const GString hostnamed_config_xml_def[] = {
"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>",
"<!DOCTYPE busconfig PUBLIC",
" \"-//freedesktop//DTD D-BUS Bus Configuration 1.0//EN\"",
" \"\">",
" <!-- Only members of 'wheel' and user 'daemon' may set hostnames -->",
" <policy group=\"wheel\">",
" <allow own=\"org.freedesktop.hostname1\"/>",
" <allow send_destination=\"org.freedesktop.hostname1\"/>",
" <allow receive_sender=\"org.freedesktop.hostname1\"/>",
" </policy>",
" <policy user=\"daemon\">",
" <allow own=\"org.freedesktop.hostname1\"/>",
" <allow send_destination=\"org.freedesktop.hostname1\"/>",
" <allow receive_sender=\"org.freedesktop.hostname1\"/>",
" </policy>",
const GString hostnamed_ispect_xml_def[] = {
"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>",
" \"-//freedesktop//DTD D-BUS Object Introspection 1.0//EN\"",
" \"\">",
"<!-- Taken from Gentoo Linux's OpenRC settingsd -->",
"<node name=\"/org/freedesktop/hostname1\">",
" <interface name=\"org.freedesktop.hostname1\">",
" <method name=\"SetHostname\">",
" <arg direction=\"in\" type=\"s\" name=\"name\"/>",
" <arg direction=\"in\" type=\"b\" name=\"user_interaction\"/>",
" </method>",
" <method name=\"SetStaticHostname\">",
" <arg direction=\"in\" type=\"s\" name=\"name\"/>",
" <arg direction=\"in\" type=\"b\" name=\"user_interaction\"/>",
" </method>",
" <method name=\"SetPrettyHostname\">",
" <arg direction=\"in\" type=\"s\" name=\"name\"/>",
" <arg direction=\"in\" type=\"b\" name=\"user_interaction\"/>",
" </method>",
" <method name=\"SetIconName\">",
" <arg direction=\"in\" type=\"s\" name=\"name\"/>",
" <arg direction=\"in\" type=\"b\" name=\"user_interaction\"/>",
" </method>",
" <property name=\"Hostname\" type=\"s\" access=\"read\"/>",
" <property name=\"StaticHostname\" type=\"s\" access=\"read\"/>",
" <property name=\"PrettyHostname\" type=\"s\" access=\"read\"/>",
" <property name=\"IconName\" type=\"s\" access=\"read\"/>",
" </interface>",
const GString timedated_config_xml_def[] = {
"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>",
"<!DOCTYPE busconfig PUBLIC",
" \"-//freedesktop//DTD D-BUS Bus Configuration 1.0//EN\"",
" \"\">",
" <!-- Only members of 'wheel' and user 'daemon' may change time settings -->",
" <policy group=\"wheel\">",
" <allow own=\"org.freedesktop.timedate1\"/>",
" <allow send_destination=\"org.freedesktop.timedate1\"/>",
" <allow receive_sender=\"org.freedesktop.timedate1\"/>",
" </policy>",
" <policy user=\"daemon\">",
" <allow own=\"org.freedesktop.timedate1\"/>",
" <allow send_destination=\"org.freedesktop.timedate1\"/>",
" <allow receive_sender=\"org.freedesktop.timedate1\"/>",
" </policy>",
const GString timedated_ispect_xml_def[] = {
"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>",
" \"-//freedesktop//DTD D-BUS Object Introspection 1.0//EN\"",
" \"\">",
"<!-- Taken from Gentoo Linux's OpenRC settingsd -->",
"<node name=\"/org/freedesktop/timedate1\">",
" <interface name=\"org.freedesktop.timedate1\">",
" <method name=\"SetTime\">",
" <arg direction=\"in\" type=\"x\" name=\"usec_utc\"/>",
" <arg direction=\"in\" type=\"b\" name=\"relative\"/>",
" <arg direction=\"in\" type=\"b\" name=\"user_interaction\"/>",
" </method>",
" <method name=\"SetTimezone\">",
" <arg direction=\"in\" type=\"s\" name=\"timezone\"/>",
" <arg direction=\"in\" type=\"b\" name=\"user_interaction\"/>",
" </method>",
" <method name=\"SetLocalRTC\">",
" <arg direction=\"in\" type=\"b\" name=\"local_rtc\"/>",
" <arg direction=\"in\" type=\"b\" name=\"fix_system\"/>",
