path: root/app/_locales/en/messages.json
blob: f4a8fe9433bdd2cf20df55d8f9e5808cb3bac3f4 (plain) (tree)




































































































  "accept": {
    "message": "Accept"
  "account": {
    "message": "Account"
  "accountDetails": {
    "message": "Account Details"
  "accountName": {
    "message": "Account Name"
  "address": {
    "message": "Address"
  "addToken": {
    "message": "Add Token"
  "amount": {
    "message": "Amount"
  "amountPlusGas": {
    "message": "Amount + Gas"
  "appDescription": {
    "message": "Ethereum Browser Extension",
    "description": "The description of the application"
  "appName": {
    "message": "MetaMask",
    "description": "The name of the application"
  "attemptingConnect": {
    "message": "Attempting to connect to blockchain."
  "available": {
    "message": "Available"
  "back": {
    "message": "Back"
  "balance": {
    "message": "Balance:"
  "balanceIsInsufficientGas": {
    "message": "Insufficient balance for current gas total"
  "beta": {
    "message": "BETA"
  "betweenMinAndMax": {
    "message": "must be greater than or equal to $1 and less than or equal to $2.",
    "description": "helper for inputting hex as decimal input"
  "borrowDharma": {
    "message": "Borrow With Dharma (Beta)"
  "buy": {
    "message": "Buy"
  "buyCoinbase": {
    "message": "Buy on Coinbase"
  "buyCoinbaseExplainer": {
    "message": "Coinbase is the world’s most popular way to buy and sell bitcoin, ethereum, and litecoin."
  "cancel": {
    "message": "Cancel"
  "clickCopy": {
    "message": "Click to Copy"
  "confirm": {
    "message": "Confirm"
  "confirmContract": {
    "message": "Confirm Contract"
  "confirmPassword": {
    "message": "Confirm Password"
  "confirmTransaction": {
    "message": "Confirm Transaction"
  "continueToCoinbase": {
    "message": "Continue to Coinbase"
  "contractDeployment": {
    "message": "Contract Deployment"
  "conversionProgress": {
    "message": "Conversion in progress"
  "copiedButton": {
    "message": "Copied"
  "copiedClipboard": {
    "message": "Copied to Clipboard"
  "copiedExclamation": {
    "message": "Copied!"
  "copy": {
    "message": "Copy"
  "copyToClipboard": {
    "message": "Copy to clipboard"
  "copyButton": {
    "message": " Copy "
  "copyPrivateKey": {
    "message": "This is your private key (click to copy)"
  "create": {
    "message": "Create"
  "createAccount": {
    "message": "Create Account"
  "createDen": {
    "message": "Create"
  "crypto": {
    "message": "Crypto",
    "description": "Exchange type (cryptocurrencies)"
  "customGas": {
    "message": "Customize Gas"
  "customize": {
    "message": "Customize"
  "customRPC": {
    "message": "Custom RPC"
  "defaultNetwork": {
    "message": "The default network for Ether transactions is Main Net."
  "denExplainer": {
    "message": "Your DEN is your password-encrypted storage within MetaMask."
  "deposit": {
    "message": "Deposit"
  "depositBTC": {
    "message": "Deposit your BTC to the address below:"
  "depositCoin": {
    "message": "Deposit your $1 to the address below",
    "description": "Tells the user what coin they have selected to deposit with shapeshift"
  "depositEth": {
    "message": "Deposit Eth"
  "depositEther": {
    "message": "Deposit Ether"
  "depositFiat": {
    "message": "Deposit with Fiat"
  "depositFromAccount": {
    "message": "Deposit from another account"
  "depositShapeShift": {
    "message": "Deposit with ShapeShift"
  "depositShapeShiftExplainer": {
    "message": "If you own other cryptocurrencies, you can trade and deposit Ether directly into your MetaMask wallet. No Account Needed."
  "details": {
    "message": "Details"
  "directDeposit": {
    "message": "Direct Deposit"
  "directDepositEther": {
    "message": "Directly Deposit Ether"
  "directDepositEtherExplainer": {
    "message": "If you already have some Ether, the quickest way to get Ether in your new wallet by direct deposit."
