path: root/ui/app/components
diff options
authorDan <danjm.com@gmail.com>2018-05-14 17:25:03 +0800
committerDan <danjm.com@gmail.com>2018-05-14 17:25:03 +0800
commit145e53b404af6adb49fba2636474455aba86ff81 (patch)
treeb12a5b80320840f618a0d0c4ea064107acd54461 /ui/app/components
parent61d35e7abec6ef138ae08f1ec013da773083609a (diff)
Unit tests for account-list-item, amount-max-button and send-amount-row components.
Diffstat (limited to 'ui/app/components')
3 files changed, 381 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ui/app/components/send_/account-list-item/tests/account-list-item-component.test.js b/ui/app/components/send_/account-list-item/tests/account-list-item-component.test.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1a98934f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui/app/components/send_/account-list-item/tests/account-list-item-component.test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+import React from 'react'
+import assert from 'assert'
+import { shallow } from 'enzyme'
+import sinon from 'sinon'
+import proxyquire from 'proxyquire'
+import Identicon from '../../../identicon'
+import CurrencyDisplay from '../../../send/currency-display'
+const utilsMethodStubs = {
+ checksumAddress: sinon.stub().returns('mockCheckSumAddress')
+const AccountListItem = proxyquire('../account-list-item.component.js', {
+ '../../../util': utilsMethodStubs,
+const propsMethodSpies = {
+ handleClick: sinon.spy(),
+describe('AccountListItem Component', function () {
+ let wrapper
+ let instance
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ wrapper = shallow(<AccountListItem
+ account={ { address: 'mockAddress', name: 'mockName', balance: 'mockBalance' } }
+ className={'mockClassName'}
+ conversionRate={4}
+ currentCurrency={'mockCurrentyCurrency'}
+ displayAddress={false}
+ displayBalance={false}
+ handleClick={propsMethodSpies.handleClick}
+ icon={<i className="mockIcon" />}
+ />, { context: { t: str => str + '_t' } })
+ instance = wrapper.instance()
+ })
+ afterEach(() => {
+ propsMethodSpies.handleClick.resetHistory()
+ })
+ describe('render', () => {
+ it('should render a div with the passed className', () => {
+ assert.equal(wrapper.find('.mockClassName').length, 1)
+ assert(wrapper.find('.mockClassName').is('div'))
+ assert(wrapper.find('.mockClassName').hasClass('account-list-item'))
+ })
+ it('should have a top row div', () => {
+ assert.equal(wrapper.find('.mockClassName > .account-list-item__top-row').length, 1)
+ assert(wrapper.find('.mockClassName > .account-list-item__top-row').is('div'))
+ })
+ it('should have an identicon, name and icon in the top row', () => {
+ const topRow = wrapper.find('.mockClassName > .account-list-item__top-row')
+ assert.equal(topRow.find(Identicon).length, 1)
+ assert.equal(topRow.find('.account-list-item__account-name').length, 1)
+ assert.equal(topRow.find('.account-list-item__icon').length, 1)
+ })
+ it('should show the account name if it exists', () => {
+ const topRow = wrapper.find('.mockClassName > .account-list-item__top-row')
+ assert.equal(topRow.find('.account-list-item__account-name').text(), 'mockName')
+ })
+ it('should show the account address if there is no name', () => {
+ wrapper.setProps({ account: { address: 'addressButNoName' } })
+ const topRow = wrapper.find('.mockClassName > .account-list-item__top-row')
+ assert.equal(topRow.find('.account-list-item__account-name').text(), 'addressButNoName')
+ })
+ it('should render the passed icon', () => {
+ const topRow = wrapper.find('.mockClassName > .account-list-item__top-row')
