path: root/ui/responsive/app/account-detail.js
blob: 9a837a121a9fc5ac2ce501cc59274f7903654497 (plain) (tree)








const inherits = require('util').inherits
const extend = require('xtend')
const Component = require('react').Component
const h = require('react-hyperscript')
const connect = require('react-redux').connect
const CopyButton = require('./components/copyButton')
const AccountInfoLink = require('./components/account-info-link')
const actions = require('./actions')
const ReactCSSTransitionGroup = require('react-addons-css-transition-group')
const valuesFor = require('./util').valuesFor

const Identicon = require('./components/identicon')
const EthBalance = require('./components/eth-balance')
const TransactionList = require('./components/transaction-list')
const ExportAccountView = require('./components/account-export')
const ethUtil = require('ethereumjs-util')
const EditableLabel = require('./components/editable-label')
const Tooltip = require('./components/tooltip')
const TabBar = require('./components/tab-bar')
const TokenList = require('./components/token-list')
const AccountOptionsMenus = require('./components/account-options-menus').AccountOptionsMenus;

module.exports = connect(mapStateToProps)(AccountDetailScreen)

function mapStateToProps (state) {
  return {
    metamask: state.metamask,
    identities: state.metamask.identities,
    accounts: state.metamask.accounts,
    address: state.metamask.selectedAddress,
    accountDetail: state.appState.accountDetail,
    network: state.metamask.network,
    unapprovedMsgs: valuesFor(state.metamask.unapprovedMsgs),
    shapeShiftTxList: state.metamask.shapeShiftTxList,
    transactions: state.metamask.selectedAddressTxList || [],
    conversionRate: state.metamask.conversionRate,
    currentCurrency: state.metamask.currentCurrency,
    currentAccountTab: state.metamask.currentAccountTab,
    tokens: state.metamask.tokens,

inherits(AccountDetailScreen, Component)
function AccountDetailScreen () {

AccountDetailScreen.prototype.render = function () {
  var props = this.props
  var selected = props.address || Object.keys(props.accounts)[0]
  var checksumAddress = selected && ethUtil.toChecksumAddress(selected)
  var identity = props.identities[selected]
  var account = props.accounts[selected]
  const { network, conversionRate, currentCurrency } = props
  console.log("identity:", identity);
  console.log("result:", identity && identity.name);

  return (

    h('.account-detail-section', [

      // identicon, label, balance, etc
      h('.account-data-subsection', {
        style: {
          margin: '0 20px',
          maxWidth: '320px',
      }, [

        // header - identicon + nav
        h('div', {
          style: {
            paddingTop: '20px',
            display: 'flex',
            justifyContent: 'flex-start',
            alignItems: 'flex-start',
        }, [

          // large identicon and addresses
          h('.identicon-wrapper.select-none', [
            h(Identicon, {
              diameter: 62,
              address: selected,
          h('flex-column', {
            style: {
              lineHeight: '10px',
              marginLeft: '15px',
          }, [
            h(EditableLabel, {
              textValue: identity ? identity.name : '',
              state: {
                isEditingLabel: false,
              saveText: (text) => {
                props.dispatch(actions.saveAccountLabel(selected, text))
            }, [

              // What is shown when not editing + edit text:
              h('label.editing-label', [h('.edit-text', 'edit')]),
              h('h2.font-medium.color-forest', {name: 'edit'}, [
                identity && identity.name,
                h(AccountOptionsMenus, { style: { marginLeft: '35%' }}, []),
            h('.flex-row', {
              style: {
                width: '15em',
                justifyContent: 'space-between',
                alignItems: 'baseline',
            }, [

              // address

              h('div', {
                style: {
                  overflow: 'hidden',
                  textOverflow: 'ellipsis',
                  paddingTop: '3px',
                  width: '5em',
                  fontSize: '13px',
                  fontFamily: 'Montserrat Light',
                  textRendering: 'geometricPrecision',
                  marginTop: '10px',
                  marginBottom: '15px',
                  color: '#AEAEAE',
              }, checksumAddress),

              // copy and export

              h('.flex-row', {
                style: {
                  justifyContent: 'flex-end',
              }, [

                h(AccountInfoLink, { selected, network }),

                h(CopyButton, {
                  value: checksumAddress,

                h(Tooltip, {
                  title: 'QR Code',
                }, [
                  h('i.fa.fa-qrcode.pointer.pop-hover', {
                    onClick: () => props.dispatch(actions.showQrView(selected, identity ? identity.name : '')),
                    style: {
                      fontSize: '18px',
                      position: 'relative',
                      color: 'rgb(247, 134, 28)',
                      top: '5px',
                      marginLeft: '3px',
                      marginRight: '3px',

                h(Tooltip, {
                  title: 'Export Private Key',
                }, [
                  h('div', {
                    style: {
                      display: 'flex',
                      alignItems: 'center',
                  }, [
                    h('img.cursor-pointer.color-orange', {
                      src: 'images/key-32.png',
                      onClick: () => this.requestAccountExport(selected),
                      style: {
                        height: '19px',

            // account ballence

        h('.flex-row', {
          style: {
            justifyContent: 'space-between',
            alignItems: 'flex-start',
        }, [

          h(EthBalance, {
            value: account && account.balance,
            style: {
              lineHeight: '7px',
              marginTop: '10px',

          h('button', {
            onClick: () => props.dispatch(actions.buyEthView(selected)),
            style: {
              marginBottom: '20px',
              marginRight: '8px',
              position: 'absolute',
              left: '219px',
          }, 'BUY'),

          h('button', {
            onClick: () => props.dispatch(actions.showSendPage()),
            style: {
              marginBottom: '20px',
              marginRight: '8px',
          }, 'SEND'),


      // subview (tx history, pk export confirm, buy eth warning)
      h(ReactCSSTransitionGroup, {
        className: 'css-transition-group',
        transitionName: 'main',
        transitionEnterTimeout: 300,
        transitionLeaveTimeout: 300,
      }, [


AccountDetailScreen.prototype.subview = function () {
  var subview
  try {
    subview = this.props.accountDetail.subview
  } catch (e) {
    subview = null

  switch (subview) {
    case 'transactions':
      return this.tabSections()
    case 'export':
      var state = extend({key: 'export'}, this.props)
      return h(ExportAccountView, state)
      return this.tabSections()

AccountDetailScreen.prototype.tabSections = function () {
  const { currentAccountTab } = this.props

  return h('section.tabSection', [

    h(TabBar, {
      tabs: [
        { content: 'Sent', key: 'history' },
        { content: 'Tokens', key: 'tokens' },
      defaultTab: currentAccountTab || 'history',
      tabSelected: (key) => {


AccountDetailScreen.prototype.tabSwitchView = function () {
  const props = this.props
  const { address, network } = props
  const { currentAccountTab, tokens } = this.props

  switch (currentAccountTab) {
    case 'tokens':
      return h(TokenList, {
        userAddress: address,
        addToken: () => this.props.dispatch(actions.showAddTokenPage()),
      return this.transactionList()

AccountDetailScreen.prototype.transactionList = function () {
  const {transactions, unapprovedMsgs, address,
    network, shapeShiftTxList, conversionRate } = this.props

  return h(TransactionList, {
    transactions: transactions.sort((a, b) => b.time - a.time),
    viewPendingTx: (txId) => {

AccountDetailScreen.prototype.requestAccountExport = function () {