  "done": {
    "message": "Done"
  "edit": {
    "message": "Edit"
  "editAccountName": {
    "message": "Edit Account Name"
  "encryptNewDen": {
    "message": "Encrypt your new DEN"
  "enterPassword": {
    "message": "Enter password"
  "etherscanView": {
    "message": "View account on Etherscan"
  "exchangeRate": {
    "message": "Exchange Rate"
  "exportPrivateKey": {
    "message": "Export Private Key"
  "exportPrivateKeyWarning": {
    "message": "Export private keys at your own risk."
  "failed": {
    "message": "Failed"
  "fiat": {
    "message": "FIAT",
    "description": "Exchange type"
  "fileImportFail": {
    "message": "File import not working? Click here!",
    "description": "Helps user import their account from a JSON file"
  "from": {
    "message": "From"
  "fromShapeShift": {
    "message": "From ShapeShift"
  "gas": {
    "message": "Gas",
    "description": "Short indication of gas cost"
  "gasFee": {
    "message": "Gas Fee"
  "gasLimit": {
    "message": "Gas Limit"
  "gasLimitCalculation": {
    "message": "We calculate the suggested gas limit based on network success rates."
  "gasLimitRequired": {
    "message": "Gas Limit Required"
  "gasLimitTooLow": {
    "message": "Gas limit must be at least 21000"
  "gasPrice": {
    "message": "Gas Price (GWEI)"
  "gasPriceCalculation": {
    "message": "We calculate the suggested gas prices based on network success rates."
  "gasPriceRequired": {
    "message": "Gas Price Required"
  "getEther": {
    "message": "Get Ether"
  "getEtherFromFaucet": {
    "message": "Get Ether from a faucet for the $1",
    "description": "Displays network name for Ether faucet"
  "greaterThanMin": {
    "message": "must be greater than or equal to $1.",
    "description": "helper for inputting hex as decimal input"
  "here": {
    "message": "here",
    "description": "as in -click here- for more information (goes with troubleTokenBalances)"
  "hide": {
    "message": "Hide"
  "hideToken": {
    "message": "Hide Token"
  "hideTokenPrompt": {
    "message": "Hide Token?"
  "howToDeposit": {
    "message": "How would you like to deposit Ether?"
  "import": {
    "message": "Import",
    "description": "Button to import an account from a selected file"
  "importAccount": {
    "message": "Import Account"
  "importAnAccount": {
    "message": "Import an account"
  "importDen": {
    "message": "Import Existing DEN"
  "imported": {
    "message": "Imported",
    "description": "status showing that an account has been fully loaded into the keyring"
  "infoHelp": {
    "message": "Info & Help"
  "invalidAddress": {
    "message": "Invalid address"
  "invalidGasParams": {
    "message": "Invalid Gas Parameters"
  "invalidInput": {
    "message": "Invalid input."
  "invalidRequest": {
    "message": "Invalid Request"
  "jsonFile": {
    "message": "JSON File",
    "description": "format for importing an account"
  "kovan": {
    "message": "Kovan Test Network"
  "lessThanMax": {
    "message": "must be less than or equal to $1.",
    "description": "helper for inputting hex as decimal input"
  "limit": {
    "message": "Limit"
  "loading": {
    "message": "Loading..."
  "loadingTokens": {
    "message": "Loading Tokens..."
  "localhost": {
    "message": "Localhost 8545"
  "logout": {
    "message": "Log out"
  "loose": {
    "message": "Loose"
  "mainnet": {
    "message": "Main Ethereum Network"
  "message": {
    "message": "Message"
  "min": {
    "message": "Minimum"
  "myAccounts": {
    "message": "My Accounts"
  "needEtherInWallet": {
    "message": "To interact with decentralized applications using MetaMask, you’ll need Ether in your wallet."
  "needImportFile": {
    "message": "You must select a file to import.",
    "description": "User is important an account and needs to add a file to continue"
  "needImportPassword": {
    "message": "You must enter a password for the selected file.",
    "description": "Password and file needed to import an account"
  "networks": {
    "message": "Networks"
  "newAccount": {
    "message": "New Account"
  "newAccountNumberName": {
    "message": "Account $1",
    "description": "Default name of next account to be created on create account screen"
  "newContract": {
    "message": "New Contract"
  "newPassword": {
    "message": "New Password (min 8 chars)"
  "newRecipient": {
    "message": "New Recipient"
  "next": {
    "message": "Next"
  "noAddressForName": {
    "message": "No address has been set for this name."
  "noDeposits": {
    "message": "No deposits received"
  "noTransactionHistory": {
    "message": "No transaction history."
