.flex-center', {
+ style: {
+ paddingTop: 8,
+ marginBottom: 32,
- }, 'SEND'),
+ }, identity && identity.name),
- h('button', {
- onClick: () => {
- this.requestAccountExport(identity.address)
+ // address and getter actions
+ h('.flex-row.flex-space-between', {
+ style: {
+ marginBottom: 16,
- }, 'EXPORT'),
+ }, [
+ h('div', {
+ style: {
+ lineHeight: '16px',
+ },
+ }, addressSummary(selected)),
+ h('i.fa.fa-download.fa-md.cursor-pointer.color-orange', {
+ onClick: () => this.requestAccountExport(selected),
+ }),
+ h('i.fa.fa-qrcode.fa-md.cursor-disabled.color-orange', {
+ onClick: () => console.warn('QRCode not implented...'),
+ }),
+ h('i.fa.fa-clipboard.fa-md.cursor-pointer.color-orange', {
+ onClick: () => copyToClipboard(selected),
+ }),
+ ]),
+ // balance + send
+ h('.flex-row.flex-space-between', [
+ h('div', {
+ style: {
+ lineHeight: '50px',
+ },
+ }, formatBalance(account && account.balance)),
+ h('button', {
+ onClick: () => this.props.dispatch(actions.showSendPage()),
+ }, 'SEND ETH'),
+ ]),
+ // subview (tx history, pk export confirm)
h(ReactCSSTransitionGroup, {
- transitionName: "main",
+ className: 'css-transition-group',
+ transitionName: 'main',
transitionEnterTimeout: 300,
transitionLeaveTimeout: 300,
}, [
- // transaction table
- /*
- h('section.flex-column', [
- h('span', 'your transaction history will go here.'),
- ]),
- */
@@ -126,10 +169,17 @@ AccountDetailScreen.prototype.transactionList = function() {
var state = this.props
var transactions = state.transactions
- return transactionList(transactions
- .filter(tx => tx.txParams.from === state.address)
- .filter(tx => tx.txParams.metamaskNetworkId === state.networkVersion)
- .sort((a, b) => b.time - a.time), state.networkVersion)
+ var txsToRender = transactions
+ // only transactions that are from the current address
+ .filter(tx => tx.txParams.from === state.address)
+ // only transactions that are on the current network
+ .filter(tx => tx.txParams.metamaskNetworkId === state.networkVersion)
+ // only transactions that have a hash
+ .filter(tx => tx.hash)
+ // sort by recency
+ .sort((a, b) => b.time - a.time)
+ return transactionList(txsToRender, state.networkVersion)
AccountDetailScreen.prototype.navigateToAccounts = function(event){
diff --git a/ui/app/accounts.js b/ui/app/accounts.js
index 16f37dc67..18ba1e67d 100644
--- a/ui/app/accounts.js
+++ b/ui/app/accounts.js
@@ -3,9 +3,12 @@ const Component = require('react').Component
const h = require('react-hyperscript')
const connect = require('react-redux').connect
const extend = require('xtend')
+const Identicon = require('./components/identicon')
const actions = require('./actions')
const AccountPanel = require('./components/account-panel')
const valuesFor = require('./util').valuesFor
+const addressSummary = require('./util').addressSummary
+const formatBalance = require('./util').formatBalance
module.exports = connect(mapStateToProps)(AccountsScreen)
@@ -40,24 +43,14 @@ AccountsScreen.prototype.render = function() {
// subtitle and nav
h('.section-title.flex-column.flex-center', [
- h('h2.page-subtitle', 'Accounts'),
+ h('h2.page-subtitle', 'Select Account'),
- // current domain
- /* AUDIT
- * Temporarily removed
- * since accounts are currently injected
- * regardless of the current domain.
- */
- h('.current-domain-panel.flex-center.font-small', [
- h('span', 'Selected address is visible to all sites you visit.'),
- // h('span', state.currentDomain),
- ]),
+ h('hr.horizontal-line'),
// identity selection
h('section.identity-section.flex-column', {
style: {
- maxHeight: '290px',
overflowY: 'auto',
overflowX: 'hidden',
@@ -94,7 +87,33 @@ AccountsScreen.prototype.render = function() {
isSelected: false,
isFauceting: isFauceting,
- return h(AccountPanel, componentState)
+ return (
+ h('.accounts-list-option.flex-row.flex-space-between.cursor-pointer', {
+ style: {
+ flex: '1 0 auto',
+ background: isSelected ? 'white' : 'none',
+ },
+ onClick: (event) => actions.onShowDetail(identity.address, event),
+ }, [
+ h('.identicon-wrapper.flex-column.flex-center.select-none', [
+ h(Identicon, {
+ address: identity.address
+ }),
+ ]),
+ // account address, balance
+ h('.identity-data.flex-column.flex-justify-center.flex-grow.select-none', [
+ h('span', identity.name),
+ h('span.font-small', addressSummary(identity.address)),
+ h('span.font-small', formatBalance(account.balance)),
+ ]),
+ ])
+ )
diff --git a/ui/app/actions.js b/ui/app/actions.js
index dbcf3e577..f489eede7 100644
--- a/ui/app/actions.js
+++ b/ui/app/actions.js
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ function tryUnlockMetamask(password) {
if (err) {
} else {
- dispatch(this.unlockMetamask())
+ dispatch(this.unlockMetamask(selectedAccount))
@@ -133,12 +133,12 @@ function recoverFromSeed(password, seed) {
return (dispatch) => {
// dispatch(this.createNewVaultInProgress())
- _accountManager.recoverFromSeed(password, seed, (err, selectedAccount) => {
+ _accountManager.recoverFromSeed(password, seed, (err, metamaskState) => {
if (err) return dispatch(this.displayWarning(err.message))
- dispatch(this.goHome())
- dispatch(this.unlockMetamask())
+ var account = Object.keys(metamaskState.identities)[0]
+ dispatch(this.unlockMetamask(account))
@@ -271,9 +271,10 @@ function unlockFailed() {
-function unlockMetamask() {
+function unlockMetamask(account) {
return {
+ value: account,
@@ -297,11 +298,13 @@ function lockMetamask() {
function showAccountDetail(address) {
return (dispatch) => {
- _accountManager.setSelectedAddress(address)
- dispatch({
- value: address,
+ dispatch(this.showLoadingIndication())
+ _accountManager.setSelectedAddress(address, (err, address) => {
+ dispatch(this.hideLoadingIndication())
+ dispatch({
+ value: address,
+ })
@@ -312,19 +315,19 @@ function backToAccountDetail(address) {
value: address,
-function clearSeedWordCache() {
+function clearSeedWordCache(account) {
return {
+ value: account,
function confirmSeedWords() {
return (dispatch) => {
- _accountManager.clearSeedWordCache((err, accounts) => {
- dispatch(this.clearSeedWordCache())
- console.log('Seed word cache cleared.')