" <arg direction=\"in\" type=\"b\" name=\"user_interaction\"/>",
" </method>",
" <method name=\"SetNTP\">",
" <arg direction=\"in\" type=\"b\" name=\"use_ntp\"/>",
" <arg direction=\"in\" type=\"b\" name=\"user_interaction\"/>",
" </method>",
" <property name=\"Timezone\" type=\"s\" access=\"read\"/>",
" <property name=\"LocalRTC\" type=\"b\" access=\"read\"/>",
" <property name=\"NTP\" type=\"b\" access=\"read\"/>",
" </interface>",
const GString localed_config_xml_def[] = {
"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>",
"<!DOCTYPE busconfig PUBLIC",
" \"-//freedesktop//DTD D-BUS Bus Configuration 1.0//EN\"",
" \"\">",
" <!-- Only members of 'wheel' and user 'daemon' may change system-wide locales -->",
" <policy group=\"wheel\">",
" <allow own=\"org.freedesktop.locale1\"/>",
" <allow send_destination=\"org.freedesktop.locale1\"/>",
" <allow receive_sender=\"org.freedesktop.locale1\"/>",
" </policy>",
" <policy user=\"daemon\">",
" <allow own=\"org.freedesktop.locale1\"/>",
" <allow send_destination=\"org.freedesktop.locale1\"/>",
" <allow receive_sender=\"org.freedesktop.locale1\"/>",
" </policy>",
const GString localed_ispect_xml_def[] = {
"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>",
" \"-//freedesktop//DTD D-BUS Object Introspection 1.0//EN\"",
" \"\">",
"<!-- Taken from Gentoo Linux's OpenRC settingsd -->",
"<node name=\"/org/freedesktop/locale1\">",
" <interface name=\"org.freedesktop.locale1\">",
" <method name=\"SetLocale\">",
" <arg direction=\"in\" type=\"as\" name=\"locale\" />",
" <arg direction=\"in\" type=\"b\" name=\"user_interaction\" />",
" </method>",
" <method name=\"SetVConsoleKeyboard\">",
" <arg direction=\"in\" type=\"s\" name=\"keymap\" />",
" <arg direction=\"in\" type=\"s\" name=\"keymap_toggle\" />",
" <arg direction=\"in\" type=\"b\" name=\"convert\" />",
" <arg direction=\"in\" type=\"b\" name=\"user_interaction\" />",
" </method>",
" <method name=\"SetX11Keyboard\">",
" <arg direction=\"in\" type=\"s\" name=\"layout\" />",
" <arg direction=\"in\" type=\"s\" name=\"model\" />",
" <arg direction=\"in\" type=\"s\" name=\"variant\" />",
" <arg direction=\"in\" type=\"s\" name=\"options\" />",
" <arg direction=\"in\" type=\"b\" name=\"convert\" />",
" <arg direction=\"in\" type=\"b\" name=\"user_interaction\" />",
" </method>",
" <property name=\"Locale\" type=\"as\" access=\"read\" />",
" <property name=\"VConsoleKeymap\" type=\"s\" access=\"read\" />",
" <property name=\"VConsoleKeymapToggle\" type=\"s\" access=\"read\" />",
" <property name=\"X11Layout\" type=\"s\" access=\"read\" />",
" <property name=\"X11Model\" type=\"s\" access=\"read\" />",
" <property name=\"X11Variant\" type=\"s\" access=\"read\" />",
" <property name=\"X11Options\" type=\"s\" access=\"read\" />",
" </interface>",
const GString logind_config_xml_def[] = {
"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>",
"<!DOCTYPE busconfig PUBLIC",
" \"-//freedesktop//DTD D-BUS Bus Configuration 1.0//EN\"",
" \"\">",
" <!-- TODO: figure out nessecary logind permissions -->",
" <policy group=\"wheel\">",
" <allow own=\"org.freedesktop.login1\"/>",
" <allow send_destination=\"org.freedesktop.login1\"/>",
" <allow receive_sender=\"org.freedesktop.login1\"/>",
" </policy>",
" <policy user=\"daemon\">",
" <allow own=\"org.freedesktop.login1\"/>",
" <allow send_destination=\"org.freedesktop.login1\"/>",
" <allow receive_sender=\"org.freedesktop.login1\"/>",
" </policy>",
const GString logind_ispect_xml_def[] = {
"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>",
