path: root/toj/jcs/user.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'toj/jcs/user.js')
1 files changed, 1025 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/toj/jcs/user.js b/toj/jcs/user.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b8ffd3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toj/jcs/user.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1025 @@
+square state
+0 => wait
+1 => run
+2 => past
+var user = {
+ uid:null,
+ level:null,
+ username:null,
+ nickname:null,
+ avatar:null,
+ aboutme:null,
+ email:null,
+ sq_inlist:null,
+ loginchange:$.Callbacks(),
+ datachange:$.Callbacks(),
+ init:function(){
+ user.user_page = new class_user_page;
+ user.login_page = new class_login_page;
+ user.register_page = new class_register_page;
+ $('#index_panel > [page="logout"] > a.button').off('click').on('click',function(e){
+ var cookie;
+ var key;
+ cookie = common.getcookie();
+ for(key in cookie){
+ document.cookie = key + '=;expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT;path=/toj/';
+ }
+ location.href = '/toj/home/';
+ return false;
+ });
+ user.loginchange.add(function(login){
+ var j_notice;
+ var j_nickname;
+ j_notice = $('#index_head_notice');
+ j_nickname = $('#index_head_nickname > a.nickname')
+ if(login){
+ j_notice.show();
+ j_nickname.attr('href','/toj/user/' + user.uid + '/');
+ j_nickname.text(user.nickname);
+ index.showpanel('logout');
+ index.setpanel('user','/toj/user/' + user.uid + '/','個人');
+ index.showpanel('user');
+ }else{
+ j_notice.hide();
+ j_nickname.attr('href','');
+ j_nickname.text('');
+ index.hidepanel('logout');
+ index.hidepanel('user');
+ index.setpanel('user',null,'個人');
+ }
+ });
+ user.datachange.add(function(){
+ var i;
+ var j_ul;
+ var j_li;
+ var sqo;
+ var panelsq_listadd = function(j_ul,idx,sqid,sqname){
+ var j_li;
+ var j_a;
+ j_li = $(j_ul.find('li.button')[idx]);
+ if(j_li.length == 0){
+ j_li = $('<li class="button"><a class="button"></a></li>');
+ j_li.hide();
+ j_ul.append(j_li);
+ }
+ j_a = j_li.find('a.button');
+ j_a.attr('href','/toj/sq/' + sqid + '/pro/');
+ j_a.text(sqname);
+ j_li.show();
+ };
+ j_ul = $('#index_panel > ul.square_box');
+ j_ul.find('li.button').hide();
+ for(i = 0;i < user.sq_inlist.length;i++){
+ sqo = user.sq_inlist[i];
+ if(sqo.relationship != 1){
+ panelsq_listadd(j_ul,i,sqo.sqid,sqo.sqname);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ user.updatedata(true);
+ },
+ updatedata:function(sync){
+ $.ajax({'url':'/toj/php/user.php',
+ 'type':'POST',
+ 'data':{'action':'view','data':JSON.stringify({'uid':null})},
+ 'async':!sync,
+ 'success':function(res){
+ var reto;
+ var old_uid;
+ old_uid = user.uid;
+ if(res[0] == 'E'){
+ user.uid = null;
+ user.level = null;
+ user.username = null;
+ user.nickname = null;
+ user.avatar = null;
+ user.aboutme = null;
+ user.email = null;
+ user.sq_inlist = null;
+ user.loginchange.fire(false);
+ }else{
+ reto = JSON.parse(res);
+ user.uid = reto.uid;
+ user.level = reto.level;
+ user.username = reto.username;
+ user.nickname = reto.nickname;
+ user.avatar = reto.avatar;
+ user.aboutme = reto.aboutme;
+ user.email = reto.email;
+ if(old_uid != user.uid){
+ user.loginchange.fire(true);
+ }