- dispatch(this.showAccountDetail(accounts[0].address))
+ _accountManager.clearSeedWordCache((err, account) => {
+ console.log('Seed word cache cleared. ' + account)
+ dispatch(this.showAccountDetail(account))
diff --git a/ui/app/app.js b/ui/app/app.js
index a4ce40881..68d34e52f 100644
--- a/ui/app/app.js
+++ b/ui/app/app.js
@@ -50,15 +50,6 @@ App.prototype.render = function() {
var state = this.props
var view = state.currentView.name
var transForward = state.transForward
- var shouldHaveFooter = true
- switch (view) {
- case 'restoreVault':
- shouldHaveFooter = false;
- case 'createVault':
- shouldHaveFooter = false;
- case 'createVaultComplete':
- shouldHaveFooter = false;
- }
return (
@@ -67,16 +58,12 @@ App.prototype.render = function() {
// Windows was showing a vertical scroll bar:
overflow: 'hidden',
- },
- [
+ }, [
- // top row
- h('.app-header.flex-column.flex-center', {
- }, [
- h('h1', 'MetaMask'),
- ]),
+ // app bar
+ this.renderAppBar(),
// panel content
h('.app-primary.flex-grow' + (transForward ? '.from-right' : '.from-left'), {
@@ -86,7 +73,8 @@ App.prototype.render = function() {
}, [
h(ReactCSSTransitionGroup, {
- transitionName: "main",
+ className: 'css-transition-group',
+ transitionName: 'main',
transitionEnterTimeout: 300,
transitionLeaveTimeout: 300,
}, [
@@ -95,65 +83,85 @@ App.prototype.render = function() {
// footer
- h('.app-footer.flex-row.flex-space-around', {
- style: {
- display: shouldHaveFooter ? 'flex' : 'none',
- alignItems: 'center',
- height: '56px',
- }
- }, [
- // settings icon
- h('i.fa.fa-cog.fa-lg' + (view === 'config' ? '.active' : '.cursor-pointer'), {
- style: {
- opacity: state.isUnlocked ? '1.0' : '0.0',
- transition: 'opacity 200ms ease-in',
- //transform: `translateX(${state.isUnlocked ? '0px' : '-100px'})`,
- },
- onClick: function(ev) {
- state.dispatch(actions.showConfigPage())
- },
- }),
- // toggle
- onOffToggle({
- toggleMetamaskActive: this.toggleMetamaskActive.bind(this),
- isUnlocked: state.isUnlocked,
- }),
+ // h('.app-footer.flex-row.flex-space-around', {
+ // style: {
+ // display: shouldHaveFooter ? 'flex' : 'none',
+ // alignItems: 'center',
+ // height: '56px',
+ // }
+ // }, [
+ // // settings icon
+ // h('i.fa.fa-cog.fa-lg' + (view === 'config' ? '.active' : '.cursor-pointer'), {
+ // style: {
+ // opacity: state.isUnlocked ? '1.0' : '0.0',
+ // transition: 'opacity 200ms ease-in',
+ // //transform: `translateX(${state.isUnlocked ? '0px' : '-100px'})`,
+ // },
+ // onClick: function(ev) {
+ // state.dispatch(actions.showConfigPage())
+ // },
+ // }),
+ // // toggle
+ // onOffToggle({
+ // toggleMetamaskActive: this.toggleMetamaskActive.bind(this),
+ // isUnlocked: state.isUnlocked,
+ // }),
+ // // help
+ // h('i.fa.fa-question.fa-lg.cursor-pointer', {
+ // style: {
+ // opacity: state.isUnlocked ? '1.0' : '0.0',
+ // },
+ // onClick() { state.dispatch(actions.showInfoPage()) }
+ // }),
+ // ]),
- // help
- h('i.fa.fa-question.fa-lg.cursor-pointer', {
- style: {
- opacity: state.isUnlocked ? '1.0' : '0.0',
- },
- onClick() { state.dispatch(actions.showInfoPage()) }
- }),
- ]),
-App.prototype.toggleMetamaskActive = function(){
- if (!this.props.isUnlocked) {
- // currently inactive: redirect to password box
- var passwordBox = document.querySelector('input[type=password]')
- if (!passwordBox) return
- passwordBox.focus()
- } else {
- // currently active: deactivate
- this.props.dispatch(actions.lockMetamask(false))
- }
+App.prototype.renderAppBar = function(){
+ var state = this.props
+ return (
+ h('.app-header.flex-row.flex-space-between', {
+ style: {
+ alignItems: 'center',
+ visibility: state.isUnlocked ? 'visibile' : 'none',
+ background: state.isUnlocked ? 'white' : 'none',
+ height: '36px',
+ },
+ }, state.isUnlocked && [
+ // mini logo
+ h('img', {
+ height: 24,
+ width: 24,
+ src: '/images/icon-128.png',
+ }),
+ // metamask name
+ h('h1', 'MetaMask'),
+ // hamburger
+ h('i.fa.fa-bars.cursor-pointer.color-orange', {
+ onClick: (event) => state.dispatch(actions.showConfigPage()),
+ }),
+ ])
+ )
App.prototype.renderPrimary = function(state){
var state = this.props
- // If seed words haven't been dismissed yet, show them still.
