path: root/test/e2e
diff options
authorBruno <brunobar79@gmail.com>2018-05-17 10:38:51 +0800
committerBruno <brunobar79@gmail.com>2018-05-17 10:38:51 +0800
commit3dd58463caef98c2cc1f068931624795a43912db (patch)
treeb49a2e4feffd33e3b96d43ec29f2ca1071912e67 /test/e2e
parent3180b69b974f8ffc0d6546a647725d1bf8539483 (diff)
parent708422432c634ffbd4c73388f980c43f766b3355 (diff)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/develop' into develop
Diffstat (limited to 'test/e2e')
4 files changed, 643 insertions, 147 deletions
diff --git a/test/e2e/chrome/metamask.spec.js b/test/e2e/chrome/metamask.spec.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b17d4c818
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/e2e/chrome/metamask.spec.js
@@ -0,0 +1,314 @@
+const fs = require('fs')
+const mkdirp = require('mkdirp')
+const path = require('path')
+const assert = require('assert')
+const pify = require('pify')
+const webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver')
+const until = require('selenium-webdriver/lib/until')
+const By = webdriver.By
+const { delay, buildChromeWebDriver } = require('../func')
+describe('Metamask popup page', function () {
+ let driver, accountAddress, tokenAddress, extensionId
+ this.timeout(0)
+ before(async function () {
+ const extPath = path.resolve('dist/chrome')
+ driver = buildChromeWebDriver(extPath)
+ await driver.get('chrome://extensions')
+ await delay(500)
+ })
+ afterEach(async function () {
+ if (this.currentTest.state === 'failed') {
+ await verboseReportOnFailure(this.currentTest)
+ }
+ })
+ after(async function () {
+ await driver.quit()
+ })
+ describe('Setup', function () {
+ it('switches to Chrome extensions list', async function () {
+ const tabs = await driver.getAllWindowHandles()
+ await driver.switchTo().window(tabs[0])
+ await delay(300)
+ })
+ it(`selects MetaMask's extension id and opens it in the current tab`, async function () {
+ extensionId = await getExtensionId()
+ await driver.get(`chrome-extension://${extensionId}/popup.html`)
+ await delay(500)
+ })
+ it('sets provider type to localhost', async function () {
+ await driver.wait(until.elementLocated(By.css('#app-content')), 300)
+ await setProviderType('localhost')
+ })
+ })
+ describe('Account Creation', () => {
+ it('matches MetaMask title', async () => {
+ const title = await driver.getTitle()
+ assert.equal(title, 'MetaMask', 'title matches MetaMask')
+ })
+ it('shows privacy notice', async () => {
+ await driver.wait(async () => {
+ const privacyHeader = await driver.findElement(By.css('#app-content > div > div.app-primary.from-right > div > div.flex-column.flex-center.flex-grow > h3')).getText()
+ assert.equal(privacyHeader, 'PRIVACY NOTICE', 'shows privacy notice')
+ return privacyHeader === 'PRIVACY NOTICE'
+ }, 300)
+ await driver.findElement(By.css('button')).click()
+ })
+ it('show terms of use', async () => {
+ await driver.wait(async () => {
+ const terms = await driver.findElement(By.css('#app-content > div > div.app-primary.from-right > div > div.flex-column.flex-center.flex-grow > h3')).getText()
+ assert.equal(terms, 'TERMS OF USE', 'shows terms of use')
+ return terms === 'TERMS OF USE'
+ })
+ })
+ it('checks if the TOU button is disabled', async () => {
+ const button = await driver.findElement(By.css('button')).isEnabled()
+ assert.equal(button, false, 'disabled continue button')
+ const element = await driver.findElement(By.linkText('Attributions'))
+ await driver.executeScript('arguments[0].scrollIntoView(true)', element)
+ await delay(300)
+ })
+ it('allows the button to be clicked when scrolled to the bottom of TOU', async () => {
+ const button = await driver.findElement(By.css('#app-content > div > div.app-primary.from-right > div > div.flex-column.flex-center.flex-grow > button'))
+ const buttonEnabled = await button.isEnabled()
+ assert.equal(buttonEnabled, true, 'enabled continue button')
+ await button.click()
+ })
+ it('accepts password with length of eight', async () => {
+ const passwordBox = await driver.findElement(By.id('password-box'))
+ const passwordBoxConfirm = await driver.findElement(By.id('password-box-confirm'))
+ const button = await driver.findElements(By.css('button'))
