#include "mod_ptt.h" extern SHM_t *SHM; extern int *GLOBALVAR; extern int numboards; extern boardheader_t *bcache; typedef struct excfg { int cmode; /* Environment to which record applies (directory, * server, or combination). */ #define CONFIG_MODE_SERVER 1 #define CONFIG_MODE_DIRECTORY 2 #define CONFIG_MODE_COMBO 3 /* Shouldn't ever happen. */ int local; /* Boolean: "Example" directive declared here? */ int congenital; /* Boolean: did we inherit an "Example"? */ char *trace; /* Pointer to trace string. */ char *loc; /* Location to which this record applies. */ } excfg; static const char *trace = NULL; static table *static_calls_made = NULL; static pool *ptt_pool = NULL; static pool *ptt_subpool = NULL; module MODULE_VAR_EXPORT ptt_module; excfg * our_dconfig(request_rec *r) { return (excfg *) ap_get_module_config(r->per_dir_config, &ptt_module); } static void setup_module_cells() { if (ptt_pool == NULL) { ptt_pool = ap_make_sub_pool(NULL); }; if (static_calls_made == NULL) { static_calls_made = ap_make_table(ptt_pool, 16); }; } static int xml_header(request_rec *r) { r->content_type = "text/xml"; ap_send_http_header(r); ap_rputs(" \n", r); ap_rprintf(r, "", SHM->max_user ); } static int showboard(request_rec *r, int id) { int i; boardheader_t *bptr=NULL; id=id-1; ap_rprintf(r,""); bptr = (boardheader_t *)bcache[id].firstchild[0]; for(; bptr!= (boardheader_t*)~0; ) { if((bcache[id].brdattr&BRD_HIDE)|| bcache[id].level&& !(bcache[id].brdattr & BRD_POSTMASK )) continue; ap_rprintf(r,"\n"); i=(bptr-bcache); ap_rprintf(r," %d",i+1); ap_rprintf(r," %s\n",bptr->brdname); ap_rprintf(r," %s\n",ap_escape_html(r->pool,bptr->title)); ap_rprintf(r," %d\n",bptr->nuser); ap_rprintf(r," %d\n",bptr->gid); ap_rprintf(r," %d\n",bptr->childcount); ap_rprintf(r," %s\n",bptr->BM); ap_rprintf(r," %d\n",bptr->brdattr); ap_rprintf(r," %d\n",SHM->total[i]); ap_rprintf(r,"\n"); bptr=(boardheader_t*)bptr->next[0]; } ap_rprintf(r,""); } static int showpost(request_rec *r,int bid,int id, int num) { int i; num=256; id=1; char path[512]; fileheader_t headers[256]; memset(headers,0, sizeof(fileheader_t)*256); sprintf(path,BBSHOME"/boards/%c/%s/.DIR", bcache[bid-1].brdname[0],bcache[bid-1].brdname); get_records(path, headers, sizeof(fileheader_t)*256, id,num); ap_rprintf(r,""); for(i=0;i<256;i++) { ap_rprintf(r,"\n"); ap_rprintf(r," %d",i+1); ap_rprintf(r," %s\n",headers[i].filename); ap_rprintf(r," %s\n",headers[i].owner); ap_rprintf(r," %s\n",headers[i].date); ap_rprintf(r," %s\n", ap_escape_html(r->pool,headers[i].title)); ap_rprintf(r," %d\n",headers[i].money); ap_rprintf(r," %c\n",headers[i].filemode); ap_rprintf(r," %d\n",headers[i].recommend); ap_rprintf(r,"\n"); } ap_rprintf(r,""); } static int showmenujs(request_rec *r) { int i; boardheader_t *bptr; r->content_type = "text/text"; ap_send_http_header(r); ap_rputs("d=new dTree('d');\n",r); ap_rputs("d.add(0,-1,'Class','');\n",r); for(i=1;i<=numboards;i++) { bptr=&bcache[i-1]; if(!isalpha(bptr->brdname[0]))continue; ap_rprintf(r,"d.add(%d,%d,\"%s %s..\",'/boards?%s');\n", i,bptr->gid-1, bptr->gid==1?"":bptr->brdname, ap_escape_quotes(r->pool, ap_escape_html(r->pool,bptr->title+7)),i); } ap_rputs("d.draw()\n",r); return OK; } static int showxml(request_rec *r) { int bid=1; xml_header(r); if (r->header_only) { ap_kill_timeout(r); return OK; } if(r->args) bid=atoi(r->args); if(bid<1 || bid>numboards)bid=1; if( !(bcache[bid-1].brdattr&BRD_HIDE)&& !(bcache[bid-1].level&&!(bcache[bid-1].brdattr & BRD_POSTMASK))) if( bid==1||bcache[bid-1].brdattr&BRD_GROUPBOARD) showboard(r,bid); else showpost(r,bid,0,0); return OK; } static int ptt_handler(request_rec *r) { excfg *dcfg; dcfg = our_dconfig(r); ap_soft_timeout("send ptt call trace", r); if(!strncmp(r->unparsed_uri,"/menu",5)) showmenujs(r); else showxml(r); ap_kill_timeout(r); return OK; } /* OK Handler accepted the request and did its thing with it. */ /* DECLINED Handler took no action. */ /* HTTP_mumble Handler looked at request and found it wanting. */ static void ptt_child_init(server_rec *s, pool *p) { char *note; char *sname = s->server_hostname; attach_SHM(); setup_module_cells(); sname = (sname != NULL) ? sname : ""; note = ap_pstrcat(p, "ptt_child_init(", sname, ")", NULL); } static void ptt_child_exit(server_rec *s, pool *p) { char *note; char *sname = s->server_hostname; /* * The arbitrary text we add to our trace entry indicates for which server * we're being called. */ sname = (sname != NULL) ? sname : ""; note = ap_pstrcat(p, "ptt_child_exit(", sname, ")", NULL); } static const handler_rec ptt_handlers[] = { {"ptt_h", ptt_handler}, {NULL} }; module MODULE_VAR_EXPORT ptt_module = { STANDARD_MODULE_STUFF, NULL, /* module initializer */ NULL, /* per-directory config creator */ NULL, /* dir config merger */ NULL, /* server config creator */ NULL, /* server config merger */ NULL, /* command table */ ptt_handlers, /* [9] list of handlers */ NULL, /* [2] filename-to-URI translation */ NULL, /* [5] check/validate user_id */ NULL, /* [6] check user_id is valid *here* */ NULL, /* [4] check access by host address */ NULL, /* [7] MIME type checker/setter */ NULL, /* [8] fixups */ NULL, /* [10] logger */ #if MODULE_MAGIC_NUMBER >= 19970103 NULL, /* [3] header parser */ #endif #if MODULE_MAGIC_NUMBER >= 19970719 ptt_child_init, /* process initializer */ #endif #if MODULE_MAGIC_NUMBER >= 19970728 ptt_child_exit, /* process exit/cleanup */ #endif #if MODULE_MAGIC_NUMBER >= 19970902 NULL #endif };