- /*
if (state.seedWords) {
return h(CreateVaultCompleteScreen, {key: 'createVaultComplete'})
- */
// show initialize screen
if (!state.isInitialized) {
@@ -167,6 +175,9 @@ App.prototype.renderPrimary = function(state){
case 'restoreVault':
return h(RestoreVaultScreen, {key: 'restoreVault'})
+ case 'createVaultComplete':
+ return h(CreateVaultCompleteScreen, {key: 'createVaultComplete'})
return h(InitializeMenuScreen, {key: 'menuScreenInit'})
@@ -181,9 +192,6 @@ App.prototype.renderPrimary = function(state){
// show current view
switch (state.currentView.name) {
- case 'createVaultComplete':
- return h(CreateVaultCompleteScreen, {key: 'created-vault'})
case 'accounts':
return h(AccountsScreen, {key: 'accounts'})
@@ -214,6 +222,18 @@ App.prototype.renderPrimary = function(state){
+App.prototype.toggleMetamaskActive = function(){
+ if (!this.props.isUnlocked) {
+ // currently inactive: redirect to password box
+ var passwordBox = document.querySelector('input[type=password]')
+ if (!passwordBox) return
+ passwordBox.focus()
+ } else {
+ // currently active: deactivate
+ this.props.dispatch(actions.lockMetamask(false))
+ }
App.prototype.hasPendingTxs = function() {
var state = this.props
var unconfTxs = state.unconfTxs
diff --git a/ui/app/components/account-export.js b/ui/app/components/account-export.js
index f79a533ba..bdfa4c15f 100644
--- a/ui/app/components/account-export.js
+++ b/ui/app/components/account-export.js
@@ -31,19 +31,28 @@ ExportAccountView.prototype.render = function() {
and you should only do it if you know what you're doing.`
var confirmation = `If you're absolutely sure, type "I understand" below and
- return h('div', { key: 'exporting' }, [
- h('p.error', warning),
- h('p', confirmation),
- h('input#exportAccount', {
- onKeyPress: this.onExportKeyPress.bind(this),
- }),
- h('button', {
- onClick: () => this.onExportKeyPress({ key: 'Enter', preventDefault: () => {} }),
- }, 'Submit'),
- h('button', {
- onClick: () => this.props.dispatch(actions.backToAccountDetail(this.props.address))
- }, 'Cancel'),
- ])
+ return (
+ h('div', {
+ key: 'exporting',
+ style: {
+ margin: '0 20px',
+ },
+ }, [
+ h('p.error', warning),
+ h('p', confirmation),
+ h('input#exportAccount', {
+ onKeyPress: this.onExportKeyPress.bind(this),
+ }),
+ h('button', {
+ onClick: () => this.onExportKeyPress({ key: 'Enter', preventDefault: () => {} }),
+ }, 'Submit'),
+ h('button', {
+ onClick: () => this.props.dispatch(actions.backToAccountDetail(this.props.address))
+ }, 'Cancel'),
+ ])
+ )
if (accountExported) {
diff --git a/ui/app/components/account-panel.js b/ui/app/components/account-panel.js
index c1450b516..6bae095d1 100644
--- a/ui/app/components/account-panel.js
+++ b/ui/app/components/account-panel.js
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ const Component = require('react').Component
const h = require('react-hyperscript')
const addressSummary = require('../util').addressSummary
const formatBalance = require('../util').formatBalance
-const Identicon = require('identicon.js')
+const Identicon = require('./identicon')
const Panel = require('./panel')
diff --git a/ui/app/components/identicon.js b/ui/app/components/identicon.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ef625cc62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui/app/components/identicon.js
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+const Component = require('react').Component
+const h = require('react-hyperscript')
+const inherits = require('util').inherits
+const jazzicon = require('jazzicon')
+const findDOMNode = require('react-dom').findDOMNode
+module.exports = IdenticonComponent
+inherits(IdenticonComponent, Component)
+function IdenticonComponent() {
+ Component.call(this)
+ this.defaultDiameter = 46
+IdenticonComponent.prototype.render = function() {
+ var state = this.props
+ var diameter = state.diameter || this.defaultDiameter
+ return (
+ h('div', {
+ key: 'identicon-' + this.props.address,
+ style: {
+ display: 'inline-block',
+ height: diameter,
+ width: diameter,