+ $.post('/toj/php/square.php',{'action':'get_entered_sq','data':JSON.stringify({'uid':user.uid})},function(res){
+ var i;
+ var reto;
+ var ts;
+ var sqlist;
+ var sqo;
+ if(res[0] == 'E'){
+ return;
+ }
+ reto = JSON.parse(res);
+ ts = common.getdate(reto.timestamp);
+ sqlist = reto.list;
+ for(i = 0;i < sqlist.length;i++){
+ sqo = sqlist[i];
+ sqo.state = 1;
+ if(sqo.start_time != null){
+ sqo.start_time = common.getdate(sqo.start_time);
+ if(ts < sqo.start_time){
+ sqo.state = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if(sqo.end_time != null){
+ sqo.end_time = common.getdate(sqo.end_time);
+ if(sqo.end_time < ts){
+ sqo.state = 2;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ user.sq_inlist = sqlist;
+ user.datachange.fire(true);
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+var class_user_page = function(){
+ var that = this;
+ var j_page = $('#index_page > [page="user"]');
+ var main_tab = new class_user_main_tab(that);
+ var edit_tab = new class_user_edit_tab(that);
+ var mgsq_tab = new class_user_mgsq_tab(that);
+ var mg_tab = new class_user_mg_tab(that);
+ that.__super();
+ that.editsq_mbox = new class_user_editsq_mbox(that);
+ that.uid = null;
+ that.nickname = null;
+ that.avatar = null;
+ that.aboutme = null;
+ that.urlchange = function(direct){
+ var uid;
+ var _check = function(){
+ uid = common.geturlpart()[1];
+ if(uid == ''){
+ if(user.uid == null){
+ common.pushurl('/toj/none/');
+ return false;
+ }
+ uid = user.uid;
+ common.replaceurl('/toj/user/' + uid + '/main/');
+ }
+ return true;
+ };
+ var _in = function(){
+ $.post('/toj/php/user.php',{'action':'view','data':JSON.stringify({'uid':uid})},function(res){
+ var reto;
+ if(res[0] == 'E'){
+ common.pushurl('/toj/none/');
+ }else{
+ reto = JSON.parse(res);
+ that.uid = reto.uid;
+ that.nickname = reto.nickname;
+ that.avatar = reto.avatar;
+ that.aboutme = reto.aboutme;
+ that.fadein(j_page);
+ index.settitle('TOJ-使用者');
+ that.addtab('main',main_tab);
+ index.addtab('main','/toj/user/' + that.uid + '/main/',that.nickname);
+ if(uid == user.uid){
+ that.addtab('mgsq',mgsq_tab);
+ index.addtab('mgsq','/toj/user/' + that.uid + '/mgsq/','你的方塊');
+ that.addtab('edit',edit_tab);
+ index.addtab('edit','/toj/user/' + that.uid + '/edit/','更改資料');
+ that.addtab('mg',mg_tab);
+ index.addtab('mg','/toj/user/' + that.uid + '/mg/','管理');
+ }
+ }
+ _change();
+ }
+ });
+ };
+ var _out = function(){
+ index.emptytab();
+ that.fadeout(j_page);
+ that.tab_urlchange(null);
+ that.uid = null;
+ };
+ var _change = function(){
+ var tabname;
+ tabname = common.geturlpart()[2];
+ if(!(tabname in that.tab_list)){
+ tabname = 'main';
+ common.replaceurl('/toj/user/' + that.uid + '/main/');
+ }
+ that.tab_urlchange(tabname);
+ };
+ if(direct == 'in'){
+ if(_check()){
+ _in();
+ }
+ }else if(direct == 'out'){
+ _out();
+ }else if(direct = 'same'){
+ if(_check()){
+ if(uid != that.uid || that.forceupdate){
+ that.forceupdate = false;
+ _out();
+ _in();
+ }else{
+ _change();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ common.addpage('user',that);
+}; __extend(class_user_page,class_common_page);
+var class_user_main_tab = function(paobj){
+ var that = this;
+ var j_tab = $('#index_page > [page="user"] > [tab="main"]');
