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# MetaMask Plugin [](
## Support
If you're a user seeking support, [here is our support site](
## Developing Compatible Dapps
If you're a web dapp developer, we've got two types of guides for you:
### New Dapp Developers
- We recommend this [Learning Solidity]( tutorial series by Karl Floersch.
- We wrote a (slightly outdated now) gentle introduction on [Developing Dapps with Truffle and MetaMask](
### Current Dapp Developers
- If you have a Dapp, and you want to ensure compatibility, [here is our guide on building MetaMask-compatible Dapps](
## Building locally
- Install [Node.js]( version 6.3.1 or later.
- Install local dependencies with `npm install`.
- Install gulp globally with `npm install -g gulp-cli`.
- Build the project to the `./dist/` folder with `gulp build`.
- Optionally, to rebuild on file changes, run `gulp dev`.
- To package .zip files for distribution, run `gulp zip`, or run the full build & zip with `gulp dist`.
Uncompressed builds can be found in `/dist`, compressed builds can be found in `/builds` once they're built.
### Running Tests
Requires `mocha` installed. Run `npm install -g mocha`.
Then just run `npm test`.
You can also test with a continuously watching process, via `npm run watch`.
You can run the linter by itself with `gulp lint`.
## Architecture
## Development
npm install
npm start
## Build for Publishing
npm run dist
#### Writing Browser Tests
To write tests that will be run in the browser using QUnit, add your test files to `test/integration/lib`.
## Other Docs
- [How to add custom build to Chrome](./docs/
- [How to add custom build to Firefox](./docs/
- [How to develop a live-reloading UI](./docs/
- [Publishing Guide](./docs/
- [How to develop an in-browser mocked UI](./docs/
- [How to live reload on local dependency changes](./docs/
- [How to Edit our New Responsive UI](./docs/
- [How to add new networks to the Provider Menu](./docs/
- [How to manage notices that appear when the app starts up](./docs/
- [How to generate a visualization of this repository's development](./docs/