+ borderRadius: diameter / 2,
+ overflow: 'hidden',
+ },
+ })
+ )
+IdenticonComponent.prototype.componentDidMount = function(){
+ var state = this.props
+ var address = state.address
+ if (!address) return
+ var numericRepresentation = jsNumberForAddress(address)
+ var container = findDOMNode(this)
+ // jazzicon with hack to fix inline svg error
+ var diameter = state.diameter || this.defaultDiameter
+ var identicon = jazzicon(diameter, numericRepresentation)
+ var identiconSrc = identicon.innerHTML
+ var dataUri = 'data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8,'+encodeURIComponent(identiconSrc)
+ var img = document.createElement('img')
+ img.src = dataUri
+ container.appendChild(img)
+function jsNumberForAddress(address) {
+ var addr = address.slice(2, 10)
+ var seed = parseInt(addr, 16)
+ return seed
diff --git a/ui/app/components/panel.js b/ui/app/components/panel.js
index 25e6b7f0f..5d72d6068 100644
--- a/ui/app/components/panel.js
+++ b/ui/app/components/panel.js
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ const inherits = require('util').inherits
const ethUtil = require('ethereumjs-util')
const Component = require('react').Component
const h = require('react-hyperscript')
-const Identicon = require('identicon.js')
+const Identicon = require('./identicon')
module.exports = Panel
@@ -18,26 +18,22 @@ Panel.prototype.render = function() {
var identity = state.identity || {}
var account = state.account || {}
var isFauceting = state.isFauceting
+ var style = {
+ flex: '1 0 auto',
+ }
- var identicon = new Identicon(state.identiconKey, 46).toString()
- var identiconSrc = `data:image/png;base64,${identicon}`
+ if (state.onClick) style.cursor = 'pointer'
return (
h('.identity-panel.flex-row.flex-space-between', {
- style: {
- flex: '1 0 auto',
- },
+ style,
onClick: state.onClick,
}, [
// account identicon
h('.identicon-wrapper.flex-column.select-none', [
- h('img.identicon', {
- src: identiconSrc,
- style: {
- border: 'none',
- borderRadius: '20px',
- }
+ h(Identicon, {
+ address: state.identiconKey,
h('span.font-small', state.identiconLabel),
@@ -49,7 +45,7 @@ Panel.prototype.render = function() {
return h('.flex-row.flex-space-between', {
key: '' + Math.round(Math.random() * 1000000),
}, [
- h('label.font-small', attr.key),
+ h('label.font-small.no-select', attr.key),
h('span.font-small', attr.value),
diff --git a/ui/app/components/transaction-list.js b/ui/app/components/transaction-list.js
index 3e153aecf..2a1442b8c 100644
--- a/ui/app/components/transaction-list.js
+++ b/ui/app/components/transaction-list.js
@@ -1,55 +1,77 @@
const h = require('react-hyperscript')
+const vreme = new (require('vreme'))
const formatBalance = require('../util').formatBalance
const addressSummary = require('../util').addressSummary
const explorerLink = require('../../lib/explorer-link')
const Panel = require('./panel')
module.exports = function(transactions, network) {
- return h('section', [
+ return (
- h('.current-domain-panel.flex-center.font-small', [
- h('span', 'Transactions'),
- ]),
+ h('section.transaction-list', [
- h('.tx-list', {
+ h('h3.flex-center.text-transform-uppercase', {
+ style: {
+ background: '#EBEBEB',
+ color: '#AEAEAE',
+ },
+ }, [
+ 'Transactions',
+ ]),
+ h('.tx-list', {
style: {
overflowY: 'auto',
- height: '180px',
+ height: '204px',
+ padding: '0 20px',
textAlign: 'center',
- },
- [
+ }, (
- transactions.map((transaction) => {
- console.dir(transaction)
- var panelOpts = {
- key: `tx-${transaction.hash}`,
- identiconKey: transaction.txParams.to,
+ transactions.length ?
+ transactions.map(renderTransaction)
+ :
+ [h('.flex-center', {
style: {
- cursor: 'pointer',
- },
- onClick: (event) => {
- var url = explorerLink(transaction.hash, parseInt(network))
- chrome.tabs.create({ url });
+ height: '100%',
- attributes: [
- {
- key: 'TO',
- value: addressSummary(transaction.txParams.to),
- },
- {
- key: 'VALUE',
- value: formatBalance(transaction.txParams.value),
- },
- ]
- }
- return h(Panel, panelOpts)
- })
- ]
- )
- ])
+ }, 'No transaction history...')]