+ that.__super(paobj);
+ that.urlchange = function(direct){
+ if(direct == 'in'){
+ that.fadein(j_tab);
+ if(user.user_page.avatar == ''){
+ j_tab.find('div.info_box > img.avatar').attr('src','http://i.imgur.com/ykkQD.png');
+ }else{
+ j_tab.find('div.info_box > img.avatar').attr('src',that.paobj.avatar);
+ }
+ j_tab.find('div.info_box > div.aboutme').text(that.paobj.aboutme);
+ }else if(direct == 'out'){
+ that.fadeout(j_tab);
+ }
+ };
+}; __extend(class_user_main_tab,class_common_tab);
+var class_user_edit_tab = function(paobj){
+ var that = this;
+ var j_tab = $('#index_page > [page="user"] > [tab="edit"]');
+ that.__super(paobj);
+ that.urlchange = function(direct){
+ if(direct == 'in'){
+ that.fadein(j_tab);
+ j_tab.find('div.edit_box > [name="nickname"]').val(user.nickname);
+ j_tab.find('div.edit_box > [name="avatar"]').val(user.avatar);
+ if(user.avatar == ''){
+ j_tab.find('div.edit_box > img.avatar').attr('src','http://i.imgur.com/ykkQD.png');
+ }else{
+ j_tab.find('div.edit_box > img.avatar').attr('src',user.avatar);
+ }
+ j_tab.find('div.edit_box > [name="aboutme"]').val(user.aboutme);
+ j_tab.find('div.edit_box > [name="email"]').val(user.email);
+ }else if(direct == 'out'){
+ that.fadeout(j_tab);
+ j_tab.find('div.edit_box > input').val('');
+ j_tab.find('div.edit_box > img.avatar').attr('src',null);
+ j_tab.find('div.edit_box > div.error').text('');
+ }
+ };
+ j_tab.find('div.edit_box > [name="avatar"]').change(function(e){
+ var avatar;
+ avatar = $(this).val();
+ if(avatar == ''){
+ j_tab.find('div.edit_box > img.avatar').attr('src','http://i.imgur.com/ykkQD.png');
+ }else{
+ j_tab.find('div.edit_box > img.avatar').attr('src',avatar);
+ }('test')
+ });
+ j_tab.find('div.edit_box > button.submit').click(function(e){
+ var j_error;
+ var nickname;
+ var avatar;
+ var aboutme;
+ var email;
+ var password_old;
+ var password_new;
+ var password_repeat;
+ var data;
+ j_error = j_tab.find('div.edit_box > div.error');
+ nickname = j_tab.find('div.edit_box > [name="nickname"]').val();
+ avatar = j_tab.find('div.edit_box > [name="avatar"]').val();
+ aboutme = j_tab.find('div.edit_box > [name="aboutme"]').val();
+ email = j_tab.find('div.edit_box > [name="email"]').val();
+ password_old = j_tab.find('div.edit_box > [name="password_old"]').val();
+ password_new = j_tab.find('div.edit_box > [name="password_new"]').val();
+ password_repeat = j_tab.find('div.edit_box > [name="password_repeat"]').val();
+ data = {'nickname':nickname,'avatar':avatar,'aboutme':aboutme,'email':email};
+ if(password_old != '' || password_new != '' || password_repeat != ''){
+ if(password_new != password_repeat){
+ j_error.text('使用者密碼不相同');
+ return;
+ }
+ data.oldpw = password_old;
+ data.password = password_new;
+ }
+ $.post('/toj/php/user.php',{'action':'update','data':JSON.stringify(data)},function(res){
+ if(res[0] == 'E'){
+ switch(res){
+ case 'Epassword_too_short':
+ j_error.text('使用者密碼太短');
+ break;
+ case 'Epassword_too_long':
+ j_error.text('使用者密碼太長');
+ break;
+ case 'Enickname_too_short':
+ j_error.text('暱稱太短');
+ break;
+ case 'Enickname_too_long':
+ j_error.text('暱稱太長');
+ break;
+ case 'Eold_password_not_match':
+ j_error.text('舊使用者密碼錯誤');
+ break;
+ case 'Eempty_email':
