path: root/app/_locales/en/messages.json
blob: 6967a44d2e0ab827588d565e750571541c6f3d9e (plain) (tree)



  "appName": {
    "message": "MetaMask",
    "description": "The name of the application"
  "appDescription": {
    "message": "Ethereum Identity Management",
    "description": "The description of the application"
  "encryptNewDen": {
    "message": "Encrypt your new DEN"
  "denExplainer": {
    "message": "Your DEN is your password-encrypted storage within MetaMask."
  "importDen": {
    "message": "Import Existing DEN"
  "createDen": {
    "message": "Create"
  "newPassword": {
    "message": "New Password (min 8 chars)"
  "confirmPassword": {
    "message": "Confirm Password"
  "passwordMismatch": {
    "message": "passwords don't match"
  "passwordShort": {
    "message": "password not long enough"
  "myAccounts": {
    "message": "My Accounts"
  "logout": {
    "message": "Log out"
  "createAccount": {
    "message": "Create Account"
  "importAccount": {
    "message": "Import Account"
  "account": {
    "message": "Account:"
  "infoHelp": {
    "message": "Info & Help"
  "settings": {
    "message": "Settings"
  "importedCaps": {
    "message": "IMPORTED"
  "saveButton": {
    "message": "SAVE"
  "cancelButton": {
    "message": "CANCEL"
  "signButton": {
    "message": "SIGN"
  "revert": {
    "message": "Revert"
  "gasLimit": {
    "message": "Gas Limit"
  "gasLimitCalculation": {
    "message": "We calculate the suggested gas limit based on network success rates."
  "gasPrice": {
    "message": "Gas Price (GWEI)"
  "gasPriceCalculation": {
    "message": "We calculate the suggested gas prices based on network success rates."
  "customGas": {
    "message": "Customize Gas"
  "balanceIsInsufficientGas": {
    "message": "Insufficient balance for current gas total"
  "gasLimitTooLow": {
    "message": "Gas limit must be at least 21000"
  "editButton": {
    "message": "Edit"
  "looseCaps": {
    "message": "LOOSE"
  "addToken": "Add Token",
  "exportPrivateKey": "Export Private Key",
  "copyAddress": "Copy Address to clipboard",
  "etherscanView": "View account on Etherscan",
  "qrCode": "Show QR Code",
  "accDetails": "Account Details",
  "networks": "Networks",
  "defaultNetwork": "The default network for Ether transactions is Main Net.",
  "mainnet": "Main Ethereum Network",
  "unknownNetwork": "Unknown Private Network",
  "rinkeby": "Rinkeby Test Network",
  "kovan": "Kovan Test Network",
  "ropsten": "Ropsten Test Network",
  "localhost": "Localhost 8545",
  "customRPC": "Custom RPC",
  "hideToken": "Hide Token",
  "copiedClipboard": "Copied to Clipboard",
  "detailsCaps": "DETAILS",
  "sendButton": "SEND",
  "depositButton": "DEPOSIT",
  "notStarted": "Not Started",
  "noTransactions": "No Transactions",
  "contractPublished": "Contract Published",
  "noTransactionHistory": "No transaction history.",
  "warning": "Warning",
  "failed": "Failed",
  "rejected": "Rejected",
  "sigRequested": "Signature Requested",
  "yourSigRequested": "Your signature is being requested",
  "balance": "Balance:",
  "retryWithMoreGas": "Retry with a higher gas price here",
  "takesTooLong": "Taking too long?",
  "transactionNumber": "Transaction Number",
  "loadingTokens": "Loading Tokens...",
  "troubleTokenBalances": "We had trouble loading your token balances. You can view them ",
  "here": "here",
  "message": "Message",
  "signNotice": "Signing this message can have \ndangerous side effects. Only sign messages from \nsites you fully trust with your entire account.\n This dangerous method will be removed in a future version. ",
  "youSign": "You are signing:",
  "conversionProgress": "Conversion in progress",
  "noDeposits": "No deposits received",
  "fromShapeShift": "From ShapeShift",
  "invalidRequest": "Invalid Request",
  "status": "Status",
  "limit": "Limit",
  "exchangeRate": "Exchange Rate",
  "min": "Minimum",
  "available": "Available",
  "unavailable": "Unavailable",
  "depositBTC": "Deposit your BTC to the address below:",
  "deposit": "Deposit",
  "receive": "Receive",
  "refundAddress": "Your Refund Address",
  "buyButton": "Buy",
  "signMessage": "Sign Message",
  "youSignCaps": "YOU ARE SIGNING",
  "messageCaps": "MESSAGE",
  "readMore": "Read more here.",
  "cancel": "Cancel",
  "sign": "Sign",
  "accept": "Accept",
  "attemptingConnect": "Attempting to connect to blockchain.",
  "privateNetwork": "Private Network",
  "invalidInput": "Invalid input.",
  "noAddressForName": "No address has been set for this name.",
  "clickCopy": "Click to Copy",
  "copyButton": " Copy ",
  "copiedButton": "Copied",
  "copy": "Copy",
  "copiedExclamation": "Copied!",
  "continueToCoinbase": "Continue to Coinbase",
  "depositEth": "Deposit Eth",
  "selectService": "Select Service",
  "unknownNetworkId": "Unknown network ID",
  "borrowDharma": "Borrow With Dharma (Beta)",
  "exportPrivateKeyWarning": "Export private keys at your own risk.",
  "confirmPasswordSmall": "confirm password",
  "submit": "Submit",