+ ))
+ ])
+ )
+function renderTransaction(transaction){
+ var panelOpts = {
+ key: `tx-${transaction.hash}`,
+ identiconKey: transaction.txParams.to,
+ onClick: (event) => {
+ var url = explorerLink(transaction.hash, parseInt(network))
+ chrome.tabs.create({ url })
+ },
+ attributes: [
+ {
+ key: 'TIME',
+ value: formatDate(transaction.time),
+ },
+ {
+ key: 'TO',
+ value: addressSummary(transaction.txParams.to),
+ },
+ {
+ key: 'VALUE',
+ value: formatBalance(transaction.txParams.value),
+ },
+ ]
+ }
+ return h(Panel, panelOpts)
+function formatDate(date){
+ return vreme.format(new Date(date), 'March 16 2014 14:30')
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ui/app/conf-tx.js b/ui/app/conf-tx.js
index 8ab79c3b9..9092c85c9 100644
--- a/ui/app/conf-tx.js
+++ b/ui/app/conf-tx.js
@@ -77,7 +77,8 @@ ConfirmTxScreen.prototype.render = function() {
h(ReactCSSTransitionGroup, {
- transitionName: "main",
+ className: 'css-transition-group',
+ transitionName: 'main',
transitionEnterTimeout: 300,
transitionLeaveTimeout: 300,
}, [
diff --git a/ui/app/css/fonts.css b/ui/app/css/fonts.css
index dd1a755fb..b528cb9ab 100644
--- a/ui/app/css/fonts.css
+++ b/ui/app/css/fonts.css
@@ -1,2 +1,46 @@
@import url(https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Roboto:300,500);
-@import url(https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/font-awesome/4.4.0/css/font-awesome.min.css); \ No newline at end of file
+@import url(https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/font-awesome/4.4.0/css/font-awesome.min.css);
+@font-face {
+ font-family: 'Transat Standard';
+ src: url('/fonts/Transat Standard/transat_standard-webfont.eot');
+ src: url('/fonts/Transat Standard/transat_standard-webfont.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),
+ url('/fonts/Transat Standard/transat_standard-webfont.woff') format('woff'),
+ url('/fonts/Transat Standard/transat_standard-webfont.ttf') format('truetype'),
+ url('/fonts/Transat Standard/transat_standard-webfont.svg#ywftsvg') format('svg');
+ font-weight: normal;
+ font-style: normal;
+@font-face {
+ font-family: 'Transat Black';
+ src: url('/fonts/Transat Black/transat_black-webfont.eot');
+ src: url('/fonts/Transat Black/transat_black-webfont.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),
+ url('/fonts/Transat Black/transat_black-webfont.woff') format('woff'),
+ url('/fonts/Transat Black/transat_black-webfont.ttf') format('truetype'),
+ url('/fonts/Transat Black/transat_black-webfont.svg#ywftsvg') format('svg');
+ font-weight: normal;
+ font-style: normal;
+@font-face {
+ font-family: 'Transat Medium';
+ src: url('/fonts/Transat Medium/transat_medium-webfont.eot');
+ src: url('/fonts/Transat Medium/transat_medium-webfont.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),
+ url('/fonts/Transat Medium/transat_medium-webfont.woff') format('woff'),
+ url('/fonts/Transat Medium/transat_medium-webfont.ttf') format('truetype'),
+ url('/fonts/Transat Medium/transat_medium-webfont.svg#ywftsvg') format('svg');
+ font-weight: normal;
+ font-style: normal;
+@font-face {
+ font-family: 'Transat Light';
+ src: url('/fonts/Transat Light/transat_light-webfont.eot');
+ src: url('/fonts/Transat Light/transat_light-webfont.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),
+ url('/fonts/Transat Light/transat_light-webfont.woff') format('woff'),
+ url('/fonts/Transat Light/transat_light-webfont.ttf') format('truetype'),
+ url('/fonts/Transat Light/transat_light-webfont.svg#ywftsvg') format('svg');
+ font-weight: normal;
+ font-style: normal;
diff --git a/ui/app/css/index.css b/ui/app/css/index.css
index 4871a650f..860491a3d 100644
--- a/ui/app/css/index.css
+++ b/ui/app/css/index.css
@@ -14,11 +14,15 @@ application specific styles
html, body {
- /*font-family: 'Open Sans', Arial, sans-serif;*/
- font-family: 'Roboto', 'Noto', sans-serif;
+ font-family: 'Transat Standard', Arial;
color: #4D4D4D;
font-weight: 300;
line-height: 1.4em;
+ background: #F7F7F7;
+input:focus {
+ outline: none;
#app-content {
@@ -29,18 +33,18 @@ html, body {
button {
+ font-family: 'Transat Black';
outline: none;
cursor: pointer;
margin: 10px;
- padding: 6px;
+ padding: 8px 12px;
border: none;
- border-radius: 3px;
background: #F7861C;
- font-weight: 500;
color: white;
transform-origin: center center;
transition: transform 50ms ease-in;
button:hover {
transform: scale(1.1);
@@ -48,17 +52,7 @@ button:active {
transform: scale(0.95);
-button.primary {
- margin: 10px;
- padding: 6px;