+ j_error.text('電子郵件不能爲空');
+ break;
+ case 'Eemail_too_long':
+ j_error.text('電子郵件太長');
+ break;
+ default:
+ j_error.text('更新錯誤');
+ break;
+ }
+ }else{
+ user.updatedata(true);
+ that.paobj.forceupdate = true;
+ common.pushurl('/toj/user/' + user.uid + '/main/');
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ j_tab.find('div.edit_box > button.cancel').click(function(e){
+ common.pushurl('/toj/user/' + user.uid + '/main/');
+ });
+}; __extend(class_user_edit_tab,class_common_tab);
+var class_user_mgsq_tab = function(paobj){
+ var that = this;
+ var j_tab = $('#index_page > [page="user"] > [tab="mgsq"]');
+ var sq_join = function(sqid){
+ $.post('/toj/php/square.php',{'action':'add_user','data':JSON.stringify({'uid':user.uid,'sqid':sqid})},function(res){
+ if(res[0] != 'E'){
+ sq_update();
+ }
+ });
+ };
+ var sq_quit = function(sqid){
+ $.post('/toj/php/square.php',{'action':'delete_user','data':JSON.stringify({'uid':user.uid,'sqid':sqid})},function(res){
+ if(res[0] != 'E'){
+ sq_update();
+ }
+ });
+ };
+ var sq_listset = function(j_item,sqo){
+ var j_info;
+ var j_data;
+ var j_a;
+ var j_button;
+ j_info = j_item.find('div.info');
+ j_data = j_item.find('div.data');
+ j_data.empty();
+ j_item.attr('sqid',sqo.sqid);
+ j_a = j_info.find('span.name > a');
+ j_a.attr('href','/toj/sq/' + sqo.sqid + '/pro/');
+ j_a.text(sqo.sqname);
+ if(sqo.end_time == null){
+ j_info.find('span.time').text('');
+ }else{
+ j_info.find('span.time').text(common.getdatestring(sqo.start_time,false) + ' > ' + common.getdatestring(sqo.end_time,false));
+ }
+ if(sqo.relationship == 3 || (user.level & USER_LEVEL_SUPERADMIN) == USER_LEVEL_SUPERADMIN){
+ j_button = $('<button style="margin:0px 6px 0px 0px;">管理</button>');
+ j_button.on('click',function(e){
+ that.paobj.editsq_mbox.init('edit',sqo);
+ common.showmbox(that.paobj.editsq_mbox).done(sq_update);
+ return false;
+ });
+ j_data.append(j_button);
+ }
+ j_button = $('<button></button>');
+ if(sqo.relationship == 0){
+ if(sqo.publicity == 2 && (user.level & USER_LEVEL_SUPERADMIN) != USER_LEVEL_SUPERADMIN){
+ j_button.text('申請');
+ }else{
+ j_button.text('加入');
+ }
+ j_button.off('click').on('click',function(e){
+ sq_join(sqo.sqid);
+ return false;
+ });
+ }else{
+ if(sqo.relationship == 1 && (user.level & USER_LEVEL_SUPERADMIN) != USER_LEVEL_SUPERADMIN){
+ j_button.text('取消申請');
+ }else{
+ j_button.text('退出');
+ }
+ j_button.on('click',function(e){
+ sq_quit(sqo.sqid);
+ return false;
+ });
+ }
+ j_data.append(j_button);
+ j_item.off('click').on('click',function(e){
+ if(j_data.is(':visible')){
+ j_item.removeClass('item_s');
+ j_data.stop().fadeTo(100,0).slideUp('fast');
+ }else{
+ j_item.addClass('item_s');
+ j_data.stop().css('opacity',1).slideDown('fast');
+ }
+ });
+ };
+ var sq_listnew = function(sqo){
+ var j_item;
+ var j_info;
+ var j_data;
+ j_item = $('<div class="item"></div>');
+ j_info = $('<div class="info"><span class="name"><a></a></span><span class="time"></span></div>');
+ j_item.append(j_info);
+ j_data = $('<div class="data"></div>');
+ j_item.append(j_data);
+ sq_listset(j_item,sqo);
+ return j_item;
+ };
+ var sq_update = function(){
+ var _updatelist = function(j_list,sqlist){
+ var i;
+ var j;
+ var j_divs;
