path: root/ui/app/components/shapeshift-form.js
diff options
authorChi Kei Chan <chikeichan@gmail.com>2019-03-22 07:03:30 +0800
committerDan J Miller <danjm.com@gmail.com>2019-03-22 07:03:30 +0800
commit31175625b446cb5d18b17db23018bca8b14d280c (patch)
treef54e159883deef003fb281267025edf796eb8004 /ui/app/components/shapeshift-form.js
parent7287133e15fab22299e07704206e85bc855d1064 (diff)
Folder restructure (#6304)
* Remove ui/app/keychains/ * Remove ui/app/img/ (unused images) * Move conversion-util to helpers/utils/ * Move token-util to helpers/utils/ * Move /helpers/*.js inside /helpers/utils/ * Move util tests inside /helpers/utils/ * Renameand move confirm-transaction/util.js to helpers/utils/ * Move higher-order-components to helpers/higher-order-components/ * Move infura-conversion.json to helpers/constants/ * Move all utility functions to helpers/utils/ * Move pages directory to top-level * Move all constants to helpers/constants/ * Move metametrics inside helpers/ * Move app and root inside pages/ * Move routes inside helpers/ * Re-organize ducks/ * Move reducers to ducks/ * Move selectors inside selectors/ * Move test out of test folder * Move action, reducer, store inside store/ * Move ui components inside ui/ * Move UI components inside ui/ * Move connected components inside components/app/ * Move i18n-helper inside helpers/ * Fix unit tests * Fix unit test * Move pages components * Rename routes component * Move reducers to ducks/index * Fix bad path in unit test
Diffstat (limited to 'ui/app/components/shapeshift-form.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 256 deletions
diff --git a/ui/app/components/shapeshift-form.js b/ui/app/components/shapeshift-form.js
deleted file mode 100644
index b22c01e8f..000000000
--- a/ui/app/components/shapeshift-form.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,256 +0,0 @@
-const h = require('react-hyperscript')
-const inherits = require('util').inherits
-const PropTypes = require('prop-types')
-const Component = require('react').Component
-const connect = require('react-redux').connect
-const classnames = require('classnames')
-const qrcode = require('qrcode-generator')
-const { shapeShiftSubview, pairUpdate, buyWithShapeShift } = require('../actions')
-const { isValidAddress } = require('../util')
-const SimpleDropdown = require('./dropdowns/simple-dropdown')
-import Button from './button'
-function mapStateToProps (state) {
- const {
- coinOptions,
- tokenExchangeRates,
- selectedAddress,
- } = state.metamask
- const { warning } = state.appState
- return {
- coinOptions,
- tokenExchangeRates,
- selectedAddress,
- warning,
- }
-function mapDispatchToProps (dispatch) {
- return {
- shapeShiftSubview: () => dispatch(shapeShiftSubview()),
- pairUpdate: coin => dispatch(pairUpdate(coin)),
- buyWithShapeShift: data => dispatch(buyWithShapeShift(data)),
- }
-ShapeshiftForm.contextTypes = {
- t: PropTypes.func,
-module.exports = connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(ShapeshiftForm)
-inherits(ShapeshiftForm, Component)
-function ShapeshiftForm () {
- Component.call(this)
- this.state = {
- depositCoin: 'btc',
- refundAddress: '',
- showQrCode: false,
- depositAddress: '',
- errorMessage: '',
- isLoading: false,
- bought: false,
- }
-ShapeshiftForm.prototype.getCoinPair = function () {
- return `${this.state.depositCoin.toUpperCase()}_ETH`
-ShapeshiftForm.prototype.componentWillMount = function () {
- this.props.shapeShiftSubview()
-ShapeshiftForm.prototype.onCoinChange = function (coin) {
- this.setState({
- depositCoin: coin,
- errorMessage: '',
- })
- this.props.pairUpdate(coin)
-ShapeshiftForm.prototype.onBuyWithShapeShift = function () {
- this.setState({
- isLoading: true,
- showQrCode: true,
- })
- const {
- buyWithShapeShift,
- selectedAddress: withdrawal,
- } = this.props
- const {
- refundAddress: returnAddress,
- depositCoin,
- } = this.state
- const pair = `${depositCoin}_eth`