- border: none;
- border-radius: 3px;
- background: #F7861C;
- font-weight: 500;
- color: white;
-input, textarea {
+/*input, textarea {
width: 300px;
padding: 6px;
border-radius: 6px;
@@ -66,7 +60,7 @@ input, textarea {
outline: none;
border: 1px solid #F5A623;
background: #FAF6F0;
a {
text-decoration: none;
@@ -85,6 +79,17 @@ app
color: #909090;
+button.primary {
+ margin: 10px;
+ padding: 8px 12px;
+ background: #F7861C;
+ box-shadow: 0px 3px 6px rgba(247, 134, 28, 0.36);
+ color: white;
+ font-size: 1.1em;
+ font-family: 'Transat Standard';
+ text-transform: uppercase;
button.btn-thin {
border: 1px solid;
border-color: #4D4D4D;
@@ -98,23 +103,25 @@ button.btn-thin {
.app-header {
- padding-top: 20px;
+ padding: 6px 8px;
.app-header h1 {
- font-size: 2em;
- font-weight: 300;
- height: 42px;
+ font-family: 'Transat Medium';
+ text-transform: uppercase;
+ color: #AEAEAE;
h2.page-subtitle {
+ font-family: 'Transat Light';
+ text-transform: uppercase;
+ color: #AEAEAE;
font-size: 1em;
- font-weight: 500;
- height: 24px;
- color: #F3C83E;
+ margin: 12px;
.app-primary {
.app-footer {
@@ -216,33 +223,63 @@ app sections
margin: -2px 8px 0px -8px;
-.unlock-screen label {
- color: #F3C83E;
- font-weight: 500;
+.unlock-screen #metamask-mascot-container {
+ margin-top: 24px;
+.unlock-screen h1 {
+ margin-top: -28px;
+ margin-bottom: 42px;
.unlock-screen input[type=password] {
- width: 60%;
- height: 22px;
- padding: 2px;
- border-radius: 4px;
- border: 2px solid #F3C83E;
- background: #FAF6F0;
+ width: 260px;
+ height: 36px;
+ margin-bottom: 24px;
+ padding: 8px;
-.unlock-screen input[type=password]:focus {
- outline: none;
- border: 3px solid #F3C83E;
+/* Webkit */
+.password-box::-webkit-input-placeholder {
+ text-align: center;
+ font-size: 1.2em;
+/* Firefox 18- */
+.password-box:-moz-placeholder {
+ text-align: center;
+ font-size: 1.2em;
+/* Firefox 19+ */
+.password-box::-moz-placeholder {
+ text-align: center;
+ font-size: 1.2em;
+/* IE */
+.password-box:-ms-input-placeholder {
+ text-align: center;
+ font-size: 1.2em;
/* accounts */
.accounts-section {
- margin: 0 20px;
+ margin: 0 0px;
+.accounts-section .horizontal-line {
+ margin: 0px 18px;
+.accounts-list-option {
+ height: 120px;
+.accounts-list-option:hover {
+ transform: scale(1.1);
-.current-domain-panel {
- border: 1px solid #B7B7B7;
+.accounts-list-option .identicon-wrapper {
+ width: 100px;
.unconftx-link {
@@ -289,8 +326,7 @@ app sections
/* accounts screen */
.identity-section {
- border: 2px solid #4D4D4D;
- margin: 0;
.identity-section .identity-panel {
@@ -314,7 +350,7 @@ app sections
/* account detail screen */
.account-detail-section {
- margin: 0 20px;
/* tx confirm */
@@ -333,157 +369,3 @@ app sections
background: #FAF6F0;
-react toggle
-/* overrides */
-.react-toggle-track-check {
- display: none;
-.react-toggle-track-x {
- display: none;
-/* modified original */
-.react-toggle {
- display: inline-block;
- position: relative;
- cursor: pointer;
- background-color: transparent;
- border: 0;
- padding: 0;
- -webkit-touch-callout: none;
- -webkit-user-select: none;
- -khtml-user-select: none;
- -moz-user-select: none;
- -ms-user-select: none;
- user-select: none;
- -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(0,0,0,0);
- -webkit-tap-highlight-color: transparent;
-.react-toggle-screenreader-only {
- border: 0;
- clip: rect(0 0 0 0);
- height: 1px;
- margin: -1px;
- overflow: hidden;
- padding: 0;
- position: absolute;
- width: 1px;
-.react-toggle--disabled {
- opacity: 0.5;
- -webkit-transition: opacity 0.25s;
- transition: opacity 0.25s;
-.react-toggle-track {
- width: 50px;
- height: 24px;
- padding: 0;
- border-radius: 30px;
- background-color: #4D4D4D;
- -webkit-transition: all 0.2s ease;
- -moz-transition: all 0.2s ease;
- transition: all 0.2s ease;
-.react-toggle:hover:not(.react-toggle--disabled) .react-toggle-track {
- background-color: #000000;
-.react-toggle--checked .react-toggle-track {
- background-color: rgb(255, 174, 41);
-.react-toggle.react-toggle--checked:hover:not(.react-toggle--disabled) .react-toggle-track {
- background-color: rgb(243, 151, 0);
-.react-toggle-track-check {
- position: absolute;
- width: 14px;
- height: 10px;
- top: 0px;
- bottom: 0px;
- margin-top: auto;
- margin-bottom: auto;
- line-height: 0;
- left: 8px;
- opacity: 0;
- -webkit-transition: opacity 0.25s ease;
- -moz-transition: opacity 0.25s ease;
- transition: opacity 0.25s ease;
-.react-toggle--checked .react-toggle-track-check {
- opacity: 1;