+ await passwordBox.sendKeys('123456789')
+ await passwordBoxConfirm.sendKeys('123456789')
+ await button[0].click()
+ await delay(500)
+ })
+ it('shows value was created and seed phrase', async () => {
+ await delay(300)
+ const seedPhrase = await driver.findElement(By.css('.twelve-word-phrase')).getText()
+ assert.equal(seedPhrase.split(' ').length, 12)
+ const continueAfterSeedPhrase = await driver.findElement(By.css('#app-content > div > div.app-primary.from-right > div > button:nth-child(4)'))
+ assert.equal(await continueAfterSeedPhrase.getText(), `I'VE COPIED IT SOMEWHERE SAFE`)
+ await continueAfterSeedPhrase.click()
+ await delay(300)
+ })
+ it('shows account address', async function () {
+ accountAddress = await driver.findElement(By.css('#app-content > div > div.app-primary.from-left > div > div > div:nth-child(1) > flex-column > div.flex-row > div')).getText()
+ })
+ it('logs out of the vault', async () => {
+ await driver.findElement(By.css('.sandwich-expando')).click()
+ await delay(500)
+ const logoutButton = await driver.findElement(By.css('#app-content > div > div:nth-child(3) > span > div > li:nth-child(3)'))
+ assert.equal(await logoutButton.getText(), 'Log Out')
+ await logoutButton.click()
+ })
+ it('accepts account password after lock', async () => {
+ await delay(500)
+ await driver.findElement(By.id('password-box')).sendKeys('123456789')
+ await driver.findElement(By.css('button')).click()
+ await delay(500)
+ })
+ it('shows QR code option', async () => {
+ await delay(300)
+ await driver.findElement(By.css('.fa-ellipsis-h')).click()
+ await driver.findElement(By.css('#app-content > div > div.app-primary.from-right > div > div > div:nth-child(1) > flex-column > div.name-label > div > span > i > div > div > li:nth-child(3)')).click()
+ await delay(300)
+ })
+ it('checks QR code address is the same as account details address', async () => {
+ const QRaccountAddress = await driver.findElement(By.css('.ellip-address')).getText()
+ assert.equal(accountAddress.toLowerCase(), QRaccountAddress)
+ await driver.findElement(By.css('.fa-arrow-left')).click()
+ await delay(500)
+ })
+ })
+ describe('Import Ganache seed phrase', function () {
+ it('logs out', async function () {
+ await driver.findElement(By.css('.sandwich-expando')).click()
+ await delay(200)
+ const logOut = await driver.findElement(By.css('#app-content > div > div:nth-child(3) > span > div > li:nth-child(3)'))
+ assert.equal(await logOut.getText(), 'Log Out')
+ await logOut.click()
+ await delay(300)
+ })
+ it('restores from seed phrase', async function () {
+ const restoreSeedLink = await driver.findElement(By.css('#app-content > div > div.app-primary.from-left > div > div.flex-row.flex-center.flex-grow > p'))
+ assert.equal(await restoreSeedLink.getText(), 'Restore from seed phrase')
+ await restoreSeedLink.click()
+ await delay(100)
+ })
+ it('adds seed phrase', async function () {
+ const testSeedPhrase = 'phrase upgrade clock rough situate wedding elder clever doctor stamp excess tent'
+ const seedTextArea = await driver.findElement(By.css('#app-content > div > div.app-primary.from-left > div > textarea'))
+ await seedTextArea.sendKeys(testSeedPhrase)
+ await driver.findElement(By.id('password-box')).sendKeys('123456789')
+ await driver.findElement(By.id('password-box-confirm')).sendKeys('123456789')
+ await driver.findElement(By.css('#app-content > div > div.app-primary.from-left > div > div > button:nth-child(2)')).click()
+ await delay(500)
+ })
+ it('balance renders', async function () {
+ await delay(200)
+ const balance = await driver.findElement(By.css('#app-content > div > div.app-primary.from-right > div > div > div.flex-row > div.ether-balance.ether-balance-amount > div > div > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(1)'))
+ assert.equal(await balance.getText(), '100.000')
+ await delay(200)
+ })
+ it('sends transaction', async function () {
+ const sendButton = await driver.findElement(By.css('#app-content > div > div.app-primary.from-right > div > div > div.flex-row > button:nth-child(4)'))
+ assert.equal(await sendButton.getText(), 'SEND')
+ await sendButton.click()
+ await delay(200)
+ })