+ assert(topRow.find('.account-list-item__icon').childAt(0).is('i'))
+ assert(topRow.find('.account-list-item__icon').childAt(0).hasClass('mockIcon'))
+ })
+ it('should not render an icon if none is passed', () => {
+ wrapper.setProps({ icon: null })
+ const topRow = wrapper.find('.mockClassName > .account-list-item__top-row')
+ assert.equal(topRow.find('.account-list-item__icon').length, 0)
+ })
+ it('should render the account address as a checksumAddress if displayAddress is true and name is provided', () => {
+ wrapper.setProps({ displayAddress: true })
+ assert.equal(wrapper.find('.account-list-item__account-address').length, 1)
+ assert.equal(wrapper.find('.account-list-item__account-address').text(), 'mockCheckSumAddress')
+ assert.deepEqual(
+ utilsMethodStubs.checksumAddress.getCall(0).args,
+ ['mockAddress']
+ )
+ })
+ it('should not render the account address as a checksumAddress if displayAddress is false', () => {
+ wrapper.setProps({ displayAddress: false })
+ assert.equal(wrapper.find('.account-list-item__account-address').length, 0)
+ })
+ it('should not render the account address as a checksumAddress if name is not provided', () => {
+ wrapper.setProps({ account: { address: 'someAddressButNoName' } })
+ assert.equal(wrapper.find('.account-list-item__account-address').length, 0)
+ })
+ it('should render a CurrencyDisplay with the correct props if displayBalance is true', () => {
+ wrapper.setProps({ displayBalance: true })
+ assert.equal(wrapper.find(CurrencyDisplay).length, 1)
+ assert.deepEqual(
+ wrapper.find(CurrencyDisplay).props(),
+ {
+ className: 'account-list-item__account-balances',
+ conversionRate: 4,
+ convertedBalanceClassName: 'account-list-item__account-secondary-balance',
+ convertedCurrency: 'mockCurrentyCurrency',
+ primaryBalanceClassName: 'account-list-item__account-primary-balance',
+ primaryCurrency: 'ETH',
+ readOnly: true,
+ value: 'mockBalance',
+ }
+ )
+ })
+ it('should not render a CurrencyDisplay if displayBalance is false', () => {
+ wrapper.setProps({ displayBalance: false })
+ assert.equal(wrapper.find(CurrencyDisplay).length, 0)
+ })
+ })
diff --git a/ui/app/components/send_/send-content/send-amount-row/amount-max-button/tests/amount-max-button-component.test.js b/ui/app/components/send_/send-content/send-amount-row/amount-max-button/tests/amount-max-button-component.test.js
index e69de29bb..86a05ff21 100644
--- a/ui/app/components/send_/send-content/send-amount-row/amount-max-button/tests/amount-max-button-component.test.js
+++ b/ui/app/components/send_/send-content/send-amount-row/amount-max-button/tests/amount-max-button-component.test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+import React from 'react'
+import assert from 'assert'
+import { shallow } from 'enzyme'
+import sinon from 'sinon'
+import AmountMaxButton from '../amount-max-button.component.js'
+const propsMethodSpies = {
+ setAmountToMax: sinon.spy(),
+ setMaxModeTo: sinon.spy(),
+const MOCK_EVENT = { preventDefault: () => {} }
+sinon.spy(AmountMaxButton.prototype, 'setMaxAmount')
+describe('AmountMaxButton Component', function () {
+ let wrapper
+ let instance
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ wrapper = shallow(<AmountMaxButton
+ balance={'mockBalance'}
+ gasTotal={'mockGasTotal'}
+ maxModeOn={false}
+ selectedToken={ { address: 'mockTokenAddress' } }
+ setAmountToMax={propsMethodSpies.setAmountToMax}
+ setMaxModeTo={propsMethodSpies.setMaxModeTo}
+ tokenBalance={'mockTokenBalance'}
+ />, { context: { t: str => str + '_t' } })
+ instance = wrapper.instance()
+ })
+ afterEach(() => {
