pragma solidity ^0.5.0; contract Governance { // Nodes. struct Node { address owner; bytes publicKey; uint256 staked; uint256 fined; string name; string email; string location; string url; } // Delegator. struct Delegator { address owner; uint256 value; uint256 undelegated_at; } // ReportType. enum ReportType { INVALID_DKG, FORK_VOTE, FORK_BLOCK } // 0: round to blockHeight mapping. uint256[] public roundHeight; // 1: totalSupply uint256 public totalSupply; // 2: totalStaked. uint256 public totalStaked; // 3: nodes. Node[] public nodes; // 4: stores the array index + 1 of nodes by address. mapping(address => int256) public nodesOffsetByAddress; // 5: stores the array index + 1 of nodes by ID. mapping(bytes32 => int256) public nodesOffsetByID; // 6: delegators. mapping(address => Delegator[]) public delegators; // 7: stores the array index + 1 of nodes for delgators. mapping(address => mapping(address => int256)) public delegatorsOffset; // 8: CRS. bytes32[] public crs; // 9: dkgMasterPublicKeys bytes[][] public dkgMasterPublicKeys; // 10: dkgComplaints bytes[][] public dkgComplaints; // 11: dkgMPKReadys mapping(address => bool)[] public dkgMPKReadys; // 12: dkgMPKReadysCount uint256[] public dkgMPKReadysCount; // 13: dkgFinalizeds mapping(address => bool)[] public dkgFinalizeds; // 14: dkgFinalizedsCount uint256[] public dkgFinalizedsCount; // 15: owner address. address public owner; // 16: minStake uint256 public minStake; // 17: lockupPeriod uint256 public lockupPeriod; // 18: miningVelocity. uint256 public miningVelocity; // stored as miningVelocity * 10^8 // 19: nextHalvingSupply. uint256 public nextHalvingSupply; // 20: lastHalvedAmount. uint256 public lastHalvedAmount; // 21: blockGasLimit. uint256 public blockGasLimit; // 22: Network related. uint256 public numChains; // Lambda related. // 23 uint256 public lambdaBA; // 24 uint256 public lambdaDKG; // Total ordering related. // 25 uint256 public k; // 26 uint256 public phiRatio; // stored as PhiRatio * 10^8 // Set related. // 27 uint256 public notarySetSize; // 28 uint256 public dkgSetSize; // Time related. // 29 uint256 public roundInterval; // 30 uint256 public minBlockInterval; // 31: Fine value. uint256[] public fineValues; // 32: Fined records. mapping(bytes32 => bool) public finedRecords; // ---------- // Modifiers. // ---------- modifier onlyOwner() { require(msg.sender == owner); _; } // ------- // Events. // ------- event ConfigurationChanged(); event CRSProposed(uint256 indexed Round, bytes32 CRS); event Staked(address indexed NodeAddress); event Unstaked(address indexed NodeAddress); event Delegated(address indexed NodeAddress, address indexed DelegatorAddress, uint256 Amount); event Undelegated(address indexed NodeAddress, address indexed DelegatorAddress); event Withdrawn(address indexed NodeAddress, uint256 Amount); event ForkReported(address indexed NodeAddress, uint256 Type, bytes Arg1, bytes Arg2); event Fined(address indexed NodeAddress, uint256 Amount); event FinePaid(address indexed NodeAddress, uint256 Amount); // transferOwnership() function transferOwnership(address newOwner) public onlyOwner { } // UpdateConfiguration(...) function updateConfiguration( uint256 MinStake, uint256 LockupPeriod, uint256 MiningVelocity, uint256 NextHalvingSupply, uint256 LastHalvingAmount, uint256 BlockGasLimit, uint256 NumChains, uint256 LambdaBA, uint256 LambdaDKG, uint256 K, uint256 PhiRatio, uint256 NotarySetSize, uint256 DKGSetSize, uint256 RoundInterval, uint256 MinBlockInterval, uint256[] memory FineValues) public onlyOwner { } // Return number of nodes. function nodesLength() view public returns (uint256) { } // Return number of delegators for a given node. function delegatorsLength(address NodeAddress) view public returns (uint256) { } // SnapshotRound(round, height) function snapshotRound(uint256 Round, uint256 Height) public { } // ProposeCRS(signedCRS) function proposeCRS(uint256 Round, bytes memory SignedCRS) public { } // AddDKGComplaint(round, complaint) function addDKGComplaint(uint256 Round, bytes memory Complaint) public { } // AddDKGMasterPublicKey(round, key) function addDKGMasterPublicKey(uint256 Round, bytes memory PublicKey) public { } // AddDKGMPKReady(round, ready) function addDKGMPKReady(uint256 Round, bytes memory MPKReady) public { } // AddDKGFinalize(round, finalize) function addDKGFinalize(uint256 Round, bytes memory Finalize) public { } // Stake(public_key, name, email, location, url) function stake(bytes memory PublicKey, string memory Name, string memory Email, string memory Location, string memory Url) public payable { } // Unstake() function unstake() public { } // Delegate(node) function delegate(address NodeAddress) public payable { } // Undelegate(node) function undelegate(address NodeAddress) public { } // Withdraw(node) function withdraw(address NodeAddress) public { } // PayFine(node) function payFine(address NodeAddress) public payable { } // Report(enum type, bytes[] payloads) function report(uint256 Type, bytes memory Arg1, bytes memory Arg2) public { } }