" \"-//freedesktop//DTD D-BUS Object Introspection 1.0//EN\"",
" \"\">",
"<node name=\"/org/freedesktop/login1\">",
" <interface name=\"org.freedesktop.DBus.Peer\">",
" <method name=\"Ping\" />",
" <method name=\"GetMachineId\">",
" <arg type=\"s\" name=\"machine_uuid\" direction=\"out\" />",
" </method>",
" </interface>",
" <interface name=\"org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable\">",
" <method name=\"Introspect\">",
" <arg name=\"data\" type=\"s\" direction=\"out\" />",
" </method>",
" </interface>",
" <interface name=\"org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties\">",
" <method name=\"Get\">",
" <arg name=\"interface\" direction=\"in\" type=\"s\" />",
" <arg name=\"property\" direction=\"in\" type=\"s\" />",
" <arg name=\"value\" direction=\"out\" type=\"v\" />",
" </method>",
" <method name=\"GetAll\">",
" <arg name=\"interface\" direction=\"in\" type=\"s\" />",
" <arg name=\"properties\" direction=\"out\" type=\"a{sv}\" />",
" </method>",
" <method name=\"Set\">",
" <arg name=\"interface\" direction=\"in\" type=\"s\" />",
" <arg name=\"property\" direction=\"in\" type=\"s\" />",
" <arg name=\"value\" direction=\"in\" type=\"v\" />",
" </method>",
" <signal name=\"PropertiesChanged\">",
" <arg type=\"s\" name=\"interface\" direction=\"in\" />",
" <arg type=\"a{sv}\" name=\"changed_properties\" direction=\"in\" />",
" <arg type=\"as\" name=\"invalidated_properties\" direction=\"in\" />",
" </signal>",
" </interface>",
" <interface name=\"org.freedesktop.login1.Manager\">",
" <property name=\"NAutoVTs\" type=\"u\" access=\"read\">",
" <annotation name=\"org.freedesktop.DBus.Property.EmitsChangedSignal\" value=\"const\" />",
" </property>",
" <property name=\"KillOnlyUsers\" type=\"as\" access=\"read\">",
" <annotation name=\"org.freedesktop.DBus.Property.EmitsChangedSignal\" value=\"const\" />",
" </property>",
" <property name=\"KillExcludeUsers\" type=\"as\" access=\"read\">",
" <annotation name=\"org.freedesktop.DBus.Property.EmitsChangedSignal\" value=\"const\" />",
" </property>",
" <property name=\"KillUserProcesses\" type=\"b\" access=\"read\">",
" <annotation name=\"org.freedesktop.DBus.Property.EmitsChangedSignal\" value=\"const\" />",
" </property>",
" <property name=\"IdleHint\" type=\"b\" access=\"read\" />",
" <property name=\"IdleSinceHint\" type=\"t\" access=\"read\" />",
" <property name=\"IdleSinceHintMonotonic\" type=\"t\" access=\"read\" />",
" <property name=\"BlockInhibited\" type=\"s\" access=\"read\" />",
" <property name=\"DelayInhibited\" type=\"s\" access=\"read\" />",
" <property name=\"InhibitDelayMaxUSec\" type=\"t\" access=\"read\">",
" <annotation name=\"org.freedesktop.DBus.Property.EmitsChangedSignal\" value=\"const\" />",
" </property>",
" <property name=\"HandlePowerKey\" type=\"s\" access=\"read\">",
" <annotation name=\"org.freedesktop.DBus.Property.EmitsChangedSignal\" value=\"const\" />",
" </property>",
" <property name=\"HandleSuspendKey\" type=\"s\" access=\"read\">",
" <annotation name=\"org.freedesktop.DBus.Property.EmitsChangedSignal\" value=\"const\" />",
" </property>",
" <property name=\"HandleHibernateKey\" type=\"s\" access=\"read\">",
" <annotation name=\"org.freedesktop.DBus.Property.EmitsChangedSignal\" value=\"const\" />",
" </property>",
" <property name=\"HandleLidSwitch\" type=\"s\" access=\"read\">",
" <annotation name=\"org.freedesktop.DBus.Property.EmitsChangedSignal\" value=\"const\" />",
" </property>",
" <property name=\"IdleAction\" type=\"s\" access=\"read\">",
" <annotation name=\"org.freedesktop.DBus.Property.EmitsChangedSignal\" value=\"const\" />",