+ propsMethodSpies.setAmountToMax.resetHistory()
+ propsMethodSpies.setMaxModeTo.resetHistory()
+ AmountMaxButton.prototype.setMaxAmount.resetHistory()
+ })
+ describe('setMaxAmount', () => {
+ it('should call setAmountToMax with the correct params', () => {
+ assert.equal(propsMethodSpies.setAmountToMax.callCount, 0)
+ instance.setMaxAmount()
+ assert.equal(propsMethodSpies.setAmountToMax.callCount, 1)
+ assert.deepEqual(
+ propsMethodSpies.setAmountToMax.getCall(0).args,
+ [{
+ balance: 'mockBalance',
+ gasTotal: 'mockGasTotal',
+ selectedToken: { address: 'mockTokenAddress' },
+ tokenBalance: 'mockTokenBalance',
+ }]
+ )
+ })
+ })
+ describe('render', () => {
+ it('should render a div with a send-v2__amount-max class', () => {
+ assert.equal(wrapper.find('.send-v2__amount-max').length, 1)
+ assert(wrapper.find('.send-v2__amount-max').is('div'))
+ })
+ it('should call setMaxModeTo and setMaxAmount when the send-v2__amount-max div is clicked', () => {
+ const {
+ onClick,
+ } = wrapper.find('.send-v2__amount-max').props()
+ assert.equal(AmountMaxButton.prototype.setMaxAmount.callCount, 0)
+ assert.equal(propsMethodSpies.setMaxModeTo.callCount, 0)
+ onClick(MOCK_EVENT)
+ assert.equal(AmountMaxButton.prototype.setMaxAmount.callCount, 1)
+ assert.equal(propsMethodSpies.setMaxModeTo.callCount, 1)
+ assert.deepEqual(
+ propsMethodSpies.setMaxModeTo.getCall(0).args,
+ [true]
+ )
+ })
+ it('should not render text when maxModeOn is true', () => {
+ wrapper.setProps({ maxModeOn: true })
+ assert.equal(wrapper.find('.send-v2__amount-max').text(), '')
+ })
+ it('should render the expected text when maxModeOn is false', () => {
+ wrapper.setProps({ maxModeOn: false })
+ assert.equal(wrapper.find('.send-v2__amount-max').text(), 'max_t')
+ })
+ })
diff --git a/ui/app/components/send_/send-content/send-amount-row/tests/send-amount-row-component.test.js b/ui/app/components/send_/send-content/send-amount-row/tests/send-amount-row-component.test.js
index e69de29bb..4f884eb69 100644
--- a/ui/app/components/send_/send-content/send-amount-row/tests/send-amount-row-component.test.js
+++ b/ui/app/components/send_/send-content/send-amount-row/tests/send-amount-row-component.test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+import React from 'react'
+import assert from 'assert'
+import { shallow } from 'enzyme'
+import sinon from 'sinon'
+import SendAmountRow from '../send-amount-row.component.js'
+import SendRowWrapper from '../../send-row-wrapper/send-row-wrapper.component'
+import AmountMaxButton from '../amount-max-button/amount-max-button.container'
+import CurrencyDisplay from '../../../../send/currency-display'
+const propsMethodSpies = {
+ setMaxModeTo: sinon.spy(),
+ updateSendAmount: sinon.spy(),
+ updateSendAmountError: sinon.spy(),
+const MOCK_EVENT = { preventDefault: () => {} }
+sinon.spy(SendAmountRow.prototype, 'handleAmountChange')
+sinon.spy(SendAmountRow.prototype, 'validateAmount')
+describe('SendAmountRow Component', function () {
+ let wrapper
+ let instance
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ wrapper = shallow(<SendAmountRow
+ amount={'mockAmount'}
+ amountConversionRate={'mockAmountConversionRate'}
+ balance={'mockBalance'}
+ conversionRate={7}
+ convertedCurrency={'mockConvertedCurrency'}
+ gasTotal={'mockGasTotal'}
+ inError={false}
+ primaryCurrency={'mockPrimaryCurrency'}
+ selectedToken={ { address: 'mockTokenAddress' } }
+ setMaxModeTo={propsMethodSpies.setMaxModeTo}
+ tokenBalance={'mockTokenBalance'}
+ updateSendAmount={propsMethodSpies.updateSendAmount}
+ updateSendAmountError={propsMethodSpies.updateSendAmountError}