+ it('adds recipient address and amount', async function () {
+ const sendTranscationScreen = await driver.findElement(By.css('#app-content > div > div.app-primary.from-right > div > h3:nth-child(2)')).getText()
+ assert.equal(sendTranscationScreen, 'SEND TRANSACTION')
+ const inputAddress = await driver.findElement(By.css('#app-content > div > div.app-primary.from-right > div > section:nth-child(3) > div > input'))
+ const inputAmmount = await driver.findElement(By.css('#app-content > div > div.app-primary.from-right > div > section:nth-child(4) > input'))
+ await inputAddress.sendKeys('0x2f318C334780961FB129D2a6c30D0763d9a5C970')
+ await inputAmmount.sendKeys('10')
+ await driver.findElement(By.css('#app-content > div > div.app-primary.from-right > div > section:nth-child(4) > button')).click()
+ await delay(300)
+ })
+ it('confirms transaction', async function () {
+ await delay(300)
+ await driver.findElement(By.css('#pending-tx-form > div.flex-row.flex-space-around.conf-buttons > input')).click()
+ await delay(500)
+ })
+ it('finds the transaction in the transactions list', async function () {
+ const tranasactionAmount = await driver.findElement(By.css('#app-content > div > div.app-primary.from-left > div > section > section > div > div > div > div.ether-balance.ether-balance-amount > div > div > div > div:nth-child(1)'))
+ assert.equal(await tranasactionAmount.getText(), '10.0')
+ })
+ })
+ describe('Token Factory', function () {
+ it('navigates to token factory', async function () {
+ await driver.get('http://tokenfactory.surge.sh/')
+ })
+ it('navigates to create token contract link', async function () {
+ const createToken = await driver.findElement(By.css('#bs-example-navbar-collapse-1 > ul > li:nth-child(3) > a'))
+ await createToken.click()
+ })
+ it('adds input for token', async function () {
+ const totalSupply = await driver.findElement(By.css('#main > div > div > div > div:nth-child(2) > div > div:nth-child(5) > input'))
+ const tokenName = await driver.findElement(By.css('#main > div > div > div > div:nth-child(2) > div > div:nth-child(6) > input'))
+ const tokenDecimal = await driver.findElement(By.css('#main > div > div > div > div:nth-child(2) > div > div:nth-child(7) > input'))
+ const tokenSymbol = await driver.findElement(By.css('#main > div > div > div > div:nth-child(2) > div > div:nth-child(8) > input'))
+ const createToken = await driver.findElement(By.css('#main > div > div > div > div:nth-child(2) > div > button'))
+ await totalSupply.sendKeys('100')
+ await tokenName.sendKeys('Test')
+ await tokenDecimal.sendKeys('0')
+ await tokenSymbol.sendKeys('TST')
+ await createToken.click()
+ await delay(1000)
+ })
+ it('confirms transaction in MetaMask popup', async function () {
+ const windowHandles = await driver.getAllWindowHandles()
+ await driver.switchTo().window(windowHandles[windowHandles.length - 1])
+ const metamaskSubmit = await driver.findElement(By.css('#pending-tx-form > div.flex-row.flex-space-around.conf-buttons > input'))
+ await metamaskSubmit.click()
+ await delay(1000)
+ })
+ it('switches back to Token Factory to grab the token contract address', async function () {
+ const windowHandles = await driver.getAllWindowHandles()
+ await driver.switchTo().window(windowHandles[0])
+ const tokenContactAddress = await driver.findElement(By.css('#main > div > div > div > div:nth-child(2) > span:nth-child(3)'))
+ tokenAddress = await tokenContactAddress.getText()
+ await delay(500)
+ })
+ it('navigates back to MetaMask popup in the tab', async function () {
+ await driver.get(`chrome-extension://${extensionId}/popup.html`)
+ await delay(700)
+ })
+ })
+ describe('Add Token', function () {
+ it('switches to the add token screen', async function () {
+ const tokensTab = await driver.findElement(By.css('#app-content > div > div.app-primary.from-right > div > section > div > div.inactiveForm.pointer'))
+ assert.equal(await tokensTab.getText(), 'TOKENS')
+ await tokensTab.click()
+ await delay(300)
+ })
+ it('navigates to the add token screen', async function () {
+ const addTokenButton = await driver.findElement(By.css('#app-content > div > div.app-primary.from-right > div > section > div.full-flex-height > div > button'))
