var home = new function(){ var that = this; that.init = function(){ home.home_pbox = new class_home_pbox; home.none_pbox = new class_none_pbox; } }; var class_home_pbox = function(){ var that = this; var j_pbox = $('#index_page > div.home_pbox'); that.node = new vus.node('home'); that.__super(); that.node.url_chg = function(direct,url_upart,url_dpart){ if(direct == 'in'){ that.fadein(j_pbox); index.title_set('Taiwan Online Judge (for sprout)'); tmp(); }else if(direct == 'out'){ that.fadeout(j_pbox); tmp_stop = true; } return 'cont'; } com.vus_root.child_set(that.node); var tmp_stop = true; var tmp_first = true; var load; var prog = 0; var bd = Math.PI / 180; var co_table = [ '255,255,0', '255,0,255', '255,255,0', '255,255,255', '17,50,133', '203,27,69', '233,139,42', '186,145,50', '123,162,63', '27,129,62', '0,170,144', '0,137,167', '0,92,175', '203,64,66', '233,205,76', '232,48,21', '255,196,8' ]; var st; var et; var pa_off = 0; var pa_c = 6; var pa_co = 0; var pb_off = 0; var pb_c = 6; var pb_co = 0; function tmp(){ var e_ani; var e_canvas; var ctx; var e_audio; function drawTextAlongArc(context,str,centerX,centerY,radius,angle,offangle) { var len = str.length, s;; context.translate(centerX,centerY); context.rotate(-1 * offangle); context.rotate(-1 * angle / 2); context.rotate(-1 * (angle / len) / 2); for(var n = 0; n < len; n++) { context.rotate(angle / len);; context.translate(0, -1 * radius); s = str[n]; context.fillText(s,0,0); context.restore(); } context.restore(); } function drawRect(ctx,x,y,w,h){ ctx.beginPath(); ctx.rect(x,y,w,h); ctx.fill(); } function drawCircle(ctx,x,y,r,a,off){ ctx.beginPath(); ctx.arc(x,y,r,off,a + off,false); ctx.stroke(); } function drawLine(ctx,ax,ay,bx,by){ ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(ax,ay); ctx.lineTo(bx,by); ctx.stroke(); } function drawPoly(ctx,x,y,r,c,offangle){ var i;; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.translate(x,y); ctx.rotate(-1 * offangle); ctx.moveTo(0,-r); for(i = 1;i <= c;i++){ ctx.rotate(bd * 360 / c); ctx.lineTo(0,-r); } ctx.stroke(); ctx.restore(); } var ani = function(){ var i; var u,v; if(tmp_stop == true){ return; } et = new Date().getTime(); if((et - st) < 20){ window.requestAnimationFrame(ani); return; } ctx.clearRect(0,0,1920,1080); ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(128,128,128,1)'; ctx.shadowBlur = 0; ctx.strokeStyle = 'rgba(30,30,30,1)'; ctx.lineWidth = 2; u = 3000 - (prog % 240) / 240 * 3000; for(i = 0;i < 12;i++){ v = (u + i * 250) % 3000; drawLine(ctx,v - 540,-5,v - 1040,1085); } ctx.strokeStyle = 'rgba(30,30,30,1)'; ctx.lineWidth = 2; u = 2500 - (prog % 240) / 240 * 2500; for(i = 0;i < 10;i++){ v = (u + i * 250) % 2500; drawLine(ctx,-5,v - 1250,1925,v - 540); } ctx.strokeStyle = 'rgba(128,128,128,1)'; ctx.lineWidth = 12; drawCircle(ctx,700,500,550,bd * 30,-bd * (prog % 360)); drawCircle(ctx,700,500,550,bd * 30,-bd * (prog % 360 + 120)); drawCircle(ctx,700,500,550,bd * 30,-bd * (prog % 360 + 240)); ctx.lineWidth = 8; drawCircle(ctx,700,500,450,bd * 360,0); ctx.lineWidth = 16; drawCircle(ctx,700,500,440,bd * 60,-bd * ((prog * 2) % 360)); drawCircle(ctx,700,500,440,bd * 60,-bd * ((prog * 2) % 360 + 120)); drawCircle(ctx,700,500,440,bd * 60,-bd * ((prog * 2) % 360 + 240)); ctx.lineWidth = 10; drawCircle(ctx,700,500,390,bd * 60,bd * ((prog * 7) % 360 + 160)); ctx.lineWidth = 8; drawCircle(ctx,700,500,370,bd * 30,-bd * ((prog * 8) % 360 + 290)); ctx.lineWidth = 8; drawCircle(ctx,700,500,350,bd * 60,bd * ((prog * 3) % 360)); ctx.lineWidth = 38; drawCircle(ctx,700,500,335,bd * 20,bd * ((prog * 3) % 360 + 59)); ctx.lineWidth = 8; drawCircle(ctx,700,500,320,bd * 80,bd * ((prog * 3) % 360 + 60)); ctx.lineWidth = 8; drawCircle(ctx,700,500,350,bd * 50,bd * ((prog * 3) % 360 + 200)); ctx.lineWidth = 28; drawCircle(ctx,700,500,340,bd * 40,bd * ((prog * 3) % 360 + 249)); ctx.lineWidth = 8; drawCircle(ctx,700,500,330,bd * 60,bd * ((prog * 3) % 360 + 260)); if(prog % 6 < 4 || prog < 456 || prog > 912){ ctx.lineWidth = 4; drawCircle(ctx,700,500,300,bd * 360,0); ctx.lineWidth = 16; drawCircle(ctx,700,500,295,bd * 80,-bd * ((prog * 4) % 360 + 90)); } ctx.lineWidth = 8; drawCircle(ctx,700,500,260,bd * 90,bd * ((prog * 6) % 360 + 120)); drawCircle(ctx,700,500,210,bd * 160,bd * ((prog * 3) % 360 + 270)); drawCircle(ctx,700,500,230,bd * 120,-bd * ((prog * 5) % 360 + 120)); ctx.strokeStyle = 'rgba(128,128,128,' + (1 - (prog % 24)/24) + ')'; ctx.lineWidth = 8; drawCircle(ctx,700,500,80 + (prog % 24) * 4,bd * 360,0); ctx.lineWidth = 4; drawCircle(ctx,700,500,70 + (prog % 24) * 4,bd * 360,0); ctx.font = 'bold 16px tahoma'; drawTextAlongArc(ctx,"Hello TOJ [sprout]",700,500,460,bd * 60,bd * (prog % 360 + 115) * 2); drawTextAlongArc(ctx,"Are You Happy?",700,500,460,bd * 50,bd * (prog % 360 + 30) * 2); if(prog < 456 || prog > 912){ ctx.strokeStyle = 'rgba(255,255,255,1)'; ctx.lineWidth = 6; drawCircle(ctx,700,500,60,bd * 60,bd * ((prog * 4) % 360)); drawCircle(ctx,700,500,60,bd * 60,bd * ((prog * 4) % 360 + 180)); }else{ u = prog % 48; if(u == 0){ pa_off = bd * (prog % 373); pa_c = prog % 5 + 3; pa_co = Math.round(Math.random() * co_table.length); } ctx.strokeStyle = 'rgba(' + co_table[pa_co] + ',' + (1 - u / 48) + ')'; drawPoly(ctx,700,500,u * 20,pa_c,pa_off); u = (prog + 24) % 48; if(u == 0){ pb_off = bd * (prog % 173); pb_c = prog % 5 + 3; pb_co = Math.round(Math.random() * co_table.length); } ctx.strokeStyle = 'rgba(' + co_table[pb_co] + ',' + (1 - u / 48) + ')'; drawPoly(ctx,700,500,u * 20,pb_c,pb_off); ctx.strokeStyle = 'rgba(255,255,255,1)'; ctx.lineWidth = 6; drawCircle(ctx,700,500,40,bd * 60,-bd * ((prog * 15) % 360)); drawCircle(ctx,700,500,40,bd * 60,-bd * ((prog * 15) % 360 + 180)); } v = prog % 96; if((v >= 24 && v < 26)|| (v >= 28 && v < 30)){ ctx.shadowBlur = 8; }else{ ctx.shadowBlur = 0; } ctx.font = 'bold 64px tahoma'; u = 0; ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(255,255,0,1)'; ctx.shadowColor = 'rgba(255,255,0,1)'; ctx.fillText('T',1000 + u,600); ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(255,255,255,1)'; ctx.shadowColor = 