+ var j_last;
+ var j_item;
+ var oldhash;
+ j_divs = j_list.children('div.item');
+ oldhash = new Array();
+ for(i = 0;i < j_divs.length;i++){
+ oldhash[$(j_divs[i]).attr('sqid')] = i;
+ }
+ j = 0;
+ j_last = null;
+ for(i = 0;i < sqlist.length;i++){
+ sqo = sqlist[i];
+ if(sqo.sqid in oldhash){
+ for(;j < oldhash[sqo.sqid];j++){
+ j_item = $(j_divs[j]);
+ j_item.stop().fadeTo(100,0).slideUp('fast',function(){$(this).remove();});
+ }
+ j_item = $(j_divs[j]);
+ j++;
+ sq_listset(j_item,sqo);
+ j_last = j_item;
+ }else{
+ j_item = sq_listnew(sqo);
+ j_item.hide();
+ if(j_last == null){
+ j_list.prepend(j_item);
+ j_item.css('opacity',0).slideDown('fast').fadeTo(100,1);
+ }else{
+ j_item.insertAfter(j_last);
+ j_item.css('opacity',0).slideDown('fast').fadeTo(100,1);
+ }
+ j_last = j_item;
+ }
+ }
+ for(;j < j_divs.length;j++){
+ j_item = $(j_divs[j]);
+ j_item.stop().fadeTo(100,0).slideUp('fast',function(){$(this).remove();});
+ }
+ };
+ user.datachange.add(function(){
+ var i;
+ var sqo;
+ var sqwait;
+ var sqrun;
+ var sqpast;
+ var j_wait;
+ var j_run;
+ var j_past;
+ user.datachange.remove(arguments.callee);
+ sqwait = new Array();
+ sqrun = new Array();
+ sqpast = new Array();
+ for(i = 0;i < user.sq_inlist.length;i++){
+ sqo = user.sq_inlist[i];
+ switch(sqo.state){
+ case 0:
+ sqwait.push(sqo);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ sqrun.push(sqo);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ sqpast.push(sqo);
+ break;
+ };
+ }
+ j_wait = j_tab.find('div.in_box > div.wait');
+ j_run = j_tab.find('div.in_box > div.run');
+ j_past = j_tab.find('div.in_box > div.past');
+ _updatelist(j_wait,sqwait);
+ _updatelist(j_run,sqrun);
+ _updatelist(j_past,sqpast);
+ });
+ user.updatedata(false);
+ $.post('/toj/php/square.php',{'action':'get_available_sq','data':null},function(res){
+ var i;
+ var reto;
+ var ts;
+ var sqlist;
+ var sqo;
+ var sqwait;
+ var sqrun;
+ var sqpast;
+ var j_wait;
+ var j_run;
+ var j_past;
+ if(res[0] == 'E'){
+ return;
+ }
+ reto = JSON.parse(res);
+ ts = common.getdate(reto.timestamp);
+ sqlist = reto.list;
+ sqwait = new Array();
+ sqrun = new Array();
+ sqpast = new Array();
+ for(i = 0;i < sqlist.length;i++){
+ sqo = sqlist[i];
+ sqo.relationship = 0;
+ sqo.state = 1;
+ if(sqo.start_time != null){
+ sqo.start_time = common.getdate(sqo.start_time);
+ if(ts < sqo.start_time){
+ sqo.state = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if(sqo.end_time != null){
+ sqo.end_time = common.getdate(sqo.end_time);
+ if(sqo.end_time < ts){
+ sqo.state = 2;
+ }
+ }
+ switch(sqo.state){
+ case 0:
+ sqwait.push(sqo);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ sqrun.push(sqo);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ sqpast.push(sqo);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ j_wait = j_tab.find('div.out_box > div.wait');
+ j_run = j_tab.find('div.out_box > div.run');
+ j_past = j_tab.find('div.out_box > div.past');
+ _updatelist(j_wait,sqwait);
+ _updatelist(j_run,sqrun);
+ _updatelist(j_past,sqpast);
+ });
+ }
+ that.__super(paobj);
+ that.urlchange = function(direct){
+ if(direct == 'in'){
+ that.fadein(j_tab);
+ sq_update();
+ }else if(direct == 'out'){
+ that.fadeout(j_tab);