+ assert.equal(await addTokenButton.getText(), 'ADD TOKEN')
+ await addTokenButton.click()
+ })
+ it('checks add token screen rendered', async function () {
+ const addTokenScreen = await driver.findElement(By.css('#app-content > div > div.app-primary.from-right > div > div.section-title.flex-row.flex-center > h2'))
+ assert.equal(await addTokenScreen.getText(), 'ADD TOKEN')
+ })
+ it('adds token parameters', async function () {
+ const tokenContractAddress = await driver.findElement(By.css('#token-address'))
+ await tokenContractAddress.sendKeys(tokenAddress)
+ await delay(300)
+ await driver.findElement(By.css('#app-content > div > div.app-primary.from-right > div > div.flex-column.flex-justify-center.flex-grow.select-none > div > button')).click()
+ await delay(100)
+ })
+ it('checks the token balance', async function () {
+ const tokenBalance = await driver.findElement(By.css('#app-content > div > div.app-primary.from-left > div > section > div.full-flex-height > ol > li:nth-child(2) > h3'))
+ assert.equal(await tokenBalance.getText(), '100 TST')
+ })
+ })
+ async function getExtensionId () {
+ const extension = await driver.executeScript('return document.querySelector("extensions-manager").shadowRoot.querySelector("extensions-view-manager extensions-item-list").shadowRoot.querySelector("extensions-item:nth-child(2)").getAttribute("id")')
+ return extension
+ }
+ async function setProviderType (type) {
+ await driver.executeScript('window.metamask.setProviderType(arguments[0])', type)
+ }
+ async function verboseReportOnFailure (test) {
+ const artifactDir = `./test-artifacts/chrome/${test.title}`
+ const filepathBase = `${artifactDir}/test-failure`
+ await pify(mkdirp)(artifactDir)
+ // capture screenshot
+ const screenshot = await driver.takeScreenshot()
+ await pify(fs.writeFile)(`${filepathBase}-screenshot.png`, screenshot, { encoding: 'base64' })
+ // capture dom source
+ const htmlSource = await driver.getPageSource()
+ await pify(fs.writeFile)(`${filepathBase}-dom.html`, htmlSource)
+ }
diff --git a/test/e2e/firefox/metamask.spec.js b/test/e2e/firefox/metamask.spec.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c75b1a9b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/e2e/firefox/metamask.spec.js
@@ -0,0 +1,323 @@
+const fs = require('fs')
+const mkdirp = require('mkdirp')
+const path = require('path')
+const assert = require('assert')
+const pify = require('pify')
+const webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver')
+const Command = require('selenium-webdriver/lib/command').Command
+const By = webdriver.By
+const { delay, buildFirefoxWebdriver } = require('../func')
+describe('', function () {
+ let driver, accountAddress, tokenAddress, extensionId
+ this.timeout(0)
+ before(async function () {
+ const extPath = path.resolve('dist/firefox')
+ driver = buildFirefoxWebdriver()
+ installWebExt(driver, extPath)
+ await delay(700)
+ })
+ afterEach(async function () {
+ if (this.currentTest.state === 'failed') {
+ await verboseReportOnFailure(this.currentTest)
+ }
+ })
+ after(async function () {
+ await driver.quit()
+ })
+ describe('Setup', function () {
+ it('switches to Firefox addon list', async function () {
+ await driver.get('about:debugging#addons')
+ await delay(1000)
+ })
+ it(`selects MetaMask's extension id and opens it in the current tab`, async function () {
+ const tabs = await driver.getAllWindowHandles()
+ await driver.switchTo().window(tabs[0])
+ extensionId = await driver.findElement(By.css('dd.addon-target-info-content:nth-child(6) > span:nth-child(1)')).getText()
+ await driver.get(`moz-extension://${extensionId}/popup.html`)
+ await delay(500)
+ })
+ it('sets provider type to localhost', async function () {
+ await setProviderType('localhost')
+ await delay(300)
+ })
+ })
+ describe('Account Creation', () => {
+ it('matches MetaMask title', async () => {
+ const title = await driver.getTitle()
+ assert.equal(title, 'MetaMask', 'title matches MetaMask')
+ })
+ it('shows privacy notice', async () => {
+ await delay(300)
+ const privacy = await driver.findElement(By.css('.terms-header')).getText()
+ assert.equal(privacy, 'PRIVACY NOTICE', 'shows privacy notice')