'rgba(255,255,255,1)'; u += ctx.measureText('T').width; ctx.fillText('aiwan',1000 + u,600); u += ctx.measureText('aiwan').width; if((v >= 32 && v < 34)|| (v >= 36 && v < 38)){ ctx.shadowBlur = 8; }else{ ctx.shadowBlur = 0; } ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(255,0,255,1)'; ctx.shadowColor = 'rgba(255,0,255,1)'; ctx.fillText(' O',1000 + u,600); ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(255,255,255,1)'; ctx.shadowColor = 'rgba(255,255,255,1)'; u += ctx.measureText(' O').width; ctx.fillText('nline',1000 + u,600); u += ctx.measureText('nline').width; if((v >= 40 && v < 42)|| (v >= 44 && v < 46)){ ctx.shadowBlur = 8; }else{ ctx.shadowBlur = 0; } ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,255,255,1)'; ctx.shadowColor = 'rgba(0,255,255,1)'; ctx.fillText(' J',1000 + u,600); ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(255,255,255,1)'; ctx.shadowColor = 'rgba(255,255,255,1)'; u += ctx.measureText(' J').width; ctx.fillText('udge',1000 + u,600); ctx.shadowBlur = 0; ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(255,196,8,0.9)'; drawRect(ctx,0,930,1920,70); ctx.font = 'bold 50px 微軟正黑體'; ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(255,255,255,1)'; ctx.fillText('Taiwan Online Judge (for sprout) システムテスト',1920 - (prog % 720) / 720 * 3000,980); ctx.fillText('Taiwan Online Judge (for sprout) システムテスト',1920 - ((prog + 360) % 720) / 720 * 3000,980); ctx.font = 'bold 36px 微軟正黑體'; u = ctx.measureText('Parallel Judge 使用可能').width + 64; ctx.fillText('Parallel Judge 使用可能',1920 - u,64); if(prog % 24 < 12){ ctx.font = 'bold 36px 微軟正黑體'; u = ctx.measureText('INSERT COIN[S]').width + 64; ctx.fillText('INSERT COIN[S]',1920 - u,1045); } if(prog <= 45){ ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(8,8,8,1)'; drawRect(ctx,0,0,1920,1080); }else if(prog < 50){ ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(8,8,8,' + (1 - (prog / 50)) + ')'; drawRect(ctx,0,0,1920,1080); } if(prog > 25){ if(prog <= 45){ ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(255,255,0,1)'; drawRect(ctx,1000 * ((prog - 25) / 20) * 4 - 3000,500,200,128); ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(255,0,255,1)'; drawRect(ctx,1200 * ((prog - 25) / 20) * 4 - 3600,500,200,128); ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,255,255,1)'; drawRect(ctx,1400 * ((prog - 25) / 20) * 4 - 4200,500,200,128); }else if(prog < 50){ ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(255,255,0,' + (1 - (prog / 50)) + ')'; drawRect(ctx,1000,500,200,128); ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(255,0,255,' + (1 - (prog / 50)) + ')'; drawRect(ctx,1200,500,200,128); ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,255,255,' + (1 - (prog / 50)) + ')'; drawRect(ctx,1400,500,200,128); } } st = et; prog++; if(prog == 1080){ prog = 360; } window.requestAnimationFrame(ani); }; var loadani = function(){ var u; var v; ctx.clearRect(0,0,1920,1080); if(tmp_stop == true){ return; } if(prog < 50){ u = 0; }else if(prog < 100){ u = (prog - 50) / 50; }else if(prog < 250){ u = 1; }else if(prog < 300){ u = (300 - prog) / 50; }else{ u = 0; } ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(8,8,8,1)'; drawRect(ctx,0,0,320,1080); //v = ctx.measureText('TF ∪ CK').width; //ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(128,0,0,' + u + ')'; //ctx.fillRect(960 - v / 2 - 10,380,v + 20,200); //var canvas = document.createElement('sproutcanvas'); //var context = canvas.getContext('2d'); //var img = document.getElementById('myimg'); //context.drawImage(img, 0, 0 ); //var myData = context.getImageData(0, 0, img.width, img.height); //ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(255,255,255,' + u + ')'; //ctx.font = 'bold 36px tahoma';//v //ctx.fillText('TF ∪ CK',1560 - v / 2,850); var imageObjSprout = new Image(); imageObjSprout.src = '/toj/jcs/sprout2.png'; ctx.drawImage(imageObjSprout, 690,260,500,500); //var imgdSprout = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, 300, 300); //var Sproutpix_alpha =; //for(var spj = 3, spn = Sproutpix_alpha.length; spj < spn; spj += 4) { // Sproutpix_alpha[spj] = Sproutpix_alpha[spj] * 0.2; //} //ctx.drawImage(Sproutpix_alpha, 2, 2); //ctx.putImageData(imgdSprout, 0, 0, 300, 300); var spu = 1.0-u; //alert(pu); var spuint=parseInt(8); //if(spuint<1)spuint=1; ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(' + spuint + ',' + spuint + ',' + spuint + ',' + spu + ')'; ctx.fillRect(690-1+23,260-1+23,500+2-46+2,500+2-46+3); //ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(255,255,255,' + u + ')'; //ctx.font = 'bold 32px tahoma';//v //ctx.fillText('TF∪CK ',1560 - v / 2,850); prog++; if(prog == 400){ prog = 0; st = 0; document.getElementById('tmp_audio').volume = 0.5; document.getElementById('tmp_audio').play(); ani(); }else{ setTimeout(loadani,10); } } e_ani = document.getElementById('tmpani'); e_canvas = document.getElementById('tmpcanv'); if(e_ani.clientWidth * 9 > e_ani.clientHeight * 16){ e_canvas.width = e_ani.clientHeight / 9 * 16; e_canvas.height = e_ani.clientHeight; }else{ e_canvas.width = e_ani.clientWidth; e_canvas.height = e_ani.clientWidth / 16 * 9; } var waitaudio = function(){ if(document.getElementById('tmpload_audio').readyState != 4 || document.getElementById('tmp_audio').readyState != 4){ setTimeout(waitaudio,100); }else{ e_audio = document.getElementById('tmpload_audio'); e_audio.volume = 0.5;; loadani(); } } ctx = e_canvas.getContext('2d'); ctx.scale(e_canvas.width / 1920,e_canvas.height / 1080); tmp_stop = false; if(tmp_first == true){ load = true; waitaudio(); }else{ load = false; ani(); } tmp_first = false; } }; __extend(class_home_pbox,class_com_pbox); var class_none_pbox = function(){ var that = this; var j_pbox = $('#index_page > div.none_pbox'); that.node = new vus.node('none'); that.__super(); that.node.url_chg = function(direct,url_upart,url_dpart){ if(direct == 'in'){ that.fadein(j_pbox); index.title_set('Taiwan Online Judge'); }else if(direct == 'out'){ that.fadeout(j_pbox); } return 'cont'; } com.vus_root.child_set(that.node); }; __extend(class_none_pbox,class_com_pbox);