path: root/toj/sqmod/sqmod_test/sqmod_test_man.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'toj/sqmod/sqmod_test/sqmod_test_man.php')
1 files changed, 174 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/toj/sqmod/sqmod_test/sqmod_test_man.php b/toj/sqmod/sqmod_test/sqmod_test_man.php
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..82fe04a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toj/sqmod/sqmod_test/sqmod_test_man.php
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+function get_sprout_data($msqlc, $uid, $term)
+ $sqlstr = 'SELECT * FROM "sqmod_sprout_student" INNER JOIN "sqmod_sprout_team" ON "sqmod_sprout_student"."uid"="sqmod_sprout_team"."uid" WHERE "sqmod_sprout_student"."uid"=$1 AND "sqmod_sprout_team"."term"=$2;';
+ $sqlarr = array($uid, $term);
+ $res = pg_query_params($sqlstr, $sqlarr);
+ $ret = pg_fetch_object($res);
+ return $ret;
+function trans_type($type)
+ if($type==1)return '高中男';
+ if($type==2)return '高中女';
+ if($type==3)return '大學生';
+ if($type==4)return '小老師';
+ if($type==5)return '內測員';
+ if($type==6)return '管理員';
+function team_cmp($a, $b)
+ if($a->sspd->teamid == $b->sspd->teamid)return ($a->sspd->type < $b->sspd->type);
+ //var_dump($a);
+ //echo($a->sspd->teamid.','.$b->sspd->teamid.'<br>');
+ return $a->sspd->teamid > $b->sspd->teamid;
+function get_user_spent_time($sqlc, $sqid, $uid, $start_time = null, $end_time = null)
+ if(!$start_time)$start_time = '1990-01-01 01:01:01';
+ if(!$end_time)$end_time = '2222-02-02 02:02:02';
+ $sqlstr = 'SELECT "submit_time" FROM "submit" WHERE "uid"=$1 AND "submit_time">=$2 AND "submit_time"<$3 AND "proid" IN (SELECT "proid" FROM "pro_sq" WHERE "sqid"=$4) ORDER BY "submit_time";';
+ $sqlarr = array($uid, $start_time, $end_time, $sqid);
+ $res = pg_query_params($sqlc, $sqlstr, $sqlarr);
+ $arr = pg_fetch_all_columns($res, 0);
+ $last_time = 0;
+ $tot_time = 0;
+ $cnt = 0;
+ //return 3;
+ foreach($arr as $str)
+ {
+ $cnt += 1;
+ $time = strtotime($str);
+ //return $time/60;
+ $mid = 10 * 60;
+ $lng = 90 * 60;
+ $nl_time = $time + $mid;
+ if($nl_time <= $last_time + $lng)
+ {
+ $tot_time += $nl_time - $last_time;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $tot_time += 2 * $mid;
+ }
+ $last_time = $nl_time;
+ }
+ return array($tot_time, $cnt);
+$sqlc = db_connect();
+$msqlc = db_connect('toj_mod2');
+$sqid = intval($_GET['sqid']);
+ die('Eno_sqid');
+$sboard_id = 1;
+$sq = square::get($sqlc, $sqid);
+ die('Eerror_sqid');
+$stime = $sq->start_time;
+$etime = $sq->end_time;
+$sbdata = sqlib_scoreboard::get_scoreboard($sqlc, $msqlc, $sqid, $sboard_id, 'score_func', $sq->start_time, $sq->end_time, 1, null);
+$prol = '';
+foreach($sbdata[0]->problem as $pro)
+ $prol = $prol.'<td align=center width=50>'.$pro->proid.'</td>';
+$dt = get_setting($sqid);
+$base = get_base_line($dt, $sqid, false);
+$term = get_term($dt, $sqid);
+echo('<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf8">');
+echo('<table border = 1>');
+echo('<h align=center><td>rank</td><td>uid</td><td>Nickname</td><td>Name</td><td>StuNo.</td><td>Team</td><td>Type</td><td>Total</td>'.$prol.'<td>Sub.</td><td>Est. Time</td></h>');
+$teamsc = array();
+foreach($sbdata as $usr)
+ $usr->sspd = get_sprout_data($msqlc, $usr->uid, $term);
+if($_GET['sort']=='team')usort($sbdata, 'team_cmp');
+foreach($sbdata as $usr)
+ $spd = $usr->sspd;
+ if($_GET['stu_only'] && !($spd->type>=1 && $spd->type<=4))
+ continue;
+ echo('<tr align="center">');
+ echo('<td>'.$usr->rank.'</td>');
+ echo('<td>'.$usr->uid.'</td>');
+ $user = user::get_from_uid($sqlc, $usr->uid);
+ $original_nickname=$user->nickname;
+ if(mb_strlen($user->nickname,'UTF-8')>7){
+ $user->nickname=mb_substr($user->nickname,0,6,'UTF-8').'...';
+ echo('<td title="'.str_replace("!","!",htmlspecialchars($original_nickname)).'">'.$user->nickname.'</td>');
+ } else {
+ echo('<td>'.$user->nickname.'</td>');
+ }
+ echo('<td>'.$spd->name.'</td>');
+ echo('<td>'.$spd->stuno.'</td>');
+ echo('<td>'.$spd->teamid.'</td>');
+ echo('<td>'.trans_type($spd->type).'</td>');
+ $color = 'black';
+ if($usr->rank_score >= $base->total_score)$color = 'gray';
+ else if($usr->rank_score >= $base->good_score)$color = 'goldenrod';
+ else if($usr->rank_score >= $base->pass_score)$color = 'limegreen';
+ echo('<td><b><font color="'.$color.'">'.intval($usr->rank_score).'</font></b></td>');
+ foreach($usr->problem as $pro)
+ {
+ if(!$pro->tries){echo('<td></td>');continue;}
+ $clr = 'red';
+ $b = false;
+ if($pro->is_ac){$clr = 'green';$b = true;}
+ else if($pro->best_score>=50)$clr = 'orange';
+ echo('<td><font color="'.$clr.'">'.(b?'<b>':'').intval($pro->rank_score).(b?'</b>':'').'</font></td>');
+ }
+ $usr_time = get_user_spent_time($sqlc, $sqid, $usr->uid, $stime, $etime);
+ $uttmin = floor($usr_time[0] / 60);
+ $uttcnt = $usr_time[1];
+ $tm_clr = 'black';
+ $utmin = $uttmin % 60;
+ if($utmin<10)$utmin = '0'.$utmin;
+ $uthr = floor($uttmin/60);
+ if($uthr >= 2)$tm_clr = 'lime';
+ if($uthr >= 6)$tm_clr = 'orange';
+ if($uthr >= 10)$tm_clr = 'red';
+ echo('<td>'.$uttcnt.'</td><td><font color="'.$tm_clr.'">'.$uthr.':'.$utmin.'</font></td>');
+ echo('</tr>');