- const data = {
- withdrawal,
- pair,
- returnAddress,
- // Public api key
- 'apiKey': '803d1f5df2ed1b1476e4b9e6bcd089e34d8874595dda6a23b67d93c56ea9cc2445e98a6748b219b2b6ad654d9f075f1f1db139abfa93158c04e825db122c14b6',
- }
- if (isValidAddress(withdrawal)) {
- buyWithShapeShift(data)
- .then(d => this.setState({
- showQrCode: true,
- depositAddress: d.deposit,
- isLoading: false,
- }))
- .catch(() => this.setState({
- showQrCode: false,
- errorMessage: this.context.t('invalidRequest'),
- isLoading: false,
- }))
- }
-ShapeshiftForm.prototype.renderMetadata = function (label, value) {
- return h('div', {className: 'shapeshift-form__metadata-wrapper'}, [
- h('div.shapeshift-form__metadata-label', {}, [
- h('span', `${label}:`),
- ]),
- h('div.shapeshift-form__metadata-value', {}, [
- h('span', value),
- ]),
- ])
-ShapeshiftForm.prototype.renderMarketInfo = function () {
- const { tokenExchangeRates } = this.props
- const {
- limit,
- rate,
- minimum,
- } = tokenExchangeRates[this.getCoinPair()] || {}
- return h('div.shapeshift-form__metadata', {}, [
- this.renderMetadata(this.context.t('status'), limit ? this.context.t('available') : this.context.t('unavailable')),
- this.renderMetadata(this.context.t('limit'), limit),
- this.renderMetadata(this.context.t('exchangeRate'), rate),
- this.renderMetadata(this.context.t('min'), minimum),
- ])
-ShapeshiftForm.prototype.renderQrCode = function () {
- const { depositAddress, isLoading, depositCoin } = this.state
- const qrImage = qrcode(4, 'M')
- qrImage.addData(depositAddress)
- qrImage.make()
- return h('div.shapeshift-form', {}, [
- h('div.shapeshift-form__deposit-instruction', [
- this.context.t('depositCoin', [depositCoin.toUpperCase()]),
- ]),
- h('div', depositAddress),
- h('div.shapeshift-form__qr-code', [
- isLoading
- ? h('img', {
- src: 'images/loading.svg',
- style: { width: '60px'},
- })
- : h('div', {
- dangerouslySetInnerHTML: { __html: qrImage.createTableTag(4) },
- }),
- ]),
- this.renderMarketInfo(),
- ])
-ShapeshiftForm.prototype.render = function () {
- const { coinOptions, btnClass, warning } = this.props
- const { errorMessage, showQrCode, depositAddress } = this.state
- const { tokenExchangeRates } = this.props
- const token = tokenExchangeRates[this.getCoinPair()]
- return h('div.shapeshift-form-wrapper', [
- showQrCode
- ? this.renderQrCode()
- : h('div.modal-shapeshift-form', [
- h('div.shapeshift-form__selectors', [
- h('div.shapeshift-form__selector', [
- h('div.shapeshift-form__selector-label', this.context.t('deposit')),
- h(SimpleDropdown, {
- selectedOption: this.state.depositCoin,
- onSelect: (coin) => this.onCoinChange(coin),
- options: Object.entries(coinOptions).map(([coin]) => ({
- value: coin.toLowerCase(),
- displayValue: coin,
- })),
- }),
- ]),
- h('div.icon.shapeshift-form__caret', {
- style: { backgroundImage: 'url(images/caret-right.svg)'},
- }),
- h('div.shapeshift-form__selector', [
- h('div.shapeshift-form__selector-label', [
- this.context.t('receive'),
- ]),
- h('div.shapeshift-form__selector-input', ['ETH']),
- ]),
- ]),
- warning && h('div.shapeshift-form__address-input-label', warning),
- !warning && h('div', {
- className: classnames('shapeshift-form__address-input-wrapper', {
- 'shapeshift-form__address-input-wrapper--error': errorMessage,
- }),
- }, [
- h('div.shapeshift-form__address-input-label', [
- this.context.t('refundAddress'),
- ]),
- h('input.shapeshift-form__address-input', {
- type: 'text',
- onChange: e => this.setState({
- refundAddress: e.target.value,
- errorMessage: '',
- }),
- }),
- h('divshapeshift-form__address-input-error-message', [errorMessage]),
- ]),
- !warning && this.renderMarketInfo(),
- ]),
- !depositAddress && h(Button, {
- type: 'primary',
- large: true,
- className: `${btnClass} shapeshift-form__shapeshift-buy-btn`,
- disabled: !token,
- onClick: () => this.onBuyWithShapeShift(),
- }, [this.context.t('buy')]),
- ])