" </property>",
" <property name=\"IdleActionUSec\" type=\"t\" access=\"read\">",
" <annotation name=\"org.freedesktop.DBus.Property.EmitsChangedSignal\" value=\"const\" />",
" </property>",
" <property name=\"PreparingForShutdown\" type=\"b\" access=\"read\">",
" <annotation name=\"org.freedesktop.DBus.Property.EmitsChangedSignal\" value=\"false\" />",
" </property>",
" <property name=\"PreparingForSleep\" type=\"b\" access=\"read\">",
" <annotation name=\"org.freedesktop.DBus.Property.EmitsChangedSignal\" value=\"false\" />",
" </property>",
" <method name=\"GetSession\">",
" <arg type=\"s\" direction=\"in\" />",
" <arg type=\"o\" direction=\"out\" />",
" </method>",
" <method name=\"GetSessionByPID\">",
" <arg type=\"u\" direction=\"in\" />",
" <arg type=\"o\" direction=\"out\" />",
" </method>",
" <method name=\"GetUser\">",
" <arg type=\"u\" direction=\"in\" />",
" <arg type=\"o\" direction=\"out\" />",
" </method>",
" <method name=\"GetUserByPID\">",
" <arg type=\"u\" direction=\"in\" />",
" <arg type=\"o\" direction=\"out\" />",
" </method>",
" <method name=\"GetSeat\">",
" <arg type=\"s\" direction=\"in\" />",
" <arg type=\"o\" direction=\"out\" />",
" </method>",
" <method name=\"ListSessions\">",
" <arg type=\"a(susso)\" direction=\"out\" />",
" </method>",
" <method name=\"ListUsers\">",
" <arg type=\"a(uso)\" direction=\"out\" />",
" </method>",
" <method name=\"ListSeats\">",
" <arg type=\"a(so)\" direction=\"out\" />",
" </method>",
" <method name=\"ListInhibitors\">",
" <arg type=\"a(ssssuu)\" direction=\"out\" />",
" </method>",
" <method name=\"CreateSession\">",
" <arg type=\"u\" direction=\"in\" />",
" <arg type=\"u\" direction=\"in\" />",
" <arg type=\"s\" direction=\"in\" />",
" <arg type=\"s\" direction=\"in\" />",
" <arg type=\"s\" direction=\"in\" />",
" <arg type=\"s\" direction=\"in\" />",
" <arg type=\"s\" direction=\"in\" />",
" <arg type=\"u\" direction=\"in\" />",
" <arg type=\"s\" direction=\"in\" />",
" <arg type=\"s\" direction=\"in\" />",
" <arg type=\"b\" direction=\"in\" />",
" <arg type=\"s\" direction=\"in\" />",
" <arg type=\"s\" direction=\"in\" />",
" <arg type=\"a(sv)\" direction=\"in\" />",
" <arg type=\"s\" direction=\"out\" />",
" <arg type=\"o\" direction=\"out\" />",
" <arg type=\"s\" direction=\"out\" />",
" <arg type=\"h\" direction=\"out\" />",
" <arg type=\"u\" direction=\"out\" />",
" <arg type=\"s\" direction=\"out\" />",
" <arg type=\"u\" direction=\"out\" />",
" <arg type=\"b\" direction=\"out\" />",
" <annotation name=\"org.freedesktop.systemd1.Privileged\" value=\"true\" />",
" </method>",
" <method name=\"ReleaseSession\">",
" <arg type=\"s\" direction=\"in\" />",
" <annotation name=\"org.freedesktop.systemd1.Privileged\" value=\"true\" />",
" </method>",
" <method name=\"ActivateSession\">",
" <arg type=\"s\" direction=\"in\" />",
" </method>",
" <method name=\"ActivateSessionOnSeat\">",
" <arg type=\"s\" direction=\"in\" />",
" <arg type=\"s\" direction=\"in\" />",
" </method>",
" <method name=\"LockSession\">",
" <arg type=\"s\" direction=\"in\" />",
" <annotation name=\"org.freedesktop.systemd1.Privileged\" value=\"true\" />",
" </method>",
" <method name=\"UnlockSession\">",
" <arg type=\"s\" direction=\"in\" />",
" <annotation name=\"org.freedesktop.systemd1.Privileged\" value=\"true\" />",
" </method>",
" <method name=\"LockSessions\">",
" <annotation name=\"org.freedesktop.systemd1.Privileged\" value=\"true\" />",
" </method>",
" <method name=\"UnlockSessions\">",
