# stick to what we have for now ONLY_FOR_ARCHS = amd64 #NOT_FOR_ARCHS = #SHARED_ONLY = #COMES_WITH = COMMENT = dbus utilities DISTNAME = dbus-utils-0.1 PACKAGE = systemd-utls CATEGORIES = kremlinware test HOMEPAGE = http://uglyman.kremlin.cc MAINTAINER = kremlin <ian@kremlin.cc> # LGPLv1.3+ (glib) PERMIT_PACKAGE_CDROM = Yes # for now WANTLIB = c gio-2.0 glib-2.0 #TODO: see if it's okay to host this MASTER_SITES = http://uglyman.kremlin.cc/latest-devel/ #MODULES = ??? #BUILD_DEPENDS = ??? #RUN_DEPENDS = ??? #TEST_DEPENDS = ??? LIB_DEPENDS = x11/dbus>=1.8.2v0 \ devel/glib2 #MAKE_FLAGS = ??? #MAKE_ENV = ??? #FAKE_FLAGS = ??? #TEST_FLAGS = ??? # build/configuration variables # COMMIT = efedf0c #SEPARATE_BUILD = Yes (build in a directory other than WRKSRC) #SEPARATE_BUILD = flavored (distinct flavors may share a common WRKSRC) #CONFIGURE_STYLE = simple CONFIGURE_SCRIPT = configure #CFLAGS = ??? #LDFLAGS = ??? #MAKE_FILE = ??? #PKG_ARCH = ??? (* for arch-independent packages) WRKDIST = ${WRKDIR}/systemd-utl-devel-${COMMIT} #WRKSRC = ??? if other than ${WRKDIST} #WRKBUILD = ??? if other than ${WRKSRC} #WRKCONF = ??? if other than ${WRKBUILD} #ALL_TARGET = ??? #INSTALL_TARGET = ??? #TEST_TARGET = ??? .include <bsd.port.mk>