+ await driver.findElement(By.css('button')).click()
+ await delay(300)
+ })
+ it('show terms of use', async () => {
+ await delay(300)
+ const terms = await driver.findElement(By.css('.terms-header')).getText()
+ assert.equal(terms, 'TERMS OF USE', 'shows terms of use')
+ await delay(300)
+ })
+ it('checks if the TOU button is disabled', async () => {
+ const button = await driver.findElement(By.css('button')).isEnabled()
+ assert.equal(button, false, 'disabled continue button')
+ const element = await driver.findElement(By.linkText('Attributions'))
+ await driver.executeScript('arguments[0].scrollIntoView(true)', element)
+ await delay(300)
+ })
+ it('allows the button to be clicked when scrolled to the bottom of TOU', async () => {
+ const button = await driver.findElement(By.css('#app-content > div > div.app-primary.from-right > div > div.flex-column.flex-center.flex-grow > button'))
+ await delay(300)
+ const buttonEnabled = await button.isEnabled()
+ assert.equal(buttonEnabled, true, 'enabled continue button')
+ await delay(200)
+ await button.click()
+ })
+ it('accepts password with length of eight', async () => {
+ const passwordBox = await driver.findElement(By.id('password-box'))
+ const passwordBoxConfirm = await driver.findElement(By.id('password-box-confirm'))
+ const button = await driver.findElements(By.css('button'))
+ await passwordBox.sendKeys('123456789')
+ await passwordBoxConfirm.sendKeys('123456789')
+ await button[0].click()
+ await delay(500)
+ })
+ it('shows value was created and seed phrase', async () => {
+ await delay(300)
+ const seedPhrase = await driver.findElement(By.css('.twelve-word-phrase')).getText()
+ assert.equal(seedPhrase.split(' ').length, 12)
+ const continueAfterSeedPhrase = await driver.findElement(By.css('#app-content > div > div.app-primary.from-right > div > button:nth-child(4)'))
+ assert.equal(await continueAfterSeedPhrase.getText(), `I'VE COPIED IT SOMEWHERE SAFE`)
+ await continueAfterSeedPhrase.click()
+ await delay(300)
+ })
+ it('shows account address', async function () {
+ accountAddress = await driver.findElement(By.css('#app-content > div > div.app-primary.from-left > div > div > div:nth-child(1) > flex-column > div.flex-row > div')).getText()
+ })
+ it('logs out of the vault', async () => {
+ await driver.findElement(By.css('.sandwich-expando')).click()
+ await delay(500)
+ const logoutButton = await driver.findElement(By.css('#app-content > div > div:nth-child(3) > span > div > li:nth-child(3)'))
+ assert.equal(await logoutButton.getText(), 'Log Out')
+ await logoutButton.click()
+ })
+ it('accepts account password after lock', async () => {
+ await delay(500)
+ await driver.findElement(By.id('password-box')).sendKeys('123456789')
+ await driver.findElement(By.id('password-box')).sendKeys(webdriver.Key.ENTER)
+ await delay(500)
+ })
+ it('shows QR code option', async () => {
+ await delay(300)
+ await driver.findElement(By.css('.fa-ellipsis-h')).click()
+ await driver.findElement(By.css('#app-content > div > div.app-primary.from-right > div > div > div:nth-child(1) > flex-column > div.name-label > div > span > i > div > div > li:nth-child(3)')).click()
+ await delay(300)
+ })
+ it('checks QR code address is the same as account details address', async () => {
+ const QRaccountAddress = await driver.findElement(By.css('.ellip-address')).getText()
+ assert.equal(accountAddress.toLowerCase(), QRaccountAddress)
+ await driver.findElement(By.css('.fa-arrow-left')).click()
+ await delay(500)
+ })
+ })
+ describe('Import Ganache seed phrase', function () {
+ it('logs out', async function () {
+ await driver.findElement(By.css('.sandwich-expando')).click()
+ await delay(200)
+ const logOut = await driver.findElement(By.css('#app-content > div > div:nth-child(3) > span > div > li:nth-child(3)'))
+ assert.equal(await logOut.getText(), 'Log Out')
+ await logOut.click()
+ await delay(300)
+ })
+ it('restores from seed phrase', async function () {
+ const restoreSeedLink = await driver.findElement(By.css('#app-content > div > div.app-primary.from-left > div > div.flex-row.flex-center.flex-grow > p'))
+ assert.equal(await restoreSeedLink.getText(), 'Restore from seed phrase')