- -webkit-transition: opacity 0.25s ease;
- -moz-transition: opacity 0.25s ease;
- transition: opacity 0.25s ease;
-.react-toggle-track-x {
- position: absolute;
- width: 10px;
- height: 10px;
- top: 0px;
- bottom: 0px;
- margin-top: auto;
- margin-bottom: auto;
- line-height: 0;
- right: 10px;
- opacity: 1;
- -webkit-transition: opacity 0.25s ease;
- -moz-transition: opacity 0.25s ease;
- transition: opacity 0.25s ease;
-.react-toggle--checked .react-toggle-track-x {
- opacity: 0;
-.react-toggle-thumb {
- transition: all 0.5s cubic-bezier(0.23, 1, 0.32, 1) 0ms;
- position: absolute;
- top: 1px;
- left: 1px;
- width: 22px;
- height: 22px;
- border: 1px solid #4D4D4D;
- border-radius: 50%;
- background-color: #FAFAFA;
- -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
- -moz-box-sizing: border-box;
- box-sizing: border-box;
- -webkit-transition: all 0.25s ease;
- -moz-transition: all 0.25s ease;
- transition: all 0.25s ease;
-.react-toggle--checked .react-toggle-thumb {
- left: 27px;
- border-color: #828282;
- .react-toggle--focus .react-toggle-thumb {
- -webkit-box-shadow: 0px 0px 3px 2px #0099E0;
- -moz-box-shadow: 0px 0px 3px 2px #0099E0;
- box-shadow: 0px 0px 2px 3px #0099E0;
- }
- .react-toggle:active .react-toggle-thumb {
- -webkit-box-shadow: 0px 0px 5px 5px #0099E0;
- -moz-box-shadow: 0px 0px 5px 5px #0099E0;
- box-shadow: 0px 0px 5px 5px #0099E0;
- }
diff --git a/ui/app/css/lib.css b/ui/app/css/lib.css
index b6b26402b..c366a5d5f 100644
--- a/ui/app/css/lib.css
+++ b/ui/app/css/lib.css
@@ -1,3 +1,13 @@
+/* color */
+.color-orange {
+ color: #F7861C;
+.color-forest {
+ color: #0A5448;
/* lib */
.full-width {
@@ -47,6 +57,10 @@
flex: none;
+.flex-basis-auto {
+ flex-basis: auto;
.flex-grow {
flex: 1 1 auto;
@@ -86,7 +100,7 @@
.select-none {
- cursor: default;
+ cursor: inherit;
-moz-user-select: none;
-webkit-user-select: none;
-ms-user-select: none;
@@ -105,6 +119,10 @@
transform: scale(0.95);
+.cursor-disabled {
+ cursor: not-allowed;
.margin-bottom-sml {
margin-bottom: 20px;
@@ -121,10 +139,18 @@
font-weight: bold;
+.text-transform-uppercase {
+ text-transform: uppercase;
.font-small {
font-size: 12px;
+.font-medium {
+ font-size: 1.2em;
/* Send Screen */
.send-screen {
margin: 0 20px;
@@ -141,3 +167,12 @@
.send-screen section input {
width: 100%;
+hr.horizontal-line {
+ display: block;
+ height: 1px;
+ border: 0;
+ border-top: 1px solid #ccc;
+ margin: 1em 0;
+ padding: 0;
diff --git a/ui/app/css/transitions.css b/ui/app/css/transitions.css
index e2225a98d..393a944f9 100644
--- a/ui/app/css/transitions.css
+++ b/ui/app/css/transitions.css
@@ -1,48 +1,42 @@
-/* initial positions */
-.app-primary.from-right .main-enter {
- transform: translateX(400px);
+/* universal */
+.app-primary .main-enter {
position: absolute;
width: 100%;
- transition: transform 300ms ease-in-out;
-.app-primary.from-left .main-enter {
- transform: translateX(-400px);
- position: absolute;
- width: 100%;
- transition: transform 300ms ease-in-out;
/* center position */
-.app-primary .main-enter.main-enter-active,
-.app-primary .main-leave {
- transform: translateX(0px);
- position: absolute;
- width: 100%;
- transition: transform 300ms ease-in-out;
+.app-primary.from-right .main-enter-active,
+.app-primary.from-left .main-enter-active {
overflow-x: hidden;
+ transform: translateX(0px);
+ transition: transform 300ms ease-in;
-/* final positions */
+/* exited positions */
.app-primary.from-left .main-leave-active {
- transform: translateX(400px);
- position: absolute;
- width: 100%;
- transition: transform 300ms ease-in-out;
+ transform: translateX(360px);
+ transition: transform 300ms ease-in;
.app-primary.from-right .main-leave-active {
- transform: translateX(-400px);
- position: absolute;
- width: 100%;
- transition: transform 300ms ease-in-out;
+ transform: translateX(-360px);
+ transition: transform 300ms ease-in;
/* loader transitions */
.loader-enter, .loader-leave-active {
opacity: 0.0;
- transition: opacity 150 ease-in-out;
+ transition: opacity 150 ease-in;
.loader-enter-active, .loader-leave {
opacity: 1.0;
- transition: opacity 150 ease-in-out;
+ transition: opacity 150 ease-in;
+/* entering positions */
+.app-primary.from-right .main-enter:not(.main-enter-active) {
+ transform: translateX(360px);
+.app-primary.from-left .main-enter:not(.main-enter-active) {
+ transform: translateX(-360px);
diff --git a/ui/app/first-time/init-menu.js b/ui/app/first-time/init-menu.js
index 11b01a88b..2d54e7e19 100644
--- a/ui/app/first-time/init-menu.js