+ j_tab.find('div.in_box > div > div').remove();
+ j_tab.find('div.out_box > div > div').remove();
+ }
+ };
+}; __extend(class_user_mgsq_tab,class_common_tab);
+var class_user_mg_tab = function(paobj){
+ var that = this;
+ var j_tab = $('#index_page > [page="user"] > [tab="mg"]');
+ that.__super(paobj);
+ that.urlchange = function(direct){
+ if(direct == 'in'){
+ that.fadein(j_tab);
+ }else if(direct == 'out'){
+ that.fadeout(j_tab);
+ }
+ };
+ j_tab.find('button.newsq').on('click',function(e){
+ that.paobj.editsq_mbox.init('new');
+ common.showmbox(that.paobj.editsq_mbox);
+ });
+}; __extend(class_user_mg_tab,class_common_tab);
+var class_user_editsq_mbox = function(paobj){
+ var that = this;
+ var j_mbox = $('#index_mask > div.user_mask > div.editsq_mbox');
+ var action = null;
+ var sqid;
+ that.__super(paobj);
+ that.init = function(act,sqo){
+ action = act;
+ if(action == 'edit'){
+ sqid = sqo.sqid;
+ console.log(sqo);
+ j_mbox.find('[name="sqname"]').val(sqo.sqname);
+ j_mbox.find('[name="sqmodname"]').val(sqo.sqmodname);
+ j_mbox.find('[name="publicity"]').val(sqo.publicity);
+ if(sqo.end_time == null){
+ j_mbox.find('[name="infinite"]').val(1);
+ }else{
+ j_mbox.find('[name="infinite"]').val(2);
+ j_mbox.find('div.time').show();
+ j_mbox.find('[name="s_year"]').val(sqo.start_time.getFullYear());
+ j_mbox.find('[name="s_month"]').val(sqo.start_time.getMonth() + 1);
+ j_mbox.find('[name="s_day"]').val(sqo.start_time.getDate());
+ j_mbox.find('[name="s_hr"]').val(sqo.start_time.getHours());
+ j_mbox.find('[name="s_min"]').val(sqo.start_time.getMinutes());
+ j_mbox.find('[name="e_year"]').val(sqo.end_time.getFullYear());
+ j_mbox.find('[name="e_month"]').val(sqo.end_time.getMonth() + 1);
+ j_mbox.find('[name="e_day"]').val(sqo.end_time.getDate());
+ j_mbox.find('[name="e_hr"]').val(sqo.end_time.getHours());
+ j_mbox.find('[name="e_min"]').val(sqo.end_time.getMinutes());
+ }
+ j_mbox.find('button.delete').show();
+ }
+ };
+ that.switchchange = function(direct){
+ if(direct == 'in'){
+ that.fadein(j_mbox);
+ }else if(direct == 'out'){
+ that.fadeout(j_mbox);
+ j_mbox.find('input').val('');
+ j_mbox.find('[name="publicity"]').val(3);
+ j_mbox.find('[name="infinite"]').val(1);
+ j_mbox.find('div.time').hide();
+ j_mbox.find('button.delete').hide();
+ j_mbox.find('div.error').text('');
+ }
+ };
+ j_mbox.find('[name="infinite"]').on('change',function(e){
+ if($(this).val() == 1){
+ j_mbox.find('div.time').hide();
+ }else{
+ j_mbox.find('div.time').show();
+ }
+ });
+ j_mbox.find('button.delete').on('click',function(e){
+ if(confirm('確定刪除方塊?')){
+ $.post('/toj/php/square.php',{'action':'delete_sq','data':JSON.stringify({'sqid':sqid})},function(res){
+ var j_error;
+ if(res[0] == 'E'){
+ j_error = j_mbox.find('div.error');
+ switch(res){
+ case 'Eno_login':
+ j_error.text('未登入');
+ case 'Epermission_denied':
+ j_error.text('權限不足');
+ break;
+ default:
+ j_error.text('其他錯誤');
+ break;
+ }
+ }else{
+ common.hidembox(true);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ j_mbox.find('button.submit').on('click',function(e){
+ var sqname;
+ var sqmodname;
+ var publicity;
+ var start_time;
+ var end_time;
+ var j_error;
+ sqname = j_mbox.find('[name="sqname"]').val();