+ await restoreSeedLink.click()
+ await delay(100)
+ })
+ it('adds seed phrase', async function () {
+ const testSeedPhrase = 'phrase upgrade clock rough situate wedding elder clever doctor stamp excess tent'
+ const seedTextArea = await driver.findElement(By.css('#app-content > div > div.app-primary.from-left > div > textarea'))
+ await seedTextArea.sendKeys(testSeedPhrase)
+ await driver.findElement(By.id('password-box')).sendKeys('123456789')
+ await driver.findElement(By.id('password-box-confirm')).sendKeys('123456789')
+ await driver.findElement(By.css('#app-content > div > div.app-primary.from-left > div > div > button:nth-child(2)')).click()
+ await delay(500)
+ })
+ it('balance renders', async function () {
+ await delay(200)
+ const balance = await driver.findElement(By.css('#app-content > div > div.app-primary.from-right > div > div > div.flex-row > div.ether-balance.ether-balance-amount > div > div > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(1)'))
+ assert.equal(await balance.getText(), '100.000')
+ await delay(200)
+ })
+ it('sends transaction', async function () {
+ const sendButton = await driver.findElement(By.css('#app-content > div > div.app-primary.from-right > div > div > div.flex-row > button:nth-child(4)'))
+ assert.equal(await sendButton.getText(), 'SEND')
+ await sendButton.click()
+ await delay(200)
+ })
+ it('adds recipient address and amount', async function () {
+ const sendTranscationScreen = await driver.findElement(By.css('#app-content > div > div.app-primary.from-right > div > h3:nth-child(2)')).getText()
+ assert.equal(sendTranscationScreen, 'SEND TRANSACTION')
+ const inputAddress = await driver.findElement(By.css('#app-content > div > div.app-primary.from-right > div > section:nth-child(3) > div > input'))
+ const inputAmmount = await driver.findElement(By.css('#app-content > div > div.app-primary.from-right > div > section:nth-child(4) > input'))
+ await inputAddress.sendKeys('0x2f318C334780961FB129D2a6c30D0763d9a5C970')
+ await inputAmmount.sendKeys('10')
+ await driver.findElement(By.css('#app-content > div > div.app-primary.from-right > div > section:nth-child(4) > button')).click()
+ await delay(300)
+ })
+ it('confirms transaction', async function () {
+ await delay(300)
+ await driver.findElement(By.css('#pending-tx-form > div.flex-row.flex-space-around.conf-buttons > input')).click()
+ await delay(500)
+ })
+ it('finds the transaction in the transactions list', async function () {
+ const tranasactionAmount = await driver.findElement(By.css('#app-content > div > div.app-primary.from-left > div > section > section > div > div > div > div.ether-balance.ether-balance-amount > div > div > div > div:nth-child(1)'))
+ assert.equal(await tranasactionAmount.getText(), '10.0')
+ })
+ })
+ describe('Token Factory', function () {
+ it('navigates to token factory', async function () {
+ await driver.get('http://tokenfactory.surge.sh/')
+ })
+ it('navigates to create token contract link', async function () {
+ const createToken = await driver.findElement(By.css('#bs-example-navbar-collapse-1 > ul > li:nth-child(3) > a'))
+ await createToken.click()
+ })
+ it('adds input for token', async function () {
+ const totalSupply = await driver.findElement(By.css('#main > div > div > div > div:nth-child(2) > div > div:nth-child(5) > input'))
+ const tokenName = await driver.findElement(By.css('#main > div > div > div > div:nth-child(2) > div > div:nth-child(6) > input'))
+ const tokenDecimal = await driver.findElement(By.css('#main > div > div > div > div:nth-child(2) > div > div:nth-child(7) > input'))
+ const tokenSymbol = await driver.findElement(By.css('#main > div > div > div > div:nth-child(2) > div > div:nth-child(8) > input'))
+ const createToken = await driver.findElement(By.css('#main > div > div > div > div:nth-child(2) > div > button'))
+ await totalSupply.sendKeys('100')
+ await tokenName.sendKeys('Test')
+ await tokenDecimal.sendKeys('0')
+ await tokenSymbol.sendKeys('TST')
+ await createToken.click()
+ await delay(1000)
+ })
+ // There is an issue with blank confirmation window, but the button is still there and the driver is able to clicked (?.?)