  "noTransactions": {
    "message": "No Transactions"
  "notStarted": {
    "message": "Not Started"
  "oldUI": {
    "message": "Old UI"
  "oldUIMessage": {
    "message": "You have returned to the old UI. You can switch back to the New UI through the option in the top right dropdown menu."
  "or": {
    "message": "or",
    "description": "choice between creating or importing a new account"
  "passwordMismatch": {
    "message": "passwords don't match",
    "description": "in password creation process, the two new password fields did not match"
  "passwordShort": {
    "message": "password not long enough",
    "description": "in password creation process, the password is not long enough to be secure"
  "pastePrivateKey": {
    "message": "Paste your private key string here:",
    "description": "For importing an account from a private key"
  "pasteSeed": {
    "message": "Paste your seed phrase here!"
  "pleaseReviewTransaction": {
    "message": "Please review your transaction."
  "privateKey": {
    "message": "Private Key",
    "description": "select this type of file to use to import an account"
  "privateKeyWarning": {
    "message": "Warning: Never disclose this key. Anyone with your private keys can take steal any assets held in your account."
  "privateNetwork": {
    "message": "Private Network"
  "qrCode": {
    "message": "Show QR Code"
  "readdToken": {
    "message": "You can add this token back in the future by going go to “Add token” in your accounts options menu."
  "readMore": {
    "message": "Read more here."
  "receive": {
    "message": "Receive"
  "recipientAddress": {
    "message": "Recipient Address"
  "refundAddress": {
    "message": "Your Refund Address"
  "rejected": {
    "message": "Rejected"
  "required": {
    "message": "Required"
  "retryWithMoreGas": {
    "message": "Retry with a higher gas price here"
  "revert": {
    "message": "Revert"
  "rinkeby": {
    "message": "Rinkeby Test Network"
  "ropsten": {
    "message": "Ropsten Test Network"
  "sampleAccountName": {
    "message": "E.g. My new account",
    "description": "Help user understand concept of adding a human-readable name to their account"
  "save": {
    "message": "Save"
  "saveAsFile": {
    "message": "Save as File",
    "description": "Account export process"
  "selectService": {
    "message": "Select Service"
  "send": {
    "message": "Send"
  "sendTokens": {
    "message": "Send Tokens"
  "sendTokensAnywhere": {
    "message": "Send Tokens to anyone with an Ethereum account"
  "settings": {
    "message": "Settings"
  "shapeshiftBuy": {
    "message": "Buy with Shapeshift"
  "showPrivateKeys": {
    "message": "Show Private Keys"
  "showQRCode": {
    "message": "Show QR Code"
  "sign": {
    "message": "Sign"
  "signMessage": {
    "message": "Sign Message"
  "signNotice": {
    "message": "Signing this message can have \ndangerous side effects. Only sign messages from \nsites you fully trust with your entire account.\n This dangerous method will be removed in a future version. "
  "sigRequested": {
    "message": "Signature Requested"
  "status": {
    "message": "Status"
  "submit": {
    "message": "Submit"
  "takesTooLong": {
    "message": "Taking too long?"
  "testFaucet": {
    "message": "Test Faucet"
  "to": {
    "message": "To"
  "toETHviaShapeShift": {
    "message": "$1 to ETH via ShapeShift",
    "description": "system will fill in deposit type in start of message"
  "tokenBalance": {
    "message": "Your Token Balance is:"
  "total": {
    "message": "Total"
  "transactionMemo": {
    "message": "Transaction memo (optional)"
  "transactionNumber": {
    "message": "Transaction Number"
  "transfers": {
    "message": "Transfers"
  "troubleTokenBalances": {
    "message": "We had trouble loading your token balances. You can view them ",
    "description": "Followed by a link (here) to view token balances"
  "typePassword": {
    "message": "Type Your Password"
  "uiWelcome": {
    "message": "Welcome to the New UI (Beta)"
  "uiWelcomeMessage": {
    "message": "You are now using the new Metamask UI. Take a look around, try out new features like sending tokens, and let us know if you have any issues."
  "unavailable": {
    "message": "Unavailable"
  "unknown": {
    "message": "Unknown"
  "unknownNetwork": {
    "message": "Unknown Private Network"
  "unknownNetworkId": {
    "message": "Unknown network ID"
  "usaOnly": {
    "message": "USA only",
    "description": "Using this exchange is limited to people inside the USA"
  "usedByClients": {
    "message": "Used by a variety of different clients"
  "viewAccount": {
    "message": "View Account"
  "warning": {
    "message": "Warning"
  "whatsThis": {
    "message": "What's this?"
  "yourSigRequested": {
    "message": "Your signature is being requested"
  "youSign": {
    "message": "You are signing"