" <annotation name=\"org.freedesktop.systemd1.Privileged\" value=\"true\" />",
" </method>",
" <method name=\"KillSession\">",
" <arg type=\"s\" direction=\"in\" />",
" <arg type=\"s\" direction=\"in\" />",
" <arg type=\"i\" direction=\"in\" />",
" <annotation name=\"org.freedesktop.systemd1.Privileged\" value=\"true\" />",
" </method>",
" <method name=\"KillUser\">",
" <arg type=\"u\" direction=\"in\" />",
" <arg type=\"i\" direction=\"in\" />",
" <annotation name=\"org.freedesktop.systemd1.Privileged\" value=\"true\" />",
" </method>",
" <method name=\"TerminateSession\">",
" <arg type=\"s\" direction=\"in\" />",
" <annotation name=\"org.freedesktop.systemd1.Privileged\" value=\"true\" />",
" </method>",
" <method name=\"TerminateUser\">",
" <arg type=\"u\" direction=\"in\" />",
" <annotation name=\"org.freedesktop.systemd1.Privileged\" value=\"true\" />",
" </method>",
" <method name=\"TerminateSeat\">",
" <arg type=\"s\" direction=\"in\" />",
" <annotation name=\"org.freedesktop.systemd1.Privileged\" value=\"true\" />",
" </method>",
" <method name=\"SetUserLinger\">",
" <arg type=\"u\" direction=\"in\" />",
" <arg type=\"b\" direction=\"in\" />",
" <arg type=\"b\" direction=\"in\" />",
" </method>",
" <method name=\"AttachDevice\">",
" <arg type=\"s\" direction=\"in\" />",
" <arg type=\"s\" direction=\"in\" />",
" <arg type=\"b\" direction=\"in\" />",
" </method>",
" <method name=\"FlushDevices\">",
" <arg type=\"b\" direction=\"in\" />",
" </method>",
" <method name=\"PowerOff\">",
" <arg type=\"b\" direction=\"in\" />",
" </method>",
" <method name=\"Reboot\">",
" <arg type=\"b\" direction=\"in\" />",
" </method>",
" <method name=\"Suspend\">",
" <arg type=\"b\" direction=\"in\" />",
" </method>",
" <method name=\"Hibernate\">",
" <arg type=\"b\" direction=\"in\" />",
" </method>",
" <method name=\"HybridSleep\">",
" <arg type=\"b\" direction=\"in\" />",
" </method>",
" <method name=\"CanPowerOff\">",
" <arg type=\"s\" direction=\"out\" />",
" </method>",
" <method name=\"CanReboot\">",
" <arg type=\"s\" direction=\"out\" />",
" </method>",
" <method name=\"CanSuspend\">",
" <arg type=\"s\" direction=\"out\" />",
" </method>",
" <method name=\"CanHibernate\">",
" <arg type=\"s\" direction=\"out\" />",
" </method>",
" <method name=\"CanHybridSleep\">",
" <arg type=\"s\" direction=\"out\" />",
" </method>",
" <method name=\"Inhibit\">",
" <arg type=\"s\" direction=\"in\" />",
" <arg type=\"s\" direction=\"in\" />",
" <arg type=\"s\" direction=\"in\" />",
" <arg type=\"s\" direction=\"in\" />",
" <arg type=\"h\" direction=\"out\" />",
" </method>",
" <signal name=\"SessionNew\">",
" <arg type=\"s\" direction=\"in\" />",
" <arg type=\"o\" direction=\"in\" />",
" </signal>",
" <signal name=\"SessionRemoved\">",
" <arg type=\"s\" direction=\"in\" />",
" <arg type=\"o\" direction=\"in\" />",
" </signal>",
" <signal name=\"UserNew\">",
" <arg type=\"u\" direction=\"in\" />",
" <arg type=\"o\" direction=\"in\" />",
" </signal>",
" <signal name=\"UserRemoved\">",
" <arg type=\"u\" direction=\"in\" />",
" <arg type=\"o\" direction=\"in\" />",
" </signal>",
" <signal name=\"SeatNew\">",
" <arg type=\"s\" direction=\"in\" />",
" <arg type=\"o\" direction=\"in\" />",
" </signal>",
" <signal name=\"SeatRemoved\">",
" <arg type=\"s\" direction=\"in\" />",
" <arg type=\"o\" direction=\"in\" />",
" </signal>",
" <signal name=\"PrepareForShutdown\">",
" <arg type=\"b\" direction=\"in\" />",
" </signal>",
" <signal name=\"PrepareForSleep\">",
" <arg type=\"b\" direction=\"in\" />",
" </signal>",
" </interface>",
"</node>" };