/* $Id$ */ #ifndef _XCHAT_H_ #define _XCHAT_H_ #define XCHAT_VERSION_MAJOR 3 #define XCHAT_VERSION_MINOR 0 /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ /* XCHAT response code : RFI 3-digit */ /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ /* Response : */ /* 1xx Informative message */ /* 2xx Command ok */ /* 3xx Command ok so far, send the rest of it */ /* 4xx Command correct, but NG for some reason */ /* 5xx Command unimplemented, incorrect, or serious */ /* program error occurred */ /* Function : */ /* x0x Connection, setup, and miscellaneous messages */ /* x1x Newsgroup selection */ /* x2x Article selection */ /* x3x Distribution functions */ /* x4x Posting */ /* x8x Nonstandard extensions (AUTHINFO, XGTITLE) */ /* x9x Debugging output */ /* Information : */ /* No defined semantics */ /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ /* �ѷs�� client �ϥ� */ #define MSG_LOGINOK 100 #define MSG_VERSION 103 #define MSG_MESSAGE 106 #define MSG_CHATROOM 110 #define MSG_TOPIC 113 #define MSG_ROOM 116 #define MSG_NICK 118 #define MSG_CLRSCR 120 #define MSG_MOTDSTART 130 #define MSG_MOTD 330 #define MSG_MOTDEND 230 #define MSG_ROOMLISTSTART 133 #define MSG_ROOMLIST 333 #define MSG_ROOMLISTEND 233 #define MSG_ROOMNOTIFY 134 #define MSG_USERLISTSTART 136 #define MSG_USERLIST 336 #define MSG_USERLISTEND 236 #define MSG_USERNOTIFY 137 #define MSG_PARTYINFO 140 #define MSG_PARTYLISTSTART 340 #define MSG_PARTYLIST 240 #define MSG_PARTYLISTEND 141 #define MSG_PRIVMSG 145 #define MSG_MYPRIVMSG 146 #define ERR_LOGIN_NICKINUSE 501 #define ERR_LOGIN_NICKERROR 502 #define ERR_LOGIN_USERONLINE 503 #define ERR_LOGIN_NOSUCHUSER 504 #define ERR_LOGIN_PASSERROR 505 static int Isspace (int ch) { return (ch == ' ' || ch == '\t' || ch == 10 || ch == 13); } static char * nextword (char **str) { char *head, *tail; int ch; head = *str; for (;;) { ch = *head; if (!ch) { *str = head; return head; } if (!Isspace (ch)) break; head++; } tail = head + 1; while((ch = *tail)) { if(Isspace (ch)) { *tail++ = '\0'; break; } tail++; } *str = tail; return head; } #endif /* _XCHAT_H_ */