+++ b/ui/app/first-time/init-menu.js
@@ -29,15 +29,6 @@ InitializeMenuScreen.prototype.render = function() {
switch (state.currentView.name) {
- case 'createVault':
- return h(CreateVaultScreen)
- case 'createVaultComplete':
- return h(CreateVaultCompleteScreen)
- case 'restoreVault':
- return this.renderRestoreVault()
return this.renderMenu()
@@ -55,12 +46,12 @@ InitializeMenuScreen.prototype.renderMenu = function() {
h('.initialize-screen.flex-column.flex-center.flex-grow', [
- h('h2.page-subtitle', 'Welcome!'),
h(Mascot, {
animationEventEmitter: this.animationEventEmitter,
+ h('h2.page-subtitle', 'MetaMask'),
h('button.btn-thin', {
onClick: this.showCreateVault.bind(this),
}, 'Create New Vault'),
@@ -80,31 +71,6 @@ InitializeMenuScreen.prototype.renderMenu = function() {
-InitializeMenuScreen.prototype.renderRestoreVault = function() {
- var state = this.props
- return (
- h('.initialize-screen.flex-column.flex-center.flex-grow', [
- // subtitle and nav
- h('.section-title.flex-row.flex-center', [
- h('i.fa.fa-arrow-left.fa-lg.cursor-pointer', {
- onClick: this.showInitializeMenu.bind(this),
- }),
- h('h2.page-subtitle', 'Restore Vault'),
- ]),
- h('h3', 'Coming soon....'),
- // h('textarea.twelve-word-phrase', {
- // value: 'hey ho what the actual hello rubber duck bumbersnatch crumplezone frankenfurter',
- // }),
- ])
- )
// InitializeMenuScreen.prototype.splitWor = function() {
// this.props.dispatch(actions.showInitializeMenu())
// }
diff --git a/ui/app/loading.js b/ui/app/loading.js
index 9288256de..f6279d5cf 100644
--- a/ui/app/loading.js
+++ b/ui/app/loading.js
@@ -23,7 +23,8 @@ LoadingIndicator.prototype.render = function() {
return (
h(ReactCSSTransitionGroup, {
- transitionName: "loader",
+ className: 'css-transition-group',
+ transitionName: 'loader',
transitionEnterTimeout: 150,
transitionLeaveTimeout: 150,
}, [
diff --git a/ui/app/reducers/app.js b/ui/app/reducers/app.js
index 309351956..0e0740c9d 100644
--- a/ui/app/reducers/app.js
+++ b/ui/app/reducers/app.js
@@ -278,10 +278,13 @@ function reduceApp(state, action) {
return extend(appState, {
transForward: true,
- currentView: {
- name: 'accounts',
- },
+ currentView: {},
isLoading: false,
+ accountDetail: {
+ subview: 'transactions',
+ accountExport: 'none',
+ privateKey: '',
+ },
case actions.DISPLAY_WARNING:
diff --git a/ui/app/reducers/metamask.js b/ui/app/reducers/metamask.js
index 9398f1497..8628e84d2 100644
--- a/ui/app/reducers/metamask.js
+++ b/ui/app/reducers/metamask.js
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ function reduceMetamask(state, action) {
return extend(metamaskState, {
isUnlocked: true,
isInitialized: true,
+ selectedAccount: action.value,
case actions.LOCK_METAMASK:
@@ -69,18 +70,30 @@ function reduceMetamask(state, action) {
return newState
+ case actions.SHOW_NEW_VAULT_SEED:
+ return extend(metamaskState, {
+ isUnlocked: true,
+ isInitialized: false,
+ })
var newState = extend(metamaskState, {
+ isUnlocked: true,
isInitialized: true,
+ selectedAccount: action.value,
delete newState.seedWords
return newState
- return extend(metamaskState, {
+ case actions.SHOW_ACCOUNT_DETAIL:
+ const newState = extend(metamaskState, {
isUnlocked: true,
isInitialized: true,
+ selectedAccount: action.value,
+ selectedAddress: action.value,
+ delete newState.seedWords
+ return newState
return metamaskState
diff --git a/ui/app/send.js b/ui/app/send.js
index ff8ef4d65..43b4e3a04 100644
--- a/ui/app/send.js
+++ b/ui/app/send.js
@@ -75,7 +75,10 @@ SendTransactionScreen.prototype.render = function() {
h('section.data', [
h('details', [
h('summary', {
- style: {cursor: 'pointer'},
+ style: {
+ cursor: 'pointer',
+ outline: 'none',
+ },
}, 'Advanced'),
h('textarea.txData', {
type: 'textarea',
diff --git a/ui/app/unlock.js b/ui/app/unlock.js
index 8aac1b1ff..512906c67 100644
--- a/ui/app/unlock.js
+++ b/ui/app/unlock.js
@@ -29,19 +29,25 @@ UnlockScreen.prototype.render = function() {
h('.unlock-screen.flex-column.flex-center.flex-grow', [
- h('h2.page-subtitle', 'Welcome!'),
h(Mascot, {
animationEventEmitter: this.animationEventEmitter,
- h('label', {
- htmlFor: 'password-box',
- }, 'Enter Password:'),
+ h('h1', {
+ style: {
+ fontSize: '1.4em',
+ textTransform: 'uppercase',
+ color: '#7F8082',
+ },
+ }, 'MetaMask'),
- h('input', {
+ h('input.password-box', {
type: 'password',
id: 'password-box',
+ placeholder: 'enter password',
+ style: {
+ },
onKeyPress: this.onKeyPress.bind(this),
onInput: this.inputChanged.bind(this),