+ sqmodname = j_mbox.find('[name="sqmodname"]').val();
+ publicity = parseInt(j_mbox.find('[name="publicity"]').val());
+ if(j_mbox.find('[name="infinite"]').val() == 1){
+ start_time = null;
+ end_time = null;
+ }else{
+ start_time = j_mbox.find('[name="s_year"]').val() + '-' +
+ j_mbox.find('[name="s_month"]').val() + '-' +
+ j_mbox.find('[name="s_day"]').val() + ' ' +
+ j_mbox.find('[name="s_hr"]').val() + ':' +
+ j_mbox.find('[name="s_min"]').val();
+ end_time = j_mbox.find('[name="e_year"]').val() + '-' +
+ j_mbox.find('[name="e_month"]').val() + '-' +
+ j_mbox.find('[name="e_day"]').val() + ' ' +
+ j_mbox.find('[name="e_hr"]').val() + ':' +
+ j_mbox.find('[name="e_min"]').val();
+ }
+ j_error = j_mbox.find('div.error');
+ if(action == 'new'){
+ $.post('/toj/php/square.php',{'action':'add_sq','data':JSON.stringify({'sqname':sqname,'sqmodname':sqmodname,'publicity':publicity,'start_time':start_time,'end_time':end_time})},function(res){
+ if(res[0] == 'E'){
+ switch(res){
+ case 'Eno_login':
+ j_error.text('未登入');
+ case 'Epermission_denied':
+ j_error.text('權限不足');
+ break;
+ case 'Esqname_too_short':
+ j_error.text('方塊名稱太短');
+ break;
+ case 'Esqname_too_long':
+ j_error.text('方塊名稱太長');
+ break;
+ case 'Esqmodname_empty':
+ j_error.text('模組名稱不能爲空');
+ break;
+ default:
+ j_error.text('其他錯誤');
+ break;
+ }
+ }else{
+ common.hidembox(true);
+ }
+ });
+ }else if(action == 'edit'){
+ $.post('/toj/php/square.php',{'action':'edit_sq','data':JSON.stringify({'sqid':sqid,'sqname':sqname,'sqmodname':sqmodname,'publicity':publicity,'start_time':start_time,'end_time':end_time})},function(res){
+ if(res[0] == 'E'){
+ switch(res){
+ case 'Eno_login':
+ j_error.text('未登入');
+ case 'Epermission_denied':
+ j_error.text('權限不足');
+ break;
+ case 'Esqname_too_short':
+ j_error.text('方塊名稱太短');
+ break;
+ case 'Esqname_too_long':
+ j_error.text('方塊名稱太長');
+ break;
+ default:
+ j_error.text('其他錯誤');
+ break;
+ }
+ }else{
+ user.updatedata(false);
+ common.hidembox(true);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ j_mbox.find('button.cancel').on('click',function(e){
+ common.hidembox(false);
+ });
+}; __extend(class_user_editsq_mbox,class_common_mbox);
+var class_login_page = function(){
+ var that = this;
+ var j_page = $('#index_page > [page="login"]');
+ that.__super();
+ that.urlchange = function(direct){
+ if(direct == 'in'){
+ that.fadein(j_page);
+ index.settitle('TOJ-登入');
+ j_page.find('div.login_box [name="username"]').focus();
+ }else if(direct == 'out'){
+ that.fadeout(j_page);
+ j_page.find('div.login_box > div.error').text('');
+ j_page.find('div.login_box > input').val('');
+ }
+ };
+ j_page.find('div.login_box > input').keypress(function(e){
+ if(e.which == 13){
+ j_page.find('div.login_box > button').click();
+ }
+ });
+ j_page.find('div.login_box > button').click(function(e){
+ var j_error;
+ var username;
+ var password;
+ var data;
+ j_error = j_page.find('div.login_box > div.error');
+ username = j_page.find('div.login_box [name="username"]').val();
+ password = j_page.find('div.login_box [name="password"]').val();
+ if(username == '' || password == ''){
+ j_error.text('欄位不可為空');
+ return;
+ }
+ data = {'username':username,'password':password};