+ it('confirms transaction in MetaMask popup', async function () {
+ const windowHandles = await driver.getAllWindowHandles()
+ await driver.switchTo().window(windowHandles[windowHandles.length - 1])
+ const metamaskSubmit = await driver.findElement(By.css('#pending-tx-form > div.flex-row.flex-space-around.conf-buttons > input'))
+ await metamaskSubmit.click()
+ await delay(1000)
+ })
+ it('switches back to Token Factory to grab the token contract address', async function () {
+ const windowHandles = await driver.getAllWindowHandles()
+ await driver.switchTo().window(windowHandles[0])
+ const tokenContactAddress = await driver.findElement(By.css('#main > div > div > div > div:nth-child(2) > span:nth-child(3)'))
+ tokenAddress = await tokenContactAddress.getText()
+ await delay(500)
+ })
+ it('navigates back to MetaMask popup in the tab', async function () {
+ await driver.get(`moz-extension://${extensionId}/popup.html`)
+ await delay(700)
+ })
+ })
+ describe('Add Token', function () {
+ it('switches to the add token screen', async function () {
+ const tokensTab = await driver.findElement(By.css('#app-content > div > div.app-primary.from-right > div > section > div > div.inactiveForm.pointer'))
+ assert.equal(await tokensTab.getText(), 'TOKENS')
+ await tokensTab.click()
+ await delay(300)
+ })
+ it('navigates to the add token screen', async function () {
+ const addTokenButton = await driver.findElement(By.css('#app-content > div > div.app-primary.from-right > div > section > div.full-flex-height > div > button'))
+ assert.equal(await addTokenButton.getText(), 'ADD TOKEN')
+ await addTokenButton.click()
+ })
+ it('checks add token screen rendered', async function () {
+ const addTokenScreen = await driver.findElement(By.css('#app-content > div > div.app-primary.from-right > div > div.section-title.flex-row.flex-center > h2'))
+ assert.equal(await addTokenScreen.getText(), 'ADD TOKEN')
+ })
+ it('adds token parameters', async function () {
+ const tokenContractAddress = await driver.findElement(By.css('#token-address'))
+ await tokenContractAddress.sendKeys(tokenAddress)
+ await delay(300)
+ await driver.findElement(By.css('#app-content > div > div.app-primary.from-right > div > div.flex-column.flex-justify-center.flex-grow.select-none > div > button')).click()
+ await delay(100)
+ })
+ it('checks the token balance', async function () {
+ const tokenBalance = await driver.findElement(By.css('#app-content > div > div.app-primary.from-left > div > section > div.full-flex-height > ol > li:nth-child(2) > h3'))
+ assert.equal(await tokenBalance.getText(), '100 TST')
+ })
+ })
+ async function setProviderType(type) {
+ await driver.executeScript('window.metamask.setProviderType(arguments[0])', type)
+ }
+ async function verboseReportOnFailure(test) {
+ const artifactDir = `./test-artifacts/firefox/${test.title}`
+ const filepathBase = `${artifactDir}/test-failure`
+ await pify(mkdirp)(artifactDir)
+ // capture screenshot
+ const screenshot = await driver.takeScreenshot()
+ await pify(fs.writeFile)(`${filepathBase}-screenshot.png`, screenshot, { encoding: 'base64' })
+ // capture dom source
+ const htmlSource = await driver.getPageSource()
+ await pify(fs.writeFile)(`${filepathBase}-dom.html`, htmlSource)
+ }
+async function installWebExt (driver, extension) {
+ const cmd = await new Command('moz-install-web-ext')
+ .setParameter('path', path.resolve(extension))
+ .setParameter('temporary', true)
+ await driver.getExecutor()
+ .defineCommand(cmd.getName(), 'POST', '/session/:sessionId/moz/addon/install')
+ return await driver.schedule(cmd, 'installWebExt(' + extension + ')')
diff --git a/test/e2e/func.js b/test/e2e/func.js
index 733225565..4ad0ea615 100644
--- a/test/e2e/func.js
+++ b/test/e2e/func.js
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
const webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver')
exports.delay = function delay (time) {
@@ -6,13 +7,16 @@ exports.delay = function delay (time) {
-exports.buildWebDriver = function buildWebDriver (extPath) {
+exports.buildChromeWebDriver = function buildChromeWebDriver (extPath) {
return new webdriver.Builder()
chromeOptions: {
args: [`load-extension=${extPath}`],
- .forBrowser('chrome')
+exports.buildFirefoxWebdriver = function buildFirefoxWebdriver (extPath) {
+ return new webdriver.Builder().build()
diff --git a/test/e2e/metamask.spec.js b/test/e2e/metamask.spec.js
deleted file mode 100644
index e0ff2a57e..000000000
--- a/test/e2e/metamask.spec.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
-const fs = require('fs')
-const mkdirp = require('mkdirp')
-const path = require('path')
-const assert = require('assert')
-const pify = require('pify')
-const webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver')
-const By = webdriver.By
