#include "bbs.h" /* Vote limits were added in r2342 which uses previously unused pads. * This program zero outs those pads. */ void transform(boardheader_t *new, boardheader_t *old) { memcpy(new, old, sizeof(boardheader_t)); new->post_limit_posts = (unsigned char) 0; new->post_limit_logins = (unsigned char) 0; new->post_limit_regtime = (unsigned char) 0; new->vote_limit_posts = (unsigned char) 0; new->vote_limit_logins = (unsigned char) 0; new->vote_limit_regtime = (unsigned char) 0; memset(new->pad, 0, sizeof(new->pad)); memset(new->pad2, 0, sizeof(new->pad2)); memset(new->pad3, 0, sizeof(new->pad3)); } int main(void) { int fd, fdw; boardheader_t new, old; printf("You're going to zero out vote limits in your .BRD\n"); printf("The new file will be named .BRD.trans.tmp\n"); /* printf("Press any key to continue\n"); getchar(); */ if (chdir(BBSHOME) < 0) { perror("chdir"); exit(-1); } if ((fd = open(FN_BOARD, O_RDONLY)) < 0 || (fdw = open(FN_BOARD".trans.tmp", O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0600)) < 0 ) { perror("open"); exit(-1); } while (read(fd, &old, sizeof(old)) > 0) { transform(&new, &old); write(fdw, &new, sizeof(new)); } close(fd); close(fdw); return 0; }