+ $.post('/toj/php/user.php',{'action':'login','data':JSON.stringify(data)},function(res){
+ if(res[0] == 'E'){
+ j_error.text('登入錯誤');
+ }else{
+ user.updatedata(true);
+ common.prevurl('register');
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ user.loginchange.add(function(login){
+ if(login){
+ that.urlchange('out');
+ common.removepage('login');
+ index.hidepanel('login');
+ }else{
+ common.addpage('login',that);
+ index.showpanel('login');
+ }
+ });
+}; __extend(class_login_page,class_common_page);
+var class_register_page = function(){
+ var that = this;
+ var j_page = $('#index_page > [page="register"]');
+ that.__super();
+ that.urlchange = function(direct){
+ if(direct == 'in'){
+ that.fadein(j_page);
+ index.settitle('TOJ-註冊');
+ j_page.find('div.register_box [name="username"]').focus();
+ }else if(direct == 'out'){
+ that.fadeout(j_page);
+ j_page.find('div.register_box > div.error').text('');
+ j_page.find('div.register_box > div.register_box > input').val('');
+ j_page.find('div.register_box > div.register_box > div.cover').show();
+ }
+ };
+ j_page.find('div.register_box > input').keypress(function(e){
+ if(e.which == 13){
+ j_page.find('div.register_box > button').click();
+ }
+ });
+ j_page.find('div.register_box > button').click(function(e){
+ var j_error;
+ var username;
+ var password;
+ var password_repeat;
+ var nickname;
+ var email;
+ var data;
+ j_error = j_page.find('div.register_box > div.error');
+ username = j_page.find('div.register_box [name="username"]').val();
+ password = j_page.find('div.register_box [name="password"]').val();
+ password_repeat = j_page.find('div.register_box [name="password_repeat"]').val();
+ nickname = j_page.find('div.register_box [name="nickname"]').val();
+ email = j_page.find('div.register_box [name="email"]').val();
+ if(username == '' || password == '' || password_repeat == '' || nickname == '' || email == ''){
+ j_error.text('欄位不可為空');
+ return;
+ }
+ if(password != password_repeat){
+ j_error.text('使用者密碼不相同');
+ return;
+ }
+ data = {'username':username,'password':password,'nickname':nickname,'email':email};
+ $.post('/toj/php/user.php',{'action':'register','data':JSON.stringify(data)},function(res){
+ if(res[0] == 'E'){
+ switch(res){
+ case 'Eusername_too_short':
+ j_error.text('使用者名稱太短');
+ break;
+ case 'Eusername_too_long':
+ j_error.text('使用者名稱太長');
+ break;
+ case 'Epassword_too_short':
+ j_error.text('使用者密碼太短');
+ break;
+ case 'Epassword_too_long':
+ j_error.text('使用者密碼太長');
+ break;
+ case 'Enickname_too_short':
+ j_error.text('暱稱太短');
+ break;
+ case 'Enickname_too_long':
+ j_error.text('暱稱太長');
+ break;
+ case 'Eusername_exists':
+ j_error.text('使用者名稱已存在');
+ break;
+ case 'Eempty_email':
+ j_error.text('電子郵件不能爲空');
+ break;
+ case 'Eemail_too_long':
+ j_error.text('電子郵件太長');
+ break;
+ default:
+ j_error.text('註冊錯誤');
+ break;
+ }
+ }else{
+ user.updatedata(true);
+ common.prevurl('login');
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ user.loginchange.add(function(login){
+ if(login){
+ that.urlchange('out');
+ common.removepage('register');
+ index.hidepanel('register');
+ }else{
+ common.addpage('register',that);
+ index.showpanel('register');
+ }
+ });
+}; __extend(class_register_page,class_common_page);