-const { delay, buildWebDriver } = require('./func')
-describe('Metamask popup page', function () {
- let driver
- this.seedPhase
- this.accountAddress
- this.timeout(0)
- before(async function () {
- const extPath = path.resolve('dist/chrome')
- driver = buildWebDriver(extPath)
- await driver.get('chrome://extensions-frame')
- const elems = await driver.findElements(By.css('.extension-list-item-wrapper'))
- const extensionId = await elems[1].getAttribute('id')
- await driver.get(`chrome-extension://${extensionId}/popup.html`)
- await delay(500)
- })
- afterEach(async function () {
- if (this.currentTest.state === 'failed') {
- await verboseReportOnFailure(this.currentTest)
- }
- })
- after(async function () {
- await driver.quit()
- })
- describe('#onboarding', () => {
- it('should open Metamask.io', async function () {
- const tabs = await driver.getAllWindowHandles()
- await driver.switchTo().window(tabs[0])
- await delay(300)
- await setProviderType('localhost')
- await delay(300)
- })
- it('should match title', async () => {
- const title = await driver.getTitle()
- assert.equal(title, 'MetaMask', 'title matches MetaMask')
- })
- it('should show privacy notice', async () => {
- const privacy = await driver.findElement(By.css('.terms-header')).getText()
- assert.equal(privacy, 'PRIVACY NOTICE', 'shows privacy notice')
- driver.findElement(By.css('button')).click()
- await delay(300)
- })
- it('should show terms of use', async () => {
- await delay(300)
- const terms = await driver.findElement(By.css('.terms-header')).getText()
- assert.equal(terms, 'TERMS OF USE', 'shows terms of use')
- await delay(300)
- })
- it('should be unable to continue without scolling throught the terms of use', async () => {
- const button = await driver.findElement(By.css('button')).isEnabled()
- assert.equal(button, false, 'disabled continue button')
- const element = driver.findElement(By.linkText(
- 'Attributions'
- ))
- await driver.executeScript('arguments[0].scrollIntoView(true)', element)
- await delay(300)
- })
- it('should be able to continue when scrolled to the bottom of terms of use', async () => {
- const button = await driver.findElement(By.css('button'))
- const buttonEnabled = await button.isEnabled()
- await delay(500)
- assert.equal(buttonEnabled, true, 'enabled continue button')
- await button.click()
- await delay(300)
- })
- it('should accept password with length of eight', async () => {
- const passwordBox = await driver.findElement(By.id('password-box'))
- const passwordBoxConfirm = await driver.findElement(By.id('password-box-confirm'))
- const button = driver.findElement(By.css('button'))
- passwordBox.sendKeys('123456789')
- passwordBoxConfirm.sendKeys('123456789')
- await delay(500)
- await button.click()
- })
- it('should show value was created and seed phrase', async () => {
- await delay(700)
- this.seedPhase = await driver.findElement(By.css('.twelve-word-phrase')).getText()
- const continueAfterSeedPhrase = await driver.findElement(By.css('button'))
- await continueAfterSeedPhrase.click()
- await delay(300)
- })
- it('should show lock account', async () => {
- await driver.findElement(By.css('.sandwich-expando')).click()
- await delay(500)
- await driver.findElement(By.css('#app-content > div > div:nth-child(3) > span > div > li:nth-child(3)')).click()
- })
- it('should accept account password after lock', async () => {
- await delay(500)
- await driver.findElement(By.id('password-box')).sendKeys('123456789')
- await driver.findElement(By.css('button')).click()
- await delay(500)
- })
- it('should show QR code option', async () => {
- await delay(300)
- await driver.findElement(By.css('.fa-ellipsis-h')).click()
- await driver.findElement(By.css('#app-content > div > div.app-primary.from-right > div > div > div:nth-child(1) > flex-column > div.name-label > div > span > i > div > div > li:nth-child(3)')).click()
- await delay(300)
- })
- it('should show the account address', async () => {
- this.accountAddress = await driver.findElement(By.css('.ellip-address')).getText()
- await driver.findElement(By.css('.fa-arrow-left')).click()
- await delay(500)
- })
- })
- async function setProviderType(type) {
- await driver.executeScript('window.metamask.setProviderType(arguments[0])', type)
- }
- async function verboseReportOnFailure(test) {
- const artifactDir = `./test-artifacts/${test.title}`
- const filepathBase = `${artifactDir}/test-failure`
- await pify(mkdirp)(artifactDir)
- // capture screenshot
- const screenshot = await driver.takeScreenshot()
- await pify(fs.writeFile)(`${filepathBase}-screenshot.png`, screenshot, { encoding: 'base64' })
- // capture dom source
- const htmlSource = await driver.getPageSource()
- await pify(fs.writeFile)(`${filepathBase}-dom.html`, htmlSource)
- }