+ />, { context: { t: str => str + '_t' } })
+ instance = wrapper.instance()
+ })
+ afterEach(() => {
+ propsMethodSpies.setMaxModeTo.resetHistory()
+ propsMethodSpies.updateSendAmount.resetHistory()
+ propsMethodSpies.updateSendAmountError.resetHistory()
+ SendAmountRow.prototype.validateAmount.resetHistory()
+ SendAmountRow.prototype.handleAmountChange.resetHistory()
+ })
+ describe('validateAmount', () => {
+ it('should call updateSendAmountError with the correct params', () => {
+ assert.equal(propsMethodSpies.updateSendAmountError.callCount, 0)
+ instance.validateAmount('someAmount')
+ assert.equal(propsMethodSpies.updateSendAmountError.callCount, 1)
+ assert.deepEqual(
+ propsMethodSpies.updateSendAmountError.getCall(0).args,
+ [{
+ amount: 'someAmount',
+ amountConversionRate: 'mockAmountConversionRate',
+ balance: 'mockBalance',
+ conversionRate: 7,
+ gasTotal: 'mockGasTotal',
+ primaryCurrency: 'mockPrimaryCurrency',
+ selectedToken: { address: 'mockTokenAddress' },
+ tokenBalance: 'mockTokenBalance',
+ }]
+ )
+ })
+ })
+ describe('handleAmountChange', () => {
+ it('should call setMaxModeTo', () => {
+ assert.equal(propsMethodSpies.setMaxModeTo.callCount, 0)
+ instance.handleAmountChange('someAmount')
+ assert.equal(propsMethodSpies.setMaxModeTo.callCount, 1)
+ assert.deepEqual(
+ propsMethodSpies.setMaxModeTo.getCall(0).args,
+ [false]
+ )
+ })
+ it('should call this.validateAmount', () => {
+ assert.equal(SendAmountRow.prototype.validateAmount.callCount, 0)
+ instance.handleAmountChange('someAmount')
+ assert.equal(SendAmountRow.prototype.validateAmount.callCount, 1)
+ assert.deepEqual(
+ propsMethodSpies.updateSendAmount.getCall(0).args,
+ ['someAmount']
+ )
+ })
+ it('should call updateSendAmount', () => {
+ assert.equal(propsMethodSpies.updateSendAmount.callCount, 0)
+ instance.handleAmountChange('someAmount')
+ assert.equal(propsMethodSpies.updateSendAmount.callCount, 1)
+ assert.deepEqual(
+ propsMethodSpies.updateSendAmount.getCall(0).args,
+ ['someAmount']
+ )
+ })
+ })
+ describe('render', () => {
+ it('should render a SendRowWrapper component', () => {
+ assert.equal(wrapper.find(SendRowWrapper).length, 1)
+ })
+ it('should pass the correct props to SendRowWrapper', () => {
+ const {
+ errorType,
+ label,
+ showError,
+ } = wrapper.find(SendRowWrapper).props()
+ assert.equal(errorType, 'amount')
+ assert.equal(label, 'amount_t:')
+ assert.equal(showError, false)
+ })
+ it('should render an AmountMaxButton as the first child of the SendRowWrapper', () => {
+ assert(wrapper.find(SendRowWrapper).childAt(0).is(AmountMaxButton))
+ })
+ it('should render a CurrencyDisplay as the second child of the SendRowWrapper', () => {
+ assert(wrapper.find(SendRowWrapper).childAt(1).is(CurrencyDisplay))
+ })
+ it('should render the CurrencyDisplay with the correct props', () => {
+ const {
+ conversionRate,
+ convertedCurrency,
+ handleChange,
+ inError,
+ primaryCurrency,
+ selectedToken,
+ value,
+ } = wrapper.find(SendRowWrapper).childAt(1).props()
+ assert.equal(conversionRate, 'mockAmountConversionRate')
+ assert.equal(convertedCurrency, 'mockConvertedCurrency')
+ assert.equal(inError, false)
+ assert.equal(primaryCurrency, 'mockPrimaryCurrency')
+ assert.deepEqual(selectedToken, { address: 'mockTokenAddress' })
+ assert.equal(value, 'mockAmount')
+ assert.equal(SendAmountRow.prototype.handleAmountChange.callCount, 0)
+ handleChange('mockNewAmount')
+ assert.equal(SendAmountRow.prototype.handleAmountChange.callCount, 1)
+ assert.deepEqual(
+ SendAmountRow.prototype.handleAmountChange.getCall(0).args,
+ ['mockNewAmount']
+ )
+ })
+ })